Poor guy has no clue the Graeme Frost/Scott Beauchamp/Sherrod treatment he is about to get:
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has told medical officials that his captors locked him in a metal cage in total darkness for weeks at a time as punishment for trying to escape, and while military doctors say he now is physically able to travel he is not yet emotionally ready for the pressures of reuniting with his family, according to American officials who have been briefed on his condition.
Sergeant Bergdahl, who was released last Saturday to American commandos in Afghanistan in exchange for five Taliban detainees held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, remains in a military hospital in Germany without access to news media — and thus is oblivious to the raging criticism from some in Congress about the prisoner swap and even from members of his former platoon who say he deserted them. He has received a letter from his sister but has not yet responded, and objects when hospital staff address him as sergeant instead of private first class, his rank when he was captured nearly five years ago after walking off a remote outpost in eastern Afghanistan, the official said.
***Officials would not disclose if Sergeant Bergdahl has made any special requests. One thing, however, that does rub him wrong is when hospital staff call him “sergeant,” the result of two automatic promotions while a captive.
“He says, ‘Don’t call me that,’ ” said one American official. “ ‘I didn’t go before the boards. I didn’t earn it.’ ”
But his dad looks like the Taliban. Then there is this:
The platoon was, an American military official would assert years later, “raggedy.”
On their tiny, remote base, in a restive sector of eastern Afghanistan at an increasingly violent time of the war, they were known to wear bandannas and cutoff T-shirts. Their crude observation post was inadequately secured, a military review later found. Their first platoon leader, and then their first platoon sergeant, were replaced relatively early in the deployment because of problems.
Some of the stuff in the last article reads like bullshit written by someone who never spent a day in the military. I understand that Patton had everyone wear neckties and that shit, but cut-off t-shirts in the middle of fucking nowhere is not a sign of a raggedy unit. I spent four days in the middle of the fucking desert on a broke down tank with my loader and gunner after the CO hopped off and jumped on another tank. They threw us a shitload of water and cases of MRE’s and told us the 88 will get you in a couple days. We did nothing but manually rotate the turret and reposition the tarp so we could have some shade, play cards, listen to Sgt. Charles sing (we had no batteries left), and make up lies about past sexual conquests. And hell yeah I spent a little time in my knickers and not in appropriate attire getting some sun. That’s not bad soldiers, that’s people in a position where they clearly are fucked.
There were clearly more troubling issues, such as a clear lack of NCO control, a completely incoherent mission, lax security, they were undermanned, and no one knew why the fuck they were there. It reads like a shit-show fail parade from the top down. They had no business being there, had no idea why they were there or what they were supposed to do, and neither did the fucking people who put them there.
And this fucking motormouth:
Mr. Sutton said he had struggled to square the popular portrayal of Sergeant Bergdahl as brooding and disenchanted with the soldier he knew. “He wanted to take the fight to the enemy and do the mission of the infantry,” he said, adding, “He was a good soldier, and whenever he was told to do something, he would do it.”
Mr. Cornelison made it his job to get to know the men he might someday have to save. He said Sergeant Bergdahl was cagey, never telling anyone his full personal story, sharing a snippet with one soldier, another snippet with someone else.
“He got excited during certain parts of fighting, but for the vast majority of the time, he was disillusioned when we had to be boots-on-the-ground infantrymen,” Mr. Cornelison said. However, he said, Sergeant Bergdahl showed more interest in humanitarian activities, like passing out food or medical supplies to Afghan villagers or helping Afghan soldiers repair their buildings, and seemed disappointed that the Army was not more like “a kind of Peace Corps.”
Sorry, but that medic Cornelison doing the Fox News circuit just strikes me as the biggest blue falcon ever.
couple of good guys with guns murdered by gun in vegas today, them and some poor person shopping at wal mart.
the bad guys shot themselves after. maybe the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is suicide. like in Santa Barbara, columbine, sandy hook, or running out of ammo…. or a gun jam.
sorry for the hijack…
Villago Delenda Est
Well, yeah, this is always just GREAT for morale and cohesion. It’s not like the Army hasn’t experienced this before, amiright? You bet your ass I am.
There MIGHT be some inkling of what the mission is at the top, where the brass is heavy, but if they can’t articulate it down to grunt level, then the intelligent soldiers will start to question things…particularly if the NCO chain isn’t very strong. Having to replace both the platoon leader and the platoon sergeant is not a very good sign….particularly the platoon sergeant. If you have a decent PSGT, the platoon leader is more or less irrelevant. A decent platoon leader and a weak platoon sergeant is not as good. Both is just disaster.
@gian: One of the killers was female.
Fox News is apparently gearing up to demand the death penalty for Bergdahl:
And Bergdahl’s parents have been getting death threats:
Villago Delenda Est
BTW, for you civilian types, an 88 is an armored recovery vehicle, what you need to get a broke dick tank back to the motor hole for repairs.
@Villago Delenda Est: What makes me happy is that the other 7,000 GI’s killed in these cluster-fucks were on really coherent missions.
Villago Delenda Est
@Morzer: I have a better idea. Let’s go after a well known deserter who is living in Texas right now.
Villago Delenda Est
@raven: Well, certainly! “Take the oil ministry for the Dark Lord’s awl bidness cronies”. Now that’s a coherent mission.
@Villago Delenda Est: fukin a
I presume the “guy” is generic. The quote is from the NRA gun sellers association after sandy hook. should I change the quote for your sensibilities? Or are you saying I didn’t RTFA I linked?
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
Chris T.
Who is the guy on the right of the photo-pair?
Edit: aha, one of the Duck Dynasty guys. (Die-nasty?)
@gian: Fuck my sensibilities. A lot of noise has been made here about small dick this and small dick that in regard to gun idiots and I thought it was interesting that this one involved a woman.
Villago Delenda Est
@gian: In Seattle the other day, a good guy without a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun.
So much for THAT theory.
@Chris T.: Duck dude.
Villago Delenda Est
@Chris T.: One of those “Duck Dynasty” dickweeds.
@Morzer: “So, you believe the death penalty should at least be on the table for Bergdahl?” Wallace
presseddrooled.What a fucking asshole.
@Villago Delenda Est:
but will anyone point out the rather obvious lack of facts that wayne used to lubricate his lie? failure to fully clean the gun or have a big enough magazine gives people a chance to run/attack the “bad guy with a gun” and small magazines and dirty parts give wayne a sad,
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Chris T.: You mean the one who actually kinda sort looks like he could be hangin with the Taliban? That’s one of the duck call dynastics or what ever the fuck those dudes call their teevee show.
@raven: I found it indeed interesting; so few spree shooters are women. It’s a detail worth noting.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Not too many female serial killers either.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Nice post about a shitty subject.
I really have little to say on this subject, other than this is our bed, like it or not. Most of this crap attitude comes from the last administration’s bullshit and wars. Many warned that this would be the result and that it would take years to get past it. I’m not sure we ever will, at least in my lifetime. My only hope is that I am wrong, very very wrong. My fear is that it is/will get worse than anyone predicted.
@raven: Let’s not judge woman who like big guns and guys with small dicks.
@Morzer: Yeah, and I’m gearing up to demanding the death penalty for the
peoplesick bastards who are pushing the death penalty for Bergdahl.Rat fuckers, all of them. There’s a good chance that we could have been seeing another beheading video, but instead the president, on recommendations from the military, got Bergdahl out. I am so thankful Barack Obama is our president.
Just had to google this phrase. Huh.
I never realized that Dyno-Mutt cartoon worked on so many levels.
James E. Powell
[He} seemed disappointed that the Army was not more like “a kind of Peace Corps.”
Well, I don’t find this at all surprising since Bergdahl enlisted in 2008. For those who may have forgotten, for several years the corporate press/media coverage made it seem as if the main reason the US invaded and occupied Afghanistan was so that soldiers could paint schools and deliver badly needed supplies.
@Marc: Sumthin them FNG’s say!
@James E. Powell: Laura Bush promoted education and the right to vote for females. You are correct that they painted it as a humanitarian mission.
@gbear: These people are ghouls. There’s something very wrong with them.
Of course, if Bergdahl had been beheaded, the right wing would be screaming about impeaching Obama for betraying an American hero.
Not wanting to be addressed as SGT because he feels like he didn’t earn the promotions? That sounds to me like a guy who has his shit fairly well together.
These are people without any belief in anything except their pet hate of the day.
@gbear: Ya’ll didn’t really think the people that dreamed this shit up were not going to spend the rest of their lives trying to justify what they did. Every-fucking-body knew what a cluster fuck the Nam was but it took no time for those right wing assholes to climb out from under their rocks when Kerry ran.
And why shouldn’t we demand the death penalty for someone who hasn’t been charged with anything?
Why do you hate America?
@burnspbesq: Fuck man he’s been in a goddamn cage for 5 years. People call me sir now and I tell them “don’t call me that, I’m an enlisted man”. The went in an E-4 and in his head he’s still an E-4.
Southern Beale
Two things:
I read in the NYT today that Bergdahl was promoted from private to sergeant while in captivity. I just wondered if that’s typical — for the military to promote someone who’s been captured.
Second thing, I don’t understand why the dad’s beard is a big deal to the RWNJs. I mean, aside for it being a stupid thing to be focused on anyway, but regardless, I’d read that the dad vowed after his son was captured to not shave his beard until Bowe was home. So regardless of your feeling about facial hair, this guy grew his beard for a reason. Seems really dumb to focus on something so easily debunked in such a sympathetic way.
I hope the RWNJs are hung out to dry on this one. What fucking assholes.
@Morzer: Which explains, in part, the impotent rage I feel at this whole situation. There is an ugliness in our country that is getting more and more overt and is getting harder and harder to deny.
I can’t think of one concrete thing I can do about it in the short term. I hope the ugliness of this country flames out, because it’s getting harder and harder to face every day.
@Southern Beale: Yes, if he was listed as missing he would get normal promotions. We’ve discussed this quite a bit her over the past few days.
As far as the beard, these motherfuckers are talking to people who already believe the shit before they even say it.
OT (though kinda sorta not):
Most folks by now have seen Kurt Vonnegut’s letter to his parents that he wrote shortly after being liberated from a German POW camp. I ran across it again today (via Twitter), and even after having read it several times, it still makes an impression.
It brought back a recollection of something he wrote later, in Slaughterhouse Five:
Best wishes to Bowe Bergdahl for as long and as healthy a life as can be had.
@Southern Beale:
Because it lets them link Bob Bergdahl to Muslims, because only Muslims have big, scary beards. Furthermore, as all RWNJs know, all Muslims hate America and are terrorists by proxy if not in person.
But mostly it’s another way of calling Obama an anti-American Muslim jihadi who is betraying America to his own kind.
Southern Beale
OK thanks, I haven’t been over here this week so I didn’t know that.
? Martin
So, basically when you guys are stuck in some hole with nothing to do but keep your head down, you invent a cryptic language that nobody else can comprehend?
Yeah, okay. I’d probably do the same.
Mr. Twister
@WaterGirl: Aided and abetted by the so-called Liberal media.
Southern Beale
You know who else has big scary beards right now? Hockey players in the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Jesus but these people are fucking retarded.
@raven: I had to walk out of the vietnam war moving where the prisoners were in cages; I couldn’t even watch that. So when I think about what Bergdahl went through and how people are treating him, it makes me unbelievably angry and sad. That this guy survived, even sort of in one piece, is a testament to him and to the family who raised him. And they are all being treated like shit, by these disgusting, hateful creatures.
@sharl: Here’s a nice piece from out favorite Green Beret, Pat Lang
gogol's wife
I started to read the NYTimes article John quotes, and I got disgusted and quit. I was thinking, these two guys have never gone near any military service — I just hated the snarky superior tone of it, even though it seems to be trying to get the facts about the story, which the Times has been pretty good on all week.
@Southern Beale:
I surely do hope no-one tells those folks about the beards of Robert E Lee and James Longstreet.
Although, come to think of it, they were kinda anti-American as I recall….
@WaterGirl: You mean movie I think? Must have been “The Deer Hunter” which I personally think was the worst Vietnam movie outside of the “Siege of Firbase Gloria” but that’s just me.
Also, remember that they are comparing him to Kerry, and by extension any of us that opposed the war, as traitors who “turned their back on their fellow soldiers”. Shit is personal for me.
The more Pat Lang talks about how hard men are needed to keep the world safe, the more I conclude that his latest shipment of magic blue pills must have been held up by bandits near Laredo.
@Southern Beale: I completely understand why the dad hasn’t shaved his beard. Bergdahl not be in the war zone anymore, but he certainly isn’t home to his family.
@raven: Not being someone’s child makes me hard.
Remember when Republican legislators, Fox news & other wingnut pundits got upset with terrorist death threats against Sgt. Bergdahl’s family?
Me neither.
@Southern Beale:
Earlier reports indicated this was SOP for a POW. As a Viet Nam era Vet I am so angry with this I could just spit. And I reserve a special kind of anger towards John McCain, that lying Son of a Bitch who, of all people should know better.
some guy
the best response to these rightwing scumbags demonizing Bergdahl is to say “please proceed” as most normal people find their rants repellant. petard, meet hoist.
“why do you hate the troops?” is the B-side
Southern Beale
Well of course. It’s like criticizing the guy for being too skinny when he’s been on a hunger protest to bring his kid home.
Conservatives are really horrible people.
@raven: Good lawd. He was a voice of sanity for me in the months leading up to our Our Great & Glorious Iraq Misadventure, and when he disappeared as a commenter from Jim Lehrer’s Newshour, I knew that both our government and our corporate media had made their decision.
Damn shame he’s gone around the bend. Probably sitting in a bar with once rational veteran Jason Van Steenwyck complaining about gun-grabbing libtards.
@some guy: There was a famous moment when we were in DC for Operation Dewey Canyon III where a group of VVAW guys ran into some DAR ladies standing in a line. One of the ladies said “I don’t think what you are doing is good for the troops”. The reply “Lady, we are the troops”!
Suffern ACE
@gbear: what table? He hasn’t been charged with anything yet.
Anyway, it was the same with Manning and Snowden-the fact that they aren’t dead yet proves that there’s a weakling in the office of the president.
Sorry for my ignorance but what’s a blue falcon?
some guy
the pushback from veterans who actually served should be sift and brutal. Chris Wallace calling for his execution may be the tipping point. If only the Left had a PR firm to get their stories out, like Chris Grenell’s shop.
“Should I too be executed for ignoring a stupid command from my platoon sergeant?” that story will eventually come out.
@sharl: Oh you should read his gun shit. I used to communicate with him via email. After Newtown I wrote and said “As a gun enthusiast do you think there is any way we could come together on this problem”. He went ape shit on me for calling him that. I’ve tried to get him off the blogroll because I think it implies some kind of endorsement but no one cares.
@Anya: buddy fucker
Personally I think he must drink. A lot. The rantings that raven posts every once in a while sound to me like a drunk idiot with a typewriter who has lost the key to the liquor cabinet. The type who believes that with just one more drink he might just become tough enough to face the world. Then the weekly supermarket delivery truck comes with his wonder bread, individual cheese slices, miracle whip and 4 qts of Early Times and the typewriter becomes something to get in the way of his glass.
@raven: So, what does he suggest we do with these hard men that are seemingly incapable of learning to co-exist in larger society? At the end of their term do we incarcerate them or put em down? They apparently don’t have parents to whom it might make a difference either way.
@raven: P*nis envy?
@scav: Not call them children or they will quit.
blue falcon? smarten me up, people.
Suffern ACE
@Anya: I don’t know. I always liked the blue falcon as a kid. I even had the comic books.
@raven: I couldn’t think of the name, but yes, it was The Deer Hunter. Those people must truly hate themselves, to be able to hate other people so much.
Reading between the lines, it seems like Bowe Bergdahl must be able to speak english again, so he appears to be doing better than he was. I hope to god that finding out that all this hatred exists (and is currently directed toward him) isn’t the thing that finally breaks Bowe.
@Anya: Time will tell. The report I read said she walked up behind a cop at the drink machine, shot him in the head and then shot him a few more times when he went down.
@some guy: I pushed back, and got an entire side of my family hating me this weekend. I mean REALLY hating. Their grandson is in the Army (24) and told me that he, his buddies, and all his base, thought we should not have rescued Bergdahl. I told him that I, as a Vietnam vet, hold in contempt anyone who would leave a POW behind; and to tell his buddies on base. Then I quoted The Soldier’s Creed: “I will never leave a fallen comrade.” Turns out I “attacked” their grandchild.
@raven: All i can see is these non-child hard guys taking tough about going after the “bad guys” as though they were in their footed jammies on a sleepover.
Good grief. We should get a poll of whether the members of the famed Seal Team Six want to disavow their parents.
@TerryC: Yup.
Did this talk of attacking their Precious come with a side order of gratuitous patriotism and much talk of their personal right to free speech?
Means buddy fucker.
In the military, someone who refuses to play with the team and by team rules. In the military the rules are well known to everyone. Not necessarily well liked by everyone.
@ruemara: I didn’t know, either.
The Google said: “buddy fucker,” i.e., one who does not help a fellow Soldier, or who intentionally gets a Soldier in trouble.
@raven: Thanks, raven for my ongoing education.
I hope other solders who served with Bergdahl will speak up and tell the truth. It’s sad how some former army guys, aided by the media is destroying this guy and his father. It’s so depressing how these people lack compassion. This guy was under captivity for 5 years and yet he’s not even awarded presumption of innocence and no sympathy for his parents.
@Morzer: Nope. Are you kidding? They want no communication on this. They might have to change their minds. OTOH, really heartening, a grand nephew (veteran) who was in this chorus told his brother, later, that he hadn’t thought about it in this light and, yes, it was better to bring him home, investigate, and then do something, if we should. This is young man who has hated me for a decade, finally coming around. (I thank his brother for sharing this with me.)
@Anya: Rotsa ruck with that. The Army combat arms, are largely white and largely right wing.
LOL. Nailed it.
Well, if you got away without getting a complimentary lecture on their superior patriotism and your liberal attempt to suppress their free speech, I’d say you probably got off lightly.
Suffern ACE
@raven: please tell me Puckette’s wife is dying.
@Morzer: Hey, every one of them carries. I really got off easy, maybe because I was staying with their mother and grandmom.
Mr. Twister
@raven: And they say one man can’t make a difference.
I’ve placed an open bet of $100 with any of them, that Bergdahl will be completely absolved of all desertion charges. Strangely, no one has jumped on that easy opportunity.
@Suffern ACE:
I believe he’s quitting in return for rewarding jobs and perks for himself and his daughter. A job with the state Tobacco Commission was the big prize he got, IIRC, while the daughter is now a judge.
@Morzer: Yeah, the man himself ain’t talking, but those around him back your story:
At least in this case, it looks like all politics is
localfamily.James E. Powell
In other words, Mr President, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Secretary Clinton? And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don’t want the truth, because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.
@Southern Beale: That’s the problem. Those loathsome folk aren’t conservatives at all. What are they conserving? Absolutely nothing.
Suffern ACE
@Morzer: I can only hope that someday he and his daughter finds himself in a horrible bind, kidnapped maybe. Held in a dark cage for years. So we can debate whether it’s worth releasing him. So we can go on TV and wonder if it would be better for him to be dead. Unfortunately, that never happens.
The best I can hope for is that he gets caught taking a bribe from philip Morris after spending years living in a nice big house. It’s how the system works.
I don’t know why, but I read The Corner over at NRO. I tell my friends it’s because I want to know what stupid conservatives think. But in the last few months, they have gone from being stupid to being vile, horrible and hateful. Today I made the mistake of reading the comments on Bergdahl. Someone actually wrote that he deserved the firing squad. What is wrong with these people? They were saying that the poor guy is “refusing to speak to his family”. No, as the articles about it make clear, his doctors are very concerned that he can’t handle it right now and they are shielding him from it. He lived in a fucking cage. These people calling him a traitor and his treasonous media whore supposed platoon buddies should be put in a cage for a month and see how well they do. I had to stop reading the comments because it literally turned my stomach that there were people so callous. I usually laugh off conservative stupidity, but this is just too much. And Diane Feinstein is now criticizing Obama’s decision. Well, she has lost this California citizen’s vote for good.
Let’s face it, the right wing has demonstrated that they have absolutely no shred of human decency.
@WaterGirl: It’s a bit odd, because I always enjoyed The Blue Falcon. This has been a disgusting week, hasn’t it, regarding the Bergdahl situation.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Well now I know what an 88 is. What’s a dick tank? And what happens when the dick tank goes in the motor hole?
Sorry to go OT, but did anyone else watch “Cosmos” ? And if so, did they air the Freedom From Religion Foundation ad w/Ron Reagan, Jr. in your area ? It was pretty amazing to see it on a major network during prine time – curious to know if it was aired nationally or just locally.
all I know is, when the actual facts about all this come out I expect another right wing twitter purge.
@ruemara: Yes. Disgusting and depressing. These people have no shame, and apparently no soul. They disgust me.
When I was in college I got a job at the grocery store. There was a really nice woman who worked there, and she had worked there for a year before I started, and they still had to take her in the back room to teach her about how to count money back to the customer. Having always been around smart people in the past, I had to really revise my opinion of just how smart most people are.
That’s how I feel this week. I am looking around at all the ugliness regarding Bowe B., and I am having to downwardly revise my opinion of a lot of people in this country. I have to tell you, my opinion of right wing folks was pretty low before, so the need for downward revision is a bit shocking.
a ‘dick tank’ is what you empty a bag of dicks into.
So ZZ Top are Taliban sleeper agents? And they’re from TEXAS – what a perfect cover story!
PVT Hatley and his men had the same story. The truth will come out.
I feel like mentioning that the little Free Methodist school in Seattle where the shooting and mace-to-shooter’s face incident happened was where my parents went to college, and met, as undergrads.
I’m not sure if this is adding to me depressed as shit about everything lately, or not.
Mike in NC
@300baud: Just think broke tank, not dick tank. The M-88 ARV retrieves damaged vehicles from a battlefield.
On a related sexist note, we once were addressed by a female Navy unit CO who noted that a certain piece of equipment in her command center was classified as “OOC” (Out of Commission). She wanted to know if anybody had heard this term before, which resulted in a disparaging chuckle from the mostly male audience.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@300baud: Not “dick tank.” It’s “broke dick tank.” “Broke dick” being a adjective modifying tank. “Broke dick” means what it would seem to mean.
This. This is why I feel our country is slipping into a long darkness, untethered from sanity and reality. If the forces of good and decency are prevailing, we see these mass shootings, shootings of cops, paranoid death threats, and furious hatred. Ted Cruz and the like there to demagogue and take advantage of it.
It’s not the Blue Falcon. It’s blue falcon. Think the first two letters. B F. In the military you a lot of things spelled out for communications are in the form of alpha, bravo and everyone understands you are speaking in a code. But it’s a code that those inside know and if flummoxes those who don’t recognize it. So blue falcon is buddy fucker.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
This is what the assholes want you to feel. They want our side to be demoralized and downtrodden. Voter ID laws are being struck down in state after state. Same with bans on gay marriage. The SEC is changing its rules to allow more oversight. Good things are happening. The crazy is simply getting more press. Keep calm and carry on.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Thanks.
Sir Laffs-a-Lot
The Taliban must love FOX News in times like these; does all their media work for them.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@SectarianSofa: Further to that point, here is a photo of cops bringing cakes to the same sex marriages in Wisconsin. Cops, ffs; we are winning.
@Suffern ACE: I doubt that VA state Senator Phil Puckett deserves any benefit of the doubt, but I wonder if the fact that his SW Virginia district (38th Senate District) includes a significant chunk of coal country in the state may have convinced him that he was doomed in the next election, especially in light of President Obama’s recent speech on the environment. If so, his decision may have been based on cold-eyed logic, especially if goopers in the Senate offered him a sweet buy-off of a cushy state job.
As a rule, stuff going on at national level tends not to have such a big impact in regional or local politics, but Puckett’s a rare Democrat in a very conservative district, and those coal folks – who appear to have been a big part of his victory in 2011 – are madder than hell. It doesn’t matter that it’s the energy marketplace (e.g., via fracking) that is hammering them more than those eeeevil EPA regulators; they’re looking for a readily identifiable Enemy that they can take out their frustrations on. He might have seen himself as being one big piñata in the 2015 (I think?) campaign, so maybe decided to cut his losses now and grab the valuable goodies offered to him, everyone else be damned.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Ok, that made me smile. Wow.
@sharl: Thanks for the timely Vonnegut quote, and hear, hear:
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@SectarianSofa: Everyone can have a bad day, week, month, or year, but we can’t let it color our view of the general trend – a trend going our way. OTOH, the assholes still can do a lot of damage and we need to fight them unrelentingly. We also need to remember that the MSM is not an ally, and anything that comes from it should get a jaundiced eye.
@Villago Delenda Est: Seriously. And whoever came up w/the idea (anyone remember?) of _reducing_ survivor benefits while sending more and more units again and again… “death-penalty them with votes*” does not sound as snazzy as your comments, but I sure wish we could…
(*see Wonkette for the “with votes” baby-meme)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
It could all be cleared up with the proper use of a hyphen, i.e., “broke-dick tank,” but since punctuation is strictly artisanal/libertarian here at the Juice that just won’t do.
Good grief is right.
I know a parent. A parent who lost her child, her proud dedicated Seal Team Six child, of whom she was proud even though she and he both disagreed with the Iraq invasion. What is it with these morons who cannot believe that soldiers ever have any thoughts/ doubts/ questions of their own? Or who thinks they could go through combat unchanged?
Seriously, folks, if y’all find a way to either send pizzas to the residents of wherever-it-is Idaho or to help w/Bowe B’s legal fund, post it.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: From my time in the army, “broke dick” is spelled/punctuated the was VDE and I have done it. Now, I would be cool with “ate up” being hyphenated. BTW the term means incompetent or messed-up.
Agree with Omnes, it was always broke dick whatever. I think asking 18 yr old military dudes to hyphenate words would get you several lines that you’d need an interpreter for every approximately other word. You would recognize the other ones pretty easily because they would be simple words like fuck, shit, asshole, motherfucker and so on, some of which I will say and type but only in very specific circumstances as their usage is frowned upon in semi polite company, which was rare company to find when I was in the service.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I know what the term means, and as a compound adjective it should be hyphenated. It’s not a broke tank and a dick tank, it’s a “broke dick” tank, a tank with the quality of broke-dicked-ness. Broke modifies dick, not tank. Similar to, say, a “one-horse town.”
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
We were in very different militaries. Unfortunately, I spent a lot of time as an escort officer to some bigwig or another. Polite language and conversation about skiing in Austria happened to be helpful. OTOH, saying ‘SFC [name omitted], What the fuck is going on?” was a reasonable question in my real job.
I’m not asking semi-literate 18-year-old military dudes to hyphenate anything. I’m suggesting that a retired military man waxing nostalgic in his middle years might have a little more care for readability and the literary niceties. We all want Memoirs of a Broke-Dick Tanker to be the best that it can be.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: I again do not disagree, but just suggest that this a is a bit too advanced for most of the troops.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I’m not talking about the troops scrawling notes to one another in the motor pool. I’m talking about Cole writing on a blog 20 years later. Different standards for different situations.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: And I am saying he is using the correct idiom of his time. And technically, it was VDE who used the term ‘broke dick,” and he is even more old school than Cole or I – who are near contemporaries.
John Revolta
First time I (and, I’ll wager, a lot of other white boys) came across this usage was in Richard Pryor’s seminal* That Nigger’s Crazy, where the phrase “cleaner than a broke-dick dog” first seared my eardrums.
*And how.
If anyone’s curious why the GOP is investing so much effort in smearing Bergdahl, here’s O’Reilly giving the game away when chatting with FNC’s James Rosen:
Logically, it makes zero sense that any of that should have the slightest bearing on the President’s POW swap calculus but the Right clearly senses some sort of total political victory if only they can convince the public Bergdahl is an inhuman monster.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Okay, I was thinking Cole used “broke dick,” but he used “broke down.”
And I don’t think it’s a matter of “the correct idiom of his time.” I’m sure it was used orally 99% of the time, and I’m equally sure no one was yelling either “Get that broke hyphen dick tank out of here!” or “Get that broke no hyphen dick tank out of here!”
It’s about how you punctuate the idiom, when written down, for clarity and readability on the page.
Christ, I feel like I’m getting into the Mnemosyne zone (not that there’s anything wrong with that, if she’s reading!), so I’m going to leave it there.
Based on that quote, O’Reilly has finally gone insane.
“I’ve tried to get [Lang] off the blogroll because I think it implies some kind of endorsement but no one cares.”
I used to read him for some reliable info on Middle East military and spook stuff. But last couple of times I checked, he has just been raving. I don’t see any point in looking at the site anymore. BJ could lose the link and that would be fine with me.
Suffern ACE
@Carolinus: it’s good to know that the results of any inquiry, any facts even that point to Bergdahl not being Lee Harvey Oswald, are going to be discounted as a cover up.
Problem is that few of the people I was in with were semi literate. Almost all were at the least HS grads and many were college grads. We were treated like we were semi literate and many, many chaffed at that, because many of us were at least reasonably literate. Many if not most had to be to operate, troubleshoot and repair the equipment we had in the navy.
And to @Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): comment about being in different parts of the service, officers and enlisted were different. They had one or two man rooms with desks, we slept 80 in a 40x40x8 room with an operating theater and a missile magazine and 80 lockers. They had a wardroom, we had the place with the most descriptive name of anything in the service, the mess deck. We had communal showers and toilets, they had their own country. We would sit out on deck at night underway if it was nice out, they wouldn’t walk alone outside no matter what. I understand a lot of this has changed in the current navy. But yes we lived in two separate worlds.
John (MCCARTHY) Cole
@raven: I deleted him from the blog roll a couple days ago.
‘It takes time to find out what actually happened, which in any case might be complicated and not what we want to believe, and we need to hate Obama now.’
Though I tell myself not to think the right-wingers can’t get any worse, because I’m always wrong, I keep falling into the same trap. I thought I couldn’t be shocked any more, but this wave of orchestrated hatred has shocked me. We’re not supposed to say it, but the people attacking the Bergdahls have the souls of Nazis. After five years of captivity, is Bowe Bergdahl going to given a chance to live a normal life again or is he going to have to enter the equivalent of a witness protection program because the right wing haters want to sacrifice him on the altar of their hatred for Obama?
John (MCCARTHY) Cole
@300baud: Broke dick is just how we fuckers would refer to fucked up shit that didn’t fucking work and was tits up and had to be fucking fixed right fucking now or fucking replaced or there would be a shit storm because the TC would be royally fucking pissed if we don’t get that crap running ASAP and all our asses would be on the line, and you know when that sadistic motherfucker gets mad he can be a real prick right up all our asses…
Better? Because that was exactly how I remember my military conversations.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
At one point in time I had to swap movies with an aircraft carrier. Our captain let us take the captain’s gig(small boat) over to the carrier. But we had to land at the enlisted ramp, climb up 5 or 6 decks and walk about 3/4 of the ship(which was over 1000 ft long) carrying about 40 lbs of film each. We of course couldn’t use the officers gangplank which would have cut the trip by about 2/3 because that would get enlisted cooties in officer country.
I met exactly two officers and maybe four enlisted lifers in the navy that I actually respected. One was a captain of a ship I was stationed on, one was a Dr. while I was in the hospital. The lifers were unusual in that they didn’t care about your respect, they just did their jobs and the respect happened. The rest got nothing or complete contempt, usually for telling me one thing and then fucking me over, thinking that I wouldn’t notice. I think the army and the marines may have been somewhat different, the jobs, the situations it really was different militaries.
@John (MCCARTHY) Cole:
Now you and I may have been in different branches but the language was the same. OK I remember a bit more swear word embellishment in a rant like that but the gist is spot on.
Fort Geek
@feebog: Interesting, brutal writeup on John McAngry, compared to the author’s father’s experiences as a POW in WW2. A long discussion of McAngry’s cooperation/collaboration with his own captors.
David Koch
Mike Wallace is rolling over in his grave
@SarahT: saw it in nyc, also surprised.
David Koch
It should be repeated often that Bob Bergdahl IS a lifelong Goldwater Republican, who loved Reagan, and spoke at a Republican fundraiser during the last mid-terms, where Idaho’s Senator equated President Obama with “Al Qaeda, Iran, North Korea, [and] the Taliban”.
pseudonymous in nc
This. And this has been the story for every great power that showed up in Afghanistan and had to deal with a bunch of loose, baggy local militias instead of an army.
They really ought to stop masturbating each other in public. It’s icky.
Luckily for you, we just got done watching Galaxy Quest, so I’m in a good mood. ;-)
David Koch
Chris Wallace was born on October 12, 1947.
He graduated college and lost his student deferment status in 1969.
In 1969 the Viet Nam war was raging with 11,780 GIs killed in action.
Wallace’s draft lottery number in 1969 was = 72
Every lottery number from 1 to 195 was drafted.
Yet somehow little Chris, who loves war and wants to execute GIs, didn’t serve in Viet Nam or in uniform, even though his low lottery number was called.
What a puke – a warmongering Draft Dodger who wants to execute a US POW
@vheidi: Yeah, same here. Hoping it aired elsewhere, too.
David Koch
It should be repeated often that Bob Bergdahl IS a lifelong Goldwater Republican, who loved Reagan, and spoke at a Republican fundraiser during the last mid-terms, where Idaho’s Senator equated President Obama with “Al Qaeda, Iran, North Korea, [and] the Taliban”.
ETA: this is how sick they are, they’ll stop at nothing to smear the President, even if that means swiftboating one of their very own.
John Revolta
@David Koch: Hey, lay off, whydontcha? The man obviously had other priorities.
@David Koch:
He voted for Ron Paul, IIRC – and thought Obama wasn’t helping to get his son back because he wouldn’t help a Republican family.
The irony here is so thick you could probably fix roads with it.
@David Koch:
Well, Bergdahl didn’t denounce and spit on Obama, so he obviously is a political traitor, and who cares anyway? Everyone except the bigshots is disposable in the cause. The end justifies the means. They are a bunch of racist and power tripping losers who can sense they are losing the political war for the hearts and minds of the country (even most of the whites, who are quislings), and they are descending into deranged barbarism. A sad dangerous and vile bunch, though not nearly as much as the cynical GOP and corporate teabagger leaders.
@raven: THIS. Exactly this.
Good post, Cole. I learned some cool shit and googled 88.
Thank you!
Villago Delenda Est
Sorry about all the confusion on the “broke(-)dick” thing.
What I wound up doing was using military slang in the last half of the sentence which probably inhibited understanding.
I recall when I was in the DIVARTY S3 shop (Division Artillery Operations, the guys who plan and direct the subordinate units, per the guidance of the Division Artillery commander, who is a full colonel) that the Operations Officer, a LTC, decided that our new year’s resolution was to stop using the Eff word in the office.
This held up for about three days, when some directive came down from Division HQ that caused a tsunami of the Eff word to issue forth from the Operations Officer’s office. Mind you, this was not in the infantry, but in the artillery, where we’re all supposed to be gentlemen who sip martinis while we pull lanyards to send death downrange…none of this mucking around in the mud nonsense.
Joel Hanes
Damn shame he’s gone around the bend.
Pat Lang was an ardent HiiaryIs44 partisan, has never much liked Obama.
It’s been interesting watching this affect his judgement.
@Southern Beale:
Right?? Jarret Stoll is totally Al-Qaeda, I mean, just look at him.
This shit is starting to make me pretty angry.
@sharl: Sharl: Thank you for posting the link to the Vonnegut letter. I love the man. How could anyone not love Kurt Vonnegut?
And yes, Bergdahl definately is a child crusader. I will never understand why anyone would join the military. I don’t understand how any loving parent can let their child throw away his/her life to the death machine.
Vonnegut opined that WWII was probably the only necessary war ever fought and has been disgracefully used as an excuse for all the pointless cluster f**ks the bomb makers and the drum beaters have been sending children to their deaths and ruin ever since.
All I know is my friend Paul told me from his VA hospital bed not to go, do anything to stay out of it. When they tried to draft me I found a medical reason for an exemption and I never regretted it for a minute.
The other night I heard Chris Mathews ranting about how Bergdahl was a deserter and a disgrace and blah, blah! I listened to him cut off anybody who tried to explain that the guy deserved a fair hearing and is innocent until proven guilty. I shut the thing off and haven’t been able to watch his show since. I don’t know if I will ever watch the arrogant SOB’s show again. At his best he’s annoying and rude anyway so screw him. MSNBC should fire him. They sure are quick to fire good people.
@sharl: Sharl: Thank you for posting the link to the Vonnegut letter. I love the man. How could anyone not love Kurt Vonnegut?
And yes, Bergdahl definately is a child crusader. I will never understand why anyone would join the military. I don’t understand how any loving parent can let their child throw away his/her life to the death machine.
Vonnegut opined that WWII was probably the only necessary war ever fought and has been disgracefully used as an excuse for all the pointless cluster f**ks the bomb makers and the drum beaters have been sending children to their deaths and ruin ever since.
All I know is my friend Paul told me from his VA hospital bed not to go, do anything to stay out of it. When they tried to draft me I found a medical reason for an exemption and I never regretted it for a minute.
The other night I heard Chris Mathews ranting about how Bergdahl was a deserter and a disgrace and blah, blah! I listened to him cut off anybody who tried to explain that the guy deserved a fair hearing and is innocent until proven guilty. I shut the thing off and haven’t been able to watch his show since. I don’t know if I will ever watch the arrogant SOB’s show again. At his best he’s annoying and rude anyway so screw him. MSNBC should fire him. They sure are quick to fire good people.
It used to be that America honored the citizen-soldier model; people who had normal lives, left home and served their time when there was a war to fight, then were demobilized and went back to their peacetime life.
The fondness for fetishizing The Troops as a breed apart, a race of Ubermenschen to be contrasted sharply with the weak, cowardly, sniveling masses of civilians who, the subtext strongly suggests, really aren’t worthy of all that awesomeness being deployed on their ungrateful behalf, is one of the uglier things that’s crept into our national discourse in the last few decades.
(And that’s before you even get into the absurdity of believing that these brave, Chosen Ubermenschen have been “watching over us” for the last sixty or seventy years, when the plain fact is that if they’d been left home instead of being sent off to fight in the vast majority of post-1945 wars, it wouldn’t have made a dime’s worth of difference to the American people).
That’s why I love these kinds of conservations (and why I pretty much never have them). They’ll deliver a rousing speech about how people Fox News has told them not to like (at least this week) deserve to just fucking be left to die already! – or other, equally, well, strong language and opinions on any number of topics – but when you dare to disagree, they’ll dissolve into tears and tell you that you’re attacking them.
You know, if you can’t handle people brutally insulting you by saying “I don’t agree,” maybe you shouldn’t be having the Who Deserves To Die conversation in the first place; it’s kind of a rough topic where strong opinions are going to fly and feelings are going to get bruised.
There’s nothing more pathetic than a fascist sissy.
Looks like t took Rove about 2 days to line up book deals and Fox News contributorships for these guys before he could deploy the swift boats. At least according the tweet-history.
@John (MCCARTHY) Cole: Thanks John, you are squared away!
I did the same thing after Obama was elected, although in my case it was PJMedia, but pretty much the same experience. After a year or two, I just burned out on it. Outrage fatigue. Besides, the MSM works so hard to bend over backwards in accomodating right wing memes that there’s really no need to go to the source. Give it a day and you’ll have the sanitized, VSP version.
It’s a testament to how low my opinion of them is that I haven’t been at all surprised by the whole Bergdahl thing. That doesn’t mean I expected it (who can know just what kind of convoluted bullshit they’ll come up with as the Outrage-Of-The-Week?), but I wasn’t at all shocked that the people running the show stopped that low, or that their entire side of the aisle has now uncritically accepted it as gospel. After those couple years reading PJMedia, I honestly don’t think there’s anything they can do that would have be going “man, I never thought they’d stoop that low.”
Ohhhhhh, yes.
@Chris: Yes, yes, yes to all this.
@Chris: Yes, yes, yes to all this.
@Ruckus: I don’t think it’s as strong in the Navy anymore but it’s still there. I worked with Navy during one tour and then under the Navy for part of another and I found they were fine to work with or have working for you but that they were a nightmare of cultural clash to work under. Really took the separation of Officers, Chiefs, and enlisted much more seriously than we did and were nonplussed that we weren’t familiar with and didn’t really care about the weird ass segregation and other cultural habits that they had.
Thanks John. Learned a new term “Blue Falcon.” Amazing that I have spent 33 years in or around the military and not heard it before (I head the other term that the acronym BF stands for plenty enough). Of course, I work more in military justice so the term “rat” is something I am more familiar with now.
It is amazing that in their excitement to go after the President, Faux News and their useful idiots in the VSP media have got a nice little lynch mob going right now. Meanwhile, I will wonder how Faux and the VSPs will spin this as being caused by the President, Muslims, and Occupied Wall Street. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/06/08/2-police-officers-shot-in-las-vegas/
Now that you don’t have to be in the military for.
Paul in KY
@TerryC: Good for you for speaking reality to them.
Paul in KY
@John (MCCARTHY) Cole: That’s about how I remember a lot of our military conversations. Fucking good job, John!
J R in WV
You help me remember why don’t watch TV news much any more.
Once upon a time we had Walter Cronkite, who reported on the real horror that was fighting in the Viet Nam jungle and delta, which truthful and explicit coverage helped create the anti-war movement, which helped run Nixon the rest of the way around the bend, which…
Now Chris Wallace wants to shoot a poor enlisted man who did the best he could in a horrible environment. Draft Dodger Bastard! That may have been my draft number. I bet he got a shrink to tell the military he wasn’t cut out for combat. Rat turds are more valuable – you can compost them into fertilizer.
True. But it was/is(?) much more prevalent and open in the navy.
@Dave: Sounds like he was in the Marines and he noticed it much more in the navy than there. I know that some of this has been watered down, as I understand it there is now one chow line on board ships, everyone eats the same food in the same place. That was a biggie. We once almost had a mutiny over dinner, it was so bad. And I mean open discussions of breaking into the gun locker and taking over the ship. The officers didn’t have a clue till they were told in no uncertain fashion. Not like having only MREs to eat but then we didn’t join the Army or Marines. We were promised 3 squares and a flop every night. Now of course I have a friend, tank driver in the Army, who loved MREs, but he is a special case.
The Pale Scot
As someone said, “Think of your average american, and then remember that half of the population is dumber then the guy/gal your thinking of.”
Considering a clitoris is sorta, kinda a small dick, well…
Tom in Dallas
@sharl: Col. Lang certainly does not need me to stand up for him, but I will anyway, since the snippet of his blogpost that Raven cited does not fairly or fully represent the views of the blogger I’ve read for the last several years.
Since at least 2002 (Iraq War build-up) Lang has been a courageous voice of sanity, for which apparently, much of his former intelligence community exiled him to the political wilderness. His views on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran/Israel, MENA generally, Syria, Ukraine, valor, honor, integrity and a number of other subjects make for refreshing (sometimes bracing) reading. His now-ten-year-old assessments of Iraq and Afghanistan (and also the intelligence “stove-piping” and other shenanigans that made Iraq possible) still make for useful re-reading. His clear-eyed insights into how large Washington bureaucratic organizations (in politics, the military, and private contracting) work-or do not-have made for educational (and often depressing) reading. Personally, reading his work has often caused me to research a number of subjects more deeply, as I try to reconcile my own views with well-stated views that can be radically different. On any number of topics, our views do not square, and that is OK, too–it is the quality of the argued viewpoints I find useful.
Lang’s background is largely military and that must in some wise influence how he analyses and interprets events. I have no personal military background, and thus have found his viewpoint one of the most interesting and profound available in the U.S. Often just as useful as the blog posts are the views expressed by his regular domestic US and international commenters, who run the gamut politically and militarily. I would list two or three by name, but reading just a few threads would make clear to you who those folks are. Generally, Lang embraces clash with educated readers. It seems to me that he can at times be sensitive to perceived insults, that is to say that I have sometimes read warnings he has given to commenters that left me wondering exactly what was the objectionable part of the comment. My puzzlement at these rare instances I have written off as my own ignorance of the military ethos, a certain prickliness that may come to those who refuse to suffer fools gladly, and the fact that it is his blog, which he can run as suits him.
In short (if only!), I think he is well worth reading. I don’t always agree with him, and certainly no one can be right 100% of the time, but time spent reading his blog is seldom time wasted.