Courtesy of commentor NotMax. Seventeen years ago, we could afford to joke about the GOP revanchists… but I’d bet a store-bought cookie there are a few non-Teahadist Repubs who dearly identify with Rep. Stuart Best right now!
Apart from pointing & mocking, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
I love his obvious horror as he reads the stuff.
Tone in DC
My head is starting to hurt from these g00pers and their bullshit, and these motorists hitting barricades. I do not need to watch any more news (be it Leslie Blitzer, Luke Russert, Brian Williams or Erin Burnett).
That’s the agenda.
Some tequila, a few sliders, and NO NEWS.
Punish the furloughed workers? Seems a bit misplaced, Stu.
Go Braves!
schrodinger's cat
Revived from the last thread. If you want a break from politics.
On the Mohawk Trail III, in search of the tall pines of New England. Parts I and II, here and here.
@raven: God wears Dodger Blue.
Who thought it a great idea to kick in the laugh track right after he says “they’ve shot people in soccer stadiums”?
@raven: My college friend Mary was really cute and when she would smile her eyes would disappear. She was a Cards fan, so while I don’t really care about the NL, I usually lean towards supporting STL.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Prove it.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
I’m honestly rooting for a Rays/Pirates Series in the end. Rays because they’re the closest I’ve had to a ‘team’ in baseball since they actually got good, and the Pirates because…fuck it, I love massive unexpected turnarounds like this (see: Rays).
Villago Delenda Est
I’ve figured out what the deal with that asshat Alex Jones is.
He’s being paid to scream “false flag” repeatedly to get people to ignore the notion of a “false flag” when the Teatards dress up as Mumia supporters and toss molasses bombs all over DC.
Every time I see/hear Wallace Shawn, I can’t help but think of The Nagus.
David Hunt
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’ve always considered him as a psychotic who managed to to monetize his condition.
Villago Delenda Est
I propose we punish Varney.
In very slow, painful ways.
The Dangerman
Dodgers have a pitching staff for the ages (see Giants, last year). If the Dodgers can put up a few crooked numbers here and there, they go to World Series. If they make us wonder about Mendoza lines, it could be a quick exit. This will be a fascinating playoff run for Big Blue; we could see greatness or we could see a prat fall.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I have seen him exactly once. The Brits are amused.
“You are the worst person I’ve ever interviewed.”
“We have an idiot on the program today.”
I need know nothing further.
Jay in Oregon
I just had a friend of mine, in relation to a link I sent him about the shutdown, “You know, they really should get this fixed soon, unless they’re just really trying to distract from Snowden.”
Is this really a thing?
Is there some new story about Snowden that I’ve overlooked that is so damaging that Obama is willing to throw the nation into chaos to keep us from hearing about it?
Karen in GA
I thought my old job would mail me my last check on payday, which was this past Monday, so I was wondering why I haven’t received it yet. Turns out they’re mailing it out this coming Monday. Which means no new money until late next week at the earliest.
So I’ve been hanging out at home with Iggy the Wonder Schnauzer during my week off between jobs. Caught up on season 2 of Borgen in the wee hours o’ this morning, so I’m ready for season 3 to start tomorrow night. I still have The Killing DVDs sitting there — halfway through season 2. Maybe I’ll get that wrapped up by this weekend. Or maybe I’ll continue planning next year’s trip to Ireland.
I’m liking this not-working-at-my-old-job-anymore thing.
I can’t believe I never realized that was Wallace Shawn.
On another note, the Newsmax headlines are really quite interesting. Seems the worm has turned.
Also, did anyone post the video of Douche hat congressman on CNN today? Choice quote:
@Villago Delenda Est
The opportunity has passed to hire the fellow with the 100+ pound scrotum to do some selective teabagging.
@Jay in Oregon: Is there some new story about Snowden that I’ve overlooked that is so damaging that Obama is willing to throw the nation into chaos to keep us from hearing about it?
Yep … and Clinton’s concerns re: Al Qaeda were all wagging the dog.
Steak raffle update with revenue this time. Is Suzanne Our Suzanne from the PHX-burbs?
@Jay in Oregon:
No. Just the same group of people who insisted it was only a matter of time before Snowden was assassinated. Related to the same group who said that coked up reporter who died in a car crash had been assassinated. Some people think Obama is consumed by Snowden, and they just know he stays up at night hate masturbating to the thought of Snowden in Guantanamo.
Hell Miley Cyrus had as much coverage as the shutdown. Maybe she’s a mole for Obama.
Karen in GA
@Jay in Oregon: Distract? How many people are really even following it?
You want to distract people, have a popular but aging QB who’s undergone a bunch of operations start off the NFL season with some monster games. Think about it.
(I so want that to be a thing.)
BTW, there was a follow-up episode of “Murphy Brown” wherein the Best character was bemoaning that an angry mob, in reaction to his comments in the clip above, had burned down his house.
(The following from memory.)
Brown: Twice?
Best: They came back the next day. You wouldn’t think they could set fire to a pile of ashes. But they did!
@Karen in GA: The Red Sox are all wearing beards to defeat face recognition technology.
Villago Delenda Est
This guy really needs to be accidentally run over by an Abrams tank.
At least his bodily fluids will serve the useful purpose of greasing the treads.
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, great. That’s the next wingtard meme.
Karen in GA
@MikeJ: No. It’s because they have to be Mooslems or they can’t play in libtard Massachusetts.
@Karen in GA: The brown mustard available at Fenway is to distract people from the fact the hot dogs are halal.
@Villago Delenda Est: seconded!
@Jay in Oregon: I’m waiting to hear how touching an icon of Snowden totally clears up acne and resolves those missing 2 inches the average libertarian has been missing all his life. Next, a pilgrimage to his birth site.
@BillinGlendaleCA: God does the best tomahawk chop* you could ever hope to see.
*Honestly? I’d like to see it gone. It’s racist and embarrassing. But it’s also the playoffs, so I’m not going to win this fight this year. I’ll do the Chant quietly, under my breath.
Speaking of Carol Costello, somewhere (cannot remember where) I saw that some Republican Congresscritter she was interviewing today was saying patronizing and offensive and sexist but faux-complimentary things to her, like “You’re cute but you talk like a Democrat” and “You are too young and pretty to have grandchildren.” does anybody know what that was about?
Sorry, I guess that was the quote. Should have read more carefully.
Another Holocene Human
@Karen in GA: At least you’re getting your last paycheck. In Florida you have to call a lawyer because the last paycheck law has no teeth and the state won’t even lift a finger to get people to comply & there is no deadline.