I’m onto my third gimlet, and I’m wingnutted out, so I bring you this – a wonderfully disconcerting little film by Charles De Meyer called Esther’s, which I was introduced to on Boing Boing and which has a very fine dubstep trip-hop soundtrack by Amon Tobin.
and this – a lovely remix of Florence and the Machine’s Spectrum by Calvin Harris
ETA: From the lovely Valvida, a song that:
Makes me jump up and down in dancy happiness. Even when I am not + anything.
EOATA: jl points to the surfeit of BJ talent in Cole’s Madonna thread from last night and amongst our various bloggy commenters.
Best gimlet recipe is made with a good gin, some muddled strawberries, and a habanero simple syrup.
I lucked out to see Sia last year at a little club here in DC. She is fucking awesome. And this song I just love. Makes me jump up and down in dancy happiness. Even when I am not + anything.
Bring Night.
Also too Florence rocks.
ETA: @Bnut:
I am all for good gin.
/after too many gin drinks today.
This is not music, but it is a wonderful funny Canada Day video. I’ll put it up again on Sunday.
I love the way you write.
Omnes Omnibus
I liked Esther’s. I am, however, going to lock me windows.
If I ever have a band, I’m calling it
I was going to say I loved that video you linked.
What is the french for: Reconquista, Bitchez?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I’m a traditionalist.
ETA: Mind you, I had a Manhattan made with bacon-infused Jack Daniels the other day that made me very happy.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Okay, I’ll make a gimlet. You win. Happy now?
ETA: Well, now I am out of gin, but the gimlet is big.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Indeed. Thankyou.
The sound on my ‘puter is out and I haven’t had time to fix it, and I’m not much into driking. Hard likker except gin makes me feel sick after small amounts. And can’t take much more even with gin.
So, everyone have fun tonight.
One thing I will mention though. I did some clicking on commenters’ names that have links. After the SCOTUS decision yesterday, I was giddy and felt like checking out the winners.
All of a sudden I started getting ads for criminal record searches with pics of gnarly looking people. Coincidence, or not?
Will check back for any confessions.
@Omnes Omnibus:
but will it have strawberries? ;)
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
do you have any feelings for italian affected gin drinks such as Negronis? Since you are a woman of the world and all.
And is it too early for embarrassing music links or that only happens after 1 am?
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: I don’t have a link in my name for a reason. Just sayin’.
@Valdivia: I have no strawberries, alas. I used SP&T’s recipe.
And it is never too early for embarrassing music links.
It’s 1 am somewhere on the Internet.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
Vodka is entirely acceptable but you miss out on the playfulness of the gin.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I confess to not being a fan of Campari most of the time, but I’ll drink them if they are put in front of me.
What Omnes said.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I have brandy, tequila, beer, and wine. Plus some homemade, illicit Romanian hooch leftover from when I was married – unfortunately, the hooch isn’t very summery. Oh, yeah, and rum.
ETA: Anyway, there were about four shots in the gimlet. I’ll be fine for a few minutes.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Baud:
only because you two were so convincing:
Cumbia Pop Princes Fanny Lu (yes, she is a looker), I have a real weakness for this kind of spanish language stuff. hhis.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think alcohol and lime cordial are the essentials. Everything else is window dressing.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
back in the day, when i drank gimlets, i went something like 10/90. 50/50 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too limey.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I should add that I’m currently tracking down some strawberries and a bunch of chilis so I can make one of these.
Comrade Mary
@Valdivia: Ooh, Sia — I like! I only knew her as JD’s (ex) girlfriend, but I like her sound.
Speaking of JD: TKO time! Ah, there’s nothing like a girl with a moustache to make you question your vanilla straightness.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
my thoughts are: if it has gin it can be that bad right? Though I love the history of the drink and I also happen to love campari (to go with my love of bad international pop)
@Omnes Omnibus:
my world-wide drinking experiences have not yet exposed me to this. good?
I recommend going to ‘You Just keep on Pushing My Love Over the Borderline’ by one John G. Cole from last night and check out LT’s Aussie political snark blog. It is funny.
Valdivia has awesome pics of buildings.
Llbrtdiffrnt (sp?) I thought was a snarky young Brit dude, but she describes herself as a doty old English Woman, and has a beautiful garden blog.
I thought Roger Moore was an old fogey but I think he is a young fogey with nice travel pics of The Nature.
David Koch appears sometimes to be a private personage and other times the actual Koch corporation. A mole in our midst? I dunno.
I did not understand one thing about Geoduck’s blog, It was all, totally totally over my head.
I fear SPaT, who I believe has special powers of some sort, but I recommend her blog.
Everything I saw looked better than my sucky blog and pics I had a few years ago, which is why I have no link on my name either.
I will not mention the computer nerd blogs. I fear cleek also. Does he live in that spooky old house? Or not?
Hey Cole! Hey! We gots talent here. Otta have another arts and crafts fair, and maybe computer widgets from the talented BJ crew.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I don’t believe that such a thing is possible.
I went to Valdivia’s because it was convenient. Those were amazing pics.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I’ve been listening to a selection of Eurovision songs all month and my favorites are Pasha Parfeny from Moldova – who looks like the love child of Edward Norton and Colin Farrell – singing Lăutar and Pastora Soler’s Quédate Conmigo, and the winner.
Heavy on the cheese but oh so satisfying
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: Too kinds. One is the product of sour cherries being steeped in grain alcohol for months – pretty good. The other is this. What I still have a bit of is the very strong kind.
I am blown away that you actually looked!
And what a great summary of the people that comment here. You have now inspired me to go back since I do try and click on links but haven’t this week!
@Baud: now you too are making me blush no end! thank you. I look up a lot and drive police men crazy (I almost ended up in jail once, but that is another story!) thanks again.
/see we’re all not felons!
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: Everyone has looked; some were just too shy to say so.
You scared the shit out of me. Don’t say Amon Tobin made a dubstep track unless you mean it, enough artists are selling out as it is.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I am the alcohol fairy. Thankyou.
I have to go and reread that thread again.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I am the biggest sucker for Eurovision. My faves: Lena’s Satelite from a couple of years ago. And Song #1 from Serebro from 2007-8 I think.
Those you linked to are destined to earworm me this weekend.
ETA: needless to say they are ridiculous, especially the russian song, but so effing catchy, can’t help it.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Am I misinformed about its correct designation? Triphop? Jungle? It’s all electronic to me so I usually resort to calling it a random name and hoping that someone will correct me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: I don’t, and I doubt I ever will, understand Eurovision. I categorize as I do the German fondness for Hasselhoff. Weirdly, the French thing for Jerry Lewis makes sense to me.
@Omnes Omnibus:
that sounds like serious business. like something I would drink at 2 am when experiencing existential angst.
and I truly had no idea people looked. thanks.
Eurovision: I can’t explain. I grew up with it so it’s kind of in my bloodstream. That music plays and it is irrepressibly danceable
to me.
@SarahPAT: not Eurovision exactly but this totally grabbed me last summer and it is in that vibe. Mr Saxobeat:
dubstep?? AZONTO!
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Amon Tobin is usually Trip-Hop, though he’s more experimental now than anything else. Anyway, it’s not important, but dubstep is what’s popular now, so when you said that, I just had this terrible vision of Amon Tobin making some Skrillex type crap.
Comrade Mary
Ragtime trip-hop, it seemed to me. What an odd and charming little film, too.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
should add also Eurovision is a way of discovering new singers or classics, if you go into the archives. The song Sarah linked form Spain is great and powerful. A singer to watch.
I never got the french Lewis thing! :)
Omnes Omnibus
@currants: Awesome. Absolutely awesome.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, how about some kiddo azonto? Or, some white boi azonto!
that is for the win.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Valdivia: Could be the gin. ;-)
at this point I think I am actually totally sober, but let’s leave the mystery and say maybe!
Omnes Omnibus
As long as we are being international….
Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea. Two pianos, nothing else. Recorded live in 1978. The genuine article.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Link?
@Omnes Omnibus:
ok. that is too good for words.
have to think what I can offer in return….
@Omnes Omnibus:
Tough to link to vinyl. Will look around and see if I can find any of it. That long ago, it might not have been filmed.
Omnes Omnibus
You’re a talented guy. Make it work.
@Omnes Omnibus:
ok, something in spanish but a classic with the utter cool of real artistry.
Lagrimas Negras.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes Omnibus
I just found out my high school reunion was canceled. I was debating whether or not to go; I guess I found my answer. The scheduled it for July 21, but didn’t send out a notice until last week. Apparently, I was supposed to discover, randomly, that there is a facebook page for my class.
that was wonderful.
@Omnes Omnibus:
mine is August 4th, the endless thread of emails that goes on and on is like being high-school again. But I do want to go if I can manage it.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: You will not be disapointed.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Excellent. Thanks.
@Valdivia: This was the 30th. It should have been a biggish deal, but people do need notice.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: How much habanero for the syrup?
@Comrade Mary:
I see ou Le tigre and raise you a
@Omnes Omnibus: I do 1 pepper for every cup of sugar you would use making a normal simple syrup. Double the sugar/water if you need less spice.
Omnes Omnibus
@Wag: I’m scared.
@Bnut: I like spice. Cool, I’ll try it.
@Comrade Mary:
I only discovered her couple of years ago. She’s really great. Puts a great live show too.
Comrade Mary
@Wag: Nice! Loved the Easter Teletubbies, too.
But the cheerleaders reminded me of this classic.
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: Um, isn’t that the same link Wag posted? Or am I really drunk?
Comrade Mary
I have no idea how drunk you are, but yes, that was the wrong link.
This is the right link.
And thanks Sarah for adding the Sia video to the post. :)
Off to try and sleep through this crazy storm. G’night!
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: Sleep well.
@Comrade Mary: Good point. Those were independent variables. Also too, this song is brilliant.
Here’s a surprise for you.
Name the band least likely to cover a Fleetwood Mac song.
If you said “Best Coast,” you fail.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You may be really drunk, but you’re also correct.
If its cheerleaders you want, try this on for size
The ultimate sporting mashup: Welsh baseball.
Omnes Omnibus
@Wag: I am more of a go-go dancer person. Thus, The Raveonettes.
Comrade Mary
@Comrade Mary: Oh, and just because the keyboard player reminded me of a certain English guy, here’s this, which is a song I’ve loved for 15 years but whose amazing and terrifying video wasn’t known to me until recently. (Behind the scenes video of the shoot.)
@Comrade Mary:
Cool video. The structural clothing remind me of Dream Operator from the movie True Storied
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Interesting to hear the vocals brought to the fore in the song.
I was concerned when the music thread took a detour through liquor-land (not necessarily a bad place, I’ll be visiting frequently in the coming week of vacation). So I wanted to toss out a couple videos of the bands I’ll be seeing on the 4th at Summerfest.
I’m 18
The Evil That Men Do
Comrade Mary
@Wag: I am a terrible David Byrne fan because I never saw True Stories. Based on that clip, I must rectify this.
And to make things come full circle: this. And yes, that’s where they got their name.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gravenstone: Have fun. Not the bands I would see, but, fuck it, they should be fun.
Comrade Mary
@Gravenstone: Aw, Alice. I still have a soft spot for that golf-playing Republican.
Did you see his cover of Born This Way at Bonnaroo this year?
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: Did someone say Talking Heads?
Comrade Mary
(Why did Google have to threaten Dirpy? Any decent YT downloader for video or mp3s out there?)
@Gravenstone: @Comrade Mary:
My first wife walked down the aisle to Dream Operator played by a string quartet, done in a Kronos Quartet style.
And speaking of Kronos, they’re in True Stories as well, playing Dinner Music for David and Spaulding Grey
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: I am now looking for a full version of “The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle” – that’s just me mood tonight.
@Omnes Omnibus: They both put on great shows.Plus the last time I saw a show at the venue around the 4th, it was accompanied by the Milwaukee city fireworks (Rush Time Machine tour in that case), so it’ll be a nice addition. With the added bonus of many scantily clad ladies wandering around in the summer heat, a good evening is anticipated.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Why yes, someone did. This old TH song is my answer to the Tea Party
And this one doesn’t suck, either. Adrian Belew rocks it on the guitar starting at 2:00.
Comrade Mary
@Wag: Hey Wag, looking for a replacement wife? Just askin’ :-)
That clip with Spalding Gray made me sad, because I can’t think of the man any more without thinking of his end. Somebody once said it reminded them of this song, and I have to agree.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Couldn’t find the full thing but this is always fun.
Comrade Mary
@Wag: Hey Wag, looking for a replacement wife? Just askin’ :-)
That clip with Spalding Gray made me sad, because I can’t think of the man any more without thinking of his end. Somebody once said it reminded them of this song, and I have to agree.
@Omnes Omnibus: … although if you find that movie, I may have to retract my offer to Wag.
And this one doesn’t suck, either. Adrian Belew rocks it on the guitar starting at 2:00.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Couldn’t find the full thing but this is always fun.
Comrade Mary
@Wag: Hey Wag, looking for a replacement wife? Just askin’ :-)
That clip with Spalding Gray made me sad, because I can’t think of the man any more without thinking of his end. Somebody once said it reminded them of this song, and I have to agree.
@Omnes Omnibus: … although if you find that movie, I may have to retract my offer to Wag.
crap. I hate it when i double post
Here we go: Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays, Jaco Pastorius, Don Alias … and some girl singer.
She’s pretty good.
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: I will look harder.
@Omnes Omnibus: That is to say, cut the hab in quarters add it to water w/the sugar when making. Remove the pulp when the sugar water has blended. I would hate/love to know what it is like if you minced the peppers and left them in.
Comrade Mary
Holy crap, I look desperate when I triple post like that.
How about a little fire, scarecrow?
John Scofield, McCoy Tyner, Ron Carter, and Jack DeJohnette.
@Comrade Mary:
Sorry Mary, you’re a few years too late.
And yeah, Spaulding’s end was sad in its predictability. I don’t think he did a single monologue without bringing up the possibility of suicide. Your song reminds me of his eternal quest for “the perfect moment.” A Quixotic quest, like listening for the stillness of a cone of silence in the somniferous ether.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: Thanks for the tip. I almost spat my drink when I read your comment. I probably would not have removed the bits – ‘cuz I trusted you. Fucking jarheads.
Comrade Mary
OK, I have to pour myself into bed. Here’s a lullaby for y’all.
Since about 1990, Pat Metheny has done his best work in other people’s bands. The chemistry between him and Michael Brecker was really extraordinary.
This clip is from the 1997 tour in support of Brecker’s “Tales from the Hudson” record. The rhythm section is to die for: Joey Calderazzo, Dave Holland, and Jack DeJohnette.
And here’s part two:
@Omnes Omnibus: Also, I tried to post the link, think it might be a no-no, but check Pirate Bay for the Great Rock’n’ Roll Swindle. Never heard of it till tonight, but downloading it as we speak.
If I was still a 20 year old Marine I would have posted something about Ghost Chili gimlets.
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: I found several iffy sites with it. The movie is insanely brilliant or brilliantly insane. Sid’s versions of the Eddie Cochran’s C’mon Everybody and Something Else are really good.
So just out of curiosity what’s stopping you?
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Yeah, that causes you to break cover. How is the back treating you?
I’m heading to bed, and leaving you with a lullaby of a different sort
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m healing really well. PT won’t start until the 10th of next month and I’m with the fratboy sadist. Why are the quiet clean-cut ones the worst?
@Yutsano: @Yutsano:
that’s easy to answer. Just ask Kevin Bacon
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: After my ACL surgery, I had a a stunningly pretty pregnant woman as my PT. No sympathy given. OTOH, my knee works almost perfectly now.
@Yutsano: Usually I have the best BS meter among people I know. Probably not so much here. Might as well play it straight.
And bide my time for the long con….
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: I have my eye on you….
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m in trouble with Kyle if he rubs his chin. That means he’s formulating new strategies for increasing the hurt. I bet he’s not even aware he does it.
Sun Tzu, we hardly knew ye.
@Yutsano: Been re-reading all the Dune novels. It’s been affecting my thinking. Just hope I don’t turn into a God sand worm.
@Bnut: Watch the Spice and revel in the fact our people are still around 8000 years from now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Nerds.
@Omnes Omnibus: But…the Spice must flow!
@Bnut: Oh good Lord, he’s gone. Never a Kwizach Haderach when you need one.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Going to bed, probably.
@Omnes Omnibus: Whoooosh!
Omnes Omnibus
@Bnut: I figure I am the Kwizach Haderach, but I need some sleep. BTW, if I am and you fuck with me, you will be sorry.
@Omnes Omnibus: day late and a dollar short but that’s fabulous!
@Valdivia: Yep. I went to bed too early.
feel like I did too! :)
Omnes Omnibus
@currants: @Valdivia: I should have.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I would say hair of the dog, but that would assume you’re suffering from the gin and not the late night. hope the feeling goes away as the day progresses!
Linus Pickle
Amon Tobin’s music is tough to classify. If I had to attach a label to this track, I’d say it’s experimental drum n’ bass. Certainly NOT dubstep, though.
dance around in your bones
I am always late to these threads due to life, the universe, and everything – but I always make a point to listen to all the music links……how would I ever have learned about AVUNTO via currants? And though I’m not much of a fan of Spanish language pop music (or English language pop music, for that matter ) , Valdivia totally redeemed herself with the Lagrimas Negras clip. Gracias, mi amiga ;)
Gawd dang, I love Balloon Juice.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus:
This was the very first music video I ever bought (yes, it was VCR format) – ok, I bought Dances With Wolves (NOT a music video, but a VCR format) before that, but only because McDonald’s was selling it for $4.99 or something.
But Stop Making Sense remains one of the best music video/movies ever. Thanks for the chance to see it again.