So says oxycontin boy:
Rush Limbaugh said Mitt Romney’s speech Wednesday to the NAACP fell flat because it was “over these people’s heads” and that the group booed the Republican candidate, who “sounded like Snow White with testicles,” simply because he’s white.
Limbaugh, who regularly refers to the NAACP as the “NAALCP” — the extra L is for “liberal” — claimed that President Barack Obama insulted the group by sending Vice President Joe Biden instead.
“He’s confident they’ll boo Romney, simply because Romney’s white,” Limbaugh said. “He’s confident of that. But he knows that he’s gonna have hell to pay in private meetings with these people. He’s not gonna get anywhere near it. So what an insult. Here’s Obama sending Biden, not going himself.”
Limbaugh portrayed the crowd at the NAACP’s annual convention in Houston as ignorant of what was good for them and susceptible to pandering from Obama and other Democratic politicians.
“This group wants to hear about tax increases and bigger government to take care of people,” he said, according to a transcript. “They don’t want to hear about self-reliance, they don’t want to hear about free enterprise. Free enterprise means you’ve gotta do it yourself. Free enterprise means it’s up to you. Free enterprise means you’re on your own. This group doesn’t want to hear that. I don’t think Romney got a single vote in here today.”
Meanwhile, on planet earth, we learn (again) the following:
Americans paid the lowest tax rates in 30 years to the federal government in 2009, in part because of tax cuts President Obama sought to combat the Great Recession, congressional budget analysts said Tuesday.
A sharp decline in income — especially among the wealthiest Americans, who pay the highest tax rates — also played a role, according to the report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Household income fell 12 percent on average from 2007 to 2009, with income among the top 1 percent of earners decreasing by more than a third.
Soo… Where are all the jobs, Rush? If tax cuts spur job creation, and tax rates are the lowest they’ve been in three decades, why do we have such high unemployment?
Trickle down economics has failed, but in between jaunts overseas to hook up with rent boys, Limbaugh wants to keep pissing on your head.
Oh you and your reality based findings.
White man’s burble.
I’ll bet Edroso has a lot more by next Monday.
Rush needs to get off that shit.
As usual his logic is faulty. If Rmoney got booed for being white, wouldn’t they have booed Biden too?
This post has “Cole + 6” fingerprints all over it.
At what point does Rush get coldcocked by Kimbo Slice while paying his bar tab at the Applebees in Georgetown?
Mark S.
Free enterprise means you’ve gotta do it yourself. Of course, it helps if your father was a millionaire CEO of a major corporation, but you darkies can do it too.
Ash Can
And water is wet, and the sun set in the west tonight. If Limbaugh ever said anything that wasn’t grossly offensive and patently false, I’d fear that the end of the world was imminent.
I’m not exactly sure I get what Rush finds apparently so attractive about a cross-dressing magic underpants wearing princess hoping for a handsome prince but surrounded by dwarfs, but then again, the mating habits of blobs would be rather mysterious. Perhaps Rushbo does imagine himself riding up on a tap-dancing stallion and they’ll sashay off into the dragon-slaying sunset together with singing birdies twittering about their heads.
Just Some Fuckhead
A. Something about black people.
So basically Romney’s already using the Rushbo talking points at that fundraiser tonight.
I really am pissed right now. I really cared less about Mitt’s NAACP speech. In fact if ya check out my comments after the speech, I admitted to not being surprised that he was booed. I know that was exactly the reaction he was looking for.
But that damn quote from the fundraiser “if they want free stuff vote for the other guy…” really PISSED ME OFF.
I cannot even tell ya. Now I’m glad the people there booed. I’m spritually joining in their boos too.
R-Money and his racist R-money millionaires can kiss my royal black ass.
BTW, I sure wish I knew where we are supposed to go to get this “free stuff” cause when I was a child who wasn’t poor enough to get government assistance, but not so well off as to not be helped by the “free stuff from the government” I sure coulda used some of that free shit.
Hypatia's Momma
“They don’t want to hear about self-reliance, they don’t want to hear about free enterprise. Free enterprise means you’ve gotta do it yourself. Free enterprise means it’s up to you. Free enterprise means you’re on your own….”
Again: …said the White Man.
These dribbling morons need to get over telling blacks in this country that “My ancestors worked hard to make this country what it is; what have you done?!?”
I also think it’s so ~precious~ that my fellow white folks will take credit for anything “positive” done by our ancestors, but nothing “negative”, while denying the same to any other group. It’s “my ancestors” versus “you, the individual”, every time.
Fucking smegma-breathed pederast.
I especially liked what led to the booing. Romney promised to “kill” numerous programs, including Obamacare. Putting “kill” and “Obama” together just might upset a community that’s seen so many of its leaders assassinated.
Or you could go with the explanation that blacks are just a bunch of dumb savages. You know, six of one.
@Hypatia’s Momma:
I know!
Seventy years after the fact, “America” still collectively demands credit for World War Two, even though practically none of us fought in it, can remember it or were even alive when it happened. But bring up slavery, or segregation, or any of our other sins and all of a sudden it’s all “OH my GOD that was SO LONG AGO,” “it wasn’t ALL OF US who did that,” “you can’t hold us responsible on account of our race/nationality/wev!”
They say success has a thousand parents but defeat is an orphan. Apparently the same is true of credit and blame.
Chris T.
Free enterprise means “fk you, I’ve got mine!”
El Cid
There have been no tax cuts. Taxes are higher than they’ve ever been since Obama nationalized the entire economy. I don’t care what any facts or tax statements or my bank statements or my actual tax documents say. I know what’s the truth because Obama is an enemy of Freedom and since taxes are against Freedom therefore Obama has imposed higher taxes, otherwise this would be a contradiction, and I don’t believe in any contradictions which I think are immoral and licentious.
Hypatia's Momma
Time to start shoving some folks down steep and unlighted stairways.
@El Cid:
You really don’t want to think about what the Holy Trinity are getting up to then. Keep your beautiful mind well away from it. Further Back. No, more. . .
(No, I don’t know where that image came from.)
El Cid
@scav: For reasons above me, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are by definition moral no matter what apparently perverted things they do, and it is not up to me to question Their Holy activities behind closed doors.
So, if he got booed simply because he was white, how do we explain the standing ovation he got?
@El Cid: But is it inçest or masturbation? Theologically speaking, of course. Churches have been known to fission on the issue, and the iconophiles (iconodules, if you prefer) have some rather interesting perspectives on the subject.
Anne Laurie
Nah, that was a little side-swipe at the party’s nominee, who was never Limbaugh’s pick-of-the-week. Rush thinks Romney is a little girl in a dress, but still better (for Amercia!) than That Black Guy in “His” White House. Also too, confused drug-addled cartoon images of those NAACP cannibal savages assaulting a sweet lil chirpy white child being dog-whistled to the Dittoheads, for whom 1930s-vintage racist cartoons are heartwarming nostalgia…
Anne Laurie
In Romney’s mind, he’s Gregory Peck at the end of To Kill A Mockingbird — the brave White Knight that ‘the help’ belatedly recognized as their natural leader.
@Anne Laurie: So, basically the attraction of a cross-dressing magic underpants wearing princess hoping for a handsome prince to a drug-addled blob is the White part of the equation, although subliminally and personally, the Snow might have factored in too. (Normally, they would go for the blond.) I was honestly rather expecting to be hopelessly behind the curve with a really big meme on this subject, but it looks not to be the case.
The fuck color does Limbaugh think Joe Biden is?
Patricia Kayden
“A sharp decline in income — especially among the wealthiest Americans, who pay the highest tax rates — also played a role”
I thought wealthy Americans (the 1%) were doing better now income-wise.
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
The audience at the NAACP also applauded when Romney spoke. Whats up with that? Was Romney well tanned for his jet skiing about on his private lake?
Bill Murray
@Patricia Kayden: I believe that was comparing 2007 to 2009.
and how does free enterprise means you do it yourself with the huge levels of corporate welfare given by the government?
Free enterprise means you are on your own. You. Are. On. Your. Own.
Here’s your $800,000,000,000 taxpayer bailout free enterprisers……you are on your own.
General Stuck
This is the strategy of stirring class/race resentment amongst white voters. Romney baits and the dittoheads stamp their little feats and holler RACIST black people, and race traitor white Obots. I would say it is rotten strategy, and it is. But it is also the only likely way Romney can possibly win, now that he is being exposed for the international tax scofflaw rich guy that he is. This is going to get ugly, and by convention time we will probly start hearing about the ‘brokered’ kind amongst the wingnut central command, to rid themselves of this mean spirited clown.
That fat, bigoted asshole should die from a well-deserved heart attack, any day now. When does he just drop all pretense and start calling black people “niggers”? A truly disgusting example of Republican ignorance and hatred…I do hope ordinary people will be so turned off by this nonsense that Mr. Obama will win re-election in a landslide. As it stands now, I’m pretty confident he will win; Romney is just too out of touch. Limbaugh, on the other hand? Death is really too good for him…
Lancelot Link
Rush Limbaugh is employed by Bain Capitol, through their subsidiary Clear Channel. What do you expect him to say?