No wonder they support Palin so much. Much like their goddess, they don’t know what the Bush doctrine is, either:
The Bush doctrine isn’t about the President unilaterally defending the country. The problem with the Bush doctrine is that it upended years of practice and established a policy of preventive war, which means that it is just kosher to invade anyone you perceive as a threat, so long as you can get five Weekly Standard interns together in the Office of Special Plans to agree a country was a threat and needed to be invaded because they might do something to us one day. Or Saddam looked at us funny.
No wonder these guys love Palin. It’s the blind leading the stupid.
And while we are at it, let me remind you all that Bill Kristol is still on the Washington Post payroll but they didn’t have the funds for Dan Froomkin.
Actually, I thought the Bush Doctrine was “America Fuck Yeah!”
As I said earlier…
I hate this fucking country. I used to love it, but that seems a dim memory now.
Joe Beese
The Obama Doctrine is apparently “You can kill thousands of civilians to eliminate less than 100 men threatening you”.
Obligatory “WOLVERINES!” reference here
And “WOLVERINES” also too
If Obama keeps this up, the RNC will be full throated DFH in a few years, against all wars. Yay!
Hey.. I lost my edit buttons… Son of a…
You’re full of good news today, arentcha?
I still love my country. It is easy to hate when through the filter of the MSM/political blogs however. But I still see some awesome people I work and interact with one a daily basis.
That’s kind of an extreme position to take just because some asshats run the news.
Nooooooooooo! Just like Bush! Just like Bush!
Two legs better!
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
There’s a lot of reasons for this, but a lot of people just thought Obama would act like a DFH, pull all the troops home, and start requiring the DoD to do bake sales to raise money. See @Joe Beese.
Eh, I don’t love the country, nor do I hate it. The people within it, on the other hand….
And, goddamn it, but if that’s all they got from Obama’s speech, then they need to, in the words of Alan Grayson, STFU.
Okay, I’ll amend my statement. Because you’re right. I hate this fucking country, all except the teeny, tiny shrinking minority of people who still understand what it was supposed to be, Balloon Juice, most of my family, and a couple of my co-workers (but certainly not all).
As for the rest of it, I hate this fucking country.
Every time you link to the Post, God kills a puppy.
General Winfield Stuck
This is the continued damage to our national pysche wrought by hours and hours of neo con bullshit shoved down the publics throat with a “you’re gonna die, if you don’t swallow our swill” chaser.
And intellectually lazy pundits and anchors are doing their best to see that a return to sanity takes as long as possible.
Pre-emptive war has always been on the books for countries who can make a convincing case another country or group of peoples is getting ready to attack it.
Preventive war is the orgasm of war mongers who like throwing their weight around to lengthen their little peckers, so long as others do the fighting, killing, and dying. And Chinese loan sharks foot the bill.
A few public hangings of neo con war criminals could be faster cure, if I wasn’t opposed to the death penalty. Though a libtard can still dream, can’t he?.
It may have been just a slight exaggeration on my part. But just a slight one.
For all my premature cynicism (I’m in my mid-20s, and I feel like I should be in a rocking chair with a cane with the way I need to rant constantly), I still love America.
The big caveat is that I adore America the ideal. The America that Captain America stands for. The one where all are promised ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’, ‘freedom of expression’, ‘all men are created equal’. That America.
I’ve grown to utterly loathe the paper mache facade of America that’s been built up by crooked fuckers in the government, mendacious so-called ‘journalists’ in the media whose prime style influence comes from the National Enquirer and Star Magazine, and the religious fundies who, for all their harping about the ‘word of god’ and ‘Jesus’ completely miss the spirit of what Jesus preached, becoming Modern Day Pharisees without any sort of irony.
And I honestly don’t know if we can ever get within field goal distance of living up to the ideal of America anymore, since so many are so content with the “Brutal God”, “Old Testament” America.
I like my country all right, but I am really, really, really tired of it’s government doing so many stupid things.
My favorite is when the wingnuts start saying that liberals want to make it so that we have to get permission from the U.N. to protect America.
In the real world, the U.N. charter explicitly allows wars in self-defense, though not “anticipatory” self-defense. Evidently most countries aren’t swayed by other countries’ nationalist arguments. Shocking.
dr. bloor
Howie Kurtz was on NPR tonight, too, reminding us that Obama is also just like Bush becuz he acknowledged that “EVIL!” exists in the world in his speech today.
As if none of us had ever heard of Dick Cheney.
Kagan is still wiping his pants off:
Comrade Dread
Most people out there don’t understand what the Bush doctrine really means and how radical it was/is.
It’s the difference between saying:
I shot my neighbor because he was climbing through my window with a gun in the middle of the night
I shot my neighbor because we don’t like each other and he might one day go buy a gun and might at some future point climb into my window and shoot my family.
@geg6: Perhaps you feel extreme because Michael won Top Chef last night?
It makes me pretty aggro too.
Erick Erickson sounds like a lefty purity troll in that tweet, albeit slightly less butthurt.
At this point I’m really praying for a Golgafrinchan B-Ark to get all of the Teabaggers, Hamsherites, and media clowns out of our hair.
General Winfield Stuck
@Comrade Dread:
Well stated.
Mary Matalin said the Afghanistan escalation speech was the Bush Doctrine.
None of them know. It doesn’t ‘matter anyway.
I think they needed to dress whatever that Bush thing was with “Doctrine”.
El Cid
In Reagan’s day, you just hired a preventive war against people you didn’t like. Well, except for Grenada. But that was awesome. It was even led by Clint Eastwood.
@Comrade Dread:
@Kryptik: Ok, I am quite a bit older than you, and I can tell you that America has never lived up to its ideals. In fact, the very ideals that Americans espouse are the same ones used to justify just about every awful thing we have done (in the name of American Exceptionalism).
I think it’s fine to aspire to these ideals, but to believe they ever took place is folly.
truculent and unreliable
@Kryptik: I used to feel that way. Wait until you reach the ripe old age of 29.
Leelee for Obama
@Comrade Dread: Yupper!
Of course, they forget that he always said he wasn’t against all war, just dumb wars. Wars we didn’t have to fight for reasons that were not true. Those kinds of wars.
And we all know there’s evil in the world; where the hell do they think we assume Fred Phelps emanates from, Sunny Brook Farms?
truculent and unreliable
@Leelee for Obama: Nonononono, silly, naive liberals believe that everything is flowers and ponies, and all Osama bin Laden really wants to do is give us cotton candy and a big ol’ hug!
Howard Fineman was on NPR an hour ago saying that “President Bush could have given the same speech.”
Right, especially the torture part.
Leelee for Obama
@mistermix: Howard Fineman is an asshat of the first order. Sometimes he manages to seem to be a cogent person, but the asshattery comes out eventually, like this time. Bush couldn’t have read that speech, let alone write it.
Comrade Dread
Or bend over and let him and his ilk violate America repeatedly because you’re all too cowardly to bomb the s*** out of a bunch of people that had nothing to do with Al Qaeda.
You’ve got to understand that someday those brown people might become terrorists that attack America, so we must drop bombs on their homes now in the hopes of deterring them.
And if their livelihoods and families happen to get caught in the blast, that’s the price they pay for possibly thinking negative thoughts about America and they’ll thank us once they get to cast a vote for their next overlord from a list of corrupt assholes.
Who the hell is Ewe Rickson? Is goat sex involved?
When Bush used the word crusade, it struck a nerve in other countries. So did bring it on.
Today was the annaversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights being put into place. How many of the msm said that?
I heard the speech and it was amazing.
The Bush “Doctrine” was a stubborn version of true insanity.
Has Cheney popped up yet?
@Leelee for Obama:
This phrase is full of win and is going into my cache of stolen goods.
I was surprised by the speech. I figured Obama would bring up the contradiction with the wars, but I didn’t think he’d put so much focus on it. That’s not an easy line to walk in that setting and kudos for him for doing it and not getting timid about it.
@Leelee for Obama:
Obama was compared to Bush I on foreign policy in the WSJ the other day.
They have to say something, and all they know how to do is compare-contrast.
I’m waiting for someone to compare someone else to Bill Clinton. He seems to be ignored, weirdly.
Did we go from Bush I to Bush II?
He’s a Professor Emeritus of Conventional Wisdom Douchebaggery. That mastery of finger-in-the-wind punditry also allows him to quickly adapt his message to his surroundings – for instance, he always came across as quite reasonable on Al Franken’s old radio show, even though you always knew he’d pop up somewhere else a day or two later slinging some new line of bullshit that more likely than not would flatly contradict what he’d said on Al’s show. I could never understand how the two of them could be such good friends.
Never read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? What kind of geek are you? Here.
Wile E. Quixote
Awesome. Thank you.
Yes, we don’t count blowjob Presidents, sweater Presidents, Medicare presidents, and shot-in-the-head presidents. Former actor presidents count twice.
I have, years ago, and in point of fact, I watched the movie last night. Very meh compared to the books.
Just Some Fuckhead
Wow, stupid shit on Twitter. This is a new phenomenon.
Leelee for Obama
@gnomedad: And you are welcome!
I’m not sure, but there might be another stealable one in the MSNBC thread. You judge!
Leelee for Obama
@kay: Bill has been relegated out of sight for a bit, hasn’t he? Guess it’s hard to trash a man when he’s busy trying to save thousands of people. And Obama is more pragmatic than Clinton was, so the Bush I analogy works. WSJ is figuring out that one day they’re gonna have to say really good stuff about Obama, so the frog is in the cold water, if you know what I mean.
Comparing anyone to Bush II is just nasty shit. Comparing Obama to Bush should be a sacrilege. What does the FSM have to say about that?
Yeah, the movie sucked hard despite the awesome cast. I blame Obama.
You’re correct of course. I am lot older than both of you and I believe that we were closer to the ideal several decades ago. But not any longer. We weren’t really close in the 90’s when we were on a quite road trip away from that ideal, but we’ve been running, screaming like lunatics at warp speed away from the ideal ever since.
how far away we are when the Bush Doctrine was nothing more than a trick question.
Gaaaah, “Bush Doctrine”; how I despise those two words.
Anything other than a war of self-defense is a war crime. Ain’t that hard to figure out.
@BFR: Just one?
I’ve now taken to reading JC’s posts out loud to my husband. Thank GOD for BJ, or I think I would explode.
Bush Doctrine: Stumbling around drunk in a bar and punching anyone weaker who looks at you funny.
Or more precisely: outsourcing the pummeling. God forbid that the sacrifice be too onerous, e.g. no draft, no taxes, “Go Shopping!”
LMAO @ comment #1.
That is what I thought too.