The Soweto Gospel Choir and a local Woolworths got together to organize this Mandela tribute/remembrance:
(Lyrics and translation.) (h/t GOS)
Gotta have something of an anecdote to all the crap out there, and this is it for me today.
This post is in: Music
The Soweto Gospel Choir and a local Woolworths got together to organize this Mandela tribute/remembrance:
(Lyrics and translation.) (h/t GOS)
Gotta have something of an anecdote to all the crap out there, and this is it for me today.
Comments are closed.
I think you mean “antidote.”
Um, they have Woolworth’s?
Did not know that.
Or “antidote,” perhaps?
More importantly, what a lovely way to begin the evening. Thanks!
(apologies if I’ve missed a pun; end of the week and all….)
Mannequin was filmed at Woolworths.
Boys II Men just keeeeeepin up the beat.
Freedom of ’76.
Wow, that’s excellent. Thanks for posting it. I didn’t know Woolworth’s still existed. They closed in the UK a few years ago.
@ranchandsyrup: No fair starting Happy Hour early.
Tom levenson
@Cervantes: yeah, “antidote.” Away from my computer now, so can’t fix.
I think you mean “antidote,” not “anecdote.”
Or maybe not. It’s so rare to have the opportunity of correcting Tom Levenson’s writing that now I’m thinking I might be missing a really clever joke.
ETA: I see Cervantes and handsmile got there first. Change it, Tom. Every time you let a typo go uncorrected, the errorists win.
Nic one on the ETA
@Tom levenson: At this point, hasn’t it nearly become an anecdote, albeit about a post, not person. And it certainly provides a mild diversion to the rest of the day — although a distant second to the song. I’m greedy, I’ll take both.
@BGinCHI: Heh. I had to get +3 to handle a trip to the outlet mall earlier (it was still unsane) and I just made a chelada. Put remote drunk-diagnosis on the list your talents.
Nanci Griffith at Woolworths.
Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom
I’ve watched it twice already and I keep crying every time. Not sure I can handle a third. Glad I missed the memorial which sounds like a big mess, except for Obama’s speech. But I’m determined to watch the funeral and I know I’ll be an emotional wreck by the time it’s over.
It’s always funny to see how stores with the same name are different in different places. Since the sign on the store says “Woolworths Food,” I’m assuming it’s more of a grocery store than the 5-and-dime I think of when I think “Woolworths.”
In Arizona, Fry’s is a grocery store, but in California, it’s an electronics and appliance store (sort of a cross between a hobby store and Best Buy). But not only is the name the same, the logo is almost identical. Weird.
@ranchandsyrup: It’s right there on my CV!
@Mnemosyne: But everywhere Walmart is a life-sucking shithole.
Thanks. Not original. I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it.
@Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom: actually, the memorial wasn’t a big mess. The MSM were only interested in POTUS and the usual MSM BS.
Mandela’s grandchildren were great and the dignitaries that spoke (mostly in their own language I believe) like the UN Sec Gen Moon spoke very eloquently. The MSM coverage did not do the memorial justice, IMHO.
Anyhoo, NOLA is also honoring Mandela as only NOLA can:
James Andrews to lead second line in honor of Nelson Mandela Sunday
I’m mad I’ve got to work, so I’m going to miss it.
Amir Khalid
@Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom:
I take it you’re not referring to the Selfiegate non-issue. From what I understand, the only real issue at the memorial service was the sign-language interpreter.
Not here! And admission is free!
Continuing the venerable tradition of plutocrats and their acquisitions. Pay one’s employees a decent wage/provide them with safe working conditions OR purchase a painting for $35 million?
And it “celebrates the American Spirit”! Just like Walmart’s “everyday low, low prices!”
@Mnemosyne: I find it very odd that the Fry’s in CA sell pr0n.
Comrade Mary
Right. Made me cry. Good work.
@Tom levenson: No love for the Adipose?
The end of the vid reminded me of this moment.
Both took a lot of heat about it at the time, now it’s anniversary worthy.
We’ll just have to check with George Will, Pat Buchanan and Bill O for the penultimate historical verdict.
Really? It’s a store targeted to the geekiest of the computer geeks. Why would you be surprised they have pr0n, too?
What is kind of funny to me is that they have a very good selection of craft magazines (knitting, quilting, etc.)
lower podunk
@ranchandsyrup: No, Mannequin was shot at the old John Wanamaker’s flagship store in downtown Philadelphia, now an accursed Macy’s.
Hmm, this Newsmax headline seems to indicate that Megyn Kelly’s rant did not go over as well as she thought it would:
More on that from Mediaite. Apparently she wasn’t on her show the day after her “white santa” comments.
Dee Loralei
That was lovely Tom. And yea, it made me cry.
Xecky Gilchrist
You mean “antidote,” not …
HOW many?
@lower podunk: I was just quoting a Ween song. But good info that I will chuck in gene and dean ween’s collective face if I see them. Deceivers.
@Mnemosyne: I get the utility and the benefits to the store and customers. But since kids are in there, I’m surprised they’re allowed to sell. Some nanny state we live in.
@ranchandsyrup: It was filmed at Wanamaker’s, now a Macy’s. I used to work there in the early 70’s.
ETA: lower podunk beat me to it.
This pic from the memorial also reminded me of that too…“President Obama showing a sign of solidarity with the people of South Africa.”???
I’m actually shocked it hasn’t been picked up by the usual RWNJ
@BGinCHI: Walmart in Canada is all union. The Waltons are trying to change that but even Harper can’t bring himself to suck up to the 1% enough to break them. I think Comrade Mary has more info on that.
Wow. I’m practically sobbing. What a beautiful tribute.
Mandela lying in state ends with final rush from S Africans
lower podunk
@ranchandsyrup: Well, I don’t know from Gene, Dean, or Ween, but chuck away and fight the forces of deception! :)
So, The Outlaw Jersey Whale is feeling a bit of heat over dere. I just wanted to know where the fuck were all these revelations before the election.
I’m actually glad they came out afterwards. I don’t think they would have prevented him from being re-elected, and now he can’t claim that the election vindicated him in this matter.
@lower podunk: Song about Philly.
lower podunk
@sacrablue: Grew up in the burbs, used to go downtown every Christmas for the light show at Wanamaker’s and the Enchanted Christmas Village at Lit Brothers. Also dinner at the restaurant at Strawbridge’s, which also usually had good window displays. I miss that stuff. Macy’s is shit.
Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom
@lamh36: Thanks for letting me know. I’ll look it up on YouTube.
Sister Inspired Revolver of Freedom
@Amir Khalid: Oh that BS! No, just the fact that a lot of people who were supposed to be there weren’t because of the SNAFU with the trains. Plus people were complaining it was too solemn and should have been more a celebration.
Welcome to the Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club website!
Amir Khalid
Better late than never, I guess. But I gather there are people, and maybe not just in Jersey, who would have admired the rather gangsterish style this story attributes to Christie.
@Yatsuno: They were in Mitt Romney’s dossier on him. They knew.
@Violet: For no rational reason that made me despise Willard even more.
@lower podunk:I lived in the burbs as well. I worked there for a few years in the 70’s and then moved overseas. I loved going downtown at the holidays. “Meet me at the eagle” was a big deal back then as were luncheon in the ninth floor restaurant complete with tea sandwiches. I was long gone by the time Macy’s took over.
I generally stay away from that corner of the magazine section, but even B&N sells Playboy and the like. Or is it DVDs that are the problem?
@Yatsuno: I think that’s perfectly rational.
Thank you for a happy thought. Watched it twice. I mean IMHO if you are going to do a flash mob, you might as well sing!
Here is one for you, well I guess not a flash mob. Called Pearls Before Breakfast:
The Washington Post found maybe the best violin player in the world and asked him to play at L’enfant Plaza. That is a Metro station in DC. They wondered if anybody would stop.
As a former 15 year DC resident, not sure if I would have. The comments, cause shocker nobody stopped, are painful.
But I like to think, if you watch, there is like a 5-6 year old boy watching all of it. Happy thoughts. Maybe this will change his life. You know, just saying.
What beautiful music. And what a heartfelt tribute.
Eric U.
@Mnemosyne: @Mnemosyne: Fry’s started out as a grocery. The kids weren’t interested in groceries and took the money their father gave them after selling the grocery chain to start selling electronics and computers. So there is a connection.
@Tom levenson: Thanks for the post.
David Koch
History’s Greatest Monster
@Mnemosyne: The DVD section. Didnt seem to be cordoned off well enough and dont i sound like a prude You’re right about the magazines. I similarly find it odd that one can get magazines at the airport. David Cross on that subject:
@efgoldman: I’ve live in a lot of places in this nation, Woolworths is a place I’ve shopped, like in New Orleans. But not for like 20 years. I thought this video might be in South Africa.* Is this in the US?
*Huge Ladysmith Black Mambazo fan. Not sure many Americans I know can sing like this.
@ranchandsyrup: I am no prude, don’t think you are. I don’t fly as much as I used to, but alas I buy like 3-5 magazines before I get on a plane. I am always stunned that they have like Huslter. Look Playboy does in fact have good articles from time to time, but Huslter, well that is just porn. I got nothing against that, but I would not open that next to you on a plane.
Tom: Thank you for this post. The Soweto Gospel Choir is magnificent. The flash mob aspect of it is most modern and made me giggle, but the song itself was beautiful and I’ve played it several times. When I read Cry, the Beloved Country I would never have imagined that South Africa could become what it has. (Never dreamt of such a thing as a flash mob, either.) It was a beautiful and moving tribute to Mr. Mandela.
lamh36: Thank you for the information on the Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club. BJ is a great place to learn new and interesting things.
Roger Moore
For no rational reason, you weren’t already despising Willard as much as you’re capable.
Comrade Mary
@Yatsuno: Sorry, sweetie, Canuck Walmarts aren’t union at all. The one remaining certified Walmart we had in Saskatchewan overwhelmingly voted to decertify earlier this year. I would love to know what went on there. There were a couple of stores in Québec that were unionized, but workers voted to decertify one and Walmart closed the other.
You may already know about the unionization saga of McDonald’s.
We did have unionized pizza order takers and Swiss Chalet (family restaurant) servers for a while in the 80s and 90s, but yeah, not much otherwise.
@Tommy: I’ve had people watch almost-pornographic movies on their laptops and tablets while sitting right next to me on a plane. One guy was watching some dudebro type movie with lots of topless women in it and when he saw that I glanced over at his screen at one point he pointedly turned the laptop away from me so I couldn’t see it. I didn’t really care what he was watching, but it still seemed rather discourteous of him to watch that kind of movie on a plane where his seatmates could hardly help but see it.
Ah, okay — either they don’t have that video section in my local store or I haven’t stumbled across it (and given how poorly organized the store often is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the latter). At least with magazines you can put them on the upper shelves behind the taller dividers so the kiddies don’t get an eyeful as they ride past in the shopping cart.
Well there is the problem. Would you find True Blood in the same vain? I don’t know. I just would not ask you, as a person sitting next to me, to figure this out.
lower podunk
@ranchandsyrup: @ranchandsyrup: Your linky is bad but my google-fu is strong. That said, the song is not something I am/was familiar with, but the Woolworth’s mention in the lyrics is definitely wrong.
@Tommy: These days the planes often have either live TV where people can watch anything they want, or a bunch of movies and TV shows on demand. They often have less than G-rated visual content and it’s pretty hard to avoid seeing them if the screen is on the seatback of the person sitting next to you.
@lower podunk: Sorry about the link. That’s what I get for doin my learnin from song lyrics.
Omnes Omnibus
@ranchandsyrup: Wat fer you doin’ any lernin’ anyhow?*
*Unfortunately, my written Hilljack isn’t as fluent as it should be.
lower podunk
@sacrablue: Not to stray too OT (beautiful clip, btw, Tom, love it!), but have you been back at all recently? The eagle, the organ, and the light show are still there. The tattered remnants of the Enchanted Village from Lit’s were on display last year at Memorial Hall — very sad looking compared to a fascinated child’s memory of them. I’ve searched around but have not been able to find out what became of the statue of the boar that was in the Strawbridge’s downtown store.
lower podunk
@efgoldman: I believe, although I could be wrong, that the organ is still at the store.
ETA: apparently still in the store and now with friends:
@Omnes Omnibus: The question is too infrequently asked, “is I learnin?” To say that I am assumes facts not in evidence.
In Aus, Woolworths are the’ fresh food people’, our biggest grocery chain.
Back to Mandela tributes, NPR had a South African poet (Mbali Vilakazi) read her elegy to Mandela, “The Black Pimpernel.” She recites it starting at about 2:00. Worth listening to:
Actually Woolworths is ubiquitous in all of the bigger South African cities. The one in this clip is pretty much the standard model. There’s no real equivalent here in the US in terms of the shopping experience. Sells clothing, linen and groceries… good quality, reasonable prices, and top class customer service. When I was a kid in the ’60s Woolies sold cheap clothing (I suspect the model was the same in the UK at the time) but in the 80’s started moving to the more up-market boutique-ish experience it is today. This is an ad, but it’s a beautiful and respectful one, yet another in the many post-Mandela’s death responses from South Africans that makes me proud to be one myself.
let me be the very first to point out that you mean antidote