God, I feel like a total drama queen. He’s been missing all day, but as soon as I post about it the fat bastard comes back. I didn’t post earlier because I didn’t want a panic, but by mid-day I was feeling pretty desperate and needed moral support. I found himself on the neighbors sidewalk in the shade, even though he was not there before. My best guess is the heat got to him and he had enough fun watching me walk all over town yelling “TUUUUUNCH” while jingling a food bowl, so he came out of the bushes he was hiding in. Now he’s all “What’s the big deal, fat man?:
He’s absolutely filthy, so once he eats and is hydrated, we have some heavy Furminator action that needs to be done. Look at these filthy paws:
I’m so glad he is home. I seriously thought I was going to have a panic attack.
Seriously, your pet posts make me love you a little, John.
Glad he’s home. :) I’ve been the crazy cat lady out in the middle of the night in tears with a flashlight often enough to know that panic.
Great news! Don’t worry, we all would have panicked too.
Paul (@princejvstin)
I’m glad he’s home, safe and sound.
I’ve lost a cat or two in my lifetime that never DID come back.
The inverse relationship between the humans’ intensity and the feline blase is…disturbing.
Lee Hartmann
Some good news for a change.
Beast’s timing is impeccable.
Sam Wilson
i know you don’t know me and i don’t know you, but i’m really glad you found your cat ^,^
Our cat does that same sprawl whenever he comes back in during the summer. I guess it must help cool down. I call it the “royal sprawl” since it manages to convey ownership over all he sees.
For God’s sake, put a collar and a name tag on him.
He’s breaking you down psychologically in order to make you more compliant you know …
Tunch is obviously your first and still greatest love.
cats are turrible
Hahahah, cats fucking rule. I just love that they seem to have the mental capacity to totally fuck with us.
Although being a cat-owner who has experienced the temporary missing-cat situation, I greatly sympathize with the freak out and am very happy his chubby butt made it home.
so he’s not trying out for the stillers to play center? mel kiper jr. said he had great upside i mean backside.
He looks quite pleased with himself. If he is anything like ours when they sneak out, he will also need to sleep for about 24 hours (yes, I know – how is that any different from usual? Somehow it is).
The Moar You Know
The cat overlord tortures you and then you clean his paws for him. No wonder the fuckers think they’re the supreme life form on the planet.
Great news!!!!
I just want you to know I did spend two minutes deeply concentrating on the thought “Tunch, go home.” Not that I’m taking credit or anything…
His first words were “Where’s lunch?”
/Hopefully, that was not bullshit. I am sick of my bullshit, too, John, and even more so considering I spent the entire time since the first Tunch post feeling sorry for myself.
Hopefully he made a trip down to DC to slap some sense into the GOP while he was gone.
YAY! So glad he’s back. It’s so awful when a pet goes missing.
I’m happy for both of you.
Speaking of missing, does anyone else notice that Sarah Palin has been strangely silent about Norway? It’s surprising she hasn’t managed to portray herself as the victim of that Muslim Black Panther terrorist.
He is deliberately torturing you and he absolutely positively knew you were looking for him. I’m sure he enjoyed his time snickering in the bushes while watching you search.
Mike S
Check him closely for cat bites. They aren’t obvious at first but can get infected pretty quickly. Our little man has been out all night twice. The first time we didn’t notice the bite, it got infected and we spent about $800 getting him healthy again. Last week when it happened again we found it right away and only spent about $300.
Glad he is safely at home and obviously still capable of ignoring you.
Davis X. Machina
Never apologize. I had an elderly Jesuit — a cat guy, BTW — tell a bunch of us once that the best way for a limited human intellect to think of how God loves us, is to consider how we love our pets, mutatis mutandis.
And I know there’s at least one dog chez Cole that’s pushing the smiting-and-thunderbolts line all the time.
A Mom Anon
Awww. YAY. Best news I’ve had in my totally shitty last several days.
I’ve been that crazy pet owner combing the neighborhood yelling in despair while rattling a treat bag. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world.
(Checks watch) Huh! Ahead of schedule. Fat dood’s a piker at this running–off shit.
Davis X. Machina
@beltane: Arizona.
From the looks of it, I’d say Tunch paid your Rep a visit and showed him the back of his pimp paw.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Never fails. BotherCat went missing once when I had my new bed delivered– after searching the apartment, and wandering around the neighborhood(having a fucking panic attack), she came nonchalantly from behind the furnace.
Glad to hear The Big Cat is back; now *chip his ass* and *get him a collar and a nametag.*
Spaghetti Lee
Glad Tunch is back. Peter Roskam’s staffers, however, are still nowhere to be found.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCYRJPjh-8A did you do this :3
eemom, I know you were behind this. ;D
“This” being my inability to post comments the last three days, not Tunch’s mysterious disappearance, though maybe Cole should look into that possibility too…
yeahyeahwhatevs (Studly Pantload, once upon a time)
I’d suggest a bath instead of the Furminator but it’s Tunch.
Mike S
I am sure it is far too late for that. I don’t think John has the money he’d need for the ICU when Tunch would finish using him as a scratching post.
I thought you were going to write that a debt ceiling compromise had been reached, but I was not quite sure how a yeti fit into the picture.
that’s not filthy. my geriatric bulldog with major skin issues, now *that’s* a filthy animal.
Nah, those dirty paws call for the ol’ put-a-couple-inches-of-water-in-the-bathtub-and-slam-the-door-behind-him trick.
Offer void where only shower curtains are present.
Oh thank god. I’ll have an extra drink for you tonight John.
Jewish Steel
I was really more worried about your community there in WV. Homeland security can only protect so many civilians.
Tunch was hangin’ next door telling the other animals how he says “jump” and Cole says “how high?” No doubt Cole thinks “my bitch” is just cat for “darling.”
Sorry for the double post.
Good deal.
Good, we can redirect the spy satellites to their normal orbit now.
C’mon John, you should have known the very next day it would be home sweet home for Tunch!
Alex S.
Be careful next time you lift the cat ceiling.
One time I left our dog Vlad outside. He is almost never outside for more than 10 minutes because we have a very short fence and he is very motivated to eat small animals.
So one night I apparently did not let him back in right away, but went back to my office where I couldn’t hear him howling. I realized at some point that he wasn’t in my office with me. I asked the boyfriend and he didn’t have him. So then we combed the entire house, and looked around the yard calling him the entire time.
I had this horrible pit in my stomach because I just knew he was gone forever and it was all my fault and blah blah blah. Was walking out to the car to go patrol the neighborhood when he came sauntering out of the crawl space under the front door. Fuzzy bastard.
He looks absolutely traumatized! Glad he’s home. :)
Y’all will notice that he didn’t quite make it all the way home. He let you “notice” him as he laid in indolent disinterest down the street as you run around screeching his name and shaking treats. Yes, the intent is to make you look like a fool. Accept it. You are owned by a cat.
Mine is laying here next to me after instructing me to get him a refresh for his bowl. I am just settling down again after following his orders.
J.W. Hamner
I’m still curious as to how he got out. As someone mentioned in the other thread, the theory that he can scale a fence seems somewhat… implausible… given the photographic evidence presented here.
He just wanted a mojito.
Now can we have an open thread please so we can discuss Pelosi’s BALLS OF STEEL?
Whatever you do, don’t give him tuna.
This will only lead to further back-sass and lack of trust.
YAY! Next time Cole don’t wait to post. The power of our collective consciousness is potent.
Me, I was transmitting:
Well, what goodies did you give him?
@AWL 55 I love that song from way back. I’ll be singing it the rest of the day.
Trinity. How can you possibly be sorry for the opportunity of making it a threesome. And you threw in the guilt, a mea culpa and the immediate blame shift to a deeper malevolent being (WP). Seriously. Brilliant.
ETA: Haiku Theology.
Personally, I think Tunch temporarily went Galt to protest the appalling reduction in Tunch-related blogging on this site. More Tunch!
Glad he’s home.
Nora Carrington
Ya’ll are completely missing the point here, dudes. Well, ok, maybe not completely.
John asks everybody to think Tunch home and in the time it took me to drive to the corner store to buy smokes, the damn cat came home.
Do you not realize what this means, people!?! We have the power!
So let’s all concentrate our little kitty-centric minds on the Fat Cats and make them vote a clean bill: debt ceiling is raised, and immediately thereafter abolished.
Oh thank gawd.
Oh, thank ghu and the goddess.
You Don't Say
Yay! Best news of the day. I hope he was out all night terrorizing the TP caucus.
And I hope he doesn’t spend the next three days driving you insane with agonizing yowls to go out.
So glad Tunch is home.
Mike Lamb
Glad he’s back. I’ve had a similar experience and it’s terrible. We have a now 1.5 year old German Short-Haired Pointer named Tessa We recently moved to a new home that is very close to a very busy street (3 lanes each way, 50+ mph), but also close to a mountain preserve, which, in Phoenix, means Coyotes, rattlesnakes, cacti, scorpions, etc.
I was doing some work in the house with a sawzall. Of course, the noise was not good for Tessa. The door to the garage was open and the garage door was raised 4″ (no exaggeration). Tessa, unknown to me, managed to squeeze out of the garage. It was at least a half hour before I realized it. Now, a GSP in a half hour can easily cover 5 miles, so this was a problem.
I went outside to the busy street, fearful of seeing a dead Tessa. Nothing. I ran around the neighborhood calling her name. Nothing. I called my wife, who was out of town, to let her know what happened and to answer her phone, as Tessa’s tags had her cell phone number. Drove the neighborhood. Nothing.
It’s not approaching dark and Tessa had been gone for more than 3 hours. I’m frantic and was hoping that the best outcome is someone just decided they wanted a new dog. No one called by the time I went to bed at around 10:30.
I wake up at 3 am, thinking I heard something, but my other dogs didn’t wake up and I figured I was dreaming. Of course, I couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about Tessa–wondering at what point did her little adventure go from “Hey, this is fun!” to “Oh, shit”. About a minute later, I definitely hear a sound–it sounds like someone is in the house. I grab my baseball bat and head to the front room. Finally, I hear whining at the front door. I open it and Tessa comes storming in like a bat out of hell. She proceeds to greet everyone, drink about a half gallon of water, run in a circle and pass out.
She’d been gone for about 10 hours. We had been in the house for a week. I have no clue where she had been or how she was able to get back. Fucking dogs.
Behave yourself this time, or you’ll get time-out again pretty soon.
Missed all the drama but am so glad to hear the fat bastard is back creating more vacuuming for you!
So glad Tunch is back!
People seem to say this kind of thing a lot. Worry about something…worry, worry, worry, and then, as soon as you say something…boom…worry over. It’s the kind of issue I think science needs to get involved in. Is it something about the timing of the worry–like we’re all programmed with a certain amount of patience and that’s just a little shorter than the time it takes for resolution to our problem to occur? Is it some quantum physics thing–like the process of communicating a problem sparks some quantum phenomenon that starts the resolution process in motion? Or is it simply a matter of pattern recognition overdrive–like seeing jesus’s face in your toast? For obvious reasons, I’ve been assuming the latter all this time, but it would be nice to get some confirmation on this issue.
Also, isn’t it the case that panic is supposed to start when the Yeti has been sighted rather than end when the Yeti has been sighted? Not that I’ve ever seen a Yeti…
Welcome home, Tunch!
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Lil Bit escaped from me during out morning coffee about a year ago. She is one dumb but sweet cocker and I was sure she was a goner because the area is close to campus and this was just as the hordes were coming in to the University for work. I looked in a panic for 45 minutes, people wanted to help but I was afraid she’d bolt so I asked them not to. Finally my cell went off and someone had her and had called our vet off the tag. I hurried over and it was two country dudes in a truck. When I saw her I fucking lost it, cryin like a goddamn baby. These guys were so cool, “yea, we love our dogs too”. I see em a couple of times a week on our walk and always give em the big wave. Damn I’m glad Tunch is back.
So, with those filthy paws there, how soon before you feel compelled to vacuum?
This Old 97’s song is about a lost feline.
I remember how I felt when our cat Slick showed up; she had been missing for 9 days and suddenly appeared at 2 in the morning, hungry and thirsty.
Thank gawd! I’m so relieved for you both.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Yay!! That is great!
The whale has landed.
Is he chipped?
I am glad that The Tunch is back.
But fer gawds sake. Filthy paws?
What a neurotic neatnik.
I understand that Cole needs some time to decompress and relax, but expect commenters to try to talk some sense into him later.
Edit: Prodigal Son, good yarn, open the Good Book and give it a read.
Glad to see the big guy came back! Aside from fear that he could have gotten into a tangle with local wildlife or stepped in front of a vehicle, I’m thinking I wouldn’t have been too worried for the first while. Back home on the farm, we let our cats do pretty much what they wanted to, wandering around the general vicinity, and they tended to do a pretty good job of showing back up whenever they got hungry. The oldest is pushing 15 years old, and still going strong, albeit a bit slower than she used to be. Years of living sans-fence and being able to roam seem to have left her in pretty good shape. Understand life in an urban environment is a bit different, though.
Have you seen the 4th Indiana Jones movie? Next time, throw a bunch of rocks in the air; they’ll be pulled in his direction by his gravitational field.
The Dangerman
He just wanted a mani peti.
Cris (without an H)
I love this typo from John’s post:
It makes Tunch sound like the royalty he is. Like saying “I found his grace.”
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Cris (without an H)
Lika a rasta cat, I and I. . .
Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows he’s got it made, but think of the attention he got from all of us. Probably LOVED it!
gogol's wife
I’m so happy. Tunch is beautiful! So nonchalant.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Good news!
And you call that filthy? Don’t spend any time here with the Dauphine brood, your OCD meter would go to 11.
Indoor cats are such assholes…they escape and then hide very close to home until you’re at your anxious peak before revealing themselves. One Christmas, I spent two days on my stomach in the snow trying to coax Phil out from under the neighbour’s steps. That was after trying the cat trap laced with KFC that only trapped another neighbour’s cat.
Glad Tunch showed himself before winter!
different church-lady
Ahh yes: last November. Blizzard coming. Let the little beast out for one last frolic before he’s snowed in for the next two days.
Hour 1: hmmm… he’s usually back by now
Hour 2: snow starting to fall. He never stays out this long.
Hour 4: 2″ of snow, no signs.
Hour 5: wandering around the neighborhood in 4″ of snow shaking his treat jar and imagining tiny plow-injured meows coming from every snow-covered bush and hedge
Hour 6: Well, it was nice to know him. Maybe I’ll check the shelters tomorrow.
Hour 7: Little Mr. Casual strolls back onto the porch absolutely wreaking of cigarette smoke and somebody else’s kitchen.
Andy Hall
Um, he’s a cat. That’s how they are. You know this.
Since I called it, nailed it actually, on the Tunch is Missing thread, I’ll wade in here again:
Let Tunch remain filthy, unless he’s not good about grooming himself. He’ll clean those paws off hisself with his Tunchie-tongue. Clearly dude, judging by recent actions, is longing for some primal-cat time. Let him have it.
I mean, it’s not like you don’t vacuum every day, right? Any dirt he sheds will be with you for less than 24 hours. Let him enjoy being dirty and cleaning himself up.
Chat Noir
Yay! Finally some good news. I’m glad I saw this thread before the previous “Tunch is Missing” thread otherwise I would have been panicking, too, John. Glad your boy is home safely.
@scav lolol…I didn’t even see that.
Ever see one of those strange caps they give you when you want to give your hair highlights at home? I had pulled little clumps of my sister’s hair through the holes in the cap to get just enough hair out for bleaching. She looked like a chemo patient near the end of her treatment. We put a cape on her and I got out the stinky bleaching solution. The smell was so bad I had to open the sliding glass door a smidge but one of sis’s roommate’s cats escaped! Sis was worried she’d lose her place to live if the cat wasn’t back inside by the time the roommate returned, so she ran out the door trailing her cape and with her scary hair strands flying stinkily behind her yelling for the cat. Of course, anyone would be afraid of such a creature running around in the night and the cat was no dummy. I tried to run outside to help but the sight was so ridiculous I sat down in the street and almost peed myself laughing. The cat came back when we calmed down and went back inside but sis’s hair was FRIED! Now that I think of it, she never asked me to do her highlights again…..
David Hunt
That’s not necessarily feasible. There are cats that it just doesn’t work on. When I was still living at home we had one that had two reactions to to any collar that wasn’t tight enough to strangle him. If it was loose, he’d slip it. If it was tight, he’d get is right forepaw stuck in it trying to slip it. There was no other result, and he wouldn’t give up.
I think it’s clear that Tunch reads this blog. After you posted, he was satisfied that you were adequately distraught at his absence and decided it was time to come home and get some food.
Yay, Fat Bastard returns!
Friends’ cat–Andy the Ass–once went missing for days. They looked high and low, inside and out, posted signs, the whole bit. Finally, on day four (I think) his “mistress” opened the dryer to load some clothes and there was Andy the Ass, claws caught in something and yet, still giving her “the Look” as in, “Why did you do this to me and don’t you dare tell anybody.”
Mind, the laundry room was next to the kitchen, not in some farflung garage or outbuilding. All he had to do was let out a single “meep.”
Attachment to animals is always a sign of something basic and good in humans . . . the pets are one of the reasons we’re all here instead of some other blog, right?
I fell hard for my husband when I saw how devoted he was to his cat — it was a good instinct on my part, but 25 years later I gotta admit I really didn’t anticipate the moments when the CAT was getting the easy affection and I was having to speak up about my needs. :) Ah, marriage.
@101.David Hunt
I think in Tunch’s case a cat zepplin attachment, orange or dayglo green, is in order. I’ve wanted to do this with my kid when we shop so I can spot her when she’s wandering off.
schrodinger's cat
Tunch is back!! yay!!
Tunch needs a bath, please film it for our enjoyment. Kthx
Years and years ago, we had just moved into a new house. My folks had bought (the now late lamented) Prince, our first GSD/Lab mix, a brand new house and had settled him in when he heard the call of the wild and bolted. Dad drove all over the neighborhood in search, to no avail–I knew he was worried because the house was close to a forest preserve and the critters therein in addition to the usual main roads, etc. Meanwhile, Mom phoned the police to let them know Prince had all his shots, etc. Dad finally came home a few hours later. He was upset, but he didn’t know where else to look and it was getting dark anyway.
Prince had bolted in the late morning, iirc. Sometime around 10 that night, he heard the neighbors’ dogs go nuts. This was A Clue, though of course we didn’t know it at the time. The next morning, I looked out the front door and there was Prince standing on the step waiting to be let in. He hadn’t rolled in anything stinky, though he must have eaten something that upset his tum because he burped a lot and didn;t want to eat until Mom gave him some Emetrol.
That night, he stood out in the yard and stared out toward the woods and whimpered. Call of the wild, or a girl dog down the street, or something.
Those are not filthy paws!
you should see my cat after she is out for an hour.
I would just give them a quick wipe with a wet towel to prompt the self licking action.
He did it on purpose. Had his fun while making you look silly — win/win for the Tunchinator.
Glad he’s safe and home.
Beth in VA
I agree with those above who question your idea of filthy. Are you OCD? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that)…
Glad your beautiful fat cat is back!
The cat lady has been there and has several tee shirts to prove it.
Cats rule – and yes, Tunch is definitely one of the reasons that I read this blog – well not Tunch so much as John Cole’s helpless, servile devotion to Tunch. Makes him seem like the brother I never had. Not Tunch – I have several cat brothers – Cole.
Caption for top photo: “You may clean my feet now, peon.”
So glad he’s back!
Wook at those chubby lil’ pawsies, so cute . . .
Aww, that’s a cute cat. Evil, vicious, fat and spiteful, but cute.
Chip and collar the beast! It’s punishment the cat deserves!
(Also, note to Tunch, next time sneak back into the house, and then just sit there on the chair as if you were never missing… and leave a dead mouse in his shoe)
That is not a filthy cat, just slightly dusty, which he will take care of in no time. Cats are pros at cleaning themselves, very finicky, most of them.
Missing pets will drive you to panic and tears. We had a large white male that we could not keep in the house. Neutered at 6 months may have stopped his mating drive but did nothing for his overwhelming desire to go out at night and terrorize (we think) the neighborhood. He was sweet and cuddly but he never stopped trying to be the boss of the other cat, two dogs and two humans. We saw him in a stand off with a deer in our yard one time. We finally gave up trying to keep him in at night, it was a losing battle. He would come home with scratches, sleep it off for a day or two and back at it again. We wish we could have put a kitty cam on him to see what critters he was fighting with, especially the time he came home with black eyes if a cat can get black eyes. He was a doozy of a cat.
Southern Beale
Perhaps he was frolicking with these forest creatures in the Tight Pants/Body Rolls music video.
Seriously, it’s hilarious. Give it a look, it’s totally up Tunch’s alley.
Also, too, if Tunch were a koi, he’d be tancho kohaku. (He’d also be female, because males don’t get that
Hooray for naughty Tunch!
And I guess the cat “bat signal” was just turned off because my son just came in carrying his bad cat who has been missing since last night when he annoyed a skunk.
Amazingly he didn’t get hit by the skunk’s epic spray (that nailed the front of the house and woke us all up from sleep gagging).
Thank G_d because I have no idea how I would have de-skunked a cat.
mattski @79:
Thanks. I really like that.
Ash Can
I go run errands and miss all the excitement. Still, I too am glad I saw this post before I saw the last one. So glad the Tunchinator is home safe and sound.
He probably just hitched a ride to DC to go take a massive dump on Eric Cantor’s desk.
Thank the gods, the old and the new.
Yay! Tunch is home.
We came back from a weekend away once and found one of our two cats missing. We were perplexed since the whole house was locked up, could not figure out how he got out. Turns out the little furry genius managed to slip into the suspended ceiling and got himself stuck inside a wall. I had to cut the sheetrock open to get him out. The second cat was completely unconcerned – she could smell him and knew he was still (literally!) in the house.
@Lirpa #100: What a wonderful story! I’d love to see that scene in a wacky comedy (can totally imagine Meg Ryan of 12-15 years ago, or a Reese Witherspoon type, as your sister).
And I, too, am very glad Tunch is back — and glad I saw the Panic Over update post before the original Tunch is Missing post.
So glad Tunch is back. I totally understand the feelings. My Hillary disappeared for 8 days once and I had accepted that she was gone, hopefully to a new home. On my way to bed on day 8 I looked out the blinds to the back deck out of habit and there she was – filthy, dehydrated and hungry -but home. They do mess with our minds and hearts.
Oh good news!! I was afraid that eventually he would get over that fence. Glad he’s home, dirty feets and all.
different church-lady
@schrodinger’s cat: actually Tunch is simultaneously back and not back. Yet, when we look at the couch, we see Tunch either back or not back, not both back and not back.
i have to comment – Tunch looks positively skinny in that picture.
different church-lady
Well of course: he hadn’t eaten in over 15 minutes.
auntie beak
i love a man who loves his cat this much. if i were still single…
of course, my husband loves his cat(s) this much, too.
Our long national nightmare is over. Welcome home T
I am disturbed at how relieved I am.
Fuck you Cole for making me care about a fucking cat that I don’t know and that wouldn’t like me if I did.
My big dog Teddi got out when the yard man was here a couple of years ago. I covered the neighborhood, calling and talking to everyone I could find. She is 140 pounds and solid white – kind of hard to miss. No one had seen her and I couldn’t find her anywhere. Early the next morning just before dawn, I couldn’t sleep and went out again. I found her sleeping in the street beside the driver’s door of a neighbor’s car. I slipped the leash over her head and she calmly accompanied me home and slept for two days. I often wonder what that guy would have thought if he had walked out to get in the car and found a large white wolf (actually an akbash) lying there.
Cathie from Canada
The difference between cats and dogs–
A dog says: He feeds me and combs me and pets me; he must be a god!
A cat says: He feeds me and combs me and pets me; I must be a god!
Canuckistani Tom
Tunch’s adventures are already online…
oh man, i know how you feel. a few years ago, i had a party at my house and around 2 am, my roommate noticed her dog louise was nowhere to be found. i opened the door to help look for her, and nate dogg goes tearing out of the house. so i’m out there lurching around on the street, drunkenly screaming NAAAAATE!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!??
a few minutes later Nate came trotting up the sidewalk, with louise not too far behind.
i’m fairly certain he knew she was lost and went out on his own little recon mission.
so much drama in the lbc.
glad the fat white bastards have been reunited. :)
Best news of the day!
you’re a drama queen obsessed with clean!
good to know, and, yes, he’ll clean those paws himself.
Do get him chipped. Anyone who turns in a cat to any kind of shelter or police authority, they check for the chip.
Once he’s chipped, next time he disappears, just put up “lost cat” signs and wait for that so-appreciated call that begins, “We think we have your cat ….” or “I think I may have your cat…”
Darnell From L.A.
Don’t feel bad. If my “Josie Dog” was missing for even a moment I’d call the LAPD and request an Amber Alert.
This is a big fucking deal.
“And then in a sort of kindly reverie, he bethought himself of his own favourite cat, and said, ‘But Tunch shan’t be shot; no, no, Tunch shall not be shot.'”
Typical …. mine usually look at me and ask “What the hell took you so long? I’ve been waiting for hours! You didn’t actually expect me to walk home, did you?”
Oh my god! I’m so glad I didn’t see the previous post until after Tunchie made it home. I would have been a wreck. Give him lots of hugs and kisses for me, Cole.
P.S. He’s still my flurffy adorable Tunchie, though, no matter how dirty.
I always thought Cole should stick to subjects he’s competent at – cats and food basically – but this is just neurotic and pathetic. A cat with access to the outside, gone all day, and now a little dirty? OMG! Have you never owned one before this?!? Sad.