Via a commentor at Paul Constant’s Stranger blog. (Constant actually linked to a different reciped, at Crasstalk.) Complete ingredients and recipe at the YouTube link. Since I’ve nver eaten a Chik-fil-A sandwich — I’m not a fan of chicken sandwiches in general — I have no idea how close these come to the original. I’d be dubious about the icing sugar, if it weren’t for all the jokes about the ‘diabeetus sammich’…
Also via Constant, there is also a “Chicken Offset” program where the helplessly addicted can buy donations to the It Gets Better Foundation. As old people used to say, when I was young: Only in America!
Hill Dweller
Willard is already running the “Welfare, Welfare, Welfare!” ad.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s a good chicken sandwich. Someone told me they marinate the raw chicken breasts in pickle juice at the factory. Whatever crazy magic they use, it’s good.
Not a fan of the waffle fries though. To me, they taste like cardboard.
At any rate, we need to get this whole gay rights thing taken care of ASAP so me and fat gay people can have a chicken sandwich from Chic-Fil-A. This is really supercharging the whole fucking issue.
..The It Gets Foundation?
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Just Some Fuckhead: ” Someone told me they marinate the raw chicken breasts in pickle juice at the factory”
Hmm. I’ve heard something similar, but not pickle juice exactly* ;)
(*) or is that some sort of euphemism?
Harry Reid told me.
Comrade Mary
I think I saw this recipe first at Hilah’s place. She’s adorable.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Comrade Mary: “If you’re still skeptical, please skim the comments on this post; there are several substitutions offered for pickle juice”
I half expected the comments to be referring to something from this cookbook
The Other Chuck
I remember having one like 20 years ago or so. I have to imagine they’ve cheaped out and turned it into complete crap. Even if they didn’t, everything tastes worse when slathered with sanctimony.
David Koch
No Olympic thread tonight?
Well, let me just say Misty May has an incredible apple-bottom.
Those sandwiches are highly mediocre. Really don’t see what all the fuss is about. Chicken Selects from McDonald’s are better.
Hill Dweller
@David Koch: Kerri Walsh carried her apple-bottom in that match.
Just Some Fuckhead
I may give in and go order a chicken sandwich and just demand that it be prepared by a homosexual employee.
That seems like a reasonable compromise.
Hypatia's Momma
“It Gets Better”. (Maybe?)
I think that they’re quite tasty, though I’m not going to give them my money. I’d trust the following recipe a bit more:
Serious eats recipe
I’m going to give it a try later this week and see how it goes.
@Hypatia’s Momma: First thing to pop into my head was “..the hose again”, but yeah, that makes more sense.
mechwarrior online
Never been a fan of fast food, even less a fan of crappy lunch food in bread.
I ate at Chick-fil-a a few months ago when a new one opened in my neighborhood and they sent out coupons for a free sandwich. It had been years since I’d eaten at one and I remember not being impressed then. Nothing had changed in that regard. Bland, dry unimpressive sandwich with one or two pickle slices. Meh. I wouldn’t have gone except it was free.
Here is the always impressive Kenji Lopez-Alt’s The Food Lab: How to Make a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich at Home which goes into lots of detail on why he does it the way he does.
Edit: beaten out by @CaffinatedOne.
Anne Laurie
@Moik: Corrected, thanks.
Hypatia's Momma
That didn’t even occur to me but I haven’t seen the move. :)
clueless mittbot doesn’t know the difference between sheiks and sikhs.
dead existentialist
typo fest tonight. yea! evrtbody doit.
dead existentialist
@amk: Pfft! tax and tacks, why do you liebrals mit-pick?
ETA: It’s not like he was ordering a pack of rubbers and got embarrassed.
Whoa, Nationals and Orioles both involved in extra-inning games right now. Mariners are walking someone to load the bases for the Orioles to get a force out in the 14th. Nats one up on the Astros, who are batting in the bottom of the 12th.
It has been great this season to have the Nats and Orioles actually be good, since here in NoVa we get all their games. Makes the “baseball screensaver” actually enjoyable.
ETA: Orioles win with a line-drive hit!
tundra twit’s teabagging sistah comes in third is MO primaries. karma, bitch.
@dead existentialist: you mean nutpick, right ?
And the Nats win with a spectacular fly-ball catch at the wall.
Men’s high bar was the single greatest olympic event i have ever seen. Four guys were better than any godl medalist in history and three of them were not even close to the winner, who did the most ridiculous athletic performance I have ever seen. holy effing wow.
Hypatia's Momma
Because I can never get enough of adorable cats-who-are-not-right: The tale of Grumples and Hat. “Two cats that no-one wanted.”
Hat! I love his smooshy little face and goofy paws.
El Cid
FWIW, Uncle Fester pleads guilty.
Lego Mars Curiosity Rover.
Hypatia's Momma
@El Cid:
Please don’t disparage Uncle Fester. >:C
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Todd Akin beat Sarah Steelman and Some Other Goon to face Bothways McCaskill. Things get a little harder for Chinless McConnell, if not necessarily easier for Harry Reid
Spaghetti Lee
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m torn. I think Akin will be harder to beat, given that he’s a 5-term congressman and all, but it is still delightful to see Sarah Palin’s candidate (Steelman) go down.
Ash Can
So I guess crack statesman Mitt Romney decided to offset his slam of Palestinian culture by slamming kibbutzes.
h/t TPM
Spaghetti Lee
When I read about the chicken offset thing, the first word that came to my mind was “Indulgences.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Spaghetti Lee: I won’t pretend to knwo MO politics, but from the polls I’ve seen Akin was the weakest of the three GOP candidates. Rasmussen has Akin and CMcC within the MOE. And, yeah, it is great to see Palin’s pick go down. I was watching MSNBC earlier and they were talking about Palin’s “strong track record” as an endorser. I think Rubio was the only time she went against the establishment pick and won. If anything, she helped Dems pull out squeakers in NE, CO and DE
@Ash Can:
The prophet Nostradumbass
@MonkeyBoy: That Food Lab guy’s posts are interesting! One thing I found weird, though, is when he called skirt steak “inexpensive”.
@Hill Dweller: And they found some black chick to promote the lie on CNN. You know so they couldn’t be accused of racism.
@PeakVT: Not bad. Catsy here would make a MUCH better one though. He’s freaky good at it.
Another mittbot billionaire tax-dodging pal in IRS net.
So when is IRS gonna go after mittbot ?
@Steeplejack: Nationals also benefitting from the Astros performing the worst play ever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@TexasMango: @Hill Dweller: Romney really thinks he’s picked a winner with this. I’m not anywhere near the sliver-sized demographic he’s targeting, but I don’t see this as his road to the White House. From what I’ve seen on TV, the Broderists are too timid to call the race-baiting for what it is. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, since this is a degree more subtle than Gingrich’s “Food stamp president”, and they didn’t have the guts or the character to call that what it was, IIRC.
AA+ Bonds
Obligatory link for such threads
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hell, I want the Obama Campaign to stop calling it a “falsehood”. It’s a damn lie so call it a lie. Especially when you know the MSM won’t call it a lie. Any journalist could read what the order says and see that it’s a lie, but they won’t say so. They will act like it’s he said/he said. The Obama campaign has been doing really well with hitting Romney hard, but it’s time to use the l-word now.
Here, watch a very heterosexual man with a pink shirt and pornstache set fire to General Mills’ lawn to protest gay marriage.
It makes sense to them.
dead existentialist
I hate everybody, and so does this really, really white dude, who may be crazy but ain’t nobody’s fool. When’s the last time you heard from him, you old fucks?
Thanks for providing me with my daily two minutes of totally weird.
And that was so weird. Was it a spoof? Who was the girl giggling off camera at the end? How did this hilarious mess of a protest video get released?
Ash Can
@SatanicPanic: That link is every kind of awesome.
Hill Dweller
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The Village idiots will never touch the race-baiting, but they can point out the lies and the Romney hypocrisy.
David Koch
If CNN broadcasts a show and nobody watches did it make a sound?
@dead existentialist:
@MonkeyBoy: His Peking Duck recipe didn’t work out for me. But then again, I had to use a pre-frozen, water dried duck.
Hill Dweller
Clinton released a statement hitting Willard for his dishonest welfare ad.
The Village idiots better do more than the he said/she said bullshit. This shouldn’t take more than five minutes to prove Willard’s commercial false.
I used to work near a mall that had a Chick-Fil-A, and I’ve always thought they were in the top tier when it comes to chicken sandwiches in fast food franchises. The fact that they’re doubling down unto the gay marriage thing whole hog pisses me off. There is always the orange chicken from Panda Express.
Comrade Luke
Darcy Burner got trounced in her primary today.
Please, Darcy. Go home. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Mark S.
Interesting article about some truly massive stars (300 times the mass of the Sun) that have been discovered in the Large Magellan Cloud. Scientists think they might have been formed when two big stars collided.
@Hill Dweller: Thanks for heads up. Here is Big Dawg on how Rmoney lied ’bout Big Obama:
Bill Clinton calls Romney’s welfare claims ‘not true’
‘ Clinton said the welfare reform law he signed emerged after “years of experiments at the state level” and noted that he had granted waivers to 44 states that wanted to implement “welfare to work strategies” before the 1996 welfare reforms had passed.
Clinton [pointed] out that the recent DHS directive came at the request of Republican governors in Utah and Nevada.
“The (Obama) administration has taken important steps to ensure that the work requirement is retained and that waivers will be granted only if a state can demonstrate that more people will be moved into work under its new approach,” Clinton said in his statement. “The welfare time limits, another important feature of the 1996 act, will not be waived.”
Clinton called Romney’s ad “especially disappointing” because Romney, as governor of Massachusetts, had pushed Congress to give states more power to control their welfare measures.
“We need a bipartisan consensus to continue to help people move from welfare to work even during these hard times, not more misleading campaign ads,” Clinton said.
The Romney campaign had no immediate response.
I can’t wait until Politifact clears this up. I dunno who people will trust, Politifact or Big Dawg?
@Hill Dweller: Cui bono?
All those juicy super-pac fueled advertising budgets. News room doesn’t stand a chance. And as for looking to the Villagers? pls.
Hypatia's Momma
@Hill Dweller:
Good grief.
Puppeh photo. If this doesn’t tug at the heartstrings your name is Dick Cheney. Quite the backstory, also, too.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@trollhattan: Yes, that is a fantastic story.
Hill Dweller
@Hypatia’s Momma: So they’ve already moved the goalposts after just one day.
With Bubba weighing in, and the governors in question being Republicans, I’m cautiously optimistic this won’t have much effect on the campaign. If we’re really lucky, Willard will get some criticism for blatantly lying again.
David Koch
PPP: Black Metrosexual Abe Lincoln opens up lead in North Carolina 49-46.
This is Great News for McCain!
Hypatia's Momma
@Hill Dweller:
“Tightening work requirements” must be some code for “firing everyone & exporting their jobs to other countries”.
@Hypatia’s Momma: Obama camp should turn that out as an insult against hard-working ‘murkans.
Wheee! Earthquake in SoCal.
Nice rolley one. Probably pretty far away, but decently sized.
4.4 in Yorba Linda. Maybe 15 miles from me. 4.4 is no biggie out here. Enough to get your notice, but not break stuff.
Dennis SGMM
Nice thump here, roughly twenty miles NW of the epicenter.
I didn’t spill a drop.
Turns out it was 2 quakes less than a minute apart. The 2nd was small, but because the seismic waves stretch out as it travelled, I think it felt like one long one.
Well, it woke the kids up. No doubt this will add to the ‘earthquake weather’ urban legend.
David Koch
Nixon must have rolled over.
Dear Papa John’s: Your pizza sucks.
@David Koch: Maybe the earth is trying to spit him back out.
@Yutsano: I lived right across the street from a Papa Johns for 6 years and never once darkened the door. Nastiest pizza ever.
Q.Q. Moar
Nice Mac Lethal cut; here he is with pancakes and a speed rap like you ain’t never heard.
@ TheMightyTrowel
Never ate in (nor even saw) a Papa John’s, but shall give it a wide berth based on the comments here. :)
Nastiest pizza had from a large chain has to be anything from Little Caesar’s.
From a smaller operation, Magoo’s. Never tried the one in Honolulu, but many years ago there was one on Maui, operating out of a rickety, lopsided old stable/barn (which they apparently hadn’t bothered to clean when they moved in). Crust had the consistency and taste of a soggy saltine.
The box the pizza came in would have been better tasting.
Also never tried it, but acquaintances warn against any Sbarro’s in an airport.
Hey I like little caesars. I can get a whole deep dish pizza for like 8 dollars.
yes i’m quite poor
@Narcissus: Think that may be part of the problem with Papa Johns – not only does the pizza taste like regurgitated, salted cardboard liberally seasoned with old deep fryer oil it’s more expensive than most quick pizza places (certainly the one by me charged 10 GBP for a pizza the size of a Dominos 6 GBP pizza)
@Hypatia’s Momma: Thanks for the adorable thread! I would have tweeted it out but it is on a subforum called Penis Land and some of my readers are older and not hip to the whole casual swearing/rampant genitalia thing.
I called Reverend Jim a wiseass in one post, and got objections. Now he’s a wisenheimer.
Fortunately, I’m originally from the MidWest, and I understand.
Wow, I missed that. Epic.
Hattie’s Chicken Shack for a real chicken sandwich. Not some sandwich that can be found at McD’s.