What you saw:
What they saw:
C’mon, wingnuts, quit nancying around and just call them sluts. Remember the good old days when the Republicans were all up in arms about outsiders getting in between patients and their doctors?
At any rate, the reason Santorum and the rest of the clown car parade in the GOP are still hammering home on contraceptives, despite the fact that the majority of the nation thinks they look crazy, is because it resonates with the base. They love this stuff. And what the base wants, the GOP “leaders” gives them.
And yes, “SEX CRAZED COEDS GOING BROKE BUYING BIRTH CONTROL” does sound like a movie on Cinemax at 1 am on Saturday.
Southern Beale
LOL LOL LOL. Was just coming over here to post that and you beat me to it.
OMG. I can’t wait for the movie … IN 3-D!
Mike Goetz
I have to admit, the wingnut’s headline has a certain cracked genius to it.
gee, I wonder why I can’t get this song out of my head
@Southern Beale:
Sex crazed co-eds? Yeah, I’m pretty sure there are a few movies already covering that topic. Probably in 3D as well.
Gin & Tonic
And the VA state senate approved the mandatory ultrasound (just without the trans-vaginal) bill, which McDonnell will presumably sign. It was 21-19, meaning, if all Republicans voted for it, so did one Democrat. I hope that’s a cold and lonely spot for that Dem to be in.
Who is Craig Bannister and why should we care?
It’s not the sluts part that is the problem. It’s that they want other people to pay for their sex. So they’re really more like pr0n stars than sluts. FWIW.
Oh baby. Yeah. Just like that. Your wallet is so big.
I don’t know who this Bannister person is, thank goodness. There are so many of these creepy critters running amok.
@Gin & Tonic: Virginia breeds a lot of Blue dogs.
c u n d gulag
Yes, we’ll soon hear the “N” word, hear them call Hispanic’s Sp*c’s, and women sl*ts and slits.
Ch*nks has already been used on Jeremey Lin of the NY Knicks.
All of their racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and homophobia will be on display.
This is “The Republican Year of the ID.”
Sit back, grab some popcorn, enjoy – and hope they don’t win!
Very deceptive. The first half of the title really caught my eye, but the second half promises that the article will be a big bummer.
Paying for contraception is a lot less expensive than raising a child. Also good to see young women completing their education and gaining life experience before taking on parenting.
Although why I’m responding, when you’re a troll on here for thrills, escapes me.
I’m not sure TBogg could do too much better than that as snark.
@Gin & Tonic: I thought the point of the trans-vaginal ultrasound was not that the bill mandated one, but that there’s no other type of ultrasound that’s reliable at an early gestational age. How can you mandate an ultrasound without implicitly mandating the only type that works?
And I’m tired of so-called “cancer patients” wanting ME to pay for THEM with MY insurance premiums! I for one do not have cancer! Any more!
Rafer Janders
From the picture of Mr. Bannister accompanying the article, I’m going to guess that he spent many a lonely night hoping in vain for some of those sex-crazed co-eds to pay him any attention.
Sadly for him, they probably preferred to spend their time with less uptight and less creepy actual men.
Why does “Craig Bannister” look just like Tom Delay? And what college was that, again?
Also, too
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Martin: Without looking at IMDB, I am going to wager that Mamie Van Doren has a credit listed as “Sex Crazed Co-Eds”
On a brighter note it looks like Obama is back in Campaign mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lT1516iJ57U#!
Xecky Gilchrist
And yes, “SEX CRAZED COEDS GOING BROKE BUYING BIRTH CONTROL” does sound like a movie on Cinemax at 1 am on Saturday.
I was thinking this was a film that got the Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment at some point.
I think what’s happened is the Redoublechins have finally realized they’re not going to be able to say the N-word and get away with it, so they needed to pounce on a different disempowered group: aha, women! They just chose really stupidly, forgetting that they haven’t yet managed to repeal the 19th Amendment.
@Gin & Tonic:
First reader comment nails it:
I hope this helps elect Tim Kaine and a lotta Democrats this fall.
Xecky Gilchrist
…and what’s up with “Co-Eds?” Who says that anymore?
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
You know what keeps getting lost in the shuffle with all this bullshit flinging?
The fact that there are women who are prescribed the birth control pill for legitimate medical conditions that are not anywhere near related to actual birth control. Yes, believe it or not, you troglodytes, there ARE actual medical applications of the pill other than stopping babies, that aren’t just being made up out of thin air by sluts looking for excuses. It might be hard to imagine, I know, but that’s because most of you assholes still think Empathy and Sympathy are four-letter words.
This is ridiculously stupid, even for you. When a person who buys insurance is offered a benefit by that insurance that does not constitute “wanting someone else to pay for your sex” or anything else. Fluke testified that another woman lost her ovary because the religious school refused to cover the medically necessary hormone control that would have been provided in the form of a birth control pill.
In addition insurance companies pay for lots of things to reduce the cost to the insurance pool and everyone else. For example my child has asthma. To reduce the cost of treating an asthma attack in an emergency room the Insurance company pays a small amount of money to have a nurse on a 24 hour hotline to try to help me manage her care. Other insurance companies routinely pay for education and costs associated with helping people manage their diabetes, their weight, or their smoking. These are perfectly normal things for insurance companies to decide to do with their money/coverage.
You can’t possibly not know that so you are being what Fred Clark over at Slactivist calls willfully stupid. You know you are lying to yourself and everyone else but you prefer to do so out of spite because you think it advances your cause. You are literally cutting off your nose to spite your face since anyone with any exposure to the way insurance works will realize you are lying. You undermine your cause far more than you advance it.
my comment’s in moderation
Villago Delenda Est
Yup, same here. In fact, everyone else on the planet should just die and leave everything for me. Let’s get real here, people!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
OT, somewhere in the universe, the Ghost of Richard Nixon is shaking his head and thinking, “this sad, desperate fuck oughta take a few weeks off and talk to a shrink about his paranoia”:
Read more: http://thepage.time.com/2012/02/28/mitt-santo-in-league-with-chicago/#ixzz1niUlX7J2
@makewi: Question for you: Do republicans ever get laid?
Paying for proper nutrition for all Americans is less expensive than the health issues poor nutrition causes later. Paying for drug habits is less expensive than it is to deal with the eventual trials and incarceration of criminals with drug habits. Paying for rent for all Americans is less expensive…
OT…Snowne not running for reelection..must thank TPM
Republicans get laid quite a bit. Probably because they aren’t always whining about how unfair life is and trying to force other people to give them shit.
Culture of Truth
Even if Mitt Romney believes that, doesn’t he have surrogates… or advisors…. or common sense?
@makewi: ..after all, it’s their duty.
I am only speaking of birth control. In fact, I am actually pro companies voluntarily offering it to their employees. I am absolutely against the government dictating that a religious organization must provide it. If you want to argue with me about it, those are the boundaries of my argument.
Shorter Wingnuts: extremism in pursuit of vice is LIBERTY!
Insurance isn’t a big truck that you can just dump something on, it’s a series of pools. People pooled together so that the collective cost of healthcare is lower than individuals own healthcare costs. It is socialism enacted by a corporation. My insurance premiums, I’m sure, go to pay for some procedures that I would think are offensive or at least objectionable, but at the heart of it, I don’t care, because I shouldn’t have veto power on anyone else’s health nor should any fellow member of my pool have veto power on my health.
His math reminds me of Megan’s.
Davis X. Machina
@JPL: Snowe can be governor, if she wants it, for the asking. His own legislative party has bailed on LePage.
And this is for the Dems a very winnable seat. This is a big “Fuck you” to Mitch McConnell. One of Snowe’s teabagger primary challengers dropped out last week. and the other is toxic.
Ben Cisco
Love the title, Cole…
“From coast to coast, so you stop being like a comatose”
I sincerely regret not getting any of the action implied by all these sex-crazed co-eds and their bc pills.
TPM has the entire statement on Sen. Snowe’s decision.
@Davis X. Machina: Yup..Read the statement
John S.
What color is the sky in your world, dipshit? All Republicans do is whine about how unfair life is (our taxes are too high, Obama was mean to us, etc.) and try to force other people to give them free shit (oil subsidies, bailout money, etc.)
I spent my last 10 dollars on birth control and beer
My life was so much simpler when I was sober and queer…
As a former GULCer myself, I can corroborate everything that she says. The craziest thing that happened is that wouldn’t countenance adult students to form a student pro-choice legal organization. Forget funding, they couldn’t even use a free classroom to talk about choice, because it is somehow against baby Jebus to allow 30 year old law students to get informed and network should they choose upon graduation to want to work as a public interest attorney for an organization that supports choice. Which reminds me to look at the rules governing public interest debt forgiveness because I have a feeling that some employers are ineligible.
Interesting. She’s had enough of fighting the crazy.
I would love to see Olympia Snowe, and maybe a few co-authors, tell the truth about what’s befallen their party.
David Hunt
@Xecky Gilchrist:
Someone who wants to say “slut” but doesn’t think he can get away with it.
Like @trollhattan: says, I’m thinking “Craig Bannister” is Tom Delay earning a little beer money.
@Elizabelle: http://www.womensstrikeforce.org/
Newly formed bipartisan PAC dedicated to defeating anyone who voted for the bill.
Chyron HR
I like how you’re openly opposed to the government implementing policies that would ultimately save taxpayer money in the long run.
That’s very fiscally conservative of you.
Pon farr.
I wonder if the Republicans will pay a price at the polls for this contraception stuff. It seems obvious to us that no woman should vote for a party that wants to take away their birth control pills, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people vote against their own interests ALL THE TIME, in fact it’s the foundation of the GOP’s base.
So they might be doubling down on this stuff because it’ll help distract from the improving economy and appeal to “values voters”, who won Bush in 2004.
@Davis X. Machina:
Depends if they actually follow the values they claim to believe in or not.
I explored several religious groups in college, including the local fundiegelical chapter. Over “Bible Study” groups, people were quite casual in discussing the sins they routinely committed,* from premarital sex to drinking to drunk driving. All discussed with a casual wink wink nod nod “don’t tell the pastor.”
*And not at all in a “oh, this is terrible, I need to overcome this!” kind of way.
Ben Cisco
@MikeJ: BLASPHEMER! The NeoConfederates are nowhere nearly logical enough to qualify as Vulcans.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elizabelle: The former Senator from Utah who got Tea Bagged (Mike Lee?) and the So Carolina rep (Ingliss?) were both conservatives who got driven out for failing the purity tests, they’re part of a long line of more moderate elected Republicans who have said the same thing. The Village response is “both sides are equally to blame”. David Brooks said today that Republicans may be nuts, but Democrats are just as bad for having noticed Republicans are nuts.
D’oh. Lee is the Tea Bagger, Bob Bennett was the Tea Bagged.
@Davis X. Machina: From her statement:
Have you people freed the helots up there yet?
@Xecky Gilchrist:
Nowadays they’re known as “Also, Too-Eds”.
@JPL: any handicapping on the Dems?
@John S.:
I am thinking this was terrible legislation that might help Virginia Democrats this fall.
Some of Virginia is crimson red, but a lot of it is purple. Or blue.
The Democrats will win that Senate seat vacated by Snowe.
Take it to the bank.
Comrade Mary
@kooks: I’ll see you and raise you with The Cramps:
Bikini Girls with Machine Guuuuuuuns!
Because sex-crazed coeds will buy illegal guns in order to hold up pharmacies across the nation.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As I was reading through the comments, I had a brain fart and saw “David Broder” instead of “David Brooks” and I was sad for a moment because, well, who doesn’t miss David Broder and his ability to condemn both sides without any real evidence?
I just hope that the Republican War on Contraception can continue well into late October. This is a hooooge winner for them.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I am wondering how Lindsey Graham is going to fare in 2014.
He’s going to get primaried, fer shure. He can win a general easily, but the GOP primary in the most whackadoodle of states?
In a NYTimes interview a year or two ago, he seemed to think the wingnut/Tea Party craziness would not sustain itself.
History records many instances in which that didn’t do the Spartans any good – beginning with the much beloved “300” battle at Thermopylae.
Warrior Cultures are vastly overrated, even in the military sense.
Mssr. Bogg gives it a go.
Davis X. Machina
@vheidi: Matt Dunlap is a former Secretary of State, and as much of a lifer as our term limits allow in Augusta. He was recently an interim director of the (pro-hunting) Sportsmen’s Alliance of Maine. Jon Hinck is a former Greenpeace and NRDC lawyer, presently serving in the state House. There are two more recent entrants into the race, a state senator, and a contractor/developer with no prior political experience
A perfect scenario for a bloody internecine Democratic primary battle between upstate, rural Maine (Old Town), and downstate, urban Maine (Portland), handing the seat to a teabagging Scott D’Amboise.
That’s how we got our present Governor. Four candidates, and the tea-bagger gets in with a plurality.
A three-way race with a Green gave us Susan Collins back in ’94. We’ve seen this over and over again up here. It’s how Republicans can win in a Blue state.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WJS: Brooks, Broder, Gergen, Gregory… quadruplet idiot sons of different mothers. Or maybe somewhere in an industrial park in the VA exurbs an evil scientist is injects Broder’s zombie brains into all pundits named David.
Snowe not running for reelection
Best news I’ve heard all day. The chances of the Democrats holding an absolute majority (w/o the Veep) in the Senate just shot up.
Just one W from cowed. (Women’s proper role.)
You’re on a roll. Paying for smallpox and polio vaccines for all Americans was less expensive than coffins and iron lungs. Mandating that iodine be put in salt, and that Vitamin D be included in milk prevented disease.
But hey, don’t let messy stuff like facts and history get in the way of your simple minded little reveries.
@vheidi: A tea party governor won and is not viewed positively so I doubt the electorate will vote for a crazy. As of now it looks good for a dem pickup. TPM has more on it.
I hope the President is courting her for a position should she desire in his next term. If Romney is the nominee, she’ll probably support him though.
Ridiculous. You are not entitled to lie while drawing the boundaries of your argument. Its not even the argument the Bishops are making. The current rule requires the non religious insurance company to reach out to all categories of clients (in this case women) and offer them a set package of benefits that includes birth control. The Bishops are not paying for it. Nor is the church. Nor is any religious institution even if you expand your definition of a religious institution to include secular functions partially excercised by a religious group such as a hospital or school. The money to pay for this comes from the pooled money of all members of the insurance group. This money is, of course, not “religious” money at all but to the extent that it derives from agreed upon payments to employees is better understood as wages/benefits that have been negotiated with the employee. If the Church has a problem with the fact that its employees, in the free excercise of their religion, choose to buy birth control they need to take it up with the employee and not expect the state (as in a theocracy) to push the religion’s rules and dogma on its employees.
But you would have to know that. Again, you are simply lying about what you are doing and about what is happening in this debate.
You claim to be a woman and I have no reason to doubt that. If you are you have a sick, twisted, sense of your own body and your own relationship to other women. I’m not joking when I tell you: get therapy. You need it. You must hate yourself and all the rest of us with a burning, sick passion.
There, that run on sentence packs every phantom republican meme like a multi vitamin for wingnuts.
As someone who has had to write a lot of headlines that’s a pretty fucking stupid comment. The man who wrote the headline at ESPN damn sure didn’t sit back and think “hmmm, maybe I can throw in a good ol’ ethnic slur because, hey, that’s what we do here.”
He wrote a headline that is used constantly in sports writing to describe a player or a team that has shown vulnerability particularly after an outstanding run of success. That it referred to Lin was certainly unfortunate and the tsk-tsking from the blogs was loud enough to to get him fired, but yeah, that dumb headline writer was really tapping in to the xenophobis, sexism and racism of the fucking Republican party.
@HumboldtBlue: He was just reaching for the nearest cliche.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh, Jesus, he’s a whiner too.
@HumboldtBlue: I think the chance that the headline writer randomly chose that particular cliche is pretty close to 0%.
Patricia Kayden
Yes, because you have to be sex crazed to use birth control pills. Thanks Mr. Rethug.
Boots Day
To paraphrase Garrett Morris on “Some Girls”: Where are these sex-crazed coeds, Mr. Bannister? Have you got any phone numbers?
TBogg had an interesting fact. V*agra is (allegedly) $21/pill.
Online dictionaries are getting more and more graphic heavy, what with all the explanatory pictures. Example: the picture of Craig Bannister that’s above the definition of “asshole”.
“SEX CRAZED COEDS GOING BROKE BUYING BIRTH CONTROL”, indeed. Does this asshole have a sideline writing copy for Andrew Breitbart? And speaking of whom, has Breitbart been taken off IV tranquilizers yet after his epic meltdown at CPAC?
It would be irresponsible not to speculate, and inquiring minds want to know…
I think that the chance that you are correct is pretty close to 5%.
@Davis X. Machina: eergh. Form the circular firing squad.
That’s the Free Marketz(tm) at work. A decent chardonnay is at least $25, anymore.
@Cargo: Like a Hail Mary pass to the actual Virgin Mary?
I spent way too much time arguing this weekend with a cousin. Her take was that contraception is evil because oral contraceptives are eventually pissed back into the environment causing a great big fuck you to environmentalists everywhere. I pulled out all the stops FOR contraception but she was having none of it. Oi!
I’m never drinking decent chardonnays at $25/bottle. Except in restaurants. sigh
But thinking of the little blue pill vs. the monthly/annual cost of contraception. And that no one is proposing exempting it from coverage …
Actually, Republican contraception is that the men have the women give them blowjobs, safe in the knowledge that spit or swallow, there’s no risk the woman is going to get pregnant. That idea has certainly worked out for Newt.
Never realized that headline writers were all psychically connected and know intimately each other’s thoughts and motives. Instead of writing headlines, you should all be running a sports book somewhere.
Keep in mind that it is not a male vs female thing, but a reproductive rights thing. It is not as humiliatingly invasive, but the wackos would prevent insurance companies from paying for vasectomies or in vitro fertilzation.
No doubt. But what with all the wetsuits and wide stances, not to mention all the closet cases at CPAC, the questions are how and by whom…
My bad. I forgot about all the shameless sluts at CPAC. Wonder who pays for their birth control…
Note: I would think you’d not only have to be shameless but pulseless to fuck one of the dudes portrayed in that link. If they’re representative of Young Republicans, Young Republicans gonna be getting scarce soon…
@Steve: When your goal is not just to shame but to cost the patient several hundred out-of-pocket dollars for a medically worthless procedure that insurance will guffaw rather than cover, this bill fits the bill nicely.
@Xecky Gilchrist: Exactly. For years now I’ve been mocking Cole, who’s in his 40s, for saying it. Maybe this will get him to stop.
Egg Berry
The actual ESPN headline writer apologized profusely, and is apparently married to a person of Asian descent.
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
sex crazed co-eds going broke buying birth control is a blown opportunity in a lot of ways. it doesn’t take the invisible hand of the market to deem removing prophylactic barriers between emerging supply and mature demand could amortize the costs.
@Elizabelle: She hasn’t been fighting it very hard for a very long time.
I will be interested to see if she uses the rest of her term to rehabilitate her legacy after the damage she’s done to it the last several years.
The “boys will be boys” fallback always seems to trump any meaningful comparison from our “leaders.”
“Contraception is a choice, not a necessity.” Got it. I don’t actually need this telephone thingie, or the car, or that air conditioner, or….
In a weird way, I’m glad to see the Repblicans repeatedly doubling down on such a lousy hand (which they dealt themselves from the bottom of the deck). If there’s anything they can possibly do to tick off women, by gawd they’re gonna do it.
@DonkeyKong: Nicely done. Only a New Black Panthers reference could improve it.
Is “Craig Bannister” a pseudonym for Tom Delay? Look at him.
@shortstop: And I wonder if the latest kerfuffle on contraception was the push over the cliff.
Did she mention whether or not she is also opposed to all the other medicines that enter the environment that way? As I understand it, it’s a fairly lengthy list.
@Egg Berry:
Which makes his firing perhaps an overreaction, but does not make his remarks any less offensive. Keep in mind that ESPN anchor Max Bretos was suspended for making the same remarks over the air.
And then you have Ben and Jerry. “He, he’s a basketball player, so obviously it would be cool to have an ice cream with fortune cookies to ‘honor’ him.” You know, like they do for all hot basketball players.
@makewi: “…It’s that they want other people to pay…”
Again, because you were too thick to get it the last 12 times
1 Money that my employer pays me directly in my pay check in exchange for my labor is not my employer’s money, it is mine
2 Money that my employer pays to my union dues in exchange for my labor is not my employer’s money, it is mine
3 Money that my employer pays into my retirement fund in exchange for my labor is not my employer’s money, it is mine
AND pay attention now,
4 Money that my employer pays into my insurance in exchange for my labor is not my employer’s money, it is mine
Even if my employer is “a faith based institution” it is my money, not the church’s
Even if my employer is the Fed, State or local government it is my money, not “the taxpayer’s”
It is mine because I earned it with my labor
MINE, got it chief?
the 1950’s called and it would like the term “coeds” back.
When does she want us to ban antibiotics?
@Brachiator: Other antibiotics are irrelevant. If women simply used natural planning and checked their mucus and all that the pill would not be an issue. Now I’m sorry I brought it up. It pissed me off enough the first time around.
Boggles my mind how many people think the wages paid to a person for his/her work are some sort of great act of magnanimity which the employer can stop performing whenever he wants.
@Chris: unfortunatly, it dosent boggle my mind
It does, however, piss me off royaly
A hospital is not a “religious organization.” It’s a hospital. That’s why, when I needed to have knee surgery, I went to Providence St. Joseph Hospital, not the parish church. When I got my master’s degree, I went to Loyola Marymount University instead of attending twice-weekly masses at St. Joan of Arc Church.
Hospitals and universities are not “religious organizations,” because their primary missions are healthcare and education, not religious services. Problem solved.
@Elizabelle: I’m sure he’s right, because it costs us $10 co-pay per pill for a similar product, different name. They’re not much cheaper from Canada, either.
do dildos and wetsuits count?
@Brachiator: Prostate cancer is a hell of a thing when you’re in your 50s.
all i know is, if i were john berry, the head of OPM (under which FEHB runs which runs federal employee health benefits including members of congress) i’d let it slip that it’s against my own moral code to provide any health benefits to members of congress cause they’re all ‘tards. that’d squash this shit in a hurry.
I wouldn’t say we’re psychically connected, but there is a particular personality type that tends to go into copy editing. And, yes, copy editors write headlines. I thought you were the one who claimed to work at the LA Times — do I have you mixed up with someone else?
I do think it’s more than possible that the copy editor was tired and didn’t think through the implications of the headline, but there are some mistakes that are so big and so embarrassing that you don’t leave the company much other choice than to fire you.
More importantly, that’s how churches organized them so they, the churches, aren’t liable in a business sense for malpractice and other possible liabilities.
This is a classic case of having your cake and eating it, too.
R. Schmidt-Orren
Republicans whine
ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME. about how unfair life is. That’s all they ever do is whine about Those People getting birth control abortions school lunches foodstamps cellphones tbonesteaks cadillacs all on their fucking whiny-assed I-dont-wanna-pay-no-taxes tax-chiseling teabagging dime.
Every goddamed thing republicans have been doing since Buckley stood athwart history yelling stop is whining how fucking UNFAIR modern life is to them personally. And if they’re not bitching about how big a victim they are, they are busy trying to force everyone else in this nation to live in their fantasy version of a sanitized 1950s that never was. And they fucking cry cry cry like bullies punched in the nose when they don’t get to use the machinery of the state to stick their noses or metal probes into other peoples’ most personal, private and painful decisions.
And if they aren’t fucking whining about what Others got on their dime, if they aren’t sniffing panties and playing the morality police in other peoples’ bedrooms and vaginas, they are fucking whining about TAXES and demanding TAX CUTS.
They want the best police and fire protection, fine roads and schools, clean water and functioning sewers, working traffic lights, healthy children who won’t get lead poisoning from their toys or sick from their milk, an educated and capable population to hire for their businesses (so they can then engage in their favorite pastime of bitching about paying minimum wage and health insurance and demand to dictate to their employees what medical procedures or medicine they may or may not seek).
Who the fuck do you think pays for that shit, the infrastructure of civilization? It ain’t just you and the fucking republicans, though all they do is bitch about how they’re the only ones who pay taxes. No, no no. It’s everybody. I don’t mean self-entitled whiny assholes like you, the self-styled ‘producers’, I mean everybody. Everybody and anybody who gets paid, period.
Demanding tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts AND totally counting on continuing to live in a developed country — that means you want anybody but yourselves to pay for all that fancy shit you take for granted. And *that’s* what trying to force other people to give them shit looks like, you fucking moron.
Fuck republicans. And fuck you. Just another dumbass whiner republican, always always always projecting.
This! This!! A thousand times, THIS!!!
The problem is, in the Right’s view of work and workers, what you get paid is the company’s money. Your benefits are not anything you bought with your labor, but rather are something given to you by the company.
And no matter how poorly you are paid, you owe the employer your hardest work, your best effort, while he only owes you enough to keep you from quitting.
@Mnemosyne: well said
also too…
Does makewi object to the government requiring “religious organizations” to pay thier employees in US currancy instead of company script?
Rafer Janders
Can’t be said enough. When my atheist friend recently had surgery at a Catholic-affiliated hospital, I don’t think that she or her Jewish and Hindu surgeons or the Muslim post-op nurse felt that they were in any way participating in a Catholic religious ceremony….
@GeneJockey: like we were teenagers doing chores for an allowance
@R. Schmidt-Orren:
Jeebus, I need to smoke a cigarette after reading that. Whatever you had for breakfast, keep eating it.
Wanna bet he tweeted that one-handed?
Craig Bannister is too good for CNS. He needs a gig at Christwire! That is, as long as he doesn’t bump ‘Abe’, the bestest science correspondent on the Intertubes.
@Brachiator: Thank you. This is what I call casual racism. It’s not life and death, but it’s annoying and should be called out. “I have an Asian wife” is on the same par as “Some of my best friends are black”. I don’t think he should have been fired for it, but it definitely wasn’t accidental-even if only on a subconscious level.
@Steve: And, yeah, this. The comparison didn’t even make sense as chink in the armor is a weakness in defense. Again, it may have been subconscious, but it’s still race-based.
@Mnemosyne: And, if a religious organization objects to following the laws of the land, then fine. No government money for them. They really shouldn’t be able to have it both ways as gwangung pointed out below.
I’m older than John and went to college in the early 1980s. We guys didn’t call girls “co-eds” then.
@asiangrrlMN: Hyper sensitivity is a favorite tool of demagogues, no matter where they fall on a continuum of right or left.
You seem to be asserting that subconsciously the writer despises his spouse’s heritage. I consider that hypersensitivity. Get back to us when you can confirm this person really does have a history with bigoted dog whistles.
Fucking America over is the GOP’s version of getting laid.
They’re not whining because they’re content, having stole someone else’s loot.
@makewi: in men’s bathrooms, yes, that’s true.