Janet Yellen will be the next Fed chair, according to my NYT alert. Open thread. Go Rays!!!
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Janet Yellen will be the next Fed chair, according to my NYT alert. Open thread. Go Rays!!!
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That depends on if there’s a government or financial reserves for her to work for.
I blame Obama / should this be designed as the new ‘FRIST!!11!1’ of this blog?
It’s a good move, even though (to be frank) I don’t think she’s all too different from Summers – except that he’s a noted asshole, whereas I’ve only heard generally good things said about Yellen. It’ll be nice to have the first Democratic-appointed Fed chair since Paul Volcker (who finished his term 26 years ago) in place…now if we can only get a Democratic-appointed Chief Justice (the last one appointed by a Democrat was Fred Vinson…by Truman in 1946(!)).
Betty, sorry to let you and the other five Rays fans down, but I think the Red Sox are going to win tonight.
Go Sox! Peavy, this is why you’re on the team.
It’s probably be 2046 before we get another one. Having the Chief actually isn’t that important. More important just have a majority.
Lord, dont’ know why I’m posting this here, but I kinda can’t wait to hear the theories behind this move…Is it too early to blow up a thread???
Obama meets with 4 conservative columnist
I’m with Booman here: What Was That About?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Also, too, filibustering, even attempting to filibuster the first woman nominated to the post is not gonna help those GOP generic numbers. I doubt McConnell can risk it.
I agree with Booman. He’s trying to penetrate their bubble.
Sigh. My co-worker was flipping out because Obama’s speech interrupted General Hospital for her. So there she is on a recorded work line saying the white house should be blown up and Obama shot in the face. Over a fucking soap opera.
The other day she said she had “heard” because of Obamacare, people over the age of 70 could no longer be treated for cancer. Girlfriend believes everything she reads on the internet and while I like her, she’s working my nerves lately.
But you know where the ponies are not plentiful?
In Chincoteague.
The government shutdown has postponed the fire department’s fall roundup of ponies. (They corral them for a health check. The mares and foals winter at the carnival grounds.)
The Dangerman
Me, too; I’m just curious which Journo will be the first to leak what was told to him or her off record. I’m calling Krauthammer.
Tom Levenson
Red Sox. That is all.
Oh yeah — great news re Yellen.
Unpossible. Ezra Klein said President Obama had to appoint somebody else or else he would appear to be capitulating.
Sorry, Betty, I love you but I do NOT love any memories I have of living in Tampa Bay (albeit I left some years before there was such a thing as the Rays). And I have, ahem, erm, REASONS for hoping the Red Sox put this away.
But in truth, now that the Braves have blown yet another post-season opportunity, I hardly care.
@Baud: Also might be trying to get some information back from them about the GOP. Costa in particular seems to be pretty plugged in to the daily roller coaster that is the GOP strategy.
@Baud: agreed. Booman’s explanation is def as plausible as anything.
But I’m sure the conspiracy theorist from the left have some more out there explanations than the simple one
I like Ezra sometimes, but other times he drives me crazy when he strays too far from raw data.
As I mentioned several times on this very site, I grew up a Red Sox fan and had the privilege of seeing Ted play.. When the Sox won their first pennant, a young man doing community service at the organization that I volunteered at, said it was the first time he saw his dad cry. This is a story I’ll repeat on this very site, every year the sox are in contention. Sorry Betty but you live in Florida. That’s not a state I can support.
At least some of us have idle speculation about how many and which old Whos have been recovered.
Chris Hayes was freaking out because, if there are talks after the current crisis ends, they may include “entitlement reform.”
Amir Khalid
Cabbagehammer and this President in the same room? I almost fear for Chuckles’ blood pressure.
@JPL: My aunt died in 2005. At her wake, the clothes she was laid out in included a pink Red Sox cap, and many many people said “at least she lived long enough to see them win the Series”.
Today, a baby was born in Chicago whose grandchild will be able to say the same thing about the Cubs.
Suffern ACE
@Hal: you work in an office with soap opera breaks?
A dKos diarist points out this amusing fact about today’s press conference:
@Baud: Don’t win it! It’s a curse! Better to be the sad sack but lovable losers always failing for Championships. It makes the Cubs special.
@Baud: I see you’re an optimist.
@JPL: I am a diehard Cardinals fan. I was in Boston in 2005. Wearing a Cards jersey. In 2004 Boston kicked our ass of course. Those were some of the nicest fans I’ve ever met. We had a very long and polite conversation.
Wow. That is deeply stupid.
@Tom Levenson:
This. Any and all of it.
Suffern ACE
@Baud: ok. This is silly. Yes, there are going to be talks. That’s the whole point of this situation we’re now in. Bad stuff happens when Congress doesn’t send bills to the president to sign so that people can work each year.
But no, Obama is not going to voucherize Medicare so that there will be chicken inspectors and drug approvals. So we will shut down again.
If the sides were close in entitlement reform, we wouldn’t have the sequester.
No offense, but your friend sounds insane.
Higgs Boson's Mate
All I can say is that Obama better watch his ass; the Tea Party is playing 11 dimensional Tic-Toe-Tac.
Bases loaded, no outs…
Pitching change! Quick hook.
Via Politico (no link), this could be an amusing wrinkle in the next week or so:
@Suffern ACE:
I think this is it. I don’t thinks the GOP will have any bullets left if they don’t blow up the country now.
Rachel Maddow is doing an awesome job dramatizing the Tea Party/Default issue.
@dmsilev: I don’t think some folks get how deep things like this go. My mom in 1969, when I was in her womb, likes to joke she put headphones to her belly so I could hear Jack Buck call a game. Was fearful I might become a Cubs fan :).
fleeting expletive
Spoke with my dental hygienist yesterday about the ACA, a person who has a busy life and not political, but she tries to keep up and prefers CNN over either of the other two cable news (“straight down the middle”). I didn’t want to antagonize her, of course. She was bothered about free cell phones. I told her that that program started under Bush and is funded by the telecoms, not taxes. She just didn’t know why someone would have a free cell phone. When I spoke about emergency situations, domestic violence, applying for jobs, etc. she was suddenly quite okay with that program. “Oh that totally makes sense!”
Same thing with the ACA. It’ll be a bit of a slog, but even people who aren’t really tuned in will learn things eventually.
@Suffern ACE: I wish. She was talking to a friend on the phone who was telling her the soap had been interrupted! Now she won’t know who the real father is or something.
Felonius Monk
There is no possible way to reason with STUPID people.
When an elected representative is this f*ckng ignorant, one can only imagine how blindly stupid are the people who elected him.
There is no reasoning or negotiating in good faith with these assclowns. These are the ones that should be drowned in a bathtub.
@efgoldman: Yep. “Short leash” as they say.
@WereBear: I think it was fucking stupid.
@Redshirt: Well, if you walk the first two batters in an inning in 8 pitches total and then give up a hit, what do you expect?
@efgoldman: haha.. Yes 2004…
This thread is about baseball, but Obama is a basketball fan. And in basketball, all the action is in the last 2 minutes. Just wait to see what the next few years in office are like. It’s gonna be beautiful.
Let’s get a Democratic Congress in there to move it along, too. ActBlue, mofos!
Xecky Gilchrist
Slap in the face. Not sure why, but it has to be.
@Felonius Monk: If memory serves, didn’t Dick Cheney claim that he was a fourth branch of government, free from the strictures governing both the executive and legislative branches? Has he emerged from his subterranean lair to offer a view on the debt ceiling?
the Conster
Wow. Shout out to that play from a Sox fan.
@dmsilev: Double play of course.
@Felonius Monk: Yeah, that should be grounds for automatic ejection from Congress. Of course, his constituents aren’t likely to know any better.
(I would assume he is separating the House and the Senate, but he’s also a fool for thinking that SCOTUS is on our side. It’s only on our side on the personal social issues.)
@dmsilev: Good – blow it up while we’re at it, and then pass all the goddamn legislation that we want…that’ll really put the nut squeeze on the House.
Ever read this?
Wow, another pitching change. Moore’s in.
Second time in 90 minutes that’s happened. The Tigers did it in the 8th.
@fleeting expletive: I hope you are right. My parents are middle of the road Republicans. They get their news from CNN and the local newspaper. I don’t like to correct my parents cause well they are not dumb, but alas I spend more time reading about stuff then they do. They are often stunned how what they learn isn’t in fact true.
I like to joke I have “street cred” with my parents cause when I tell them something it is factual. I might be a liberal but I don’t lie to them. I don’t give them “spin.” I will slam my own party just as much as I would their party. I don’t have double standards. The things I was unhappy about with Bush I am also unhappy about with Obama if he does them.
They have almost tuned out to CNN and media in general cause they feel nobody is reporting them facts. I’ve tried to turn them onto MSNBC but they have a point. They don’t need to be told what to think, they need the facts to be reported. They can figure out what to think on their own.
Suffern ACE
@fuckwit: ummm. Aren’t the last two minutes of basketball games filled with stopped clocks, free throws, cheap penalties and whistles?
That’s how I feel about the news too.
That was a nice play..
Betty Cracker
@Redshirt: My mom just texted: “Did I say Maddon was too slow with the fucking hook last week?!?!”
Apple, tree, etc.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: “I doubt McConnell can risk it.” McConnell is being primaried by a farther right whacko. He cannot, not risk it.
@efgoldman: great minds, etc.
@Thlayli: Yeah, but that’s in the 8th. This is the 2nd/3rd! And it’s 0-0.
I was going to write that I thought Rachel jumping on the GI Death Benefit holdup was a loser but decided not to. Then I listen to Riechoff tell her “both sides do it”. That’s exactly what I was afraid of.
Wait, GH is still on the air? Hmm, who knew?
Sexist, or dumb, you decide, headline from Business Insider on top my Yahoo news:
” A Woman Virtually Nobody Has Heard Of Is About To Become The Most Powerful Woman In The World ”
Why, who could that be?
Of course, Ben Bernanke was a household name from Tierra del Fuego to Svalbard. Everyone read his textbooks!
How about sexist and dumb. I mean, if you’re the Business Insider, do you want to go on crowing about how you’ve never heard of Yellen?
@jl: It is perfectly cromulent. I see no sexism there. Angela Merkel might like a word, though. Although for the readers they are aiming at, Germany may be a place they have never heard of.
Suffern ACE
@jl: lord. I even know who yellin is and I’m hardly an economics and banking junkie. I guess that guy just always assumed that she was an administrative assistant.
Culture of Truth
But I was assured Obama was going to nominate Summers and spit on Yellin!
This is very disappointing for the disappointed.
This game is going to end up as a stupid Red Sox loss. How many more people can they strand? Oh, 6-8 more? Sure.
@efgoldman: Always be expecting to lose! That way you can be pleasantly surprised AND smugly satisfied.
To be fair, though, Red Sox fandom is quite similar and pervasive across Northern New England. All pessimists at heart.
the Conster
It would be way more fun to have them win in Fenway.
Tomorrow, Betty will give us a thread about how Obama doesn’t actually deserve any credit for nominating her fed chair of choice.
@Cacti: Do you even read Betty’s threads? Betty is awesome so stop with the attacks. It’s not possible for someone to be agreeing with you 100%, so stop it!
Eric U.
@Hal: funny thing is, my computer is slow right now because my wife is using it to stream General Hospital to a Roku. I assume the stream is not going to be interrupted by any press conferences.
zombie rotten mcdonald
come on. It’s October.
Time to put the baseball away, folks.
@the Conster: That’s the spirit! Better to lose at Fenway too – the sweeter and more direct the heartbreak.
Learning that General Hospital is still on the air is like hearing that Ed Meese is still alive.
@zombie rotten mcdonald:
For what? Roger Goodell’s new and improved defense-free brand of football?
Or the utterly corrupt and exploitative college football system?
Mike E
@zombie rotten mcdonald: …from my cold dead fingers!
Betty Cracker
@Anya: You’re nice to say so, but the commenter in question sees anti-Obama heretics on Balloon Juice like Michele Bachmann sees Mussulmen in her cornflakes. It’s probably best to allow him/her to deposit his/her literature on the porchswing and quietly toss it in the bin later…
Betty Cracker
Tt@efgoldman: True that. If anyone knows the power of clawing back from the abyss, it’s Boston, right?
Why pull Peavy? He’s been great.
We’re doomed.
@beltane: Really. Are Luke and Laura in their 70s now?
2-1 Sox! The Flyin’ Hawaiian!
Ben Cisco
All that ass kicking, all that NeoConfederate narrative gettting blowed up real good, and Stewart leads with…wait for it…SYRIA.
Fuck him, sideways, with the combined weaponry of Seal Team 6.
@fleeting expletive:
Free phone service for the needy is funded by the telecoms in the sense that there is a line item
surcharge on your phone bill called “Universal Lifeline”. My payment towards that this month is $0.37 on an $80 cell phone bill. So it’s sort of a tax that is collected by the telecoms – and I am happy to pay it. Telecoms are about as altruistic as banks, and nearly as much fun to deal with.
Yes, according to former VP Cheney, the fourth branch was a Dick.
@Cacti: Cunt, much?
Sox win! I knew they would all along!
Are you talking about Sox fans or the blogosphere “left”?
No, we’re not talking about your mother.
A Humble Lurker
Fuck off with that bullshit.