I propose that this week shall signal the end of the “-gate” era, and the beginning of the “-ghazi” age.
Omnes Omnibus
When will people start to blame Obama for BlameObama-gate?
“Junkies” is more apt than they know. They’re crack whores plain and simple.
I bet they’d do anything, just anything, baby, for one more sweet fix. Halperin would probably blow Issa just for a background quote.
(BTW, my iPad autocorrected Halperin to “hampering.” Sounds about right.)
Talking policy is hard, talking politics is easy. If you apply that to nearly every talking head and consultant and politician you see, hear, or read, you will learn right away whether they can talk policy. How will you know? If they can only talk politics or only parrot what other people have said about the policy, then they cant talk policy. That gets you just about every douchebag covering politics in the US today. Lucky us.
So@Cris (without an H): Maybe. I thought -gate went out the door with the 20 or so -gates that the press decided to pin on the Clintons. Starting with travelgate and chistmascardgate and barbergate.
I have a friend and fellow sci-fi nerd who’s been waiting years for some scandal involving outer space to happen, so the media can call it Star-gate.
EPA nominee was blocked from even having a committee vote on nomination. If anything, the GOP has gone even more nuts since the election.
This is bullshit, and the point needs to be made in no uncertain terms that the GOP is to blame fully for us not having a government that can even handle basic shit.
Unacceptable. Period.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): That’s was so nice about Cleveland and Phoenix yesterday, totally took the wind out of the douchebags.
So since this is an open thread….We need shrink wrap for our business and just lost our main source, so I went on line to find another vendor, and actually found an advertisement for a place that sells “used” shrink wrap.
Suffern ACE
@PsiFighter37: Yep. It’s like they’re begging for “Obamahassenatorsbeheadedenmasse-gate”. I know that would be impeachable. But followed by “Housemembermasspoison-gate”, who would bring the charges?
Halperin would probably blow Issa just for a background quote.
Welp, looks like it’s time to gouge out my mind’s eye.
Sadly, a couple of NPR stories have focused heavily on Hick’s testimony about the size of his own balls, with almost no context regarding the refused deployment.
I can only imagine the gnashing of teeth and popping of forehead blood vessels if the second special forces team had been sent to Benghazi with their 9mm pistols and the embassy in Tripoli had been attacked. “Why would you send troops to Benghazi and leave the embassy unprotected”?
Should be interesting to see what comes out of Hearings-Gate.
According to Darrell Issa himself, bupkis (h/t LGF). I can’t help wondering how long the kewl media kids will go before they get sick of the GOP congresstwits giving them jackshit in the way of shiny new material to run breathlessly to their editors with, and realize that they’re just being played.
SadlyPredictably, a couple of NPR stories have focused heavily on Hick’s testimony about the size of his own balls, with almost no context regarding the refused deployment.
Never, because no matter how much nothing there is, the clicks will keep on coming from the cretinous single brain celled protoplasm that are the teabaggers.
I can’t help wondering how long the kewl media kids will go before they get sick of the GOP congresstwits giving them jackshit in the way of shiny new material to run breathlessly to their editors with, and realize that they’re just being played.
This has been going on since the Clinton impeachment and there’s no reason to see that it’ll ever stop.
They are scared. If they don’t do this kind of crap, their fear is the usual wingnuts will write and call their editors threatening all kinds of repercussions (stop subscribing, stop watching, boycott advertisers, etc).
I thought -gate went out the door with the 20 or so -gates that the press decided to pin on the Clintons.
Real scandals are unique and don’t need anything tacked onto the end to prove they’re real. “-gate” is appended to a faux scandal that’s going nowhere in the vain attempt to make it sound more serious by tying it to Watergate. If they’re starting to talk about Benghazi-gate, it’s a sign they know it’s a nothingburger.
Orange Kitteh Update
My orange kitteh is doing well, a lot of BJers, helped me when
she was sick a couple of weeks ago. So I thought I should write up an update and share it.
@raven: She is, and I have had her since she was an eight week old kitten.
Eric U.
@Omnes Omnibus: I believe in accordance with the post above yours, @Cris (without an H) , the proper term is BlameObama-ghazi. Rolls off the tongue, don’t it?
OMFG just when you thought you were rid of Presidentpondscum Lieberman, he emerges to lecture us on how Boston proves, PROVES Homeland Security isn’t doing their job.
Why is this fuckwad testifying before congress? Whose bright idea was that?
As I’ve said before, I find it rather difficult to believe that anyone is seriously paying attention to the poo-flinging monkeys on Capitol Hill who are debating whether the President personally told Rice to go on a Sunday morning talk show and say that the attack was perpetrated by angry extremist Muslims who were upset about a video a jackass made, instead of by angry extremist Muslims who were upset because we were bombing the bejesus out of everywhere in the Middle East.
Maybe Rice should have just told everyone that they hate us for our freedom and called it a day.
Is it wrong to hope that a localized earthquake strikes and swallows the conference room where these hearings are taking place? Or would that just result in more hearings about Obama is secretly in league with Vulcan, the Earthquake god, to destroy Christianity and revive paganism?
Then there are all those unpaid Microsoft invoices. Bill-Gates.
@schrodinger’s cat: The Laxatone is a good for ongoing use, especially if she likes it. It’ll keep things moving along. Older kitties tend to get dried out, I’ve noticed.
This is all we can drum up-gate.
Over-fornicated poultry-gate.
We were promised scandals-gate.
This shit’s gonna have to do-gate.
Suffern ACE
@Trollhattan: Oh, and I gotta love King complaining that AFTER one brother is killed and the other is in custody, he’s complaining that no one told NYC that the brothers migtht have been on their way there to detonate another bomb. Had they’d known their plans in advance, stuff might have been done to stop them!
Suffern ACE
@Suffern ACE: Or maybe the complaint is that three days is an awfully long time to locate two people who were up to no good, when I was surprised how quickly the whole thing resolved.
@Poopyman: She hates it, but it does keep her regular.
More like my moment of, “oh, fer f*ck’s sake!”
This is positive proof that the media are not just in it for the money, unless they are making a lot of money boring people to death with Benghazi. Hell I get sleepy just typing the word.
Halperin would probably blow Issa just for a background quote.
Thanks for the soft-on, pal. It’ll take a crate of C!alis for me to even get a twitch out of the poor old thing for the next month.
aLL other politics aside, what I find frustrating is people keep saying they want answers and some times there are no answers. Sometimes stuff just happens. I was just watching a clip of the mother of one of the Cia guys killed at Benghazi. She wants answers but won’t accept the ones she is given. Why, for example, was there a standdown order? No one cared about her son. When told that the troops involved were order to protect the embassy in Tripoli she said there are other solders with guns why couldn’t they help. Maybe the decision not to send the extra 4 was the wrong one but the time line has them arriving to late so it makes no difference.
Why didn’t they send air cover. Well it would take 3 hours to get the f16s over Benghazi but there were no tankers. Well why didn’t we have a tanker on station? The A/f only has so many. Yes but there should have been one on standby.
The ‘why’s just go on and on and there is no answer. Bad things just happen sometimes and it is no ones fault. Scum like Issa and Limpdick and Butters who keep demanding answers simply play on the emotions of these families. At the end of the day they will be left with their grief when the pols move on to the next scandal
David Koch
Why isn’t anyone talkin ’bout Heaven’s-Gate!
David Koch
This is worse than Daryl-Gates!
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Just Some Fuckhead
Should be interesting to see what comes out of Hearings-Gate.
I blame Obama.
Just Some Fuckhead
Blame Obama for GrandBargain-Gate.
Steve M.
Bullshit Mountain-Gate
Cris (without an H)
I propose that this week shall signal the end of the “-gate” era, and the beginning of the “-ghazi” age.
Omnes Omnibus
When will people start to blame Obama for BlameObama-gate?
“Junkies” is more apt than they know. They’re crack whores plain and simple.
I bet they’d do anything, just anything, baby, for one more sweet fix. Halperin would probably blow Issa just for a background quote.
(BTW, my iPad autocorrected Halperin to “hampering.” Sounds about right.)
Talking policy is hard, talking politics is easy. If you apply that to nearly every talking head and consultant and politician you see, hear, or read, you will learn right away whether they can talk policy. How will you know? If they can only talk politics or only parrot what other people have said about the policy, then they cant talk policy. That gets you just about every douchebag covering politics in the US today. Lucky us.
I thought Benghazi! was esoteric enough to begin with.
@Cris (without an H): Fugazi shall henceforth be the official band of scandal.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
But what about Benghazigate-gate? Wait until they start talking about why they’re talking about Benghazi isn’t generating enough interest.
rolls right off the tongue
Suffern ACE
So@Cris (without an H): Maybe. I thought -gate went out the door with the 20 or so -gates that the press decided to pin on the Clintons. Starting with travelgate and chistmascardgate and barbergate.
Cris (without an H)
@Suffern ACE: and Trooperghazi
I have a friend and fellow sci-fi nerd who’s been waiting years for some scandal involving outer space to happen, so the media can call it Star-gate.
EPA nominee was blocked from even having a committee vote on nomination. If anything, the GOP has gone even more nuts since the election.
This is bullshit, and the point needs to be made in no uncertain terms that the GOP is to blame fully for us not having a government that can even handle basic shit.
Unacceptable. Period.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): That’s was so nice about Cleveland and Phoenix yesterday, totally took the wind out of the douchebags.
So since this is an open thread….We need shrink wrap for our business and just lost our main source, so I went on line to find another vendor, and actually found an advertisement for a place that sells “used” shrink wrap.
Suffern ACE
@PsiFighter37: Yep. It’s like they’re begging for “Obamahassenatorsbeheadedenmasse-gate”. I know that would be impeachable. But followed by “Housemembermasspoison-gate”, who would bring the charges?
Welp, looks like it’s time to gouge out my mind’s eye.
Sadly, a couple of NPR stories have focused heavily on Hick’s testimony about the size of his own balls, with almost no context regarding the refused deployment.
I can only imagine the gnashing of teeth and popping of forehead blood vessels if the second special forces team had been sent to Benghazi with their 9mm pistols and the embassy in Tripoli had been attacked. “Why would you send troops to Benghazi and leave the embassy unprotected”?
Villago Delenda Est
Please. Crack whores have orders of magnitude greater integrity than the unspeakable slime of Politico.
the Conster
I like it better when you talk wingnut.
Ash Can
@Just Some Fuckhead:
According to Darrell Issa himself, bupkis (h/t LGF). I can’t help wondering how long the kewl media kids will go before they get sick of the GOP congresstwits giving them jackshit in the way of shiny new material to run breathlessly to their editors with, and realize that they’re just being played.
@Villago Delenda Est: That would be Ho’s please.
Politico will do or say anything for happy endings from Congessional members and political operatives.
I imagine Issa and the strategists are warming up the oil now for these guys.
@Villago Delenda Est: Slime Mold Anti-Defamation League on line two for you sir.
@raven: ?
OT, but all you need to know about South Carolina here.
@Suffern ACE:
You forgot the most important one, tail-gate.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@Chris: heh
We should get them monogrammed towels. For teh mess and stuff.
@raven: Let’s hear it for white girls and the media needing new squirrels!
@MikeJ: The coverage of the kidnapping and the murder verdict really crowded the hearing out.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ash Can:
Never, because no matter how much nothing there is, the clicks will keep on coming from the cretinous single brain celled protoplasm that are the teabaggers.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@Ash Can:
This has been going on since the Clinton impeachment and there’s no reason to see that it’ll ever stop.
They are scared. If they don’t do this kind of crap, their fear is the usual wingnuts will write and call their editors threatening all kinds of repercussions (stop subscribing, stop watching, boycott advertisers, etc).
@Cris (without an H):
that’s because -ghazi is arabic for -gate.
Suffern ACE
So who gets tapped to write the “senior Democrat says Obama should resign for the good of the country” editorial? I’ll take Penn.
also, “Whine the Morning”
Roger Moore
@Suffern ACE:
Real scandals are unique and don’t need anything tacked onto the end to prove they’re real. “-gate” is appended to a faux scandal that’s going nowhere in the vain attempt to make it sound more serious by tying it to Watergate. If they’re starting to talk about Benghazi-gate, it’s a sign they know it’s a nothingburger.
@Yatsuno: VDE is an anti-fungite?
Well, when you have a paywall, you have to offer your readers more letters.
@Chris: heh.
Let’s just sum it all up with “Obamagate”.
I mean, that’s the root of the issue, all the issues, right?
schrodinger's cat
Orange Kitteh Update
My orange kitteh is doing well, a lot of BJers, helped me when
she was sick a couple of weeks ago. So I thought I should write up an update and share it.
@schrodinger’s cat: Big sweetie.
schrodinger's cat
@raven: She is, and I have had her since she was an eight week old kitten.
Eric U.
@Omnes Omnibus: I believe in accordance with the post above yours, @Cris (without an H) , the proper term is BlameObama-ghazi. Rolls off the tongue, don’t it?
OMFG just when you thought you were rid of
Presidentpondscum Lieberman, he emerges to lecture us on how Boston proves, PROVES Homeland Security isn’t doing their job.Why is this fuckwad testifying before congress? Whose bright idea was that?
Wonder what we’d be calling all this shit if the 1972 break in had occurred at a Motel 6 instead of the swanky Potomac place.
Comrade Dread
As I’ve said before, I find it rather difficult to believe that anyone is seriously paying attention to the poo-flinging monkeys on Capitol Hill who are debating whether the President personally told Rice to go on a Sunday morning talk show and say that the attack was perpetrated by angry extremist Muslims who were upset about a video a jackass made, instead of by angry extremist Muslims who were upset because we were bombing the bejesus out of everywhere in the Middle East.
Maybe Rice should have just told everyone that they hate us for our freedom and called it a day.
Is it wrong to hope that a localized earthquake strikes and swallows the conference room where these hearings are taking place? Or would that just result in more hearings about Obama is secretly in league with Vulcan, the Earthquake god, to destroy Christianity and revive paganism?
Then there are all those unpaid Microsoft invoices. Bill-Gates.
@schrodinger’s cat: The Laxatone is a good for ongoing use, especially if she likes it. It’ll keep things moving along. Older kitties tend to get dried out, I’ve noticed.
This is all we can drum up-gate.
Over-fornicated poultry-gate.
We were promised scandals-gate.
This shit’s gonna have to do-gate.
Suffern ACE
@Trollhattan: Oh, and I gotta love King complaining that AFTER one brother is killed and the other is in custody, he’s complaining that no one told NYC that the brothers migtht have been on their way there to detonate another bomb. Had they’d known their plans in advance, stuff might have been done to stop them!
Suffern ACE
@Suffern ACE: Or maybe the complaint is that three days is an awfully long time to locate two people who were up to no good, when I was surprised how quickly the whole thing resolved.
schrodinger's cat
@Poopyman: She hates it, but it does keep her regular.
More like my moment of, “oh, fer f*ck’s sake!”
This is positive proof that the media are not just in it for the money, unless they are making a lot of money boring people to death with Benghazi. Hell I get sleepy just typing the word.
@Chris: I’m liking Star-ghazi myself.
Bruce S
These bogus Benghazi hearings are turning into GOPerGate – especially with car thief Darrell Issa in charge.
Thanks for the soft-on, pal. It’ll take a crate of C!alis for me to even get a twitch out of the poor old thing for the next month.
aLL other politics aside, what I find frustrating is people keep saying they want answers and some times there are no answers. Sometimes stuff just happens. I was just watching a clip of the mother of one of the Cia guys killed at Benghazi. She wants answers but won’t accept the ones she is given. Why, for example, was there a standdown order? No one cared about her son. When told that the troops involved were order to protect the embassy in Tripoli she said there are other solders with guns why couldn’t they help. Maybe the decision not to send the extra 4 was the wrong one but the time line has them arriving to late so it makes no difference.
Why didn’t they send air cover. Well it would take 3 hours to get the f16s over Benghazi but there were no tankers. Well why didn’t we have a tanker on station? The A/f only has so many. Yes but there should have been one on standby.
The ‘why’s just go on and on and there is no answer. Bad things just happen sometimes and it is no ones fault. Scum like Issa and Limpdick and Butters who keep demanding answers simply play on the emotions of these families. At the end of the day they will be left with their grief when the pols move on to the next scandal
David Koch
Why isn’t anyone talkin ’bout Heaven’s-Gate!
David Koch
This is worse than Daryl-Gates!