I was going to do a big post comparing the rhetoric downplaying the size of protests in the 2003 era and the current tea party, but what it boils down to is I am just too lazy to do the research. Instead, I will just use pictures.
A few bitter cranks in San Francisco protesting the war in 2003:
Citizen uprising in Georgia:
And for documentation purposes only, the new “Moran” picture:
If you get a chance, check out the caption under the Ron Paul protesters here. That made me snort.
Helping the Sean Hannity’s of the world learn to count, good for you John.
Conservatively Liberal
I bet ol’ "Moran Man" is breathing a sigh of relief right now. Tea bagging Democrats FTW!
Where do I sign up? Oh, and I don’t shave ’em. It gives them some texture. ;)
Comrade Stuck
Wingnut’s just don’t know how to properly protest. I mean, a sign that says "Let the Failures Fail" is way to vague and could easily be misunderinterpreted. And you don’t bring umbrellas to a protest, even if it’s raining. Call it the pussy factor, because everyone knows republicans don’t get wet or cold. There supposed to be tough Hombres chewing on shell casings and stuff. And they need some blood, lot’s of blood for the Christ martyr image thingy (a few thorn hats would be good), not to mention they’re utter fearlessness going against Teh Libtard Man. Fail all around.
I wonder if that kid holding up the sign even knows what teabagging means and if he does why the hell would he want people to associate him with that? It’s funny the images people wish to assocaite themselves with.
I mean, that’s exactly what colleges and prospective employers are looking for – people skills like "teabagging." This shit just writes itself.
Teabagging alone moves the wheels of History!
Notorious P.A.T.
As far as I know, Scarlett Johansen is a liberal Democrat. Just sayin’.
Heh. Inevitably, humans first. So give to the Human Fund–"Money For People."
Joe the Writer.
For guy who’s just an ordinary plumber, he sure works hard to avoid ever having to do any plumbing.
/Your 15 minutes are long over, Sam. Accept it.
Bad Horse's Filly
Do you think anyone’s told them yet? You know, I mean about the whole tea bagging thing?
Again, I’ll point out that there are more Klukkers than there were Teabaggers, which shows you the true strength of the committed…
Of course not. Apparently neither do his parents or the other people there.
I love that the Repubs are upset about being "forced to pay for someone else’s mortgage".
They didn’t seem to mind forcing me to pay for someone else’s war.
A state employee complained about government spending..wtf!!!
From the AJC
@JL: Any ideas why I ended up in the dreaded awaiting moderation zone? It would be nice to know what triggers moderation.
Dirty Sanchez the liberal Democrats before they Hot Carl you!
Give the liberal Democrats the Rusty Trombone!
Obama should get on TV and read the dictionary definition of "socialism", then ask the obvious question: "Have I even suggested that the government take over the means of production? No? Then SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU IGNORANT DOUCHEBAGS. God Bless America."
Clicking on the photo to enlarge it, actually it kinda looks like a grinning, semi-masculine looking midget chick holding up that teabagger sign. Also says “freerepublic.com” at the bottom of the sign.
Given their wetsuit/dildo combination level of imagination, don’t even want to think where they go with happy midgets, teabagging, and Freeper Jesus.
goddamn the moderation. goddamn it.
The conservative movement may not gain traction again until the lad hits middle age.
I’m sure his speech was full of lots of conservative certitude. I can hear it now – liberals suck, government is the problem, tax cuts, spending cuts.
All without a single explanation of "why", or how Big "C" conservatism benefits all who are not at the pinnacle of the status quo.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – the problem is not so much the GOP, it is with the Big "C" Conservatives and the extent to which their rancid ideology drives the rest of the party.
America is entitled to a contemplative, competent and efficient opposition party.
Bill Bennett told CPAC it’s not socialism and actually wasn’t booed.
Comrade Stuck
Some days, it seems typing the letter A triggers it.
Has there been a problem with wingnut trolls spamming the S word here lately? I haven’t noticed.
Antoher thing – lets look at the quality of Conservatism’s current standardbearers. A fat college dropout sex tourist with an opiate addiction. A bombastic, gin-soaked hag with no record of genuine accomplishment. A Filipino anchor baby who hates immigrants. A 13 year old who parrots mommy and daddy. An obnoxious, conflict fomenting recess appointee who the Senate refused to confirm.
When you lose the ability to say why your preferred policies will make a difference, these are the sorts of spokemen you’ll have left.
@JL: Someone suggested that "soci alism" and related words trigger the filter because they contain "cia lis." Seems plausible to me.
What were these pro-teasters doing pro-teasting on a work day? Are they part of the new Furlough-Friday Conservative Corp? They could clean the streets while they’re about it and start a whole new Get the Grass Roots Outta the Cracks in the Sidewalk movement.(GGROCS)
PS. Obama might fund it.
@Leo: By golly, that’s probably it. My comment @20 was stuck for a while for moderation and it contains the dreaded word.
@Leo: This is true, and I currently have a post stuck in the filter. But I am stubborn, and I won’t let pharma and spammers take away the word anymore than I will the Republicans.
Edit: ah, screw it.
@cleek: This is what I would like to see (edited for filter goodness):
Joe Max
I was at that protest in SF in 03! I’m 1037th to the left and 783rd from the top in that picture.
I had a sign that reflected the popular gestalt of the times:
"Frodo Failed."
Why is it Repugnicons think to use things like Tea Bag and Libruls never do?
Can you see the Nixon-Reagan era coming into focus?
Forced teabagging is a form of rape. Which is why the sign makes sense, because it seems many on the far-right like their sexxxxx to be non-consensual.
Notorious P.A.T.
Either that, or "why is socialized health care evil, but socialized national defense super duper?"
Notorious P.A.T.
Who programmed the filter? Rush Limbaugh? Can we say "oxycontin"?
The kid probably knows what teabagging is, even if the parents don’t.
Capelza Gradenko
cleek…you hurt me. I laughed so hard it hurts.
I’m stealing those..with due credit.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Shhh! Wait until they’ve made t-shirts.
I’m trying to think of a way to convince them only DFHs are protesters so they should instead say they’re prostaters.
Although I say again, someone needs to taser that dude in the white hat.
Chris Johnson
Beef Supreme at Wonkette-
Just goes to show what George Carlin said- there is NOTHING that can’t be hysterically funny when handled properly :)
I couldn’t watch much of the kid himself, though. I didn’t even make it to the part where he pounds the table like Khruschev, only holding pens instead of a shoe.
The human race had better figure some things out pretty quick or we shall laugh ourselves to death. THIS is why there are no extraterrestrial radio transmissions. Alien civilizations develop until they can broadcast their equivalent of thirteen year old wingnuts, and then implode…
kommrade reproductive vigor
The whole seven acres would have been too hard.
Good googly moogly. If these people get any lamer they’ll need Hoverounds.
Wow. They really look like the crazies protesting that UFO’s are real and that martians have taken over the government. Hilarious.
Wile E. Quixote
@Notorious P.A.T.
Yeah, no kidding, I’m tired of single payer national defense. It’s stupid, bloated and incredibly inefficient.
1. get someone on the ground
2. squat over them
3. slowly lower your nuts into their mouth
4. ???
5. successful rape!
seems like there’s a potentially fatal flaw in this plan.
@cleek: I thought that teabagging =/ chipmunking. WTF?
Huh. Learn something new every day.
I thought it was only
But I was unfamiliar with this:
@cleek: Excuse me?
Rape doesn’t have to be intercourse.
Da Bomb
@Chris Johnson:
Farley, I think you’re missing the "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" part here.
Laura W Darling
Very elegantly put.
Given the subject matter.
@Laura W Darling: Darling, I don’t think that "elegant" pertains.
Given the subject matter.
@Leo: Soci alism might give you a 4-hour priapism, but at at least you can afford to see the doctor when it happens.
That “gold is money” sign really cracks me up.
joe from Lowell
Ha! I typed the name of the boner drug, and it moderate my comment.
Maybe that’s it.