I’m really enjoying Katie Baker’s dispatches from Sochi for Grantland:
“If you see your face on the screen, please hug your neighbor,” said the woman hosting the hour-long festivities that preceded the 2014 opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Sochi. Around the 40,000-seat Fisht Olympic Stadium, big screens showed what we in America call kiss cams. “Please show your love to the world.”
Mostly, the featured fans just smiled and waved. A few minutes later, the hostess adjusted her tactic. “If you see yourself, you should hug your neighbor,” she said. “That’s the law.”…
There was the mysticism and whimsy — an enormous dancing bear, colorful cathedral onion domes — and there was the hard-nosed industrialism denoted by a whirring of Soviet-era cogs and wheels and locomotives and train tracks, all capped off by a terrifying hammer and sickle several stories in height. (This was, without close second, the best part of the show.) There were nods to Russia’s deep appreciation of the arts, from books to ballet, and umpteen snippets of t.A.T.u. songs; the band even performed live before the production began. (So did the Russian police chorus, which sang a rousing rendition of “Get Lucky.”)…
[Thursday] morning, I went up to the mountains for the first time. The Sochi Games are split into two regions: There’s the coastal cluster, with its Olympic Park dotted by skating and hockey and curling venues that make it look, from the air, like the face of an enormous rotary phone. And then there’s the true gem of these Games: the jagged, stunning Ural Mountains region of Krasnaya Polyana, Putin’s fave place to ski. They’re connected by a now-infamous road and railway (an infrastructure project that cost a reported $8.7 billion). It was a crisp, cloudless day, the kind skiers call “bluebird,” and as the peaks emerged into view there was an audible murmur from all the first-timers to the sight.Given all the concern about security and surveillance, I had been mildly underwhelmed by the scene at the coast; there haven’t been that many officers or Cossacks around, machine guns are scarce, and they let me bring a huge thing of soda into the media center that is within the “ring of steel.” When I went back to my hotel, I was waved right through the security gate even though I wasn’t wearing my credential.
But the ride to the mountains opened my eyes to the scale and scope of the protective effort. Our credentials were checked once as we boarded, and then scanned before we took off. Everywhere you looked on the hour-plus drive — up in the woodsy hills, down in the rocky river valley — there were men. Some were leaning on police cars, some were pacing, some were making repairs, many were smoking. At one point, we drove by a military-looking drill going on — a few dozen troops standing in regimented formations down by the water. As we got higher into the mountains, white huts with narrow windows began popping up on the side of the road. I could see men inside. They were ostensibly meant to be camouflaged by roadside snowdrifts, but instead they stuck out against the brown ground….
After being exposed for a week to all the gone-viral images of disrepair and disarray around Sochi, TV viewers will undoubtedly be tuning in with ridiculously low expectations. But what they’ll see this opening weekend will likely be stunning, and not just because NBC has a vested interest in making it look that way. Slopestyle is the newest Olympic event, one cribbed from the X Games just as skicross had been back in Vancouver four years ago. These disciplines — known for high-flying jumps and their potential for huge, backbreaking crashes — are catnip for kids and play extraordinarily well on TV….
Imma guessing $50bil went to Putin, the rest of it was squandered in corruption.
Bill E Pilgrim
I swear to God I thought this was Andy Borowitz or The Onion:
It seems to be entirely serious, though I still can’t quite believe that.
Next up, Christie denies involvement in his two-hour press conference of last month. “Hey, given what’s come out since then, I sound like either a moron or a liar for that entire two hours! Would I do something like that? Clearly, I did it without my knowledge.”
Katie Baker @ Grantland:
Krasnaya Polyana is in the Caucasus (Kavkaz) Moutains, not the Urals. (The Caucasus Mts. are formed from the collision of the Arabian and European tectonic plates, and the Urals are from the collision of the European and Asian plates.)
I don’t mean to be nitpicky about this, but we’re talking about whole different mountain ranges here. I think if someone is gonna report from the Games, she should at least get the mountain range in which they’re taking place correct, ya know?
@Bill E Pilgrim: Ha! I wish I could uprate your comment. Nicely skewered,
Ultraviolet Thunder
Howdyfoax. 6:30 am in Detroit. I happen to be at home for a weekend day from my travel job.
Today I’ll go to a hospice and probably see my step father for the last time. His health has been in decline in a number of ways and on Tuesday when he couldn’t navigate around the house they admitted him. He has days or maybe hours to live. This gives me an immeasurably big sad. He’s a good man who made every sacrifice to take care of his people. Born into extreme poverty, orphaned, adopted, raised hell, straightened his shit out and did right for 65 years. He’s the gold standard in my life of a husband, father and a good human being.
And very soon he’ll be gone. I need to pull myself together because it’s going to be a tough day.
I know you care about this stuff so thanks in advance for your condolences and concern.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: So very sorry for the soon to be loss; many here, as I, have lost people/family and it is hard. Remember all the good is what carries us through.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: that was a lovely tribute to your stepdad. I am so sorry for your pending loss. It’s good you’re in town today so you can say your goodbyes. Thinking of you.
Over half of my town is still without power from Wednesday’s ice storm. We lost power, but it came back in less than a day. Our neighbors across the street still have no power and have gone to stay with family. Seeing a row of dark, cold, empty houses is rather depressing.
Southern Beale
Yet another story of “losing my $52 a month insurance under Obamacare” falls apart under closer scrutiny. This woman has been making TV commercials and appearing with Marsha Blackburn telling her story…
@Southern Beale:
I’m not sure that’s a “falls apart” story — more like a “comparing apples to oranges” story with respect to the junk insurance.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Best to all of you.
No one can ever accuse Russia of subtlety in display. The gargantuan statue atop the USSR pavilion at the 1937 Paris Exposition was 100 feet tall.
@Southern Beale:
Before ACA and before Obama became President, I am sure we all remember the many times that Marsha Blackburn was outraged that people with pre-existing conditions were unable to get health insurance coverage. Kudos to her for being consistent and not a hysterical hypocrite…
In other sporting news, 5 days till Cardinal pitchers and catchers officially report. Some are already in Jupiter.
I’m getting a 404 error on that link, NotMax.
Nope, gonna let that straight line pass.
@JGabriel: Nit pick away. She’s a journalist. Accuracy should be the name of the game.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
very sorry.
@JGabriel: Here’s another copy that works.
@JGabrielOdd, works fine for me. Just uploaded it to an online display service, though. Try this link.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: That was such a tribute.
@NotMax: It looks like your original linky had a permission issue for others – it wasn’t a 404 error.
Thanks for the picture. They did like to “go big”, didn’t they?
@NotMax: Men AND women bringing the revolution. Very old school.
Liverpool 2-0 Arsenal after nine minutes. One assumes Amir is doing some big ole’ happy dance.
And we’re not getting to see it in TimeWarnerLand, because they refuse to support the NBC Sports Live Extra app and NBCSN is showing speed skating.
And now it’s three-nil. Apparently Arsenal was not notified that the match started at 12:45 local time, because they haven’t shown up.
Were some enterprising Russian artist to do a knock-off today featuring two men and/or two women, he/she wouldn’t see daylight for quite a spell.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: very sorry to hear this. It sounds like this is a terrible day. He has well and truly lived. I hope these last few days can be filled with peace and love.
Four. I hope the Duke lacrosse teams scores this quickly later today.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Play some Alison Krauss, “Lay my Burden Down”, that should ease the painful goodbyes. Be strong.
Amir Khalid
You assume correctly. Especially since Liverpool got to 4-0 up before a quarter of the match was over.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
So sorry to hear about your stepdad. Even though it will be difficult, this chance to say goodbye will mean so much to you.
@NotMax: Oh what the hell, I opened the door, all you have to do is walk through it.
Amir Khalid
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Peace and love to you and yours. I hope you all get to say a proper goodbye to your stepfather before he has to go.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Well said. Make the most of the days or hours left together, then grieve well.
Best to you and yours.
Betty Cracker
@Ultraviolet Thunder: He sounds like a helluva man. Peace and strength to you and your family.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ultraviolet Thunder: My condolences.
Southern Beale
Another anti-Obamacare story falls apart:
@Ultraviolet Thunder: thinking of you and yours. What a lovely tribute to a good man.
Amir Khalid
And the ‘Pool are 5-nil up! I know there are Gooners among the Juicitariat. I promise not to gloat too much.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
Although it’s fun reading Piers Morgan’s tweet of agony quoted at Auntie Beeb’s liveblog:
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Since nothing I can write will ease the sorrow, I’ll only say that I’m sorry for your impending loss, and that I’ll keep you in my thoughts today.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: So very sorry. But what a life to celebrate!
@Southern Beale:
It doesn’t matter if tens of millions benefit from this law. If one person pays more, even if she gets actual insurance in exchange instead of junk, it’s a sign that the law is garbage and needs to be repealed.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Sorry about your stepfather. I know it seems hollow now,but eventually, the love he gave you will overpower the sadness of his loss
the Conster
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
I sat vigil with both parents over the past few years while they slipped away. It’s a profound experience. So many emotions – my mother struggled with terrible Alzheimer’s for years, and her last months were BRUTAL. She had not been my mother for the last three years or so, so the emotional roller coaster that last day veered between enormous grief and enormous relief. Watching the body struggle and waste away is a meditation on our whole human condition. Not sure if I want to live that long myself. Blessings to you, and please report back.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Deepest sympathy for you and your family, and for your stepfather my hopes for a painless and peaceful death.
The hospice should have a chaplain available if you’re religious, or a grief counselor if that fits you better; grieving is hard and you don’t have to do it alone unless you want to.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Your sadness is proportional to his character. May the people who love us say such things about us when our times have come. Decency and kindness are seriously underrated.
TaMara (BHF)
@Ultraviolet Thunder: That was beautiful. I’m so sorry and sending you lots of good energy. I hope those memories help you as you travel this road of loss.
Dee Loralei
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I’m so sorry for your pending loss. That was a lovely tribute and he seemed a good and kind and decent man. Peace to him and all who love him.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
As someone with a stepparent, I think they often don’t get the credit they deserve. My stepmom took on the job of helping to raise me (my dad was a widower) and even though we drive each other crazy sometimes, she did her best and she’s been my mom for almost 40 years now.
The one practical piece of advice I have for the next couple of days is, don’t feel guilty if the actual moment of passing happens when you’re not there. I really think a lot of people want to spare their loved ones that moment, so they wait until they’re alone or with a nurse/caregiver to let go. That’s what happened with my father-in-law and my father and I heard so many stories from people who just took a break for a few minutes and had their loved one pass that I think it may be an actual phenomenon.
Villago Delenda Est
Geography fail. The Urals are hundreds of miles to the east and north of Sochi. She means the Caucasus.
The Very Revered Crimson Fire of Compassion
@Ultraviolet Thunder: May all the love that he’s spent a lifetime showering on others return to him now. As a veteran of many deathbeds, I can tell you that it really does make a difference who you’ve been while you had the chance. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, and with all of you who love him as you face one of the biggest trials love can endure. It does though. Our love outlives us. A small sliver of hope, perhaps, but big enough to hang a reason for living on.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet, @NotMax: Thanks to both of you!
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Sorry to hear this. Wishing the best for your stepfather and family.
Paul in KY
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Very sorry to hear of this. My condolences to your family.
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: Go Liverpool!