Actually, I am, because I know this is not normal. Still, shit like this never surprises me – not here.
Marietta tavern owner Mike Norman says the T-shirts he’s peddling, featuring cartoon chimp Curious George peeling a banana, with “Obama in ’08” scrolled underneath, are “cute.” But to a coalition of critics, the shirts are an insulting exploitation of racial stereotypes from generations past.
Lovely. I live here in Georgia because I know the majority is not like this – even conservatives. Still, it makes me wince and feel embarrassed for the entire state.
Well, you have competition.
Yeah I posted that WV video in the open thread. It’s terrible. Just terrible.
So what are such folks going to do when Obama gets elected? Is West Virginia going to secede?
Why a picture of George Bush with Obama 08? I thought McCain was the 3rd term.
John Cole
I just want to cry.
I hope we never again are involved in a primary of any consequence.
Hey , even us south carolinians brag about not being georgia rednecks
given the race-pimping done by the Obama campaign, this is precisely the kind of thing that people should expect. Obama is using the techniques learned from Jeremiah Wright of exploiting the legitimate anger and frustration for self-aggrandizement…. and those techniques lead to an inevitable backlash.
Oh, my bad. I thought that was the same video I had posted elsewhere.
Here’s the real gem from WV.
John, if the other video made you want to cry, this one might make you head for the nearest bridge.
If anything good can come from shit like this, it will be that no NRO or Weakly Standard geek can write with a straight face that the South crossed over to the GOP because of their “ideas” and not because that man-kissing race traitor Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, John.
Bigotry and racisms are kinds of energy. They can never really be destroyed but just get transformed into whatever is socially acceptable at a particular time. The ‘Obama is a Muslim’ thing is a good example of the somersault, Janus logic involved in the ‘I am not a bigot but..’ posturing that one sees on the right and left.
This, however, is Theodore Bilbo stuff. Goddamn.
Can we all just agree to IGNORE p.luk in this thread? I suspect nothing would bug the guy more than to be completely IGNORED. Like Hillary’s WV victory today.
when you throw around false charges of racism, you are going to get a backlash from people who have legitimate reason to fear having someone who is willing to use race-pimping to get to the White House.
it’s all here in this pamphlet.
tim serbo
no, plucky my boy, Obama is NOT responsible for the racism displayed by some of Cole’s fellow West Virginians. you really have to do better.
John Cole
Paul- You are a fucking idiot.
That is all.
Olly McPherson
“given the race-pimping done by the Obama campaign, this is precisely the kind of thing that people should expect. Obama is using the techniques learned from Jeremiah Wright of exploiting the legitimate anger and frustration for self-aggrandizement…. and those techniques lead to an inevitable backlash.”
Talk about a non sequitur–Obama’s pastor has said inflammatory things about the issue of race in America; thus, black people should be compared to monkeys.
Give me a break.
This is what is generally known as playing it: “Can’t be an @sshole, I’m too stupid. H’yuk” It’s only funny for as long as you’re drunk.
It’s pretty much the same reason why Fox’s attempt at a “Daily Show” clone failed.
This can only be good for the Republicans.
I’m beginning to wonder if p.luk. is actually a bot.
if it makes you feel any better, John and Michael, I am certain bigots and racists can be found everywhere; they are not the exclusive province of the South.
The difference is that in the South, you can be more open about your racist comments; in places like Chicago, Philly and Boston, it’s rather gauche to flaunt your race hatred openly. You do it privately with other white folks instead.
still waiting for one Obama supporter to admit that the Obama campaign deliberately ramped up racial tensions in this campaign — I’m STILL waiting for Obama to denounce Donna Brazile and Jesse Jackson Jr for their race-pimping…
I mean, I understand why you got on the Obama bandwagon when he was talking about “unity”, but that whole schtick has been proven to be a big fat lie — you don’t “unify” by having your supporters and surrogate accuse ANOTHER DEMOCRAT of being a racist. But despite the evidence that Obama’s entire campaign is built on a lie, his supporters stick with him…. which means that they are just as bad as the GOP has been for the last 35+ years of exploiting white racism for political gain.
Jay B.
you could also make a case for the bitch whoring the Hillary campaign has done, if you wanted to be a mirror image of the lunacy the fringe Clinton supporters are.
But I’m not. I know I’m not even close to the median here because I don’t hate Clinton, nor even most of her campaigning. I think she’d be a fine president. I also don’t think she’s an evil genius bent on the destruction of the Democratic party.
But the positively fucking stupid things the Intertubes Clintonian fringe are puking up these days is a sobering reminder that it’s not just the Desperate 28% who support GW who are positively delusional.
Notorious P.A.T.
He’s right! If Obama wants to avoid a racist backlash, he should say nice, neutral things like “hard-working white people support me”!! 1 ! !! !
“Race-pimping”, huh P.? When you got up this morning, did you have “talk like Rush Limbaugh” on your to-do list?
Big E
re: p.lukasiak Says:
“given the race-pimping done by the Obama campaign, this is precisely the kind of thing that people should expect. Obama is using the techniques learned from Jeremiah Wright of exploiting the legitimate anger and frustration for self-aggrandizement…. and those techniques lead to an inevitable backlash.”
and, just out of morbid curiosity…. who is your preferred candidate?
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Kinda hard to admit to something that never happened, but I guess you could pay someone to do it.
i can’t understand why that idiot old lady in WVA in that clip is voting Democratic. if she’s so racist, why not be a Republican, and be in the party that doesn’t even pretend to care about anybody other than white people?
the Dems at least pay lip service to the idea of equal rights for all, so you’d think Hortense P. Brownshirt would not want to be a Democrat at all.
You left out OJ Simpson, p.luk.
I saw a thing on this shirt over at the GOS. Someone pointed out that the bar/restaurant/whatever is a known Klan meeting place and has been for a long time. They even had found an online review of the place that basically said “Plusses: Good wings”, “Minuses: KKK Meeting place”
John Cole
Shorter Paul Lukasiak- After several centuries of slavery, unequal treatment, Jim Crow, and lynchings, black people are revealed as the true racists when white people make racist remarks.
Get the fuck out of here and go to the Free Republic.
Dang, where’s the pie filter!!!
My husband got a call last night from his uncle who lives in Georgia. Uncle is really upset because his choices are between “a nigger and a global warming idiot”.
Of course, Uncle was NOT a bigot before Obama got in the race, but Big-O’s horribleness made him one.
c’mon John. You want to deny that Obama and his crew haven’t race-pimped his way to the delegate lead?
You want to tell me that when an Al Sharpton, or a Louis Farrahkhan, or a Donna Brazile, or a Jesse Jackson Jr makes false accusations of racism, that you don’t expect a backlash?
The most damaging thing that can be done to race relations is the FALSE accusation of racism, because the Republicans who have acquired and maintain their power through ‘dog whistle” campaigning can just point to the false accusation of racism, and say “there you go again.”
Jay B.
still waiting for one Obama supporter to admit that the Obama campaign deliberately ramped up racial tensions in this campaign—I’m STILL waiting for Obama to denounce Donna Brazile and Jesse Jackson Jr for their race-pimping…
Jesus Christ. Every utterance dumber than the last. Obama’s spent way too much time already denouncing, rejecting and denouncecting ‘black racism’. But it’s a mugs game, as assholes like you prove.
shorter p.luk – “Them ni@@ers had it coming, looking at our white women like that!”
Big E
re: p.lukasiak
‘FALSE accusation of racism’
when did Obama make these accusations?
who are you voting for?
Fuck You cole. You’d still be singing the praises of the GOP and its racist southern strategy if Bush wasn’t such a moron.
You ignored the racism of the GOP when you were still with it, and you ignore the race-pimping of the Obama campaign now.
You don’t have an argument — you can’t deny the evidence, so all you can do is engage in ad homimens.
Yeah, that’s just plain sad. It really is amazing that these people believe everything contained in chain emails and shit.
p.luk is a fucking idiot – motion seconded.
Wow. No, seriously. Keep talking. This is fucking hilarious.
how about in San Francisco, when he claimed that white working class voters cling not just to their guns and god, but to their racial prejudices, and that is why he can’t connect with them.
he did give you an argument, you quoted it. You ignored it and blathered on, and he told you you’re a fucking idiot, to which I can only add a hearty, ‘go fuck yourself’.
I concur it’s like watching the Hillbot version of Ash from Alien go into meltdown and twitch, jerk, and froth at the mouth.
Garrigus Carraig
Michael, I’m inclined to take your word for it, but when you say it isn’t normal in Georgia, in Cobb County, do you mean most people don’t shout it? or most people don’t think it?
Have any of these people actually looked at Shrub? There’s a reason there’s a site called the Smirking Chimp, okay?
I’m going long on hay, p.luk is using it all up for his straw men.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Hillary losing the nomination? INCONCEIVABLE!!!
(Yeah I know I suggested we IGNORE p.luk but oh well)
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Dem uppity negroes brought it on themselves, didn’t they? It all has to do with the odd comment from Sharpton (remind us how many votes he got in ’04), Farrakhan, and Jackson, and not anything to do with forty years of waiting for the next Brother Martin to arrive on the other side of the mountaintop. Its all about race baiting and not the national African-American community finally having one of their own running for President that they, and their fellow Americans, can both be proud of. No, it was all about the odd stupid comment by people connected to the campaign.
I was holding on to this reset, because I never thought I’d drop it on a fellow Democrat. But its obvious you’re too far gone to realize where your crusade is going. So:
Don’t you have a cross burning to attend?
Everyone knows GWB aka “The Chimp” is Curious George.
Right. Because running for president as a black candidate with a name like Barack Hussein Obama is such an advantage. All them white people have just been waiting years to vote for a ‘race-pimp’.
Listen to yourself, Paul. That’s not only race-baiting, it doesn’t make any sense at all.
So Obama is now responsible for the statements of people who play no role in his campaign, one he has denounced and rejected, the other who still hasn’t even officially pledged support of him. But hey, they have the same skin color, so they’re identical, right?
Big E
re: p.lukasiak
‘how about in San Francisco, when he claimed that white working class voters cling not just to their guns and god, but to their racial prejudices, and that is why he can’t connect with them.’
if that’s all your able to understand from the speech, that’s pretty sad,
guess you didn’t like Obama’s speech in Philly on racial relations in America either…..
BTW: who is your candidate?
Sam Hutcheson
John and Michael, I am certain bigots and racists can be found everywhere; they are not the exclusive province of the South.
Um, hi there. West Virginia is NOT THE SOUTH! It’s “West Virginia” rather than just a particularly stupid, inbred part of regular old Virginia because it is NOT THE SOUTH. Your consolatory nod to John commits the very fallacy for which it is supposed to be a balm.
Micheal’s monkey picture from Marietta, GA: the south.
The videos of ignorant mouthbreathing racists from West Virginia: not the south.
Kentucky: more ugly, inbred and racist than not, but technically a border state.
c’mon John. You want to deny that Obama and his crew haven’t race-pimped his way to the delegate lead?
I can’t speak for John, but I’ll deny it all day long. Jeebus, everyone knows B-Rok doesn’t have a “crew”; It’s a posse man, a posse.
Oh yea, and go drink some Drano.
yet another jeff
I’m going long on hay, p.luk is using it all up for his straw men.
Obama blamed prejudice for the reason that white working class voters weren’t voting for him. The reason that white working class voters don’t vote for him isn’t his race — its that he doesn’t have the first clue how to connect with those voters, and thinks of them not as individuals, but as something he learned in sociology class.
The Clinton campaign has assiduously avoided using that part of Obama’s quote, instead using the far less inflammatory stuff about “guns and god” to point out how little Obama understands those voters.
But you can bet your bottom dollar that the GOP isn’t going to give Obama the kid-glove treatment on Obama equating people’s faith with racial prejudice.
Now that’s a little unfair.
Lukasiak is more the type to argue for school integration and then send his kids to that new private school that opened up.
Man, if only. Ash eventually stopped talking.
And yet, regular Virginia is. Only in American can you get to the North by traveling West.
Yeah, but it did require being beat over the head repeatedly with a fire extinguisher.
Dug Jay
Well, having seen a number of blogs and references to Bush with the phrase, “chimp” included, I personally have not the slightest problem with those T- shirts. In fact, I rather suspect most real “chimps” are a lot smarter than shithead Obama.
that was the part of the speech that belied Obama’s true feelings about those who don’t support him.
As for the Philadelphia speech, I though it was an atrocity. Obama exploited the race issue to keep people from talking about Jeremiah Wright — and pandered to the white elites by equating their own resentment of Affirmative Action programs with the legitimate anger and frustration of African Americans who live with the impace of 400 years of slavery, segregation, and discrimination.
Obama called for “an honest dialogue about race” only when he could hide behind race to avoid questions about his past. The time to have called for such a dialogue is when his campaign, his surrogates, and his supporters were promoting the false accusation that the Clintons were running a racist campaign.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Is it too late to ask for the Bishop model Clinton supporter?
OK OK I knew that.
Billy K
You people are missing the point.
John Cole
Can you just stfu and build your McCain/Lieberman 2008 website so I can add it to the blogs we monitor and mock?
Yep. Denied.
They aren’t part of Obama’s campaign. You’re arguing by association, and the only thing most of those people have in association with Obama is their skin color.
In other words, you’re conflating some of the most politically divisive black militants (Louis Farrakhan?) with the Obama campaign in order to paint him as something he is not. Frankly, it’s offensive and insulting.
Christ, Paul, you used to be a pretty good analyst and critic of right wing talking points. What the hell happened to you?
Well hello…you are wrong, West Virginia is south of the Mason-Dixson line, therefore making it the south. I know this because as a resident of Georgia, I’ve had this argument with some of my family members in Maryland, which is also the South, regardless of how they “feel” about it.
You do know that Richmond, VA was the capital of the Confederate States of America, right? You also know that West Virginia, during that time, was a part of Virginia, right? West Virginia = South regardless of how you “feel” about it.
As you were…
Dreggas Says:
*swings fire extinguisher*
*clangs harmlessly*
Yeah, that’s not going to work. PLuk is too hard headed and I’ve got girly arms.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
We have Remedial Shoelace Tying, do we have Remedial Civil War History too? ’cause I’m see someone in dire need of it.
Question #1: Why is West Virginia no longer part of Virginia?
What’s this fucking mean? I’m serious.
You disingenuous racist putz, your chosen candidate is 20 million dollars in debt and will not be the nominee. Ha, fucking ha!
Seriously, thanks for the comic relief, reading you and your little racist clique at correntewire is even more fun than laughing at Jonah Goldberg.
Well I wouldn’t even try hitting him. After all shit splatters.
*dies laughing*
Too much…
Can’t handle…
Omg, fucking funny.
I’m still trying to figure out how you “race-pimp” your way to a victory in Iowa.
I’m still waiting for pluckshake to Iron My Shirts.
Are you sure this should be filed under Republican Stupidity?
Big E
re: p.lukasiak
“the Philadelphia speech, I though it was an atrocity”
“Obama exploited the race issue”
OK…. so your having fun trolling for arguments and tweaking the folks…
if not, then you are a very sad and misguided soul
Issues of the 2008 campaign in Paul’s world, ranked from least to most important:
134 – Iraq
133 – The economy
132 – Should we bomb Iran?
131 – The Supreme Court
5 – What Obama’s preacher believes
4 – Whether someone not affiliated with Obama’s camp might have said something mean about Clinton
3 – Whether someone affiliated with Obama’s camp might have said something that could be interpreted as being mean to Clinton if you give it the worst possible spin.
2 – Taking a comment Obama said and finding a way of making into race baiting.
1 – Any comment any African American anywhere in the country said, even if Obama has denounced them.
Basically exploiting ones race to get ahead or make a buck.
Those damn Quakers tried to appease the pre-civil war race-pimps.
Yes, WV did in fact secede from the Confederacy in the during the Civil War, but how does that then geographically move them above the Mason-Dixson line?
elisabeth kübler-ross is smiling somewhere. ol’ plucky is somewhere around stage 2.
Rick Taylor
If I remember correctly, that was a reference not to Obama’s race but to anti-immigrant sentiment. And if you don’t think this is a significant issue, then why on earth were all the Republican candidates for the Presidential nomination jumping all over each other to prove would take the strongest stand to repudiate any amnesty and to keep all those illegal aliens out?
Meh. Technically, you may be right, but West Virginian isn’t typically assigned to ‘The South’ anymore – certainly not the Deep South.
It’s more commonly regarded as ‘Appalachian’ – the only state completely within Appalachia, actually, with the rest of Appalachian states being only partly in Appalachia – like Eastern Kentucky, South Central PA, etc.
I think Attaturk has the right idea:
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
Who the #### cares? West Virginia didn’t want anything to do with the Confederacy, and acted accordingly. They were all but Union territory before Bull Run. To conflate them with the South… there’s no there there.
It was about immigrants and immigration, not race. Of course since most of the immigrants (legal or otherwise) come from our southern border race is conflated with it.
i like the idea of Hillary supporters voting against Obama. it’s like they want to make her final two years in the Senate difficult and free of accomplishments, as the Dems are once again forced to play defense against a Republican president.
but, hey, i guess it’s a small price to pay, if that’s what they need to do to soothe their soft pink egos.
Point conceded…
But my cousins is Maryland are still wrong. Maryland is not considered Appalachia.
In common usage, The South = The Confederacy, not south of the Mason-Dixon line.
Attaturk is on the money. There’s no curing stupid and just because the Clinton campaign has coddled it and basically not challenged anyone to be more and better doesn’t mean we should continue with it. We don’t need an f’ing parent, we need a president who challenges us to do more and be more.
Can PLuk write even ONE post without using the phrase “race-pimping”?
Methinks he’s a spoof.
I’m going to go out on a limb here, and guess that P.Luk always thought Obama was a fraud, and was just waiting for proof, any proof, no matter how tenuous that he doesn’t walk the walk.
Answer already in hand, he’s gone and found all the ‘proof’ he needs. Those of us with different biases are, needless to say, unconvinced. That’s what this ‘true colors’ business is really about. If you already thought Obama’s story was suspect, he in his human imperfectness has provided ample proof you were right all along. It must feel very nice believing you were right and smart and never fooled like those other rubes.
Jesus. This Paul Lukasiak is a piece of work isn’t he? Listening to this yokel keep utilizing the word “pimp” and the racial stereotype associated with it makes one wonder if he’s confused and thinks he’s on Free Republic.
Tax Analyst
Y’all know if you feed the squirrels they’ll keep coming back, don’tcha?
Not that I’m saying that p.luk is in any way the least bit squirrelly…no, that would be wrong…
first off, Jesse Jackson Jr. is the co-chair of the Obama campaign. And while Brazile is not an “official” part of the campaign, she’s been carry water for Obama since day one. (she hates the Clintons because she can’t accept blame for her moronic running of Gore’s campaign….)
Its really just a matter of degrees betwen Farrakhan, Sharpton, Brazile, and JJ Jr when it comes to race-pimping. (and Farrakhan isn’t condemned for his race-pimping, but for his overt anti-semitism).
Mr. RareSanity, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I always love it when the wingnut brigade jumps at an opportunity to point out that Obama != Jesus. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they were quietly bragging to themselves about passing off Messiah rhetoric to get the last guy in office, even though that little Second Coming just spelled the end of their party rather than the end of the world.
Still, it’s always amusing to see people rail against the spec in Obama’s eye when they can’t see past the plank in their own.
Reminds me of the line from one of those old warner bros. cartoons:
“You can’t outsmart me because I’m a moron!”
You mean aside from the part of West Virginia that’s, um, already above the Mason-Dixon Line?
Wow, you sure put me in my place…
Do you feel better about yourself now?
no, I started out with no opinion of Obama, and actually had a positive opinion of him at first. The only reason I supported Clinton over Obama when it became obvious that Edwards was going nowhere was his lack of experience/proven competence (Clinton would make a better president for times like these), and the fact that he was an unknown quantity with lots of stuff in his background that could be exploited by the GOP (making Clinton a better bet to win in November — way back when, my thinking was that Obama would be a landslide for one party or the other, and that Clinton would not be a landslide, but would be as close to a guaranteed win as you get in politics).
I didn’t become disenchanted with Obama until the Philadelphia speech — it was so obviously a diversionary tactic designed to shut down questions about his very long, very close relationship with Wright.
Paul, when are you going to get this through your think fucking head? No one but wingnuts and Klanners are buying the association of Farrakhan and Sharpton with the Obama campaign.
And, really, I’m more interested in a response to the other question I asked you:
John, I feel some sympathy – I’m a former Ohioan, which means I still get asked about what the h*ll was wrong with it. Of course now I live in California, where I get to explain a whole OTHER set of issues to people (“It’s not so much the budget ran up as no one got the money . . .”)
The best way I can put it is way too many Americans have no sense of repercussions of their actions – this man in his own small way is making the world a less pleasant place. Combine the actions of such people and it’s not hard to understand why we have problems – people who’d rather play bumper-sticker joke games and have someone to hate than actually build a future aren’t going to make rational long-term decisions.
Couldn’t get it all out in the first post, huh?
Feel better now?
I conceded the point, now STFU!
It’s easier to segregate the rednecks, hicks, racists, and fools if you can give ’em actual line and instruct them not to cross it.
No offense, John. I’m sure Morgy is an island of ponies and puppies and people with teeth in a sea of whatever’s the opposite of all that…
Big E
RE: p.lukasiak
coward & lame…..
you won’t even say who your supporting…. very sad
Go fuck yourself P. Luk.
Wasn’t the whole point of the comments of which ‘bitter’ was a part that white blue collar folks were NOT anti-Obama out of racism, but were just cynical of a politics based on hope based on past experience?
dj spellchecka
here’s the actual san francisco quote: “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
my take on this is “antipathy to people who aren’t like them” was a reference to pointy-headed coastal elites, not black people.
He held the speech in March, you still said you were going to vote for him in April.
Are you just slow or are you a stupid lying shit?
John Cole
Trick question.
The answer is both.
Fair enough. I didn’t see it that way, but you are entitled to your opinion. And I can’t say your worries about Obama’s ability to take on the GOP were unwarranted, given the past few years.
dj spellchecka
Late in January in North Carolina, the former President compared Obama’s landslide win, in which he received a major boost from African-American voters, to Jesse Jackson’s victories there in 1984 and 1988.
Because the former President offered the comparison unprompted, in response to a question that had nothing to do with Jackson or race, the statement was widely read as chalking up Obama’s win to his blackness alone and thus attempting to marginalize him as a doomed minority candidate with limited appeal.
Obama was now “the black candidate,” in the words of one Clinton strategist quoted by the AP.
he’s supporting Hillary and will sit it out if he can’t have his way.
because he’s a mature adult.
PLuk, your continued usage of the term ‘race pimping’ is really defining you in a way I don’t think you really want. From Wikipdidia:
Or maybe you do want to define what you are about. So sad.
1) No, I couldn’t.
2) Yes, I do.
3) Certainly.
Is he going to hold his breath and stomp his feet as well? I’ll settle for him holding his breath for a long, long, long time.
What a little whiny assed titty baby luk is.
Has Barack Obama apologized for Wesley Snipes tax evasion yet? What about Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe? I mean, it’s really just a matter of degrees of separation when you talk about “those people”
Um, to get back to the original topic, the answer is not protest, it’s lawyers.
Much quicker.
That’s because you did the elitist thing and actually read what Obama said as opposed to putting a bullshit overlay onto it so you can claim that Obama was expressing reverse racism. Shorter version–you use your brain, unlike pluk.
JFTR, Ed’s initial response was a Billy Madison quote. I thought it was supposed to be a little tongue in cheek.
John Cole
You know who else has called Jesse Jackson a race-pimp?
Me, in full wingnut mode. Here I am applying it to Al Sharpton. Congratulations on your regression, Paul.
I can not say it enough- watching these pro-Hillary bloggers is like watching a mirror image of myself when I went down the rabbit hole for several years. Read their arguments- it is like the picked up their brand new copy of ‘How to argue like a wingnut’ and are giving it a test drive.
I at least have 9/11 and years of Republican indoctrination to blame for my ignorance and stupidity. All these Hillary bloggers have as an excuse is their preferred candidate lost an election.
nothing has happened to me. Its just that when the once-progressive blogosphere starts to act like RedState and Free-Republic, I’m not going to act like its not happening.
The lack of any intellectual integrity among Bush supporters is mirrored by Obama supporters (and its unsurprising that one of the most vorciferous Hillary-hating Obama supporters is Cole, who was just as devoid of intellectual honesty when he was a Bushbot as he is as an Obot.)
I didn’t start out despising Obama — like I said above, I had an overall positive impression of him, and said repreatedly that if the country was in good of shape as it was in 2000, I’d have been willing to take the “leap of faith” necessary to support Obama — and would probably support him at some point in the future.
Supporting Obama back in January/February was a “leap of faith”…. his supporters were aware of his potential vulnerabilities and inadequacies, but favored him over Clinton because of Clinton’s less than progressive record.
The problem is that as with all religions, once you take something on “faith”, the capacity to “reason” diminishes — and denial takes the place of reason.
Before Jeremiah Wright became an issue, I said he would be a problem for Obama, and the people here said I was crazy — that Obama would somehow “transcend” the issue, that the right-wing noise machine was no longer relevant, etc. After the Philadelphia speech I said that Wright would still be a problem for Obama, and everyone here said I was crazy — that Obama had given “the greatest speech about race in America EVAH” and put Wright behind him.
And when Wright went before the NAACP and said some pretty strange things, I said that Wright did not reflect the mainstream of African American thought — and got slammed again (someone even quoted something Clinton’s pastor has said about Wright as “proof” that Wright was mainstream. Then, when Obama finally denounced Wright for saying in front of a white audience at the NPC what he’d been saying to his parishioners for decades, suddenly Wright became the devil incarnate to people here….
But they still insist that Wright is NOW behind Obama, and he isn’t….not by a long shot.
Yet no one here seems capable of acknowledging their shifting opinions on Wright, or acknowledging that I’ve been consistently correct about Wright.
Nothing, in other words, has happened to me. I’ve been calling bullshit the way I always have (and continue to do at places like when they start saying stupid shit like Gibson and Stephanopolus doing a great job at the debates — just because the shit that the media was flinging was finally being aimed at Obama instead of Clinton didn’t mean it wasn’t shit-flinging.)
But there is just SO MUCH bullshit here….
Fair enough. I initially supported Edwards, then Clinton, for many of the same reasons.
After watching Obama run his campaign, I’m impressed by: the way he built winning coalitions throughout the country; the way he campaigned for other candidates in the 2006 elections (helping other Democrats hasn’t historically been a Clinton strong suit); how he slowly but surely increased his lead in pledged delegates over the course of the campaign; and how he’s managed to win over voters despite traditional disadvantages like being raised by a single mother, being black, and having a name like Barak Hussein Obama.
I frankly don’t see ‘race-pimping’ coming from his campaign, but even if we conceded that point, he couldn’t possible build and maintain the lead he has on that alone. The truth is, Obama’s run a smarter campaign than Clinton, and that’s why he’s winning.
Do I have some qualms? Sure. I think Clinton has a better health care plan, might be better on some domestic issues, and would probably manage transitioning the executive bureaucracy better, given the thought she and Bill have put into that after their own problems with it in his first term.
But I also think Obama has better foriegn policy judgement (as opposed to experience), is just as good and possibly better on the economy, and has better prospects for winning the general election.
And Obama, like Clinton, is a Democratic politician. Neither of them is God, or the Second Coming. More importantly, neither of them is Bush, or Cheney, or a Republican of any stripe.
So I really can’t understand all of the bile and race-baiting rhetoric that is coming from you regarding Obama. Clearly you would prefer to see Clinton as the nominee. Fine, keep supporting her – not that you need my permission or affirmation for that.
But can’t you see how ugly and Rovian the arguments you’ve been making are?
Al Sharpton is a race-pimp, John. Jesse Jackson is not. One of the ways that the right wing discredits legitimate african american leaders is by equating Sharpton and Jackson…. and you were a perfect example of that tendency.
I can understand P.Luk’s feelings, but to bare them publically IN DEFENSE OF HILLARY CLINTON? That there’s some restaurant-grade stupidity.
Sam Hutcheson
First, kudos to RareSanity for admitting he got it wrong. No need to be a dick about it, even though it is admittedly sort of the internet thing to do. Moving on:
But my cousins is Maryland are still wrong. Maryland is not considered Appalachia.
Maryland’s a more difficult distinction but I’d side with your cousins (assuming your cousins say MD is “not south” If your cousins say MD is Appalachian they’re wrong wrong wrongity wrong.)
MD was a border state, is north of the northernmost “southern states” (VA) and is a far cry culturally from the The South proper. The border states are sort of a pick ’em deal, but I’d say MD is more north than south. In all honesty it is the walking talking definition of “Mid-Atlantic” but that just seems to me to be a later era distinction made up to give some geographical identity to the PA/MD/DE/DC region, and regardless I’d say “Mid-Atlantic”, much like “New England” is a subset of The North in much the same way “Low Country,” “Florida” and “That Giant Swathe of Ass From AL to the Mississippi River” are subsets of The South.
And while we’re at it, there’s just no reason for Delaware to even be a state. Or New Jersey now that I think about it.
John Cole
Way. To. Miss. The. Point.
Christ, I lived in Poughkeepsie during Tawana Brawley, Iknow who Al Sharpton is.
God, you are such an insufferable jackass.
To be fair, the wingnutty didn’t really break out into full swing until after the election of ’92. One could easily blame the rise of the tidal wave of stupid on podunk Governor Clinton beating Heir Apparent George Bush during conservative ascendancy.
9/11 made a fair number of sane people lose it, but there was a very generous number of insane people who’d lost it long beforehand.
Diversionary tactic? You clearly prejudged Obama based on the existence of the relationship, and when Obama in a spirit of sadness dissassociated himself from Wright, he must have been lying?
Either you are bullshitting me, or you are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.
I’ve been saying it for months now. The hillary supporters become more and more like bushbots every single day.
The Moar You Know
Paul – I know it hurts. You backed the losing horse, and that’s never a good feeling. But your temper-tantrum here is not making you, your cause, or your candidate look good.
I just get disgusted over some of the comments I read – coming from both sides. The Hillary supporters (if they are, in fact, truly Hillary supporters) seem to take great glee in saying anything they can to get a rise out of the Obama supporters. The Obama supporters seem to believe that every single voter that has supported Hillary is either a racist, or some poor, uneducated hillbilly.
I myself have supported Hillary in the primary. I don’t believe I am a racist (I have voted for a black candidate in many elections, including Harold Ford, Jr. in his senate race against Bob Corker), and I am neither poor (top 5% income level) nor uneducated (cum laude BBA in finance and a JD). I researched the candidates’ positions on the issues I was most concerned about (health care, economy, war) and felt that Hillary’s policies were both better and more detailed, and that she had more experience both on the national stage and in dealing with attacks from the Republicans. I also felt she performed better in all of the debates. This was simply a judgement call on my part. That, in a perfect world, is how a voter decides which candidate to support. All of that said, in a Obama/McCain match up, I will vote for Obama.
It would be nice for Obama supporters to recognize that their choice of candidate is not everyone’s choice of candidate. I don’t think they are stupid for supporting Obama. I assume they researched the candidates, just as I did, and used their best judgement to make their choice. In some threads, some of the Obama supporters seem to feel that he doesn’t need any of the Hillary voters in the general election. Get real. Without us, he’s toast. It is up to him to figure out a way to reach out to those voters and assauge their concerns. I will have to trust that he can do it.
Wait… what? Since when did P.Luk become the arbiter of race-pimpinghood? Does he function automatically? Like, do my black public speakers come with a bar code I can just swipe under P.Luk’s nose to get a race-pimp/not-race-pimp reading?
I know, when I’m at the grocery store and going down the Black People For President aisle, I always get confused.
Um, am I a bad person cause I laughed at the t-shirt?
I mean, I voted for Obama. I gave him money. I’m even a bonafied minority.
But I have a soft spot for tasteless jokes. And that is funny.
Sam, if you want to know if Maryland was part of the south, read Frederick Douglass’ autobiography. That is a separate issue from membership in the CSA.
So when they come right out and say they can’t vote for him because he’s black as the lady in the video did, you think she’s lying?
“Dixie” = South of Mason-Dixon line. (“Dixon.” “Dixie.” Get it?)
W. Virginia is, INDEED, part of the south. It certainly isn’t part of the west…
I like tasteless humor too, but you know, some things just ain’t funny, even to my warped mind.
I saw that and wondered about it as well–Wright as a diversionary tactic? If pluk is correct, then Obama is not only smarter than anyone, even his most diehard supporters give him credit for, he’s a fucking superhero and we need him to be president. If you’re planning shit out to that level: playing the media deliberately so that there’s just enough outrage that a really fucking awesome speech can deaden a lot of it, but knowing that the preacher won’t keep his mouth shut so you’ll eventually have to cut him loose, etc. etc. etc.
Fuck, man, Alex Jones makes more sense than this.
A perfectly reasonable request. I’ll agree to it if you’ll promise that Clinton supporters will admit that she’s lost the nomination battle already.
Jaysus, we’ve had this argument before. You’ve got the sequence right, but you’ve got the reason wrong.
When Wright characterized Obama’s disagreement with some of Wright’s statements as something Obama didn’t really mean, as ‘just politics’, Obama had to throw him under the bus. You don’t let a supporter, or even a former mentor, undercut your message like that.
The support for Obama came from, among other things, seeing that he had the strength to do that in that situation.
No, we just don’t care about Wright anymore. Will he be an issue for the Republicans to exploit? They’ll certainly try. Most of us don’t think they’ll get much traction from it, and that they’ll lose more votes than they gain from the attempt.
Anyway, I hope you can get past this disenchantment with Obama to consider voting for him in the general election, if he’s the nominee. Because I really can’t see how a McCain presidency has any chance of helping the country.
Sam Hutcheson
Sam, if you want to know if Maryland was part of the south, read Frederick Douglass’ autobiography.
Admittedly, MD is not a clear-cut answer, but for the border states I’d say KY is “south”, MD is not and DE is just sort of made up. Yes, a lot of MD is essentially northern VA but all in all, it doesn’t feel “south.”
I am willing to consign it to the nether-world of nondistinction in co-existence with Florida which, while quite far south is not really The South, excepting sections north or Orlando.
Current headline on
Clinton focused on W.Va., Obama on future
Pretty much says it all.
Add on the imminent Rapture and you have a recipe for a complete negation of all personal responsibility for the world around them. Anyone who believes in the Rapture is disqualified from making any leadership decisions for anyone but themselves. Period.
Sam Hutcheson
W. Virginia is, INDEED, part of the south. It certainly isn’t part of the west…
Fullfilling the prophecy that no position, no matter how wrong on its face, will find some loon to defend it on the internet.
Subtext: “I was for Clinton from the start.”
Sam Hutcheson, I’m usually not a dick about being wrong, it was more of a response to how it was pointed out by the commenter that referred to it as “…the most ignorant thing he had every heard…” and that “…the whole room is more ignorant for having read it…”
Now that is some strong dickery. I just responded in kind.
I also believe that I could also buy your “Mid-Atlantic” position for a dollar.
I stand corrected on the issue of the border states.
We Broward county types refer to that as the “up south” or “Lower Alabama.” Is it any wonder we want to secede from the state and become number 51?
It would be nice if Hillary (and her supporters) didn’t continually belittle Obama supporters, attack fellow democrats using right wing talking points, didn’t play victim all the time, claim any dislike of Hillary is either CDS or sexism, try and have it both ways with regard to claiming to have been a part of the first administration. It would be even better if they stopped calling us a bunch of cultists. Oh and for the record, unlike what her supporters believe we don’t elect presidents because it’s “their turn” or because we “owe them something”.
This whole “X’s supporters better start doing Y” cuts both ways and I’m sorry but I’ll be damned if I am going to kiss someone’s ass after they’ve called me a cultist, kool-aid drinker, sexist and every other bullshit meme they’ve come up with to explain why I dislike HRC when what it really comes down to is I can’t stand a pandering, shameless, lying excuse for a candidate after the past 8 years.
I further can’t stand someone who played victim of a “Vast Rightwing Conspiracy” turning around and cozying up to those same people claiming things can change but then smearing their opponent for his associations with anyone they find “disagreeable”. To further see said candidate use the VRWC talking points used against her in the past against her democratic opponent is nothing but shameless opportunism.
Dennis - SGMM
I have just created the Hiroo Onoda Award. It’s first recipient is p.lukasiak. Our honoree embodies the same qualities of tenacity, stupidity and utter disregard of reality that signalized Lieutenant Onoda’s hiding out in the jungle of the Philippine island of Lubang for 29 years after WWII ended.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I don’t know which is stranger: Hillary comparing her run to JFK’s, or Jimmy Fallon succeeding Conan O’Brien.
It’s not an issue. Defused. Gone. Done.
Oh, forgot to say: draw a little flightsuit on the monkey and we have a winner. I honestly didn’t read it the racist way, could be my Yankee upbringing. For one thing, why such a sympathetic grinning version of C. George? There are plenty of drawings from the books of him falling on his arse to use…
The Other Steve
You know. I say let the Republicans print up shirts like this.
It only reflects badly on them.
yet another jeff
Here’s the Billy Madison quote for people that were offended:
Principal: Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Um…not to cut your nice attack off or anything, but I’m pretty sure he was referring to the Philadelphia speech as a diversionary tactic. Your reading is about as honest as the Clintonista reading of Obama’s veterans remarks yesterday. Sorry, dude.
The Other Steve
you sound kind of bitter
Blue Raven
Sure it does. Provided your definition of “help” includes “ensuring our demise.”
That shirt is complete bullshit. Who the fuck eats bananas nowadays?
You bet your ass I’m bitter. Which is why I’m voting for a candidate offering more than the same shit in a different hue.
Jay B.
“Al Sharpton is a race-pimp, John. Jesse Jackson is not. One of the ways that the right wing discredits legitimate african american leaders is by equating Sharpton and Jackson…. and you were a perfect example of that tendency.”
But Obama is because he addressed race because people accused his reverend of being a race-pimp and he wanted to distances himself because of it.
Jackson Jr. is a race pimp because he’s the co-chair of the Obama campaign and said some controversial things, yet Jackson Sr. is not because he’s said some controversial things about race in the past, you don’t think he is. Meanwhile Brazile, who is about as Beltway-driven and noncontroversial as anyone in politics, is because she said that Paul Begala was being divisive.
You have become an incoherent idiot. Really. Nonsensical.
The Other Steve
I’m afraid mommy.
I think the Republicans are going to claim the Democrat hates America.
Sam Hutcheson
I’m usually not a dick about being wrong
Rare: I meant that the other guy, ignoring (or perhaps not having read) your concession was being the dick.
Incertus: It has been my long held belief that there should be three states: Miami (Orlando south), Florgia (Orlando north to Macon) and Atlanta. But then again, I’ve always been a more staunch supporter of the idea of city-states than most.
Dude, the Philadelphia speech doesn’t happen without the Wright fiasco, and even if the speech gets made, it doesn’t get the resonance that it did with Wright as an issue. The expectation was that Obama was going to distance himself from Wright and he didn’t, which threw all the commentators for a loop. That speech doesn’t get nearly the attention it would if Wright wasn’t part of it–and frankly, the speech itself probably wouldn’t have been as good without Wright to respond to. I didn’t miss anything–you didn’t see the implications of pluk’s asinine claim.
Hmmm….I might not have been as offended if I had remembered that quote from the movie.
But still, the poster wasn’t trying to be “cute”, he was trying to be a…well you know.
I will gladly concede that she is losing the race, not that she has lost. Until Obama gets the necessary number of delegates, he hasn’t won – he is winning. Even his campaing will not say that he has won, because he hasn’t. Will he win? Yes, I will say that he will win. He just hasn’t done it yet.
To those of you that think Hillary should have already dropped out, I think it’s a good thing that she hasn’t yet. Obama will lose in West Virginia and in Kentucky, and it would be embarrassing to his campaing to lose to someone no longer in the race. I think she is staying in until after the final primary June 3, and will then concede. I also don’t think the supers still sitting on the fence will come out for him until after the election in Puerto Rice for the same reasons. To lose when you are the only remaining candidate would not send out a signal of strength.
The Other Steve
I’ve never really liked either of them, but at least Sharpton has a sense of humor.
Given that Lynne, I, and others, are Clinton / former Clinton supporters who are not belittling Obama or Obama supporters, and that we far outnumber the Clinton supproters who have – I think you’re overgeneralizing in Lukasiakian kind of way.
The Other Steve
Puerto Rico is one of those important states we must win in November!
Dug Jay
Quote of the Day:
Growing up in Texas, I insisted that Oklahoma and Georgia were part of the “North”. They were certainly “North” of me.
Then I grew up, got an education, and stopped pretending I knew more than everyone telling me otherwise.
In a sick sort of way it is good she stayed in because she took pages of the republican play book and did use them against him which, to a good extent, toughened him up even though he was pretty tough already. I also agree this super-delegate thing will be a continual trickle, with all the hay made of the fact the race will be decided by them anyway, it’s better they come out 4 or 5 at a time so people do get to vote and it prevents either side from being able to accuse the other of forcing them out. Yet another good move by the obama campaign in how they handled those endorsements.
Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Having grown up in Atlanta (and currently reside), as well as having lived in Ft Lauderdale for 3 years, I couldn’t agree more. The only adjustment I would make is that the southern most state of Miami should encompass Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. The Floriga and Atlanta states should remain the same.
Although Floriga would start to approach the size of Texas with about the same combined IQ…maybe not a desired result. (no offense to the intelligent Texans)
P.luak claims:
Here’s the transcript.
1. He said “Because everybody just ascribes it to ‘white working-class…'” He’s describing the situation, not claiming the situation is reality or has merit on its own.
2. Obama makes the claim that since a lot of people in the regions where Obama has the toughest uphill climb have been cheated out a government that works for them, those people have a hard time being hopeful. That they are bitter, and cling to things they know. This is his assessment. A lot of people think it’s an accurate assessment. If you don’t, fine, you are entitled to your opinion. But since you live in the Bay Area like I do, your opinion of what it must be like to live in West Virginia is pretty much at a distinct disadvantage.
3. He admits that connecting with those very people who need his help is going to be an uphill battle. He doesn’t say he can’t connect with them, just that to do is going to require work on his campaign’s part. That’s called being HONEST.
4. You really are a fucktard, Paul.
Shit, we’re screwed. We can’t take another election of accusations like this. Game over, man. Game over. I’m moving to the French part of Canada while I still have the chance.
No, Puerto Rico doesn’t have any electoral votes, which begs the question of why they get to hold a primary, but I stand by my original assertion. While losing to an opponent still in the race is bad, losing as the sole remaining candidate would be highly embarrassing.
I think there’s a bit of over-generalizing in what Lynne said with regard to Obama supporters not recognizing that our candidate is not everyone’s choice. Guess what? I get that as do the majority of Obama supporters. Are there nuts on our side? Yeah, a few. However given the vitriol directed at Obama and his supporters by a large number of Hillary supporters and the personal attacks by some of them here and elsewhere it seems to me there’s a lot of projection going on, that is projecting on Obama’s supporters the exact things being done by clinton and several of her supporters (see playing the race card).
I’m not pretending I’m innocent. I’ll be up front about the fact that I will continue to call out people like that for their asshattery and I will continue to call Clinton out as the shameless pandering liar she is. I am not beholden to her, my only regret is I defended her and her husband for the past several years.
Hey, I agree the argument is asinine. Just for a different reason. I see P.Luke arguing Obama was being dishonest and slimey because he (in P.Luk’s universe) attempted to change the subject, yet Obama should have been…dishonest and slimey by punching Wright in the face and preferably should have left TUCC when he became a Senator.
Would saying, “Campaigning for Obama is more fun than a barrel of monkeys” make me racist?
I think we all should listen to the wise words from Dug Jay. Obama and Clinton supporters should sit down and share some pie and talk about defeating McSame in the GE.
Also, I want to thank cleek for the script.
I think it’s great that Paul Lukasiak can sit here and practice his special brand of intellectual racism. We give him a lot of latitude since he has no actual personal experience with being on the receiving end of bigotry.
Right, Paul?
A bit of both, really. That said, I should’ve just left it as “Mr. Madison.” I sometimes forget that not everyone’s taste is as lowbrow as mine.
“Christ, I lived in Poughkeepsie during Tawana Brawley, Iknow who Al Sharpton is.”
We’ve done the “OMG Neighbors!” thing before right? ‘Cause I was at Bard then, just up 9G.
I don’t think that Obama planned on using the race-pimping approach to win. I’m not even sure that when he announced, he was serious about winning (I mean, the guy acknowledged in 2004 that he wouldn’t be ready for the white house this year… but running a ‘credible’ campaign this year set him up for a future run, and a possible VP nod from the “inevitable” Clinton or whoever won the nomination.)
He started out — like everyone else who was running — with a completely positive (albeit amorphous) message of unity and hope. But it was Obama who decided to take what was an overwhelmingly positive Democratic campaign and turn it into a negative campaign — his announcement to the New York Times that he would be going after Clinton was the signal to the other candidates — and the media — that it was time to relentlessly attack Clinton, because unless she was attacked she had the nomination locked up.
Thus, the “Hillary snuff debate” in Philadelphia occurred last September. It was Obama, aided and abetted by a media that wanted some blood spilled in the debates, that was responsible for the change of tone in the overall campaign.
And I don’t think that Obama intended to go the race-pimping route originally — in fact, the reason the campaign did it in South Carolina wasn’t to get black votes — he already had the black vote in South Carolina by the time the “clinton is running a racist campaign” theme became part of acceptable media discourse. What Obama didn’t have was much white support in SC… and I think the reason that the campaign originally went the ‘race-pimping’ route was because Obama was guaranteed a win in SC because he already had 72% of the black vote — and with little white support he didn’t want the media pointing out that he’d won solely because of the black vote.
But Obama let the “race” genii out of the bottle, and chose not to put it back in. The damage that Obama did to the party wasn’t irreparable until he chose to allow the whole “Bill Clinton/Jesse Jackson” nonsense to become a huge controversy. It was thanks to that controversy that Obama was able to build the huge margins in the deep south on Super Tuesday despite incredibly anemic white support — and able to win the Louisiana and Potomac Primaries the following week (the fact that the Clinton campaign had literally ignored everything after ST didn’t help either.)
Obama didn’t build a coalition — his “base” consists of Hillary haters (and assorted misogynists), african americans, and the “anti-establishment’ youth vote that always opposes the front runner in every presidential primary. And he has not shown any real capacity to build beyond that base. Despite having all the money, momentum, and media on his side, and more than enough time to make his case, he lost Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
As to running a smarter campaign than Clinton — it depends on how you define “smart”. Obama has run a “win at all costs” campaign — a campaign that seems to be based on the assumption that whoever gets the Democratic nomination automatically wins in November. And that is true — unless you run your campaign based on that premise, at which point the premise no longer holds. Clinton’s campaign is, and always has been, focussed on November… and it made one nearly fatal error in not putting any effort into any of the post-Super Tuesday states. Not doing anything in the deep red states on ST made perfect sense — except that it left her vulnerable to exactly what the Obama campaign did, scoop up delegates in states that don’t matter in November, then rack up wins in the states after ST.
So now the Democrats are left with a choice between a candidate whose campaign has made him virtually unelectable in November, and a candidate that could win easily in November but doesn’t have a solid rationale (other than the fact that she is electable and would make a better president….which isn’t enough when the media is so hostile to her) for having the SDs support her.
Sam Hutcheson
Having grown up in Atlanta (and currently reside)
I live in west Midtown.
I couldn’t agree more. The only adjustment I would make is that the southern most state of Miami should encompass Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. The Floriga and Atlanta states should remain the same.
I think Atlanta will have to include all of the greater metro area and extend as far north as GA 400. That gets the resevoirs under our control. We could concede Helen and Ball Ground to Tennessee. Rome would have to fend for itself.
Y’all might be interested, as you finger your Pickrick Drumsticks today, in knowing that Wolf The World’s Stupidest Fuckhead Blitzer is doing a segment today on the insane rantings of one John Hagee.
You know, I think I should’ve saved that Billy Madison quote for P.luk’s latest comment.
You know what, man? You are a fucking embarassment.
I respectfully request that you get the fuck out of here.
Democrats are clearly morons, then, because the majority has been turning out to donate, campaign for, vote, and generally support Obama.
Guess we’re all just suckers for losing.
I’m confused as to why he’d lose to someone who he was no longer running against. Are you saying that Ricans to too stupid to read a newspaper or watch TV to notice the (HUGE!) news of Clinton’s departure?
Sounds racist.
Obama’s not a monkey, as far as I know.
gypsy howell
What, are you kidding me? Tax-free shopping, baby!
Sam Hutcheson
Also, Paul, you’re insane.
gypsy howell
Salt Point.
Between Hyde Park & Millbrook.
Projection: It’s not just for republicans anymore.
Sam Hutcheson
What, are you kidding me? Tax-free shopping, baby!
You can get that in downtown Minneapolis too, but they don’t go and pretend it’s its own state, now do they?
As a white male just shy of my 40th birthday who liked Clinton (but preferred Obama) when I voted in the WA caucus, which category do I fit in again?
Maryland is part of the South because we know how to make grits. QED.
Vassar or Marist?
Everyone here has generally ascribed to the idea that the voters of West Virginia and Kentucky are too stupid to vote for Obama when Hillary is obbviously losing. Why should Puerto Rico be any different. Heck, Huckabee’s been out of the race for quite a while and he still picked up a substantial portion of the vote in North Carolina and in Indiana. I believe it’s called a protest vote. What makes you think it can’t happen to Obama?
Hey, P. Luk, do you blame rape on the woman too? After alll those uppity bitches are wearing skirts adn just asking for it, right?
If it’s any comfort, it doesn’t seem to be confined to Georgia:
Shorter Pluckshake:
That MUPity negro ruined EVERYTHING!
$10 says he drops the N bomb and claims it’s our fault for upsetting him.
Yikes! I didn’t know that! Will Obama send back the donations he got from this 58-year-old white-ass woman?
Does Obama take his race out back and smack it around when it doesn’t pay his cut?
I’m ashamed to have skin the same color as p.luk’s.
That is all.
Not in the least.
I agree with Wright’s overall perspective, and had no personal problem with Obama’s relationship with Wright. The problem I had was political — when you look into Obama’s background, the right-wing smear narrative writes itself, and Wright plays a major part in that narrative. The vast majority of Americans have no idea who Barack Obama is — the name might sound vaguely familiar to them, but to most Americans, he’s just someone they don’t know who was running for President.
Obama’s failure to deal with the Wright issue head on — his attempt to make it about “race” while acting like he was unaware that Wright had ever said anything controversial until FoxNews starting putting Wright’s greatest hits on heavy rotation — was the worst possible approach to take, and demonstrated that he didn’t have the political smarts to know how to take a hit and keep going.
I do have to say one thing, and it will prolly please P. Luk. I heard JJJ say after the New Hampshire “tears” moment, “Where were Mrs. Clinton’s tears after Katrina?” I think that can be uncharitably described as race-pimping, and there is no burden on P. to be charitable. I simply thought it was stupid. I will say that both the O and C camps have been extraordinarily sensitive about their statuses (stati?). They both play them as strengths, and expect that if folk talk about “being a woman” or “being black” the folk be explicitly positive. Any negative comment on those grounds is called either sexism or racism. Annoys me from both camps, really.
gypsy howell
Misfits from Bard.
you can send that $10 to Hillary Clinton in my name.
Thank you.
And you back a candidate that:
1) Didn’t plan beyond Super Tuesday
2) Continued to employ a chief strategist who didn’t understand the mechanics of the CA primary
Odd to say the least.
Glad I’m not the only one.
This coming from the dipshit whose candidate embraced the Republican nominee as more qualified than her opponent, and embraced a gas tax holiday that only saves people money in the fantasy land that her supporters have created in their own minds.
I used to respect Lukasiak, but man, what a lying piece of shit he’s turned out to be.
There wasn’t until you showed up
I saw that and wondered if the Equal Time rules had come into effect again. I guess even the press gets tired of being one-sided ass-hats eventually.
Funny, I didn’t hear Obama start peddling the whole thing as the “Angry Black Man” race issue. I also don’t recall Obama bringing in Farrakhan which was made a race issue. Oh that’s right, it wasn’t because Obama brought it up Hillary and the Repukes as well as the MSM did! Hell the repukes are using wright in commercials against candidates in their state who support Obama and it’s…gasp…a race issue THEY are creating, not Obama.
Except that the underlying issue was race, and your inability to accept that either makes you willfully blind or Doug-Feith-quality stupid. I’m leaning toward the former, just so you know.
Makes me ashamed to call Georgia my birth state.
This isn’t free speech. It’s not even hate speech. It’s STUPID speech. May God have mercy on the rest of us for the number of idiots out there actually buying that crap.
Mustard is Evil
The only thing this primary brawl has shown me is that Democratic-leaning advocates are nearly (nearly, though I hope not equally) as likely to cling to whatever flimsy, intellectually dishonest, or downright ignorant rationale that confirms their personal belief(s) as our right-leanings friends, who have made such behavior not only an art form, but a virtual party platform.
p. luk, my friend, one only hopes you apply as impassioned an attack (not, I’ll note, a defense of your own preferred candidate) on McSame in the coming months, regardless the nominee. You’ve obviously mastered turning often debatable, generally superfluous details (I’ll resist using the word “facts,” as your comments are littered with assumptions presented as factual givens) into talking-points.
Bethany Ann…
here’s the full quote…
“Those tears also have to be analyzed,” Jackson said. “They have to be looked at very, very carefully in light of Katrina, in light of other things that Mrs. Clinton did not cry for, particularly as we head to South Carolina where 45 percent of African-Americans will participate in the Democratic contest, and they see real hope in Barack Obama.”
now, its pretty clear what JJ Jr. did here… accused Clinton of not being sensitive to the suffering of African Americans.
but, there is also a misogynistic component here — There were no “tears”, Clinton had an emotional moment, but she didn’t cry. Here’s the video…I don’t even see her welling up.
JJ Jr not only tried to exploit the suffering of Katrina victims for political gain for Obama, he went out of his way to race-bait the subject. Its the kind of thing that, had Clinton’s co-chair done, would have gotten him summarily fired.
Conservatively Liberal
Tweety said this just a few minutes ago.
ROFLMAO. Tweety has his moments and lately he’s been pretty damn funny.
And Clinton’s tried to exploit the economic suffering of blue collar voters for political gain (see Gas Tax). Why anyone expects either one of them (or any other politician for that matter) to be a saint is way beyond me.
They’re trying to win an election with the tools and coalitions that are available to them. One of them is better at it than the other. End of story.
pluk, dude.. how the hell are you able to maintain a full blown war with the BJer’s on two threads? Jeezus. You’re hyperventilation on these threads is fogging up my damn monitor.
you poor bastard, you’re a glutton for punishment I give you that.
no, the underlying issue wasn’t race. The underlying issue was Wright’s radical views on race — and Wrights inappropriate exploitation of legitimate frustrations of African Americans to stir up racial hatred and resentment.
Wright wasn’t controversial because he was black, he was controversial because he was a race-pimp, in the same way that the issues raised by Sharptons words and actions during the Crown Heights affair isn’t race, its was anti-semitism in the name of race-pimping.
Dug Jay
After scanning these comments, it’s easy to see why the exit polls in West Virginia show that nearly 60 % of Democratic primary voters say they will vote for McCain or just stay home in November.
Exit poll data
not really. she could win 100% of WV and KY and she’d still be behind. her participation is pretty close to irrelevant to the outcome right now.
Oh that’s right, it wasn’t because Obama brought it up Hillary and the Repukes as well as the MSM did!
clinton never brought up either farrakhan or wright.
this is typical of the Obots — their delusions result in patently false statements being made.
Medicine Man
To Lynne (and others),
Seeing that no one else here is saying it, I’ll just go ahead: There are plenty of rational reasons, free from personal bias, to prefer Clinton over Obama. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I still extend the benefit of the doubt to Sen Clinton’s supporters on this count. The opinions of the crazy people in both camps are just amplified by the internet. Every quack has his/her own show.
To Zuzu,
Zuzu formerly of Feministe?
Well you got me there…
Medicine Man
Completely beyond the ability to introspect.
11 = number of times PLuk has used the word ‘race-pimp’ so far in this thread.
Anyone else here think someone has been taking lessons from Newt Gingrich on the art of repitition?
Hoenstly, Paul, would it be too much to ask that you use the more accurate and less offensive ‘race-baiting’ instead of a word that racialist connotations that ‘pimp’ has?
However, in a debate hosted by the MSM, Farakhan was brought up and Hillary, being her usual shameless opportunistic self went off on the “denounce and reject” meme when there was nothing there. Wright, again brought up by the MSM (though it has been revealed that wright was part of the oppo dosier that Clinton had on Obama) was pounced on by Clinton and again came renounce and reject and rather than doing the right thing, defending a colleague against obvious racially toned attacks, she jumped right in with them, see ABC debate for just one example.
Sorry John, that’s really an insult to women and especially Hillary, this is nothing but Obama’s campaign trying bait racial divisions to their advantage.
Yah doesn’t make sense on the surface until you view it through pantsuit vision ;)
She didn’t bring them up, but she made hay of them once the media asked her questions about it. Don’t even try to deny that, because there’s tons of footage of her responses. She could have said “it’s not an issue, not a part of this campaign,” but she didn’t–she tried to score political points with both of them.
Leo, “Hillary Clinton Seeks Scaife Endorsement, Attacks re: Wright” could be about any Wright. Without watching the video (hey, p.luk won’t, so why should I do his job for him?) I have decided that it’s about how disappointed she is in the roles that Robin Wright Penn has been taking lately.
Golly, I love the South.
I’m thinking of adding a permanent disclaimer to my nic: ZuzunotofFeministe.
but, there is also a misogynistic component here—There were no “tears”, Clinton had an emotional moment, but she didn’t cry
I did not know tears were gender specific.
By the way Paul has been attacking Obama for over a year
From 2007
Obama has been speaking to huge crowds. Obama has 258,000 donors. But less than one percent of those people have bought a button, or a keychain, or a bumper sticker, or a t-shirt?
call me skeptical…Posted by p_lukasiak | July 17, 2007 5:29 PM
Big E
re: lukasiak
“So now the Democrats are left with a choice between a candidate whose campaign has made him virtually unelectable in November”
Your prognostications are starting sound like William Kristol and his kind.
BTW: so…once again……. which candidate are you for? .. or are you just against for the sake of argument?
When did insurmountable deficits in the popular vote, states won, and pledged delegates = more electable in November?
nope. Obama should have just said that his background had not prepared him for what he experienced and saw as an black man in Chicago — that Wright was instrumental in his coming to terms with his identity as a black man, and that as he grew older he understood how limited Wrights perspective was. And that he wasn’t going to leave the church that had embraced him and made him a part of its family simply because of the radical political views of its pastor — that a church is the people, not the pastor, and that he was proud of the great work that the people of UCC trinity had done.
NO big speech about race. No attempt to act like he didn’t know what Wright had been saying. And if the media kept hounding him about it, get in their face about questioning a candidate’s choice of where they worship….
as to someone else saying that this was the only opporutnity for Obama to give a speech about race — he could have given that speech when Donna Brazile and his own campaign staff race-pimped the idea that the Clintons were racists. He could have given that speech when Bill Clinton was accused of being racist for mentioning Jesse Jackson and Obama in the same breath.
But that would not have been politically adventageous — to give a speech calling for honest dialogue about race, and an end to accusations against people like the Clinton’s whose record on issues of concern to the African American community was excellent — well, that couldn’t get Obama out of a jam….
Dennis - SGMM
Only 11? He should paste using CTRL+V, it’s much faster than right clicking.
I have to admit that I only get the wit and wisdom of pluk second hand. Thanks to cleek, pluk’s posts are all about pie here. I was going to pie out Dug Jay as well but he’s kinda’ good for comedy relief.
Okay, I see it behooves me to distinguish myself from any other Zuzus out there.
So henceforth my nic will be, ta-da! Zuzu’s Petals
(Please God don’t let there be any recently obnoxious blogger with that nic.)
he was my first!
During the month of May in the year 2008.
iirc this was one of the incidents that John went after, and quite a few people on this very blog commented on what a jackass JJ, jr was. So, team Obama has its share of slime. I will match JJ, jr with Mark Penn or James Carville any day, as far as douchebaggery goes. Also, I will note that after that incident, JJ jr seems to have been keeping his mouth shut. If he’s said anything else outrageous, it hasn’t gotten any coverage at least. Cant say the same for Penn and Carville.
See, Barack Obama was doing it all wrong. We should run P.Luk for President, as this guy clearly knows how to win in the general election.
What JJ Jr. said was stupid, however I’ll gladly see that and raise one Geraldine Ferraro of the “he’s lucky he’s black, if he were white he wouldn’t be where he is” and a Cuomo “Shuck and Jive” as well as the candidate herself all but saying he won’t win because he’s black.
Dennis - SGMM
“Pantsuit vision” leads to a broad, well-rounded perspective. It gives you a big, wide picture of hemispheric issues.
Thanks for the reply, P. Yes, I didn’t see any tears either, that’s why I put them in quotes.
Well, since he’s a Hillary supporter and he’s white, it only follows that he’s hard-working.
The Grand Panjandrum
Don’t forget all the white people voting for her. That was the real gem.
Did anyone notice McAullife’s praising Fox News? It makes me ashamed that we share the same hometown.
And the Clinton supporters would have us believe that she is the more progressive than Obama. Laughable.
Dennis - SGMM
“He who fights monsters must take care lest he become a monster. When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes into you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
It’s official. Paul has now set a record for the number of times “race-pimp” has been used in one thread.
GET A NEW PHRASE, PLEASE. Before I can no longer resist this strange subconscious urge to hire a Latino hooker.
I’d just like to point out that I race-pimped your moms last night. All of them. And I apologize.
Just Some Fuckhead
Seriously, it’s time to throw the race-pimp phrase under the bus. Stat!
Is “pansuit vision” the political equivalent of “beer goggles”?
Dennis – SGGM:
Well, it’s up to 20 if you add in the previous thread.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’ve got a Republican friend that uses the phrase “race-pimp” a lot. He’s not a racist though. He just doesn’t like black people.
Dennis - SGMM
Clutch414 Says:
Without “pantsuit vision” you can’t even see the Commander-in-Chief threshold.
I don’t know about race-pimping, but I know I would watch “pimp racing.”
google “race-pimp” and the top six are:
the “lonewacko blog” (long-time wingnut scourge of Kevin Drum’s comments)
Jews Against Obama
free republic
“Psycmeister’s Ice Palace” (who thinks environmentalists want us to live a “15th century existence”.
you’re in some pretty special company there, puke. keep up the good work. i’m sure Hillary would be proud.
Dennis - SGMM
McAuliffe on Tweety’s show; “Puerto Rico will be another big win for us.”
Yeah, if Kerry had only taken Puerto Rico he’d be president today.
You cay pay off that pimp with the p.lukasiak n-bomb dollar. Denominations start at ten.
No obnoxious blogger that I know of, but I have been meaning to ask if you’re the zuzu who posts at GardenWeb. If the answer is yes, it’s a purely positive association.
Nope, not me. But how cool would a name like Zuzu’s Petals be at a garden site?!
It also means you can’t see race. At least, until someone points it out to you.
That’s how P.Luk missed all the discussion by other people of Barack Obama being black (or bizarrely, not black enough) before someone in his campaign mentioned it. Hence his delusion that Barack Obama brought it up in some form of bizarre campaign Ju-Jitsu, rather than acknowledging something that was an open part of media discussion of his campaign even before it started.
Zuzu's Petals
Let’s see if the screen name show up now.
Again, fair enough. I stand corrected. And I agree his initial “I wasn’t there. I didn’t hear those remarks” dodge was an extremely poor response. Obama’s a less than perfect candidate, no doubt, and he’s still learning the ropes. I think the whole Wright/speech episode was the nadir of his campaign. He’s getting better lately, especially since he made the decision to start focusing on his and Michelle’s story and return to rhetoric more reminiscent of his 2004 convention speech.
We’ll see how he responds to future attacks.
John S.
Hillary Clinton in Trading Places @ 2:45:
As translated by the esteemable Paul Lukasiak, Race Pimp
Bonus: Typical Clinton voter @ :41
that sucks.
but, once again, Clinton supporters redefine “suck”:
Yep, like I and others have noted, it’s willful blindness, especially because you refuse to see it even when it’s pointed out to you.
Off topic I know, but did anyone notice the poll on the sidebar. Most recent results:
What do you think of the Obama T-shirt?
It’s racist 48.79% 6264
It’s fine 51.21% 6575
What are they smoking in Georgia?
Conservatively Liberal
Could you please change that to “I’m still holding my breath waiting for…“? I think that would be more effective.
For us.
He realized that he is racist, and now he needs to proclaim it to the world.
p.huk’s writings are a kind of art form. He is like an artist who stuffs a cork up his ass, eats chili and ExLax for three days, sets up a canvas, bends over, pops the cork and sneezes at the same time.
At least the results are the same.
Regarding p.huk and the bile he spews, I think this is a good pie filter response:
One thing to note is that with all of the race/racist crap coming out now, Obama is going to force this country to take a long look at itself in the mirror. For far too long, we have pretended that race does not matter. That we have solved all of those problems and everything regarding race is just fine in America. Some Americans have deluded themselves in to thinking that racism is on the wane and dying in our country.
Fat chance.
If the results from WV are interpreted as ‘the white voters will not vote for Obama’, people with half a brain are going to see it for what it really is; Obama wins with more whites in the north, and loses more of them in the south.
I really hope that WV runs counter to expectations, if only as a surprise indicator of how far we have come in our country. But I don’t think it will happen.
peopleidiots like p.huk are doing is about as Rovian as it gets. They are reversing the racism problem in our country, and dumping it on the shoulders of Obama.‘It is all his fault. The black guy, he is causing all of the problems for us. Everything would be fine if he wasn’t such a racist.‘
It is beyond sick to see shit like this being said. This is the worst kind of racism as it seeks to dump the problems of the white race on the black race, and seeks to absolve the white race of any guilt. Or in the case of p.huk, it seeks to dump the perceived problems of Clinton on Obama, and it seeks to absolve Clinton of any guilt.
Sick. Sorry about the rant, but I am sick of p.hukhead.
Just Some Fuckhead
Or, ya know, it coulda just been the truth, what with Obama living in Washington and the church being two days drive over in Chicago and with Obama not being an every-Sunday-Sunday-night sort of parishioner anyway.
But most white folks aren’t going to understand a church that has a couple of pastors and 10000 members so best to think up a lie they can easily digest..
Welcome to the MSM narrative until this wraps up in June. The Democrats are hopelessly divided and doooomed, doooomed!
t jasper parnell
This is simply wrong. I watched the whole of Wright’s speech at the National Press Club and, sure, his view of AIDs is, I think, nuttier than a fruitcake. However, Hagee, et al make crazier than crazy comments about ho because of Gay, Pagan,l and other unnamed but unchristian Americans behavior God lifts her divine protectio, and they receive no condemnation for their equal fruitcakey nuttiness. Wright insists that Christianity is the religion of the oppressed and of reconciliation in a quite moving and historical accurate way and all anybody cares about is his nuttier than a fruitcakeness. Why? Because he is Black and America still suffers, as Wright argued, for the readdressed legacy of White Supremacy.
Zuzu's Petals
Moderator: I used to be Zuzu. See explanation upthread.
t jasper parnell
Unaddressed, even.
Dennis - SGMM
Clinton is, according to Terry McAuliffe, about to deliver “one of the greatest speeches ever made.” I expect that she’ll put that race pimping Abraham Lincoln in his place.
L. Ron Obama
p.luk, you should make your arguments on national TV. You know, to ensure Hillary wins back over black voters.
Yes, you should do this as soon as possible.
in this case, i’m pretty sure the MSM is reporting the story, not creating it.
t jasper parnell
Hey on Talking Points they announced that Hillary won with 0% reporting.
i’m ignoring the never-ending BS here about HRC & BHO….
wrt the “not in the south/in the south” issue, WHERE IS THE DEFINITION OF SOUTH that is being debated? it seems everyone has his/her own definition. sort of like the “victory in iraq” that gets argued about elsewhere. where is the definition?
here are the exits
Hillary’s kicking ass among non-college women!
Any state where they know how to make grits.
You think I jest?
Mais non.
Since you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning any converts to Hillary with your snarling and often whining comments, why do you waste your time? Why comment here at all?
One of the greatest speeches ever made eh? She just won all of 19 delegates what’s she gonna do, announce she’s going to Disneyland? For shits sake I wish I got paid to lie my ass off like her sycophants do I could retire and get myself a book deal like Wolfson is after this campaign.
t jasper parnell
They serve some out of sight grits at Dinasuar BBQ in Syracuse NY.
Conservatively Liberal
Elitist. ;)
Just Some Fuckhead
It pegs my greatometer if she quits the race. *crosses fingers*
This has it wrong. It’s NoVA that’s essentially Maryland. NoVa is not a lot like the rest of VA, but it’s pretty similar to most of MD. I’ve lived in both Maryland and Southern VA, and MD is not The South. Southern VA? Hell yes.
Folks, that is an unfortunate placement of title by WordPress. We at Blue Herald are NOT racists!
Either he thinks he’s somehow superior (much as his candidate thinks she is) and he must enlighten us all since we don’t “know better” or he’s a SAM (Smart Ass Masochist) who enjoys verbal humiliation and is whacking off each time someone verbally bitch slaps him.
Just Some Fuckhead
Good to hear but we ain’t takin’ p.luk back.
t jasper parnell
Because he thinks he is right and all others are wrong, non?
Conservatively Liberal
Now that is just funny! Now WordPress is racist!!
t jasper parnell
Of those 51%, 70% think the chimp is the other George. I did. I mean his name IS George… both of them are George, I mean. . . oh whatever.
Dennis - SGMM
Because he needs something to do when he’s not jerking off in one of his mom’s old gardening gloves?
Yeah this sums it up:
States & elections won with 60% or more of the vote:
Barack Obama: 15 States + DC + VI
* Virgin Islands (89.9%)
* Idaho (79%)
* Hawaii (76%)
* Alaska (75%)
* District of Columbia (75%)
* Kansas (74%)
* Washington (68%)
* Nebraska (68%)
* Minnesota (67%)
* Colorado (67%)
* Georgia (67%)
* Illinois (65%)
* Virginia (64%)
* Maryland (62%)
* North Dakota (61%)
* Wyoming (61%)
* Mississippi (61%)
Hillary Clinton: 2 States
* Arkansas (70%)
* West Virginia (??)
I believe he’s answered this question before. It’s because he feels free to post his stuff and he doesn’t get banned or anything like that which other sites like *cough* TalkLeft do.
Big kudos to BJ.. of course who needs to do bann when you get severely mocked continously. Heh.
t jasper parnell
Also from TPM
This is nuts
t jasper parnell
Arkansas (70%)+ West Virginia (??) = profit
what an asshole thing to say. are you 10 years old?
I’d just wonder why you’d think a barrel of monkeys would be fun, rather than being a nightmare.
Damned at Random
This guy makes me ashamed to be white trash
Fucking assholes. I wouldn’t even think about parodying Spike Lee with something as vile.
Soylent Green
Shorter p.lukasiak:
Blah blah blah blah race pimping blah blah blah race pimping blah blah blah race pimping blah race pimping blah blah woof woof race pimping blah blah blah blah blah race pimping blah blah blah race pimping blah blah blah race pimping blah race pimping.
First, welcome to America, Paul, where people are free to support any candidate they believe will best serve their interests. Women are long overdue for a female president, blacks for a black one, the list is endless and the legacy of nonrepresentation is long. Supporting someone you think hears what you have to say and understands where you are coming from after decades or centuries of not being heard or understood is our most esteemed right as American citizens. So please stop shitting on it, you insufferable prick.
Second, the primary exists to give all Democrats in all states and territories an opportunity to pick their party’s nominee. Every goddamn word you say about which states count is an insult to millions, you insufferable prick.
Third, if you are going to sit this election out and not help us take our country back from the GOP crime syndicate, who gives a flying fuck what you have to say about anything?
Did I call you an insufferable prick yet? I did? Good, just making sure.
Obama never said that. He said
Aren’t like the means people that are gay, jewish, rich, black, japanese, and pretty much anything that isn’t like them. And it works both ways. Come out here to SoCal and see how poor latinos and blacks behave precisely the same way.
When you don’t have a lot of prospects, you turn inward – to your community. Go look at talkleft to see how it works in a different context – they’re erecting the walls around their little kingdom to protect themselves. Antipathy towards even non-Obama supporters that aren’t Hillary boosters.
That you read racism into his comment speaks more to what you want to hear than what he actually said.
Obama never said that. He said
Aren’t like the means people that are gay, jewish, rich, black, japanese, and pretty much anything that isn’t like them. And it works both ways. Come out here to SoCal and see how poor latinos and blacks behave precisely the same way.
When you don’t have a lot of prospects, you turn inward – to your community. Go look at talkleft to see how it works in a different context – they’re erecting the walls around their little kingdom to protect themselves. Antipathy towards even non-Obama supporters that aren’t Hillary boosters.
That you read racism into his comment speaks more to what you want to hear than what he actually said.
Does Hillary have a better dental package in her health plan?
I think WV, KY, and AK lead the nation in adult tooth loss. Interesting demographic, that.
Reverend Spooner
Sam Hutcheson,
Fuck you. Delawareans were dying for this fucking country while your country was exclusively peopled by Sioux lake-men and French fur-trappers.
Sam Hutcheson
Fuck you. Delawareans were dying for this fucking country while your country was exclusively peopled by Sioux lake-men and French fur-trappers.
As I was born and bred and still live in one of the original 13, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.
Sam Hutcheson
It’s NoVA that’s essentially Maryland. NoVa is not a lot like the rest of VA, but it’s pretty similar to most of MD. I’ve lived in both Maryland and Southern VA, and MD is not The South. Southern VA? Hell yes.
See, THIS confirms my original suspicion. I can’t kick VA out of the club what with the whole “capitol of the CSA” thing and all, but really, I’d say only half of VA is really “southern” by the secret double handshake definition. Closer you get to MD, less southern radiation you emit.
Obama is reaping what he sowed back in Chicago, exposing his daughters to a race-baiting bigot for their entire young lives, and 20 years of his and his America hating wife’s. He’s helping to make sure racism and hatred and fear of white people propagates into the next generation. And the bigots _right here_ on posting in these comments, throwing around racist epithets themselves against people who don’t like Obama, his policies or his actions. You’re a bunch of fucking hypocrites, and you’ll get yours when Obama starts tanking around the country due to the fact that its easy to hate the candidate when his supporters are such assholes. And you guys are real assholes.
And for the Dems to nominate the absolute worst candidate they had and the Republicans to nominate the only one who could possibly win, and probably will, is the supreme irony. The fuckwits have taken over the Dem party at last, and the Schadenfreude will be schweet when their Messiah gets his ass kicking. I have a feeling Michelle won’t take losing well and will have some things to say about white people her own self, mirroring what her supporters here are saying.
You know what pisses me off? When people wear shirts with the Rebellion’s Naval Jack on it that says “If this flag offends you, you need a history lesson.”
Conservatively Liberal
Shorter jones: “Mind if I verbally masturbate?”
Nah, go right ahead. Just leave the poor goats alone. They have already been abused enough today.
When I was getting ready to move to Atlanta back in ’89, a very good friend of mine noted that “the only problem with Atlanta is that – once you leave it – you’re in Georgia”.
Boy Howdy.
Blue Raven
Hey, Jones, the “creating while looking in a mirror” trick works better for self-portraits than blog commenting. Especially since your prose wouldn’t be fit to carry Norman Rockwell’s used paintbrush cleaner.
Tom in Texas
As long as we are redrawing the maps, I’d like to propose we divide Texas. It would do wonders for the Democratic Party, as West Texas is very purple and trending blue, South Texas is largely Democratic, and Dallas can just join Oklahoma and add a few more delegates there. As an added bonus, it would at least dilute the asinine “all Texans are supercons” BS that’s been flung for years.
Texas is exactly like every other state in America. The cities trend blue while the rural areas are more conservative.
Conservatively Liberal
Improved. ;)
Reverend Spooner
Fuck you even more then, you should know better. Thought you were from Minnesota, then you could’ve at least pled ignorance instead of assholitude.
I didn’t read thru all the comments, but p.luk, why would anyone but a caucasian place the race card? It would be utterly ridiculous to think that you have to suck up to a small % of the population in order to win. I have never understood that argument. A black guy who hopes to raise racial tensions would only risk losing white and latino votes…but it doesn’t matter which of these two gets elected, in the end, all politicians succumb to money from special interest groups anyway. Glad to be a Canadian living in Asia…lol!
When can we expect HRC to condemn and reject WV voters who can’t vote “for a black”?
So, when Rev. Jeremiah Wright talks out of his tinfoil hat, it’s somehow a reflection on Obama’s fitness to be president — but when HRC’s supporters put their racism on full, bare-assed nekkid display, it’s supposed to prove she’s still a viable candidate? WTF.
FYI, no need to thank me for pointing this little historical tidbit out, thank them instead. They deserve it far more.
Tax Analyst
I doubt it, but he will probably use the donation this 58-year-old wise-ass white guy is going to send in today.
I am, however, going to make the stipulation that today’s donation is to be used ONLY for “race-pimping”.
dj spellchecka
p luk “Obama didn’t build a coalition—his “base” consists of Hillary haters (and assorted misogynists), african americans, and the “anti-establishment’ youth vote that always opposes the front runner in every presidential primary”
i voted for obama in the ohio primary and i don’t fit any of the groups you cite. fail, baby, fail!
That’s ironic because I have a t-shirt for Mike Norman’s Tavern with an Indian, a construction worker, a policeman, a sailor, some kind of mustachioed biker dude and a cowboy. And they’re all hugging and smiling!
Must be a friendly place.
Reverend Spooner
Not trying to denigrate your state, I just hate it when people denigrate mine.
Yeah, Delaware’s small. So what? So’s Vermont. So’s New Hampshire. So’s Rhode Island. Come to think of it, Maryland and West Virginia are pretty miniscule, too. Most of those states are reliably Democratic. Don’t like having 2 more Democratic Senators? Go fuck yourself. Why don’t we absorb all the states into 7? Alaska, California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, New York. Minnesota can be northern Illinois, or maybe we can give part of it to Canada. As for wherever that shitheel Hutcheson is from, we can give it back to the Atlantic Ocean for all I care.
I’m not offended, just amused. I get the crap about being from “fly-over country” all the time. The advice I offer is if someone feels the need to mock you, don’t get mad– get even.
In 1885 some hack newspaper reporter in New York made the comment that Saint Paul was, “another Siberia, unfit for human habitation in the winter.” So in 1886 local business men funded the first Saint Paul Winter Carnival, complete with an ice castle.
The hack reporter is long forgotten, but the Winter Carnival is still going strong.
Reverend Spooner
I’d imagine you guys have the same phenomenon Delawareans go through: “I can talk shit about my sister, and laugh; if you talk shit about my sister, I’ll break your nose.” In general, it’s rude to insult things other people care about; states, nations, family members, pets, religions, etc.
New York newspapers were assholes back then. My favorite quote about Democrats was from the New York Times, c. 1871. To paraphrase: “While it is true that not all Democrats are horse-thieves, it must also be conceded that all horse-thieves are Democrats.”
oh, good. and do they still build an ice castle?
in the 80s i remember driving out (to white bear lake?) to see a very neat one.