Obama could come out and read the phonebook and I’d still feel more comfortable with him at the helm over any other Dem or GOP.
Thank god, after the debacle of 2000 and 2004, this country got it right this time.
Lousy sound at C-Span for some reason – switching over to msnbc.
Nice intro.
Hah! “Even as we clear away the wreckage of this recession…”
Repeat of some lines from earlier today, about how he’s pleased but not satisfied (not direct quote; I can’t type that fast) but they’re good lines and deserve to be repeated.
Looking forward to seeing the details of those financial reforms he’s talking about.
Thought experiment: Imagine Sarah Palin standing at that podium.
I approve of the way he’s emphasizing basic hygiene and being cautionary but non-hysterical about H1N1. Too many people are already running around in circles yelling about how we’re all going to die.
Not that visions from apocalyptic fiction aren’t skittering through my head, but so far the virus doesn’t merit panic, or anything anywhere near panic. (Mind you, I live in Seattle. If I lived on the border with Mexico, I might be a bit more excitable.)
Thought experiment: Imagine Sarah Palin standing at that podium.
I would be slitting my wrists.
Just Some Fuckhead
approve of the way he’s emphasizing basic hygiene and being cautionary but non-hysterical about H1N1.
As an added bonus, Republicans will begin mocking him by handing out handkerchiefs and flu vaccines.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Tapper just asked a tough but fair question about torture. I’m shocked.
Let me see if I get the wording right: “You once said waterboarding was torture. The Bush administration authorized torture. Do you think the previous administration authorized torture?”
Obama sighed really heavily, then started a long answer. He really does not want to use that word, does he?
Still, good for Tapper. It was one of the right things to ask.
Now some douche carrying Cheney’s water about the “enhanced interrogation techniques save lives” memos. Feh.
(Fine. Tapper, not Tepper. I must have been thinking of SF writers.)
Dave C
As much as I was prepared to mock Taffer for being such a tool, I’ve got to admit that his question was a decent one. He’s still a tool, though.
Gawd. Tapper. I hate that guy. And I hate when he brings up torture because he thinks it’s a gotcha, not because he gives a damn.
the article he just mentioned on torture was on Sulli’s blog.
As an added bonus, Republicans will begin mocking him by handing out handkerchiefs and flu vaccines.
The flu is good news for Republicans. If the outbreak is contained then they’ll accuse Obama of fear mongering. If it turns pandemic then they’ll say that he didn’t do enough.
I just can’t get over having a President with a brain, a President who doesn’t make me want to heave bricks at the television.
is it my imagination or has the Village raised its game so far? Todd asked a good question too no?
Really? I thought asking if Obama would ever use torture if he “thought it would protect America” was pretty tool-ish.
Ah. Important Q about Pakistan – and from our boy Chuck, too! – I really don’t want securing Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to be our job. I think we’re already about as (militarily) busy as we can get.
@valdivia: As much as it pains me, I agree.
I have faith someone else will ask something painfully trivial and stupid soon enough, though.
Do any of you watch Tapper’s work on the ABC nightly news? I have been making an effort to watch them when I can find them on the ABC News site, and they are usually pretty decent. I don’t know what happens to him on the Note, though.
Nice brushoff of Chucky T. “Not gonna engage in a hypothetical. Boy he has really got this whole presidentin’ thing on lockdown.
I want to explain why I liked Knoller’s question. He asked if Obama had read the docs that Cheney keeps going on about that prove torture worked. And I thought right away that Obama would end up saying what he said, which was basically yes and Cheney’s full of shit. Oh, and nice smackdown on Todd.
But the question was built on a foundation of Villager Conventional Wisdom
Dave C
Ah yes, here’s our first truly stupid question of the day!
Brian J
is it my imagination or has the Village raised its game so far? Todd asked a good question too no?
None of them have been incredibly stupid, as far as I can tell, but the problem with some of them is that the president really can’t say what he thinks and/or what really is true. Todd’s question was good if for no other reason than it brought up a good topic, but on the chance that there isn’t hope that we can secure the nuclear weapons, does Todd really expect Obama to say that?
BTW, since Laura W. is accusing me of being hostile to being +2 or +3 or +eleventythree in the case of Harlana today, here is a really good Sauv Blanc by Starborough.
Prepare for some yummy goodness. Thanks Chip Reid. Watch how he lowers expectations and smacks the wingnuts all in one.
That redefining of bipartisanship was pitch perfect.
Is Ed Henry there? I was hoping that he was so that he could ask some more provocative questions.
I think he’s in the men’s room, shirtless, flexing his tiny muscles and trying to psych himself up in the mirror. “You’re a big man. You ask the tough questions! You’re DANGEROUS!”
Nope, there he is, asking tough questions about Notre Dame.
Heeeeere’s Ed….
Just Some Fuckhead
Ed Henry never spills a drop when he’s carrying Republican water.
(OK, not really. But I was watching Chris Matthews tonight as he went on and on about the first 100 days of photos and I just wanted to tell him to wipe his chin.)
Obama is a rhetorical master. If you listen to him speak on various issues, you’ll notice he does a lot of “on one hand, on the other hand” stating of issues. Particularly when he’s talking about his position versus someone else’s position (whether that somebody else is the GOP or Ahmadinejad), he states the other guy’s position in a slightly strawman way and then gently refutes it, making the other guy’s position sound unreasonable and his position sound eminently reasonable and the embodiment of ‘let’s meet each other halfway’.
Been said before but I’ll say it again… Obama vs the GOP is 3 dimensional chess vs. tic-tac-toe.
@John Cole: Yeah I think we are talking about the exact same idea…
@JK: That is my favorite painting. Thanks for ruining it for me by linking it to Palin. No, really, thanks.
I love how thoughtful Obama is, even when I don’t agree with him.
Man, he’s funny, too. I love his ‘let me write this down’ response to the idiotic question.
…teen pregnancies, which are beginning to spike up again.
Sarah Palin just got a migraine.
Dave C
And here comes the fluff!
I don’t think he’s called on a non-traditional media outlet yet.
But the back and forth with NYTimes Guy is v. funny. “Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered!”
Just Some Fuckhead
How did Harold Ramis get in?
Mr. Stuck
When Obama was asked if he would close the border. Obama answers, it would be like closing the barn door after the horses get out.
Wingnut skull receivers begin beeping loudly. Then they shriek that Obama didn’t act fast enough and now we’re all gonna die, and our horses too.
Great question from Zeleny. Nice Obama improv.
I love our Pres. I did not know Jeff Zeleny was such a dork. My god.
Excellent answer from Obama on the political posturing.
Yeah, the “surprised, enchanted …” question first seemed like a People Magazine softball, but is actually quite interesting in that it took Obama off script.
But I was watching Chris Matthews tonight as he went on and on about the first 100 days of photos and I just wanted to tell him to wipe his chin
That’s normal for Matthews. He’s the one who reacted to an Obama campaign speech by saying that it “gave him a thrill up his leg”. That was one of the stranger moments of a very strange year in politics.
BTW, since Laura W. is accusing me of being hostile to being +2 or +3 or +eleventythree in the case of Harlana today, here is a really good Sauv Blanc by Starborough.
I missed the question that made everyone laugh and had him writing something down. What happened.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’m loads of fun. I bet visiting this website is the most fun you have all day with your clothes on.
This bumps Zeleney into the lead as the biggest douchebag questioner so far
Always alot of fun to watch him think.
Then they shriek that Obama didn’t act fast enough and now we’re all gonna die, and our horses too.
It’s obvious that Obama is not a patriot. His cavalier dismissal of horses, coupled with the fact that he did not buy a pony for his daughters is proof positive that he hates horses and therefore he hates cowboys. Impeachment is too good for him.
“What has surprised, enchanted, humbled & I forget one you about this office?
Can we just keep this guy around for pressers even after he’s term limited? I can listen to a guy like this forever. He takes all the questions seriously and really thinks about his answers. Such a rare thing in the public life of America.
I’m loads of fun. I bet visiting this website is the most fun you have all day with your clothes on.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@John Cole: I swear to God, you will shortly have someone claiming they always visit this place naked. Eww. (Where’s the Purelle?)
Zeleney asked an SAT question: 4 adjectives that Obama had to write down and fit answers around: surprised, troubled, enchanted and … humbled (thanks, Chuck!).
@John Cole: The journo asked him what touched him the most in the first hundred days, what surprised him the most, what troubled him the most, and what enchanted him the most. It was funny.
P.S. I would have this man’s baby if he asked–and that’s saying a whole lot.
P.P.S. Wait, I have to be wearing clothes to visit this site? (Sorry, Comrade Mary, I had to say it).
Where is Matthews doing his humpy-dog act?
I’m watching on what I thought was his channel (MSMBC), and there’s no off-screen commentary, just the presser (for which, thank Gawd).
So far this is the best press conference. Except for Todd’s follow up on Pakistan most of the questions have been outstanding. As a nation, we are so lucky that McCain is not standing up there.
@John Cole: Pretty much what was in my comment — some reporter asked him what “surprised, humbled, enchanted, and “. Halfway through the question, Obama paused him with a “let me write this down…” and then proceeded to actually write down the questions, and just finished answering all 4 of them.
It was awesome.
Laura W Darling
@John Cole: Marlborough, New Zealand, Sauvignon Blanc? That’s like one step up from ginger, coconut, sesame ice cream in terms of palate pleasing perfection.
I’m going to have to re-evaluate my assessment of your hostility quotient tonight.
Damn it.
mmmmmmmm…..Sauvignon Blanc!
I think Chris Matthews is letting his freak flag fly when it comes to Obama, and its liberating him. There’s nothing better to watch than when Tweety goes after Cheney (going so far as to mispronouncing his name).
Chris M. also appears to be in luv with Michelle.
I’m supposed to visit this site with my clothes on?
Jesus, that question from the NYT guy was like something from the “interview” portion of a beauty pageant. “What has enchanted you about your 100 days?!” Seriously, this from the “paper of record” is a little embarrassing.
He didn’t get a chance to ask his follow-up question; “Boxers or briefs?”
agreed. I can’t imagine a greater contrast between Obama and 8 years of the biggest idiot imaginable in the White House.
Dave C
Tomorrow’s Red State headline today: Obama not “enchanted” by US troops!
@Betsy: The question allowed Obama to frame thoughtful answers. It’s nice to have a President that thinks. Can you imagine Bush’s answers to that question.
Can we just keep this guy around for pressers even after he’s term limited? I can listen to a guy like this forever. He takes all the questions seriously and really thinks about his answers. Such a rare thing in the public life of America.
Absolutely. His answer to Zeleny’s question was a thing of beauty
Yes, i have a crush on my prez, but it’s mostly intellectual.
Jinx, Betsy.
I just loved to see Zeleny on TV because there is so much spleen to what he writes about Obama in the NYT, now I know why.
@r€nato: is correct; rhetoricians are already building projects on this guy. Of particular interest in the Comp community is the potential use of Obama’s popularity and broad appeal to teach communication. Not to mention the counter-narrative he provides to the “culture of distraction” zealots.
The last two questions (questions “of color,” I suppose) were interesting, and I also appreciated the Detroit representative’s question. They should do one out of every three pressers with smaller markets only. Here’s Scherer…
Oooo….I like the states’ secrets question and beginning of his answer. This man knows how to dance with words.
Every time Bush gave a presser, I groaned, screamed, cradled my face in my hands and wondered how the fuck we were going to get through the remainder of his term with this idiot and his gang of dangerous criminals in charge.
Every time Obama gives a presser, I watch the re-runs twice or more on CSPAN. I just can’t get over how fortunate we are to have such an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate, credible guy in the White House.
Just Some Fuckhead
Not a star fucker here but I totally dig the way Obama answers a direct question with a direct answer. That alone was worth my vote.
We are even luckier that Palin is not standing up there.
If Palin were up there, it would likely be snowing on the Equator and we would be listening via short wave in our Personal Bunkers.
Did Michael Scherer’s mother have to drive him to the press conference? Did she pack him a juice box?
Here’s a question I wanna hear an answer to stat. And of course, he sounds reasonable. But I’m still suspicious of the state secrets shenanigans.
Imagine Sarah Palin standing at that podium
And answering every question by dropping her top.
@JL: I think he answered those questions as well as anyone could (and I certainly agree it would have been a trainwreck for Bush), but it was still not a question that led to particularly informative answer. In light of everything that’s going on right now, that just seemed totally empty to me.
WSJ guy sounds like a prick even before he gets his whole question out. The question itself isn’t so bad, but his tone irritated me.
I liked the ‘of color’ questions as well. Yay, smaller presses!
Man, fuck Olbermann and Maddow. I’m just thrilled Obama used the word “torture”.
Stop being pedantic little bitches and take what he’s giving up here. He’s giving us everything he can.
CNN is flashing letter grades from pundits and senators.
What is this, the goddamn Olympic gymnastics or figure skating finals?
Mr. Stuck
That was one sharp Teleprompter.
Depends has Bush looked into the soul of the Russian Judge?
Just Some Fuckhead
*holds up B-*
@JK: East Germany totally fucked over Obama on the last news conference
Ed Rollins sez Obama got boring about a half hour in. Jesus. Words fail me.
not to berrate you but you owe me 5 minutes of my life. ;-)
I went to CNN and had to hear some republican idiot tell me that Obama was dismissive of Cheney’s request and then another (Rollins?) that Obama is boring.
Comrade Kevin
@Corner Stone: You’ll take what you get, and like it, bitches, eh?
Without people like them pushing, chances are Obama wouldn’t even have done has much as he has.
Rachel was not to careful, Olberman more so in regards to torture, but both want something done about it beyond – ooops.
I don’t think it is the job of the President to make statements about crimes when he has a DOJ whose job that actually is. Doing something else is playing politics with the DOJ – either side of the argument.
okay I forgive you. no worries. but that Shays (?) idiot needs to be out of punditry.
@r€nato: Life just isn’t exciting for Republicans unless the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Which it is, but it could be WAY worse. So, yawn.
As part of an unfortunately flip to Hannity last night, that had some sort of panel with Mark Furman on it, I heard Hannity literally say that the real president is the person who types the words on the teleprompter.
I went to CNN and had to hear some republican idiot tell me that Obama was dismissive of Cheney’s request
Yeah, that was Stephen Hayes, one of those right-wing think tank hacks riding the wingnut welfare train.
Speaking of which, what with the ongoing collapse of the GOP I’m hoping that the Goldberg’s, Coulter’s and Hayes’ of the world end up looking for honest work as their funding dries up.
Ed Rollins sez Obama got boring about a half hour in. Jesus. Words fail me.
yes because press conferences are always exciting. i mean bush press conferences you were looking for epic failure and got it.
Did that gentleman say that the unemployment rate for African-American males in NYC is 50%? That’s dreadful!
@4tehlulz: I think Obama should file a complaint with the International Olympic Committee for the low scores he received from Stephen Hayes and Ed Rollins
I’d prefer Obama acquire the reputation as Bore-in-Chief rather than of Liar-in-Chief
@r€nato: Every time you hear Stephen Hayes open his yap, remember he wrote an entire book detailing the fallacious links between Hussein and Al Qaeda. It will help you keep perspective on what an idiot he is.
So I switched over to Fox, and they had so little to complain about that they were annoyed that no one asked him about the fly by of NYC. Now there’s a crucial issue…
I guess Ed Rollins misses that clown Bush.
These are serious fuckin’ times, I don’t want to be entertained by my president!
Wolf wants us to grade the MEDIA? Oh Jesus Lord Allah Xenu, WHY?
@John Cole: Probably the most fun he has all day, no matter what his haberdasheral status.
Just Some Fuckhead
I can’t believe no one asked about the fucking puppy. Where do I have to go to get real news?
Oh and they were mad that Fox didn’t get a question.
I just listened that entire press conference while working on something and it was soothing, for pete’s sake. He’s amazing; talking about Taliban and flu and economic meltdown and partisan idiots and it’s like some white noise waterfall compared to the last eight years of auditory and linguistic torture.
Oh, and can I get a “hallelujah” for the nuance? I think that alone has the press corps stymied.
P.S. I think the commenters over at Swampland may finally be getting through to Scherer. He asked a decent question and even followed up. Way to be kind of a journalist, Michael.
My impression of Hayes comes primarily from his appearances on Bill Maher, where he dons a glib smirk – like those idiots Bill Kristol and Georgia congressman Jack Kingston – while spouting the most inflammatory and idiotic neo-con/wingnut crap.
Corner Stone
@Comrade Kevin: No, no, no. I’m on record as a less than Obama starfucker. But! I think the use of the word “torture”, the acknowledgement that waterboarding is “torture” is fucking valuable here.
I’m not the kind to lie back and think of England my friend, I want balls out investigations. I’m not downplaying anything, or giving him room to breathe on this most important of issues (to me anyway).
BUT, for Olbermann and Maddow to sit there and blithely say that Obama was playing silly word games just seemed fucking silly. Obama came right out and said “torture”.
Fuck Olbermann and fuck Maddow.
It just sounded really fucking stupid to me, at this point in time, when Obama doesn’t have the final say about investigations or any matter of law regarding this issue.
I’ll go back and read the transcript of the MSNBC show when it’s available but they just sounded tone deaf and childish to me. And as I said – I want Obama and Rahm to STFU about “not looking back”. Let the law work and prove that equal justice under the law, no one above the law still means something.
Mr. Stuck
Life just isn’t exciting for Republicans unless the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Which it is, but it could be WAY worse. So, yawn.
I was trying to think of a headline for this presser. The best I could come up with is “Obama Delivers Verbal Qualudes to a Nervous Nation” . I was really young when Kennedy used to do this, but I can remember the adults crowding around the Teevee, and I could see them relax as he spoke. Of course, in those days. the numero uno fear was being incinerated any day by Soviet Nukes.
Ed Rollins sez Obama got boring about a half hour in.
Where did these people get the idea that responsible discussions about national and world policy were supposed to be primarily about entertaining them? My god, I’m incredibly grateful to have a “boring” president; it means he understands that policy shouldn’t be based on bumper sticker slogans.
Stephen “F for Fuckstick” Hayes gave Obama a B-, which I think is his way of saying, “he didn’t make a single mistake but I still hate his guts so I’m going to give him the worst possible ‘good’ grade.”
@r€nato: Let’s not slip into the with us or agaist mode of Republicans.
Ed Rollins has consistently had high praise for Obama, sometimes bordering on gushing, and routinely this week has given him an A on foreign policy. He disagrees with him profoundly on domestic issues, but still is very impressed with Obama’s skills.
Ed was speaking from the standpoint of a media manager- he was concerned about the presser appearing boring and he focuses on aesthetics. That is what he does for a living.
@r€nato: The new talking point seems to be, that Obama is on TV to much. Rollins has been pushing the meme all day. In actuality Obama’s ratings go up after TV appearances.
from waaay upthread:
That was one sharp Teleprompter.
In BBC America’s review of the first 100 days, they pointed out Obama had given 150 speeches, 48 of them with a teleprompter.
Historical note: During his first term in office, which included 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, George W. Bush held three prime-time press conferences.
And yet he didn’t catch Bin Laden and we have no idea who got ahold of US military anthrax and mailed it to the librul media and Democrats.
Press conferences + FAIL still = FAIL
…like Josh Marshall just noted, I’m bummed that we don’t get to see Bobby Jindal deliver the GOP response.
@4tehlulz: That was a winning reference to the East German judge, for those of us old enough to remember.
The new talking point seems to be, that Obama is on TV to much. Rollins has been pushing the meme all day. In actuality Obama’s ratings go up after TV appearances.
lol right because with 2 wars, economy, education, health care, green technology, a pandemic flu, torture, you definitely dont want to see the leader of your nation tell you whats going on
Well John I guess I am an Obama fanboy and a policy wonk so I’m not your average ‘Merkin. I wasn’t anything remotely close to being bored for the entire hour. I’ll be watching the re-run on CSPAN later this evening.
I still don’t see where Ed gets off with ‘boring’. And I don’t dislike him because he’s a Republican. He’s one of the few honest Republicans out there in the media who will say what he really thinks more or less without feeling the need to toe the party line 100% of the time. Thank goodness they didn’t have that tool Frank Luntz up there.
@r€nato: I’d rather see Michele Bachmann deliver the Republican response.
I’d like to say that I turned KO and Rachel off about two minutes in. Talk about your buzzkills. I know they feel it’s their jobs to hold his feet to the fire, but he is doing his incremental one step at a time thing. Every time, he moves the ball forward and eventually he’ll take the whole country across the goal line with him, not just us DFHs. Plus, I would miss Lost and that would be a shame.
I’d rather see Michele Bachmann deliver the Republican response.
My god, I’m incredibly grateful to have a “boring” president; it means he understands that policy shouldn’t be based on bumper sticker slogans.
Christ. What a fucking relief, huh?
Shawn in ShowMe
Ed was speaking from the standpoint of a media manager- he was concerned about the presser appearing boring and he focuses on aesthetics.
So that begs that question “boring to who?” The people who thought that Bush’s pressers were da bomb?
If you are a dedicated Republican, of course Obama is on TV too much for your taste. People love him. He inspires confidence and we need that in times like this. We need to know that however tough things are, there is a steady hand on the rudder.
These people saying Obama is on TV too much are also having a hard time adjusting themselves to a post-Bush world, a return to ‘normalcy’. Presidents SHOULD give press conferences more often than once every year or two.
Prior to Bush, presidents did pressers a lot more often and what’s more, they could appear in public without carefully screened 100% sycophantic audiences who signed loyalty oaths as a condition of entering the premises. Fuck, with the exception perhaps of St. Ronnie they could answer questions at a press conference without falling back on a rote recitation of talking points.
@ChrisB: You know you are old when you don’t even realize that young people might not get the reference.
The Olympics simply is not as dramatic without the cold war.
The Fuzzy Logic of Chris Matthews
I try to look for Republicans to vote for. I do. I‘ve always voted for local Republican candidates for Congress. I voted for Michael Steele once. I voted for Arlen Specter when he ran for mayor as a reformer, back in the old days. I look for good Republicans to balance the act out. I think the south keeps us a little conservative. The north keeps the south a little secular. The marriage works. It‘s like, you know, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 4/28/09
Okay, call it: 6:39pm on 04.29.09. CNN has officially become completely unwatchable.
Shawn in ShowMe
I’d like to say that I turned KO and Rachel off about two minutes in
I suggest you adopt a one week on, two weeks off viewing schedule with these two. Maybe three weeks off with Rachel. Nonstop concern trolling can be hazardous to your health.
Rollins like the rest of the repubs are grasping at straws.
Was their a Republican response?
You know you are old when you don’t even realize that young people might not get the reference.
Tell me about it. (It’s been 20 years since East Germany was in the Olympics.)
I’d rather see Michele Bachmann deliver the Republican response.
That would just be distilled insanity.
Would she give us a history lesson about how Eugene McCarthy led the triumphant communist witch hunt against the Bergenroses back when Ike Ikenberry was president? Or would she spend time looking to the future, when the Red Chinese have us enslaved with their Wal-Mart crippling lead-paint covered global currency?
So much crazy, so little time.
Corner Stone
God. How sad is it that I’m agreeing with Richard-frackin-Wolffe on Olbermann’s show?
STFU OLBERMANN. Obama has no say in what happens next with torture and can only bungle up any possible investigation! If Obama says Bush tortured people then he colors any future jury pool or trial! God help me but I think my head may essplode if this idiot keeps non-acknowldeging this fact!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@Max: I don’t get CNN any more. What did I not-miss?
Davis X. Machina
I don’t care if it’s Paul Pierce, Pal Benko, or a plumber — it’s always worth watching someone who knows what they’re doing do what they know how to do. It’s why playing out old master games from chess books, even though you know who wins from the game header, is so interesting, and so educational.
Obama’s pressers fall into that category.
Corner Stone
@Davis X. Machina: Dood, stop slobbin’ the knob.
But I will agree with you on the other point. I don’t care what your job is, or profession or specialty, if you want to talk about the thing in the world you know better than 99.9% of the population – I’m ready and eager to listen.
I can’t tell you how many hours I spent listening to Operators in refineries talk about their tasks and duties. And even though it has nothing to do with my job or life – I learned something useful every time.
You are not missing a thing… They are trying to be so hip and interactive, with the polls, instant voting, twitter, facebook, the wall and the repetitive statements and “the best political team on television” bullshit.
It’s just totally “love me daddy”.
Shawn in ShowMe
I look for good Republicans to balance the act out. I think the south keeps us a little conservative. The north keeps the south a little secular. The marriage works.
That “balancing act” that Tweety supports is why our international counterparts have universal healthcare, high speed rail, strong public school systems and affordable college education and we don’t. What a tool.
The north keeps the south a little secular.
Then it does a piss poor job of it.
Corner Stone
Olbermann or his staff definitely reads this website.
kid bitzer
of course they do. we’re the most trusted name in snark.
The liberal AP has an article about Michelle Obama’s work today the a food bank with other congressional spouses.
Mrs. Obama dressed down in sneakers and capri pants for the event. She hugged and joked with food bank volunteers and spouses from both parties as she walked around the center and filled bags of food.
I work at a Food Pantry/Clothes Closet and I thought that Michelle was dressed appropriately for that job.
what struck me about the whole presser was how completely lost the illiterate, stuttering black guy was without his teleprompter. it makes me yearn for the day when a retarded guy “from Texas” routinely gave us inspired word-vomit and offered up sexy massage to foreign leaders when he got nervous. IMPEACH!
I don’t have cable. I watch Keith and Rachel the day after, which probably helps mitigate the buzzkill. I love them, and I want them to keep pushing. Full disclosure, I have a huge crush on Rachel.
I don’t watch any after-presser deconstruction because the pundits drive me out of my mind. To me, Obama isn’t boring at all, but it’s mostly because I’m happy to see evidence that he can think.
I don’t want to be entertained by my president–though he is hot. In fact, I don’t want to be entertained by my politics at all. I want to be informed. I want to be treated like an adult. I want to hear my president pronounce nuclear (and Pakistan) correctly. I get that all from Obama, and I am by far not a Kool-aid drinker. I know Obama is to the right of me on many issues, and I can deal with that.
As for Bachmann, I never want to hear her ugly voice again.
Davis X. Machina
It’s not knob-slobbery, Cornerstone. I said the same thing back in the day, when Mark Hatfield spoke in the Senate on C-SPAN, and he was an R. Ditto Bob-Dole-the-Senator. (Not Bob-Dole-the-Candidate).
Expertise is its own attraction.
Larry J. Sabato: “The Specter commentary from Newt Gingrich, Michael Steele, and other top Republicans has convinced me that the out-of-power party is not just living on another planet; they have actually changed solar systems.”
Yeah, where he sees Astaire and Rogers, I see Tina being held down abused by Ike.
As repulsive and stupid as Bachman and Palin are, they have star power among the wingnuts and the MSM loves covering them.
@Davis X. Machina:
Mark Hatfield. Wow, that’s a real blast from the past. I wish he were still in the Senate along with Lowell Weicker.
I’d also gladly trade Michele Bachmann for Millicent Fenwick.
so I can’t imagine why men find Palin and Bachmann attractive
Ummm, because we’re clueless frackin hump machine males? Although, Bachmann – not so much.
We buy things because they advertise them with large top shelfs in tiny bikinis. This has been proven time and again. We’re not bright but we are consistent.
It’s sad that Chris Matthews actually thinks he’s doing a great public service when he makes these kind of remarks.
Just read th’ transcript. Gotta love this prez, eh? Very first impression follows.
Here, for you, is a concise summation of his stock answer – a “Shorter Obama, if you will:
QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President. With [X] worsening, can you talk about whether you think it’s time to [do Y], and whether — under what conditions you might consider [Z], when that might be appropriate.
MR. OBAMA: Well, first of all, as I said, I think that we have to make sure that we recognize that how we respond [to X] — intelligently, systematically, based on science and what [relevant] officials have to say — will determine in large part what happens.
So what we want to do is to show that we are competent in getting results around [X], even on the structures that we already have in place, the laws that we already have in place, so that we’re building confidence, among the American people, that we can actually follow through on whatever legislative approach emerges.
As far as stock answers go, this one’s the gold fucking standard: an avoidance of the question that is actually pretty satisfying.
[edited for formatting]
Ash Can
@Zzyzx: Wait a second. I thought those putzes weren’t going to broadcast the presser. Something about their prime-time entertainment lineup being more worthwhile viewing. Were they just feeling too left-out at the last minute or something?
How sad is it that I’m agreeing with Richard-frackin-Wolffe on Olbermann’s show?
What’s so bad about that? Wolffe is one of the few sharp political analysts you’ll find on TV.
Now, I haven’t seen/heard MSNBC’s coverage, nor their alleged concern trolling, but as far as I’m concerned I’m pretty satisfied (as much as I can be – I mean, it’s a presser, not a speech) with Obama’s answer on waterboarding.
He said the magic words. He avoided their ramifications, but it all flows from there – Cheney admitted he authorized waterboarding; Obama says waterboarding is categorically torture; torture is a crime. Obama’s fulfilled his role for now, and we have to wait for the next step.
So, yeah, on torture and prosecutions: satisfied for now. But still, having some strident voices on th’ teevee pushing for prosecutions, no matter what th’ prez sez? Can’t hurt, methinks.
[The State secrets answer was . . . um . . . disingenuous at worst (“disingenuous” meaning “not ingenuous; lacking in frankness, openness, or candor”: Greenwald should have a good take on it (i.e., the DOJ could have requested a stay instead of filing for dismissal if they really needed more time to come to a decision, but I’ll leave it to th’ Glenzilla)), and promising at best.]
Corner Stone
@mannemalon: Because Wolffe has several times made excuses for the Village press. He’s a punk bitch even though he has really shocked me lately on his stances espoused on MSNBC.
I’ll admit I’m wrong if Wolffe isn’t the little DC minion I believe him to be.
@Corner Stone: I guess I’d just say ‘relatively’ then. Based on what we get on cable news, I’ve found Wolffe to be far better than pretty much all of the rest. I don’t doubt he has his miniony tendencies.
@Corner Stone: I think he’s realized how wrong he has been, and is slowly waking up to the fact. Plus, he’s British and cute, so I forgive him. This is directed to your comments on Richard Wolffe.
@Corner Stone: Yeah, I get that. I’m wondering if it’s biological, though, because I love breasts, but I am not swayed by them. I have done much swaying with my own breasts (free drinks, anyone?), but no matter how much I love a particular pair of breasts, I’m not going to buy what the boobs are selling unless it makes sense to me.
Ummm, my respect for SGEW aside – the answer is yes. I can guarantee you I will buy you drinks/dinner/Coach purse, even with the fore knowledge that I have no chance at further understanding between us.
There is some part of the brain that allows me to rationalize it by saying – hey, we’re going home alone but that was a hell of a good time with a beautiful woman.
Only true pigs expect more.
Also, bewbs.
Mike in NC
That “balancing act” that Tweety supports is why our international counterparts have universal healthcare, high speed rail, strong public school systems and affordable college education and we don’t. What a tool.
That’s what a $5M gig a year will get you. Worthless turd.
Ummm, my wiring is appreciative of many female attributes, nothing is particularly conclusive. I’ll not go into any real details about what can floor me beyond stating that eyes alone can stop me in my tracks. At my best I look somewhat “mussed” and oddly the women in my life have been quite nice looking – though somebody did mention a preference for “mussed” here.
Ummm, because we’re clueless frackin hump machine males?
Fortunately some of us are wired to find other types of women more attractive then Saggin Palin and Bloodeyed Bannen.
@Corner Stone: Where do you live? Anywhere in the Midwest? I could use more books. And sushi.
@Chuck Butcher: I just find it fascinating because I can find the form (male or female) beautiful and still not take leave of my senses. Like I said, I’m not above using my cleavage to get better service at restaurants, but it amuses me.
@TenguPhule: Whew! I’m glad. I find it disheartening that even many Democratic males find the two of them comely.
Oh hell, I’m a construction contractor in NE OR not a waiter in MN. Politics aside, la Palin leaves me cold but I’ve never bothered to try to explain to anyone what does get to me and I doubt there’s any point in trying because it would miss the mark. I could point and say ‘wow’ but if that was taken as an archetype it would be wrong because I don’t have one.
Hells bells, now I’ve confused myself…
@Chuck Butcher: Ha! You make me laugh. Where in Oregon? I used to date a guy who lived in Eugene. His bro lived in Portland. Nice state. Best used bookstore in the country–well, one of them.
Baker City, OR on I-84 150 mi from Boise ID and 350 mi from Portland, to be more geographically correct 50 air miles from ID border (Hells Canyon) & 100 mi S of WA border. NE OR, semi arid valley at 3500 ft at the foot of 10K ft mountains both E & W. East of Bumfuck Egypt middle of nowhere and near no place. It’s 45 miles and a mountain range to another town the same size both N&S – 10K pop. and nothing E or W of any size for quite a ways. Salem or Eugene are 300 miles and 4 mountain ranges away west.
Original Lee
@ChrisB: East Germany has been out of the Olympics for 20 years, but there are still East German judges. (Insert Monty Python reference here.)
I watched a lot of the Olympics on the Internet this last time, because I wanted more than just the highlights. Especially in gymnastics, there were a number of times when the scores came up that I was reminded of East German judges. I think the sportscasters even made a comment or two to that effect.
Original Lee
@Ash Can: I was in East Berlin the day the Russians announced Leonid Brezhnev was dead. That was a totally weird experience, I can tell you. However, my aunt was doing doctoral research in West Berlin when the Wall went up and happened to be in West Berlin when the Wall went down, and listening to her talking about both times is fascinating.
Also totally weird: I recently had to explain to a German man in his 30s why I was in East Berlin on that day. (It came up in the context of the stuff I want to see now that the Wall has been down for a while.)
Corner Stone
@asiangrrlMN: Unfortunately for both of us I live in the Greater Houston Metro Area, TX. Which is a shame as I love sushi. In addition to the other pre-discussed good things in life.
@asiangrrlMN: Alas and alack…I live in Seattle (otherwise you’d probably be getting whatever you wanted….).
Was just in Minneapolis this past summer and know a few people slightly, mainly in the theatre community…
@asiangrrlMN: I have to say that the Naughty Librarian thing really turns my crank, but it only works if she can say smart things among the smutty. If there was another soul in Sarah Palin’s body, it might do it for me, but those evil, empty eyes…. brrrrr.
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Obama could come out and read the phonebook and I’d still feel more comfortable with him at the helm over any other Dem or GOP.
Thank god, after the debacle of 2000 and 2004, this country got it right this time.
Lousy sound at C-Span for some reason – switching over to msnbc.
Nice intro.
Hah! “Even as we clear away the wreckage of this recession…”
Repeat of some lines from earlier today, about how he’s pleased but not satisfied (not direct quote; I can’t type that fast) but they’re good lines and deserve to be repeated.
Looking forward to seeing the details of those financial reforms he’s talking about.
Thought experiment: Imagine Sarah Palin standing at that podium.
All I can imagine is Tina Fey and a flute.
@dmsilev: Don’t harsh my high, dude.
Sigh. I love me some President Obama.
Cover your mouth with your sleeve, not your hand!
mk, oh, we’re not doing the talent portion?
Just Some Fuckhead
I miss Telepromptah Obama.
“I hit a perfect tribeca.”
I approve of the way he’s emphasizing basic hygiene and being cautionary but non-hysterical about H1N1. Too many people are already running around in circles yelling about how we’re all going to die.
Not that visions from apocalyptic fiction aren’t skittering through my head, but so far the virus doesn’t merit panic, or anything anywhere near panic. (Mind you, I live in Seattle. If I lived on the border with Mexico, I might be a bit more excitable.)
I would be slitting my wrists.
Just Some Fuckhead
As an added bonus, Republicans will begin mocking him by handing out handkerchiefs and flu vaccines.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Tapper just asked a tough but fair question about torture. I’m shocked.
Let me see if I get the wording right: “You once said waterboarding was torture. The Bush administration authorized torture. Do you think the previous administration authorized torture?”
Obama sighed really heavily, then started a long answer. He really does not want to use that word, does he?
Still, good for Tapper. It was one of the right things to ask.
Now some douche carrying Cheney’s water about the “enhanced interrogation techniques save lives” memos. Feh.
(Fine. Tapper, not Tepper. I must have been thinking of SF writers.)
Dave C
As much as I was prepared to mock Taffer for being such a tool, I’ve got to admit that his question was a decent one. He’s still a tool, though.
Gawd. Tapper. I hate that guy. And I hate when he brings up torture because he thinks it’s a gotcha, not because he gives a damn.
the article he just mentioned on torture was on Sulli’s blog.
Dave C
@Dave C:
Taffer, Tapper, whatever. :)
I think Obama threaded the needle of the “gotcha” portion of Tapper’s question, too.
totally agree.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
The flu is good news for Republicans. If the outbreak is contained then they’ll accuse Obama of fear mongering. If it turns pandemic then they’ll say that he didn’t do enough.
@Dave C:
I follow Tapper on Twitter on he’s less tool-ey. Not sure how that reconciles with his writing.
Mark Knoller just asked a better question than Tapper if you ask me. Of course, no one has.
Apparently swine flu has nothing to do with flying pigs.
Just Some Fuckhead
God, we’re so fucked when an Islamic Indonesian from Africa has to explain American values to us.
Joe Max
I just can’t get over having a President with a brain, a President who doesn’t make me want to heave bricks at the television.
is it my imagination or has the Village raised its game so far? Todd asked a good question too no?
Really? I thought asking if Obama would ever use torture if he “thought it would protect America” was pretty tool-ish.
Ah. Important Q about Pakistan – and from our boy Chuck, too! – I really don’t want securing Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to be our job. I think we’re already about as (militarily) busy as we can get.
@valdivia: As much as it pains me, I agree.
I have faith someone else will ask something painfully trivial and stupid soon enough, though.
John Cole
Do any of you watch Tapper’s work on the ABC nightly news? I have been making an effort to watch them when I can find them on the ABC News site, and they are usually pretty decent. I don’t know what happens to him on the Note, though.
Nice brushoff of Chucky T. “Not gonna engage in a hypothetical. Boy he has really got this whole presidentin’ thing on lockdown.
I want to explain why I liked Knoller’s question. He asked if Obama had read the docs that Cheney keeps going on about that prove torture worked. And I thought right away that Obama would end up saying what he said, which was basically yes and Cheney’s full of shit. Oh, and nice smackdown on Todd.
I got dead threaded below but when he invoked Churchill it was classic…..
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Shit. I missed Obama actually saying that waterboarding is torture. Good for him!
yeah it pains me too. I am sort of shocked. There is still time though!
And there goes Chip giving the republican talking points.
Not actually a good question by Todd
But the question was built on a foundation of Villager Conventional Wisdom
Dave C
Ah yes, here’s our first truly stupid question of the day!
Brian J
None of them have been incredibly stupid, as far as I can tell, but the problem with some of them is that the president really can’t say what he thinks and/or what really is true. Todd’s question was good if for no other reason than it brought up a good topic, but on the chance that there isn’t hope that we can secure the nuclear weapons, does Todd really expect Obama to say that?
John Cole
BTW, since Laura W. is accusing me of being hostile to being +2 or +3 or +eleventythree in the case of Harlana today, here is a really good Sauv Blanc by Starborough.
Prepare for some yummy goodness. Thanks Chip Reid. Watch how he lowers expectations and smacks the wingnuts all in one.
my bad, see I have been listening too much to the CW myself I guess.
Is Ed Henry there? I was hoping that he was so that he could ask some more provocative questions.
In that case, I’d be imagining this
This guy just oozes presidency from his pores. I keep expecting somebody to wake me up and tell me it was all a dream.
No worries, most of us get sucked into CW more often than we would like to admit.
OH SHIT He is killing the Villagers with the bipartisanship meme smackdown!
Oooooo, I love this answer. I love this guy. He’ll go far, I predict.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think Obama made lemonade with Chip’s lemons.
Tapper? That was Tapper? Yuck. He made me grit my teeth immediately.
President Obama did give a tightly-nuanced response to torture, and I was heartened to hear him call waterboarding torture.
Todd’s first question was good, but his follow-up question (“worse case scenario”) negated the first question.
By the way, am I the only one who gets a mini-orgasm every time Obama speaks? He is just THAT GOOD.
Gah! Who is the idiot asking the abortion question?
@John Cole: Maybe, he has multiple personality disorder.
John Cole
That redefining of bipartisanship was pitch perfect.
I think he’s in the men’s room, shirtless, flexing his tiny muscles and trying to psych himself up in the mirror. “You’re a big man. You ask the tough questions! You’re DANGEROUS!”
Nope, there he is, asking tough questions about Notre Dame.
Heeeeere’s Ed….
Just Some Fuckhead
Ed Henry never spills a drop when he’s carrying Republican water.
Ed Henry is killing me with the Republican talking points on abortion.
You win. He just asked about abortion.
that was a great answer to the Chip question.
Here goes Henry asking another idiot ‘gotcha’ question.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@asiangrrlMN: What do you mean “mini”?
(OK, not really. But I was watching Chris Matthews tonight as he went on and on about the first 100 days of photos and I just wanted to tell him to wipe his chin.)
Obama is a rhetorical master. If you listen to him speak on various issues, you’ll notice he does a lot of “on one hand, on the other hand” stating of issues. Particularly when he’s talking about his position versus someone else’s position (whether that somebody else is the GOP or Ahmadinejad), he states the other guy’s position in a slightly strawman way and then gently refutes it, making the other guy’s position sound unreasonable and his position sound eminently reasonable and the embodiment of ‘let’s meet each other halfway’.
Been said before but I’ll say it again… Obama vs the GOP is 3 dimensional chess vs. tic-tac-toe.
@John Cole: Yeah I think we are talking about the exact same idea…
@JK: That is my favorite painting. Thanks for ruining it for me by linking it to Palin. No, really, thanks.
I love how thoughtful Obama is, even when I don’t agree with him.
Man, he’s funny, too. I love his ‘let me write this down’ response to the idiotic question.
Sarah Palin just got a migraine.
Dave C
And here comes the fluff!
I don’t think he’s called on a non-traditional media outlet yet.
But the back and forth with NYTimes Guy is v. funny. “Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered!”
Just Some Fuckhead
How did Harold Ramis get in?
Mr. Stuck
When Obama was asked if he would close the border. Obama answers, it would be like closing the barn door after the horses get out.
Wingnut skull receivers begin beeping loudly. Then they shriek that Obama didn’t act fast enough and now we’re all gonna die, and our horses too.
Great question from Zeleny. Nice Obama improv.
I love our Pres. I did not know Jeff Zeleny was such a dork. My god.
Excellent answer from Obama on the political posturing.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
That “let me write this down” bit is going to be a classic. Esp. since he actually did write that down…
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse: Heh. Tweety wants to hump Obama’s leg. Ew!!
@r€nato: I agree. I also like the fact that he can look at an issue from many different angles rather than just focusing on just one aspect.
Wait, Ed Henry was abortion question guy? Nope, don’t like him, either.
“Enchanted? Nice.”
Oh, GOD: “I’m surprised by [how quickly and completely the country turned to shit while I was campaigning for this job]”
No foolin’.
Oh, here comes the smackdown, and it is a beaut.
Yeah, the “surprised, enchanted …” question first seemed like a People Magazine softball, but is actually quite interesting in that it took Obama off script.
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
That’s normal for Matthews. He’s the one who reacted to an Obama campaign speech by saying that it “gave him a thrill up his leg”. That was one of the stranger moments of a very strange year in politics.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole:
I think her larger point was yer no fun anymore.
John Cole
I missed the question that made everyone laugh and had him writing something down. What happened.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’m loads of fun. I bet visiting this website is the most fun you have all day with your clothes on.
This bumps Zeleney into the lead as the biggest douchebag questioner so far
Always alot of fun to watch him think.
It’s obvious that Obama is not a patriot. His cavalier dismissal of horses, coupled with the fact that he did not buy a pony for his daughters is proof positive that he hates horses and therefore he hates cowboys. Impeachment is too good for him.
Chuck Butcher
Plussed is good for some of you.
“What has surprised, enchanted, humbled & I forget one you about this office?
Can we just keep this guy around for pressers even after he’s term limited? I can listen to a guy like this forever. He takes all the questions seriously and really thinks about his answers. Such a rare thing in the public life of America.
John Cole
The NYTimes guy asked him a multifaceted question and Prez Obama was like “hold on let me get my pen”. Classic.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole:
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@John Cole: I swear to God, you will shortly have someone claiming they always visit this place naked. Eww. (Where’s the Purelle?)
Zeleney asked an SAT question: 4 adjectives that Obama had to write down and fit answers around: surprised, troubled, enchanted and … humbled (thanks, Chuck!).
@John Cole: The journo asked him what touched him the most in the first hundred days, what surprised him the most, what troubled him the most, and what enchanted him the most. It was funny.
P.S. I would have this man’s baby if he asked–and that’s saying a whole lot.
P.P.S. Wait, I have to be wearing clothes to visit this site? (Sorry, Comrade Mary, I had to say it).
Where is Matthews doing his humpy-dog act?
I’m watching on what I thought was his channel (MSMBC), and there’s no off-screen commentary, just the presser (for which, thank Gawd).
So far this is the best press conference. Except for Todd’s follow up on Pakistan most of the questions have been outstanding. As a nation, we are so lucky that McCain is not standing up there.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
@John Cole: Pretty much what was in my comment — some reporter asked him what “surprised, humbled, enchanted, and “. Halfway through the question, Obama paused him with a “let me write this down…” and then proceeded to actually write down the questions, and just finished answering all 4 of them.
It was awesome.
Laura W Darling
@John Cole: Marlborough, New Zealand, Sauvignon Blanc? That’s like one step up from ginger, coconut, sesame ice cream in terms of palate pleasing perfection.
I’m going to have to re-evaluate my assessment of your hostility quotient tonight.
Damn it.
mmmmmmmm…..Sauvignon Blanc!
Edit: Enchanted, Stevie Nicks, of course:
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
Chris Matthews needs to wear a lobster bib to soak up all the saliva when he starts getting excited
I think Chris Matthews is letting his freak flag fly when it comes to Obama, and its liberating him. There’s nothing better to watch than when Tweety goes after Cheney (going so far as to mispronouncing his name).
Chris M. also appears to be in luv with Michelle.
I’m supposed to visit this site with my clothes on?
Jesus, that question from the NYT guy was like something from the “interview” portion of a beauty pageant. “What has enchanted you about your 100 days?!” Seriously, this from the “paper of record” is a little embarrassing.
He didn’t get a chance to ask his follow-up question; “Boxers or briefs?”
agreed. I can’t imagine a greater contrast between Obama and 8 years of the biggest idiot imaginable in the White House.
Dave C
Tomorrow’s Red State headline today: Obama not “enchanted” by US troops!
@Betsy: The question allowed Obama to frame thoughtful answers. It’s nice to have a President that thinks. Can you imagine Bush’s answers to that question.
@CaseyL: Don’t despair, Live Edition of Hardball at 11 pm tonight
We are even luckier that Palin is not standing up there.
Chuck Butcher
What led any of you to think John Cole wears clothes to write this thing?
@Dennis-SGMM: That’s because they want to keep imagining that he goes commando.
@Dennis-SGMM: Neither!
Yes, i have a crush on my prez, but it’s mostly intellectual.
Jinx, Betsy.
I just loved to see Zeleny on TV because there is so much spleen to what he writes about Obama in the NYT, now I know why.
@r€nato: is correct; rhetoricians are already building projects on this guy. Of particular interest in the Comp community is the potential use of Obama’s popularity and broad appeal to teach communication. Not to mention the counter-narrative he provides to the “culture of distraction” zealots.
The last two questions (questions “of color,” I suppose) were interesting, and I also appreciated the Detroit representative’s question. They should do one out of every three pressers with smaller markets only. Here’s Scherer…
Oooo….I like the states’ secrets question and beginning of his answer. This man knows how to dance with words.
Every time Bush gave a presser, I groaned, screamed, cradled my face in my hands and wondered how the fuck we were going to get through the remainder of his term with this idiot and his gang of dangerous criminals in charge.
Every time Obama gives a presser, I watch the re-runs twice or more on CSPAN. I just can’t get over how fortunate we are to have such an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate, credible guy in the White House.
Just Some Fuckhead
Not a star fucker here but I totally dig the way Obama answers a direct question with a direct answer. That alone was worth my vote.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@r€nato: McCain’s First 100 Days by the McEwan.
@asiangrrlMN: I like the way you think.
Mr. Stuck
If Palin were up there, it would likely be snowing on the Equator and we would be listening via short wave in our Personal Bunkers.
Did Michael Scherer’s mother have to drive him to the press conference? Did she pack him a juice box?
Here’s a question I wanna hear an answer to stat. And of course, he sounds reasonable. But I’m still suspicious of the state secrets shenanigans.
And answering every question by dropping her top.
@JL: I think he answered those questions as well as anyone could (and I certainly agree it would have been a trainwreck for Bush), but it was still not a question that led to particularly informative answer. In light of everything that’s going on right now, that just seemed totally empty to me.
WSJ guy sounds like a prick even before he gets his whole question out. The question itself isn’t so bad, but his tone irritated me.
I liked the ‘of color’ questions as well. Yay, smaller presses!
Chuck Butcher
First role – shareholders who want to get out- laugh and absolutley.
or winking.
You betcha!
Better questions tonight, much better questions. Is our press learning? Yes, maybe they are.
Quite frankly I think the NY Times was to be expected…even so, can you imagine Bush handling the questions? “Four? I gotta answer four?”
I think they’re still surprised by the level of competence Obama shows, the poor things : )
Obama gave the best answer on abortion: “Women are…better judges than members of Congress or the President.”
Historical note: During his first term in office, which included 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, George W. Bush held three prime-time press conferences.
@Betsy: Right back at you.
@Just Some Fuckhead: In general, I am not, either. I will make an exception for President Obama.
@r€nato: I refused to listen to W. Childish of me, I know, but I just couldn’t bear it.
geg6: Unfortunately, I agree with you on this one.
Did he just say ‘doggone it’?
Waiiiit! Don’t go!
Women are better judges then most of the men on the Supreme Court.
What he really wants to say is: “All you shitheads calling me a socialist need to sit your fucking asses down!”
Let’s remember Sarah during the debate deciding not to answer certain questions.
Wow, I am so impressed with Obama’s answers.
perhaps because they have a president who can handle hard kweschins for the first time in 8 years.
OK you guys, go to CNN.com and grade Obama. It’s at the very top of the page (not one of those polls down on the right side).
Just Some Fuckhead
To be fair, Danger Monkey was pretty busy destroying the world.
sorry why is Maddow saying that Obama agrees with Cheney?
Ditto and I never thought that I would say that in my lifetime. I have naughty thoughts about POTUS.
Laura W Darling
@TR: So now I’m catching up with the thread and that was really funny. You seem to excel on the presser and non-State of the Union threads, IIRC?
The pundits on CNN are gaga over Obama… by implication, saying Bush was a complete fucking idiot.
John Cole
@valdivia: Because Rachel is a hysteric. SATSQ.
Corner Stone
Man, fuck Olbermann and Maddow. I’m just thrilled Obama used the word “torture”.
Stop being pedantic little bitches and take what he’s giving up here. He’s giving us everything he can.
CNN is flashing letter grades from pundits and senators.
What is this, the goddamn Olympic gymnastics or figure skating finals?
Mr. Stuck
That was one sharp Teleprompter.
Depends has Bush looked into the soul of the Russian Judge?
Just Some Fuckhead
*holds up B-*
@JK: East Germany totally fucked over Obama on the last news conference
Ed Rollins sez Obama got boring about a half hour in. Jesus. Words fail me.
Yes, our POTUS is both cool, and hawt.
not to berrate you but you owe me 5 minutes of my life. ;-)
I went to CNN and had to hear some republican idiot tell me that Obama was dismissive of Cheney’s request and then another (Rollins?) that Obama is boring.
Comrade Kevin
@Corner Stone: You’ll take what you get, and like it, bitches, eh?
Without people like them pushing, chances are Obama wouldn’t even have done has much as he has.
you missed the good stuff. Sorry. I’m only watching CNN out of remote control inertia, otherwise I never watch ’em.
Just Some Fuckhead
FYI, I checked President Obama’s Blues Name: Muddy Hips King.
Chuck Butcher
Rachel was not to careful, Olberman more so in regards to torture, but both want something done about it beyond – ooops.
I don’t think it is the job of the President to make statements about crimes when he has a DOJ whose job that actually is. Doing something else is playing politics with the DOJ – either side of the argument.
FYI, The NYTimes already has the transcript of the news conference up.
John Cole
@Just Some Fuckhead: What is mine?
okay I forgive you. no worries. but that Shays (?) idiot needs to be out of punditry.
@r€nato: Life just isn’t exciting for Republicans unless the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Which it is, but it could be WAY worse. So, yawn.
As part of an unfortunately flip to Hannity last night, that had some sort of panel with Mark Furman on it, I heard Hannity literally say that the real president is the person who types the words on the teleprompter.
Yeah, that was Stephen Hayes, one of those right-wing think tank hacks riding the wingnut welfare train.
Speaking of which, what with the ongoing collapse of the GOP I’m hoping that the Goldberg’s, Coulter’s and Hayes’ of the world end up looking for honest work as their funding dries up.
Ed Rollins sez Obama got boring about a half hour in. Jesus. Words fail me.
yes because press conferences are always exciting. i mean bush press conferences you were looking for epic failure and got it.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole:
Loads Of Fun Cole.
Boney Killer Hopkins.
Did that gentleman say that the unemployment rate for African-American males in NYC is 50%? That’s dreadful!
@4tehlulz: I think Obama should file a complaint with the International Olympic Committee for the low scores he received from Stephen Hayes and Ed Rollins
I’d prefer Obama acquire the reputation as Bore-in-Chief rather than of Liar-in-Chief
@Litlebritdifrnt: What you and asiangrrlMN said. Yum.
Just Some Fuckhead
Obama was a little boring if ya stand him up against some of our Great Fascists of History.
John Cole
@r€nato: Every time you hear Stephen Hayes open his yap, remember he wrote an entire book detailing the fallacious links between Hussein and Al Qaeda. It will help you keep perspective on what an idiot he is.
So I switched over to Fox, and they had so little to complain about that they were annoyed that no one asked him about the fly by of NYC. Now there’s a crucial issue…
I guess Ed Rollins misses that clown Bush.
These are serious fuckin’ times, I don’t want to be entertained by my president!
Wolf wants us to grade the MEDIA? Oh Jesus Lord Allah Xenu, WHY?
@John Cole: Probably the most fun he has all day, no matter what his haberdasheral status.
Just Some Fuckhead
I can’t believe no one asked about the fucking puppy. Where do I have to go to get real news?
Oh and they were mad that Fox didn’t get a question.
I just listened that entire press conference while working on something and it was soothing, for pete’s sake. He’s amazing; talking about Taliban and flu and economic meltdown and partisan idiots and it’s like some white noise waterfall compared to the last eight years of auditory and linguistic torture.
Oh, and can I get a “hallelujah” for the nuance? I think that alone has the press corps stymied.
P.S. I think the commenters over at Swampland may finally be getting through to Scherer. He asked a decent question and even followed up. Way to be kind of a journalist, Michael.
@John Cole:
Now that you remind me, I’ve heard of that book.
My impression of Hayes comes primarily from his appearances on Bill Maher, where he dons a glib smirk – like those idiots Bill Kristol and Georgia congressman Jack Kingston – while spouting the most inflammatory and idiotic neo-con/wingnut crap.
Corner Stone
@Comrade Kevin: No, no, no. I’m on record as a less than Obama starfucker. But! I think the use of the word “torture”, the acknowledgement that waterboarding is “torture” is fucking valuable here.
I’m not the kind to lie back and think of England my friend, I want balls out investigations. I’m not downplaying anything, or giving him room to breathe on this most important of issues (to me anyway).
BUT, for Olbermann and Maddow to sit there and blithely say that Obama was playing silly word games just seemed fucking silly. Obama came right out and said “torture”.
Fuck Olbermann and fuck Maddow.
It just sounded really fucking stupid to me, at this point in time, when Obama doesn’t have the final say about investigations or any matter of law regarding this issue.
I’ll go back and read the transcript of the MSNBC show when it’s available but they just sounded tone deaf and childish to me. And as I said – I want Obama and Rahm to STFU about “not looking back”. Let the law work and prove that equal justice under the law, no one above the law still means something.
Mr. Stuck
I was trying to think of a headline for this presser. The best I could come up with is “Obama Delivers Verbal Qualudes to a Nervous Nation” . I was really young when Kennedy used to do this, but I can remember the adults crowding around the Teevee, and I could see them relax as he spoke. Of course, in those days. the numero uno fear was being incinerated any day by Soviet Nukes.
Where did these people get the idea that responsible discussions about national and world policy were supposed to be primarily about entertaining them? My god, I’m incredibly grateful to have a “boring” president; it means he understands that policy shouldn’t be based on bumper sticker slogans.
Stephen “F for Fuckstick” Hayes gave Obama a B-, which I think is his way of saying, “he didn’t make a single mistake but I still hate his guts so I’m going to give him the worst possible ‘good’ grade.”
John Cole
@r€nato: Let’s not slip into the with us or agaist mode of Republicans.
Ed Rollins has consistently had high praise for Obama, sometimes bordering on gushing, and routinely this week has given him an A on foreign policy. He disagrees with him profoundly on domestic issues, but still is very impressed with Obama’s skills.
Ed was speaking from the standpoint of a media manager- he was concerned about the presser appearing boring and he focuses on aesthetics. That is what he does for a living.
@r€nato: The new talking point seems to be, that Obama is on TV to much. Rollins has been pushing the meme all day. In actuality Obama’s ratings go up after TV appearances.
from waaay upthread:
In BBC America’s review of the first 100 days, they pointed out Obama had given 150 speeches, 48 of them with a teleprompter.
And yet he didn’t catch Bin Laden and we have no idea who got ahold of US military anthrax and mailed it to the librul media and Democrats.
Press conferences + FAIL still = FAIL
…like Josh Marshall just noted, I’m bummed that we don’t get to see Bobby Jindal deliver the GOP response.
John Cole
@Corner Stone: Agreed.
@4tehlulz: That was a winning reference to the East German judge, for those of us old enough to remember.
The new talking point seems to be, that Obama is on TV to much. Rollins has been pushing the meme all day. In actuality Obama’s ratings go up after TV appearances.
lol right because with 2 wars, economy, education, health care, green technology, a pandemic flu, torture, you definitely dont want to see the leader of your nation tell you whats going on
Well John I guess I am an Obama fanboy and a policy wonk so I’m not your average ‘Merkin. I wasn’t anything remotely close to being bored for the entire hour. I’ll be watching the re-run on CSPAN later this evening.
I still don’t see where Ed gets off with ‘boring’. And I don’t dislike him because he’s a Republican. He’s one of the few honest Republicans out there in the media who will say what he really thinks more or less without feeling the need to toe the party line 100% of the time. Thank goodness they didn’t have that tool Frank Luntz up there.
@r€nato: I’d rather see Michele Bachmann deliver the Republican response.
I’d like to say that I turned KO and Rachel off about two minutes in. Talk about your buzzkills. I know they feel it’s their jobs to hold his feet to the fire, but he is doing his incremental one step at a time thing. Every time, he moves the ball forward and eventually he’ll take the whole country across the goal line with him, not just us DFHs. Plus, I would miss Lost and that would be a shame.
That would be awesome…
Laura W Darling
Christ. What a fucking relief, huh?
Shawn in ShowMe
So that begs that question “boring to who?” The people who thought that Bush’s pressers were da bomb?
If you are a dedicated Republican, of course Obama is on TV too much for your taste. People love him. He inspires confidence and we need that in times like this. We need to know that however tough things are, there is a steady hand on the rudder.
These people saying Obama is on TV too much are also having a hard time adjusting themselves to a post-Bush world, a return to ‘normalcy’. Presidents SHOULD give press conferences more often than once every year or two.
Prior to Bush, presidents did pressers a lot more often and what’s more, they could appear in public without carefully screened 100% sycophantic audiences who signed loyalty oaths as a condition of entering the premises. Fuck, with the exception perhaps of St. Ronnie they could answer questions at a press conference without falling back on a rote recitation of talking points.
@ChrisB: Quite.
that would be awesome. How can we trick them into doing this?
Just Some Fuckhead
I had the rare big bowl of ice cream tonight. Gonna have to run an extra mile in the morning.
John Cole
@ChrisB: You know you are old when you don’t even realize that young people might not get the reference.
The Olympics simply is not as dramatic without the cold war.
The Fuzzy Logic of Chris Matthews
Okay, call it: 6:39pm on 04.29.09. CNN has officially become completely unwatchable.
Shawn in ShowMe
I suggest you adopt a one week on, two weeks off viewing schedule with these two. Maybe three weeks off with Rachel. Nonstop concern trolling can be hazardous to your health.
Rollins like the rest of the repubs are grasping at straws.
Was their a Republican response?
@John Cole:
Tell me about it. (It’s been 20 years since East Germany was in the Olympics.)
That would just be distilled insanity.
Would she give us a history lesson about how Eugene McCarthy led the triumphant communist witch hunt against the Bergenroses back when Ike Ikenberry was president? Or would she spend time looking to the future, when the Red Chinese have us enslaved with their Wal-Mart crippling lead-paint covered global currency?
So much crazy, so little time.
Corner Stone
God. How sad is it that I’m agreeing with Richard-frackin-Wolffe on Olbermann’s show?
STFU OLBERMANN. Obama has no say in what happens next with torture and can only bungle up any possible investigation! If Obama says Bush tortured people then he colors any future jury pool or trial! God help me but I think my head may essplode if this idiot keeps non-acknowldeging this fact!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@Max: I don’t get CNN any more. What did I not-miss?
Davis X. Machina
I don’t care if it’s Paul Pierce, Pal Benko, or a plumber — it’s always worth watching someone who knows what they’re doing do what they know how to do. It’s why playing out old master games from chess books, even though you know who wins from the game header, is so interesting, and so educational.
Obama’s pressers fall into that category.
Corner Stone
@Davis X. Machina: Dood, stop slobbin’ the knob.
But I will agree with you on the other point. I don’t care what your job is, or profession or specialty, if you want to talk about the thing in the world you know better than 99.9% of the population – I’m ready and eager to listen.
I can’t tell you how many hours I spent listening to Operators in refineries talk about their tasks and duties. And even though it has nothing to do with my job or life – I learned something useful every time.
John Cole
@ChrisB: I was stationed in germany when the wall fell. Reunification day was a four day drunken haze.
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
You are not missing a thing… They are trying to be so hip and interactive, with the polls, instant voting, twitter, facebook, the wall and the repetitive statements and “the best political team on television” bullshit.
It’s just totally “love me daddy”.
Shawn in ShowMe
That “balancing act” that Tweety supports is why our international counterparts have universal healthcare, high speed rail, strong public school systems and affordable college education and we don’t. What a tool.
Then it does a piss poor job of it.
Corner Stone
Olbermann or his staff definitely reads this website.
kid bitzer
of course they do. we’re the most trusted name in snark.
The liberal AP has an article about Michelle Obama’s work today the a food bank with other congressional spouses.
I work at a Food Pantry/Clothes Closet and I thought that Michelle was dressed appropriately for that job.
@Shawn in ShowMe:
Just when I think Chris Matthews can’t outdo himself, he utters another whopper of sublime stupidity.
@John Cole: Did you ever see The Lives of Others?
Library Grape
what struck me about the whole presser was how completely lost the illiterate, stuttering black guy was without his teleprompter. it makes me yearn for the day when a retarded guy “from Texas” routinely gave us inspired word-vomit and offered up sexy massage to foreign leaders when he got nervous. IMPEACH!
I don’t have cable. I watch Keith and Rachel the day after, which probably helps mitigate the buzzkill. I love them, and I want them to keep pushing. Full disclosure, I have a huge crush on Rachel.
I don’t watch any after-presser deconstruction because the pundits drive me out of my mind. To me, Obama isn’t boring at all, but it’s mostly because I’m happy to see evidence that he can think.
I don’t want to be entertained by my president–though he is hot. In fact, I don’t want to be entertained by my politics at all. I want to be informed. I want to be treated like an adult. I want to hear my president pronounce nuclear (and Pakistan) correctly. I get that all from Obama, and I am by far not a Kool-aid drinker. I know Obama is to the right of me on many issues, and I can deal with that.
As for Bachmann, I never want to hear her ugly voice again.
Davis X. Machina
It’s not knob-slobbery, Cornerstone. I said the same thing back in the day, when Mark Hatfield spoke in the Senate on C-SPAN, and he was an R. Ditto Bob-Dole-the-Senator. (Not Bob-Dole-the-Candidate).
Expertise is its own attraction.
Larry J. Sabato: “The Specter commentary from Newt Gingrich, Michael Steele, and other top Republicans has convinced me that the out-of-power party is not just living on another planet; they have actually changed solar systems.”
Corner Stone
Oh, me too.
Shawn in ShowMe
Yeah, where he sees Astaire and Rogers, I see Tina being
held downabused by Ike.JK
As repulsive and stupid as Bachman and Palin are, they have star power among the wingnuts and the MSM loves covering them.
@Davis X. Machina:
Mark Hatfield. Wow, that’s a real blast from the past. I wish he were still in the Senate along with Lowell Weicker.
I’d also gladly trade Michele Bachmann for Millicent Fenwick.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
@Library Grape:
Atanarjuat, is that where you’ve ended up?
Do you prefer her with or without glasses?
And “Iraq” and “Iran.” I can’t tell you how much it grates my nerves when people say ” I—raaaan”.
kid bitzer
hatfield and packwood were my senators, once.
a very different republican party. as far from the party of jindal and bachmann as nixon was from lincoln.
@JK: I know. I am not a guy, so I can’t imagine why men find Palin and Bachmann attractive. Really. I would much prefer this:
Both of them. Together.
Can someone do me a favor? See if you can see a video on YouTube. Thanks.
Corner Stone
Ummm, because we’re clueless frackin hump machine males? Although, Bachmann – not so much.
We buy things because they advertise them with large top shelfs in tiny bikinis. This has been proven time and again. We’re not bright but we are consistent.
@Shawn in ShowMe:
It’s sad that Chris Matthews actually thinks he’s doing a great public service when he makes these kind of remarks.
Just read th’ transcript. Gotta love this prez, eh? Very first impression follows.
Here, for you, is a concise summation of his stock answer – a “Shorter Obama, if you will:
QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President. With [X] worsening, can you talk about whether you think it’s time to [do Y], and whether — under what conditions you might consider [Z], when that might be appropriate.
MR. OBAMA: Well, first of all, as I said, I think that we have to make sure that we recognize that how we respond [to X] — intelligently, systematically, based on science and what [relevant] officials have to say — will determine in large part what happens.
So what we want to do is to show that we are competent in getting results around [X], even on the structures that we already have in place, the laws that we already have in place, so that we’re building confidence, among the American people, that we can actually follow through on whatever legislative approach emerges.
As far as stock answers go, this one’s the gold fucking standard: an avoidance of the question that is actually pretty satisfying.
[edited for formatting]
Ash Can
@Zzyzx: Wait a second. I thought those putzes weren’t going to broadcast the presser. Something about their prime-time entertainment lineup being more worthwhile viewing. Were they just feeling too left-out at the last minute or something?
@John Cole:
Too cool. I walked along two miles of that bad boy (on the west side, of course) in October 1980. I still can’t get over the fact that it’s down.
@Corner Stone:
What’s so bad about that? Wolffe is one of the few sharp political analysts you’ll find on TV.
Now, I haven’t seen/heard MSNBC’s coverage, nor their alleged concern trolling, but as far as I’m concerned I’m pretty satisfied (as much as I can be – I mean, it’s a presser, not a speech) with Obama’s answer on waterboarding.
He said the magic words. He avoided their ramifications, but it all flows from there – Cheney admitted he authorized waterboarding; Obama says waterboarding is categorically torture; torture is a crime. Obama’s fulfilled his role for now, and we have to wait for the next step.
So, yeah, on torture and prosecutions: satisfied for now. But still, having some strident voices on th’ teevee pushing for prosecutions, no matter what th’ prez sez? Can’t hurt, methinks.
[The State secrets answer was . . . um . . . disingenuous at worst (“disingenuous” meaning “not ingenuous; lacking in frankness, openness, or candor”: Greenwald should have a good take on it (i.e., the DOJ could have requested a stay instead of filing for dismissal if they really needed more time to come to a decision, but I’ll leave it to th’ Glenzilla)), and promising at best.]
Corner Stone
@mannemalon: Because Wolffe has several times made excuses for the Village press. He’s a punk bitch even though he has really shocked me lately on his stances espoused on MSNBC.
I’ll admit I’m wrong if Wolffe isn’t the little DC minion I believe him to be.
@Corner Stone: I guess I’d just say ‘relatively’ then. Based on what we get on cable news, I’ve found Wolffe to be far better than pretty much all of the rest. I don’t doubt he has his miniony tendencies.
@Corner Stone: I think he’s realized how wrong he has been, and is slowly waking up to the fact. Plus, he’s British and cute, so I forgive him. This is directed to your comments on Richard Wolffe.
@Corner Stone: Yeah, I get that. I’m wondering if it’s biological, though, because I love breasts, but I am not swayed by them. I have done much swaying with my own breasts (free drinks, anyone?), but no matter how much I love a particular pair of breasts, I’m not going to buy what the boobs are selling unless it makes sense to me.
So, are guys just hardwired that way?
Studies are inconclusive.
@SGEW: Damn. I was hoping that I could find the definitive answer here at Balloon Juice.
Corner Stone
Ummm, my respect for SGEW aside – the answer is yes. I can guarantee you I will buy you drinks/dinner/Coach purse, even with the fore knowledge that I have no chance at further understanding between us.
There is some part of the brain that allows me to rationalize it by saying – hey, we’re going home alone but that was a hell of a good time with a beautiful woman.
Only true pigs expect more.
Also, bewbs.
Mike in NC
That’s what a $5M gig a year will get you. Worthless turd.
Chuck Butcher
Ummm, my wiring is appreciative of many female attributes, nothing is particularly conclusive. I’ll not go into any real details about what can floor me beyond stating that eyes alone can stop me in my tracks. At my best I look somewhat “mussed” and oddly the women in my life have been quite nice looking – though somebody did mention a preference for “mussed” here.
Fortunately some of us are wired to find other types of women more attractive then Saggin Palin and Bloodeyed Bannen.
@Corner Stone: Where do you live? Anywhere in the Midwest? I could use more books. And sushi.
@Chuck Butcher: I just find it fascinating because I can find the form (male or female) beautiful and still not take leave of my senses. Like I said, I’m not above using my cleavage to get better service at restaurants, but it amuses me.
@TenguPhule: Whew! I’m glad. I find it disheartening that even many Democratic males find the two of them comely.
I’m afraid there are many of us around here who’ll amuse you…
(And while males in general may not be wired that way, I’m afraid that I am.
@gwangung: Cool. I like being amused. Do you live anywhere in the Midwest? I’m just trying to see what I can get out of these babies.
Common Sense
@John Cole:
Who the hell said I’m wearing clothes?
(Yes I know I’m not the first but Jesus John you tee them up so easily).
Chuck Butcher
Oh hell, I’m a construction contractor in NE OR not a waiter in MN. Politics aside, la Palin leaves me cold but I’ve never bothered to try to explain to anyone what does get to me and I doubt there’s any point in trying because it would miss the mark. I could point and say ‘wow’ but if that was taken as an archetype it would be wrong because I don’t have one.
Hells bells, now I’ve confused myself…
@Chuck Butcher: Ha! You make me laugh. Where in Oregon? I used to date a guy who lived in Eugene. His bro lived in Portland. Nice state. Best used bookstore in the country–well, one of them.
Chuck Butcher
Baker City, OR on I-84 150 mi from Boise ID and 350 mi from Portland, to be more geographically correct 50 air miles from ID border (Hells Canyon) & 100 mi S of WA border. NE OR, semi arid valley at 3500 ft at the foot of 10K ft mountains both E & W. East of Bumfuck Egypt middle of nowhere and near no place. It’s 45 miles and a mountain range to another town the same size both N&S – 10K pop. and nothing E or W of any size for quite a ways. Salem or Eugene are 300 miles and 4 mountain ranges away west.
Original Lee
@ChrisB: East Germany has been out of the Olympics for 20 years, but there are still East German judges. (Insert Monty Python reference here.)
I watched a lot of the Olympics on the Internet this last time, because I wanted more than just the highlights. Especially in gymnastics, there were a number of times when the scores came up that I was reminded of East German judges. I think the sportscasters even made a comment or two to that effect.
Original Lee
@Ash Can: I was in East Berlin the day the Russians announced Leonid Brezhnev was dead. That was a totally weird experience, I can tell you. However, my aunt was doing doctoral research in West Berlin when the Wall went up and happened to be in West Berlin when the Wall went down, and listening to her talking about both times is fascinating.
Also totally weird: I recently had to explain to a German man in his 30s why I was in East Berlin on that day. (It came up in the context of the stuff I want to see now that the Wall has been down for a while.)
Corner Stone
@asiangrrlMN: Unfortunately for both of us I live in the Greater Houston Metro Area, TX. Which is a shame as I love sushi. In addition to the other pre-discussed good things in life.
@asiangrrlMN: Alas and alack…I live in Seattle (otherwise you’d probably be getting whatever you wanted….).
Was just in Minneapolis this past summer and know a few people slightly, mainly in the theatre community…
@asiangrrlMN: I have to say that the Naughty Librarian thing really turns my crank, but it only works if she can say smart things among the smutty. If there was another soul in Sarah Palin’s body, it might do it for me, but those evil, empty eyes…. brrrrr.