And white albacore for the birthday boy, at that:
And because all cats and dogs are not as lucky, but should be, how about a big shout out to all you who bought Balloon Juice swag! Here is Evelyn holding her first check from the Balloon Juice cafe Press store (located to the right under a picture of a glaring Tunch):
Laura W. passes along this info:
Evelyn Bridges, Charlie’s Angels’ founder, holds her first check from the Balloon Juice Cafe Press store. $860! The dogs are two of over a dozen rescued as wandering strays or pulled from the Transylvania County Shelter in the last week alone. To give an idea of how great the need is, and how busy this very small and dedicated group stays:
There are seven dogs going to Pennsylvania this week and three going to Washington DC on April 28th. Six dogs are in foster homes and/or at a kennel waiting for transport arrangements. Charlie’s Angels still has five dogs at the shelter that they have found rescue groups for as soon as spay/neutering, fostering and transports are arranged. Evelyn writes: “The shelter is full again today. We just cannot keep up.”
How your generous donations were spent:
$300 for five spay/neuters on Tuesday, April 20th.
$200 partial payment to a retired Vet who does vaccinations for Charlie’s Angels at the shelter. A balance of $325 remains.
$290 paid in full to boarding kennel through April 20th for boarding rescued dogs until they can be transported. This is due to not having near enough foster homes.
The additional $70 was applied to Vet bill at Banfield’s Pet Hospital for medical care. An outstanding balance remains.
So buy your Balloon Juice swag and support the furry ones.
And one of the easiest ways to support this website is to just click on the amazon link before making purchases there, or by checking the petitions to the right for ones that interest you, and filling them out. We get a small stipend for each one you fill out, so take some time and fill them out if the issues are ones you want to support.
Songs for the birthday boy
Cat Food
“The Furry Ones?” Why am I reminded of the BTVS where the dreamy cult of wannabe bitten refers to the vampires as “the lonely ones?” I’ve always kind of thought that tunch, given half the chance, would sit on someone’s chest and suck the life out of them. But if you want to think they are all cute, and harmless, go ahead.
Chat Noir
John, half the fun of the pictures you post are the tags. I crack up every time. Hurrah for birthday boy Tunch.
Yay for the Cafe Press Balloon Juice store! Love my Tunch and Lily mugs. Morning coffee tastes more excellent in them.
I don’ think I could eat that much tuna….
Did Tunch sit on
happy birthday, you fat fucker.
Happy Birthday, Tunch. That’s a lot of tuna…Inviting some friends over to celebrate? Good news for John. With that much tuna, Tunch doesn’t need to attack his toes tonight…
there are three beauties in that bottom pic.
And Tunch looks very round and happy.
Hippo Birdie two ewe Tunch!
kommrade reproductive vigor
Just make sure he doesn’t eat the plate.
Just bought two more large mugs. They are Mrs J’s preferred mug for the morning coffee. I like my coffee in them anytime.
schrodinger's cat
Can Tunch has a cheezburger?
Happy Birthday to Our
BenevolentOverlord, Tunch!How many years young is the
fatbastard?The Dangerman
This video seems apropos (about two minutes in).
You Don't Say
Happy Birthday Tunch!
Happy Birthday Tunch! It’s a big, fluffy ball of love!
How come when I fill out one of the petitions it takes me to a pic of Tunch saying nomnomnom? How mysterious and wonderful are the ways of the internet and BJ.
Good lord, that’s a lot of tuna.
Good lord, that’s a lot of Tunch.
Triassic Sands
Jeebus, John, that’s enough tuna to feed a mountain lion. No wonder Tunch is gravitationally challenged.
General Egali Tarian Stuck
@aimai: They are little killing machines for sure. Luckily, humans are too big to swallow.
You can tune a piano
but you can’t tuna fish!
the kitty doesn’t know what a “birthday” is.
but he knows he likes tuna.
Happy Birthday to the kitty!!
REO…..? That you?
@eemom: Well, I’m from Champaign but I ain’t no Speedwagon!
(actually I’m from Urbana)
Tuning Fish
I hate to be a downer on this joyous day of Tunch celebration, but I sure hope that big plate of tuna doesn’t make an encore appearance on your nice new furnishings, John.
Although Tunch looks like he has a digestive system as robust as he is. A big plate of unaccustomed nomnom might cause vomiting in some, but would be easily vanquished by the overpowering digestive fortitude of Tunch!
And hooray for Evelyn and her work, the BJ store, and all its shoppers.
Sometimes Mr WereBear & I hang out in the kitchen doorway, listening to the three happy nom sounds after serving dinner.
Yes, we lead a simple life.
When we bought our single serve smoother blender (by Hamilton Beach) we went through the Amazon link, here!
Yer welcome.
And yes, it’s great. Copy & paste it into the box.
Brian J
Sometimes, there’s such a plethora of poll information that trying to sort through it all can be pretty dizzying. I know that different polls call have different biases, not in that they are dishonest, just that they have a different picture of what the electorate might look like, giving us different results than other polls. I also know that things can change pretty quickly over the course of a month, let alone a couple, thus making trying to figure out what is going to happen a little pointless.
Now, while some signs are pretty damning for the Democrats, not all of them are. The ABC News poll that came out today gives Democrats a 5-point lead in the generic congressional ballot. Most of the other polls, as this link shows, show the Republicans ahead, and there have been some that show the most enthusiastic voters favor the Republicans by a wide margin.
But all of that said, why is Patrick Ruffini, among others, suggesting that the Republicans might gain as many as 70 seats? Sure, it’s possible, but how likely is it? How likely is it, really, that they will take over the House? Wouldn’t we need to see consistently bad numbers (as in, minimum Republican leads of 10 points or more) before we worry about losses of that magnitude?
Thanks to you all that made that check to Charlie’s Angels possible!
Happy Birthday to Tunch — he deserves a plateful of tuna on his special day!
Happy B-Day, Tunch…
May you have plenty of things to keep you occupied and energized. Remember: you can help John a lot. Stick by his side, make him smile…
Both Buddy and Bill do that for me. Nothing like seeing them laying at the foot of the bed, grooming each other and looking back at me with that, “ah, life is good”, expression from their relaxed, half close lidded eyes…
I sometimes wish that I could groom and be groomed that way…
I love those nom sounds too. After my late kitty Sasha lost her appetite in her last year, and wasted down to half her former weight, I don’t take those nomnom sounds for granted anymore. When I hear them, I am as contented as the doggie and kitties making them!
Happy birthday to Tunchie! And YAY for the Charlie’s Angels store. I’m glad you posted this — it’s a good reminder for me to finally buy some swag now that I’m gainfully employed again.
Voting for Little Bitsy was a fun exercise. I’m glad the swag has turned out so well for everyone.
Very late Happy Birthday wishes to Tunch! Glad he got to enjoy tuna on his birthday.
And I’m so glad I got to contribute in a little way to Charlie’s Angels. Evelyn does such good work.
Anne Laurie
Happy Birthday, Tunch!
Happy Furry-Roommate-Anniversary, John!
(And Happy No-Longer-A-Shelter-Denizen Day to Lily, so’s she doesn’t feel left out.)
Anne Laurie
Because Patrick Ruffini is… well, IIRC, a prosecuting attorney whose natural biases have been reinforced by training to pushpushPUSH his agenda, whether or not said agenda has any basis in reality.
The thing to keep in mind over the next several months is that the Republicans have given up hope of inspiring enthusiasm for their own candidates, and are therefore trying to discourage potential Democratic voters while feeding “victory soon” blather to their own base.
BTW John you’re now making me crave veal with tonata sauce. Thanks.
The store could use some dawg
frizbeesflying discs. I get soft ones so they don’t wreck his mouth or teeth. They have to fly good because he loves to jump and catch them mid air. He likes ground rollers too. The flying disks tend to wear out so I have to replace them once and a while. A flying disc dog can’t have too many.OriGuy
Today was my housemate’s birthday, too. I gave her the apron with Tunch’s eyes and nose. It was a big hit.
Happy happy joy joy, but that is one huge-ass plate of tuna (not that Tunchie doesn’t deserve every mouthful). I think between both my boys, they might be able to finish it! Love the Tunchie.
And, the swag from the BJ store is the shizznits, yo!
Happy b-day, Tunch. Don’t eat that tuna all at once – I don’t think the floor can handle all your extra poundage.
Tunch is FAT. :)
Evelyn Bridges
Thanks to all for helping Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue by shopping at the On Line Store.
And very Happy Birthday to Tunch..
Evelyn B.
Tuna is what my kitties are “forced” to eat when I run out of kitty canned food!
No wonder Tunch weighs more than my pit bull. With servings that size my cat would weigh 100 pounds too.
Portion control John, portion control.
We do love tunch, but we love us, too.
Awesome work, JCole. You are a good animal servant.