It kills me to heh-indeed a Politico piece by way of Andrew Sullivan, but it’s hard not to love something titled “Glenn Kessler Jumps The Shark”:
One more time, in case you missed it (Kessler says): “much of the language saying Romney was ‘sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president’ was boilerplate that did not reveal whether he was actually managing Bain at the time.”
Brad De Long, the liberal economics professor and deputy assistant Treasury secretary under President Clinton, has called on Kessler to provide one example of another person who has simultaneously worn the four titles while claiming no responsibilities whatsoever with the business.
Stand by on that… though you may want to sit.
Andrew Sullivan FTW
@Wag: Don’t you feel dirty just typing that?
A little bit, but sometimes I like to get dirty
Arthur Fonzerelli is sick of this bullshit. Heh-indeed.
Shark jumping should probably be an Olympic sport by now though.
Jeffraham Prestonian
Let me quote Furio Giunta: “That’s fucking BEAUTIFUL, man!”
…and when Andrew is good, he’s VERY good.
Someone should ask Romney whether he approved of the actions taken while he was not in charge, and if not why he did not act to prevent them since he still held all the cards on paper.
Jeffraham Prestonian
Seems to me Delong is the one FTW, here.
And now I see that I credited Andrew when I should have credited Politico.
Now I really do feel dirty.
I think everyone here will appreciate this political ad
@Wag: Talk to me after the blog.
Kessler’s answer should be rather easy: Mitt’s a pioneer.
And these rightwing shitheels were upset when Bill Clinton said he didn’t inhale.
It’s a madhouse!
Jewish Steel
I am hearing your post title in the voice of Ned Flanders for some reason. Except it’s much longer the way he says it.
Dylan Byars:
I like how Byars turns that sentence into comedy gold just by quoting Kessler.
I can’t tell if it’s brilliance, or just that the quote is so good you can’t fuck it up.
And another one, too, both from Louis Ludwig, who is a new national treasure
Wasn’t it DeLong who also said Romney should talk to Jeff Skilling of Enron about that claim.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Wag: Explode this all over the place. That ad was straight to the point.
Linda Featheringill
Wink: LOL! Oh, that’s tacky! Loved it!
What’s really funny is that down a couple of posts Rove is saying that Obama is accusing Mitt Romney of a felony.
As far as I can tell it’s Glenn Kessler who’s accusing Mitt Romney of a felony. Obama and his team are just calling Mitt a liar.
Once again, the genius of Driftglass at work….
@ DougJ – It’s against my obot religion to click on Politico, nevertheless I was persuaded by your heh-indeeding, so I shall. I hope it’s worth it.
El Cid
When the Queen uses the Royal “We” pronoun, she is not in any way admitting that she is any way connected to any decision We take.
This is obviously an example of quantum entanglement. Romney is both an all knowing businessman and totally lacking any responsibility for any of Bain’s actions, until all his tax returns are disclosed.
Scientists refer to this thought experiment as Romney’s Dog.
Actually it wasa commentator on DeLong’s site, and yes, Skilling used the same argument and is now doing 24 years at the Fed version of the Graybar Hotel.
But you know how it is, getting indignant about corporate corruption, much less actually sending people to jail…is so 2000. Sad commentary when the Bush Justice Department hung up bigger corporate scalps than the Obama Justice Department has so far. (I know, I know, Bush hardly had any choice lest he be accused of letting Ken Lay buy his way out.) I want to see some motherfuckers hung, figuratively speaking. I want to see some bankers, traders, general financial scum hauled out of their office in handcuffs and taken off to Rikers Island.
Hey, everybody’s gotta have a dream.
@danielx: I’m hoping those bankers’ heads on pikes come in Obama’s second term.
Mike G
The most charitable explanation is that Rmoney got paid six figures for not even showing up, for two whole years.
Every Joe Sixpack who has been reamed by the boss for arriving three minutes late to work is going to love that storyline.
Jeffraham Prestonian
I want to see some motherfuckers hung
OT but relevant…. from Charles over at LGF
Hopin like hell that someone has the good sense to keep Rachel Maddow on the air.
test – Tom L’s thread on Bain won’t accept posts; testing to see if it is a thread-specific problem or a sitewide problem. Apparently, a thread-specific problem.
@piratedan: I was wondering why it was still MSNBC. That happened back in the dotcom heyday when all the media companies were merging/being bought out by new tech companies. Microsoft and news never made that much sense to me and it seems weird they’ve kept it this long.
@cmorenc: Yeah, I had the same problem. I think it’s because he used the c-word for a gaming establishment so we peons can’t post.
@cmorenc: Apparently neither will Miss Sarah’s above. FYWP is acting up. Again.
Can a FPer fix SP&T’s post by taking c*s*n* out of the title? Thanks.
@Jewish Steel:
“We speak the king’s diddly here!”
One of my favorite recent Flanderisms.
This is not going to work:
Mitt’s run is going to dent the professional reputation of a significant number of people.
I have the feeling that Glenn Kessler isn’t going to be anywhere near the top of that list of casualties.
@Jeffraham Prestonian:
Details, details…although yes, grammar is important. I do like the spirit of the correct usage:
“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged.” Heinrich Heine
Roy G.
@JordanRules: I heard the Rmoneys got a $65,000 tax break on their Olympic jumping shark.
FYI, site is fucked on the post above. Getting error messages about too many redirects.
ETA: I see PeakVT is already aware of this.
You’d think there would be some kind of warning mechanism for FP-ers here so that if they use an unapproved word in the title it pops up and doesn’t let them.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Crikey. I’ve tried to fix it. Thanks.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I think you’ll have to pull it and repost it to get the bad word out of the URL.
@Violet: I always wondered if Sarah Palin understood what “crony capitalist” means. I guess Romney was rummaging through Sarah Palin’s word salad and came up with that. Whatever, dude.
Jeffraham Prestonian
@danielx: Hung is what I am. Like a hamsterdance. :)
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Indeed. Thanks. FYWP.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: It’s working now dear. Yay!
Hey @Yutsano: thanks for the IRS advice. It worked. Now I can submit my returns and I believe everything will be fine. Surprisingly, the IRS person I spoke to was very helpful.
Ash Can
@Violet: In the hands of a talented campaign team, any kind of offensive can be made to work. However, in light of the fact that the folks running the Romney campaign are doing little more than tearing around aimlessly, running into each other and knocking each other down, I don’t expect much to come of it. With a press corps that senses a disaster in the making, I would fully expect the narrative to become “Romney says this about Obama, but has he done this himself?” And voila, we have a whole bunch of blackened faces and hair blown back in the Romney camp.
…And if this really is what happens, and it turns out that the Obama campaign really has taken hold of the narrative, then there won’t be enough popcorn in the world to get me through this election.
@Anya: Oh good. You have no idea how many times I get a callback and the previous person they spoke to was a total jackass. It makes my work twice as difficult. Amazingly enough they end up really appreciating me.
That is excellent.
“Projecion, Wanda warned me. Projection, Nan Webb told him. If you live with a crazy man or a crazy machine long enough, I become crazy too. Reet!”
The combination of the summer heat and surrounding himself with the political crazy has no doubt irreparably fried the Rombot’s android adrenal surrogate.
@piratedan: MSNBC is being renamed because Microsoft and NBC don’t want to be partners anymore. It was talked about years ago. The tv network isn’t going anywhere.
Thor Heyerdahl
Charlie: They said you was hung.
Bart: And they was right.
That Glenn’s current wallow.
Here’s his addition: But remember how hilarious it was when one guy threw a shoe at Bush? This must be a lot funnier, since it’s a bunch of guys throwing shoes and stuff.
It never goes away. Iraqi dead vs. pissed Christians. It never goes away.
@Jeffraham Prestonian: let’s not be too hasty
@Violet: Wait, I thought Obama was a soshulist and hated capitalism? This is the equivalent of throwing spaghetti at the wall. Pathetic. They are completely inept. Sure, Mitt what EXACTLY in your professional career suggests that you’re a champion of the middle class?
@TheOtherWA: true… if Comcast decides to leave things as they are…. correct?
@Jeffraham Prestonian: I must have some kind of dirty mind, because that mistake made me cackle like a Disvillainously as loud enough to be heard outside my window.
Speaking of Sharks, I’d pay good money to see a campaign commerical using the Jaws opening, only when the Mitt White Shark goes for the swimmer, a Obama Black and White Killer Whale busts it out into the air and bites it in half.
@Brachiator: Some one’s been watching the science channel today!
@Anya: projection again
I can think of an amazingly good way for him to not really be President either :)
Andrew Sullivan ROCKS!
And it’s sad, for some reason I have NO interest in learning about, you folks can’t even recognize that.
WRT your Sully-Hatred: