Newt Gingich, for some reason still the GOP’s idea guy, challenged CPAC with a ‘new idea’ list made up of old Republican ideas plus some contemporary catch phrase crap (‘infrastructure investment’) that nobody expects them to follow through. No doubt he got the crowd buzzing; too bad Newt apparently forgot to run it past the boss.
There is no question that Rush wins this fight. Sooner or later Newt and his senior Party friends will remember that Rush commands the troops, and that will be that. Rahm has it right. Gingrich won’t call out Rush by name if it means crawling back to apologize later.
Polish the Guillotines
Best title EVAH.
I’m not sure I understand Rush’s point there. I guess he’s saying that they need to go back to Reagan instead of getting over him. As was said about the "soci alism" taunts elsewhere (Benen?), there’s a whole generation now who has no experience with the USSR. Same can be said of Reagan. Sure, Rush, go backward. That’ll work.
Edit: BTW, Rush looks really kool in all black, no tie, shirt unbuttoned. All he needs is a big gold pendant.
I don’t usually post, but I thought it was time to mention how awesome Rahm and Obama are playing this one. I love how, at every opportunity, they are painting Rush as the new face of the GOP. If they can get people the think GOP = Rush (which I think is true right now) the repubs will be spending a lot of time in the wilderness.
Rush is more than happy to accept that mantle, and many of the rank and file want to give it to him. They also have this idea that Democrats are scared of Rush because they keep attacking him. I love it! If this keeps up until 2010, we might be looking at 65 Senate seats…
The saddest, most telling line from that video:
"One thing that we can all do, is stop assuming that the way to beat them is with better policy ideas right now."
I wonder how many wingnuts think that word gets caught in moderation because of the vast left wing conspiracy to silence their voices? I can see some frustrated wingnut pounding on his keyboard because he can’t get his urgent warnings thru liberal moderation. It must suck to have their new favorite word be an automatic no-go.
Stabetha, I second that wow.
Brien Jackson
"There is no question that Rush wins this fight. Sooner or later Newt and his senior Party friends will remember that Rush commands the troops, and that will be that."
Actually, from what I remember of the activist community in the wingnut movement, Newt is quite a bit more popular than Limbaugh, if for no other reason than the fact that he has a much larger presence and does quite a bit more than Limbaugh. Rush is just out for money, and that throws a kink in the leading a movement thing every now and again. If Rush winds up in a bona fide fight with Newt for the "heart and soul" of the wingnuts, I imagine he’d lose rather handily.
its a sign of how sad the gop has become. Two has beens salivating at the thought of re-living their hayday 15 years ago
Rush’s speech was just filled with Epic Fail. I like this bit:
You’d think that such a self-proclaimed great patriot as Rush would know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but apparently not.
Doctor Cleveland
Yeah. This bit pretty much sums it up.
OK, that would explain a few things.
…appeal to "Reagan voters"…
Rush, just a note: the last people to vote for Reagan did it 25 years ago. there is a whole generation of voters now who weren’t even alive when Reagan left office. and likewise, a whole generation of people who did vote for him are dead.
this is not 1984. Reagan is irrelevant.
That’s pretty unbelievable. He must have gotten a public-school education.
The reason Rushbo eschews policy is because he doesn’t have any clue about good policy versus bad policy. But he does know about fear mongering and packaging. Too bad that our country has proven that putting pretty little bows on bullshit doesn’t work anymore. But thats all he’s got. The great thing is you gotta know that Newt isn’t the type to bow down to Rush. This shit is going to get interesting.
The real problem with the GOP is that nobody under 35 likes their ideas or values. They got nothing. Except the brainwashed evangelicals who don’t get the irony that as Christians they are spreading hate against our president. It is hilarious that even among this crowd Palin only tied with Ron Paul in the straw poll.
Remember, this is the same group of people that is still raging about FDR. If that’s any indication, they’ll be worshipping their Great Prophet for the next 50 or 100 years.
That fight would/will leave a demolition derby’s worth of wreckage. Popcorn time.
Good point.
I couldn’t even vote when Reagan was president on either of his terms. (I wasn’t going to vote for him anyways..but I would have been dumb and voted Mondale.. )
They all want to relive 1992 when they thought they had Clinton by the balls. There won’t be any kind of personal scandal to exploit this time. It’s all been vetted. They are so fucked.
yeah, that constitution line was great. just goes to reiterate what an idiot windbag the dude is.
i mean, if you’re going to try to base your dogma on the constitution at least get the words right.
Comrade Jake
Repeat after me: Rush championed Sarah Palin. The guy’s a heckof a ot more epic fail than win.
Helena Montana
What a bunch of morons those CPACers are. I have a theory, though. I think Rush Limbaugh is a double secret underground Democrat(ic) operative whose surreptitious purpose is to destroy the Republican party.
Someday, somewhere, someone on that side of the fence is going to point out the fact that, at the end of the day, Rush is really just an entertainer. Maybe that’s too much to hope for.
@dmsilev: Rush does know the difference. And when he goes back to his gold plated trailer for his oxycontin and porn, he spends five minutes laughing at the dumb asses in the audience.
That from the guy who spent the Clinton administration banging the "Bill is all style no substance" drum.
Wow, thanks for wading through the muck to find that gem.
The party that screams "elitist!" at the merest whiff of reason is approaching its final state: eschewing ideas altogether.
@ChenZhen: My republican friends accept it all as entertainment, even when I point out that that’s all Fox News does. They just think that all news everywhere is entertainment.
Brick Oven Bill
There is Jim Rogers and there is Wayne Rogers. Both were born in Alabama and appear on TV as business commentators. I used to think they were the same guy, but as of this morning do not believe this to be true. Jim went to Yale and Wayne went to Princeton. Jim is with Soros, and Wayne was on MASH. They look similar and must be related.
In any case, both of these guys seem to be pretty sharp.
Jim has more money, from what I can tell. He put out this assessment of the world economy, which I agree with in its entirety. He even associates success with tractors.
As events unfold, Rush’s message, which is much better in written form, will begin to resonate among the literate. Obama’s message looks terrible in written form. Hope and change are empty words, especially when the nature of the change begins to set in. Rush knows exactly what he is doing.
Rush is waiting for zombie Reagan… However, in the modern world of today, there’s a generation of voters who compare eight years of Clinton to eight years of Bush and say to themselves "In what way is this a difficult decision?"
it’s better than the Party Of No. it’s the Party Of No Ideas!
proudly standing athwart the tracks of policy, yelling No!
Written down, spoken, same bullshit. Anyway, no one reads Rush’s message, he’s a fucking radio host!
I’ve been old enough to be president for 5 years now and the first election where I was old enough to vote was Dukakis/Bush. The problems Reagan was elected to solve have been solved to the point where people don’t even remember them ever being problems, which makes them less of a boogeyman.
The party of Duckspeak.
Third Eye Open
I understand what the ‘man’ is saying, but I don’t have to agree with it:
"I have shmooz’d my way into every dark little corner of modern right-wing politics, and have come out a corpulent little butterfly. You can’t take that away from me."
Justice is Rush-bo living on Soc. Sec. for the rest of his life.
It may take a while (but your statement is a thing of beauty otherwise).
@Brick Oven Bill:
[snort]: Literate Republican. These days that’s just about an oxymoron.
"You’d think that such a self-proclaimed great patriot as Rush would know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but apparently not."
Ouch!!! LOL
Mike G
What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?
One is a flaming Nazi gasbag, and the other is a dirigible.
Laura W Darling
Or as Stephen Colbert said last week: "Who hoped? Peee-ewwww!"
Comrade Stuck
One of them would end up King of the Turdheap, and be the envy of all the wingnut children.
@Mike G:
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
That speech resembles a temper tantrum by a toddler.
ROFL, Rush thinks they shouldn’t try to create better policy? Sounds like a winning recipe.
And your republican friends would not be entirely wrong—"that all news everywhere is entertainment." There is more than a grain of truth to the notion that Fox is just ahead of the curve.
Whoever did his make up has a sense of humor. No camouflaging what appears to be pale sweaty man-breasts with a tee shirt tan line.
Very oogy.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Good Lord the man is one french fry short of a coronary. Love the title he gave his speech though: Rush’s First Televised Address to the Nation.
Can a bid for the presidency be far off? Please Tiny Baby Jesus!
By this metric everyone at CPAC should be under a bridge and keeping warm by burning trash in a steel drum.
his own TV show has gone down the memory hole?
Peter J
Rush Limbaugh’s latest contract is worth $400 million and ends 2016. Must be a lot more fun spending that time rallying against the enemy than having to defend your own side. He’ll probably have more listeners and viewers too with a democrat in the White House.
Just an observation.
El Cid
Rush fails to note that Obama is following in Reagan’s footsteps.
Specifically, Obama is honoring Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax reforms which were the biggest ever tax hike on U.S. corporations and closing of loopholes for corporations and the wealthy while lifting the burden of federal income taxes on the working majority through the earned income tax credits.
Why do Republicans hate Ronald Reagan so much?
Comrade Jake
@Peter J:
Hmm. I wonder how much of Rush’s anger is a reflection of the marked increase in taxes he’ll see? It’s gotta be tough to get your oxy fix on when you have to fork over an extra couple of mil to support the "porkulus" bill.
Newt is much more popular, but Rush is much louder.
Ah, the downside of a right-wing radio monopoly – when the head cheerleader goes off script, you have NO way to pull him back because his voice is about 1000x louder than anyone elses. So the guys in office are just fucked – Rush is going to drive them off the cliff and they spent the last 20 years driving a stake into the best tool they would have to shut him down – the Fairness Doctrine.
Obama will just keep egging him on. Rush is as predictable as my 8 year-old daughter. I know exactly what button to push to get the reaction I need and Obama and Rahm have Rush’s number as well.
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh reiterated his hope Saturday that the new Democratic administration will fail, rousing conservative activists to fight the "bastardization of the Constitution that the Obama plans are."
"We believe that the preamble of the Constitution contains an inarguable truth, that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, freedom — and the pursuit of happiness,"
My feeling is they can’t quote the preamble to the Constitution because it directs us to promote the general welfare. And that’s a no-no.
So, they just bastardized a little bit.
Notorious P.A.T.
Ah, the modern right wing. Rush Limbaugh says "don’t think up new ideas, ideas don’t matter" then almost immediately someone defends him with this. Yeah, those literate people HATE ideas.
Conservatively Liberal
How about Cantor and Steele not bowing to Rush? I have a feeling that this is not going to pretty for the rising stars of the Rushublican party. They have forgotten who their leader is and the freepers are going to make it clear to them that El Rushbo is da man!
Popcorn time people, this is going to be a train wreck of epic proportions.
Reagan voters? The last time anyone voted for Reagan was 24 years ago, Rush. I’ll bet that 30% of Reagan voters are as dead as Reagan. You guys keep working your magic, and the next totally dead thing will be Reaganism.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s Rush Limbaugh’s fucking party and if he wants to drive it off a cliff, that’s his prerogative. If it wasn’t for Rush Limbaugh, Republicans wouldn’t have had a Glorious Republican revolution in 1994 and a trajectory culminating in the triumphal Danger Monkey presidency. Newt is just one more pilot fish keeping Rush’s gills clean.
Just Some Fuckhead
@AnotherBruce: Rush writes Reagan in every four years so it doesn’t seem that long ago to him.
Rush vs. Newt?
Huzzah, injuries!
But yeah, guys, keep working on wrapping up that Reagan vote. See, the problem was, not enough of your base got energized. So, the solution is to kick out anyone left of Ghengis Kahn to get your base rallied. Remember, it’s all about perception; "ideas" and "policies" are for nerds! You can do it!
No Blood for Hubris
Rush is right.
What’s so funny about peace, love, and understanding, and beating Dems with worse policy ideas? It worked fine for Bubble Boy Bush.
Cantor, Steele repudiate Rush; wingnuts freak out
Last night on D.L. Hughley’s show, RNC Chair Michael Steele committed a mortal Republican sin:
STEELE: Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. His whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it’s ugly. Yes, it’s incendiary.
Appearing on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, GOP House Whip Eric Cantor didn’t have any kind words for Rush either:
"So the Rush Limbaugh approach of hoping the president fails is not the Eric Cantor, House Republican approach?" [Stephanopoulos] asked.
"Absolutely not," Cantor said. "And I don’t — I don’t think anyone wants anything to fail right now. We have such challenges. What we need to do is we need to put forth solutions to the problems that real families are facing today."
FReeper and RedState quotes included
2 things:
Besides giving an incorrect citation The Corpulent One left out an important piece of the citation–the Declaration of Independence "holds these truths to be self-evident" before it even mentions a Creator. I think its fair to assume that Obama is pretty good at seeing the self-evident while I doubt Rush and Newt can see their own shoes. Also, "Rush and Newt" sound like some bad fratboy nicknames.
Second, if the 1980 election were held today, and the vote broke the same for all demographic groups as it did in ’80, the change in American demographics would mean that Reagan only receives 47% of the vote and Carter would have been the hero that pulled us out of the recession and put the nail in the CCCP’s coffin.
Hey BOB, do you think Rush does his own writing or does he ghost it out? Also, who has sold more books, Obama or Rush?
Mike in NC
And a black eyepatch. Better yet, two black eyepatches. Anybody think he looks like the evil twin of Orson Welles?
Brick Oven Bill
Rush isn’t the one to watch out for. Rush is a businessman, who is promoting an ideology in order to attract an audience, and then influence that audience, both directly through the sale of commercials, and less ethically, by tailoring his message in accordance with the wishes of certain business groups.
Obama was foolish to engage him. Rush is kind of like Obi-Wan Kenobi, and becomes more powerful when attacked. Rush is digging this as he is making more money. If Rush is silenced from the airwaves by administrative action, it will be seen as a defining moment in the history of this phase of our Republic, when that book is written, however.
The guy to watch out for is Glenn Beck. Beck is the operative.
Obama is proposing a ‘Global New Deal’. Interesting Link.
Mike in NC
Sunday cable news gave a great deal of airtime to the "Crazy Pricks Acting Constipated" loon parade. Must have been the Major Story of the Day.
@Brick Oven Bill: You, sir, are committed to your trolling. That doesn’t make you not an idiot though.
There are no new untested ideas anymore. Just tested ones and Obama’s trying to implement the ideas and policies that have worked in the past. IMHO he’s trying like hell to fix capitalism, not implement socialism. You’d think at least a few of the brighter occupants of greater wingnuttia might have figured that out by now, but no…
Trickle down "voodoo" economics didn’t work. Communism and Fascism didn’t work. The chance that a liberal might be able to make capitalism work better than they could is killing them.
The only thing that seems to have worked for any length of time and to any real great level of success is government regulated capitalism, relatively free markets with protection for the little guys and a social services safety net out of the reach of market predators.
Republicans have no new ideas to run on because when you spend all your time looking backwards all they see are their parties’ past failures.
New and innovative equals liberal so they’re fucked. They’ve painted themselves into a corner so all they can really do is put down the brush, wait for the paint to dry and hope and pray Obama fails.
I think it’s pretty damn nervy to accuse a President who lectured on constitutional law of "bastardizing"
the Constitution, and then screw up both the cite and the text. What is he talking about anyway? The proposed budget is unconstitutional? That should make headlines. Is there any underlying meaning to anything he says?
The stimulus bill violates the Declaration of Independence.
Okey-doke, lunatics.
It does however make him entertaining in a very poetic way. He’s our Rush Limbaugh.
Brick Oven Bill
"I believe there is no challenge so great or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by America, Britain and the world working together. That is why President Obama and I will discuss this week a global new deal, whose impact can stretch from the villages of Africa to reforming the financial institutions of London and New York– and giving security to the hard-working families in every country."
My reading of the Austrian School of Economics is this: I have cows. You have sheep. I will provide you milk in exchange for wool.
I now define the Robert Mugabe School of Economics: I will create a fiat currency and give lots of it to my political hack friends.
in wingnutspeak: unconstitutional = census changes + a bunch of new "czars" to oversee federal policy. according to some, these new appointees are stepping on Congress’ toes .
Limbaugh’s outfit at that conference makes him look like the villain in one of Bruce Willis’ Die Hard movies. Given his propensity for Viagra use and sex-vacations in the Carribean, coupled with his considerable weight gain, cigar smoking and how pissed off Obama’s policies make him, he may do just that. Ahem..
Thanks folks, I’ll be here all week, etc., etc.,
I note that none of those singing the praises of Reagan have mentioned that the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Axis of Evil Comradegress would have made Reagan a criminal for cavorting with chimpanzees during his Hollywood heyday.
Simian enslavement made the Reagan-Heston alliance!
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
you mean he is one fat fuck, don’t you?
every time i surfed past CSPAN yesterday i saw him or some other pathetic jerks bloviating. FSM, he IS repulsive to look at!
Bill Clinton was the perfect foil for Rush, flawed enough to bring credibility to his mockery, yet competent enough to balance it. Rush has no clue who Obama really is; his attacks completely miss and become more and more extreme because there is no resistance. Rush can’t understand Obama because he can’t admit, even to himself in secret, that Obama actually cares about this country and wants to solve its problem.
Great. They can take it to their friends on the Supreme Court. That dentist-lawyer in California can maybe join the census issue with the birth certificate insanity. It will serve John Roberts right if he spends the next 4 years wading through this nonsense. With any luck, it’ll keep him so busy he won’t get to anything important.
Shorter web friendly Hyperion. 1FFSOAC = 1FF
@Brick Oven Bill:
Yeah, one gets the feeling ole "Crazy-Eyes" might hurt himself if not under constant supervision.
Apparently it’s my turn to suffer the moderation gods’ wrath today…
Except I don’t think Rush is actually high while he’s on the air.
Republican School of Social Conservatism and Economics: I have cows. You have sheep. I have gun, you are sexual prevert. You die.
Balloon Juice: where "soc ialism" gets you moderated, but "skull-fucking kittens" does not.
Somebody mentioned Rush championed Palin. Now he champions Jindal. Which will he prefer in 2012?
Cat Lady
Why doesn’t it occur to all the morans that if Obama really wanted to do so cialism he’d nationalize something worth something, like Exxon/Mobil, that could actually pay for all of the stuff he wants to do. Taking taxpayer money to shore up shareholders is the opposite of that, isn’t it? I can see being angry about that, but if that’s where their resentment is coming from, they’re completely off the rails. And their meds. Or on their meds. Also.
Nancy Darling
All right, guys. I did not know what "tea bagging" meant, but after some brief research I am clear on the concept. I am not clear on what "skull fucking a kitten" means or how I would use the phrase in a conversation. Another concept that leaves me baffled is Brick Oven Bill. Someone explain, please.
Comrade Darkness
"bastardization of the Constitution that the Obama plans are."
Someone more familiar with the right help me out on a general point here. What exactly do they think they are losing, constitutionally?
Just the other day Obama greatly increased the pursuit of liberty in the form of (my doctor gave me this prescription and now I damn well ought to have the right to get it filled, not matter how big a nutcase is working behind the counter.) That is some serious rights reasserted, thank you very much.
Or is that the whole issue? The "right" to screw over everyone else with their narrow-minded beliefs?
The way they stood by and cheered while Bush systematically trashed all but two items in the Bill of Rights makes this grandstanding all the more pathetic.
My reading of the Obama School of Economics is this: if you don’t treat people outside your borders like they are subhuman, they won’t come and blow your shit up.
Comrade Darkness
@Cain, oh god. BoB is worlds better than the blowbag.
He’s a little off today tho. Late night, Bob?
A little but not much:
I’m still not sure if Jim is Jewish or how hairy his armpits are, but anything with tractors is win.
@Comrade Darkness: I agree. His sentences are more coherent than usual, while his message remains indiscernable.
Rush is filling a void in the Republican party and they are making a huge mistake. He could care less. Its like letting your five year old drive the family to California.
Rush has no understanding of responsibility or governance. Rush is about Rush. He makes it up out of his ego and then blows it up the Republicans asses. Too bad for them that none will man up enough to take him on..
I agree with Frank Rich’s editorial today in the Times. The Republicans are not an immediate threat to Obama.
They are just pointless and irrelevant. His biggest danger is the need for managing the populist anger out here in the real world. Unofrtunately, the fix for the Banking and economy are going to require more sacrifice without necessarily seeing those MFs in the financial world pay a price and perhaps the people not really recovering much tangible benefit in the short term for the price of the "fix".
We have no idea what plan Geithner called back two weeks ago, but the pressure on Obama to articulate a plan is going to mount not recede over the next weeks. There is no way that people are going to be happy with any type of bailout without seeing some heads on a pike from the financial sector. Unless however, there is a legal vehicle for doing that, Obama risks it looking like these assholes are going to get away and stick the taxpayer with the burden and no return for that investment…intolerable even to me.
Going back to the Republicans, the only way they get any relief is if Obama mismanages that populist anger. If he does, they will be pulling each others’ hair and screaming at each other out in the wilderness for a long, long time.
My parents were Reagan voters. They voted against Bush both times and voted and volunteered for Obama. Why? Besides Republicans going farther and farther to the right, my parents would like not to be out on the street during retirement. Then there are people like my brother-in-law, who would have voted for Reagan if he were old enough then. He left the Republican party after Bush’s first term and has voted straight Democrat since then (he’s one of those "independents").
Republicans are like the war in Iraq, creating enemies faster than they can kill them. Old people like Social Security & Medicare. Young people don’t hate the gays. Working families would like healthcare and a retirement they can count on. Gays, blacks & latinos don’t hate, well, themselves. And now the entire "middle class" fields under attack and Republicans are busy with Rush, Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin ranting about the media and socialism.
There isn’t a group outside of right-wing evangelicals and racist/homophobic militia-types that Republicans aren’t alienating in one way or another right now. And that groups a declining slice of the American populace. I say we just occasionally toss them some red meat by discussing the Fairness doctrine or France, and otherwise let them dig their own grave.
The polls are showing that Obama’s "reaching out" strategy is valuable though. If he/we just said, "fuck ’em, they’re not honest opposition" the public would react negatively. Instead, we/he reaches out, time and again, and let the Republicans slap down the overtures and say mean things. It makes us look cooperative, them look petulant, and as importantly, shows they have no ideas except maybe some stupid, discredited ones.
Each interaction like that is another nail in their coffin. The best disinfectant for Republicanism is continuing to daylight their actual thoughts, ideas and practices.
Color me impressed with Obama.
The Grand Panjandrum
Rush may be right. Why have better ideas and policies when you JTP and a rapper who can rhyme like this.
Here’s an apparently sane conservative on Rush and his speech.
Conservatively Liberal
Only if those tractors have a PTO, otherwise they are just toys fer city slickers.
As stupid as Rush is, Michelle Bachmann is still stupider. (via Pharyngula):
The stupid has stopped burning. Instead, I have lost all feeling in my brain.
Brian J
Even if the absurd idea that the Obama administration was attacking a private citizen took hold as it fights back against the likes of Limbaugh, I am still happy he’s in the position he’s in. Subtlety is not a familiar concept to these clowns, and each and every time they speak, they run a great risk of saying some stupid and/or over the top. The Obama administration is far more likely to respond in a cool, calm, collected manner. It also goes without saying that its members are far more intelligent than Limbaugh, Malkin, or any of the other numb nuts they throw out on stage.
A quick round-up:
Ye gods, this stuff is genius. I’m serious, man: write your novel already! Your talents are truly wasted here.
. . .
Assuming that you are spoofing "in character," and are working on some sort of a self-referential parodical Dave Eggers version of A Confederacy of Dunces, with a Cormac McCarthy-like voice, and a huge ironic splash of mid-20th century science fiction. If so, your stuff is gold, man – gold. If not, seek help.
I thought it was very wierd how Rush kept talking about "Reagan voters". The last time anyone voted for Reagan was 24 years ago! If Limbaugh’s effectively in charge of the Republican Party — and it seems he is — they’re in for a long time in opposition.
Unless the Democrats manage to fuck things up even worse than Bush did, of course.
Bachmann may be the legendary Lost Black Hole of Stupid.
Mike G
If Jabba The Hate wants to drive the Repigs off a cliff, I’ll chip in for gas.
Well, the new Battle of the Titanic Egos does reinforce my suspicion that what Newt Gingrich is actually aiming for is official recognition as "the White Al Sharpton" — the guy who’s paid not to lead, but to protest in a way that the Media Village Idiots find useful. Rush considers this his personal fiefdom (think how much more airtime Limpballs got when he was ranting against Clinton rather than ‘cheerleading’ unenthusiastically for the C-Plus Augustus) and has no intention of allowing an amateur like Gingrich to steal his thunder
guts.Bad Horse's Filly
Me thinks B.o.B. needs a girlfriend…boyfriend…or a goat.
I don’t bother with even trying to understand.. I’m fascinated by the rhythm and cadence of his writing. If I had weed I’d smoke it and re-read it.
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
I think goatboy has the goat market cornered. He’ll have to go with some other bovinian animal.
BTW – that’s the Hulk, not Obi-Wan. When Obi-Wan gets attacked, he gets a light saber to the gut.
But Rush is not the Hulk. He’s more like the Blob (think X-men).