Nothing immediate to do in the morning, so I am up late licking my wounds after the Pens OT loss and watching a little tv. However, I thought I would share with you that our new Lord and Master, Steve, has decided that the place he wants to be tonight is in the second story perch of his cat tree. He raced through the house about four hours ago, jumped up in there, and has been there since. I dared life and limb to get these action shots (which I think, given my history of photographic skills, or lack thereof, are pretty good). First, I delicately awoke the lion:
Once awoken from his slumber, he extended a paw in peace, as if to say “I will let you live another day, furless monkey boy with lots of treats.” I stood back and took the best picture I could, knowing that I had awoken the beast:
As you can see, humans have carefully and cautiously offered ritual sacrifices of stuffed animals, toys, and, of course, and abundant helping of weapons grade catnip grown in the mountains the eastern pandhandle of West Virginia. True story. One of you sweet people sent me this bag of kine bud catnip through the postal service, and when I got it, it had clearly been searched as the box had been re-taped when I got it. I guess this aroused their suspicions:
I made the pictures of Steve really big so you can click and embiggen them and enjoy him in all his majestic glory. He really is a keeper, even though he drives me batshit insane all day begging for food and knocking my mouse out of my hand.
Oh, and speaking of cool cats, Angry Black Lady is blogging again at her own site.
Kevin B.
If I didn’t have a crazy dog given to me by my son, I would have adopted two “Steves” last week at our local pet store, that has Humane Society adoptees available. I tell ya- I came this close!
I’m thinking Steve is George Carlin back as a cat.
So nice to see pics of Steve. He never stops reminding me of my Maine Coon, Simon. Love when they curl the front paws in like that.
Also, I really, really adore your relationship with him. And that you call the pets piglets.
Pics and video of the latest critters in my life. About a month ago I discovered a nesting pair of bald eagles maybe 40 yards from my front door.
I assume I am not the only one who saw the title of this post and immediately knew the subject. Glad to see Steve is settling in nicely to the Cole household. Now if only there were pictures of Lily I might truly be a happy camper.
John Cole
@MattR: It’s 2 am. Lily promptly goes to bed every night at 11 pm after her treats, and right now, has been warming up the linens under the covers for three hours. Rosie, on the other hand, is on the couch snoring, because she knows that the fat guy often drops food after 11 pm, so she stays there and waits for offerings from the sky, until I say “bedtime” and she follows me to bed.
Okey, dokey. That cat is stoned out of his mind with that much catnip sprinkled around his perch. Yikes!
You said you were going to get Rosie checked out again. Did you and what were the results?
Hahaha, my work site blocks ABL, classifying the site as “Pornographic”.
Well hell, now I REALLY want to click over there, just to see what she’s up to.
@sharl: It’s probably the pic of her half-naked as a baby that adorns the top. The fact that she moons the world should not be lost as funny on anyone here.
Well, you knew it would happen if they elected that commie to be mayor of NY. You can see from the comments that it’s a regular racist scareathon. I did leave one comment though, and maybe somebody here can help me out. There are two ‘attacks’ shown over and over, and, on the one where a group is heading toward the camera and one guy jumps out from them to ‘knock out’ a ‘victim,’ you can see, at least on the third or fourth repeat, that the camera actually follows them down the alley, post-‘attack,’ as they walk toward us. Do security cameras move like that, ever?
Betty Cracker
I’ve got a hideous case of insomnia. Finally got to see “Frances Ha” though. Hooray Netflix! I think I’ll just give up and make a pot of coffee. Luckily I’m off this week.
But what happened to Freddie deBoer?
Betty Cracker
@Punchy: He comments a lot at Gawker.
@Yatsuno: Ah yes, I remember that now.
It may be unblocked eventually. Jezebel was also once blocked, but isn’t any more, I assume due to the intercession of a real live human in whatever process goes on in that blocking (auto)decision.
Ha, just checked, and yep, is still blocked (“Adult Content”).
Is it that old demon gin whut dun it?
Amir Khalid
For everyone’s listening pleasure, Where Have All The Flowers Gone in Klingon.
@Amir Khalid
Now if they’d only do Muskrat Love.
Cannot believe how hooked I’ve gotten on watching the oh so very droll yet still informative British program QI on YouTube.
I am sorry if this isn’t an appropriate place to you my tale. My son found his wife passed out outside and fried to move her in, need my help. I was worried about her condition so called health line the recommended calling emergency. We ended up with six paramedics as the were concerned with getting her down very narrow stars she is a big lady, used back stairs instead. She od’d on what we are no sure. I know she has major codeine addiction but I think she will abuse whatever she has, all prescription. The treatment she received was the greatest. We left for your about six hours in the early morning, then almost all day till she was released, with meds.
She straight up lied to pharmacists. So I warned them. Biggest concern is that she is destroying her liver as her drug of choice codeine come with paracetamol, this can kill you liver.
My own health is mess k have severe debilitating back and neck painted and the With the worst abuse tacking two sleeping pills, even tho my Dr has said ok
I am off to see orthopaedic surgeon
So this are this week. So hope he can do something. It is getting to the stage that t need a walker. I am only 51
@Yatsuno: I belive that’s a visual representation of “kiss my black ass”
@Debbie(aussie): Aw, that sounds awful. Good thing you were there to make that call for reinforcements! Filling the medical folks in on her real situation will hopefully be something she comes to appreciate some day. But you did the right thing regardless!
Please take care of yourself; thinking good thoughts of you and your health, starting with that visit to the doc.
Amir Khalid
It’s never inappropriate to share such a story here, especially when (as usually happens) a fellow commenter can offer some words of comfort or even practical advice. Hopefully this event might help your daughter-in-law realise that she really needs some help.
@Betty Cracker:
Everything seems to need to be completed by mid-December to mid-January and so I have my nose to the grind stone, while everyone else seems to be in holiday mode.
Codeine is an opiate and all opiates can become addictive.
Is there a way to get her into some sort of rehabilitation facility, until she can get over her addiction?
I hope things improve for you and your family.
wasabi gasp
I had this visitor last Friday morning.
@Debbie(aussie): Wow, that sounds awful! Glad to hear you had good help. I suffer from a chronic back condition which produces a Sciatica-like pain down my right leg and into my foot, so I can commiserate. Damn painful! I’m seeing a pain-management doc later today, and he’s recommending cortisone injections in my lower spine. I’ve had them done twice before, and they did no good, but this is a new doc, and he seems certain that this time they’ll do the trick. Wish me luck, and the best of luck to you. And remember, you’re not alone.
Betty Cracker
I finally figured out who Steve reminds me of: the cat that belongs to Filch the caretaker of Hogwarts. Which means his true name is Mrs. Norris.
@Betty Cracker: YES!!! You are so right.
Ash Can
Now, that’s a fluffy kitty! And of course he’s begging for food all day. With that much catnip laying around, he’s always baked, and constantly has the munchies.
@Betty Cracker:
OMG, you’re right! Damn, good catch, Betty!
Very stoned cat. Look at the eyes.
Did he order a pizza?
Interesting. My Maine Coon mix Rizzo is a total nip-head.
TaMara (BHF)
@Gex: I am so jealous. I await many updates.
If Steve starts talking about our universe being hidden in the sprinkles of a Krispy Kreme donut, it’s time to cut off the ‘nip. Stoned kitty is stoned.
@YellowJournalism: Cut off the ‘nip for who, the cat or John? ‘Cuz if my cat started talking period, I’d have to reevaluate whatever substances I’m intaking.
Paul in KY
Steve looks pretty stoned in those pictures.
Paul in KY
@fourmorewars: It may have been pictures someone recording the group was taking & then uploaded somewhere where it could be grabbed by news services, etc.
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: Didn’t sound any different than German, IMO…
Paul in KY
@Debbie(aussie): Very sorry for your health problems, Debbie. Sorry you have this unwanted drama in your life.
Ha ha: you DO read comments on your posts/site. Nicely done! The interactive photo-embiggening is a special touch: que bueno.
I looked for my fabulous cat Mingus in your 2014 pet calendar but didn’t see him (black and white cat, with tiny Dali mustache spots sitting Zen-ish with a purple orchid). Did he make the back cover? Did he not make the cut? Whatevs. ; )
Have a nice day MrCole and send some of that catnip to Mingus pls. Thx. Tell Steve west coast cats say “hi.”
Nothing like a nipfaced cat…
Sue (Garnet's foster mom) and one of MARC's directors
Steve Reigns!!!!
That photo of the bag cracks me up.
What could *possibly* have aroused their suspicions?
Steve is such a good looking, handsome, colorful cat! And those paws!