“Yes, we are so stupid we believe anything we see on the internet.”
Sorry, folks, the “whitey” rant is all a hoax. However, I bet if you check with some more reputable sources, you can find the real truth about Obama’s gay affair with Larry Sinclair. Plus, I once heard a rumor Obama was a space alien. And before anyone gets too worked up, Johnny Cash didn’t actually kill a man in Reno just to watch him die.
I am sure it is just a coincidence that all these morons are McCain voters.
Michael Demmons
…and don’t forget he has black babies.
On the other hand, here are things Sarah really HAS said:
Comrade Stuck
Now THAT is a shocking development! Well, maybe not so much, but it is an entertaining one.
Everything you see on the Internet is not true?
Eric U.
yeah, and the assholes at the National enquirer have picked up the story about Obama possibly being molested, headlined as "Obama Sex Perv Scandal"
It’s criminal what these people do.
I just love that they’re trying to defend the honor of the most holy St. Jerome Corsi of Makinshitup.
Obama is an outer space alien? Is that a promise or a threat?
Comrade The Moar You Know
You lying bastard. I suppose next you’ll be denying that there is a Santa Claus.
Who you callin a moron?
Hell, I’ll bet these MORONS even supported the invasion of Iraq. I mean-no one but a Moron would have done that-right?
Comrade EdTheRed
He did, however, fall into a burning ring of fire…and he was, in fact, the Man in Black.
John Cole
@Who you callin a moron?: Ouch.
Just Some Fuckhead
Are you calling my Johnny Cash Greatest Hits 3-CD collection a liar?? Because it sure sounds that way.
That’s right. Everything you see on the Internet is not true.
OK. It’s a fucking blog. It’s a fucking free WordPress blog without its own domain name. No one has ever heard of the organization before, and the stone-fucking idiots who are all that remain of the Republican Party jump into a frenzied circle jerk. I’m thinking about starting another blog…
Bubblegum Tate
"…and coming up next on Hannity & Colmes, shocking new developments in the case of Vince Foster. Was Barack Hussein Obama his murderer? We’ll have that story for ya when we come back."
Comrade Tax Analyst
To quote that sad old lady at the McCain rally after Johnny McDrama regretfully informed her that Obama "was not an Arab, but a decent man I have policy disagreements with", "No????"
Shit, I’ll bet Cash wasn’t really named, "Sue" either.
Ash Can
The link to Jake Tapper’s piece in that sentence leads to some pretty good comedy, not the least of which is Tapper counting down at the end of his article to what he figures is inevitable batshittery in the comments. And sure enough, right on his cue, the monkey feces flies in every direction. A few good chuckles, to be sure, but now I have to step away from the computer for a while and wash my hair and change my shirt.
@Thomas: Wow. It looks totally legit.
Of course, they believe it. McCain supporters are morons by definition if they believe his b.s.
b. hussein canuckistani (comrade)
I was gonna check it out, but I figured "Why get rickrolled again?"
So John Wayne wasn’t really a Green Beret? He didn’t lead the 101st Airborne into Normandy? He wasn’t the guy who led 3rd Marine Division in the assault on Iwo Jima? Really?
If you don’t believe it that he has created a mythology of his heroism and leadership abilities, read the cover story, Make Believe Maverick, from Rolling Stone.
jake 4 that 1
@ThymeZone: Hot Girls aren’t waiting for you to call. So sorry.
Perry Como
McCain is bringing up Ayers in the debate tonight. I’ve always wondered what it looks like to see a 72 year old man get bitch slapped on live tv.
@jake 4 that 1:
OTOH, "Marcia Brady" really did trade sex for drugs.
Dennis - SGMM
Next you’ll be telling us that his name isn’t "Sue."
Comrade The Moar You Know
And so it ends, as America once again utters a collective "who is he talking about?".
I am horrified at the utter ineptitude of McCain’s campaign and really gotta wonder who is calling the shots over there – playing to the base isn’t going to help his sagging numbers, and Ayers/Rezko/Wright isn’t getting any traction with the independents at all. Seemingly the opposite. I guess McCain can’t talk about the issues because he loses on those, but since that’s the case he might as well save a bit of cash and just concede tonight.
And what is the evidence that the story is bogus? API stands by its story and says it will release the audiotape.
The real blockbuster in this story is that Sotero adopted Obama in Indonesia. Since Obama’s mother was underage (according to US law), this would mean Obama thereupon lost his US citizenship (assuming he had it in the first place). This would be a constitutional disqualification of his candidacy.
I cant fucking believe that, for the first time in almost 4 years, I decided to fund my Ameritrade acct. and buy some stocks today. This morning, natch. Only to watch the thing go -500 in 2 hours.
Seriously, remember when a -500 drop would garner headlines on CNN like "HOLY FUCKING SHITTERBALLS! DOW DOWN 500, BITCHES!"
Now, not even a mention on CNN. Just nuts.
…and the wingnuts will get even worse after the election.
Thousands? Clock?
Blockbuster? Dude, you really need to check your meds. Or run with that, go ahead, knock yourself out. But don’t forget, McCain was born in PANAMA.
"Shorter entire right-wing" indeed.
Dennis - SGMM
Not only do the wingers believe everything that they read on the internet, they have taken to weaving these disparate bits of spittle-flecked nonsense into tapestries of stupidity. It was the same back in the day when they convinced each other that Black Helicopters dispatched by the UN World Government were coming after them because they were such a threat.
Perry Como
guise, I have found this completely reliable site that has some shocking information about Obama: Obama Is A Gay Muslim That Eats Babies.
Kevin K.
The comments at Tapper’s place are comedy gold. The anti-Obama tin-foil-asshats are ferociously jockeying for position after Tapper mocked the inevitability of their "insane comments" at the end of his post:
Too late.
Good point. We haven’t seen a shred of evidence that this story is bogus. I hope the Maverick finally takes the gloves off and mentions this article at least 15 times in the debate tonight. It’ll be the game-changer he needs.
Oh – that’s a good one! Reading the wingnut fringe constitutional discussions for the next eight years is going to be fun. I was getting bored with the "income tax is unconstitutional" posts – time for some new lunacy.
Colonel Danite
I just hope that McCain and his campaign take the advice of the Nutters and go on the attack tonight. He should mention Ayers and Wright and Odinga and anyone else they can come up with. Obama will be able to compare his substantive campaign to the fear-mongering of his opponent.
I think it’s hilarious that the Right Wing blogoshphere is adamant in its belief that the only way McCain can win is to make McCain into a candidate that only the most extreme right wingers would like. Talk about living in a bubble.
All that’s missing is a request for a wire transfer in order to properly advertise the story.
wingnuts to iraq
the best part about him bringing up Ayers is Obama being able to say….
"Well, McCain, I’m glad you’re finally man enough to say this to my face. It only took 3 debates"
Dennis - SGMM
It’s a damned dirty shame that a Harvard educated lawyer who specialized in Constitutional Law doesn’t have Nozzlejobber’s understanding of his own lack of status to run for president.
Perry Como
OH SHI- Nobama is TOAST!
Oh, yeah. Please bring up Ayers tonight. And then we can talk about McCain’s close ties to a terrorist who was actually convicted of a felony and went to prison, Gordon Liddy.
your expectedly woeful knowledge of US law is shredded here.
Word has it that Johnny Cash did actually walk the line, but NOT because she was his.
Joe Lisboa
O/T: did anyone else catch what the hell just happened on CNN (around 2:50 EST)? The anchor had two black conservatives on discussing the GE and right when I was tuning in one of them literally (h/t Joe Biden) ripped his mic off and stormed off-set. Did anyone catch what set him off? The gentleman who remained (whose name I missed) was backing Obama despite self-identifying as a conservative, so I have to assume the miffed guest was a McCain-backer.
Did I just hallucinate this?
Joshau Norton
Attention. Attention. McCain to unveil a new economic plan today. And every day from now on until he gets one that’s even close to being right.
Man, the crack they smoke just amuses the hell out of me. Born on American soil, you are a native-born citizen forever, unless you explicitly renounce your citizenship. Who adopts you means nothing at all.
Ohmygod, Nabalz, you are so right. Like, there is no evidence whatsoever that it’s false. Therefore, that must mean it’s true!
Premise, conclusion. It’s all there. The steely logic of Nabalz again cannot be denied!
Thatone is toast! It’s over! Obama’s hosed!
Nabalz, you are a fucking logician. Hats off to you, sir!
@Dennis – SGMM: Perhaps he shouldn’t have spent so much time specializing in Sharia Law. Stupid liberals.
Tim (The Other One)
I’m still upset about that "Marcia Brady" stuff. It’s like my whole life is now one big lie.
A great example of wingnut logic: A caller to a talk show berated the host for saying bad things about Sarah Palin when Corsi had "proved" bad crap about Obama (this alone is crazy illogic). The host asked how the caller knew this stuff was true. The caller said that he had heard it on the Hannity show and a local conservative talk show. And no place else.
So, the wingnut true believers get their "facts" from right wing outlets and stop there. Any other media source is "liberal" and "biased." This isn’t "low information." This is "no information."
Wow! Just a whole mess of teh stupid! There is no "blockbuster" here, no facts, and nothing that is remotely accurate about the Constitution.
But thanks for playing.
She married Sotero when she was 25.
Comrade Darkness
And if it isn’t a hoax, who cares? I’m perfectly willing to translate whitey==>rich bitch banker. Rant away, sister.
Comrade Jake
Shorter Time magazine: we’re just making stuff up.
And in other real big blockbuster news: MSN discovers LOLcats. Today. It’s on their front page this afternoon. Really.
Entire right-wing blogosphere? I think not! You’ll never fool ol’ Ace:
Over the transom, maybe. But not into.
Warren Terra
This is off topic, but for the nostalgic among Balloon Juice readers:
at least for the last half-hour or so, it appears that a blog that I know many of us have proclaimed was our favorite, WordPress > Error, has a new home!
Crap. Forgot the MSN link. Here.
I cant believe I’ve come to find out that Hank Willy Jr. (per other thread) is a McCain fan. So which part of his alcohol abuse, drug abuse, 4+ ex-wives, or dancing on stage with half-naked women 1/4th his age is the conservative, family-values part?
Dennis - SGMM
I clicked on over. The nostalgia made me go all misty (snif!).
Perry Como
@JR: Holy shit on a Senator Gramm cracker. I can’t believe I missed that. Wingnuts are defending Jerome "9/11 was an inside job by the New World Order" Corsi?
Talking points memo has some interesting reports from white swing voters in Ohio…
"I’m gonna hate him the minute I vote for him. He’s gonna be a bad president. But I won’t ever vote for another god-damn Republican. I want the government to take over all of Wall Street and bankers and the car companies and Wal-Mart run this county like we used to when Reagan was President."
"Well, I don’t know much about this terrorist group Barack used to be in with that Weather guy but I’m sick of paying for health insurance at work and that’s why I’m supporting Barack."
You white people crazy.
Bless your hearts.
Tom Ames
More fun from Townhall.com
to which a later commenter responds:
Example here.
Ghost of Cash
But Johnny Cash did kill a man for calling him a liar when Cash sang about killing a man in Reno just to watch him die.
So, be careful. Cash may be dead, but that doesn’t mean Cash can’t kill.
Comrade Jake
That is full of win.
OT: Here is a fairly accurate depiction of what to expect in tonight’s debate. Awesome.
Tim (The Other One)
Punchy, I think it’s that whole needle swinging WAY over in the other direction. See: ‘crazy conservative sister over-compensating for misspent youth".
Comrade Jake
Pssst. Don’t tell ThymeZone.
Dennis - SGMM
Nailed it! Great laughs. Thank you.
OMG!!!! The nuns would force me to put up that flag everyday at my grade school in Youngstow, Ohio, right under the US flag, and that was in the 1970’s. I never knew it was an Obama flag!
El Cid
Can someone explain how looking at that Memeorandum screen cap with one article and a bunch of right wing websites discussing tells me something? Is the implication that if they’re all linking to it, they’re all discussing it and thus implicitly endorsing the main article?
Comrade Jake
@El Cid:
I’m not sure how that website works exactly, but I suspect that’s close. Anyway, read the Tapper article on the subject, and make sure you read the comments. It’s like a goddamn idiot colony over there.
Dennis - SGMM
It tells you that when one wingnut posts what the voices in his head are telling him and then the rest link to it they have, through parthenogenesis, given birth to a new "fact."
@Tom Ames:
Pleeeeease post a link! Google has left me high and dry!
Just Some Fuckhead
Pretty frightening their vote weighs the same as a sane persons does, huh?
Saying Obama is an alien is utterly absurd, although I am concerned that he wants to give white people anal probes.
Josh Huaco
Also, Ohio wasn’t formally admitted to the Union until 1953 (see wingnuts furiously digging through Obama’s ancestry to find relatives who lived in Ohio once to prove he’s not a real American).
The paper had a big story 2 weeks ago on family members of his that did live in Ohio a long time ago (before 1953). He still has some distant cousins who were a little surprised that they had a cousin that was just a little darker complection then they see at the old family reunion.
Perry Como
Comrade Stuck
It’s the Hive instinct that gets them aroused, among other things, that cause them to swarm about and sting whatever they find. Even themselves, when one member holds up it’s appendage to ask a serious question. Kind of Like Africanized Obama Bees.
@wingnuts to iraq:
And make a nice link to the Annenberg Challenge and a short biography of Walter Annenberg, the philantropist who funded all that: Creator of TV Guide, ambassador to the United Kingdom under Nixon, and the guy who Ronald Reagan liked to spend New Year’s Eve with.
Oh, and Annenberg’s widow has endorsed John McCain recently, and was apparently on the board at the same time as Ayers and Obama.
That sound you hear is the sound of 10,000 Nigerians pecking away at their keyboards sending emails to conservative bloggers about a certain business transaction.
Hell, Bob Owen’s email address is now worth 30k.
but hasn’t everyone?
Sister Nancy Beth
My understanding is that the API posting was ghost-written by Bill Ayers.
ok, so when do i get my hat tip?
Well, of course Johnny Cash never shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die!
[He wound up stuck in Folsom Prison, so he had to have kidnapped him and taken him across the California border before shooting him]
Waitaminit. Johnny Cash shot Janet Reno just to watch her die?
I hadn’t heard…
Johnny Cash shot Janet Reno just to watch her die?
I hadn’t heard…
Evidence to Counter Larry Sinclair: