I’ve invited Sarah Palin to send me a 1000 word explanation of this, preferably one that repeatedly calls everyone here an Obot:
Palin’s PAC spent $409,000, dispensing only $9,500 to specific candidates. Among the expenses bigger than that: $18,000 to consultant Pamela Pryor, $20,000 in media consulting from Alaska’s IzzyLene Consulting, and $30,000 to consultant Randy Scheunemann’s Orion Strategies.
LOL. Did she pay heself? Pay Bristol “rent”? Details, details!
Cat Lady
Has she given her RNC clothes back yet?
She just can’t seem let go of the money. She’s a PAC-rat.
Wait. Is that a Greenwald reference? Are you playing the Glenn Card?
You fool! Do you realize what you’ve done? This comment section is going to blow up into 400 by the same time tomorrow!
WTF is IzzyLene consulting? It must be owned by I.P. Daily and Jack Mehoff.
Who was it that pointed out that plane de-icing accounted for twice what candidates got?
I am starting to love Sarah Palin, she wastes the money of idiots who could be doing something dangerous with it.
Peter J
I was wrong. Palin actually spent more money de-icing planes than for candidates…
And no evidence for her paying the $100,000 she pocketed to any candidates.
@Cat Lady:
Hey, even Richard Nixon’s wife got to have a respectable Republican cloth coat.
@gbear: Does Sarah Palin’s tit jacket count as a respectable Republican cloth coat?
The article doesn’t mention the almost $400k dispensed to candidate Sarah Palin.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
You can’t put a price on Starbursts.
I can do it in seven: Never give a sucker an even break.
When i was in high school my friend played hockey, and his mom was just like this. Private jets, 30,000K to lobbyist on the reg, you betcha.
Scamp Dog
The one thing that bugged me about the article was that Weigel lumped “de-icing an airplane” with the other stuff he thought was funny. Doesn’t the twit realize that ice on wings causes airplane crashes, usually killing all aboard and maybe a few people on the ground? He’s as much of a lightweight as Palin. And doesn’t he have editors who notice stuff like that?
General Egali Tarian Stuck
She needn’t bother her empty head with such silly things, especially when Frank Luntz Basement Gnomes are building lies at a record pace, and Rasmussen polling has Obama disapproval at 134 percent.
Le sigh. No time is a good time for Sarah, Sarah.
@Scamp Dog: Eating is important and also keeps you from dying, but if a PAC spent twice what it gave to candidates on shrimp cocktail that would also be funny.
Comrade Kevin
Hmm, is this post related to this?
@General Egali Tarian Stuck: 75 cents, mas or menos?
@Scamp Dog: Strawman much?
Bubblegum Tate
Oh, you’re just a liberal elitist who doesn’t understand the regular Murricans who clock $12 million.
mai naem
She’s saving up for a brain lift and a face lift and trust me, that brain lift is going to be one very expensive brain lift. There’s just a lot of heavy lifting involved in a Palin brain lift.
@Scamp Dog:
That’s some classic trolling there, bud. She wouldn’t have to spend $14K de-icing her own damned plane if she flew commercial like the rest of us Rear Merkins. And spending money de-icing a plane isn’t a big deal on it’s own, but it sure as hell is hilarious when she spends more money flying her own ass around the country than donating to candidates.
Doesn’t the FEC have some sort of requirements for how PAC money is spent? Can you really just use it as a slush fund?
JD Rhoades
@Scamp Dog:
Bubblegum Tate
Also, nice 50 Cent reference in the title, Doug.
Once again I bow to your talent for blog post titles…that song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the night…
(mumbles to self)…you can find me in the club…
d0n camillo
I love it. This is just Republicans doing to the Republican Party what they’ve been doing to the rest of the country — robbing it blind. I’ve read about several other GOP fundraisers who have been equally generous to themselves. It will be interesting to see how much money the GOP are able to fling around come November.
@Bubblegum Tate:
Last time I used it, commenters referred to it as a “nonsense title”. I’m glad someone got it this time.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
I bet McCain is pissed that she has ‘made it’ because of his selecting her as his running mate. Ol’ Walnuts had to marry into his loot and Caribou Barbie actually ‘earned’ hers. I can’t wait until she bills her PAC for implants. That’ll be the next thing she does to ‘pump up’ her image once it’s sagging as much as I am sure her fried eggs are.
Rich Lowry will be making his O face while immersed in an orgy of starbursts.
She’s basically running a tax on idiots.
I see nothing wrong with this.
d0n camillo
Shh! Don’t call it a tax! Then they won’t want to keep paying it.
Warren Terra
“Orion strategies”?
In a Pournelle/Niven book I read as a teenager, the Orion project is literally a plan to nuke your own country to get where you’re going, albeit in the context of a big spaceship.
The reporting requirements are fairly stringent ( I just flipped through her whole filing) but whether the money was well-spent isn’t really addressed by reporting requirements.
I personally think the “consulting” fees for PAC’s should be broken down. That’s too broad. It doesn’t tell you much.
If they’re specifying postage costs and UPS charges and legal fees, they can break down “consulting” into something that’s actually reveals what exactly the consultant was paid to do.
Those round numbers are weird. “10,000, consulting”. Okey-doke.
I do. She personally benefits from it.
Now if the IRS raids her PAC and carts the whole kaboodle off in chains to rot in the infamous American prison system, *That’s comedy!*
Dennis G.
Oh that Randy Scheunemann, he is a piece of work. So many stories could be told about that little prick.
Like this one…
@Scamp Dog:
Jeez, dude: do we have to explain everything?? The point of the snark here isn’t that Sarah Palin’s PAC spent money de-icing planes (which is certainly called-for, especially if they’re flying in/out of Alaska) – but that said PAC has only distributed 2.32% of its money to actual candidates; the other 97.68% being doled out for miscellaneous “consulting” and stuff. Nice work if you can get it…
Feature, not a bug….
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
She would save even more if she used her broom to get around to events.
It figures that overhead costs would be high when you have hair as big as Palin’s.
The pay scales for right wing hackery are really tempting.
In fact, I’m beginning to suspect you Obots are dead fucking wrong on everything.
What you wrote about SarahPAC is a complete falsehood topped off by reckless innuendo:
Contrary to the myth under which you are inexcusably and slothfully laboring, she didn’t say she was raising money to spend on candidates, which has not been and will never be the mission of that organization. It has everything to do with the standard political cult behavior of trying to smear those who oppose the Leader. She has explained this many times. The purpose is two-fold. She was raising money to further the work of building the unprecedented and formidable coalitions that have already started to bear fruit in terms of the recruitment of candidates who shared her vision, with major successes such as You betcha, also.
@FlipYrWhig: You need some updates.
Polish the Guillotines
Do you seriously want to wade into that linguistic killing field?
@Polish the Guillotines: Everyone needs a good dose of word salad every now and again. I mean, BoB can only provide so much.
I’ll give the Golly Gosh Griftress credit, she’s striking while the
ironhuntin’ rifle’s hot.http://www.sacbee.com/2010/04/14/2679380/university-president-says-palin.html
How long before she cuts some kind of deal with the Saudis? She needs her some REAL cash, not this hundred K here and hundred K there chump change. Woman’s got expenses.
@Polish the Guillotines: Linguistic Killing field, nice.
The husks of SVO sentences littering a fetid swamp, filled with spurious fragmented conjunctions. Step on a participle wrong, get your foot blown off. Metaphorically, that is.
It’s called “spreading the wealth around.” Some a’ the folks there in Alaska and in those consulting firms there needed some good ol’ private-sector stimulus to reward their work of nurturing and building and creating jobs for our economy, you know, you betcha, moose, pie, something
Bill E Pilgrim
Oh yeah, like you aren’t Obots, here ;)
I say this with a certain degree of affection but a sure sign that you just might fit that description is when you start speaking of Sarah Palin and Glenn Greenwald as similar.
El Cid
@Bill E Pilgrim: The point is that Glenn Greenwald was elected to be Governor and then quit just so he could make a lot of money as a blogger.
bob h
This Randy fellow advises on foreign policy, but where in her recent proclamations do you sense that she knows anything more than she did in ’08?
Comrade Darkness
She’s the best thing to randomly happen to the democratic party or it’s actually twelve dimensional chess, and she’s an Obama plant.
“I’ve invited Sarah Palin to send me a 1000 word explanation of this..”
Not if she can condense it to fit on the palm of her hand.
$331,500 left to account for. Are cocktail napkins that inflationary.
Comrade Darkness
@d0n camillo: Sadly, they don’t have to. Corporations can now do it for them.
From the commetns section of that article:
say this as a card-carrying Democrat and I’m no fan of Palin: so what? There’s no evidence that these fees are out of line, and are atypical of what other politicians and party activists, either Democrat or Republican, typically spend.
Same old smear-Palin stuff.
I think a good rule of thumb is: if somebody in an online newspaper comments section claims to be a member of one political party they are most assuredly clearly a die-hard supporter of the other.
And with all that 12million, she still needed to wear the RNC red leather jacket to the Boston Tea Party rally.