Watch Dick Armey on Hardball making some pretty astounding remarks to Joan Walsh:
Believe it or not, the most remarkable thing about that segment is not the snotty remarks directed at Walsh at the end, but rather the remarks he made about separating politics from economic policy. A transcript (starting at 52 seconds in):
Armey: The fact of the matter is there are income re-distributionists that think they are going to curry favor with voting blocs in both parties and it’s wrong policy whether it comes from Republicans or Democrats and it makes no sense. Armey’s Axiom- don’t let politics define your economics. Don’t let politics define anything. Politics is silly. Its inane and practitioners of politics are people to take what amusement you can from them but don’t take them seriously.
Why do I say that is the more remarkable portion? Because of this email “action” alert I was forwarded today from a reader:
Stop the Left’s Multi-Billion Dollar Handout to Liberal Allies
We knew it was coming, and it’s finally here.
After weeks and weeks of anticipating when and how the newer, stronger Democrat-led Congress would first strike against our individual liberties and expand the size of our already bloated government, the wait is over and we now know what we are up against.
This week both the House and Senate will be moving a massive $825 billion economic stimulus package full off wasteful spending, and worse still multi-billion dollar handouts to their liberal allies. Specifically, radical Left-wing groups such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) could have access to billions of dollars should this stimulus plan pass.
***Despite all the talk on the Left of bipartisanship and “reaching across the aisle,” fiscally sound approaches to boosting our economy such as tax cuts and tighter spending controls were ignored by the Democrat leadership.
Fight back against the Left’s first blow against our liberties. TAKE ACTION NOW!
Dick Armey
P.S. It’s critical that we generate a huge outcry against the wasteful, Democrat stimulus package and its multi-billon dollar taxpayer funded handouts to groups like ACORN. Please Forward this email to 5 friends and ask them to TAKE ACTION as well!
Dick Armey. Take his word for it- don’t take him seriously.
Laura W
(rather the remarks he made)
Shorter Dick Armey- "Shut up, that’s why!"
The Republicans — on a path to greater marginalization, with fewer and fewer women.
He’s Commander-in-Chief of the Dick Army.
John O
I watched it in horror, but thanks to you, John, I now need a cigarette.
A party without both a soul and a brain. No small feat.
Josh Hueco
Notice the attempt at rewriting history, when he said that the Bush tax cuts were not teh awesome at growing the economy because of redistributive elements inserted into the bills by (of course unnamed, of course female) others.
You should append that to this.
Dick Armey: take what amusement you can from me, but don’t take me seriously. By the way, my wife’s name is Vagina Coastguard.
El Cid
I sure am glad there were good Republicans around since 1994 in the Dick Army to protect us from political parties who would inject politics into policies like economics or security or war.
John O
Deep Thought: Obama is too naturally cautious to facilitate the level of "change" and "hope" we need in this country.
Until the GOP comes up with a coherent dissent pressure needs to remain on their necks.
Polish the Guillotines
Again with the ACORN!
They need to hire new writers or else this year’s episodes are gonna suck. Big time.
How in the hell did these clowns ever get elected to anything other than trashpicker?
What does a spending bill have to do with "liberties?" I don’t get it.
@Josh Hueco
I think that is a good point. Dick Armey hates women. Dick Armey also believes that the Bush tax cuts failed, not because of the giveaways to the rich (he said that was only at the margins), but because they lowered the bottom rate (the redistributivist elements). The man is a loon. And his name is Dick Armey. Doesn’t he have a PhD in Econ? I wonder if he did his dissertation on how the flat tax wuz teh awesome.
Hasn’t Dick Armey been known as "Dick Asshole" (which, btw, is also his porn name) for about 20-25 years now?
I’m not surprised by Armey’s behavior, which is typical for him, but that anyone invited him to appear on nat’l television.
DougJ’s axiom: don’t name axioms after yourself.
Steve V
"Democrat leadership." I see the Rs’ use of "Democrat" has been fully mainstreamed. I think Rush Limbaugh was the big proponent of that …
Zuzu's Petals
Does anybody know what ACORN is really getting, and for what?
John Cole
Personally, Armey’s greatest hit has to be calling Barney Frank Barney Fag.
Speaking of, Barney Frank is going to unload on Marsha Blackburn on Larry King Live, I can just feel it.
I could see Armey getting more and more pissed off, and I almost called his explosion before it happened. I’ve seen it happen over and over again with diehard Repiglicans in the past couple of months. These fuckers can’t believe they’re on the bottom of the food chain now. Those six years of Repiglican hegemony made them think they were the all-wise Lords of the Universe, and they now sit in disgrace with most of the country regarding them as jokes – and they simply CAN NOT handle it. We’ll see more of this sort of thing from these impotent once and would-be future despots.
It’ll be interesting to see if Armey eats shit over this one. Watching that slimy prick pretend to be the voice of non-partisan reason was just ridiculous.
I’d also like to see his blood alcohol reading during that appearance.
El Cid
Personally I appreciate the Republican freakout over housing rights activists ACORN, as it got me to donate money to them for the first time in a decade.
El Cid
Why are they so obsessed with blowing and reach-arounds?
Josh Hueco
Sweet….MoeLarryAndJesus is in the hizzouse. Welcome and make yourself comfortable!
John Cole
I don’t know what is more depressing. The fact that Ben Stein is on Larry King Live talking policy again (as if he knows something), or that he has more constructive ideas than the entire Republican delegation in the house.
The Populist
Didn’t Ann Coulter write a book calling liberals hypocrites? Seems this guy is a complete hypocrite. I would like to know how much Dicky boy sold his soul for. Seems to me without the right wing b.s. he buys into he’d be lost like so many others. The party keeps him wealthy…he has NOTHING to offer anybody.
The Populist
Dicky boy won’t pay because the stupid right wing owned media will keep bringing this clown on because he’s available.
@John Cole:
On that note, Don Manzulla R-IL is on with Rachel. Oh. Dear. God.
This guy is really stupid. He is looking for a modest stimulus. And he is on the Financial Services Committee. He wants to hand out, if I heard him right, vouchers for people to get discounts for new cars.
The Populist
Speaking of, Barney Frank is going to unload on Marsha Blackburn on Larry King Live, I can just feel it.
Why are Republican women so…so…Stepford Wives-ish?
These women like reminding us they are cons because of traditional family values. My question is this…if you believe that crap, Marsha, why aren’t you home cooking for the hubby and taking care of the kids?
The Populist
God, I am ultra-angry today. Damn the right!
Laura W
@demkat620: Poor Rachel…suppressing so many snorts and snickers for so long.
I heart the woman, but this is going to be an even longer four years if she doesn’t stop being so darn adorable and ingratiating.
@Laura W:
I know, I got the feeling she wanted to say " Seriously, dude, seriously? This is what you got?"
"Your Modern Republican Party: It’s Dicks and Bohners all the way down!"
Any guesses on how much of Dick Armey’s *specific* objection to the whole stimulus package is related to his very personal hatred of Barney Frank?
The day you realize that the Terri Schaivo debacle was only a Schaivo-1 level event and that there were still Schaivo-2 and (dare I dream?) Schaivo-3 level Republican party meltdowns to come, well that’s a beautiful, beautiful day.
Churchill, "If you were my wife I’d poison you"
Lady Astor "If I were your wife , I’d take it."
I wonder what ACORN would actually do with BILLIONS of dollars?
Zuzu's Petals
Turns out it’s another lie by the lying liars.
This is the closest I could find to a real description of the bill’s provisions, but you can link to the original sources at the site:
"Dick Armey!!"
For at least a decade now, every time I hear that name I envision an ad for some childrens’ toy, replete with Slinky-type music and the former congressman’s head on top of many, many little green plastic bodies.
Or maybe I’m hallucinating.
"Dick ARMEY!"
I don’t think John’s been in charge of a piece of metal that big since he left the military.
I think Dick’s a bit harsh on the "never be my wife" thing – what, because he doesn’t like her she can’t be his wife? Plenty of Republican senators aren’t interested in women at all and it doesn’t stop them marrying.
Roza Hussein
Dick is a fitting name
Armey’s clearly hammered here. Nice slurred words to go with the floppy bellicosity.
Zuzu's Petals
Also linked in another thread, ACORN’S response to the lying liars. Of particular note:
c o'donnell
@demkat620: Hey. I played a trashpicker in my high school play. Don’t diss the trashpickers.
You could substitute "thumbsucker" or "nosepicker" though.
Dick: "If I were married to you, I’d put poison in your coffee."
Joan: "If I were married to you, I’d drink it."
There, fixed.
joe from Lowell
That’s just a great, big army of dick right there, inn’t he?
It must have been "give-an-ignorant-braying-clown-airtime" day.
It’s been around for a very long time. Back in 1972, during my misspent youth, I volunteered as a Republican campaign worker (mea maxima culpa), and I remember seeing references to "the Democrat Party" in some party organ or other. It struck me as odd and fairly juvenile even then, when I myself was odd and fairly juvenile.