Yeah, the buttons are a bit curious — otherwise, really like it so far! There’ll always be some fine tuning to do (we’re going through a massive upgrade of software at work and kinks are still surfacing).
I can’t quite place it, but there was something about the old design that I liked better. It stood out more against the designs of most other blogs.
I like it. Very readable!
I like the basic look. But I sort of liked the comment numbers it briefly had while in transition.
Testing the image shortcut button:
Code looks right, though Photobucket is giving an “image not found error”, at least in Preview. Try submitting…
Hey neato! Love the font.
Grand Panjandrum – I’m a bit out of touch. Does anyone read Rolling Stone anymore? I want that story to get spread around, is all.
Woah, comments are a bit odd with the long buttons. It reminds of me of the buttons on my mothers telephone and remote control. Geriatric much?
Holy shit – I don’t know if all these tag options were available with the interim upgrade, but I’m now almost overwhelmed. Almost.
I like the new look, and am very happy that I haven’t had issues accessing the site since the change.
One suggestion:
Turn off bolding in blockquotes – it totally throws off the emphasis from the author of the post to the writer being quoted.
True patriots are patient with button formatting.
OK, image tags with explicit angle brackets (rather than the ampersand work-around) still seem to get eaten. Since the shortcut button just makes a standard img tag, one or the other probably should be changed.
The date icon next to the post is useful. Often I am reading and don’t know what day I’m looking at.
There’s some bad aliasing on the balloon graphic. If you email the original art to me, I’ll fix it for you (redtimmy at gmail dot com).
Maybe the archives should be in a drop down so that it doesn’t take up so much real estate.
The buttons for adding styles to your comments are a bit too big, just as wide as the text field.
Hey, this is very nice! Thanks for all the work that’s gone into this redesign and for whack-a-mole-ing the WordPress errors.
As for tomorrow night, I plan to watch it with a big bag of popcorn. Hope I don’t choke like Bushie when she says something really stupid.
You kids settle down and let her finish. She will fix the comments in time.
Christ. I will pull this damned car over right now.
t jasper parnell
Geriatric much?
Get off my lawn, ya loud mouth punk ya.
Not My Fault
Is the comment text gray? or are my eyes going?
I’d like more contrast, but other than that. … cool.
Hold your horses. Working on it.
So is that Annette posting as John? Does she get to headline now too? Can we keep her?
James Hare
Been involved with a few of these myself — nice job on the redesign and a fresher/newer look. Kind of have to agree on the buttons, but that’s the sort of thing that can be fixed pretty quickly. A very nice start, at least.
Toto, I don’t think we’re in WordPress Error anymore.
Multi-paragraph blockquote test:
With the first presidential debate completed and both candidates grappling with the turmoil on Wall Street in Washington, Senator Barack Obama is showing signs of gaining significant support among voters with less than five weeks left until Election Day, while Senator John McCain’s image has been damaged by his response to the economic meltdown.
A CBS News poll released Wednesday found that Mr. Obama’s favorability rating, at 48 percent, is the highest it has ever been in polls conducted by CBS and The New York Times. At the same time, the number of voters who hold an unfavorable view of Mr. McCain — 42 percent — is as high as it has been since CBS News and The Times began asking the question about Mr. McCain in 1999, the first time he ran for president.
Everything above this point should be in one blockquote. Preview looks OK. (text from here).
I’m surrounded by McCain/Palin signs here in my little corner of WI. It’s really depressing.
Not My Fault
I just noticed. Links that I’ve already visited are absolutely invisible in the text unless I happen to mouse over them.
Not a good thing.
Christ. I will pull this damned car over right now.
I bet…it’s a pretty damn big car. I really do like the banner, that’s what it’s called right?
OK, multi-paragraph blockquotes still don’t work right.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Yes, PUHLEEEZE make the text darker! The gray on gray is a bit harsh on the eyes (on a cheapish TN + film monitor, at least).
So is that Annette posting as John? Does she get to headline now too? Can we keep her?
Nope. Nope. You won’t have much choice since I expect I’ll be more closely monitoring this server than the other hundreds of servers we have given all the Chatty Cathies around here.
I see your designer did the site for Chris Muir’s shitty alleged comic strip, Day By Day.
Funny thing… went over there and he has a whole bunch of blank, unsold ad space. Must be the liberal media conspiracy keeping him down. Either that or he’s very unfunny.
Ash Can
Ooh. Shiny! Those buttons do go on forever, though, don’t they?
These big buttons bring to mind the classic Spinal Tap dirge. You know, the one that begins: “The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin’.”
The Other Steve
I want to see a bigger box to type my comments in.
Just stick your favorite commie honorific in front of your name. Your first post under your new name will sit in moderation forever but if The Powers That Be release it you’ll be set.
I think this was my first Close Encounter of the Darrell Kind. Do you think he’ll come back now that Annette has banished WørdPressÆrror to the outer darkness?
damn, pics and borders. life’s good.
Brian J
Is anyone watching this train wreck of an interview that McCain gave to the Des Moines Register on “Countdown”? He seems rather testy with the people giving the interview. His answers, unsurprisingly, are ridiculous.
The Moar You Know
Posting seems even snappier with this version. This is nicely done, although I can tell that in about five more years I’m going to be asking for the text to be darker. Goddamned aging process.
Joshua Norton
Could I see something in red and a nice Tahoma Sans Serif please?
tripletee (formerly tBone)
I can’t quite place it, but there was something about the old design that I liked better. It stood out more against the designs of most other blogs.
I think it was the utilitarian Soviet gulag aesthetic.
Really dig the new design – still simple, clean and functional like the old one, but a lot more stylish.
My one major nitpick: #000000 for comment text, please? The dark gray gets hard on the eyes after a while.
Not sure if it’s possible with this plugin, but a quote feature for comments would be swell too.
Question for my fellow iPhone-owning elitists: anyone having trouble with the comments entry form? I get terrible keyboard lag when trying to type a comment, and if I use the backspace key, it usually freaks out and ends up erasing the entire message. Didn’t used to do that on the old site (pre- server move and WP ugprade).
You won’t have much choice since I expect I’ll be more closely monitoring this server than the other hundreds of servers we have given all the Chatty Cathies around here.
Yay, Annette has been assimilated! Looking forward to some awesome horror stories on your new blog, btw. Hopefully some of them will star a client known only as “JC”.
Some new guy
The buttons, what’s with the buttons?!
I have not yet decided if this is change I can believe in.
ZOMG, who woulda thunk Katie Couric would be the coup for the Obama campaign that she’s turning out to be?
She’s killing McCain with this stuff. I mean, this is Katie FLIPPIN’ Couric we’re talking about here. What the hell am I missing? I guess that Obama guy is just that good. Real good.
Whoa. I go away for a few hours and this is what happens.
Joshua Norton
I installed greasefire to work with my greasemonkey program in Firefox. It tells you what scripts are available for the page your logged into. This one shows a script to block out all John’s posts. Who do dat?
McCain is sensitive about his physical appearance, especially his height. The candidate is only five-feet-nine, making him the shortest party nominee since Michael Dukakis. On the night he was elected senator in 1986, McCain exploded after discovering that the stage setup for his victory speech was too low; television viewers saw his head bobbing at the bottom of the screen, his chin frequently cropped from view. Enraged, McCain tracked down the young Republican who had set up the podium, prodding the volunteer in the chest while screaming that he was an “incompetent little shit.” Jon Hinz, the director of the Arizona GOP, separated the senator from the young man, promising to get him a milk crate to stand on for his next public appearance.
A definite must read. A laugh a second.
most importantly the “o” in John has finally been filled in with the background color. hurray.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Looks like the bolded boxquotes aren’t intentional – the opening [p] tag is getting misplaced before the bquote tag if a boxquote is the first thing in the comment.
The Moar You Know
I can tell that in about five more years I’m going to be asking for the text to be darker.
Ask and thou shalt receive and all that. Damn. I am seriously impressed with the service around here.
oooohhhh.. new design. I can smell the newness! How *exciting*!!!
Great job, Annette! Glad you’ll be hanging out with the rest of us snarks.
The real question: What the holy hell are you still doing with Pajamas Media?
Kim Jong Ted
You kids settle down and let her finish. She will fix the comments in time.
Why won’t she work for Red State!!?
Why won’t the competent web designers work for big conservative blogs, dammit!! That’s why Red State’s design is shitty!
Oh, and while I love the new graphic posting capability, I predict it’ll be gone by tomorrow.
You are just too darn cute John Cole..!
tripletee (formerly tBone)
This one shows a script to block out all John’s posts. Who do dat?
I think that was I Am John Galt, and it wasn’t originally intended for John’s posts.
maybe full-width comment box and 1/4-width buttons?
this little tiny comment box feels too puny to hold the amount of snark i have to share with the world.
most importantly the “o” in John has finally been filled in with the background color. hurray.
Agreed. That was driving me insane. Anyone who’s done design goes bonkers over stupid things like that.
The Moar You Know
Good lord, if we get avatars I may pee my pants with joy.
Okay. I know people were giving handy hints on how to work the code in previous threads, but it was interspersed with other comments and I didn’t follow and I don’t know where the handy hints are now and I want to know how to post images cuz I just tried and it didn’t work so could we please have a little permanent instruction link off to the side on how to work the code for compleat idiots or something?
Annette? Somebody? Please?
John S.
The flourishes around “Consistently wrong since 2002” are a bit much (not a bad idea, just not the best execution), but overall very nice.
Oh, and holy shit, man, send me that balloon graphic so I can do a proper clipping path on it!
Maybe we’ll get posting points and you can reach up the echelon of great democratic leaders, like on powerlines’ forums.
I am of course, mocking powerline, and begging that this not be an option.
The natural highest democratic leader would be Barbara Boxer right?
John, your state is starting to really stand out on Nate’s map. All that blue with this odd blob of red. You gonna let VA and OH get all the glory?
Me likey the Palin article in the Rolling Stone:
The truly disgusting thing about Sarah Palin isn’t that she’s totally unqualified, or a religious zealot, or married to a secessionist, or unable to educate her own daughter about sex, or a fake conservative who raised taxes and horked up earmark millions every chance she got. No, the most disgusting thing about her is what she says about us: that you can ram us in the ass for eight solid years, and we’ll not only thank you for your trouble, we’ll sign you up for eight more years, if only you promise to stroke us in the right spot for a few hours around election time.
It’s looking good, no doubt. John Cole should have a fantasmexcellent blog just in time for the end of the world. Good times!
Rick Taylor
Whoo! First impression; I like it. Except the buttons and the text used in composing a message are both waaaay too big.
The buttons aren’t too big.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Good lord, if we get avatars I may pee my pants with joy.
I vote “no” on avatars. Useless clutter IMO.
Annette says:
Nope. Nope. You won’t have much choice since I expect I’ll be more closely monitoring this server than the other hundreds of servers we have given all the Chatty Cathies around here.
You’ll come for the WordPress Error, but you’ll stay for the pedantic snark.
but when they were each the same width as the text box, they were.
Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh – pretty!
Love the new format. I leave the house for thirty minutes and come back to the new site!
Annette – you did good.
On the night he was elected senator in 1986, McCain exploded after discovering that the stage setup for his victory speech was too low; television viewers saw his head bobbing at the bottom of the screen, his chin frequently cropped from view. Enraged, McCain tracked down the young Republican who had set up the podium, prodding the volunteer in the chest while screaming that he was an “incompetent little shit.”
McCain has some great antecedents here. Did you know that Stalin once had a photographer shot for making him seem short? But of course Stalin was never a POW.
Ohhh, whydya go and deflate those adorable buttons?
Can I microwave popcorn with the new site? Cause that would be cool. And almost as useful as Sarah Palin.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
But does it have a Large Hadron Collider?
The October Surprise is going to be Rove firing that puppy back up in the hopes that the resultant black hole will prevent Democrats from getting to the polls.
Since we’re on geek talk… New webkit inspector in the nightly builds of Safari. Javascript debugger and profiler, resource profiler, temporarily disable individual style properties, lots of goodies. Might finally get to ditch Firebug.
Help! My scroll finger is going to need physical therapy! Less blank space/lines in each comment would look better and reduce scrolling.
But, great improvement! I likey….
<span style=”float:left;”>imma chargin mah lazer</span>
b. hussein canuckistani (comrade)
No to avatars, yes to comment numbers, if anyone wants our feedback.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
(UL is short for “Unordered List.” U is underline.)
The October Surprise is going to be Rove firing that puppy back up in the hopes that the resultant black hole will prevent Democrats from getting to the polls serve as a better, less creepy and far more intelligent Vice Presidential candidate than the Blood Countess from Alaska.
And the award for the most sarcastic addition of numbers to a blog’s comment section goes to…
Polish the Guillotines
But they’re violating the comment’s airspace.
ZOMG, the numbers are growing!
Holy mackerel, those post numbers are HUUUUGE!!
IMO – lose the “recent comments” thing, move the blogroll back over to the top left if possible, and sub the recent post links for the categories links.
But… the post numbers once they reach triple digits – and that definitely happens ’round these parts start leaching over into the comment space (at least here – FF3.03).
Other than that, it really does look quite lovely.
Evidently I must have missed the whole giant button thing because they look fine from my vantage point.
And… boom. The comment numbers have been fixed.
That’s actually even more impressive! I rock!
Well, not really.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
Obama up 9 points in new Pravda poll (NYT’s)
I love this new format
Comrade Peter J
Obama up 9 points in new Pravda poll (NYT’s)
Actually it’s just a CBS News Poll. But still 9 points :D
Christ. I will pull this damned car over right now.
Now where have I heard that before?
Polish the Guillotines
I love this new format
Most definitely. Stylish, yet neither piggy nor lipsticky.
OK, so Annette didn’t do the design, so I thank the nameless person for the new design.
I expect someone to come up with a drinking game tomorrow. At the very least, when to sniff from our bowls. :-)
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Holy shit? Peggy Noonan actually appeared sane on the Daily Show! I’m guessing that that’s mostly because Jon did 95% of the talking in the interview, but still.
<span onMouseOver=”hi = false;meh=function(){if(!hi){hi=true;h=document.getElementById(‘foo’).innerHTML;str=h;l=h.length;s=”;document.getElementById(‘foo’).innerHTML=”;for(var i=0;i<l;++i) {s+=”+h.substring(i,1)+”;sp=document.createElement(‘span’);document.getElementById(‘foo’).appendChild(sp);sp.innerHTML=str.substr(i,1);};sps=document.getElementById(‘foo’).getElementsByTagName(‘span’);setInterval(update,100);}};update=function(){for(var i = 0; i < sps.length; ++i) {ra=ra+rs;ga=ga+gs;ba=ba+bs;r=Math.floor(128+Math.cos(ra)*127);g=Math.floor(128+Math.cos(ga)*127);b=Math.floor(128+Math.cos(ba)*127);sps[i].style.color=’rgb(‘+r+’,’+g+’,’+b+’)’;}};r=Math.random;pi=Math.PI;ra=r()*pi*2;ga=r()*pi*2;ba=r()*pi*2;rs=r()*.1-.05;gs=r()*.1-.05;bs=r()*.1-.05;meh();” id=”foo”>So what does it take to get a party started?</span>
I’m not sure if the recent comment section on the sidebar is useful.
Polish the Guillotines
Evidently I must have missed the whole giant button thing because they look fine from my vantage point.
It was part of the initial Shock & Awe portion of the redesign. From the looks of things, I’d say we’re into the Surge and well on the way to victory with honor.
OK, so Annette didn’t do the design, so I thank the nameless person for the new design.
I expect someone to come up with a drinking game tomorrow. At the very least, when to sniff from our bowls. :-)
Nameless?? *sulk*
So what does it take to get a party started?
Around my place? A bottle of tequilla.
Comrade The Other Steve
Polish the Guillotines
Holy shit? Peggy Noonan actually appeared sane on the Daily Show! I’m guessing that that’s mostly because Jon did 95% of the talking in the interview, but still.
I think ever since the “hot mic” incident she’s pretty much at liberty to be rational.
Very nice. Clean. Readable. Quick to load. Glad to see you weren’t spending that $800 on hookers and blow…for once.
Thank you, Stacy! :)
It was part of the initial Shock & Awe portion of the redesign. From the looks of things, I’d say we’re into the Surge and well on the way to victory with honor.
Within 3 months, 6 at the most, Stacy will have turned the corner in the battle against comments section insurgents.
Wow, block quote didn’t work like it did in previews. Now I feel like a stupid lurker. ;-)
Sans-serif? Noooo!
Within 3 months, 6 at the most, Stacy will have turned the corner in the battle against comments section insurgents.
Hahaha, PC gets the PoTD.
This one shows a script to block out all John’s posts. Who do dat?
It was me, based on a challenge from Michael D. I’m a little ashamed of it now.
Scott H
In comparison to the redesign, I’m pretty sure Balloon Juice version 1.0 will resemble my first Geocities home page – so, I am not even looking back. Pillar of salt, and all that.
A la lanterne les aristos
Ooooh… everything looks lovely now. The site is very nearly perfect.
Now if you could do something about the comments… y’know… uh… content-wise…
Thank you, Stacy! :)
What cain said. Mega cudos to you!
PC made a recursive script that blows the site away. Might want to ensure no JS gets parsed.
PC made a recursive script that blows the site away. Might want to ensure no JS gets parsed.
(it was supposed to make some pretty colors happen, but, feh. And it was on a timer.)
Why won’t the competent web designers work for big conservative
blogs, dammit!! That’s why Red State’s design is shitty!
You know, just to clarify that story… I’m a pretty
liberal person, an I’m a core developer for the software they were
running before their new redesign. I’ve helped build sites like, MTVUK’s web site, all of the artist web sites for
SonyBMG… I offered to help them with whatever problems they were
running into. I’d hate for them to think the Open Source world is
inhospitable. They said thanks, but no thank. Turns out, the real
story is that they had found volunteers — but the lead volunteer
had his own blog engine of choice and refused to work with their
existing one. Every time I hear the story again, I laugh…
Hmmmmm. Something funky happened with that blockquote. Whoops!
Great redesign, though — ironing out the kinks is never fun, but
the look of the site is really smooth. Nice work!
Comments are closed.
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The Grand Panjandrum
I fucking knew it! Jesus. Thanks for the warning. I thought all that brown acid was catching up to me.
BTW read this over at Rolling Stone. Looks like the October Surprise just nailed Johnny Drama.
The Make Believe Maverick. I love it.
Well, that’s …different.
Looks pretty good, except that all of the shortcut buttons are much too wide, so there are about 10 rows of them.
Ned R.
Yeah, the buttons are a bit curious — otherwise, really like it so far! There’ll always be some fine tuning to do (we’re going through a massive upgrade of software at work and kinks are still surfacing).
Dang, those are some big ass buttons.
Long buttons are looooooonnnnnnngg.
The Commissar had to move due to hackers and spam…
He deserves the traffic. :)
Designer says the buttons are on the List.
Comrade donovong
holy shit. where am I?
Kim Jong Ted
I can’t quite place it, but there was something about the old design that I liked better. It stood out more against the designs of most other blogs.
I like it. Very readable!
I like the basic look. But I sort of liked the comment numbers it briefly had while in transition.
Testing the image shortcut button:
Code looks right, though Photobucket is giving an “image not found error”, at least in Preview. Try submitting…
Hey neato! Love the font.
Grand Panjandrum – I’m a bit out of touch. Does anyone read Rolling Stone anymore? I want that story to get spread around, is all.
Woah, comments are a bit odd with the long buttons. It reminds of me of the buttons on my mothers telephone and remote control. Geriatric much?
Holy shit – I don’t know if all these tag options were available with the interim upgrade, but I’m now almost overwhelmed. Almost.
I like the new look, and am very happy that I haven’t had issues accessing the site since the change.
One suggestion:
True patriots are patient with button formatting.
OK, image tags with explicit angle brackets (rather than the ampersand work-around) still seem to get eaten. Since the shortcut button just makes a standard img tag, one or the other probably should be changed.
Tim in SF
I like the blue. Nice. Soft, yet still masculine.
The date icon next to the post is useful. Often I am reading and don’t know what day I’m looking at.
There’s some bad aliasing on the balloon graphic. If you email the original art to me, I’ll fix it for you (redtimmy at gmail dot com).
Maybe the archives should be in a drop down so that it doesn’t take up so much real estate.
The buttons for adding styles to your comments are a bit too big, just as wide as the text field.
Hey, this is very nice! Thanks for all the work that’s gone into this redesign and for whack-a-mole-ing the WordPress errors.
As for tomorrow night, I plan to watch it with a big bag of popcorn. Hope I don’t choke like Bushie when she says something really stupid.
John Cole
You kids settle down and let her finish. She will fix the comments in time.
Christ. I will pull this damned car over right now.
t jasper parnell
Get off my lawn, ya loud mouth punk ya.
Not My Fault
Is the comment text gray? or are my eyes going?
I’d like more contrast, but other than that. … cool.
So is that Annette posting as John? Does she get to headline now too? Can we keep her?
James Hare
Been involved with a few of these myself — nice job on the redesign and a fresher/newer look. Kind of have to agree on the buttons, but that’s the sort of thing that can be fixed pretty quickly. A very nice start, at least.
I’m impressed!
let’s test blockquote
kommrade jakevich
Toto, I don’t think we’re in WordPress Error anymore.
Multi-paragraph blockquote test:
Everything above this point should be in one blockquote. Preview looks OK. (text from here).
I’m surrounded by McCain/Palin signs here in my little corner of WI. It’s really depressing.
Not My Fault
I just noticed. Links that I’ve already visited are absolutely invisible in the text unless I happen to mouse over them.
Not a good thing.
I bet…it’s a pretty damn big car. I really do like the banner, that’s what it’s called right?
OK, multi-paragraph blockquotes still don’t work right.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Yes, PUHLEEEZE make the text darker! The gray on gray is a bit harsh on the eyes (on a cheapish TN + film monitor, at least).
Nope. Nope. You won’t have much choice since I expect I’ll be more closely monitoring this server than the other hundreds of servers we have given all the Chatty Cathies around here.
I see your designer did the site for Chris Muir’s shitty alleged comic strip, Day By Day.
Funny thing… went over there and he has a whole bunch of blank, unsold ad space. Must be the liberal media conspiracy keeping him down. Either that or he’s very unfunny.
Ash Can
Ooh. Shiny! Those buttons do go on forever, though, don’t they?
These big buttons bring to mind the classic Spinal Tap dirge. You know, the one that begins: “The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin’.”
The Other Steve
I want to see a bigger box to type my comments in.
Otherwise, I think you’re on the right track.
Wow, the site looks perky!
kommrade jakevich
“Consistently Wrong.” Heh. Who do you think you are, Cornfederate Wankee?
Really, this looks great. And those of us with [ahem] vision issues appreciate the larger font.
Hold down the ctrl and press the “+” button.
(that works everywhere by the way)
How did you all get your commie names?
I want one! *jumps up and down*
Black text please! Not gray. Other than that, I like it.
The Other Steve
Oh yeah, and fix all of these issues:
Comrade The Other Steve
Not validating your HTML is just like voting for Hitler.
Any chance of getting numbered comments?
I want a pony.
Looks beautiful. Well done.
kommrade jakevich
Let’s take a little walk down memory lane.
Hey look, I can make the numbers show up. Please fix this first by the way.
oh sweet, fail. Is it fixed?
kommrade jakevich
Just stick your favorite commie honorific in front of your name. Your first post under your new name will sit in moderation forever but if The Powers That Be release it you’ll be set.
Capelza Gradenko
Does this work?
Looking good so far. Good job on the switchover.
<img src=””/>
I don’t think switching back to a prior name is a problem. Lesseehere…
i do like the look. but…
please, darker text and smaller buttons. and smaller text.
categories & archives by month! woot! :>
no, I just did it wrong. Please fix.
Nice design! The 61-year-old eyes of this graphic designer likee very much.
Comrade Darkness
Whoa, the king of kiosks made the formating buttons. Cool.
A refreshing change. Thanks for your hard work, John.
One more shot for posterity.
The Moar You Know
Oh my God, it’s full of stars…
Г-жа demimondian
I like the new design a lot. Much more readable.
(logs onto site)……they warned me not to take the brown acid……
Rick James
That’s me, bitch!
I need to get an auto-populater for my contact info, I’m lazy.
Comrade Darkness
Your mother was a hampster
who lived in New Hampsher
Your father smelt of blackberries
all smeared with elderberries
Hm, the closing LI is awkward. Not that it comes up much.
The Moar You Know
<img src=””>
Gah, the text is too big! My boss will be able to read this from the stairwell! Other than that, huge elitist thumbs up.
The Moar You Know
Well, the ampersand trick still works.
kommrade jakevich
I think this was my first Close Encounter of the Darrell Kind. Do you think he’ll come back now that Annette has banished WørdPressÆrror to the outer darkness?
damn, pics and borders. life’s good.
Brian J
Is anyone watching this train wreck of an interview that McCain gave to the Des Moines Register on “Countdown”? He seems rather testy with the people giving the interview. His answers, unsurprisingly, are ridiculous.
The Moar You Know
Posting seems even snappier with this version. This is nicely done, although I can tell that in about five more years I’m going to be asking for the text to be darker. Goddamned aging process.
Joshua Norton
Could I see something in red and a nice Tahoma Sans Serif please?
tripletee (formerly tBone)
I think it was the utilitarian Soviet gulag aesthetic.
Really dig the new design – still simple, clean and functional like the old one, but a lot more stylish.
My one major nitpick: #000000 for comment text, please? The dark gray gets hard on the eyes after a while.
Not sure if it’s possible with this plugin, but a quote feature for comments would be swell too.
Question for my fellow iPhone-owning elitists: anyone having trouble with the comments entry form? I get terrible keyboard lag when trying to type a comment, and if I use the backspace key, it usually freaks out and ends up erasing the entire message. Didn’t used to do that on the old site (pre- server move and WP ugprade).
Yay, Annette has been assimilated! Looking forward to some awesome horror stories on your new blog, btw. Hopefully some of them will star a client known only as “JC”.
Some new guy
The buttons, what’s with the buttons?!
I have not yet decided if this is change I can believe in.
ZOMG, who woulda thunk Katie Couric would be the coup for the Obama campaign that she’s turning out to be?
She’s killing McCain with this stuff. I mean, this is Katie FLIPPIN’ Couric we’re talking about here. What the hell am I missing? I guess that Obama guy is just that good. Real good.
I am displeased
Whoa. I go away for a few hours and this is what happens.
Joshua Norton
I installed greasefire to work with my greasemonkey program in Firefox. It tells you what scripts are available for the page your logged into. This one shows a script to block out all John’s posts. Who do dat?
The Grand Panjandrum
From the Rolling Stone piece I linked to above:
A definite must read. A laugh a second.
most importantly the “o” in John has finally been filled in with the background color. hurray.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Looks like the bolded boxquotes aren’t intentional – the opening [p] tag is getting misplaced before the bquote tag if a boxquote is the first thing in the comment.
The Moar You Know
Ask and thou shalt receive and all that. Damn. I am seriously impressed with the service around here.
oooohhhh.. new design. I can smell the newness! How *exciting*!!!
Great job, Annette! Glad you’ll be hanging out with the rest of us snarks.
The real question: What the holy hell are you still doing with Pajamas Media?
Kim Jong Ted
Why won’t she work for Red State!!?
Why won’t the competent web designers work for big conservative blogs, dammit!! That’s why Red State’s design is shitty!
Oh, and while I love the new graphic posting capability, I predict it’ll be gone by tomorrow.
You are just too darn cute John Cole..!
tripletee (formerly tBone)
I think that was I Am John Galt, and it wasn’t originally intended for John’s posts.
Woo! Categories, Archives, and… fun stuff. Whoops, better not touch anything.
The Moar You Know
John: better replace your email address with a linked .jpg of said address, stat, or you’re going to get a tidal wave of spam.
maybe full-width comment box and 1/4-width buttons?
this little tiny comment box feels too puny to hold the amount of snark i have to share with the world.
Agreed. That was driving me insane. Anyone who’s done design goes bonkers over stupid things like that.
The Moar You Know
Good lord, if we get avatars I may pee my pants with joy.
Okay. I know people were giving handy hints on how to work the code in previous threads, but it was interspersed with other comments and I didn’t follow and I don’t know where the handy hints are now and I want to know how to post images cuz I just tried and it didn’t work so could we please have a little permanent instruction link off to the side on how to work the code for compleat idiots or something?
Annette? Somebody? Please?
John S.
The flourishes around “Consistently wrong since 2002” are a bit much (not a bad idea, just not the best execution), but overall very nice.
Oh, and holy shit, man, send me that balloon graphic so I can do a proper clipping path on it!
Maybe we’ll get posting points and you can reach up the echelon of great democratic leaders, like on powerlines’ forums.
I am of course, mocking powerline, and begging that this not be an option.
The natural highest democratic leader would be Barbara Boxer right?
John, your state is starting to really stand out on Nate’s map. All that blue with this odd blob of red. You gonna let VA and OH get all the glory?
Me likey the Palin article in the Rolling Stone:
It’s looking good, no doubt. John Cole should have a fantasmexcellent blog just in time for the end of the world. Good times!
Rick Taylor
Whoo! First impression; I like it. Except the buttons and the text used in composing a message are both waaaay too big.
The buttons aren’t too big.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
I vote “no” on avatars. Useless clutter IMO.
Annette says:
You’ll come for the WordPress Error, but you’ll stay for the pedantic snark.
no, not any more.
but when they were each the same width as the text box, they were.
Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh – pretty!
Love the new format. I leave the house for thirty minutes and come back to the new site!
Annette – you did good.
McCain has some great antecedents here. Did you know that Stalin once had a photographer shot for making him seem short? But of course Stalin was never a POW.
Ohhh, whydya go and deflate those adorable buttons?
I’m digging the redesign. Not that my opinion matters. But forgoing the Soviet-era modeling and breaking out some color was a nice touch.
and more strain on the server!
why ask it to spend 20K serving a picture when it can give us 50 comments for the same workload ?
Now it says “I am Spartacus” on the screen no matter where I scroll. Nice touch.
Please to bring back comment numbers?
I am holdin mah ponies.
Well, bugger. They blocked that feature. Taking away all the good toys :(
comrade jack fate
Not bad. Loaded before I even clicked on it.
t jasper parnell
He was exiled to Siberia where he chased tail. Coincidence? I think not.
Yeah, the numbers on the posts were a good idea.
Seconded for numbered comments.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Avatars, no likey.
Comrade Scrutinizer
nother vote for comment numbers
Kim Jong Ted
“I am Spartacus” follows me down the thread as I scroll, staying just under the top of the visible page. Weird. (FF 3.0, fwiw)
Г-жа demimondian
Jeebus, Jake — warn us before you let Darrellness loose in here, man.
Dulcie @ 111
Not me. I’m a network monkey, not a design monkey. I’m just here for the systems administration (and the test load times).
tripletee (formerly tBone)
If all 50 comments are by Paul L, though, a Duke lacrosse picture would be more succinct and less annoying.
The new server came with a flux capacitor.
Mike H.
I dig it.
Conservatively Liberal
The new BJ format washed my windows and fixed my cat, and the cat wasn’t even broken!
The Grand Panjandrum
I am Spartacus.
kommrade jakevich
You’re really going to let this rabble of miscreants, deviants and maniacs post avatars.
Better slap a Double Plus NSfW rating on this bad boy and just … walk away.
-kommrade j.
p.s. I like this comment box layout.
Polish the Guillotines
Whew. Moving in the right direction.
Agree with:
No bold in blockquotes (or at least reduce the font size).
Please bring back the numbers. Very helpful.
No thank you to avatars.
Polish the Guillotines
And stop the preview from lying to me!
Ed Drone
And the site owner is named “John.” Does this mean anything?
Ed Drone
Hmmm… Strikeout doesn’t seem to work so well, does it?
Oh yay. Boxes back. I am not geeky enough to be quick on the uptake with the new features yet. Little by little I guess.
kommrade jakevich
But does it have a Large Hadron Collider?
Stuck in the Fun House
Wonderful big, really big comment box. Annette working her magic. I have no, none, nada complaints about the new site. It’s terrific!!!
John Cole
John Cole
John Cole
blah blah
Can I microwave popcorn with the new site? Cause that would be cool. And almost as useful as Sarah Palin.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
The October Surprise is going to be Rove firing that puppy back up in the hopes that the resultant black hole will prevent Democrats from getting to the polls.
kommrade jakevich
Psst! Demi:
“In other words, the left is dishonest as hell.”
Since we’re on geek talk… New webkit inspector in the nightly builds of Safari. Javascript debugger and profiler, resource profiler, temporarily disable individual style properties, lots of goodies. Might finally get to ditch Firebug.
Help! My scroll finger is going to need physical therapy! Less blank space/lines in each comment would look better and reduce scrolling.
But, great improvement! I likey….
<span style=”float:left;”>imma chargin mah lazer</span>
b. hussein canuckistani (comrade)
No to avatars, yes to comment numbers, if anyone wants our feedback.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
(UL is short for “Unordered List.” U is underline.)
kommrade jakevich
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Fuck you, lying preview!
John Cole
Simultaneously my Ubuntu desktop just redesigned itself, while running. Now that’s unsettling.
Scott H
Yayness for comment numbering (particularly in place of avatars).
OMG! OMG! I just learned a new internet tradition!!
Г-жа demimondian
Running away with my fingers in my ears.
Comrade Peter J
Vote NO on Avatars.
Vote NO on Images.
Vote YES on Comment Numbers.
Vote YES on the New Design.
Polish the Guillotines
The numbers are back! Hellz yea, boyee!
Dennis - SGMM
I like it. Clean and easy on the eye.
kommrade jakevich
And the award for the most sarcastic addition of numbers to a blog’s comment section goes to…
Polish the Guillotines
But they’re violating the comment’s airspace.
ZOMG, the numbers are growing!
Holy mackerel, those post numbers are HUUUUGE!!
IMO – lose the “recent comments” thing, move the blogroll back over to the top left if possible, and sub the recent post links for the categories links.
Um, please.
Dennis - SGMM
Like Putin looming over Alaska.
Wait, wait, it gets better!
As one web weenie to another, John, nice stuff. Your designer did a fine job. The new server is something of a delight as well.
Now, back to your regular programming of snark and weisenheimers.
numbers are all jacked up, at least on mah lappy
Polish the Guillotines
Man, this is awesome! Every refresh brings a new surprise. It’s like eating Neapolitan ice cream with a blind-fold on.
Dennis - SGMM
Funniest fucking thing I’ve seen all year. Thank you!
kommrade jakevich
I like alot. Very nice.
But… the post numbers once they reach triple digits – and that definitely happens ’round these parts start leaching over into the comment space (at least here – FF3.03).
Other than that, it really does look quite lovely.
Evidently I must have missed the whole giant button thing because they look fine from my vantage point.
And… boom. The comment numbers have been fixed.
That’s actually even more impressive! I rock!
Well, not really.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
Obama up 9 points in new Pravda poll (NYT’s)
I love this new format
Comrade Peter J
Actually it’s just a CBS News Poll. But still 9 points :D
Juan del Llano
Now where have I heard that before?
Polish the Guillotines
Most definitely. Stylish, yet neither piggy nor lipsticky.
OK, so Annette didn’t do the design, so I thank the nameless person for the new design.
I expect someone to come up with a drinking game tomorrow. At the very least, when to sniff from our bowls. :-)
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Holy shit? Peggy Noonan actually appeared sane on the Daily Show! I’m guessing that that’s mostly because Jon did 95% of the talking in the interview, but still.
<span onMouseOver=”hi = false;meh=function(){if(!hi){hi=true;h=document.getElementById(‘foo’).innerHTML;str=h;l=h.length;s=”;document.getElementById(‘foo’).innerHTML=”;for(var i=0;i<l;++i) {s+=”+h.substring(i,1)+”;sp=document.createElement(‘span’);document.getElementById(‘foo’).appendChild(sp);sp.innerHTML=str.substr(i,1);};sps=document.getElementById(‘foo’).getElementsByTagName(‘span’);setInterval(update,100);}};update=function(){for(var i = 0; i < sps.length; ++i) {ra=ra+rs;ga=ga+gs;ba=ba+bs;r=Math.floor(128+Math.cos(ra)*127);g=Math.floor(128+Math.cos(ga)*127);b=Math.floor(128+Math.cos(ba)*127);sps[i].style.color=’rgb(‘+r+’,’+g+’,’+b+’)’;}};r=Math.random;pi=Math.PI;ra=r()*pi*2;ga=r()*pi*2;ba=r()*pi*2;rs=r()*.1-.05;gs=r()*.1-.05;bs=r()*.1-.05;meh();” id=”foo”>So what does it take to get a party started?</span>
I’m not sure if the recent comment section on the sidebar is useful.
Polish the Guillotines
It was part of the initial Shock & Awe portion of the redesign. From the looks of things, I’d say we’re into the Surge and well on the way to victory with honor.
Nameless?? *sulk*
Around my place? A bottle of tequilla.
Comrade The Other Steve
Polish the Guillotines
I think ever since the “hot mic” incident she’s pretty much at liberty to be rational.
Rockin’! I will now release my ponies.
Thank you, Stacy! :-)
Wow. Great freaking job you guys.
Bad Horse's Filly
Posted this in another thread, seems more appropriate here.
And so speedy!!!
Very nice. Clean. Readable. Quick to load. Glad to see you weren’t spending that $800 on hookers and blow…for once.
Thank you, Stacy! :)
Within 3 months, 6 at the most, Stacy will have turned the corner in the battle against comments section insurgents.
Balloon Juice version 1.0.
Bad Horse's Filly
Wow, block quote didn’t work like it did in previews. Now I feel like a stupid lurker. ;-)
Sans-serif? Noooo!
Hahaha, PC gets the PoTD.
It was me, based on a challenge from Michael D. I’m a little ashamed of it now.
Scott H
In comparison to the redesign, I’m pretty sure Balloon Juice version 1.0 will resemble my first Geocities home page – so, I am not even looking back. Pillar of salt, and all that.
A la lanterne les aristos
Ooooh… everything looks lovely now. The site is very nearly perfect.
Now if you could do something about the comments… y’know… uh… content-wise…
What cain said. Mega cudos to you!
PC made a recursive script that blows the site away. Might want to ensure no JS gets parsed.
(it was supposed to make some pretty colors happen, but, feh. And it was on a timer.)
Jeff Eaton
You know, just to clarify that story… I’m a pretty
liberal person, an I’m a core developer for the software they were
running before their new redesign. I’ve helped build sites like, MTVUK’s web site, all of the artist web sites for
SonyBMG… I offered to help them with whatever problems they were
running into. I’d hate for them to think the Open Source world is
inhospitable. They said thanks, but no thank. Turns out, the real
story is that they had found volunteers — but the lead volunteer
had his own blog engine of choice and refused to work with their
existing one. Every time I hear the story again, I laugh…
Jeff Eaton
Hmmmmm. Something funky happened with that blockquote. Whoops!
Great redesign, though — ironing out the kinks is never fun, but
the look of the site is really smooth. Nice work!