So, this just happened.
And I got nothin’. I’m just waiting for the credits to roll.
The thread, he is open. Commence.
by Zandar| 96 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Decline and Fall, We Are All Mayans Now, WTF?
So, this just happened.
And I got nothin’. I’m just waiting for the credits to roll.
The thread, he is open. Commence.
Comments are closed.
Joss Whedon does Shakespeare: . Holy shit.
Thread needs less singin’, moar cow.
Personally, I would have gone with “Herman Comes Alive” for the title.
And the Herman Cain Experience is officially over. The death rattle should last a few weeks, though.
Mittens may be the luckiest politican ever. Except for President Obama, who has been given the worst opposition ever for 2012.
So, is this going to be his Dean Scream?
It was for the sake of this day that he had first decided to run for the Presidency, a decision which had sent waves of astonishment throughout the Imperial Galaxy –
Zaphod BeeblebroxHerman Cain? President? Not theZaphod BeeblebroxHerman Cain? Not the President? Many had seen it as a clinching proof that the whole of known creation had finally gone bananas.Linda Featheringill
Nice song. Voice is not too good, but probably better than mine. Of course, it really doesn’t tell us anything.
Have we just been introduced to a new and better way of avoiding uncomfortable questions?
Xecky Gilchrist
So, this just happened.
Sadly, that’s completely meaningless to us cuberats who can’t do video.
What just happened?
Better than John “let the eagles soar” Ashcroft, that’s for sure.
Anyone care to provide a description of what happened for those of us stuck in cubicles?
For anyone with JRT issues, here’s a solution.
Also, too, scroll down to the first video in the comments, which is even funnier.
I could think of a few more appropriate tunes:
“Send In the Clowns”
“Tears of A Clown”
“Laugh Clown Laugh”
I know Dougj thinks Perry is toast because of the debates, but I wouldn’t count him out yet. “Not-Mitt” has to be the largest single constituency among GOP voters, and I still think Perry is the most likely candidate for them to seize upon in the end. He may not be a credible candidate, but he is more credible than anyone else who is Not Mitt.
The complete works of the Insane Clown Posse?
The Herman Cain Gospel Tour ends, having played its equivalent of Altamont.
Comrade Mary
My cubicle includes an iPhone and earbuds, but I didn’t need to listen. The link goes to an article describing how Cain broke into song at a press conference or speaking gig where the harassment charges were brought up. Video can wait until I’m home.
Ben Cisco
Play him off, Keyboard Cat.
@gbear: Cain just flat out sung a gospel song about Grace, pretending that people were asking him about his faith. Perhaps this will be his Checkers Speech moment, or perhaps this is when people realize that he’s actually nuts.
Quite frankly, I find this a much better performance:
That sounded like Danny Boy. But with different words.
Edited to add: The smoker is there on the right.
The Dangerman
“In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You’re so fucking special
But I’m a creep
I’m a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don’t belong here”
/herman sings radiohead
@gbear: After providing a full-throated denial of the sechsual harassment charges from years past, Cain delivers his customary stump speech, followed by a stirring rendition of Amazing Grace. Not making it up. It really happened.
Mornington Crescent
A memorable football pitch invasion.
jamie d
For those without video: Ol’ Herm did what appeared to be a mashup of Amazing Grace and Danny Boy trailing off into incomprehensible gospel lyrics in a soft baritone.
@Nemesis: That was not amazing grace. I swear it’s Danny Boy.
Jay in Oregon
I would comment on that video, but I’m busy picking up shards of my skull after my brain exploded.
Ho. Lee. Crap.
This makes me think he might actually be a fun president. He could announce every policy decision with a song—no more dry, boring press conferences. And the State of the Union could be a musical review.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Since this is an open thread, I’m gonna take a moment to seriously vent here, because right now I feel like exploding.
The Occupy movement is doing well…extremely well. Amazingly so, despite the all that’s thrown at them rhetorically and literally. Visiting the protest down at Zucotti Park was a heartening experience to me…
But the more everything else filters through, the more I feel the knot in my stomach say ‘It’s too late, it’s far too late’. I mean, you have the massive state-level disenfranchisement movement going on. And for every Ohio success story (Bless you Kay and everyone else working for it down there), you have your Michigans and your Floridas. Places where it’s not only succeeding but getting entrenched, especially because people are buying the whole ‘You can’t use a credit card without ID, why not vote?!’ bullshit line, and being piss scared of them ILLEEEEEGALLLLS!!! voting to not understand the wide net being cast.
And then you have abortions rights. There isn’t even a success story here to really speak of it seems. It’s being wiped away as we speak, to the point of laws like Alabama’s where you might just get charged with fucking murder for a MISCARRIAGE! Why? Because hey, YOU can’t prove you didn’t stab your baby in the womb, you slut!!
And then…you have bullshit like that surrounding Social Security discussed further down, and the goddamn snarl of the Super Committee slamming the pendulum further right in some kind of stupid fucking hope that the GOP might finally agree to something, only for the GOP to snap back “NO! NO TAXES! OUR MILLIONAIRES CAN’T TAKE A .5 PERCENT HIKE, NOOOOOOO!!!” And despite the public conversation changing, it doesn’t matter a fucking whit because the people we have in charge now have already decided FUCK YOU AUSTERITY FOR-FUCKING-EVER, AND A GUBMENT IN EVERY UTERUS!! And with the perfect, state-level storm of Conservafucks in charge, it feels like it’s only gonna get worse, and we’re gonna have laws on the books that’ll take decades to undo, and a public that won’t tolerate Dems or….shudder to think, LIBERALS…even 2 years of wieldable power before they scream “YOU HAD 2 YEARS, SO FUCK YOU, GOP GETS 15 YEARS STRAIGHT!”
A new candidate like nothing we have ever seen before.
Just like Cain promised. What’s the problem?
I predict a big poll bump among the teahordes.
Edit: just noticed link at top of post. The song was ‘He Looked Beyond My Faults’? If so, slam dunk win. The Xtianists love this stuff. I for one, welcome my new CEO in chief overlord singing Cain. Nobama and Mitt might as concede right now and save us all the money and trouble.
And it stepped all over Newt’s re re re relaunch. A twofer.
Would I be underestimating the value voters and Christian Right if I thought this sealed the nomination for Cain? I mean, Gospel Singer in Chief would be their ideal president, no?
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: You sound like you need a little Danny Boy.
Ben Cisco
Given the content, he should have released his inner Gaye.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Zounds, and I just saw a clip of Perry’s New Hampshire speech. Did he have a breakfast and Bailey’s interview with Peggy Noonan? Is it irresponsible to speculate, etc.
@grass: Yeah, except the black thing.
The Dangerman
@Ben Cisco:
Isn’t getting him off how all this started?
Do pets grieve?
I don’t know. The crazy, conservative British newspaper, the Daily Mail, recently carried a news story which described a recent Perry speech:
Perry and Cain seem to be trying to out-crazy each other.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
I feel like I need Jack Daniels instead. Which sucks because I can’t stand the stuff.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Xtianists love sinnin’ preachers, as long as it is he manly wholesome sinnin’, and they are folksy. So I thought that was what Perry was doing.
Perry and Cain using the same playbook, but Cain wrapped it up. Too bad for Perry. But he will make one great lobbyist. Man, think of them parties he will shindig out for the morer people!
Davis X. Machina
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
HST, you left us too soon.
Except for when he, like, decides stuff.
Well, at least he found a unique way to use the standard conservative response to a sex scandal – “I prayed and asked the Lord to forgive me.”
Hopefully he’ll perform some Harold Hill songs at the Iowa caucuses. “The Sadder-But-Wiser Girl” would be a good choice.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: Try Danny Boy first, then go to the hard stuff if that doesn’t work.
Here’s a good start:
Since it’s an open thread, the 7 billionth baby was just born. They are naming her Danica Camacho.
CAMACHO. That’s no coincidence, the idiocracy has officially begun.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
None dare call them Obamavilles.
You are quite right: the tune is “Londonderry Air”, sometimes known as “Danny Boy” fitted out with come-to-Jesus lyrics by God knows whom (pun intended). It’s actually a beautiful little tune but is all too often submerged in a slather of over-done sentimentality.
Was this really in response to a question about sexual harassment? I feel for the people there, hacks though some (many) of them may be. I would have wanted to crawl under the table with vicarious embarrassment. I would also feel some pity for Herman Cain, he were not (as this episode shows) such a complete, cosmic-scale a$$hole.
@cathyx: That’s what she said.
Sorry. I couldn’t let the easy one just fly past.
@jl: I guess some of the fundies may go for it, but Herman seems to be singin’ past the graveyard, because the charge against Herman is too evocative of “rutting savage” stereotypes of black males to not get traction with that crowd. Only white teabilly preachers get to use the Jesus move.
Warren Terra
I like Whedon, I like the ensemble cast he’s sort-of assembled around him. Maybe he’ll make it work. But Much Ado is terrible, plus it got the Hollywood treatment rather recently (Branagh, with Keanu, if I recall). Keeping my fingers crossed, hoping against expectation.
Indeed. Neither a bad voice, nor a terrible delivery. But really rather scary to have a candidate evangelizing from the podium in the Press Club – and it was the wrong damn tune. The actual tune to Amazing Grace is much better, at least with the words to Amazing Grace.
On the other hand, maybe we can get him to do “One Song To The Tune Of Another” on I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue?
@jibeaux: Excuse me. Am I missing something?
How long before Perry does Jolson?
@Thoughtcrime: with or without blackface?
@dedc79: Good post.
I like this point especially. I know that not all scientists who decry anthropomorphism are guilty of making unfounded assumptions about human behavior, but it sure seems that a lot of them are. Nice to see a rebuttal.
Behold, the mighty KRUGman:
Depends. Where’s he playing next?
Anyone ever been at a poker table and someone has to leave early? They write off their buy in and just start going all in, hoping to lose. Because everyone figures it’s easy money, people start wrecklessly calling their all-ins and inevitably, the person trying to lose ends up winning a few rounds and hilarity ensues. Herman Cain is tired and he just wants to go home, but everyone else in this stupid game just won’t let him.
@slag: Thanks, I didn’t have time to flesh out the argument as much as I would’ve liked, but part of what prompted the post was a recent article in the New Yorker about how dogs came to be domesticated, which was full of problematic assumptions about human behavior/emotions.
Almost there, but he does really need to break into a little softshoe or tap or something no? At last we’ve got a candidate who’s really got the chance to give the public a song and dance! Lehrer calls rewrite
@Warren Terra: Whedon has a way of making me love things I know I’ll hate. Only Joss can turn a show named Buffy, the Vampire Slayer into a show that I would want to watch. He’s kind of magical that way. And yet, no matter how many times he undermines my preconceived notions, I still haven’t learned to trust him unconditionally. Which I guess just means that I’ll never believe in magic.
That said, I love so much about Much Ado that I can’t agree with you on that score. My only hesitation is in its adaptation.
Politically Lost
Oh, how I love the the intertrons. One moment on checking on my favorite dystopian nightmare blog and I’m instantly conveyed to a mind bending universe where political front runners sing sloppy bj’s to Jesus in order to hide from talk about talk about naughty bits sealed against revalation by legal settlement; and then, AND THEN I’m transported to an IMBD page showing me one of the most hilarious premises in movie plot I had ever heard.
Give me MOAR!!!
@Emma: Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
I feel like the cspan pan out takes it from awkward to comedy gold.
Tom Q
@EconWatcher: I’m in complete agreement with you. It’s not dissimilar to the between-parties situation in 1992: Bush I was clearly deeply unpopular, but, after the Gennifer Flowers/draft mud-flinging at Clinton, GOP operatives were certain they’d rendered Clinton unelectable. What they didn’t realize was that Bush’s unfavorability was still the driving force of the election. Voters danced around a bit — going with Perot for a while — but, in the end, they voted for the best not-Bush available, which was Clinton despite the air of scandal.
The premise now seems to be that if they (and it’s the same “they” — the Republican attack machine — only this time working intra-party) can take down all the opposition, the not-Romney voters will simply surrender to Mitt in the end. I invoke the Clinton precedent and say, if Not-Mitt is the over-riding principle, primary voters will find a way to make that reality.
And I’m with you: Perry is the one that can come back and take the nomination, despite the massive pain they’ve inflicted on him.
trixie larue
He’s got more raw talent than Sarah Palin combined into something else.
I can’t stop laughing.
Half the wingers are screaming this is an Axelrod hit job, the other half are screaming Politico is liberal organ.
It’s too early to say who will win GOP nom. Remember that mean ol’ McCain was considered a zombie candidate for months, and he won out late in the game, just in time to get himself nominated and reveal himself to be an ignorant, rash, blowhard, know nothing fool during the financial panic.
Multiple Choice’s best chance is to come in a consistent second and outlast all the notMitts.
It might be a long campaign, long enough for Cain to get up a novelty gospel/pizza troupe that throws performance art events, and Perry to work up a protable circus with a carny ally, with himself staring in the folksy freak show tent.
It will be fun.
@Jenny: I guess now everyone thinks of Politico as some kind of organ or other.
Occam’s razor: Cain is running against Republicans at the moment. That makes it being a Republican hit job that much more likely.
Villago Delenda Est
There’s a reason why they’re called “wingtards”.
They really are stupid sacks of shit, every last one of them.
This whole thing is SCREAMING “Rove did it” and they refuse to consider anything but their mindless hatred of the evil left.
Villago Delenda Est
A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants.
Oh, wait, that was for Chuckles the Clown…
Is this the one in which Don Pedro, Benedick, Beatrice, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk get together to fight Dogberry?
This clip is like the scene in “Blazing Saddles”, when the white villains ask the black laborers to “sing a song” (NSFW) to entertain them, only here Cain volunteers to entertain them.
Get the popcorn ready, the 2nd act of this circus commences when Tweety freaks out at the top of the hour.
Mr. Svinlesha
That’s it.
America has officially jumped the shark.
I think it’s customary to have someone else sing Amazing Grace at your funeral. But I guess this just goes to bolster Hermie’s maverick credentials.
Is this his Dean moment?
@Brachiator: Dogberry could totally take them.
Although you do raise a good question. Is Joss Whedon America’s nerdy supercollider?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jenny: Half the wingers are screaming this is an Axelrod hit job, the other half are screaming Politico is liberal organ.
File this one under “They Just Don’t Get It‘
If I were Huckabee I would be cursing my decision not to run right about now. Man this year’s field of asylum escapees/Republicans is made for him.
when I first read about this over at TPM, I had to blink.
and read it again.
And some Black folk have the NERVE to try and say Barack Obama isn’t a ‘ real Black man’?
when we have an honest-to-God
right in front of you.
@64 Tom
Did you see the clip of Perry’s speech in NH? In dry New England speak, the Mayor of Manchester saying “it was different” is translated as ‘this guy is fu@#$ng nuts and probably on drugs.’
Tom Q
@MomSense: Literally saw it just moments ago. He looked like a total goofball.
And he still has a hell of a chance to be the GOP nominee. A party that nominated, variously, Sharon Angle/Christine O’Donnell/Joe Miller and other loons I can’t remember in Senate and gubernatorial primaries last year is not exactly squeamish about craziness.
@MomSense: Can you imagine how Pawlenty is feeling right now? He quit minutes before all of his competition went bonkers.
It appears thus far that many on the right are coming to the defense of Herman Cain following the report of sexual harassment. I suppose the reaction of the right to rally around Cain is to be expected. But what happens to that support from those on the right if those faceless and nameless women accusing Cain of sexual harassment turn out to be white? It’s one thing for those on the right to defend Clarence Thomas when his accuser is black. It’s another thing altogether to ask those on the right to take the word of a black man over the word of two white women accusers.
jl at #29 has the song title — “He looked Beyond My Faults.”
This song, written by Dottie Rambo (no kidding that’s her name) wrote the song. It was not meant to be the “Amazing Grace” we know. And it does seem to use the tune “Londonderry Air”. Numerous hymns can can be sung to different tunes. If you look in any hymnal, you will find lists of hymns by first line, title, tune.
Mark K
If any wingnut says anything, act pissed off. That you were hoping, really hoping Cain would be the nominee because Obama would win in a landslide.
When my RW authoritarian dad mentioned Palin running for POTUS, I said the same thing and it shut him up immediately.
After having to suffer through, “the president we want to have a beer with” we now have, “the president we want to sing a capella with”
AA+ Bonds
His rickety ass campaign is full of weirdos who have the shittiest ideas about what people might find appealing about him and about them, it’s motherfuckin manna from heaven, just shower me with videos of Herman Cain going shithouse crazy
AA+ Bonds
@Villago Delenda Est:
Oh this sexual harassment biz is without a DOUBT a Rove hit, coming up like this, right now, but then again, Cain probably did it.
It’s pretty interesting because there’s no way Cain or Perry win the nomination. Rove is just trying to run the 2000 game: do away with any semblance of democratic process in choosing the Republican nominee, so his groups can save up the bucks for the general election.
All future laws, to be signed by president Cain, will have to fit on a single page – and they will have to be accompanied by a matching tune.
AA+ Bonds
PFfffffft hahahahah check out this FoxNews ratfuck:
Gingrich Gains Ground After Rocky Campaign Start
What’s next, “Pawlenty Gains Ground After Complete Campaign Collapse”? “Sarah Rides Noble Moose Across Iowa”? Anything to make the Sub-Mitt crew more desperate. . .
The GOP implosions are starting to get really messy. How many more debates did the fools schedule?
@Kane: They may be defending him in public, but the article is pretty well sourced (though names are withheld) and devastating. Plus, who else will come out of the woodwork?
If you haven’t actually read the Politico article, you should do so.It’s not just a bunch of innuendo.
Loved the pan back. Mark Block looks like he wants a cigarette bad.
(He of the viral video.)
Cain has a nice voice.
Too bad he uses it to spout such simplistic drivel a great deal of the time.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
You get more incoherent every day.