Some of you have been bitching about the lack of pet pictures, and that is because I forgot to turn off my camera and the battery died. We’re back in business, though:
Boghan is actually pretty uninterested in cats. At least he is uninterested as compared to Ginny and Guesly. Tunch did give him a warning swat to the nose shortly after this.
schrodinger's cat
Bow before me, minion.
Tunch looks like he’s trying to be a gentleman, but puppies really do need to be put in their place.
Master of her domain is the Lady Smudge.
To be fair, she’s never had to deal with doggish behavior, except from her human servant. ;)
Hunter Gathers
Not cat or dog related, but a deal was struck in WV over Byrd’s old seat. Evidently, Capito gets to run for her House seat and the Senate seat at the same time. Is that weird, or is it just me?
(via teh GOS)
“Tunch did give him a warning swat to the nose shortly after this.”
I’m not surprised. Tunch did look a little coiled, locked, loaded and ready to roll.
Edit: and poor Bohan looks totally clueless, like he dimly perceives a new something or other that might be a nice cuddly fun toy, or pillow, or…. SWAT!
John Cole
@Hunter Gathers: No. The rules vary from state to state, but that is quite frequent. Didn’t Biden run for his Senate seat and VP at the same time?
@John Cole:
I think there have been several instances of candidates running for president while running for their senate seat at the same time. too tired to google it, but it doesn’t seem odd in the sense that politics is fucked up in every state.
ETA: driving through WV this weekend, I noticed the “Faces of Coal” campaign. Astroturf FTW!
Here’s me Pimpin’ a hot dog’s Blog.
went on a epic walk, 6 hours, lost 6 pounds … (unf its back this morning-all sweat.)
this cutie is getting a ecollar next week so we can do a similar route on the bike much faster… without “This side!” (leash)
@John Cole: Yes. I realize that it is bad for the Dem, but it’s only bad for the state if that is unusual in WV. Is it, John?
Hunter Gathers
@John Cole: You’re right. Biden doing it slipped my mind. I take it the seat is Manchin’s to lose, save dead girl/live boy scenario?
General Stuck
Love this pic
Don’t Bogart that nip, my friend.
Pass it over to me…
Cat Lady
Tunch’s Paw of Doom. (“TPOD”) – def. the harmonizing principle of Cole’s increasingly canine-centric reality. Once TPOD is unleashed, order is restored to the known Cole universe. ant. Puppy nose.
Corner Stone
@John Cole: Lieberman VP and CT Senate.
TaMara (BHF)
Tunch! Good to see him in such fine form. Boghan is getting big….er.
On my ride Saturday, a cyclist was stopped, looking at something, so I rode up quietly and stopped, too, figuring it was some kind of wildlife.
It happened to be a juvenile redtail hawk – seemingly full-sized except he still had a downy covering on his head. He was sitting in the middle of the bike path, oblivious to everything: us, the freaked out prairie dogs, the swallows dive bombing him. He was blissfully observing his domain now that he was out of the nest. It was kind of amazing.
TaMara (BHF)
@Cat Lady: FTW
Corner Stone
Ok. This one’s on me. I didn’t read it right and expected to see some shagnasty pics of hotdogs with all the trimmins. Damn!
Scenery was nice though.
TaMara (BHF)
@Cat Lady: Bea looks like she could be beautiful Lady Smudge’s cousin, twice removed.
@TaMara (BHF) #15: Wow, that is a wonderfull, cool story.
John, I prefer “asking humbly and politely and deferentially” to “BITCHING.”
@John Cole: Not sure about Biden, but Joe Lieberman ran for both offices in 2000.
@Corner Stone:
hmm, well, in deference to the kids who named the blog (mol’s former family) I’ve left out the shagtastic pics, you see, she came into heat 3-4 days after I got her, just days b4 her appt to be spayed … so she has had about half a dozen suitors, 3 of the tourist dog suitors are gone now though, so that helps.
she is a bit over eager to meet them … so she hasn’t met any of them .. just This way! Leave It! Poor girl. (ha.)
A few weeks ago, I wrote about a small orange cat who darted in front of my car and whom I ended up bringing home with the firm intentions of turning over to a rescue org the following morning – until my daughter saw him.
She’s since christened him Tigger and while I realize that having five (yes, FIVE) cats puts me on the Crazy Old Cat Lady track, I’ve got no regrets about taking in this little guy. He’s got the most pleasant personality! He and our other male cat are good natured, laid back, friendly, and affectionate. By contrast, our three female cats are furry drama queens who sometimes rival Republicans for sheer hatefulness.
Obligatory pet pics of new cat, old cats, token canine.
@jeffreyw #12:
Whoah!! Bea looks FRIED!!
@jeffreyw #12:
Whoah!! Bea looks FRIED!!
Corner Stone
@Cliff: Somehow I don’t think we’re quite yet on the same page.
Which is fine. Feels a little like the blog version of the old “misunderstanding something I overhead” gag that Three’s Company beat to death.
And how comforting those hijinks were.
robertdsc-PowerBook & 27 titles
@schrodinger’s cat:
Got it in one. King Tunch fo lyfe.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about a small orange cat who darted in front of my car and whom I ended up bringing home with the firm intentions of turning over to a rescue org the following morning – until my daughter saw him.
She’s since christened him Tigger and while I realize that having five (yes, FIVE) cats puts me on the Crazy Old Cat Lady track, I’ve got no regrets about taking in this little guy. He’s got the most pleasant personality! He and our other male cat are good natured, laid back, friendly, and affectionate. By contrast, our three female cats are furry drama queens who sometimes rival Republicans for sheer hatefulness.
I’d love to post a link to some new cat/old cat/token dog pics but every time I try, my post disappears. FYWP
@merrinc: Our orange tabby Mango (a McDonald’s parking lot rescue) is the sweetest cat I have ever owned. Having said that, about 1/2 hour ago he came through the cat door with a new mouse “friend” in his mouth. I asked my big strong teenaged son to make Mango give it up only to have him start yelling that it was still alive. The cat became tweaked over the yelling and promptly let his friend go in my house. Sigh. Sweet, but dumb as a box of rocks that cat.
And no offense to his Tunchness but Lady Smudge is stunning.
@Corner Stone:
Cat Lady
Feature not a bug. :-D
fun dog stuff for the evening.
We’re actually starting to consider keeping the nip away from Keaton, because it seems to make him paranoid. No, really.
@Mnemosyne: We bought a catnip plant last fall, intending to put it in the herb garden.
Sirius found it and loved it to death within an hour.
General Stuck
@jeffreyw: Hey jeffrey, check this one out.
@jct: Of course the cat got confused by yelling. It’s yelling. Don’t know anything about your cat, but normally little gifts like that are, well, gifts, and they are often still alive. Maybe they want you to have the “honor” of the kill? Your cat was probably wondering what was wrong with you, that you didn’t know how to accept a gift properly. ;)
El Cid
I’m nervously optimistic. I hope that the new Masterchef hosted by Gordon Ramsay, who sometimes is not a complete prick, in which amateurs compete for the title, is at least an echo of the Masterchef Australia which is one of the best series of any type I’ve ever seen.
James Hare
Here are my ladies.
Evita is the gray one — she’s about a year and 3 months old and was very upset when her sister Juliet showed up about a week ago.
Both are shelter kitties. If you’re in the market, your local shelter most likely has more kittens than they know what to do with.
Tunch looks like he might be a Turkish Van. They are wonderful cats – very outgoing and playful, super chill, love water (they are semi-long-hairs whose coats are actually water-repellant), big personalities. Other than the unusual texture of their coat, they are marked by having red or black patches on their faces and tails, and being white everywhere else.
@James Hare: Yes, Evita looks very upset. ;)
James Hare
Just an aside – I see an ad from Boeing about midair refueling tankers on the front page. Lately I’ve been going to Nationals baseball games and it’s impossible not to notice all the ads for the Littoral Combat Ship all over the Navy Yard station. The ad buys are obviously fairly large — every single spot at Navy Yard is taken and they’ve got a huge ad at the bottom of the escalator.
What gets me is I’m really not sure what they’re doing advertising weapons platforms. They’re not selling them to the general public. Their sales to the government go through procurement programs so advertisements should be irrelevant. What business sense to ads at metro stations or on blogs make? Is there any argument anyone can make that an ad for a midair refueling tanker on (or any other blog for that matter) will actually lead to increased sales of said tanker? If not, WTF??
If there’s any company on the planet that has no need to advertise, it’s a defense contractor. What the heck is going on?
It’s weird, but ‘nip seems to turn Keaton into Travis Bickle when normally he’s the mellowest, sweetest cat you could imagine.
“You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Well, I’m the only one here, so you must be talkin’ to me.”
IIRC, when a cat brings you a half-dead mouse, they’re trying to teach you how to hunt. Sort of a kitty equivalent of, “You know, I’m not going to be around forever, and if you don’t learn how to catch and kill your own prey, you’re never going to be able to take care of yourself once I’m gone!”
The GOP unveils their newest anti-gay marriage spokesman.
Mike in NC
My favorite camera — Sony Cybershot DSC-T7 — “went missing” this past weekend. Coincidentally the day after the local rednecks came by to dust shelves and vacuum the carpeting. I got it four years ago and back then it retailed for close to $500. Got a somewhat better deal at the Navy Exchange in Norfolk. Of course I can’t prove anybody stole it, but we agreed to fire the house cleaners but not call the worthless local cops. Hate to buy another expensive camera with layoffs in the cards…
El Cid
@James Hare: What do you think?
You know how a lot of times people deride suggestions about corporations having sophisticated, long-term strategies to mold public opinions in favorable ways?
Yeah, well, defense contractors and Archer Daniels Midland aren’t advertising to people who aren’t consumers by accident.
@Hunter Gathers:
it does seem weird, running for two Congressional seats at the same time, don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.
TaMara (BHF)
Well since this is a pet thread…this *little* girl was a mile from my house:
Boris, where is squirrel?
People, I do not live in a wilderness area, I live in old town, very residential. Not a mountain meadow. Small city.
Very sad, worked all day, by the time I got home, she was gone.
El Cid
@GregB: You know, it’s an interesting conception of the awesome powers of hell that all these demons are doing their scheming and shit, and all of a sudden some redneck preacher shouting babble in front of a building can take control of them and derail their plans. Doesn’t make Hell sound like the most threatening of institutions. I don’t think you can stop a Taliban attack by babbling in tongues.
PS: “Limpopo” is the river dividing Zimbabwe from South Africa, in which may fleeing Zimbabweans are killed by drowning, crocodiles, and hippos.
@James Hare: It’s the whole “Ah, yes, I heard ’bout that Littoral ship – supposed to be very important and it looks cool.” meme they’re trying to implant.
Same reason they advertise on the Sunday morning shows… obviously they sponsor the shows (easier to control the message that way), but the only reason GE, ADM, and Cargill actually run ads between segments is to make you associate with “Oh yeah – they’re associated with the important talk on the Sunday shows”.
We’re a tangential audience.
If she won both, presumably she’ll have to resign the one and then cause another special election. Wouldn’t it make sense to not waste the taxpayer’s money by voting against her?
@El Cid:
Have you ever seen the Mitchell & Webb sketch parodying “Kitchen Nightmares”?
“There’s loads of things in there that you didn’t even mention, like the potato, which might as well be magic as far as I’m concerned!”
I recall it was the name of a foreign film.
Hey, where’d TDS/Colbert go?
TUNCHIEEEEEEEE! There’s my big, strong, handsome boy! Yes, put the puppy in his place–he needs to learn early his place in the pecking order (which is as follows. Tunch, then everyone else).
AWS, Smudge is just gawjus! James, both your ladies are beautiful. And, Evita doesn’t look so unhappy to have a sister any more. Cliff, Molly is looking great! Mnemosyne, Charlotte (from the last open thread) is a stunner for sure. jeffreyw, you might want to start the weaning process now. Bea is gorgeous, and she does resemble Smudge.
@merrinc: Email Cole with the pics. I want to see your new baby!
El Cid
@Mnemosyne: God, I LOVE that show, and somehow I missed that sketch.
In this new season, the first episode has a skit about Caesar and use of the royal 3rd person that had me absolutely dying, even on the 2nd viewing. It’s really a modern version of ‘Who’s on First’.
What’s funny is that what I love about Masterchef Australia is that there’s no shouting, there’s no berating, there’s no over-the-top drama, no face to face confrontations — the contestants have their quirks and some weak moments, but it’s actually more about the cooking and the understanding and insightful human moments than it is about ego tossing.
I really fear that the US version will be back to all the shouty, just like the US version of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares is much louder, brighter, meaner, dumber.
James Hare
I just don’t see how you put a dollar value to that sort of advertisement. It doesn’t do anything to increase value for the shareholders, which I thought was pretty much holy writ at any corporation.
That and if part of it is “prestige” or whatever the heck excuse they’re coming up with I didn’t realize Balloon Juice was such a prestigious place. I feel kind of underdressed here in my bathrobe all of a sudden.
@Mnemosyne: @Emma,
OK, I think you two nailed this one. The cat is particularly attached to my son — “talks” to him all the time, hangs out with him on the couch, etc. In fact, we often tease my boy by calling him Mango’s “kitten”. The cat walked right by me to present the live prey to him. Hah, when I managed to corral the poor mouse and set him free outside the cat gave me a piece of his mind, that’s for sure.
This morning my husband got up first and I immediately heard him scolding the cat (uh-oh). Apparently Mango decided that Ben needed “remedial” work and had left a large *dead* bird outside his bedroom door. Glad we found it before he did!
Never a dull moment with pets!
Aack. How’d he keep his shirt so pressed, tho? That always puzzles me, being a natural Pigpen.