This is both inevitable and amusing:
The Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency warned its employees and contractors last week to stop using their government computers to surf the Internet for pornographic sites, according to the agency’s executive director.
In a one-page memo, Executive Director John James Jr. wrote that in recent months government employees and contractors were detected “engaging in inappropriate use of the MDA network.”
Enlarge image Missile Defense Agency Warns Staff to Stop Surfing Porn Websites“Specifically, there have been instances of employees and contractors accessing websites, or transmitting messages, containing pornographic or sexually explicit images,” James wrote in the July 27 memo obtained by Bloomberg News.
If people have access to the internet, they are going to look at porn.
Is that a missle in your silo or are you just watching porn?
Not counting the fact that this blog sometimes gets blocked at work as ‘adult.’ Which is probably a bigger joke than the censors realize.
Shawn in ShowMe
If NBC was given the rights to broadcast pornography, you wouldn’t be able to view it during the day.
That’s a corollary of rule 34, iirc.
Also, you might clean up the errant photo caption in the middle of your blockquote.
wait till teh innnertz oerlords open up the .xxx world.
Yeah, I was in the Navy back in the 90s and our Lieutenant gave us a short lecture “All the Internet for this Detachment goes through a single pipeline. We can monitor it. We know who’s looking at porn, but we’ll give you an opportunity to stop. Stop doing that.” Yup, it’s a problem that goes way back. Considering that Star Wars/SDI/Missile Defense is a complete and total waste of money anyway, I mean, hey, might as well do something amusing with your time, eh?
Roger Moore
If people are given unfettered access to the internet they’ll watch porn. My work has blocking software that apparently does a fairly good job of preventing people from accessing porn. Unfortunately, it also blocks access to sites people actually need to get their work done. C’est la vie.
The Dangerman
That would be premature eradication.
Villago Delenda Est
If you know you’re involved in a boondoggle, then you’re going to press the envelope of what boondoggle things (like checking out pr0n sites) you can do.
The MDA is one of the purest boondoggles that the Pentagon has ever come up with. It is a joke, for a myriad of reasons, involving things as diverse as physics, tactics, strategy, and economics.
Why shouldn’t MDA assigned people waste time looking at pr0n? It’s less wasteful than their phoney baloney jobs are.
I suppose that I’m out of the loop on this one, but I have never understood the allure to porn.
OMG! Another leak to boost Obama’s cred…he’s cracking down on government waste!
When will we get serious and shut down all these security leaks from the White House!
We need a real President!
danah gaz (fka gaz)
I’d rather be paying them to look at porn than pay them to bomb the shit out of brown people.
Xecky Gilchrist
If people have access to the internet, they are going to look at porn.
Pretty much. There was a funny variation on this in the first office where I worked when Web access became widespread – after the employees had had full Web access for some months, the IT people did an audit and estimated that 98% of the traffic was to pr0n sites. That was a bit of a surprise (I hadn’t expected upwards of 95%) but better was that the company couldn’t really do anything about it. This was a video game company currently working on some wrestling games that featured bikini-clad ring girls and suchlike eye candy, so the artists just all claimed to be surfing for “reference material.”
The Moar You Know
You guys wouldn’t believe some of the shit that comes back on employee laptops when we get them back after a quit or an upgrade. They don’t even try to delete the stuff. If it were me, I wouldn’t want the IT department and my boss knowing I was looking at clown porn (to name one of the more scarring incidents I’ve had) but apparently most folks just don’t think their clown porn habit is that big a deal.
Shawn in ShowMe
You are a Treebeard among anxious hobbits.
@Kane: of not to
Tonal Crow
I understand that Iranian intelligence employs an army of Sarah Palin lookalikes to produce pron, to which they attach malware. Then when some idiot at, say, the Missile Defense Agency watches it, boom! He’s infected.
It’s funny, but also a very real risk.
Tag: Romney: like Sarah Palin, but with fewer scruples.
Pete Mack
There’s a difference between”watching porn” and “watching porn at work.”
The latter is just plain stupid, no matter what your opinion if porn.
dr. bloor
A BJ by any other name…
Make Love, Not War has always worked for me.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
‘Tweren’t the Pentagon that came up with it. It was the politicians at the very top. I’m willing to bet that the Joint Chiefs would love to scrap it if they were allowed to keep half the money for something they consider worthwhile.
Tonal Crow
@The Moar You Know:
You have to be a total moron to look at pron on an employer’s computer — or even an employer’s network.
Tag: Romney: like Sarah Palin, but with fewer scruples.
Felanius Kootea
@The Moar You Know: Clown porn? Okay, forget I asked, not sure I want to know.
I don’t understand what is so hard about waiting until you get home. (With the exception of business trips, but then it isn’t your office ISP anyway.)
I’ve managed to never look at porn on a work computer for the last 10 years. It’s not actually that difficult. And now you can use your cell phone.
Warren Terra
I don’t now what this means. These “missile defense computers” that are being exposed to the seamy underside of the Internet: are they some sort of secret computers serving as a keystone of our national defense, or are they used to compose snippy memos about labeling your food in the break room fridge, by folks who happen to work in missile defense?
A case should be made that computers containing classified documents shouldn’t be exposed to the seamier side of the Internet … But there are doubtless porn sites every bit as corporate and carefully run as Amazon (for whatever that’s worth), and G-rated sites galore infested with spyware and malware. If security is the issue, it shouldn’t be porn that the people are concerned about.
Amir Khalid
As far as I know, SDI was dreamed up by a president who had no real knowledge of weapons and was halfway to senility. It doesn’t work even in theory, and after some three decades of development it has never once had a successful test under anything like real-world conditions. Why does the US still have a missile defense program at all?
@Pete Mack:
Thaaat’s kind of my thought on the matter.
On that topic, it’s probably an urban legend/exaggeration, but I read somewhere about somebody trying to do a study on men watching porn, but it failed to launch as it were because they couldn’t staff their control group — men who never watch porn.
@dr. bloor:
Love is a battlefield.
No, thats just stupid. You are at work for crying out loud! Even slow & stupid companies monitor web surfing at some level. Security aware orgs do it more and have policies in place that would get these morons in actual hot water.
Keep your proclivities (and that does not limit to sexual) at home or at least not on work machines. Even if your company allows “reasonable amounts of time” on the tubes don’t be stupid!
Roger Moore
@Felanius Kootea:
Rule 34. That’s all you need to know. If you can think of it, there is porn of it somewhere on the internet.
Bill E Pilgrim
I think naming your agency in the style of a penis enhancement ad was probably their first mistake.
Sent the wrong message, clearly.
And now I must link to the greatest live music video ever.
@Amir Khalid: Almost certainly this:
The Other Chuck
I kinda read that as “enlarge missile”
Soooo many comments potentially going to moderation today…
The Other Chuck
Balloon-Juice is still the #1 google hit for “skull fuck a kitten”.
Roger Moore
I’m pretty sure you could find a control group of men who never watch porn if you looked hard enough; the problem is that you would have a hell of a time finding a well matched control group. The men who never watch porn would be ones with unusually low sex drive, or members of aesetic religious groups, or some other group that’s not representative of the population as a whole.
RE: If people have access to the internet, they are going to look at porn.
People are stupid. If it’s not porn, it’s the Olympics.
The larger point is that it is practically impossible to prevent some personal use of work computers, period. And some numbskulls will abuse the privilege.
Mike E
This is the perfect nexus. The internet: created by the defense dept.; funded (algore!) for university application, but developed to its zenith that we all enjoy today, thanks to the porn industry.
Bill E Pilgrim
@The Other Chuck: Just ahead of you.
And yes, my comment is in moderation.
This is possibly the only place where I do anything in moderation, so it’s kind of refreshing.
Uncle Cosmo
@Shinobi: If you’re waiting till you get home, there’s nothing hard about it at all…until then.
I was innocent of the Net until the “defense contractor” I worked for got it. A few weeks later the boss (nice guy but something of a goody-2-shoes) called us all in for a meeting about Net use & hemmed & hawed & couldn’t figure out how to say what he had to & finally blurted out, “The corporate computer guys have a record of every website you’ve ever visited. So If you’re looking at, uh, stuff you shouldn’t be looking at at work, you need to stop. Right now.”
And it did. Most of us went out & got service at home…& learned to wait.
Where I work they have a very effective web filter that does not allow us to go to ‘selected’ internet sites. Why the DOD doesn’t….Well I can’t believe they don’t.
When’s the last time an actual missle was deliberately fired that needed a defensive response? These people may be the most bored workers on Planet Earth. Not surprised they (lets be honest, men) are surfing for front junk and ham wallets.
The Other Chuck
Wouldn’t a proper control group simply be men who watched an average amount of porn? It’s not like there aren’t behaviors with outlier groups on both ends in other areas.
Now getting an actually honest answer on the survey to “how much porn do you watch” is going to be a trick. It’s like asking a guy how often he masturbates. In fact it pretty much is asking that.
Phil Perspective
@Roger Moore: Exactly!! Just remember what states consumes the most pr0n per capita. Utah!!!
dr. bloor
I’m not much of a guns guy, but 80’s choreography has always brought out the latent lust for a semiautomatic weapon.
@Brachiator: Well, true, but hopefully no one is going to be offended and your work computer hopefully won’t get a virus by the NBC website.
Also too, I’ve had the olympics on some at work because I do the kind of thing where I can still work while looking up at it sometimes. Unlike B-J, it’s not taking away any work time. Which I should get back to.
Culture of Truth
I watch Meet The Press but I swear I can stop anytime.
Completely OT, but Gabby Douglas just won gold for the USA in the women’s all-around
Chris T.
The Internet is for …
The Moar You Know
@Tonal Crow: There’s a lot of morons out there. The ones that always floor me on a personal level are the folks who take naked pics of themselves and leave them on their machines. Christ.
PROTIP: If the IT guy can’t look you in the face after you’ve taken your computer in for an upgrade or repair, you might be doing something with your computer you shouldn’t be.
@Felanius Kootea: You do not want to know.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Culture of Truth: If you wrote reviews of porn as funny as your MTP things, I’d become a porn fan just to compare notes.
@Roger Moore:
The men who say that they do not look at porn are more commonly called liars.
The same cohort as the number of men who swear that they never look at other women when out with their wives or significant others.
Villago Delenda Est
@Warren Terra:
Seamier side, my ass. They shouldn’t be connected to the Internet, PERIOD.
They are security problems waiting to happen. Boxes that are used to process classified info, so much as to display them, let alone be composed on them, should be, at the very least, isolated from any general Internet connection. Have a separate box for Google searches, email, web browsing, research, etc. Or pr0n or religious sites or eBay or whatever.
So you’ve got two computers on your desk, big deal. One has a giant sign above it “no classified information on this machine”. Even better, have them in a separate room. Don’t have them side by side on a desk.
Bubblegum Tate
When my old roommate was getting his PhD at Cal, he would occasionally have to use this one super-duper-mega-sciency microscope to look at whatever the fuck he was doing (moving proteins around in the Golgi Apparatus, I think). The microscope was hooked up to a computer, onto which it would dump its images. The computer was hooked up to the Internet because the entire process could take a couple hours and people liked to surf the Web while they were waiting. The computer got stuffed to the gills with porn within six months or so.
Bill E Pilgrim
Here is my comment that is in moderation and will possibly be forever:
I think naming your agency in the style of a p***s enha***ment ad was probably their first mistake.
Sent the wrong message, clearly.
Here’s what I dont get: everytime I surf for pr0n, things tend to, uh, wake up somewhat down there. Not something I’d be proud to show off at work if I was suddenly thrust into a
meatmeeting and expected to come forth with information.Bill E Pilgrim
@Face: Come forth?
Wait, is this a porn site now?
I haven’t been around in a while, could have gone through a change? Right-wing to left-wing, left wing to porn?
Xecky Gilchrist
Villago Delenda Est
It’s a matter of self control.
If MDA staffers can’t control their impulse to look at pr0n while at work, what other impulses can they not control?
Admittedly, as I said earlier, they KNOW that what they’re doing is a boondoggle. That nothing practical or efficacious will ever come from it. That it’s a gross waste of resources.
They probably figure, “why not? This whole thing is bullshit, anyways. The test results are predetermined before the test is ever run, because the politics demands it.”
Lurking Canadian
For some reason, I don’t feel (too) guilty about reading and commenting on blogs while at work, but I can’t imagine looking at porn at work. It may be a distinction without a difference, but it feels real to me.
@Xecky Gilchrist: It’s on the front page of all the new’s sites. NBC can censor coverage all they want but their Soviet Union circa 1962-style attitude just doesn’t work any more.
I look forward to watching this evening.
karen marie
@Punchy: Exactly. I’m surprised no one has made this correction yet.
Whoever was the top brass that signed off on gatewaying the public net onto their network, I give you the famous quote from Vir Cotto:
@kindness: They do. So does VA. But there’s ALWAYS stuff that slips through.
The Guardian has a great review of Rafalca’s Olympic performance:
Xecky Gilchrist
@beltane: It’s on the front page of all the new’s sites.
Which I’ve been avoiding for just this reason, thanks.
…and which is why you reported it here?
Many years ago I rented Fatal Attraction and at first my now ex thought I rented a pr0n movie. teeheehee
@beltane: has it on the front page.
@beltane: There’s a shit-ton of us that are purposely avoiding websites that give results so we dont know the results. PLEASE do not spoil any more races/competitions! thankx
Dennis SGMM
@Villago Delenda Est:
True that. OTOH, taking those precautions for the missile defense program would be like installing LoJack in a Yugo.
@Xecky Gilchrist: There’s no such thing as a spoiler on a news event. If you had been told about the Bruce/Alfred murder-suicide that ends the new Batman movie, that might be a spoiler.
mechwarrior online
@Villago Delenda Est:
They don’t even have to be connected to the internet. There is JWICS, which is TS stuff, sippernet SECRET stuff, and nippernet unclass.
I remember when an officer attached to our carrier air wing pulled a “nude photo of ana kornakova” over to his sippernet computer and clicked on it… flooded the classified email network with a spam virus, caused all sorts of hell.
People are stupid, amazingly stupid, when it comes to technology.
Culture of Truth
There’s no such thing as a spoiler on a news event.
Baloney. If I wanted to go to, I know where to find it.
Xecky Gilchrist
@MikeJ: hee hee
No, that wouldn’t be a spoiler either, because the only thing keeping that event hidden is ALSO Soviet-style control over the content of entertainment.
DFH no.6
No, not “people”.
Guys. Guys – from about the age of 12 or so to whatever – with access to the internet will look at pr0n. Like pretty much 100% of them (us).
Females, on the other hand, not so much (some do, many don’t).
This is the claim, and I believe it.
One of those things where (again, I believe) we are simply wired differently.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Not really. Not much difference, except in offensiveness and faux controversy, to watching pr0n or the Olympics.
Impulse to play computer games?
@karen marie:
A commuting buddy works at a hospital in the area, and admits that she compulsively looks at and posts to Facebook while at work. And even though FB and Twitter are blocked for most employees, she’s in management.
Everyone has his or her own pr0n.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, that applies to anything not strictly related to what you’re being paid to do, doesn’t it?
As I pointed out, these guys KNOW that what they’re paid to do is bullshit.
So, they take logical steps from that premise.
Roger Moore
I’m pretty sure the is a (small) subset of the men who say they never look at porn who are telling the truth. They’re just going to be a really lousy control group for the men who watch way too much porn. I think you’d do a better job by using some kind of quantitative measure of how much porn people watch and then using standard statistical tools to find a correlation between porn consumption and whatever else it is you want to study. And any researcher who uses self-reports for how much porn people look at rather than actually monitoring it somehow deserves the quality of results their research give them.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Aaaand, that’s how it actually works. Classified networks are not connected to the Internet, and require an air gap between them and unclassified systems. There are gateways between them for specific purposes, but are very locked down and pass only specific traffic that’s been inspected. If you need workstations at different levels of classification, you have separate boxes at each level and a KVM switch between them.
I’d assume the little pr0n issue here is on the unclassified network which has an Internet gateway. Of course you’ve got content filters, but they’re blacklists and not whitelists, so won’t catch everything. But how stupid are these people, anyways. At least wait until you’re on the Metro to start playing with yourself.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
Realistically, there shouldn’t be any kind of I/O device other than the screen and keyboard that would let you transmit data from one machine to the other. If there’s a faster way for people to get their classified information onto the non-classified computer than re-typing it, you’ve already failed.
I’m with Karen Marie on this one. As a lady of a certain age, I’ve never looked at porn online in my life. Leftish political blogs and cat pictures, on the other hand…
@Villago Delenda Est:
Workers watch pr0n in lots of work places. I’m not seeing any special connection here to people who know that what they’re doing is bullshit.
@Roger Moore:
RE: The men who say that they do not look at porn are more commonly called liars.
Oh, yes. I’m kinda joking because I wouldn’t find a study about porn watching to be particularly interesting or meaningful.
There ain’t no such thing as too much porn.
BTW, semi-seriously, the movie Shame, with Michael Fassbender is a very good depiction of a sex addict and compulsive porn watcher.
@Roger Moore:
There needs to be for specific mission requirements: some unclassified material needs to get to classified networks for analysis and processing, and some sanitized material needs to get from classified to unclassified networks for ease of distribution. You can imagine that these gateways get scrutinized pretty damn closely, since it’s such an obvious vulnerability.
The Moar You Know
@karen marie: Oh, I have news for you.
The girls have it in equal proportions, and just as nasty, as the guys.
The only difference I’ve seen between male and female porn habits is that females take more naked pics of themselves, and the men are somewhat more into the weird fetish stuff. But the quantities are pretty much the same.
@The Moar You Know:
And which experience are you speaking from?
Where I work I can’t even see the California Lotto results. I guess they don’t want people giving notice in the middle of the day. They prefer a phone call telling them they will never see you again?
Most DoD servers have blocking and monitoring software. And folks who get caught doing this get fired. This sounds a littel urban legendish to me.
At their own homes on their own computers, they can look at adults doing whatever, but I think taxpayers get peeved at this being done on the Government’s dime.
@sherparick: I was DoD IT for 7 years before I came to VA. Believe me when I tell you that I’m not remotely surprised by this and I believe every word of the story.
As I mentioned earlier, there’s a hell of a lot more porn out there than what gets caught by the filters.
@ericblair: Well, they’re supposed to get scrutinized pretty closely. There’s a PFC stationed in Kansas right now who would tend to disagree that they always do get the scrutiny they’re supposed to have.
As far as I understand, our little buddy there pulled stuff off of a classified box using a thumb drive. Don’t think he got anything through a CDS guard.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
Easy to fix the problem. You look at that stuff at work, you get marched out the door and get a nice black mark on your background checks so you never work for the gubmint again even as a contractor.
A couple of examples should get the guys to leer at pr0n on their own time on their own computers.
Hypatia's Momma
What’s the breakdown of women vs. men in the “people who view porn during work hours instead of doing their jobs”?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
My first job post-college (second career), one of my coworkers confided about a week into the job that when the boss had told them a woman was taking the previous guy’s place, they panicked and began frantically trying to clean up the guy’s computer. My predecessor there had been a Good Clean Religious Boy, which of course meant that his pr0n stash at work was of legendary size and amazing variety.
The IT department there thought they had found a good filtering system to keep the pr0n out. Too bad the company did construction testing and needed to be able to access information on penetration testing.
Sadly, that career was dependent on the construction boom, so a couple of jobs later, I’ve combined both hats at a small family business. We were still in the start-up stage, money was tight, the backup server/print server died, and they brought in the computer one of the sons had taken with him to college. The secretary came in while I was cleaning it up, since no one could find the original XP discs, looked over my shoulder, and said “I’ll make sure their momma doesn’t come in here until you give me the all clear.”
And the stories a friend of mine could tell…. She’s a forensic specialist. Her husband tells people she watches porn for a living.
@Pete Mack:
Yeah, but I’m not made of stone, you know.
The best gummint pr0n job ever was the one Ed Meese worked. He had to look at the extra bad stuff (to put in his report).
The new bar has been set by Rumsfeld/Cheney torture pr0n.
I happen to love the variety and scale of it (outside of work, of course) like an aficionado of cheeses might.
It’s not how well the dancing bear dances, it’s that it dances at all.
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
How is it that the Defense Dept. is only getting around to this now? In corporate America we’ve been placing bans on this type of activities for years.
Chet Manly
@HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist: They’re not only getting around to it now. The DoD has been policing internet porn use for at least 20 years. It’s just one of those things where some people in any large organization are just bound and determined to be morons no matter how much you try to educate them and idiot proof things. These kinds of memos are commonplace; the only thing I don’t understand is why this is even news.
For years every military organization has briefed their folks constantly on DUIs and given them several ways to call for a free ride home no questions asked, and there’s still always that handful of morons that just seem to go out of their way to get in trouble.
It’s not that hard
If (office == at) then (lookporn == 0)
If (home == at) then (lookporn == 1)
There’s no room for this sort of behavior at the MDA.
Maybe they should apply for jobs at the TSA.