Lisa Caputo, Clinton lackey, on MSNBC– Obama started ahead, people made up their mind a month ago, so Rev. Wright has not taken effect, and he spent more, so North Carolina does not count.
Welcome to the majority, North Carolina. You don’t count.
*** Update ***
Norah O’Donnell is quite clearly pregnant, which explains my prom dress comment from two weeks ago.
*** Update #2 ***
Harold Ford is babbling about Hillary being on Obama’s ticket as VEEP.
Not gonna happen. And then there is this, again:
*** Update #3 ***
From the speech- “thank you for a win in a ‘big state.'” Heh.
Everyone called NC for Obama.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
North Carolina just joined the League of States That No Longer Count.
Civilized Crank
730 call=big BIG margin
That’s bad for Obama and really good for Clinton.
this is excellent news / for hillary / blah blah blah
Probably 10-15 points in NC. He’s going to need big turnout in Indianapolis to win Indiana thought.
gypsy howell
It’s like a big car wreck – I can’t look away.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Wait, I can hear it now…
“B-B-But they called North Carolina right away, but not Indiana! The media hates Hillary!”
this is funny.
but it’s obviously obama backers who are the haters.
gypsy howell
I wouldn’t hold out any hope for that. Gas Tax RULZ, baby!
What will be interesting is to see what Hillmonster will do if she somehow ends up the nominee and yet all the “elite” democrats financially abandon her. I know I already have
Meanwhile, on the GOP side, once against in Indiana nearly 1 in 4 Republicans (thus far) want someone who’s name isn’t John McCain.
gypsy howell
chopper, that only proves that she’s actually running as a republican. Her supporters’ second choice is McCain? not somethig I’d be bragging about if I were her.
I’ll start moving the goal posts in:
This is a HUGE win for Obama in NC! Hillary can’t possibly make up the difference in pledged delegate. It’s time to unite the party!!!
/Common Sense
“This primary election on Tuesday is a game changer. This is going to make a huge difference in what happens going forward. The entire country – probably even a lot of the world is looking to see what North Carolina decides.”
~ Hillary Clinton, May 2, 2008
May 6, 2008:
North Carolina doesn’t matter, it doesn’t count – it’s “insignificant.”
Obama’s winning Indianapolis 60-40 so far, with 11% reporting. He should be able to net at least 20,000 votes there overall. Monroe is just beginning to report, and he’s getting 70% there.
slippy hussein toad
-p.luk, choking to death on the Hillary Kool-aid.
What a train wreck…that’s all I can say.
So, per CNN exits – about a 4-5% win for Clinton in IN, and about a 13-14% win for Obama in NC. He /might/ cover his delegate loss in PA depending on how these come in.
Why don’t the Clinton followers complain about republican crossover votes anymore?
That’s a simple question with a simple answer.
Let’s also keep an eye on Lake county; it’s part of the Chicago metro area, and the second largest county in Indiana. It hasn’t begun to report yet.
one time en route from Florida to New Jersey, the car my friend and i were driving broke down in North Carolina, and we had a horrible, horrible experience there. ever since then, i’ve HATED north carolina.
tonight, all is forgiven.
Obama brings people together. MUP!
Dennis - SGMM
The Clinton campaign has announced that Hillary’s new set of deeply held beliefs (Which superseded her old set of deeply held beliefs) makes her more electable. Therefore, the super delegates must give her the nomination no matter what.
From CNN exits, a full 9% of Dem primary voters are clear crossovers. That is, they announced in the exit poll that they prefer McCain over the person they voted for. That’s 21K voters at the time that I write this. There are fewer than 100K votes cast on the GOP side, so a pretty big chunk of GOP voters have come over and they’re presumably all McCain supporters given that they didn’t bother to make the symbolic non-McCain GOP vote.
Of the 9% of crossover, 7% of all voters picked Clinton in the primary but would vote McCain over Clinton in the general. 2% of all voters picked Obama in the primary but would vote McCain over Obama in the general.
Based on that, take 5 points off of Clinton’s margin if you want to see what a reasonably defined cohort of democratic voters want.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I like how Obama’s down by 14 with a third of the vote counted, but kos is still “He can win this thing!”
I was going to say…that’s either a hell of a lot of Operation Chaos voters, or McCain is truly fucked.
wasabi gasp
Old people are a friggin’ disgrace.
Don’t be surprised when you find your walker missing it’s tennis balls.
Guess it wasn’t the “game changer” that Hillary thought it would be.
Never us mind, I’m sure she was heated from tossing back all those shot and just misspoke.
Paul Begala’s head is fucking gigantic.
That vote’s almost entirely in the rural areas of the state, so it’s actually not out of the question.
That said, no matter how it comes out, fuck Indiana. I hate that place.
Harold Ickes, staying classy:
The MUP is going to bomb Iran? Oh shi-
How crazy that is depends how much IN is like CA. Here in California poll-watching is always a bit demented, because Los Angeles county is a full third of the state population, to the left of the rest of the state, and reports very late. I have no idea if IN is like that with respect to Gary and Indianapolis, or if it’s a more normal slow drift (upon which we’re just watching for the margin).
Obama was down like this in Missouri and won there. It has everything to do with who reports first. Notice that not one county up near Illinois has reported at all. And if you look at the counties going for Clinton so far, many are almost all in. Monroe, which should be strong Obama is only 1% reporting. Indianapolis only 23% in. The only strong Obama district that’s mostly in is Fort Wayne.
There’s still a bunch all around the state not reporting at all, but there’s a lot of room out there. That the networks have exits and haven’t called this at Clinton +14% tells you that their data shows that it’s close.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Good grief. ‘October surprise?’ That’s what you’re down to arguing now? Stick a fork in them, they’re done.
Er, Chicago, not IL. Half the damn state is near Illinois…
The Other Steve
It’s all down to the final results. NC has more delegates, and if Obama wins it by a larger margin than Hillary wins IN, he’ll come out tonight with a net gain in delegates.
It depends on where that first third is. Rural, urban, near Chicago, east side, etc.
I’d be surprised if the margin does not narrow somewhat. Cole predicted a 5 point spread, I suspect it’ll be around 9, just like Pennsylvania.
If at all!
Blah blah blah. That keeps me in harmony with the thread.
Tomorrow, Obama will have more delegates and one big day closer to the nomination.
Okay, what else is on tv tonight?
Depends on where they are getting results from. If Obama strong holds have yet to report, then maybe he has a chance. Dunno yet.
Is it me, or is MSNBC’s Chuck Todd sane and rational about his analysis? I think that is what I see but after 45 minutes of Lou Dobb’s “White men are the most oppressed group in the world so Obama sucks” I can’t tell what is good anymore.
Tropical Fats
I grew up in Northwest Indiana and went to Purdue. I can state with certainty that Hillary will win big in Indiana because her core constituency is morons. And the moron:human ratio in Indiana is at least 10:1.
dear Hillary supporters, tell us again how Obama is the cult candidate.
fuck you people. fuck you right in the ear.
John Cole
Chuck Todd has been, without exception, the best political commentator this election. He is measured, reasonable, and doesn’t make shit up.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
patronizing.luk said he was in the tank for Obama, so, yeah, he’s clear.
Either myiq0.8xu or P.Lunatic argued over at TalkLeft that the republicans crossing over in Texas voting for Clinton was women that were going to vote for Clinton, because of her gender, in the GE.
I would love to hear them defend the crossover vote in Indiana.
Meh. It’s NC and IN. It’s not that big a deal.
The Other Steve
No sooner did I write this, and it’s down to a 12 point spread with 41% reporting. and the big counties in the northwest up around Gary and South Bend haven’t turned in results.
Speaking as a resident of Lake County, IN, I can’t say who’s going to win it. I will say that race will be a BIG issue. Count on a lot of Hillary voters here voting for her because Barack Obama’s black. You can bank on that.
After looking at raw vote numbers, I don’t see Obama making up the gap in IN, even with him overperforming as Kos notes.
The Other Steve
That’s because he’s biased towards facts. Obviously a flaming liberal.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Great CNN map of Indiana.
As you can see, the Chicagoland counties have yet to be counted. Those will boost Obama, big time.
I don’t know what this means (if anything) but CNN has Obama by 30 in NC with 11% reporting. ~ 10 for HRC in IND with ~45% IIRC.
The Other Steve
Hey, I can watch MSNBC online. woo hoo
CBS has called Indiana for Clinton.
This obviously means that it’s over for Obama. Will he drop out tonight or tomorrow?
For those of you who, like me, feel like you’re watching a rerun, there’s a great episode of Nova on right now about the evolutionary origin of flowers in China.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Dandy Don Says:
“Turn out the lights…”
Dennis - SGMM
Then he’s an elitist bastard.
Meh, upon further examination, the early reporting appears to be largely in latte-sipping elitist University type places like Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte…
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Also yet to report in Indiana: Tippecanoe County, home to Purdue.
From Politico’s What to Watch For:
Currently, Marion County (Indy) is +26 for Obama, w/46% reporting.
Lots of signs, none of them good for HRC
The Other Steve
Ok, I’m going to go eat some pie and play BF2.
You guys have fun.
Don’t be so sure. NW Indiana has Gary at the core (which will be solid Obama), surrounded by white suburbs. These suburbs are reliably Republican all year round. They always go with the more conservative candidate. And as far as people here are concerned, Hillary’s the Republican and Barack’s the Democrat. Doesn’t mean Obama will lose Lake County, but I’m not sure he’ll sweep it either. One other thing: in the fall, no matter whether Hillary or Barack wins here, all those voters that went for Hillary will go for John McCain.
The Other Steve
Oh god… The margin is down to 8% now in indiana.
John S.
Yet nobody else has. I find that really odd.
Perhaps they’re afraid of another Missouri?
The Other Steve
I’m going to mention one more thing.
I think Obama made a mistake moving his rhetoric from Hope to issues. He needs to go back to talking about hope and the future. That’s what people want to hear.
South Bend should be an Obama stronghold too. They are also at 0%.
Down to 7% in Indiana. If he can pull it out, I want to go over to TalkLeft and see their collective heads explode. BTD will probably have an aneurism. I hope he doesn’t, though.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I think Obama’s doing just fine. Hillary bet the bank on making things close in North Carolina, and she’ll be lucky if she breaks 15%. Her surrogates are left stammering about October surprises. It’s over.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Dunno about that. Aren’t Catholics holding steady for HRC?
The Other Steve
It’d be nice if Obama won Indiana. It’d give Hillary an excuse to drop out gracefully.
Ok, back to BF2 and pie
South Bend is like 35% black. Meaning, over half of the Democratic primary voters.
Obama won Elkhart County big. My sense is that South Bend should be more favorable to Obama than Elkhart.
zoe from pittsburgh
I have a serious crush developing on Rachel Maddow.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
On the R side of the Indiana ballot, candidates not named McCain got nearly one-quarter of the vote.
Donna Brazille is testy – they are really getting fired up on CNN.
Might wanna re-jigger the prom dress link there John.
From TPM:
Hillary the Shotslinger
Terry McAuliffe is on a roll today, telling MSNBC:
“She loves to sit, throw ’em back. So to me this is nothin’ new. We all hear about the story that she and John McCain actually had a shot contest, I think in the Ukraine or somewhere around the world. And she actually beat John McCain in a shot contest. She’s a girl from Illinois who likes to throw ’em down with the rest of us.”
If I may plagiarize the founder of this blog, KILL ME NOW.
Lincoln had a famous quote about the bloodshed of the Civil War being payment for the sin of slavery. What will be the punishment for this kind of spreading stupidity? Or is this the punishment for November 2000?
Other empires fell due to arrogance, greed, militarism, laziness. Any collapse from teh stupid?
Plenty of people agree. I’d say he needs a show, but it would take away time he could be doing his analysis and reporting.
t jasper parnell
Fox on middle class, working class voters and class generally; god damn, its funny.
I have a massive girlcrush on Donna Brazile. When the weasel Alex disingenuously wondered aloud if Obama’s presidential team would include people like his “friends” Ayers and Wright, I wanted to deck him, but she did it for me.
If you are wondering why NBC hasn’t called. They are waiting for Lake and another county on the IL boarder, and a couple around Indy.
Warren Terra
Doesn’t the hilariously (‘Hillaryously’?) misnamed “Big Tent Democrat” periodically claim that he is an Obama supporter, no really, no matter that every one of his posts is dedicated to boosting Clinton and slamming Obama?
You know, I think it could be very close. Obama might net 30,000 in Lake if he gets over 60%.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Only CBS, I think, has called Indiana. Makes them the outlier, so to speak.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
St. Joseph County/South Bend/Notre Dame goes +6 for Obama, all precincts reporting.
Okay, South Bend just came in. Obama won it, but only netted 3,000.
Warren Terra
P.S. Speaking of “TalkLeft”, I just waded into their fever swamps out of curiousity (well, looked at their front page, which I think is only dipping a toe into the fever swamp), and saw this gem, from Jeralyn:
A telling decision, that.
Down to 53-47, BTW.
Also, my county went for Obama by 40%. Take that, non-creative class of Orange County.
John S.
Harold Ford is an ass.
That is all.
He’s vetting Obama so that Obama will be able to win the GE. Sadly, since no one is vetting Clinton, she would have lost the GE horribly. So it’s a good thing that she’s losing the primary.
Down to six in INdiana and 25 to 30% in NC. Game set match and time for a new NCIS.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Gap is down to 52K votes.
How many voters in Gary?
6% margin in Indiana now with 65% reporting. Close enough that if Clinton wins, she’ll pick up only a few delegates. On the other had, she is 26% behind in North Carolina.
Whatever happens, there be a decent narrative for Clinton to drop out, something which hasn’t been there since before the TX/OH primaries.
Notorious P.A.T.
Wow! Beating a 90-year-old man in a drinking contest is a real accomplishment!
If only she were as good at primary contests as she is at drinking contests.
Doesn’t he still work in Wal-Mart’s legal department?
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Indy/Marion County is +30 for Obama, two-thirds reporting.
Remember, the longer it takes for the nets to declare, the more Obama wins the expectations game.
Think of HRC as a potential NFL or NBA draftee, sitting in the green room while team after team passes on her.
Dennis - SGMM
The 3AM Phone Call:
Clinton: Thish the presnent, who the fuck’s calling?
Voice: This is the National Hurricane Center, ma’am, Hurricane Moe is now a Category 5, it’ll make landfall near Galveston, Texas around dawn.
Clinton: Wha?
Voice: A major hurricane is going to strike the Texas Gulf Coast five hours from now. We thought that you might want to take action.
Clinton: Texas?
Voice: Yes, ma’am, Texas.
Clinton: Fuckin’ head’s killin’ me. You said Texas?
Voice: Yes, ma’am, Texas.
Clinton: Need ‘nother drink. Fuckin’ heads killin’ me.
Voice: About Texas, Madam President…
Clinton: Fuck ’em. Didn’t vote for me anyway. Call the fuckin’ Red Cross or somebody else who gives a shit.
Ye gods. Shouldn’t that set off alarm bells in anybody with any self-awareness?
53/47 with 67% reporting. Clinton will win Indiana, but it won’t be by anywhere near as much as she needed. Especially as it’s 61/37 in North Carolina.
That the trolls have disappeared since the results started to come in says a lot.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
From a Kos commenter:
By “university county,” I think that’s Tippecanoe, with Purdue – although Monroe County/IU seems to be stuck on 9% reporting.
Rick Taylor
The tone at Talk Left is different. You actually have afew non-Obama supporters saying if Obama wins big in NC and hold Indiana close, it could be the end, and they’re glad she took the fight to NC; that’s something I haven’t seen before. Of course there are still those calling for Obama to drop out if he can’t win Indiana, but the general tone is as reasonable as I’ve ever seen it.
Imagine if Hillary dropped out of the race tonight! John Cole and Andrew Sullivan would pass out from a rush of escaping relief from CDS and the Hillary crowd could very well spontaneously combust. Big fun.
null pointer exception
Big O giving a speach
Keith right before O’s speech that IN is now too close to call. Dare I dream?
I’ll ponder it on my bus ride home.
Obama just congratulated Hillary on her win in Indiana.
John S.
They’re breaking out the cyanide capsules and readying the GBCW posts.
null pointer exception
Goddamn. I am supposed to be working on the final project for a class but it is impossible to tear myself away from primary coverage :(
Civilized Crank
I am going to fail crim pro at this rate… but Clinton schaudenfreude is kinda worth it.
null, I’m supposed to be a responsible working adult finishing a project for a client. Guess I’m getting up at 4 AM.
null pointer exception
I am glad Obama confronted and rejected this BS meme of democrats not voting for him in GE.
Another classic BigO speech. Reaching out, calling people up, not talking down to them. Ideas, not electioneering stunts.
I’m confident that Barack will win this nomination, and then the White House, and if that happens, this is going to be a year to remember and be proud of in this country.
TZ happy.
null pointer exception
Mary, I am supposed to be a responsible adult too :) I am supposed to be working on the final project for a class for my master’s degree :p
“thank you for a win in a ‘big state'”–the first politician that makes me laugh ON PURPOSE.
Josh E.
Yes, because he understands that he needs Hil supporters in a few months. This primary has been hard-fought but it may be time for us O supporters to dial it back rhetorically. Even for myiq and P.Luk.
null pointer exception
A big state. A swing state. A state where we will fight if I am the democratic nominee. Awesome.
The Other Steve
Whoa… Indiana margin is now down to 4 points.
L. Ron Obama
I have a job for the wingnutosphere!
null pointer exception
Holy shit. It’s 52-49 in IN with 71% voting.
Clinton misspoke and referred to Obama as ‘Sambo’ in her speech tonight, realized that was the end and dropped out of the race.
Go finish your project.
Holy shit on a shingle:
Indiana (71% reporting) 52% / 48%
Barack is back. What a great speech.
I have a feeling that even the insane Hillabots are listening to this speech, and they know ….. he still has it, and their candidate is done.
Damn, this guy is good.
The Other Steve
I think only if Obama wins Indiana. Her supporters are too cultlike to support her dropping on a tie.
null, I have my Master’s. You can live a fine life without it, because you know what it gets you? Lots of guilt about not completing work for clients on an exciting election night.
3%?? Holy fucking shit. Poblano was estimating 2.9% for Clinton earlier tonight, but OMG OMG OMG …
(Did Obama just say “This is the time to end it?”)
null pointer exception
Heh. I can’t miss this Obama speach for anything in the world.
41K votes. Most of Marion in though. None of Lake. Only about 1/3 of the college counties. I don’t think the votes are out there, but goddamn did Clinton get her ass kicked in Indy. And huge, huge turnout. Good job Indiana. Turnout is the best thing about his primary.
How about everyone but those two?
This speech puts the Wright “controversy” in the ground and throws six feet of dirt on it. This is the real Obama message.
Listen up, Republicans.
Friends, try to picture yourself as John McCain, having to face three months of what you just saw in order to win the General Election.
I wouldn’t want to be the GOP right now.
Awesome speech. I’d call it a game-changer.
Excellent speech by Obama. He sounds like the candidate. He’s all about healing the party, followed by his big picture, inspiring MUP stuff. I think this night turns the picture back in his favor, entirely.
Also, I love Chuck Todd, always have.
And that testy moment with Brazile on CNN was excellent. This is a fun night.
Oh, and also, on MSNBC: Scarborough can’t deal with Rachel Maddow, so he set up this side thing with Harold Ford, and it sucks big time.
Yeah, this guy’s going to be the next president.
P.luk maybe, but not Myiq.
Soylent Green
“And, has thou slain the Hillarwock?
Come to my arms, my obamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’
He chortled in his joy.
John Cole
What happened with Brazille on CNN. I prefer to watch Olbermann and Maddow and Chuck Todd.
I have to also admit having a soft spot for Pitchfork Pat because he just does not give a fuck and will say anything.
For the past two weeks, all I’ve seen from the punditocracy has been the noise of how Wright has hurt Obama. And the response is, only in the minds of the punditocracy.
One way to get a good estimate of how a candidate’s doing is to use the median of the past 30 days of polls as a benchmark. Hillary comes out about +5 in Indiana, and Obama about +11 in North Carolina. If Wright was “that big a deal”, then Hillary should have out-performed in both states. Right now, CNN has Hillary +4% in Indiana (74% reporting), and Obama +16% in NC (54% reporting). Wright obviously had no impact in Indiana, and unless there’s a big swing in the remaining half of the voters it’s the same in North Carolina as well.
Wright did not hurt Obama. The Great Gas Tax cut neither helped Clinton nor hurt Obama. it’s too late for “Clinton’s gonna,” it’s time to look at “Obama Is.”
Public Service Announcement:
LOST HILLBOT: Blind in right eye, left ear missing, splinted fingers, covered in Cheeto-dust, carries broken calculator, whimpers incessantly, recently castrated and lobotomized, missing since Tuesday night, last seen in vicinity of TalkShit and Hillary(minus)44 blogs:
Answers to “Lucky P.huk”
If found, please return to Clinton Campaign Headquarters.
Thank you.
I hope Hillary enjoyed prolonging this another month or two in such an unpleasant way. The price was burning a lot of bridges. We won’t forget her abysmal, nasty campaign. No more presidential runs for you!
Via GOS:
That’s 1%. That’s amazing if true.
Is Hillary going to drop out?
CNN is “reporting” they are waiting for her to speak… Seems a bit early for a Victory Speech.
***thinking wishfully****
wasabi gasp
That guy makes my eyes wettish…a little…sometimes…yeah, sometimes a little not dry.
null pointer exception
I am really looking forward to voting (and contributing) to re-elect President Obama in 2012 :)
I don’t think Donna Brazille likes Lou Dobbs much, but then neither do I.
John Cole
LMAO. You have to be kidding me. Is there something in the past few months that would lead you to believe she would quit before she is dragged kicking and screaming from the race?
So much for SUSA. NC: Obama +5, IN: Clinton +12
All the pollsters suck, though Zogby still sucks the hardest.
t jasper parnell
Somebody is talking to Hillary and Company right now, I think.
I tingle all over, and I kinda like it.
Lou Dobbs is a putz.
I want to poke Chris Matthews in the eye with a hot, sharp poker.
Rick Taylor
On the plus side, no one can say she didn’t give it everything. That might make coming together behind the Democratic nominee a little more tolerable for some who supported her. But yes, in any future runs, they’ll be a larger contingent of -anybody-but-Hillary voters.
she’s not going anywhere.
she should win three of the next six states handily.
Deborah Jean Palfrey ;P
It will be very interesting contrasting Clinton’s speech with Obama’s.
Indiana is no win for her. If she wins slim and only because of republicans than won’t vote for her in November, then that’s much, much worse than if she had lost a tight primary.
I can’t believe it!! Obama’s cut down Hillary’s lead in Indiana to 4 points?! HOLY SHIT! I figured her floor was 6-7 points at least! After the media drubbing Obama got the past 3 weeks, not to mention the race factor, I always figured Hillary would have an easy time here. And here Obama is, closing the gap! And they still haven’t counted Lake County! UNBELIEVABLE! I can’t remember the last time I felt so proud to be a Hoosier!!
I was actually switching back and forth for a while since Scarborough/Ford were annoying me so much. CNN was pretty good tonight, and I’m usually an MSNBC fan (as long as they keep Tweety sedated).
Anyway, she was going back and forth with a Republican strategist who I didn’t recognize and don’t recall his name – he was going on about Wright and Ayers and all that shit. And they brought in Paul Begala who was being fairly reasonable, but he started talking about how things should be in =his= democratic party, and Brazile was just pissed with both of them. She slapped the Republican (verbally of course) about bringing up the Ayers thing, and slapped Begala (also verbally) about “his” party – It’s our party, Paul! Our party! And we have to come together (etc)
Which Begala agreed with, and the Republican guy looked shocked and shut up, and it was nice to see Donna break out of her usual quiet shell a bit.
As long as you don’t get a “feeling going up” your “leg.
Only thing I can think of would be the need to save at least a little face, in preparation for another run. Being a screaming, Malkin-esque loser wouldn’t help her much with that.
Gotta respect that.
They just don’t want to get burned in the case that they might lose or it’s too close to call. That’d be fatal at this point. Of course, they’re probably all going nuts backstage wanting to get on with it before people go to bed — they know that more and more people are getting bored and turning off the coverage and the last thing they saw was Obama.
Man, it’s funny just thinking about it. This is a great result, really.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Obama did congratulate Hillary on winning Indiana, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s on her way to delivering her victory speech.
Still, tonight had to hurt. Let’s see where she goes from here.
Warren Terra
The Indiana margin is now down to 3.2% with Gary, Indiana still outstanding.
I realize Clinton is tenacious, but here’s hoping that John Cole’s (entirely admirable!) West Virginia phonebanking was a wasted effort.
And for those wanting to reinforce Obama’s momentum, might I suggest sending in some cash?
Guys, it’s going to get very close in Indiana. She’s up by ~35,000, and I bet you anything that Obama will net 30,000 in Lake county alone. The problem is that there isn’t much left beyond that where Obama will run up the numbers.
Lanny Davis is a world class wanker. I know that’s not breaking news.
There isn’t anywhere else left where she can make up the difference either, though.
Man, must suck to have so much turning on a county that borders, um, Illinois :D
dr. bloor
You know you’re spinning bullshit when you’re getting called out by David Gergen, who sounds sensible compared to what you’re saying.
Lanny Davis, thanks for playing.
Chris Johnson
It makes you wonder if the tinfoilhattiest Clinton-haters were prescient.
Hillary’s got a gun…
Hillary’s got a gun…
The whole world’s come undone…
and Hillary’s got a gun…
What’d that MUPPie doooo?
What’d he put her throoo-oooo?
Seriously, what the fuck would we do if Hil totally lost it and gave Obama a friendly hug while wearing a Borgia poison ring? The Magical Unity Pony collapses and dies with green froth coming from his mouth, and Hil quickly removes the odd ring she was wearing and cries, oh no! whatever shall I do to save the Party? Oh wait, I know this one…
Down to 31K. Unreal.
And for the record, I think there is a real chance that Hillary will toss in after this. We just burned through 200 of the last 700 delegates available and Clinton will clearly lose ground. I know she talks about taking this to the end, but she needs to say that – every candidate says they’re taking it to the end, oftentimes within 72 hours of dropping out. Don’t ascribe any more meaning to those statements than they deserve.
This is so exciting. It could end. Yes, she’s moved goalposts, but there aren’t that many goalposts left. I’d like to think Hillary will end this with some dignity.
t jasper parnell
If she were staying in she would be speaking right now, wouldn’t she? Tying to get ahead of the curve and all that.
John Edwards was talking about going through to the VERY END just a few days before he dropped out. Don’t believe a word of their posturing, even when it’s a sociopath like Hillary Clinton.
this might be one of those margin-of-errors contests. shit.
null pointer exception
If Hillary loses, will she demand a recount?
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Gavin Floyd has a no-hitter going through the seventh.
Oh, and Pumpkinhead is backing up Pat Buchannotwinthelection in sensing that the SD’s are going to ask Hillary, “What do you gain by staying?”
And Harold Ford is on practically begging for Obama to pick Clinton as VP.
J. Michael Neal
Can someone make Harold Ford go away? No one wants a Clinton vice presidency, including, I suspect, Hillary Clinton.
Whether she wants to pack it in or not, the money’s going to dry up starting tonight. If it hasn’t already (rumor of an other personal loan floating out there).
And her daily operating expenses alone are huge, supporting that crack team of advisors she’s got. She’ll have no money for events or ad buys.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Also, is that Harold Ford or since when did MSNBC pick up Derek Jeter for election analysis?
Civilized Crank
Up over 40k again… he is going to a Marion Cty spread to pull it off (67-33). Still to make it this close will make the usual McAuliffe spin more ridiculous.
t jasper parnell
The CNN online folks are morons.
Begala said that for Obama to be really strong he would have to go beyond being simply the candidate of “blacks and eggheads.” (he really said that) Donna Brazille got a glint in her eye and started moving her head back and forth like cobra ready to strike and told Begala to STFU pretty much. “It’s time to get beyond this divisiveness and recognize that we are all Democrats. Are you saying that there are no black working class Democrats? Is that what you’re saying? I’m tired of this divisiveness and it’s time for us to move forward together.” etc. She got applause on the set.
J. Michael Neal
At seven votes, Guam set a really low bar for margin of victory. Can Indiana manage to limbo under that?
Eh, it’s the only way Harold Ford is going to score a cushy administration job, so he’s pandering to his constituency, Hillary Clinton.
J. Michael Neal
This whole night has been just past a diving Ford. And, like Jeter, he has trouble going to his left.
stupid lake county not coming in until stupid 11pm.
Harold Ford is crazy.
i guess he’s also saying there aren’t any black eggheads.
That will hurt more than it will help, she would have needed a decisive win in Indiana and be able to cut down Obama’s lead in North Carolina considerably to be able to justity her fighting on. She acomplished neither of those goals.
Also, Rush Limbaugh and friends will crow about how they delivered Clinton a win in Indiana, something that won’t be very good for her either…
Apparently Fox News just pointed out that that Democratic nominee’s acceptance speech at the convention in Denver will occur on the 45th anniversary of MLK, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
Now there’s an omen.
CNN says she’s about to speak.
I mean a good omen. Not that other thing.
Watching Donna rip Paul “The Forehead” Begala a new one was beautiful. It was like watching those old SNL Hardball skits, where Darrell Hammond as Chris Matthews would constantly beat up on Chris Kattan’s whiny, annoying Paul Begala. Pure win. Obama smacking down James Carville (a.k.a. Skeletor) the other day was equally thrilling.
CNN says that Obama needs about 57% of Lake to pull even. Less than Marion, but pretty damn big anyway. Might be midnight ET before results come in there.
Tonight was the first time I ever saw Lanny Davis. What an odious little stoat.
Chris Johnson
Okay, this is REALLY wrong, but if she breaks both her primaries at the same time, do we get to shoot her? :)
john b
just got back from reynolds coliseum here in raleigh.
that place was PUMPED!
so glad that our primary is over. now i can breathe.
57% seems pretty high for Obama here. If he got it, it would be a shock, frankly. But then again, I’m shocked that Indiana is still so close. It really shouldn’t be. Hillary should be running away with the vote here. That she isn’t tells me that anything could happen.
Wow. Classy.
Why does 57% seem high? He got 67% in Indianapolis, and Lake is right next to Chicago. It’s practically PART of Chicago. And 25% black. I think 57% might be quite conservative for Lake.
Donna Brazile just ripped Lanny Davis a new one. Day-um, I like that woman.
I’ll trade shooting her for shooting Lanny Davis. That evil little fucking scumbag is a blight on the face of the human race. If we were on a space station, I’d shove him into an airlock and vent him into space.
t jasper parnell
Did he really say eggheads?
Heh. Other words that come to mind: twerp, twit, obsequious pawn, Wormtongue; the fawning little dog that bounces off the bulldog (Hillary) in the cartoons. Don’t you mess with his Clintons! No!
who knows. gary is a frickin liberal-ass place. i think GOTV is going to be a real variable here.
Svensker has a better memory than I do, but then I’ve dipped into the wine a bit this evening.
Okay, john b, you’re in NC.
Can you tell me who the 20,000 voters are who bothered to tick a box on the presidential race but couldn’t decide which one they prefer? Are these Edwards dead-enders or something else?
85% in and clinton’s ahead by about 40K. most everything has been counted except for lake and union. it’s all going to come down to lake.
this is nuts. i figured she’d take IN by almost double digits.
Stupid remark and very uncool.
Trust me, if you lived here, you’d know why. Those white suburbs are Republican, through and through. It’s considered a minor earthquake if a Democrat gets elected to anything. And Hillary’s been effective in convincing people here that she’s basically a Republican-in-Democratic clothing. Gary may be a hot spot for Obama, but the majority of the vote in Lake County is outside of Gary. And Hillary ought to be real competitive there. And don’t necessarily conflate Lake County as some kind of appendage to Chicago. There are certainly similarities, but the electoral demographics are substantially different.
The way this night has gone so far, though, anything could happen. But I’m still betting that 57% is too high for Obama to get to.
t jasper parnell
She speaks.
Lake looks like something around 130K turnout or so.
t jasper parnell
And the world say’s shit.
I cannot listen to that women. She has a manic glitter. She skeers me something fierce.
Plus that pantsuit is just a tinge too green to qualify as Carolina blue. She FAILS at subliminables.
J. Michael Neal
Obama is about to break the 200,000 mark on his lead in NC.
Chelsea and Bill look like they are ready to cry.
Odd look for a winning team.
t jasper parnell
Compare the speeches, when you get the chance.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Is she cribbing Obama’s speech?
t jasper parnell
It is the damndest think, it sounds like Obama’s only not nearly as good. What can this mean?
But how many of those Republicans will vote in the Democratic primary? Just looking at Indianapolis, I’d be surprised if Obama got less than 60% in Lake.
with a sprinkle of Gas tax holiday.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
Don’t let one good night fool you. She’s horrible for the Democratic Party. Very Lieberman-esque.
And she leads with gas.
The experienced policy wonk promises that as leader of the most powerful nation on earth, she’ll tackle the really huge issues of our time – delivering us as much as a buck and a half at the gas pump. Doing the job that nobody else is qualified to do. Maybe Pennysaver can work on that trade deficit and the looming mortgage crisis for us.
I don’t hate Hillary, I just think she’s lost this.
t jasper parnell
She is incoherent.
I think it’d be quite appropriate if one of those old-timey hooks slowly came out and pulled Hillary away from her podium. I think that’s what it’ll come down to.
This is the only time I’ve been able to tolerate listening to her, because she’s powerless. So her jabs are farce. She knows she’s lost. It finally sunk in.
Another thing: if Hillary wins Indiana by around 4 points or less? That’s Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos right there. If she wins by that much, she has only Rush Limbaugh to thank. And imagine how that taints her victory.
J. Michael Neal
People are following this race because it’s so close. I win, he wins, I win, he wins, I win, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, he wins, I win, he wins, I win, he wins, I win, he wins . . .
Chris Johnson
Nightjar- it’s OK, you know unless it’s a silver bullet she’ll be fine…
Theory: Obama’s Chicago contacts managed to get Lake County’s reporting delayed until after Clinton spoke and perhaps after the newspapers went to press.
If so, its a brilliant play.
What’s up with the three men in red hats behind her?
I think the incoherence reflects that she was completely unprepared for these results. There’s that crack team again.
t jasper parnell
What is she talking about?
Indianapolis isn’t Lake County. And if you saw the people at the polling places today across Lake County, you’d notice the high concentration of Republicans. I know quite a few who were openly proclaming to the Precinct Chairs that they were voting because of Operation Chaos.
Again, it’s not definitive, but the odds are against Obama here, as far as I see it. I’d love to be proven wrong, though. The rest of the state has blown away my expectations, after all.
J. Michael Neal
These sound like final chords.
Hah – take that Montana and South Dakota!
Now you’re “the other states.”
I would just like to point out that she’s doing more thanking than usual. I think we’re working up to ending on a high note. And yeah, Bill looks like he’s having trouble holding it together. No smiles – and he smiles a lot.
And there she goes…Count those votes!!
Gracious to the bitter end.
“We must make sure the votes of Florida and Michigan are counted.”
But she didn’t think it was important before!!!
That’s the thing that drives me crazy!
Just when you think she may be laying the groundwork for a gracious easing out… she brings up Florida and Michigan, and how she’ll win in November. Ugh.
Count the votes?
heres mine if she wins the General, -1.
J. Michael Neal
I can’t believe my ears! It sounds as if it’s another recap!
t jasper parnell
I cannot make the slightest bit of sense out of this: Give me money, I can talk like Obama, I feel badly about Burma. I mean really, after that whole change you can Xerox this is the best they can do? Shit, she should have promised to invade Canada for its oil shale.
Murphy’s Razor: As a general rule, never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained more easily by overall incompetence. Realistically, there’s no way the Lake Country officials could have known that things would be this close. Them’s just the breaks.
Next she’ll be claiming Canada hasn’t voted yet.
Are they even looking at the count in NC? The way things are going now, they’re not going to win the popular vote count even with FL and MI.
(I still don’t know how we’re supposed to count MI given Obama wasn’t even on the ballot. If those votes count, seems like the caucus numbers should at least be thrown in there…)
Chris Johnson
Hah. I take back my obligatory- and perfect- Eight Belles snark, IF she conceded the nomination, gracefully or gracelessly, I don’t care.
Otherwise, I stand by my fucking snark. I’ll apologize for that tasteless but harmless wiseassery when she apologizes for saying that John McCain would make a better Commander-In-Chief than Obama would. And I hope she does break both her primaries, now.
She managed to work in 9-11, too. A+
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Still apprx 220K votes still to be tallied with Obama down by less than 40k – according to Russert, who displayed an impish grin as he announced the news.
john b
funnily, 4% of the republicans chose undecided (among the 26% of the republicans that didn’t vote for mccain. this is really encouraging for november.
According to The Field, there was a court order keeping certain precincts open for an extra 90 minutes.
It’s pretty hard to see incompetance preventing ANY precincts from reporting. County officials have released statements saying they are waiting until all provisional ballots are counted. That’s a choice make by someone.
Warren Terra
nightjar, you write that as if Canada actually had. They still haven’t, you know. Their voice deserves to be heard.
And Brigadoon hasn’t weighed in. This race isn’t over until we’ve let everyone have their say, even mythical Scottish villages that only appear once every hundred years.
Well… that at least has the virtue of being true
Fail! It’s all about the gas. Should have gone with 7-11.
Lanny Davis: “This is a big win for Hillary.”
Hillary needs to kneecap this shithead. He just pisses people off.
Er. That wasn’t very clear.
It’s pretty hard to see incompetance leading to NO precincts reporting, is probably a better way to put it.
And their Druid ancestors. They were white working class and Obama must close the deal.
I’m not surprised the vote’s taking this long to come out in Lake. We don’t have competitive elections here in anything. The turnout must have been way too much for people to handle.
Warren Terra
firebrand, with no guarantees for its accuracy, my comment from the other Balloon Juice thread:
Warren Terra, that doesn’t sound wrong to me. I doubt anyone here was prepared for heavy turnout. Once again, this county doesn’t have competitive anything during election season. So the turnout had to have overwhelmed all the election people running the primary here.
Gary Mayor Clay:
Shorter Clay: We’re photocopying extra Obama votes as fast as we can.
Man, this looks bad…
Phoenix Woman
Wow. The 214K margin of victory in NC erases the PA loss utterly. Plus, Obama comes away from today with a gain of eight delegates — seven from the primaries, plus a NC super — to his lead on Hillary.
Hillary’s speech tonight was bizarre. At first, it sounded as if she was ready to openly accept reality — but then she did the equivalent of shouting “BUT ARMY GROUP STEINER WILL SAVE US!”
Meanwhile, in his spare time, Barack Obama is brokering a cease-fire that could save tens of thousands of lives and lower the price of oil about $10 a barrel. For real. This is what a statesman looks like, people.
zoe from pittsburgh
Lanny Davis: It’s a good night for Hillary, you didn’t see Chelsea crying behind her, did you?
Hey, where did all the Hillbots go? Do you think they went to bed? Maybe Mary and Greg and myiqis0 will suddenly forget about balloonjuice.
Yea, it really does. Gives the impression of the old Chicago maxim “vote early and often”
Warren Terra
Um, Martin, you’re conflating a quote attributed to Mayor Clay (for which you don’t provide a link) to a comment I wrote. I realize I’m pseudonymous, but I assure you I’ve never even met the gentleman. You even included my disclaimer that, so far as I could tell, the mis-sized ballots seemed to be an honest if inconvenient blunder rather than any indication of fraud.
In short, you are full of fail.
zoe from pittsburgh
99% counted in NC and he won by OVER 200,000 votes. Eek!
Now we’re just waiting for Gary, Indiana.
Tim Russert just said “we now know who the Democratic nominee is going to be.”
A 2% lead doesn’t matter much who wins. It’s a delegate or two tops. This destroys all of Clinton’s remaining measures.
I think you guys need to fly me out to New Orleans the week before the general if this is what happens.
There’s a Hillbot called Mary at The Carpetbagger, but she doesn’t post here, I think. Certainly not under this name. I’d notice that.
From TPM:
zoe from pittsburgh
I switched over to FauxNews just in time to hear Karl Rove say “it’s over for Hillary.”
Amazing. I guess he is physically capable of telling the truth.
zoe from pittsburgh
Sorry Mary, I just got overly excited. I meant CB’s Hilbot Mary, not you.