What would Strauss think of commentators who talk about coaches’ “philosophies”?
Along these lines, isn’t it time some offensive coordinator devised a route that could be described as a “head and shoulders pattern”?
If we wrote posts that went directly to comments, could we call them “wildcat” posts?
Someone stop me.
Update. Everyone who is for the Saints should have a Sazerac (though I recommend less sugar, more absinthe/Herbsainte, and multiple bitters). What would be a good drink for Vikings fans?
Update. Take a drink every time you hear “feature”, “check-down”, “the edge”, or “establish”. What other key words am I forgetting?
Update. “Earplugs”, obviously.
Task Force Ripper
You are one sick puppy DougJ, I don’t care what anyone says.
Oh, DougJ, you slay me. Thanks for the shiny new thread.
We see that you have come to your senses, DougJ. Smudge has a flickr stream, so suck. on. that. jeffreyw.
On topic, Saints/Vikings is a true toss-up. I thought the Colts had the Jets in hand, even though I thought it would be closer than it was. this game? not so much. I couldn’t guess who would win.
If I were making a drinking game, I’d guess any use of Favre would result in an alcohol overdose, so i won’t go there.
OTOH, asiangrrlMN pulled back the curtain on her rustification process. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Scott de B.
Vikings fans would drink mead, I suppose, although as a Packers fan, I prefer to think they will drink the bitter draughts of defeat.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
If I plug a can of Cheez Whiz into my television set, will I be able to see Wisconsin?
The Dangerman
A nice Chianti and some Farve beans.
Vikings fan here. I have a giant bottle of cognac with a panther on it. Will that do?
I don’t see the Vikings being able to hold the Saints under 35 points though…
@arguingwithsignposts: YAY! I can comment directly on your stream now. Thanks! And, did you see that I threatened you with the business end of my rusty pitchfork if you root against the Vikes?
And, Gah. I can’t take the Favre-fawning, and the game hasn’t even started yet.
If I plug a can of Cheez Whiz into my television set, will I be able to see Wisconsin?
In what respect?
@DougJ – way too much thinking for you today. It’s very busy in your head.
A drink for Vikings fans? Something that’s 40 years old?
Mead, bitch!
Notorious P.A.T.
And which team’s gameplan rings more Burkean bells?
OT: My report from the Yvette Clarke/Anthony Weiner HCR town hall in Brooklyn today (links to my comment in another thread):
Corner Stone
Whoever gets the early turnover and scores off it will win this game.
Cat Piss.
@arguingwithsignposts: About time you got the flickr fever. LOL
Mead, obviously!
Comrade Luke
Terry Bradshaw just said Brett Favre is his American Idol.
I can’t find a bridge high enough to jump off of.
Andy K
Battery acid.
Into the mud, scum queens!
Don’t get me wrong. I love me some AP. He was my fantasy running back. but favre has a huge dark-side-of-the-force negativity to him. Like I said, I’m on the fence.
To ward off the rusty garden implements, I have uploaded some. more. smudge (3 diff. images). These were taken after she ran under the covers, between my legs while I have them raised to support the laptop.
South of I-10
Stew is done, child is bathed and wine in hand. Saints bitches!
Drink for Vikings fans: Glogg!
Oh, and Joe Buck can definitely DIAF.
“Favre Favre Favre!”
AWWWW!! Smudge is adorable, AWS. What a lithe little cutie. She reminds me a little bit of Chompers when she was that age.
Corner Stone
Grape juice and vodka?
@The Dangerman:
you win, start a new thread
Corner Stone
@Comrade Luke:
Why do you always give up short of your goals?
I believe in you! I *know* you can find that bridge!
FYWP moderation. My comment is stuck, so here it is again, with one less link:
Don’t get me wrong. I love me some AP. He was my fantasy running back. but favre has a huge dark-side-of-the-force negativity to him. Like I said, I’m on the fence.
To ward off the rusty garden implements, I have uploaded some more smudge. These were taken after she ran under the covers, between my legs while I have them raised to support the laptop.
Jeremy Shockey can DIAF. So can Jared Allen (after the game). So can the entire crew at FOX. So can Kris Allen, the pretty boy singing the national anthem. Blech. Just start the goddamn game already.
@arguingwithsignposts: No fair using Smudge to deflect the rusty implement! But, yeah, I hear you.
In support of my Vikes, I will NOT be drinking my MM bourbon tonight.
C’mon, Ain’ts.
@arguingwithsignposts: Soothing her with kittehs just might work. If not just take your punishment like a man.
I’m home sick and I’ve slept like half the day. At least I made the right call and decided not to tough out work. Hell I haven’t even worked up the energy to take a shower yet.
One of my family members who is originally from MN is pulling for the Saints. Never saw that coming. She said she thinks New Orleans has been through a lot and a win would be great for them.
I don’t have a dog in this hunt. Go…whichever team!
Andy K
I take full responsibility for setting off this wave of cyber-arson. Sorry, world.
Alas, I have a plane to catch, so I won’t be able to stick around to watch y’all turn yourselves into basket cases. Have fun!
You Jet-haters should get used to seeing them in the playoffs. That is a well-constructed football team.
Any Maryland fans in the house? Our women are going to run yours out of the building tonight. On national teevee. Fear the turtle? Bwahahahaha!
@Yutsano: Hi, honey! Sorry that you are sick. What do you think you have? Don’t encourage AWS. He knows he’s in deep shit and that not even the ultra-cute visage of Smudge can…oh, pretty kitty!
@Andy K: You can DIAF, too!
Quaker in a Basement
@JasonF: Not just mead. Flagons of mead!
M. Bouffant
Damn. There’s a recommendation!!
S. cerevisiae
Holy crap! Is Kleinsausser a tight end or a bull gorilla?
Rusty Nails
Vikings fans should drink what their QB drinks
@asiangrrlMN: Head cold, nothing serious, I just need to hit the tea with lemon and honey hard and I should be fine by tomorrow. Of course I also did a shit ton of housework yesterday so I could have just run myself ragged.
Good drink for Vikings fans? I’d grab a Surly if I were them…
Notorious P.A.T.
@The Dangerman:
Well done )
@asiangrrlMN: There’s your AP baby. Your eggs feeling itchy again?
Here’s wishing you well, Yutsano. we are all DIAF now. I cannot see how asiangrrlMN can harbor much ill will, since I did suggest the Rusty Gardens(tm) line of garden implements.
lol chikinburd
@Andy K: Yeah, I was going to say “bleach”, but thought better of it. Should have thought better of thinking better of it.
I have the proper rye, but no way am I actually going to turn that game on. Fox’s booth might as well have a porn soundtrack.
Corner Stone
That was a nasty block.
Andy K
They made that look easy.
S. cerevisiae
Well, you probably won’t see this, then, but it IS the Jets, after all. Even a well-constructed team can implode in the hands of the J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets! :)
Corner Stone
I am officially skeeved out.
@Yutsano: That’s my AP! Not my eggs, but some other part of my anatomy is awfully itchy.
I’m glad it’s only a head cold, but take it easy! Sheesh.
@arguingwithsignposts: Yes. So, you can be the first official tester of said implements.
7 – 0 Vikings.
Doctor Gonzo
Andy K
@lol chikinburd:
I’m watching at a local sports bar, with a gaggle of fellow Packer fans….And most definitely rooting for the Saints.
Mead. Or the blood of their enemies. Or crappy beer.
Akvavit? Or Icelandic Brennivin.
Not watching the games. The only NFL game I saw this season was the Colts v Jets in the regular season at my sister’s house in Indianapolis. Boy did that piss off my brother-in-law.
In baseball news, here’s how the A’s luck has been going the last few years:
Top Athletics prospect retires to enter priesthood
@Batocchio: As long as no one mentions lutefisk (which isn’t a drink but I know how folks get creative here) I’m good.
@OriGuy: My jaw almost literally dropped when I read that. But, hey, courage of convictions and all.
@Yutsano: Ugh. I went to a Lutheran school where they served lutfisk every year for Christmas. I tried it one year–well, to be more precise, I tried to try it. I just couldn’t do it.
@arguingwithsignposts: Weeeeelll, Smudgey needs you, so, OK. You are off the hook–for now. And, I have many many implements that I can rust, so name ’em all.
Can I just pick some targets instead? I propose some folks named blankfein, boehner, mcconnell, lewis, dimon, norquist, hoekstra, king, grassley, baucus, lieberman … have I run out of implements yet? Because I’ve got a list that’s pretty long.
“You’re absolutely right, Joe.” God, I hate Troy Aikman.
@asiangrrlMN: I tried it ONCE. Never again in my existence. I get that it’s traditional and all that but jeez it’s the 21st Century there is no good reason to soak cod in lye for months, not even to get in touch with your ancient Viking heritage.
Can’t drink Sazerac, but i’ve got the SoCo lined up for the Scarlett O’Haras.
@Aredubya: Any talk about how noisy it is in the dome. “Big” Pat/Kevin Williams. “Loves the game.”
7 – 7.
So, this is going to be a more offense oriented game I suppose.
Poor tackling on that screen.
South of I-10
That’s what I’m talking about!
@asiangrrlMN: Every time they show the old man after every single play. Jeez I bet they’re in the booth just fapping over him as we speak.
@asiangrrlMN: I still can’t believe people in your state still put up with that crap. Had it once at my cousins in the cities, and will never go near it again.
Andy K
Not a bad day for guys named Pierre. Not so far, any way.
Notorious P.A.T.
@Corner Stone:
Haha )
@asiangrrlMN: Not liking the look of our defense so far.
Lutefisk – ugh. former wife was a scandinavian lutheran, and they pulled that stuff out every christmas. nasty, vile, rank stuff. I would rather eat rusty nails. Yuck, yuck, yuck! i have adopted a rule: anything that involves lye, I will not imbibe. It’s working for me so far.
Man, there seems to be alot of Saints hate on some of my fav blogs…but whatevah!
I’ll admit, NOLA needs this more than Favre needs another ring.
Geaux Saints!!!!
@arguingwithsignposts: I do not feel better as a human being for having tried it. Hell I’d go for haggis over that crap any day, and haggis is just as nasty, no matter what Alton Brown says.
daniel thomas macinnes
Go Vikings! Minnesotans may be fair-weather fans (they’re exactly like the Democrats in Washington, it’s eerie), but we’re going to win today!!
DougJ @ Top:
Strauss would think it was definitionally wrong, but would be amused by it too, as long as it distracts the hoi polloi (aka the vulgar) and keeps them from investigating real philosophy or challenging the dominant power structures.
Again, I have no emotion invested in either team. However, I will note that no matter who wins, Eastern Illinois University will have a head coach in the Super Bowl.
That’s probably a little TMI.
@arguingwithsignposts: And some people wonder why white people get made fun of.
@jwb: No kidding. Ugh.
@Zam: Well, I have heard stories that done properly, lutfisk can be nummy. I think it’s an urban legend, myself.
@Yutsano: Thank you, hon. I now have an image of Buck and Aikman, both with their pants around their knees, fapping away as multiple camera images of Favre surround them. You can DIAF!
Oh, and I could not eat the lutfisk. I just couldn’t do it.
South of I-10
Why don’t the announcers go ahead and fellate Favre on the big screen and get it over with?
Corner Stone
@Notorious P.A.T.: I’m just wanking on Comrade Luke. He knows I don’t believe in him.
[dramatic pause]
[turn to camera left for close-up]
Just like I don’t believe in President Obama!!
[And… hold squinty eyed grimace until we break for commercial]
What? You didn’t know I was a star on a Spanish soap opera?
I play the diabolical American real estate developer, there to undermine all that’s good and true and wholesome.
I wonder if this is worse than Lutefisk (also a hold over from Viking days): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbYqznD0R5M
@South of I-10: I thought they were. It’s a Brett Favre lovefest with a football game in the background.
Crusty Dem
Geez DougJ, your intention for Saints fans is nearly as violent as asiangrrlMN.
Never mind, you’re just objectively pro-genocide.
@Crusty Dem: Snort. You made me laugh. Twice.
Come on, Vikes!
Doctor my eyes.
Corner Stone
I wonder how long til we find out Favre is a sex addict like Tiger Woods?
I mean, he has to be right?
Percy Harvin, babies, I’m just saying.
Buck would LIKE to drill Favre!
ETA: Rusty drill?
SIDNEY RICE! I’d eat that rice, any day!
14 – 7.
AWS, blame my FH#2. He started the idea of Favre-fapping!
Lisa K.
@South of I-10:
Because they saw the sticky mess that was made when Nantz and Simms did it to Manning this afternoon.
@Corner Stone: I think he’d have more than two daughters. Well at least that’s the official count. Plus I have no idea how you survive in a small town in Mississippi and be Catholic.
14-7 Vikes.
Corner Stone
F’ng nasty pump fake.
A Screaming Viking, of course.
Major Favre fellatio coming up soon.
Lisa K.
Yeah, that are *still* the Jets.
Ugh I’m switching to something harder
S’ok. Favre can’t keep up the pace. I think the announcer might have mentioned once or twice that he’s 40. Almost time fi his nap.
It’s rained here in MN for 2 days, and will be sub-freezing this week. My drink recommendations: Slushies and Icees.
S. cerevisiae
@daniel thomas macinnes: Fair weather?! Not me! I like to tell people the Vikings have been giving me indigestion for forty years.
Corner Stone
@arguingwithsignposts: Not Stuck slurp-worthy or anything but that was a good series and a good pump fake/throw.
@Corner Stone: Vikes got lucky with a couple of penalties, but yeah a good series.
@S. cerevisiae: I haven’t been alive that long, but I have been rooting for the purple since the John Randall years. Does that count?
At the rate this is going I am going to be a wreck before half-time.
Kids bathed and fed, they’re in their Reggie Bush jerseys and waving “Boo Vikings!” signs and yelling like a couple of loons. I could not be more proud!
Drano-flavored non-alcoholic mead, aged in the Viking Horn.
a drink for viking fans?
do they want their cucumbers bruised?
@ihop: Only slightly, only slightly.
She is unimpressed with the Saints’ defense so far.
Lisa K.
That’s the way a parent should raise her kids…
Corner Stone
I’m just going to say yes.
Lisa K.
Smart kitty.
S. cerevisiae
@asiangrrlMN: Oh yeah, he was great. Plenty of room on the Viking longship.
Corner Stone
No flag for the blatant hold?
No matter who you’re rooting for that was a good catch.
Another pathetic series by the Vikings’ defense—14-14.
@S. cerevisiae: Whew! Glad I proved my creds.
And, fuck me. 14 – 14. I hope everyone took the over on the scoring for this game.
@Yutsano: It was not!
@jwb: You know, it’s never too early to say, whoever touches the ball last, wins.
Lisa K.
That’s more like it, NO.
Now for God’s sake, let’s not hand Favre another free 20 yards.
@Lisa K.:
I come from a long line of knuckleheads who yell at the teevee machine like your team can hear you. Just passing on the crazy!
14-14. Good game offensively so far.
I’d make a sazerac, but the closest I could come to herbsaint is dissolving 5 spice powder in water; which sounds like a really bad idea.
I imagine people in Minnesota drink beef from Wisconsin; just like we did when I lived in Illinois. Honey Brown is has the best delicious:pennies ratio of any beer… when you’re in the midwest, anyway. Whoever distributes it on on the east coast thinks that people will pay premium prices for it.
Because I am a proud Southern Lady…..
Who dat? – Go Saints! but, if the Vikes pull this out I won’t be mad – Favre is a son of Mississippi.
The fellation of the old man continueth. Seriously, why don’t they just do a nice documentary and stop pretending there’s a football game being played?
South of I-10
@madmommy: Are you saying they can’t hear you? Little one just colored a fleur de lis for me. I didn’t know she could draw that?
Jim Caldwell is a sissy who wears women’s underwear. Fuck the Colts and Fuck the Saints. Go Vikings.
@Yutsano: Stop. Seriously. The thought of Joe Buck having sex at all is distasteful enough. Through Favre into the mix, and hon, we don’t have enough mind bleach for that.
@JK: Hiya. I had no idea who Jim Caldwell was until I Googled him.
Corner Stone
That’s disgusting. And you midwesterners are who the rest of us are supposed to emulate?
Lisa K.
@South of I-10:
Probably learned it at school this week. Mine did!
@Corner Stone: It really is fantastic beef. And the midwest is real America, I think (not Chicago, but I think Minneapolis counts… not sure about Milwaukee). Although now I live in a city in decidedly fake America… an ex-pat living abroad.
I don’t follow football in the least — can I drink myself to oblivion anyway? It’s sorely needed.
South of I-10
@Yutsano: New theory – they are saving it up for a big finale at the end of the game.
@RedKitten: It is still your day of aging no? Imbibe to your heart’s content. Or until your liver rebels, whichever comes first.
Lisa K.
According to the media, like all things Colt, he is a saint, a Tony Dungy clone without the ugly stench of Limbaugh or Focus on the Family clinging to him. At least, not that we know of…yet.
@South of I-10: There are, however, two quarterbacks on the field, and I can’t help but notice they’re not paying nearly as much mind to Drew Brees.
South of I-10
@RedKitten: Happy Birthday! It’s your birthday, drink all you want!
@RedKitten: Yes. I take it SamKitten isn’t napping?
@Lisa K.: We shall see. i don’t believe in saint(s).
@Yutsano: Really? There are two quarterbacks on the field? At the same time? Well, you know, Drew is short. He doesn’t count.
Come on, fucking defense! Or you all can DIAF!
@Yutsano: Sounds good. If this birthday was indicative of how the rest of the year’s going to go, I’m going to definitely be hitting the bottle on more than one occasion.
@asiangrrlMN: @Lisa K.:
In my book, any NFL coach who gives his middle finger to history and refuses to try and go undefeated for the season is a fucking sissy. Therefore Jim Caldwell is a fucking sissy and the Colts General Manager Bill Polian is a fucking sissy as well.
@asiangrrlMN: I am massive afeared he is in the teething phase, which means if SamKitten ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy.
@JK: Ah. Now I get it. Yes. Anyone who allows the ’72 Dolphins to continue to have any meaning deserves to DIAF.
@Yutsano: Oh, crap. Yeah. That.
And, noooo, I don’t want to go inside the cum-stained broadcast booth!
Lisa K.
I could not agree more, although I blame that wussy-ass pansy Polian more than Caldwell.
If the Colts do in fact win the SB, I will simply refuse to recognize them as legitimate champions because of that. They don’t deserve it.
I know this is OT, but I’ve been following the coverage of the Haiti earthquake, and some of it’s been bothering me. Finally somebody gets it…
Are US TV Crews Killing Haitians?”
Lisa K.
Anywhere but, really.
Oh jeez, what’s with the dumbass hits?
South of I-10
That ain’t nothing but a pitty patty foul.
@South of I-10: They’re gonna call that every time though. Seriously there was an eternity from where he was down to the actual hit.
@lamh31: Man, just reading that excerpt is depressing.
Yeah, bitchez. Nice CATCH!
This is a great game.
If there is a God, the NFC will win the Superbowl.
Comrade Kevin
Buck’s slobbering all over Favre’s knob really is pretty gross to listen to.
Get some baby gum numbing stuff, it works pretty good so long as the tooth hasn’t errupted yet. Fair warning, I made the mistake of using it on one of the kids who’s tooth had begun popping through. There was a lot of crying, so I’m thinking it stings. There will be drooling, also. Lots of it. Put his teething toys into the freezer for a bit to chill them down, that seems to help as well. I have heard that a carrot soaked in brandy is very effective, but was too chicken to try it!
Royston Vasey
Bush Failure.
Go, special teams! Go, AP!
No, AP!
@madmommy: I shall definitely remember this advice for when the gay cowboy’s young one starts sprouting his teefers. But I was just speculating as to SamKitten’s potential unhappiness.
Gotta fair catch that.
OMG they’re talking about someone else besides the old man! I may fall over in shock.
EDIT: I hope this game doesn’t keep going back and forth like this.
Lisa K.
Yo, ADRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@asiangrrlMN: @Lisa K.:
As a New Yorker, I’ve been hearing a lot of Jets fans whine like crybabies about their team not getting enough respect. The only reason the Jets advanced to the playoffs in the first place is because Bill Polian and Jim Caldwell put their tails between their legs in Week 16. If Peyton Manning had been allowed to play the entire game against the Jets during the regular season, there is no fucking way that the Jets would have won that game.
Damn, I am too distracted-thought it was Redkitten saying teh bebbeh’s teeth were coming in.
Vikes cough up the ball!!!
just got back from a Chinese restaurant where my husband and son wouldn’t let me order Peking duck because they were in a hurry to get back here and watch this stupid game of y’all’s.
Football. Feh.
Well, that was much ado about nothing. Feh. Tied going into halftime.
@eemom: Now THAT’S criminal!
No, that is a lie. Lutefisk was invented by really hungry people who’s only alternative was eating bark (the reason my ancestors left the homeland). It is vile and disgusting.
I used to like Brett Favre, but I think his actions toward the Packers and the Jets were the shit. So, go Saints. Also, the Saints have my old Jet, Jonathan Vilma, who is a fantastic guy, and the redeemed Jeremy Shockey.
Brett’s story is a great one, but anyone who is that disloyal and who feels free to use other people like disposable tissue…screw them.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
There’s respect involved?! Homey don’t do dat. If I am plugging something into something there can’t be any respect involved.
It gets too complicated after that.
Task Force Ripper
My local news has just informed me Democrats have lost control of their supermajority.
I think we’re fucked.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
BTW, Happy Birthday Krista! Drinking? Isn’t that what Canadians do (very well, might I add)?
I really don’t get the mindest of those people “Hey lets put what little food we have in this deadly substance and see what happens!”
I know its OT, but Inglourious Basterds is really good.
Highly recommend it.
South of I-10
Saints cat sez Go Saints!
Andy K
It might be his teeth — goodness knows he’s been drooling like a faucet for about a month now. My mom was here for a few days too, and I find he always gets frigged up and out of sorts when extra people are in the house. Tomorrow the hubby goes back to work (he was off all last week due to having knee surgery), so it’ll just be SamKitten and Mommy again, so I’m going to do my damndest to get him in the habit of having a decent morning nap and afternoon nap.
We’ll see how it goes, anyway. This week might wind up getting shot all to hell as is. I found out today that my grandmother (who has had Alzheimer’s for the last 12 years) is nearing the end. I’ll just play it by ear, I guess.
@RedKitten: Man that’s rough. Lots of positive vibes coming your way.
Well, I don’t watch football, but ya’ll did make me look up lutefisk on Wikipedia. Can’t forget this gem of info:
This reeks of desperation to me. I’m sure on of my distant ancestors got all excited about finding a nice mess of grubs under a log, but that doesn’t mean I’m keeping it on the holiday menu.
Task Force Ripper
Mr. Peterson really loses the plot here.
@South of I-10: Saints cat is cuuuuute!
Oh, shit. AP. Goddamn it!
Seriously. I can’t take this.
@RedKitten: Sorry to hear SamKitten is being feisty. Missed the part about your grandmom. So sorry to hear.
Shiancoe soothes the savage beast within.
Sorry to hear that When my gma went after about 12 years of being pretty much out of it, I didn’t think it would get to me since she’d been “gone” for so long. But it affected me a lot. Strong thoughts.
Task Force Ripper
Vasantay Shankhoe!
freelancer (itouch)
Wow that was a freebie
Drooling is a pretty good indicator, how old is he now? The madkiddies were late teethers, then sprouted teeth in pairs. good in the sense that it was over faster, but not so much fun while it was happening.
@South of I-10:
The big kid put his Saints cap on the cat earlier. The cat was not amused.
Here’s a tip Saints, somebody cover the fucking tight end.
I’m sorry this is OT, but this video is all sorts of WIN!!
Leave it to the writers over at the Daily Show, Keith Olbermann gets the Glen Beck treatment:
Jon Stewart’s Special Comments on Olbermann’s Brown special comments
Olbermann was actually kinda gracious in his response.
Arggh.. I have to report for jury duty tomorrow. Glug!
Task Force Ripper
@madmommy: He’s just a little over 5 months old. He’s been drooling and gnawing on his fists for about a month now, but no signs yet of teeth.
Sorry to be a big ol’ whiny beeyotch, everybody. It was just a rough day, and I am fucking drained.
Okay AP just redeemed himself.
@RedKitten: You’re more than allowed to be drained after all of that. You got a few supportive neighbours to your southwest, we’ll try to help however we can.
Wow. I just tuned in about 10 minutes ago, so I have to ask: has the whole game been like this, tit for tat scores, one after the other?
@RedKitten: You are not whiney in the least. Teething sucks. The worst is the canines. They just scream and scream and scream. Made me wish for the old days when the grandmas put whiskey on their gums.
@RedKitten: You are allowed. It’s your birthday.
@Max: Sucks. I hated it. Especially since they wouldn’t let me ON the jury.
Shiancoe is my new honey. AP, you’re just lucky you’re so damn talented.
21 – 21.
Yes, dammit. If the Saints can win this game I don’t know if I’ll survive another one like this!
@CaseyL: Pretty much. My heart can’t take it.
@Yutsano: Did not. If he has a 70+ yd run and DOES NOT TURN OVER THE FUCKING BALL for the rest of the game, then he will have redeemed himself.
Comrade Luke
“George Herbert Walker Bush here tonight. Friend of Tom Benson.”
Go Fucking Vikings.
Lisa K.
Truer word was never spoken. You would think, after THREE TIMES, they would get it.
Oh, and Favre is still a pathetic selfish drama queen.
Let’s go, Saints! Play like you really want it!
That new Travolta flick….. was that slated for Bruce Willis or something??
@asiangrrlMN: Well, I’m not trying to get picked. I got a shitton of work I need to deal with.
I’m glad I’m not a Vikes or Saints fan right now. This game is torturous. My sympathies to those of you with a dog in this hunt.
South of I-10
@RedKitten: I’m sorry. That sucks. A return to a regular schedule should help. When Little South was teething, I would wet part of a washcloth and stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes or so – she would gnaw on it like crazy.
That new Travolta flick….. was that slated for Bruce Willis or something??
I’d go with Vin Diesel.
@Max: I didn’t want to get picked, but the process skeered me, anyway. Apparently, a jury of my peers means a bunch of idiots who have no idea what is happening in the world around them. No thank you.
God.Fucking.Damnit. No nooky for you, AP!
Well I found the next big right wing outrage
Oops, got kicked off there for a while.
Tie game!?!?!? AP hold on to that ball. I’m so torn about this game.
Wow, it is just not the Saints night.
Jim C
Hey, now!
Oh, you mean the Colts coach.
And he puts the ball on the ground again! crimony.
@arguingwithsignposts: Was wondering where you were.
@Jim C: Now we know your name!
Keep AP out. We can’t risk it.
Comrade Luke
What a ridiculously bad roughing call.
Awww…thanks. I think part of the reason I’m so drained is because when Mom told me that, I just had this feeling of dread. Her father died two years ago, and Mom has been a complete fucking mess since then. She’ll go on for months as though she’s fine, and then as soon as the tiniest thing upsets her, the floodgates open and everything comes pouring out in the most dramatic, emotional way possible (wailing, puking, talking about how she doesn’t want to live, etc. etc.) My stepdad doesn’t have a clue how to deal with her when she gets like that, and my sister’s too focused on her own issues, which are legion. I feel like a horrible person, but I said goodbye to my grandmother years ago, and I just want her to not suffer any longer. But I’m dreading her death because I know Mom is going to be a complete fucking basket case, will probably be half-suicidal, and I’m the only family member who’s capable or willing to help her deal with it. But where I have a baby now, part of me thinks that I can only nurture so many people at once and still remain sane.
@Comrade Luke: Yeah but it was against the old man I can’t say I’m too surprised at that.
Eric S
Where I come from we call that a good tackle.
Personal foul: hitting an old man.
Lisa K.
Three personal fouls. Belichick would be apoplectic by now.
The Saints must want this game as bad as AP does. Sheesh.
Comrade Luke
@Yutsano: When Aikman says it’s a bad call IT’S A BAD CALL.
Seth Meyers on twitter just now: Adrian Peterson treating ball like pants.
@lamh31: Kudos to Stewart for skewering his own, and kudos to KO for taking it like a man.
ETA: Is this the return of the Favre of Decembers of old? sack and INT?
Andy K
There’s the Brett I remember!
Comrade Luke
They’ve been just crushing Favre all game.
Watching a Vikings game is like watching Rocky… the new one.
Ruh-ruh, Favre not looking too good.
Eric S
300+ lbs in the back of the knee is bad on 20 year olds. On 40 year olds… nothing but bad.
South of I-10
If he moves, hit him again!
Interception, and Farve goes down hard. Again. The old man can’t keep taking hits like that, can he?
@RedKitten: Hon, you are stretched way too thin. SamKitten is your first priority. You help your mom as best as you can, but don’t allow her to drain you. I know, much easier said than done.
Fuck me. Just…yeah. Favre throws the interception.
@Andy K: Yup, that’s the Favre we’ve been waiting for.
Going to dinner at the parents, where my mom will proceed to have a massive freak-out over the fact that I called in sick to work today. Sigh. And my dad is the Jewish one. Have fun without me folks.
Comrade Luke
That was a brutal hit.
Lisa K.
That’s the Brett Favre I remember! Woot!
@Yutsano: Bye, honey. You don’t have to tell her, you know.
@jwb: How your nerves holding up?
@South of I-10: OK, that was funny.
The funny thing is that the hit on the interception play was a textbook violation of the Brady rule:
However, there would’ve been shades of Katrina in the Superdome if they’d called another personal foul there.
Man, yeah, stew in one’s muff sucks.
Andy K
Now awaiting for part two of my ‘Queens prophecy to prove itself out: Poor clock management by Childress.
Comrade Kevin
Oliver Willis on teh twitter:
Penalty-worthy or not, those hits are taking a toll on Favre – not sure if being shaken up was a factor in that interception, but it can’t have helped.
Was talking to a friend today, about other QBs who played into middle age. She lived in Minnesota when Fran Tarkenton was its QB. He lasted a pretty long time, played until age 38 – and that was in the 70s, when sports/rehab medicine was nowhere near as good as it is today.
And then there’s George Blanda, who played for nearly 30 years, most of them as a QB, and didn’t retire until he was 48.
But of course NO can’t capitalize… I swear when Favre was with the Packers the opposing team never failed to get a TD after an int.
Comrade Luke
How dumb are people? The Brett Favre trend on Twitter is “Farve”.
Oh….Katy Perry…
Gotta give Favre credit for being able to come back from that sort of thing.
I still hope he loses.
S. cerevisiae
Favre is one tough mofo
Anne Laurie
Thanks for doing this, and for letting us know. I will just keep calling Markey’s office, and see if he can be moved into the firm-YES column…
Lisa K.
Ahhh, what a waste of a good INT.
Hold these bastards now.
@asiangrrlMN: I wish I could hide it, but my voice is almost in the same range as the Dawg’s and he’s a true bass. I’m not looking forward to this, plus I’m not hungry which will make her freak even more.
Comrade Luke
God I fucking hate 24 with the fire of a thousand suns.
Geez. Think they can do something with it this time?
Good god. It’s catching. Or not No nooky for Percy Harvin, either.
@Yutsano: Ah. Got it. Good luck.
Whatcha gonna do, NO?
The entire MN offense can DIAFF.
Comrade Kevin
You know who I’d like to punch in the neck? The guy who came up with the idea for those fucking FOX bot things.
And the fattest guy on the field finally manages to corral the ball-Geaux Saints!!
Comrade Luke
Whether you hate Favre or not, it’s his teammates that are giving this game away.
And bum ankle and all, he was going to block, and he went after the fumble.
I wish I had that passion at this stage of my career.
Midnight Marauder
Just wanted to pop in say that the Annual Brett Favre Late Season Collapse is proceeding according to schedule. And I guess Adrian Peterson’s fumblitis must have gone airborne to the rest of the team this week. Yikes!
Lisa K.
@Comrade Kevin:
I have never understood the reasoning behind that.
Andy K
Yeah, but with the exception of one season late in his career when he had to take over at QB (’70? ’71?) for a large chunk of the season, Blanda was just the kicker.
Hopefully that will be enough to convince MN that not playing the 2nd-best running back in the league because you’re scared of a statistical anomaly is idiotic. Yeah, handing it to Harvin is how you avoid fumbles.
Task Force Ripper
Does either team actually want to win this game?
Lisa K.
Nethead Jay
@madmommy: Bwahahahaha, had exactly the same thought :)
It’s crazy that you can get a job being an announcer and not even know the rules. It doesn’t matter if it’s inside the pylon. The goal line extends around the world.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Teething can be a real bear to endure. Our daughter went through it with minimal fuss but our son just about drove us insane.
Just remember that this will pass. Of course it will be replaced with something more agonizing because that’s what raising kids is all about (uhboot? ;) ).
Good luck and may the force be with ya. :)
Sorry to hear about your grandma, best wishes to you and the family. Not a good thing to hear or to have to deal with.
@asiangrrlMN: So far ok, I guess. It’s nice seeing Favre getting hammered, but I wish the other guys on our side could hold on to the ball.
@Midnight Marauder: I was thinking of you as Favre was throwing that interception.
@asiangrrlMN: Could see that reversal coming. How are you holding up?
I’m watching figure skating.
@Zach: AP has fumbled twice in this game. TWICE. Or is that three times? Hand it to Chester Taylor.
Fuck me with my own goddamn rusty pitchfork!
And it’s a touchdown! All I can say is, thank the gods it is after 8 pm and I can now have a glass of wine. I’m too damn old to try to go to work hung over. As it is I’m not going to be able to talk!
and @asiangrrlMN:
Oh, sh*t, asiangrrlMN is cutting off the nooky. AP, Harvin, you hear that?!?!?! Sir! ! !
Oh, the huge manatee!
I’ve always been a rusty-Garden-Weasel sort of guy, myself.
@Zach: They changed the rule a few years ago so the ball has to be inside the pylon when the runner goes out of bounds.
Personally amazed that Favre is in on this drive. Still lots of time to go. If the Vikes pull this out, expect Maximum Favre Fellatio for the SB. Just a warning, there. The Manning fellatio cannot survive that onslaught.
Okay got out of going to the folks.
@RedKitten: You are hereby ordered to take care of yourself. Regardless of how you accomplish that, you have to take care of yourself and SamKitten first. Try to be supportive of your mom but don’t feel like you have to be her whole lifeline. If you need to get some help for yourself however you can do that. And we’re gonna try to be here as much as we can.
Andy K:
Not sure about that. I checked wikipedia, and here are his career stats:
Blanda finished his 26 Professional Football seasons having completed 1,911 of 4,007 pass attempts for 26,920 yards and 236 touchdowns. Blanda also held the NFL record for most interceptions thrown with 277, until Brett Favre broke it on October 14, 2007. He rushed for 344 yards and 9 touchdowns on the ground, kicked 335 of 641 field goals, and 943 of 959 extra points, giving him 2,002 total points. Additional stats include 1 interception, 2 kickoff returns for 19 yards, 22 punts for 809 yards, and 23 fumble recoveries.
* Passing TD’s in a game: 7 (Tied with 4 others) November 19, 1961 vs. New York Titans[1]
* Most seasons played: 26 (1949-58, 1960-75)
* Most seasons scoring a point: 26
* One of two players to play in 4 different decades: (40s, 50s, 60s, 70s) – Jeff Feagles being the other
* Most PATs made (943) and attempted (959)
* Most interceptions thrown, single season: 42 (1962)
* Held record of most pass attempts in a single game: 68 (37 completions, vs. New York Titans on 11/1/1961) until 1994 when Drew Bledsoe had 70
* Oldest person to play in an NFL game: 48 years, @Andy K: 109 days
* First player ever to score over 2,000 points
* Oldest quarterback to start a title game
* 3rd Fewest receiving yards in a career: -16
* Most total points accounted for (including TD passes) in a career: 3,418 (not an official stat)
… So, although yes, he was “just” a kicker for the last years he played, I think Blanda was a QB for a meaningful proportion of his career.
@justme: Yes. I have one of those, too.
@arguingwithsignposts: Heh. I will give AP some nooky if he gets another TD.
Bernard Berrian is on the ‘you get nooky’ list.
And now he’s off it.
Dammit, what do we have to do to knock the Vikes out of this game! Sonofabitch!
South of I-10
@madmommy: I pretty much gave up on putting the girl to bed until this game is over, there is some serious yelling at the TV going on in here.
Lisa K.
I think you seriously underestimate the amount of dick these guys can manage.
(regular season)
Adrian Peterson: 314 carries, 7 fumbles; 45 carries/fumble
Chester Taylor: 94 carries, 2 fumbles; 47 carries/fumble
Like I said, a statistical anomaly… even though you’re right that Favre’s fumble was AP’s fault as well.
Oh, snap.
Who greased the Vikings’ gloves?
OK, now I’m starting to feel sorry for the Vikes.
Fumble again!? WTF?!?! Vikes?!
Lisa K.
A little defense would help.
If they pull this game out, their secondary is going to have to seriously tighten up or Manning will wipe the floor with them.
Lisa K.
This is the worst played game I have seen since the Pats lost the first round…
@Zach: You do not impress me with your facts. Like a true lefty, I am going to go on emotions and guts instead!
Fuck the whole Vikings offense, and not in the good way.
@Yutsano: You still watching?
Task Force Ripper
@Task Force Ripper: No. Neither team actually wants to win this game.
@South of I-10:
The little guy went down a while back, and the big kid was falling asleep on the couch. They get up early, so staying up past 8 is nearly unheard of around here. I am trying not to make too much noise, but it’s very, very hard.
The Other Steve
@RedKitten: Probably his bottom two teeth. That’s about when they come in. The worst teeth are the bottom two because they’re the first. When the top two come in, it’s more of a game for them… less crying and more chewing.
Nethead Jay
WTF is happening here…
Midnight Marauder
6 fumbles for the Vikings today, 3 of them lost.
@Lisa K.:
Agreed. Manning is not nearly as INT prone as Favre, nor as happy with the fling-it-and-hope-it-lands-in-the-right-hands philosophy of things.
S. cerevisiae
Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue…
I had no idea they televised the Greased Watermelon finals.
The Other Steve
I stopped watching the game. Is Favre out? The Saints seem to be playing dirty trying to injure him and get him out of the game.
And now a word from one of our sponsors. The pork fat on the footballs in today’s game was provided courtesy of REAL Canadian Bacon Co. of Troy, MI.
Andy K
@Nethead Jay:
Typical Queens post-season meltdown.
@Midnight Marauder: And most remarkably they’re still in the game.
Lisa K.
He also has better receivers.
South of I-10
@madmommy: She has to be up at 6:30 and she is still running around! Off to take charge.
@The Other Steve:
Sorry, not dirty. Just good old fashioned smash-mouth football. There might have been a late hit or two, but by and large completely legal.
@Lisa K.: Hey now. This game notwithstanding, our receivers are pretty damn
hotgood.@The Other Steve: He’s still hanging in there by a torn ligament.
ETA: And, my new honey, Shiancoe, comes through again.
@Yutsano: No kidding! My poor heart. This game is giving me the vapors.
P.S. AP is somewhat redeemed.
@asiangrrlMN: Still watching, just waiting for the Vikes to lose the ball again.
Task Force Ripper
Joe Buck felt compelled to say “Peterson hanging on to the football”.
Because usually he doesn’t.
Task Force Ripper
@The Other Steve:
They are clearly trying to.
@Task Force Ripper:
I noticed that. Lol.
Is it me or is Shiancoe having a monster game?
Lisa K.
Maybe, but no Wayne or Clarke, both of whom I hate.
Again with the “Hangs on to the ball” comment.
Task Force Ripper
Hands. Good call.
Pass interference in the end zone-fuck a duck!
Lisa K.
Here we go with the fellating again.
Task Force Ripper
They have to punch this in or it’s over. If they don’t score here Favre will throw another INT next possession.
Comrade Luke
What a game.
Midnight Marauder
The Saints have (uncharacteristically) wasted a ton of opportunities today. A lot of potential points left out on the field. And their defense has absolutely beat the shit out of Brett Favre today.
And yet…28-28, 4:58 to play. Absurd.
Lisa K.
Bullshit call, though. Most PI calls are, IMO.
Task Force Ripper
Ok smokey. We have a ball game.
@Midnight Marauder: This is going to OT I see it coming already.
@gwangung: He is. That’s why he’s on the ‘you get nooky’ list.
@Lisa K.: True. But, we have more of ’em.
AP has now officially redeemed himself.
28 – 28.
Comrade Kevin
@Lisa K.:
The refs have become extremely generous toward receivers with pass interference calls over the last few years.
Task Force Ripper
@Lisa K.: Nah, that was a legit PI call. They had to call that. Chest to chest in the endzone when the ball was in the air. Hand check moving into the endzone.
Good call.
@Midnight Marauder: I agree completely. There is no way the Vikings should be in this game. And yet there they are. I’m sure it’s so Favre can better screw us at the last minute.
Comrade Luke
I don’t know how Favre is still in this game. He looks like he could collapse at any moment.
Lisa K.
Ahhh, now Brett Favre is the savior of Adrian Peterson.
Honestly, is there *nothing* this saintly man cannot do?
@Task Force Ripper: Also the defender never turned to the ball. If he’d turned to look at the ball, there wouldn’t have been a call.
I don’t know if neither team wants to win, but I’m pretty damn sure both teams are going to be wrung out by the end. In the vernacular, ain’t nobody leavin’ nothin’ on the field.
Lisa K.
@Task Force Ripper:
Only if you looked reeeaaall hard and had a Favre hard-on.
Comrade Luke
BTW, we are now officially to the point where no matter who loses their fans will be in a total funk and convinced their team is jinxed for all eternity.
Walk into a Wisconsin bar?
@jwb: I had that thought, too. Damn it, Janet. I can’t take much more of this.
Good god. Get a room, Joe. Seriously.
Lisa K.
@Comrade Kevin:
Then why even bother?
PIs are 99% bullshit IMO.
Comrade Luke
Jared Allen has been a non-factor.
Comrade Kevin
What were you saying about great field position, Troy?
Lisa K.
Yeah, but why would he want to?
@asiangrrlMN: I’m feeling a Saints’ interception with a return for a TD.
The Other Steve
I’m really torn on this game.
On one hand I want the Vikings to win because Brett Favre is a God amongst Men and they just deserve to win.
On the other hand, a Vikings win will result in a bunch of wasted time talking about a Football stadium we can’t afford to build.
Comrade Luke
As great as Adrian Petersen is, do you give him the ball here?
Lisa K.
I love yoooouuuu…..
The worst part is, no matter who ends up winning, I’m afraid they are gonna get beat like a rented mule against the Colts.
The Other Steve
Is now a bad time to suggest the Vikings drown New Orleans in a bath tub?
@Lisa K.: The defender did run over the receiver without looking back at the ball. That’s practically an automatic penalty—they almost always call it. If the defender had looked back for the ball, on the other hand, they wouldn’t have called it, and might have even called it on the receiver.
Comrade Luke
I’d better say this before anything happens…
To all the Vikings fans waiting for Favre to screw them, do you think you’d be here with Tavaris Jackson as your QB?
I’m as sick of the Favrllatio as the next guy, but what he’s doing here tonight is pretty epic.
Comrade Luke
If New Orleans wins Bourbon Street will be full of boobies tonight…
Comrade Kevin
“A live shot of Bourbon street. Have you ever seen it quieter?”
Why, yes I have, Joe. Dumbass.
Lisa K.
I haven’t seen any dirty hits, just some hard ones on a geriatric.
Task Force Ripper
@The Other Steve: I’m going to go with “Yes”.
Comrade Luke
@jwb: Yeah, that would about do it.
@The Other Steve: You summed it up perfectly. Kind of.
@Comrade Luke: Might as well. Or, throw it to my honey, Shiancoe.
@Comrade Luke: Well then yet another reason to cheer for them
Comrade Luke
@Comrade Kevin: Ouch. I have to admit that didn’t come to mind. Now I feel guilty.
Lisa K.
@Comrade Luke:
If they lose, Bourbon St will be full of boobies tonight.
@asiangrrlMN: Yep, I’m right, they’re clock eating and going for OT.
Okay now THAT was a catch!
@Comrade Luke: Probably not, but that’s not the point. As Viking fans we’re used to having our hopes dashed.
Lisa K.
@Comrade Luke:
More fellating, I see…
Sidney Rice, bitchez! Also on my ‘you get nooky’ list. Throw Chester Taylor on that list, too.
Task Force Ripper
@Lisa K.:
If I had a “Favre hard-on” would that essentially guarantee me an immediate act of fellatio?
Comrade Luke
I feel silly saying this, but I’m already feeling bad for the fan base of the losing team even though I have no idea who that will be.
Lisa K.
@Task Force Ripper:
You mean giving, or receiving?
Task Force Ripper
They’re clock eating for Longwell.
Midnight Marauder
I am honestly prepared for this game to end in any way imaginable. Fake punt with :05 seconds left in the second OT? Sure, why not.
I cannot believe Brett Favre still has a chance to go to the Super Bowl.
As someone who isn’t really for or against either team, this is really a good game to watch. Very exciting.
Task Force Ripper
@Lisa K.: Either I guess.
@Yutsano: This should be an interesting call. At the very edge of field goal range.
Well, that was a stooooopid penalty.
I’ll feel bad for NO, but Vikings fans know they’ve been dancing with the devil all season if payment comes due.
Comrade Luke
That penalty was ginormous.
Task Force Ripper
That was the stupidest procedural gaffe I’ve seen in a while.
Does no one want to win?
Comrade Luke
Holy fucking shit.
And ladies and gentlemen there’s your OT right there.
ETA: this is the point at which i say that the NFL overtime is the stupidest system for deciding a winner,
Task Force Ripper
@Task Force Ripper: No. I’m convinced now that neither team wants to win this game.
Midnight Marauder
The Annual Brett Favre Late Season Collapse is proceeding according to schedule.
Andy K
Typical. Brett. Favre.
GAH! Why doesn’t Favre run that and get the yardage!!!!!
Comrade Luke
@Task Force Ripper:
Brad Childress is a terrible, terrible coach. And Favre should have run it.
If the NFL were the Civil War, Favre would’ve been one of the many Generals that Lincoln fired… but he keeps getting more chances!
… started to write this during his 12-men-in-the-huddle fuck up and then he threw an interception. That would’ve been a total Rocky moment if he tucked and ran instead.
Edit: This game is awesome… will be interesting to see everyone who hates both Favre and Manning have to pick sides.
Excuse me, folks, while I go poke my eyes out with my rusty pitchfork.
Comrade Luke
If the Vikings lose on a Hail Mary…
@Midnight Marauder: Though the Saints didn’t return it for a TD.
Holy shit, interception!
Oh No!! Fuck the Saints. Come on Vikings. Shove it down their throats.
Comrade Luke
My god. He easily could have run to the 30.
Lisa K.
Because…he’s Brett Favre.
Task Force Ripper
@Comrade Luke:
Yeah, ran 7 or 8 yards and just fall down and call a TO for the FG try.
This is one of the worst executed games I’ve ever seen with this much on the line. I mean, JaMarcuss Russell isn’t involved or anything is he?
And now for the worst OT system in sports. If Favre never sees the ball…
Edit: Soccer PK’s are close, but even they threw out sudden death as a worse choice.
@asiangrrlMN: “It is a good day to die. But the day is not over yet.”
– Worf
Comrade Kevin
Just briefly put on Food Network, and I got to see Guy Fieri at a tailgate at a Raiders game. Of course, he didn’t look out of place there, at all.
Don’t forget to use your trusty pitchfork on that smarmy, hypocritical fuckhead Jay Leno.
Nethead Jay
Saints win the toss!
My nerves are pretty much shredded…
Geaux Saints!!
The Dangerman
Farve (Brain) Fart
The Other Steve
On the bright side the Vikings aren’t losing 0-42.
Lisa K.
if that happens, I will not pick sides. I will simply shut my ears and eyes, pretend the SB does not exist, and look forward to spring training.
Midnight Marauder
I guess at this point, you have to find a victory where you can, amirite?
Comrade Luke
Favre is three years younger than Aikman…
Task Force Ripper
That wasn’t Favre but it was unforgivable. the coaches should not live that down and have a job next season.
Andy K
@Task Force Ripper:
Well, the Queens’ defense has played pretty well. IIRC, the Saints have only made one sustained drive, and that was on their first or second possession. So far Brees has only thrown for 176 yds., and the Saints have only rushed for 67 yds..
@Rommie: “And now for the worst OT system in sports. If Favre never sees the ball…” We won’t be able to blame the entire loss on him, which would be a shame.
@Rommie: We may actually win.
@JK: Right after I poke my own eyes out.
@Yutsano: Yeah. Right.
Comrade Kevin
You play with the system you have, not the one you wish you had.
Task Force Ripper
@Andy K: That 12 man in the huddle call should be stapled to some stupid bastard’s chest by the end of the night.
Andy K
@Task Force Ripper:
Win or lose, that will happen.
Task Force Ripper
I only enjoy threads that go past 500 posts. We’re at almost 400 now. Who can I insult to keep this going?
I’m not picky on this matter.
Oh jeez this is gonna be an awful OT no matter who you’re rooting for.
To be fair, the concept of Overtime and the Lions never meet, so I’m not the best judge of being a fan in the middle of one, especially in a playoff game.
Task Force Ripper
Brutal spot.
edited – that spot should be a yard further back.
@Task Force Ripper: We could start the Boomers vs. Gen X thing again.
I realize you’re having a rough time right now, but just be thankful that you don’t have any money riding on the outcome of this game.
Macs vs. PC, Hamsher vs. Cole. I’m game. you PC fanbois suck! :)
@JK: Are you so certain of that fact?
Comrade Kevin
WTF is taking them so long on this “booth review”?
Andy K
@Task Force Ripper:
PUMAs and the residents of Janestown? They should be good for 50 comments each.
Lisa K.
@Task Force Ripper:
There must be someone here who disagrees with your take on whether or not the House should pass the Senate HCR bill.
Task Force Ripper
@Zam: Only if ThymesPast was here. Those threads were really weak and whiny.
edited – I think Citizen Alan coined that name but whoever did – I love it
Comrade Luke
Don’t know about that spot either.
@Task Force Ripper:
You could try cats vs. dogs, just for fun.
Lisa K.
I am getting tired, and I have to get up early tomorrow.
Somebody please win this game so I can go to bed.
Since I have poked my eyes out, I can no longer read the comments, but I must say, DIAFF to the following: All the Saints and all the Vikings and Joe Buck, and hell, throw in Troy Aikman. That is all.
I don’t think he made that fourth down.
Now, can a player knock a ball from someone’s shoulder to their pelvis without them technically losing possession? It never really left his right hand.
daniel thomas macinnes
Tell me this isn’t the best football game you’ve ever seen. Spectacular game, soooo suspenseful. MN should have won this game easily. Here comes the call….
@Task Force Ripper:
Obama is the same as Bush!
see what I did there?
Man that slow motion of Thomas was crazy
Lisa K.
Throw the Colts and Jets in there, too.
@Lisa K.: Will do.
Task Force Ripper
How’d they expect him to catch that ball out of bounds?
@arguingwithsignposts: Bullshit! He is worse than Bush.
Eric S
There’s a shitty PI call.
I am fortunate, I suppose, to be listening to the westwood one audio, which includes neither joe buck nor troy aikman. so I’ve got that going for me. (that pass interference call is bullshit in an OT, btw)
Andy K
That’s just silly.
Obama doesn’t return punts.
See what I did there?
Comrade Luke
That is the definition of uncatchable.
Task Force Ripper
Reggie Bush? You mean Obama has let things slip through his fingers?
That ball was totally catchable… that guy can jump 6 feet in the air while falling down, right?
Edit: taking bets on what break the Vikings are going to get now…
Edit 2: Oh look, another booth review.
Surly Furious or Summit Extra Pale Ale
Comrade Luke
You know what would be cool? Going to a second OT.
@Eric S: Okay yeah that one was crap. Of course they’re in easy kicking distance now so it may all be moot.
I think Asiangrrl is way too smart to be betting on a football game.
Lisa K.
@Eric S:
Yeah, that was weak.
Comrade Luke
I think Brees might be hurt…
Favre’s on steroids, right?
Task Force Ripper
@Lisa K.:
How about you burn in hell instead?
Don’t like that? Well then I dare you to take the next 70 posts to refute my assertion.
edited – too soon? too strong?
@Andy K:
I see what you did there.
Comrade Kevin
Another terrible pass interference call.
If the SB is more exciting than this playoff game, there will be coronaries. Because this is one damn fine playoff game.
daniel thomas macinnes
BULLSHIT that was a pass interference call.
@JK: Ha! Little do you know…but I did win the one bet I made this year, didn’t I, Yutsano?
Oh my. Ruling stands. Do they go or the FG or go for the gusto?
ETA: Never mind. FG it is.
Task Force Ripper
That’s an easy one. Both of those types of people are fucking stupid.
Distributors of rusty garden implements have no reason to bet on football games. Their wares are too popular, their income too great.
The Saints have got to gain at least another 10 yards, I have very little faith in Hartley to make the field goal.
Comrade Luke
You there, peanut?
Now here comes the kicker.
Icing the kicker. What bullshit.
40-yard field goal attempt for all the marbles.
Task Force Ripper
That was obviously incomplete. Bogus man, bogus.
Andy K
@Task Force Ripper:
Burn in hell? That’s so 20th Century.
“Into the CancerAidsFire with you,” is what all the hipster douchebags are saying now.
The refs are trying their damnedest to deliver this game to the Saints.
Comrade Luke
Task Force Ripper
It’s funny because that’s what you actually mean here.
@JK: Naw, I don’t think so. I think the booth is just afraid to overturn anything on the field.
He’s going to miss the field goal, but the play will be booth reviewed and it will be found to have gone through the uprights.
The NFL’s just got the fix in to extend the game with replay reviews to make time for more 2-minute videogame commercials.
Nethead Jay
Come on Hartley
Task Force Ripper
@JK: Agreed.
Comrade Kevin
Lisa K.
Now the Saints had better fucking shape up or else the Colts will devour them in the first quarter.
@asiangrrlMN: Funny story that. I did actually make cookies this weekend but decided they weren’t up to snuff so I’m gonna re-try over my next days off and see if I can’t improve the results.
Well Colts-Saints it is.
Damn shame that I can only sort of blame the loss on Favre.
We’re going to the Super Bowl!!! I take back my previous comment about Hatley’s abilities! You are my favorite player now, and I will find a jersey with your number on it tomorrow!
Who dat!!!
@Task Force Ripper:
The pirate kitteh says no. But she also mentions the back leg salute.
Congrats to the ‘aints.
Midnight Marauder
Thus concludes this year’s broadcast of The Annual Brett Favre Late Season Collapse. Thank you. Good night, and good luck.
Damn. Just–damn.
Gotta feel good for them.
And oh, yeah, there’s gonna be some celebrating on Bourbon Street tonight, and I have to say it does my heart good to see New Orleans have reason to celebrate anything.
Who. Dat.
Kind of an ugly game, but hey.
some guy
And so Brett Favre destroys yet another team’s hopes and dreams of playing in a Super Bowl.
The best about all of this is that Favre has to drag his beat up ass out of bed next Sunday now for the Pro Bowl… he’s the starter since Brees is Bowl-bound.
… the Saints appear to have a professional snowboarder as a kicker.
Welp, now I have somebody to root for in the SB.
Geaux Saints!
Lisa K.
Don’t worry. You will get another chance next season.
@jwb: I would blame Obama if I were you, him or Rahm.
@Midnight Marauder: Still wish that, if the Vikings had to lose, the Saints had returned that interception for a TD.
Andy K
Heh. Hehheheh. Bwaaahaahaaahaaahaaaaaaa…….
Congrats to the Saints! New Orleans deserves something to be proud of and excited about! Fantastic game!
@Zach: I do feel sorta bad for Chilly though. He’s not a bad coach. Just had to labor under stupid dummy head Andy Reid and now Favre.
You’ll get ’em next time Chilly.
Of course, I remember when the Saints had just about all their points scored by the kicker and were still the last team to have never won a post season game.
They’ve come along since then.
daniel thomas macinnes
Tomorrow’s headline in every Minnesota newspaper: Refs Send Saints to Super Bowl.
Bullshit. The Vikings made many stupid mistakes today, but they played the better game. Damn, this is going to hurt real bad.
Brett Favre was absolutely fantastic. I was panicking when he got hurt. This may be his final game, but I hope he comes back for another season. This was an incredible football game.
Midnight Marauder
Now that is how you would have known God truly has a since of humor.
Lisa K.
This, for sure.
@demkat620: He actually is sort of a bad coach. Feh.
Pppppppft! Everyone can DIAFF now.
@jwb: Ditto this. And, Favre, especially, can DIAFFF!
@Yutsano: I’m just pointing out to JK that I did actually bet on a game. Granted, it’s one I was pretty sure the Vikes would win, but still.
Heh. They just showed a shot of the Quarter. It will be a drunken mess tonight. They certainly know how to celebrate down there.
I kinda miss that town.
@asiangrrlMN: Does he start every presser by saying “The time is yours”?
Brien Jackson
I hope Favre retires now so his last moments on the field will be back to back collossal fuck ups.
@daniel thomas macinnes: Actually, I think the Vikes rather deserved to lose this game. They turned the ball far too much (not that the Saints were faultless). And in fact the Saints had 50 yards more in penalties than did the Vikings.
Task Force Ripper
Yess. Yessss. I like the way you are thinking here.
Obviously Rahm paid the refs to give this one to the Saints. Because after Katrina President Obama wanted to lift that city up and keep it in the spotlight as a poignant reminder of the failures of Bush.
And since there’s a Bush on the Saints it all fits together.
There’s no doubt now but we should fire Rahm, investigate him and impeach Obama.
Any true American was for the Vikings.
Don’t forget about all the black people, light and dark skinned.
@daniel thomas macinnes:
Not really; he overthrew wide open receivers on several occasions and one of his interceptions was a horrible decision. The fumbled RZ hand-off was at least half his fault, also. His QB rating was pedestrian. It was impressive that he didn’t break in half, though.
Sorry, violet, but any game that ends under the NFL’s weak-ass overtime policy is not a “great” game. It’s a “good” game, but it would be improved if the teams actually had to decide it on the field instead of relying on a coin flip to figure out who got the chance to try out their field goal kicker first.
The NFL overtime system sucks balls. period. I’m glad the Saints won (although I’d have been glad if the Vikes won too), but that OT system sucks.
ETA: if you want to see a real OT system, consider the NHL, where teams play a full period and drop a player after the first period, then do a shoot out. Not sure bout the shoot out, but I’d be game for the NFL to man up and play a real period without this “sudden death” bullsh*t.
Task Force Ripper
@Midnight Marauder:
Why would Obama have cared about this game?
@demkat620: I have no idea. I don’t watch pressers. I’m just incredibly grumpy right now.
@jwb: Agreed. That’s why the refs didn’t have to give the game to the Saints–the Vikes were doing that on their own.
@Zach: Completely agree with you on your points about Favre. This was not a shining game by him by far.
Lisa K.
Better than hockey’s.
Task Force Ripper
Actually I was going to say there was a “Black Bush on the Saints” but I thought that was just too damn easy.
Yeah, the OT ending sux. But the game itself (pre-OT) was exciting.
I don’t understand NFL OT rules. But then a lot of important soccer/football games are decided by free kicks at the end. Seems crazy to me. Play for hours and then it’s all decided by one kick.
@Lisa K.: The shootout? They stopped that. They play two five minute periods (I think) and then the shootout. I actually rather like the NHL’s system.
@Lisa K.:
I disagree. How is that better than hockey? a flip of the coin is better than actually playing the game? What am I missing here? Hell, even the NCAA’s new system is better than the NFL’s weak-ass system.
daniel thomas macinnes
I should add that New Orleans definitely needs a reason to cheer and feel good about themselves. To go from Hurricane Katrina to the Super Bowl is a reason to celebrate. If I were down there, I’d be partying hard for days.
Brien Jackson
I love NFL OT. So there.
Midnight Marauder
@Task Force Ripper:
What you did there, I see it.
@Brien Jackson:
Why, pray tell? Not being an asshole, just asking. Seriously, why do you love that system?
@Midnight Marauder: Your link no work. You fix.
And, I guess I’m for the Saints. Maybe.
The NHL plays 5 minutes of 4 on 4, then a shootout in OT. But ONLY in the regular season – in the playoffs, it’s extra normal periods with sudden death, but both sides have a fair chance at having the puck, not like the NFL.
Imagine that game with a college-type OT system. Favre gets at least one more chance to throw
an INTthe ball.jwb
@arguingwithsignposts: That and you sincerely want to make sure this thread gets over 500 comments. ;)
@arguingwithsignposts: I’m not keen on it, but I don’t particularly like the NCAA’s version, either. Then again, making them play another quarter seems just brutal. I dunno.
Task Force Ripper
@Midnight Marauder: Your link sucks. Much like you do.
And since we’re so close now:
Mets suck! Yankees suck! Knicks suck!
FYI, the receiving team wins 60% of the time (since 2000), and the team losing the coin toss gets the ball in 7 of 10 overtimes. It’s roughly as important as homefield advantage, and, when you consider that NO was hosting this game largely because of having one of the lowest strength of schedules in the league, that’s a pretty arbitrary reason to get such an advantage.
I do agree that it’s a bad system, though. I think the best system would be a plus one sort of system where you need to stop a possession after scoring to win:
1. No kickoffs, start on your own 20
2. Play until someone scores
3. Other team gets the ball at their 20
4. If they score the same amount of points as the other team, you start over
5. If they score more points, they win
6. If they score fewer points, they lose
@Rommie: Thanks. I knew it was something like that.
@jwb: Me, too. We were so close, and then you pushed us over!
@Task Force Ripper: Hah! You really put in a yeoman’s effort. Take a bow! We made it.
daniel thomas macinnes
@asiangrrlMN: It’s true that the Vikings made many stupid mistakes. If we could take back any of those turnovers, it would have meant winning the game. But the Vikings played their hearts out, and they managed to fight back from each mistake. Heck, with so many turnovers, to be within yards of winning?
Minnesotans are such bitter, fair-weather fans. They cave in and give up at the first sign of trouble. They’re just like the Democrats in Washington, in fact. It’s really an embarrassment to see so little energy and enthusiasm for today’s game. No one believed Minnesota could win.
And what happened? The Saints turned out to be another football team, not gods carved out of stone. They could be beaten. They put up one hell of a fight, but the Vikes fought back harder. They played the better game overall, I think.
Brett Favre played one of the best games of his career. He was one hit away from retirement and everyone on that field knew it. And he still fought back and made plays. If he got the chance in overtime, there’s no doubt he’d win the game.
So a big thank-you to the refs for deciding the game with that PI call. Good Grief. What a joke. There have been far too many PI flags in the NFL this season. There needs to be some balance restored in that arena.
I say Great Job Vikings. And I hope that Brett Favre comes back for one more season.
I think the Saints are gonna get killed by the Colts if that’s how they play. But dang, Vilma is good and it was nice to see Shockey all happy about finally getting to the SB after missing the Giants’ trip. And so happy that it was a Favre interception (and a stupid ass throw, jeez) that lost the game for the Vikes.
Lisa K.
Perhaps in the NHL, but it exists in other leagues of varying ability and professionalness…
NFL overtimes would be infinitely more entertaining if either of these ideas that I found on the tubes were implemented:
South of I-10
Holy shit y’all! The Saints are going to the Superbowl!
@daniel thomas macinnes: Favre did not play a great game, let alone the best game of his career. He played a better one last week, for instance.
As for MN fans being fair-weathered, why the hell not? There is no loyalty from the team to the fans, so why should there be from the fans to the team? Win, and you will get the love. It’s the American way, baby.
The Vikes had fumbles and interceptions galore. They did not play the better game. NO did not play all that well, either, but at least they kept their mitts on the ball (for the most part).
As for Favre, I hope he stays retired. For good.
I am a noob when it comes to the Saints, only been here for 10 years. I’ve not lived and died with them for decades like so many. I am so happy for those who have been through so much, the bad and the worse, for decades. The fans here are so loyal, so connected to their team. To finally get to this point, after going through so much in the last few years, makes me a happy girl.
And now the Saints are going to the Super Bowl. I wonder how many thought that that statement would never happen.
@daniel thomas macinnes:
I think it was a bad call and think that the complete/incomplete call should’ve been reversed (but not the ball spotting call). However, the Saints would have had a monumental statistical advantage without any of those things going in their favor. They were only a few yards out of field goal range and would’ve had a 2nd down & 10 from the 41 if that PI hadn’t been called. The refs didn’t leave Meachem wide open in the middle of the field to put the ball in field goal range.
FYWP. I had a very intelligent comment about the NHL overtime policy viz a viz the NFL policy, and it seems to have been totally eaten.
Anyway, NHL says 5-minute 4-on-4 then shootout. It’s sudden death, but more understandable than the NFL system because NHL games have more back and forth. NCAA system isn’t perfect, but I prefer it to the coin-flip nature of the NFL system.
And again, FYWP.
It’s probably worth realizing that the NFL system is as it is largely so that games will end quickly and not strain players more than necessary or mess up television scheduling. There’s a good argument for adopting a different system in the playoffs a la the NHL, though. To minimize confusion, I’d just prefer ties in the regular season and some reasonably fair overtime system in the playoffs.
Lisa K.
I have no issue with the OT system myself. If the team that loses the flip could stop the team that wins the flip, and get the ball back to try and score, then there is no problem. They have the opportunity to get the ball back, they just have to hold the other team. The way you have outlined could add another hour to the game, and no one is interested in doing that. I have not heard any of the teams complaining about the system.
And in any event, if Brett Favre does not throw the worst pass of his life at another inopportune time, no one is talking about the OT system right now.
daniel thomas macinnes
@Comrade Luke: Favre couldn’t have run on that 3rd down play. His leg was too badly hurt, and he was only one good hit away from retirement. Running to the sidelines is a tough gamble. Add in that fantastic arm of his, and the fact that most of his gambles paid off, it makes sense.
My own opinion is that MN should have run the ball and then tried the field goal. It was the safe choice. But it’s all water under the bridge now.
We’re only awaiting Brett Favre’s appearance before the cameras. He may announce his retirement tonight. I’d love to see him come back, but I don’t know if he would want to do that. We’ll see.
S. cerevisiae
+ 8 Sierra Nevada – fucking Vikings.
@Lisa K.:
Truth be told, there aren’t enough OT games in the NFL to really make them complain. they make the money either way, what’s there to complain about?
Lisa K.
@daniel thomas macinnes:
Drink much Kool-Aid lately..?
Midnight Marauder
That’s weird. It works for me. Either way, this is what it was.
Lisa K.
Bottom line, you are correct.
Lisa K.
Ok, I am off to bed. Must get up at 6am tomorrow.
Night all.
@daniel thomas macinnes: “So a big thank-you to the refs for deciding the game with that PI call. Good Grief. What a joke. There have been far too many PI flags in the NFL this season. There needs to be some balance restored in that arena.”
Especially on uncatchable balls, which that play was. On the other hand I don’t think you can really complain about that call except in the abstract because it has been consistently called that way all season.
Favre last play was absolutely horrible. If anything was like the dems that was it. Take the easy scramble and field goal for the win or throw a very difficult pass across your body and risk your entire season because it would look prettier. Then fail to execute. Tell me that’s not the dems strategy of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Task Force Ripper
@Lisa K.:
No! Wait, wait wait! I have a question I really need you to answer before you go.
Sock, shoe, sock, shoe…or…sock, sock, shoe, shoe?
@daniel thomas macinnes: He had enough space he could have turned up field at the same rate he was running and still picked up the five yards he needed. And if his leg was bothering him that badly he really had no business throwing back across his body that way, as he was even more likely to misfire on that pass–there’s a reason QBs are trained not to do it. Doing it when he’s too hurt to run five yards???
Surly Duff
@daniel thomas macinnes:
You apparently missed the entire game.