This quote from Peter King in a Politico piece on the Republicans ignoring the Prop 8 ruling is shockingly blunt:
King, the Long Island congressman, said that in terms of social issues, the raging controversy over the Arizona border laws is providing more than enough ammunition for Republicans in key districts.
“The Arizona immigration law is there, there’s no reason to be raising an issue of gay rights” as a wedge, he said.
No need to do the election year gay bashing, because the GOP is getting their hate on for brown people. Charming.
You don’t catch them openly admitting to stuff like this very often.
You’d think, eventually, the conservative electorate would catch on that they are being played….you’d think.
The Grand Panjandrum
Tenthers, 14th Repealers, Birthers, Gay bashing, not so subtle attempts at what essentially is ethnic cleansing ….. aaaaahhhh …. just another day in GOPerville.
They’ve been extremely open about waving their white supremacist banner lately. I lived in Peter King’s district for a brief, unhappy period, and it was glaringly obvious that the majority of his constituents would be as helpless as newborn babes without the hated brown people. It’s not like these people could raise their kids, mow their lawns, cook their food, or maintain their homes by themselves.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think we need a “Kinsleyan gaffe” tag.
@JAHILL10: If I were an impartial observer, I would say that people who bark like trained dogs whenever the Hate Card is presented deserve to live in a third-world hellhole. A nation of mean and stupid people does not deserve to thrive.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
No matter how far you think they’ve gone, they will still be able to come up with something more offensive. I predict “We need to hang that nigger” by September, though what could come after that, I cannot imaging.
There is no peak.
muslims are brown ppl too.
and worse….. muslims are refusing the magnimanimous gift of our superior babyjeebus-westerncivilzation and kicking our military ass in Af-Pak.
Park51 plays right in.
@beltane: Yes, but we’d be sharing that third world hellhole with them and I’d really rather not.
Look, these people are not known for their penchant for self reflection (see: epistemic closure) but you’d think that a few would notice that the race baiters like King never deliver on their “get rid of all the brown people” promises, they just use it to get elected and continue to receive their corporate payoffs.
Of course, that would then require them to wonder why politicians never deliver on those promises (because it is politically and socially impossible) but then the whole house of hate cards crumbles and I think I just answered my own question.
And it’s all going to work.
I am increasingly certain that the only rational response to the current state of this country is profound depression.
Cat Lady
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
I’ve wondered since Obama got elected which politician with a national profile would go there first. Joe “you lie” Wilson came pretty close, but he stopped himself just before the n- word came out. I’m thinking either the asshat Joe Barton or one of the other South Carolina goobers.
Suffern ACE
At least he admits that the Republicans are taking the illegal immigrant problem seriously.
My guess is that the lack of interest in the prop 8 issue is more aimed at not turning off the young ones. It is a lot easier to frame illegal immigration as an economic issue and a law and order issue. It’s easier to maintain the outward appearance of tolerance; animus turns off the kids.
General Stuck
Candy Crowley – let me see if I understand you correctly congressman, so you are saying both are legitimate issues for conservatives to campaign on (demagogue), but one issue is a little more legitimate than the other.
Peter King – Yea, that’s what I meant/
Candy Crowley – glad we got that cleared (laundered) up.
Alex S.
Well, Peter King’s district might be one of the few districts held by Republicans where gay bashing wouldn’t work anyway.
@Cat Lady: If one of the national Repub figures does go peak racist they will lose the independents. Call me a cock-eyed optimist, but I really don’t think a majority of the country is eager to “look away, Dixie Land.” That wacky, ugly 27 percent is all they got and they are welcome to it.
These people are unbelievable. This is an article in the Newyorker:
violent crime has has fallen more than thirty per cent in the past two decades although the Republicans keep claiming otherwise. Lying all the way to Congress! And people believe them…
It’s all a fucking game to them
@burnspbesq: This type of rhetoric was Slobodan Milosovic’s ticket to electoral success. Whipping up latent hatreds and created new hatred where none existed before is a highly effective strategy in the short-term. The only thing left we have to hope for is that the Republicans are more ineffectual than the Serbs in carrying out their platform.
General Stuck
We’ll know if the Republicans suddenly invites liberals to attend a big picnic in the woods.
Wonder how they’ll use the Taliban killing the 10 aid workers?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@JAHILL10: Except 100% of 27% of the country showing up at the polls in a midterm would set the House at about 70% Republican.
Also, I used % on 13% of the words in the previous sentence.
Look, I don’t care what you do with other consenting adults, but pandering to racial fears, especially in a shitty economy, tends to go over like gangbusters in this lil’ ol’ country. Ask Mrs. Johnson!
OT, but …
Okay, this is seemingly really dry. It’s a tech review of 120Hz monitors, but there’s a diagram mid-page that’s had me laughing, stopping, and breaking out into chuckles, over and over again, for the last ten minutes. It’s just that awesome. Start reading at the third paragraph for the full effect.
they wont….they have been biomemetically engineered to be low IQ racists.
they have to die off.
@JGabriel: Awesome, now with free flail, er, chest!
Thanks to Judge Vaughn Walker now we can!
Not noticing is built into the system. They’re pandering tribalist in-group dogma. The basic idea is ‘Us Good, Them Bad’. As long as this man can stay Us, he can start a lotto for their sons to carry his luggage. They won’t care.
If he somehow fails their purity test and becomes Them it’s another matter, but parroting the creed is almost always enough. Again, they don’t care about results, or actions, or anything. They care about defending their own and punishing everyone else.
I’m never short of amazement over the fact that the entirety of the Republican party strategy is to appeal to a rapidly shrinking majority (older white voters) using wedge issues rapidly becoming irrelevant to the coming voting majority of people of color, and younger white voters who don’t give a care about gay marriage and have grown up knowing and being friends with people of color, and gays and lesbians.
And they are being led off a cliff by people like Limbaugh, Beck, and Rove; people who will not even be around in a couple of decades.
It will be interesting to see how history views Glenn Beck in two or three decades.
Davis X. Machina
@The Grand Panjandrum:
You left out the Original Thirteenthers.
But whatever you do, no Twelvers.
Since Republican leaders are now saying they don’t really want to repeal the 14th, just have hearings and talk about it, I think it’s perfectly fair to ask them what other amendments we should have hears on.
I expect Beck, Limbaugh,, will be viewed in a few decades much as we view Father Coughlin today. I’m not sure Beck, Limbaugh, Malkin, Coulter, Hannity, Graham, or any other particular figure will stand out though.
Historically, I suspect the sheer profusion of such right wing, xenophobic, conspiracy mongering ranters will be of more interest than any single figure.
Xecky Gilchrist
No need to do the election year gay bashing, because the GOP is getting their hate on for brown people. Charming.
Probably right, but also maybe an admission that the Religious Right is no longer where the action is. Now it’s the brown-people haters – and there may well be a lot of overlap, but I’d guess this means that teh Jeebus is no longer the way to appeal to the “moral majority.”
Someone who writes shit like this (and apparently sincerely believes it) shouldn’t expect to be taken seriously.
Just curious: in what secret facility, buried deep beneath an FDA lab or university biology department, is this biometical engineering taking place?
@Uloborus: no, they just aren’t as smart.
for 50 years the conservative base has been selected for voters dumb enuff to be scammed into voting against their economic self interest.
They ARE courting the moron vote, I’ll give you that. The polls showing that in 2000 a large chunk of the people voting for Bush Jr. thought he was Bush Sr. were disturbing.
@burnspbesq: rather obvious…..50 years of race-baiting resulted in a race gap between parties, 50 years of IQ baiting has resulted in an IQ gap….for the following reasons.
1. biology– cognitive psychology and the savannah principle and the biological basis of political affiliation
2. game theory–
In gaming, people choose the game they do well at, and clever designers offer skillups, or skill levelling. Conservativism offers a kind of skill levelling for IQ and g.
Intellectuals, “elites” and fancy educations are scorned by conservatives in favor of religiosity and “commonsense”.
Being branded an “elite” or an “intellectual” in conservatism results in negative social capital.
So religiosity and commonsense are skillups for conservatives. This is called rubberband theory.
Conservatives self-select based on social levelling/skill levelling for IQ and g.
3. memetic selection–
Consider the last 50 years of memetic selection in the conservative base.
Selection for voters who can be manipulated into voting against their economic self-interest, who are sufficiently undereducated to not understand ToE and basic meiosis, who are highly xenophobic, who despise science, intellectuals and acadame and whose religiosity index is extremely high.
Its like side-effect biomemetic engineering that has produced a malleable population extremely permeable to fearmongering and demagoguery…indeed that only responds to slogans and race-baiting and IQ-baiting.
Davis X. Machina
@Xecky Gilchrist: A quasi-theocratic GOP is dead in the Northeast, and whole stretches of the Upper Midwest, and the GOP has no long-term future as a Christianist, Southern, herrenvolk party. Allophobia is a far better electoral vehicle for them than theocracy.
Christopher Caldwell’s The Southern Captivity of the GOP was spot on, but premature, largely because of 9/11 and the wars, just like Ruy Teixeira’s Emerging Democratic Majority
Revolutions, like babies, come when they want to, not when we want them to come.
You just had to stir up the hornet’s nest, didn’t you.
Seriously OT: To freshen up this thread:
The woman who wrote this amazing blog was very likely killed by the Taliban Thursday, along with 9 colleagues, while on a mission to provide eye and health care to rural Afghanistan.
RIP Dr. Karen Woo. Exceptional doctor, humanitarian and blogger.
Dr. Karen Explores Healthcare in Afghanistan
NYT story on the Taliban killings. The medical mission was executed as “spies”.
The world needs more Dr. Karens and less Peter Kings.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: @arguingwithsignposts: Now it’s on!
Because the ebill liebruls keep giving T-bones to the nigrahs, duh. Which is why they hate us so much, because if only the ebill liebruls were REAL murkans, GOOD people would all live in Paradise.
@Hal: I’m never short of amazement over the fact that the entirety of the Republican party strategy is to appeal to a rapidly shrinking majority (older white voters) using wedge issues rapidly becoming irrelevant to the coming voting majority of people of color, and younger white voters who don’t give a care about gay marriage and have grown up knowing and being friends with people of color, and gays and lesbians.
Based on what has happened in other countries, gay marriage especially is an issue that goes from “ZOMG The End Of The World” to “meh, American Idol is on” in about a week after the law is changed. The right wing kind of doesn’t want to talk about it, since there are no gay sex orgies in the streets as they promised, and the whole process is completely invisible to almost everybody except the people who can, you know, marry the people they love now.
It’s obvious to anybody with two working neurons that race and gay baiting are long term losers, but the knuckle-draggers just can’t help themselves. Any time they get half an idea and try to reach out to minorities the lizard brain ugly comes out the next day.
I see that matoko_chan loves delicious pie. In fact, that seems to be all I see it writing.
Roger Moore
I don’t think that’s quite right. They have a carefully engineered hole in their critical thinking apparatus that is designed to allow ideas from designated leaders to enter their minds without the usual sanity checks. To make an analogy, their brains are like computers that have been infected by one of these nasty pieces of malware. Just like the malware, the first thing that happens is that they’re prevented from accessing information that might remove the infection. With computers it’s anti-virus software; with people it’s any media that doesn’t support the Conservative cause. Then it lets select people send new messages that bypass the normal security checks. The Republican Party- and most irrational, faith-based organizations- is a giant botnet.
@demimondian: example of epistemic closure the left– the heritability of IQ.
demimondian== a bio-luddite
Me, 9/2/2008 @ SadlyNo:
I humbly submit that the biomemetical engineeing, suggested by Matoko_Chan, occurred in the same facility that created Sarah Palin.
@Roger Moore:
Omnes Omnibus
@matoko_chan: riding a hobby horse = matoko_chan on heritability of IQ and its significance in politics.
Midnight Marauder
@Suffern ACE:
By pursuing a campaign of race-baiting propaganda and fear mongering? What?!
Omnes Omnibus
@Midnight Marauder: Well, the first step toward recovery is recognizing you have a problem.
New Yorker
I was thinking this was the case. After prop 8 was struck down, I said to myself, “The GOP and FOX News aren’t going to scream bloody murder over this. They probably know this war is lost, and besides, there are Mexicans and mosques in lower Manhattan to whip the faithful up into a paranoid hysteria.”
@JGabriel: ‘zactly. the field lab of american politics.
Consider what my nonpara proff called the farmer method(after the Farmers Almanac)– eyeball it.
94% of scientists are not republican–70% of post baccs vote democratic.
memetic selection for lower IQ xenophobes.
what percent of conservatives are nonhispanic caucs again?
if 50 years of race-baiting resulted in a race gap between parties, why would’t 50 years of IQ baiting result in an IQ gap?
they self select.
New Yorker:
It’s possible that they’d like to move on from gays to brown-people, but I suspect their base won’t let them leave the gays behind*. The base has a new big gay chew toy in Judge Walker, and they’re not likely to unclench their pit bull jaws to let go.
(*That double entendre really was unintended – didn’t notice it until re-reading, and it made me laugh so hard that I couldn’t bring myself to edit it out.)
We knew that electing an African American president would bring the crazy, but holee shit, America! You’re bringing it!
America, fuck yeah
@JGabriel: In honour of your comment.
How could I leave this behind?
Its not either/or, you know. Its all about periodicity. King is saying “its not necessary” because its not, it muddies the message and its more expensive to fight a war on two fronts. They’ve got a good enough enemy to rally the troops around right now, why start up with the other? Its more like they are leaving that field fallow until they need it again.
Actually, I always assumed it was an underground CIA lab in Nome, and that the operatives who created Palin only did it because they were so pissed about being stationed in North Alaska.
MikeJ: Ah yes, thanks for the memory.
@Omnes Omnibus: heritability of IQ and its significance in politics.
yup……both Palin and Bush are the result of selection for stupid.
in the clip read “better” as “smarter”.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think she’s just phrasing it badly. Don’t think of it as a matter of genetic breeding. Self-selection shouldn’t be a very controversial idea, should it? To simplify, the conservative philosophy is aimed at idiots because you have to be an idiot not to choke on the internal contradictions, so after awhile conservatism is dominated by idiots. Which means the process will probably spiral.
I’m not sure it’s proven, but the article Makoto quotes is at least supportive. But it isn’t exactly a bizarre theory, is it?
The Dangerman
Wrong side (end?) for the Teabaggers.
not just a black man, a high IQ black man.
its a matter of memetic breeding.
And yet, I seem to recall you being part of the crowd that would have lynched Andrew Sullivan for publicizing “The Bell Curve” when he was editor of TNR.
Cognitive dissonance or hypocrisy? Inquiring minds want to know.
I am losing all faith in Google. The Michele Bachman ads are just too much. If this is how their vaunted algorithms are targeting ads, it’s just sad.
I’m in the middle of a document review that’s going to take all weekend. I needed a moment of light amusement. Sorry.
@Uloborus: its always about one of two things… or survival (IQ is a correlate, SES). cuz of the selfish genes.
@arguingwithsignposts: Heh. I’ll make sure that I pass that feedback on to The Evil Ones at my next sacrifice to the primary colored logo.
They will be thrilled to hear that their EVIL PLAN to discomfit balloon-juice is WORKING. BWAHAHAHAHA!
@burnspbesq: not me.
matoko_chan — Dr. Watson/Sir RichardDawkins otaku
Are we sure we have really thought of all the angles of this?
From what I have seen here lately, even the most egregious and stupid ideas and policies can have silver linings.
I’m sure if we look carefully, there are real pluses for the United States to turn itself into an armed camp behind a barbed curtain, run by Joe Arpaio. Aside from its ugly, nasty and cruel aspects, these new ideas seem to have a lot going for them.
Don’t let BJ turn into an echo chamber where shit is just reflexively and unthinkingly called shit every day.
Oh god, can we swap out matoko_chan’s racism for BOBs. BOB was massively more entertaining and rooted in his own bizarre fetishes which were infinitely mockable Matoko is constantly trying to justify and hide his under a veneer of ‘science’, which is a massively more dangerous act given our history.
matoko_chan — grrl style
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): Well, why should we allow that to happen? I mean if you can’t get excited about healthcare reform without a public option pony maybe people can get excited about keeping the freakin’ racist panderers from taking over the country. No matter how “enthusiastic” your average teatrads voter is, he/she can only vote once.
matoko_chan — not racist……IQist!
licensed to kill time
some people achieve italics
others have it thrust upon them
then there are those who are born italic
The Dangerman
oh oh who screwed the pooch
This is technically true, but one thing they taught us sternly in the Bio sciences was that it’s really difficult to apply that fact. Breeding success advantages can be fantastically devious, and usually have to be proven statistically rather than guessed at.
And alas the lengthy history of Social Darwinism has shown that trying to categorize any one segment of the population as genetically stupider than the others gets disproven fast. If you’re going to try to suggest it’s inheritable within a memetic network (and again, the existence of the memetic selection I don’t question at all) you run into the difficulty of populations drifting in and out of that network, especially between generations, the extremely short lifespan of the meme (in terms of generations) and the massively complicated and hard to understand genetics of intelligence.
Mmm…Italic dressing on my word salad.
Never too late for breakfast.
I think matoko_chan italicized BJ. I guess her IQ doesn’t guarantee that she remembers to close the code.
@matoko_chan – thanks for a being a low-IQ thread-breaker.
ah, but don’t you understand? mc has the ring of babble and the +7 invincibility cloak of science! and is waging the battle of youth and the Kuhnian Revolution! against all those who are epistemically clogged! because they do not believe as she does! She also likes t hear herself talk and has, no doubt, been patted on the head and called clever, perhaps once too often.
lawl, i used the italic from the tool bar.
blame Cole.
@Uloborus: subhanallah we will have proof within the next decade.
licensed to kill time
@scav: LOL
Attack of the Killer (italicized) Hyphens!
Mary G
@licensed to kill time: Hilarious. I needed a laugh – some of the language I’m hearing from a few of the old white people around me regarding Muslims is scary. I told one 85-year-old guy that he sounds like Hitler’s followers about the Jews, after a rant that included the word “exterminated.”
He is convinced that I am brainwashed. “You bleeding heart liberals have destroyed this country. Just like your mother.”
What a nice compliment. My mom is amazing. She’s gone from being a die-hard Goldwater fan, who still had brown people as friends! To dinner in our house! to telling me last week she moved the Obama “Hope” yard sign in our garage to a safer place so we can use it again in 2012.
I think I’ll start a blog about her. She’s in the hospital now and I’m waiting for her doctor to call me back. She’s probably in kidney failure and I have to tell him no dialysis, etc. and ask if it is time for hospice at home.
So hard.
Gen. Jrod and his Howling Army
@matoko_chan: I’m looking at the page source. You failed to press the button again to close the tag.
You failed, then doubled your failure by blaming someone else. Nice going. I’d make a joke about your IQ, but it’d be redundant doing so to a person who can’t work a shift key.
(Of course, failing to close a tag shouldn’t actually screw up the whole page, but you should know how it goes on BJ by now.)
demo woman
@Mary G: That is so sad.
licensed to kill time
@Mary G:
What can you do but laugh, sometimes. That’s generally my motto though I do not always succeed.
I’m very sorry to hear about your mother. I think a blog to celebrate her life sounds wonderful.
Mary G
@demo woman: Yes, it’s one thing to think about in a hypothetical future, and another to actually confront it. She’s told me to enforce her DNR or whatever the term is a million times. I still have the selfish impulse to hook her up to a bunch of machines and keep her here a little longer. I am now a death panel of one, maybe. Or she could get better. We’ll see.
Er… no, we won’t have proof within the next decade. That’s kind of a big part of my point. It takes hundreds of years for a long-generation-time animal like humanity to show even a little evolution.
I just wanted to send some good thoughts your way. You are going through the hardest thing in the world. I hope it turns out well. Last year we entered the summer thinking my beloved father was about to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. That would have been the end, basically. Suddenly, it all turned out well. We were lucky. He’s still here. Still himself. But the luckiest thing of all is that we love him, and we have been with him. People go through what you are going through–the “one man death panel” thing, for people they can’t stand, and never could stand, whose memories are not a blessing but a curse. Kiss your mother a thousand times. Hold her hand. Do what you have to do. She’s been a blessing to you. There’s nothing more important than that. That will endure even after this hard, hard, time is over.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@JAHILL10: That’s the message I keep trying to spread to my friends and at posts here and on other sites: No matter how bad you think it might be, it will get worse if you don’t vote.
licensed to kill time
will no one rid us of these meddlesome italics?
out, damned italics! out, I say!
mixin’ up the quotes and trying to close tags but prolly no go
@Mary G: You and your mom are in my thoughts.
Mary G. Went through it first with my dad for his uncle and then with my dad — actually, sometimes at the very instant it becomes clear and simple again because you respect them and respect their decisions — and the alternative is no better, not really.
I’m getting a major giggle about mc’s battle against italic closure.
You can’t toast a marshmallow on an electric stove.
If you’re suggesting that matoko is snarking, you must be new around here. He/she is deadly serious about that stuff. Unless the entire persona and hundreds of comments are all a spoof.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Burnspbesq Johnson is right.
Mary G
@aimai: That is such a big help, thank you. The doctor just called me back; she is not in end-stage renal failure, but her sodium is extremely low and he thinks he can fix it, so that’s a relief. He says when it is time for hospice, he’ll let me know. She has made her wishes abundantly clear to him.
My grandmother had a major heart attack in the 1950s but recovered and despite several more lived to 1990, all but the last six months in her own house, so we have good genes on our side. She was 93, and my mom is “only” 86, so I keep telling here I get at least seven more years just for a tie. But only if it’s good quality of life.
When I told some rightwing friend of a friend that the way he was talking about Muslims was the way Hitler talked about the Jews he said that Hitler was right.
My big fear is that once American’s break out of their stupor all hell is going to break loose.
I have no reason to think that environmental/socialization factors can’t account for right-wing behavior. I’ve seen the data with regards to education levels, but the culture of anti-intellectualism and disdain for learning and the psychological effects of a tribal mentality seem to me to be more than sufficient to account for Republican stupidity and ignorance.
Davis X. Machina
Ah, but I take an epistemic statin daily, just for that.
licensed to kill time
Whew, someone cracked out the Italics-B-Gone and sprayed the joint! Yay!
@Davis X. Machina:
Really? I always thought you were supposed to eat lots of fiber for that.
Corner Stone
Speaking of a “blunt” admission:
Isn’t Michael Phelps the living embodiment of why we should legalize pot?
@licensed to kill time:
Yes, but we’re still bold and nesting. Like an audacious easter egg.
licensed to kill time
We are? Everything looks normal to me at the moment (FF).
@JGabriel: must admit, the term epistemic enema is what rolled through my twisted mind for the sheer unctuous pleasure of the sounds.
@licensed to kill time: Looks hinky in Safari and chrome, fine in firefox.
Anne Laurie
Only in the sense that a spoiled three-year-old is being “played” when the caretaker tells them they can play the Barney tape, or the Dora tape, or the Disney princess tape. The three-year-olds are NOT going to go outside and get some exercise, much less go pick up their toys. Giving them a “choice” of retreads to distract them enough that they’re not actively breaking stuff is the most their caretakers expect.
@licensed to kill time: Not on Chrome.
Everything is bold and shunted to the right, due to 3 or 4 levels of nesting. I assume the bolding is a stylesheet setting for the multiple levels of nesting, rather than a separate issue.
Anne Laurie
Everybody try refreshing the page, okay? Best I can tell, Matoko-chan busted FYWP by using a carat and the italics tag in the same comment, so I ripped the italic tag out by the roots. Now it looks okay in FireFox, at least.
It keeps happening after matoko_chan uses this string: —
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G: That sounds like very good news; I am happy for both you and your Mom. It also sounds like you two are as prepared as you can be to make the appropriate decisions.
Maybe deleting all instances of that string will help fix the error.
Edited to add: YES! Using that string added yet another nest. Deleting them should fix the problem.
@Anne Laurie:
Looks fine in IE too. And no giggling, I like IE.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: Looks fine on IE7.
ETA: Beaten to the punch by jacy. Grrrrr.
licensed to kill time
@MikeJ: @JGabriel:
I gotta say, Firefox usually renders this site well when other browsers fail. I hadn’t seen an italics fail like that for a long time, and still never see the Hyphen Bomb strikes.
But I think it may have more to do with the site code than the browser itself? Some truly odd things happen here.
eta: Oh, and thanks Anne Laurie! Those italics were making my head spin.
@Mary G:
Mary, sorry to hear about your mother, but it sounds like some good news just came your way. Hope all is peaceful and nice for your both. Hug each other lots!
Omnes Omnibus
@licensed to kill time: I blame DougJ. Just because.
You would – but recall that it took the poor Catholics and the poor Protestants in Ulster 300 years to figure out that the only beneificary of their endless fighting was England.
Anne Laurie, still looks hinky in Chrome (and Safari, probably, since they use similar rendering engines).
Delete all instances of the: less than sign followed by two dashes. They’re all posted by matoko_chan (if that helps you find them) – except for the last one, which was a test by me.
Bill E Pilgrim
I think this blog has been moving to the right lately.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Clever.
Grilled chicken sammich
@Bill E Pilgrim: Views have been narrowing too.
Little Boots
They’re starting to feel so confident now, so sure of November. Truth is we probably cannot head off a disaster at this point, but the hope remains that Republican arrogance will kill them. I’m pretty sure they’ve killed their once very good chances of taking the Senate through nominating stupid assholes, and I don’t think they’ll actually take the House, but they will do a lot of damage, which will be compounded by the media and the fears inside the cabinet and the White House.
On the other hand, the shock of losing a lot seats may knock the Democratic Party into embracing the one thing that will really change the dynamic completely: ending the filibuster.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Indeed, I’ve been noticing a definitive rightward slant. Seems like a creeping trend toward authoritarian thinking.
Lock-step, and all that.
Little Boots
How’s this blog been moving right, Bill E?
Corner Stone
@Little Boots: the nesting pushes comments further right each time.
Little Boots
@Corner Stone: sorry, being dense, and not reading the whole thread, as I should.
carry on.
General Stuck
@Hal: Amen!
They know deep down that a day of reckoning is coming and can’t really do anything about it so they scream and yell and distract right up until the point when they can’t deny it anymore.
This can’t be part of any strategy to remain a relevant political party for the next hundred years. I would not be at all surprised to see more Ross Perot-type spoilers from the right in the future Prez elections and wingnuts just blowing shit up and going for broke to hang on to the South.
They know they’re fucked. I’ve dealt with bad tenants before. At this point they’re just going to trash the place before they get evicted.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Corner Stone: it seems to be browser-dependent though, so I guess about half the people here wouldn’t realize that was a joke.
Though actually, there was that conservative guy. Must be his fault.
Bella Q
@Corner Stone: The comments are free range for me; perhaps my browser’s pasture is green because I limed last fall.
Anne Laurie
Can the Chrome users refresh and let me know if things are as back-to-normal as they get around here?
Makoto-chan, I’m sorry I had to mess with your comments, but apparently FYWP doesn’t like carat signs. If you cogently avoid them in the future, there is less opportunity for the insensitive to mock.
General Stuck
I like carats.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Anne Laurie: Looks good, A.L. thanks.
Except now our comments above really make no sense. Ah well.
Chrome here and it looks normal for me.
Corner Stone
@Bill E Pilgrim: On FireFox it doesn’t show any difference.
I just slavishly read every word you right, you big stud.
@Anne Laurie: Looks fine in Safari, whereas it was previous very very messed up.
So, we should add greater-than and less-than signs to the list that previously included free-range hyphens for ‘things that WordPress Really Doesn’t Like’.
Bella Q
FWIW, any mocking I do has nothing to do with unclosed tags.
Anne Laurie:
Yep, everything’s good here now.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Corner Stone: I here ya. He’s like a breadth of fresh err.
No, the real problem is that italicizing the handle spoofs the pie filter.
I mock because I love.
Yep, though we should probably use them sparingly anyway. HTML parsers can get easily confused by them because they also signify mark-up tags, which you already know but I’m stating for the benefit of others.
I think the problem was the use of the “<" sign in conjunction with the em-dash "- -" sign.
Bill E Pilgrim
Good point actually, so can you add some carats going the other direction?
I do sense a little rightward driftage what with the conservablogger and all, might need a nudge the other way.
If the carats don’t work, then I guess you have to try the stick.
Any doubts as to whether Chris Dodd is in the back pockets of the credit card industry?
General Stuck
I mock because I’m wicked, and bored.
Keith G
@Corner Stone:
Michael Phelps is the living embodiment of…..well….several things.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Corner Stone: Okay that’s definitely a first. I mean being called that. I mean, in those words. Er, thanks! (?)
@JGabriel: or if one must < >, go with &_#_060 and &_#_062 (remove the twin underscores following the amp & pound signs to activate).
@Bill E Pilgrim: Really he just means that he considers you to be an over-sized framing, er, member.
Maybe I should rephrase that…
I thought carets were these ^^ (and for a stick, would these suffice? ♣♣) If you’re no good with codes, & gt; and & lt; work (without the spaces after the ampersands).
Hey, me too!
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Unfortunately, I think what will come after the “N” card will be violence towards brown people. And the unmentionable.
im humbly sorry and contrite Annie Laurie.
i did not know that comes-from was a forbidden char.
probably goes-innta is just as bad……wanna see?
@Uloborus: we are accumulating proof right now.
im standing my ground…..within a decade.
All’s quiet on the Chrome front.
On the one hand, it’s encouraging that the right doesn’t find ‘the queer’ issue to be as divisive right now. On the other hand, they are getting a hell of a lot of mileage out of the brown people’s are lazy/evil/elitists/stupid/skeery/ gonnacometakeyouandyourchildrenoutforabeer, which makes me depressed. The 27% who persist in believing this shit really make me look askance at the notion that we can ever be a truly harmonious/egalitarian-loving country. By the way, I love the word askance.
@asiangrrlMN: also the Evuul Islam meme contributes to the March to War on Iran.
The neocon warpimps will drag us into WWIII in MENA if they get the chance.
War is how they consolidate power.
@matoko_chan: @matoko_chan: 99% of the ‘Savannah Effect’ is better, more elegantly, and more efficiently explained by cultural and historical factors. And IQ is a really lousy metric that is rooted in class distinctions that are not well linked to overall intelligence.
An evolutionary psychologist should have a better understanding of contemporary science regarding the range of environments in which early and early modern humans lived and in which they experienced significant selective pressure. Hint: It was not all savannah, and the environment we see now in those parts of Africa where we find hominid fossils has not been consistently that way for the last 3 million years.
Time for a proper Anthro v. Psycho grudge match.
that was possibly true in the past, but bleeding edge tech in IQ metrics is fMRI neuroscience. Catch the wave.
It is depressing to me how focused the juicers are on a 16 year old book by a shrink and political “scientist”. that isn’t hard science, and no one i know has even read that shit.
that sounds like mad fun. Cognitive anthropologist Pascal Boyer is one of my lesser gods.
but not today.
im getting Warped.
What’s truly shocking, John, is by and large they never pay a price. When will Rusho have a Arthur Godfrey moment that’ll end his career? He paid little price if any for claiming Michael J Fox was faking it. Let us pray he has a Roseanne/National Antheum moment and the public responds accordingly.
Ever been to King’s district…ever been to Levittown, Hicksville, Massapequa, Bethpage, or Oyster Bay? King might actually be fairly rational compared to many of them.
This is a major problem I have with liberals, they don’t think people like this really exist and that they’re are a lot of them.