CBS golf analyst David Feherty (via Glenn Thrush):
From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.
are these the same troops we’re supposed to be supporting ?
Golf has more than its share of douchebags. I say this as the wife of a golfer…(my husband’s OK, but the guys he plays with are another story).
When it comes to golf, I always think of George Carlin.
Laura W
Warning: this post kills buzzes.
@cleek: These are the troops that love America oh so much.
I also like how Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Osama bin Laden are all somehow on the same elevator together. I mean, why pull punches. The line probably should have started – “if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in a Planned Parenthood clinic where Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden were doing gaybortions to young rich white women…”
J.W. Hamner
I saw the comment earlier, but I had no idea the guy who said it was a golf… analyst. That’s too perfect for words. That’s taking the Keyboard Kommando concept to such an absurd level I can only assume it’s parody.
Ho. Ly. Shit. I am forced to come out of lurk mode in response to this. I thought wingnuts could no longer surprise me with their eliminationist rhetoric, but this still made me gasp in shock. Jesus mother of Christ. There are no words that can express how misguided and vile these people are.
Steven Donegal
Would Texas just hurry up and secede.
Lizzy L
Bullshit. Fantasy. This man knows nothing about American soldiers, sailors, airmen and women, and Marines. He’s saying something about the inside of his own head. He probably has no clue how insulting to the troops his ridiculous assertion is.
I hope it’s parody, but I fear it’s not.
I feel sorry for all the patriotic American soldiers out there doing their jobs who have cowardly dipshits like this guy back home claiming to speak for them. It’s a good thing I know better than to listen to these idiots when they say things like “any US soldier” or, for that matter, “most Americans”.
@Lizzy L:
even if it’s “parody” or an attempt at “humor,” it’s just a place where you don’t want to go. It puts you in league with Limpbaugh, Hannity, and Beck and the commenters at Little Green Footballs.
Keep digging you rightwing assholes.
@Steven Donegal: If Texas gets to secede from the US, I’m declaring Zifnabistan a sovereign state and seceding from Texas. Screw all y’all.
WTF is it with golf commentators:
1) Golf Channel suspended anchor Kelly Tilghman for two weeks on Wednesday for saying last week that young players who wanted to challenge Tiger Woods should “lynch him in a back alley.”
h/t Golf Channel anchor Kelly Tilghman suspended for ‘lynch’ remark about Tiger Woods,,28136,1701417,00.html
2) During the 2008 U.S. Open, NBC golf commentator Johnny Miller referred to golfer Rocco Mediate as looking like “the guy who cleans Tiger’s swimming pool.” Later, while discussing the prospect that Mediate might win, Miller said, “Guys with the name ‘Rocco’ don’t get on the trophy, do they?”
h/t Knock On Rocco Angers Italian-Americans,
3) One day after a racially insensitive cover graphic of a noose snowballed into a national controversy, Golfweek magazine replaced its longtime editor and vice president, Dave Seanor.
h/t Golfweek editor replaced over noose cover,,28136,1704872,00.html
Almost as disturbing as David Feherty’s statement, are the disgusting comments on Politico’s website expressing agreement or saying what’s the big deal.
This is another demonstration of the fact that the venom of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Copulter, Michelle Malkin, et al has fully permeated the bloodstream of our body politic.
Emma Anne
Well, OK, as long as said soldier wouldn’t run over a dog.
what gets me is that the number of commenters over at politico saying in effect “get over it libs, it’s just sarcasm” seem to be getting outweighed by the people who agree that pelosi and reid should be gunned down for america.
feherty is a poor golf analyst who uses glibness and an accent to make his career. wouldn’t that make him the same kind of celebrity-who-shouldn’t-be-allowed-to-comment-on-the-world that so many on the right scream about?
…if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it…
Yeah, guess all those military personnel who support Obama don’t get counted as soldiers. Just like black people and Obama’s approval rating.
Me thinks Byron York is the Andy Kaufmann of Republican performance art and has created a second personality as a CBS Golf analyst. Given that douchey golf analysts and Republicanisn go together like syphilis and Haiti, it wouldn’t be too hard of an act for him to pull off.
max hats
Speaking as a marine with one tour under my belt, I can conclusively say he has no idea what he’s talking about. He, like all celebrities, probably just went to the really nice Air Force bases and hung out with pogues and fat Air Force officers, folks generally only slightly to the left of Mussolini. When you get out to the field, there’s quite a bit more ideological diversity.
That fellow is just another pitchfork waver, he just waves his at different music from some other people.
Is there no honor among people who think that government is there to kick ass and take names and make us feel good, regardless of which side you are on?
That’s what we all want, isn’t it? Just give me my team bitchslaps, and don’t bother me with the details? Make me feel secure. Make me feel vindicated. Make me feel important.
Amirite? Cut ’em some slack. Fuckin liberals! Fuckin gooks! Fuckin ragheads! Fuckin wingnuts! Fuckin people I don’t like!
What’s the difference?
Jon H
Golf Analysis…. where being cognitively slow is a success factor – because anyone smarter would commit suicide from the boredom.
Read the comments on the Politico post. At least a dozen wingnuts saying “HELL YEAH”.
remember, liberalism is the true fascism
To Mr. Feherty, I can only offer this.
I recall hearing that “gun with two bullets in it” and variations thereupon, during Lyndon Johnson’s presidency. It’s probably older than that; “If you gave a warrior two sharp sticks and he was in a cave with Og and Ugg and that other guy I don’t like…”
Warren Terra
Y’know, growing up in the 80’s in the Pacific Northwest I learned about everything I knew about Dallas from hearing about the capitalist excess and slimy behavior in the eponymous television show (which I never actually saw), from reading William Manchester’s Death Of A President, which portrayed Dallas as a city steeped in hate, and from reading Molly Ivins (who frequently presented a view that blended the soulless capitalist excess portrayed by the television show and the bias and hatred described by Manchester, writing from a much closer viewpoint).
Skimming through the five essays that the Dallas-themed “D magazine” chose to run on the occasion of the worst and most destructive president in the modern era moving to their town, I am rather surprised to discover that the impression I received of Dallas from those sources may have been fairly accurate.
Man, the comments at the Politico site are a river of raw sewage. I’ve concluded that right wingers really don’t seem to have much of a problem killing those who disagree with them. They would be right at home with Joseph “no man, no problem” Stalin.
Feherty’s a favorite on my local sports talk radio station. Now when I hear him I’m going to be forced to call in and remind him that he’s a douchebag.
Mark Twain was right: Golf is a good walk spoiled.
I’d rather watch grass grow or paint dry than watch a stupid fucking golf tournament.
there is more that’s not quoted.
what really gets me is that he can’t seperate the brotherhood ethic of the military from the politics of the war.
I shouldn’t be surprised, this is a common failing among pro-war types… but most have had the sense to shut up in the past couple years.
You know, it takes a hell of a lot of nerve to A) purport to speak for our entire force, B) when one is not oneself a service member or veteran, C) to argue that they would assassinate elected American leaders, D) as if that were a good thing. I am not and have never been in the military, and while I certainly am entitled to my opinions about defense policy, warmaking, and the treatment of veterans, for example, I would never express that opinion as if from the mouths of actual soldiers. Much less attribute treasonous actions to them. It just sickens me.
The double devil’s goatee should have been a giveaway.
When exactly did joking about murdering elected United States representatives become patriotic?
Little Dreamer
That’s why I only play golf on Nintendo – that kind of golf doesn’t care what color, gender, or species the player is. When I play golf I could even be a green dinosaur like Yoshi.
@Warren Terra:
I grew up in Texas, and I recently passed on attending the wedding of my high school sweetheart of 5 years (a great guy with whom I’m still in touch, almost 10 years after the breakup) because it was going to be in Dallas. Anywhere else in Texas and I might have scraped together the money to go.
I prefer to think of Byron York as the Larry the Cable Guy of Republican performance art
kid bitzer
i haven’t checked the comments at the politico site, but right now the comments at the d-magazine site are running 7 out of 8 slamming feherty for being a moron and a sick dude. there’s only one loser saying it’s “just a joke”.
Little Dreamer
When a black muslim born outside the US with terroristic tendencies and a reputation to do miracles Jesus couldn’t perform became president (I don’t believe any of that of course, except that he’s black – well, sort of, I mean people who are “black” look sort of brown to me, and people who are “white” usually look pink to me). ;)
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
In Wingnut World, it’s good to speculate about killing heathens. These “patriots” are careful to couch the speculation in terms that they can claim to be unlikely to happen, but it’s very clear by their writing that they would revel in the deaths of those they love to hate. Otherwise, why would they be taking the time to describe these ‘situations’ that would result in the death of one or more heathens.
Wingnuts can say what they want about libruls and soshulizm being evil but that doesn’t change the facts that when it comes to truly violent crazies who act on their hate, the GOP coddles and nurtures them until they erupt.
When they say shit like this they are denigrating every single member our armed forces. But they love the troops!
And why are we surprised about statements from folks career invested in the ‘we don’t need no niggers in this club’ sport?
What other attitude do you expect from people hanging out with a bunch of rich old white guys that spend all day stroking their privilege? I actually like playing golf, but the people out there are pretty wingnutty – and since they feel they are among their own in a protected space, they turn off their filters. I stopped even engaging in chit-chat with golfers – it almost always led someplace infuriating.
Cpl. Cam
As a former military man I can tell you that probably 60% of the enlisted ranks couldn’t identify Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid in a line up.
The moment Democrats came back into power.
Silver Owl
Lord and Lady I’m sick of the homicidal insecurities of today’s conservative man. A more disgusting example of the human race has yet to be born and raised.
Obviously he thinks military people are all his rabid pet bitches from some messed up action adventure or western. Which means he is typical fantasy based conservative bastard with severe masculinity issues that sits on his ass and spews shit to please other insecure assholes.
Feherty wants to commit murder and slandering military personnel to make himself appear manly to homicidal losers.
What the wingers don’t know, because most of them never served, is that in war your most intense loyalty and your deepest concern is for the people in your unit. In my modest experience of actual war I never fired a burst thinking “Take that for the USA, you godless commie!” I did hope to make them keep their heads down so that they wouldn’t shoot me or any of the other guys – and that’s about it. I didn’t want to make them into Jeffersonian democrats or capitalists, I wanted to make them not shoot our asses off.
This is “McVeigh Patrotism”.
I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. The guy also says he’s very pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. This is more about the fact that it’s strange that people think it’s acceptable to fantasize about the murder of people they don’t agree with on certain issues. I realize that may be a subtle difference, but I think it is a difference.
What went wrong the last ten years was not just Bush-worship on the right, it was “sensible centrists” thinking that “suck on this” is a foreign policy.
Little Dreamer
Thank you, Dick Cheney (I understand that he both a.) had the biggest tool, AND b.) he required continual sucking).
Just Some Fuckhead
Seems pretty farfetched for a military that has spent over ten years failing to catch or kill Osama Bin Laden.
Once again the reich wingers imagine their juvenile violence fantasies being carried out by our soldiers as if they were so many toys to play with.
I suspect any soldier who heard Feherty’s little joke in an elevator might have to restrain the urge to bitchslap the cretin who made it. But even then it’s to their credit that most of them wouldn’t actually act on it.
Keith Olbermann will include Feherty in tonite’s Worst Persons in the World
@Dennis-SGMM Okay, let’s say the two bullet story is an update of some best forgotten joke from 1,000,000BC. Does that somehow excuse the point he seems to be making? I read the post and did not detect any note of jest.
So what happens to Feherty’s job as an on air person when his network finds out that jokes about shooting elected officials are worth passing on?
Little Dreamer
@Just Some Fuckhead:
You sure? I can’t prove this, of course, but, I’d bet if Nancy Pelosi had been the financial backer behind 9/11, she would have been both hunted down AND caught immediately and there would have been no second opinion by the president about how unimportant it was to apprehend her.
Now we know why he wasn’t caught. Pelosi and Reid was hiding him. In an elevator.
Just Some Fuckhead
We can’t prove Nancy Pelosi wasn’t behind 9/11 either.
Little Dreamer
I understand they also believe our military is going to back a militia that tries to depose Obama, too!
terry chay
Here is another winner in the article:
Apparently all those soldiers dying from roadside bombs aren’t Americans.
Good to know.
Olberman is covering the story tonight.
@kid bitzer:
Everything at Politico is like wading in a cesspool. I am signed up there to comment, but I realized after going over there maybe three times that it was not the place for me. It is full of troglodytes and I will pass. I never go over there even if someone has a link for an article and there is something about the gang involved at Politico that makes my skin crawl (see Mike Allen).
It doesn’t in the least excuse the jest. It’s another example of how conservatism has become intellectually exhausted. They never were that good at humor. They’re now insisting that the leftover turkey that’s been in the back of the refrigerator from the Reagan years will make really yummy turkey sandwiches for us all.
there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.
I can’t decide if this is more sick than stupid because it blows the scale on both.
I pretty much agree, and I’d add that “suck on this” also became domestic policy, fiscal policy, healthcare policy, alla God’s Chillun policy.
Which is what you’d get if you elected governments run by people who pretty much seem to think that government is no damned good. Or, “government IS the problem,” put another way.
You know, maybe I just haven’t looked in the right places, but I have to say that I really haven’t seen a lot of lefties wishing (jokingly or otherwise) death upon their ideological opponents. I’ve seen a lot of wishing that they were impeached, jailed, or kicked squarely in the nuts, or other such things. But violent death wishes? Not a whole lot of that. I’m biased, of course, but it really does seem that the hardcore right is generally a lot more violent than the hardcore left.
Well, he is missing the story AFAIC.
When you have a government where the speaker of the house can go to a briefing and be told, by the executive branch, that the stuff they are hearing is SO SECRET that they are not even allowed to discuss it with other members of congress …. you tell me how that government is supposed to function, where the oversight is, where the check is on executive power? IT’S GONE. And the people stand by and let this happen and dont say a frickin word and then want to PROSECUTE the people in government for doing exactly what they were elected to do.
Mind you, the question is not whether this or that briefing was or was not covered by the restriction. The question is whether, when government and the people have so completely abdicated to the executive as to permit that kind of restriction in the first place — ever — whether there is any basis for coming along later and trying to whip the horses back into the wide open barn?
Sorry KidA, you were talking about a different story. My rant is righteous, but it doesn’t follow what you said.
My bad.
@Krista: I once wished Bill Kristol would be forced to sit in a room and read his own columns back to himself until his brain collapsed in on the sheer weight of stupid. But that was a wish made in anger, and I am now filled with regret.
@max hats:
Ahh – come on. You don’t think that every non-com in the Army isn’t just dying to hang out with a golf analyst?
In fact, I propose that golf analyst be entered into our language as a general term of derision.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Edit: Fix’t.
El Cid
Okay, and then, if you asked that ridiculously mythical soldier, you know, what the fucking fuck, he would likely say, “Well, ’cause it was Nancy Pelosi!!!”
And then you would ask, “Okay, but what does that even fucking mean? Why would you shoot the Speaker of the House of Representatives?”
And maybe he would sputter and say, “I don’t know, it’s cause she’s spending all that money. And, you know, Nancy Pelosi!!! She went to Syria!”
And you might say, “Wait — you really didn’t have any idea at all, did you? You just have bouncing around in your head the sound of lots of right wing radio talk show hosts saying the name Nancy Pelosi in a really skeery way, don’t you?”
Hey – I can be a professional golf analyst!
See, you know why Tiger’s doing great? He hits the ball a long way, and into the fucking hole. If Montgomerie hit the ball into the fucking hole more often, he’d be doing better. He needs to work on that.
Oh yeah – and Genghis Khan really knew how to run a country, and everyone I talk to at the country club (except Juan who parks my Mercedes) thinks so.
Where’s my contract?
It predates that. Remember Jesse Helms’ jolly comments about how Clinton would get fragged if he visited any military bases in the South?
I agree. And a corollary of “government is no good” is that “kick ass common sense” is the way forward. “Yo, Blair, we just need to get Hezbollah to stop doing that shit”. “We will create an ownership society.”
If only things were so simple. There may be another universe in which they are. I don’t claim that they are wrong in an abstract sense, just an empirical one.
Comrade Kevin
@Zifnab: That sounds familiar.
Little Dreamer
Well, granted fragging could be either killing or injuring, but it seemed when they said that they weren’t serious about killing him. They hated him, yes, but I don’t think they overwhelmingly graduated en masse to wanting someone dead until recently.
I could be wrong, but, they aren’t equivocating anymore, they are coming out full on with talk about putting two bullets into the SotH. They may have been unhinged before, now the hinges aren’t even screwed into the frame anymore.
Mike in NC
We live on a golf course. I don’t play myself but I often fantasize about sniping at those fat old bastards from my kitchen window with my trusty ’03 Springfield.
Doesn’t this support the DHS report about right wing extremists?
I imagine that the rabid talk show hosts (Michael Savage comes to mind) and Glen Beck are really getting frustrated right about now. They have been continually hinting to their audience that someone needs to do their “patriotic duty” and off Obama – and no one has stepped up to do it. I think they are going to begin being a little more explicit in second 100 days and may have to start with diagrammed instructions after that. They knew they had a stupid audience, they just weren’t aware it was this stupid.
Nothing. It’s not as though he criticized the greens at Augusta. That, of course, will get you fired. Just ask Gary McCord:
Actually, this has become par for the course (no pun intended) with the neanderthals that populate the GOP now. Let’s not forget Tom “Six Months” Friedman, and I’m paraphrasing here, telling Charlie Rose we kicked ass in Iraq because of the simple fact, “we could.” The careless and whimical wave of the hand over the fact “we could” and did kill untold civilians that had nothing to do with threatening the United States should make any decent human being wretch. AFAIK, Tom Friedman is the same sack of shit as Feherty is.
I used to like golf until I started paying attention to what they were saying into microphones – – especially that douche bag and sack of shit Payne Stewart who refused to meet with President Clinton as a member of the Ryder Cup team. Listening to these pampered asses complain about their tax bracket while they wallowed in millions from endorsements made me want to throw my bag of clubs in the nearest water hazard.
Ya think if I asked nicely, David Feherty would let me ride on an elevator with him?
Little Dreamer
My vote for POTD! ;)
Lizzy L
I’m not pissed off (well, yes, I am) because this ass**le wants to murder elected members of our government in an elevator. That’s his problem, not mine. I am totally and completely enraged because he publicly fantasizes that this is what American troops want to do, and would do. As I said before, he is grossly insulting the dedication, the professionalism, and the courage of our men and women in uniform.
No, I never served. I have good friends who have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. They would not be amused by this crap.
Nancy Pelosi is second in line to the Presidency. Do you suppose the Secret Service would like to have a talk with Mr. Ferherty?
Guess who won’t be doing color commentary on the next Tiger Woods EA Sports game.
@OriGuy: That was actually my thought. Speaker Pelosi has secret service protection — I rather suspect that the author of that little “joke” will have a visit in the next few days.
The Raven
Wow. And you just know they’re going to troll up some psychopaths. Brrrr.
Whoop-dee. Stale joke that’s been around forever, and has had other personalities substituted for Pelosi and Reid (ex: for old-time die-hard Cowboys fans it was “shoot Jerry Jones twice”). Once again, we have open and available fainting couches for all fauxraged libs on Aisle Five…
So you’d laugh just as heartily if it was a ‘lib’ joking about killing John Boehner, right?
So what is it about you wingnuts that you get so excited about fantasies of killing your opponents? Is that what you guys mean by ‘culture of life’?
@D-Chance.: Killing Jerry Jones, although it might upset some Texans, would not upset any Americans. So, by your logic, it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone who mattered, amirite?
Mike in NC
Once again, Dick Cheney’s mouth is ready for your cock, asshole.
I don’t care fuck all how long the joke has been around–it isn’t funny when it’s aimed at our elected officials, and it’s said by a prominent person, put in the mouths of our troops. It’s not funny in the current climate of hate aimed towards our elected officials. I hate that weak-ass, “It’s just a joke” crap. And, it’s certainly the pot calling kettle black to say that the left is good at manufacturing outrage. Another case of projection.
Damn. I used to think Feherty was cute. Thunk goes that fantasy.
These scumbag wingnuts not only get excited about killing their opponents, but they get excited about spicy mustard and this lame ass is going to tell us “whoop-dee” and fainting couch. Please–everyday it is some new faux outrage for these losers. Wingnuts like Michelle Maulkin and I’m sure this loser LIVE on the fainting couch.
@Mike in NC:
And please tell the asshole to open wide….what a prick.
I read his book, A Nasty Bit of Rough (possibly available at your local library,) and think it would make a wonderful movie. Feherty is a filthy-mouthed asshole, a complete jerk, a twit of the lowest order, and I’m sure he’d give a sincere apology as soon as we all kiss his arse. And he’s enough of a gentleman to not require tongue.
I don’t think he’s a wingnut so much as a nut nut. If this is the first anyone has heard about him, he’s a guy who recently called Tiger Woods a loser. Tiger laughed. Feherty’s a jerk and he knows it, and this Pelosi statement is beyond anything I’ve ever heard from him. That may or may not be anything that excuses his stupid comment, but knowing the source as I do, I can’t be surprised that he runs his mouth off a bit more often than he does the thoughtful contemplation thing.
Another reminder that we live on the very edge of Fascism: Doctors being arrested so lobbyists could monopolize a Senate hearing on national health care. Email the Senators with the links provided and let them know what you think. While you still can.
Will Republicans question the credibility of Politico because of the hateful comments on that article? Or does that rule just apply to DailyKos?
What’s the deal with this “faux outrage” meme? Do they think liberals are actually pretending to be angry? Aren’t they angry BECAUSE they’re liberals?
Cassidy in Iraq
And one day, I hope, the hopeless morons of the world will stop assuming that Soldiers and Service Members are dumb enough that we need them to tell us when we’re outraged, when we’re insulted, and what we would do. If this jackass really believes we would attack a member of our gov’t, then I’d like to spend some time in an elevator with him.
El Cid
…And what is dumb, and what is not dumb, Phaedrus — need we anyone to tell us these things?
The last boyfriend I had before I met my husband played golf. At the beginning of the relationship he subscribed to one golf magazine. Two years later he was subscribing to four. That’s when I knew it was time to get out.
I would love playing golf, if it weren’t for all the other golfers. It’s a fun game, but definitely seems to attract people who have a giant stick up their arse about their own self-importance.
More often than not, I just say “screw it” and go to the driving range instead.
They’re building a course just up the road from me — I’m adopting a wait-and-see approach about how pricey it’ll be and if it will be rife with douchebaggery.
“if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it”
they left out “and no body armor”
Guess this what Rumsfeld meant by “You go to war with the army you have”…
Feherty is a simpleton, who also writes a monthly column for Golf Magazine. I emailed the Editor cancelling my subscription.
Feherty does a massive disservice to the troops by implying that they are such mindless killers that one of them would act out his mindless fantasy. Using the troops as disposable parts in mindless fantasies is normal operating procedure for conservatives so I won’t be surprised to see Feherty ensconced in some right-wing think tank once CBS fires him.
gil mann
They’re the ones negotiating in a hushed whisper with the actual suspect as to how they can confuse the witness and help him beat the rap. They don’t want him to go free, but he glared at them in a somewhat intimidating manner when they were led into the room, so you can see the bind they’re in.
There are two kinds of troops.
There are the guys on the front lines who are, in the main, more ideologically diverse. They get sick of the routine dangers that they face while in a wartime situation.
Then there are others, who are esconced behind the lines. They’re busy reading Bibles in clean airplanes, playing golf on Air Force bases, or sitting in nice safeside billets while doling out stuff from QM depots or doing vital PR work.
They love wars and want them to continue, as they’ve got some job security.
A fine example of the breed, a PR NCO with the 3rd. He spends his duty days on the internet, on several websites.;brevity=full;options=no-change
jrg, Republican Strategist
I’m sure that speaking for every U.S. soldier cannot possibly be bad for morale.
…This golf analyst is a Republican, so it’s OK, because God and every American Christian agrees with him.
If anything, this golf analyst is a RINO, because he did not throw in a joke about Ted Kennedy or Tiger Woods (who happens to be a stealth muslim). I predict he will go Galt sometime in the next couple of weeks to reclaim his status as a conservative. I also predict that the liberal media will mislead people into believing that his Galt status is a “suspension” or a “termination”
wasabi gasp
Going down.
The original joke is a lion, a rattlesnake, and a lawyer. I’m not sure if it makes sense when you switch it to Pelosi.
Calming Influence
Hey, what’s with all the Air Force bashing? There’s no need to pick on us just because we were smart enough to choose the one branch of service where the enlisted members plunk the officers into airplanes, slap them on the back, say “Go get ’em, tiger!”, and then head off to the NCO Club for a beer… :)
@Calming Influence
That is the funniest, LOL comment I have read in months.
Funny and true FTW!
Eric U.
The funny thing is that I only know who David Feherty is because he is a cyclist that was badly injured by an idiot driver. If I had to put my money on things, if you put David Feherty dressed in spandex in an elevator with a military guy with two bullets, bin Laden, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, then Feherty and bin Laden would be dead when the doors open. Although as a veteran, I actually suspect that the military guy would have captured bin Laden and have Pelosi calling for backup. And yes, I was/am a fat Air Force officer, currently a Captain in the inactive reserves.