More details at the link. Via some guy on the internet.
For the skeptics, from the NYTimes:
… Researchers have known for some time that [African] wild dogs are exceptionally social and civic-minded. Among most group-living carnivores, big adults feed first, gulping down the choicest organs and leaving junior diners to scrounge through gristly leftovers. Among wild dogs, said Patrick R. Thomas, the curator of mammals at the Bronx Zoo, “it’s the exact opposite.”
“The adults let the puppies feed first,” he said. “It’s very peaceful to watch.”
For puppies too young to leave the den, or for injured pack members unable to hunt, hale-bodied adults go further, provisioning the needy by regurgitating a portion of a recent meal…
…[R]esearchers continue to be impressed by the depths of the dogs’ self-sacrificing behavior. In one recent study, Dr. Creel and his colleagues determined that the bigger a pack grew, the more efficiently it hunted and the greater the number of offspring it raised. However, the researchers were startled to see that not everyone benefited from the swelling ranks.
“Big packs with lots of offspring turn out to have poor adult survival,” Dr. Creel said. The cost of regurgitating food for a surging number of pups, it seemed, exceeded the advantages of bringing down more prey. As a result, nonbreeding adults in big packs would gradually become malnourished and end up dying at a somewhat younger age than their peers in smaller clans…
Unless you’re the meal.
? Martin
My coworker broke a bone in her foot recently and now I feel like a bad social member. Tomorrow I’ll puke up part of my turkey sandwich for her.
some guy
Just confirms or suspicions, dogs rule.
Damn, it’s like the wild dog version of The Giving Tree.
RIP Lauren Bacall. Damn.
I grew up in Africa and had the luck to see wild dogs in Tanzania. They are amazing animals. If anyone is interested in a story, Hugo Van Lawick wrote a book about an African wild dog named Solo.
? Martin
@efgoldman: I happen to know that she isn’t. But thanks for mentioning it. That would have been really embarrassing if she had been.
I read about this little girl, but loved seeing it as Rachel’s “best new thing ever” segment. This week isn’t even half over and we need some news to make you smile
All Eyes on Mo’Ne as Local Little League Team Heads to World Series
@lamh36: This week isn’t even half over and we need some news to make you smile
OK. I’m game.
[‘That’s the stuff *I* always wanted to study.’]
Villago Delenda Est
Ayn Rand does not approve of these silly dogs allowing the young and the weak first choice at mealtime.
Villago Delenda Est
@satby: She had a great run, and she leaves a tremendous legacy.
Here’s looking at you, kid.
You know, African Hunting Dogs are also the only other mammal that kills for pleasure?
Think about that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
any of you who go a’spelunking on Fox News familiar with a bad performance artist named Todd Starnes? He claims to work there
Sending this video to my Mom. Thanks, AL!
Wish I could find the link about how dogs self police their play behavior and will ostracize a dog that doesn’t properly follow the rules.
@lamh36: There is also Chelsea Baker, a 17 year old junior from Florida who throws a knuckleball and has turned down professional offers to play for the Japanese women’s league so she can finish high school. She got a chance to throw some batting practice against the Tampa Bay Rays earlier this year.
Suffern ACE
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m sorry for your loss. Administrative leave must suck.
@Villago Delenda Est: She did.
Didn’t realize that raven and lamh36 mentioned it in the last thread.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
How would Obama know who the cop is when they’re keeping it a secret?
@Baud: cop wasn’t killed either.
Anne Laurie
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Per Media Matters, Starnes has a “book” to sell.
? Martin
@satby: No, but his feelings were hurt, which is just as bad to white people.
Well, sure, there’s that minor detail.
@MattR: I love that.
Kudos to both girls. I made the error of reading the comments and the majority of the them are great, there always some dude who’s mad cause the girls ‘took the place” of some boy.
I see no reason to bring race into it.
Mike J
@max: I thought you were going to say DougJ won it, which was why he went quiet here.
Lurking Canadian
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: holy fuck. “Condolences for the cop”?!? ‘Cause he was so traumatized by the way the kid’s back jerked as he pumped round after round into it? These fucking people just can’t help themselves.
@Mike J:
Maryam Mirzakhani is a DougJ sockpuppet.
@? Martin:
Not one of your better posts by a long way.
@max: Glad you mentioned Mirzakhani. She does good work in the study of hyperbolic planes — a field that a fellow Persian, Omar Khayyam, helped invent a thousand years ago.
Mike J
Isn’t topology what DougJ does? Maybe Baud wasn’t kidding.
? Martin
@Mandalay: Sorry, did I hurt your feelings?
My condolences.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Mike J: How do we know he didn’t? Doug J is a mathdude* of many nyms.
*Mathdude being non specific as to gender of course.
@Baud: Late as usual, I am.
gogol's wife
@? Martin:
@? Martin:
Not at all. I just thought it was a really fucking stupid, mindless comment to make.
They sound like the type of regressive dudes who would also be against any sort of quota system created by affirmative action (while being unable to see the contradiction between that and enforcing a 100% male quota on the baseball team)
the Conster
You are aware that the Fields Medal was the source of contention between Robin Williams’ and Stellan Skaarsgard’s character in Good Will Hunting, right? Synchronicity.
UGH!!!!!!!!! Good night BJ.
This isn’t exactly news to make you smile, but it is good news, and pretty surprising (to me at least):
As older cars get junked it looks like car theft may just fade away.
Little Boots
the thing is, lauren bacall is dead.
is it omnes’ fault?
And dolphins. Why are you covering for dolphins?
? Martin
@Mandalay: But I thought that was the front line on the war on white people. I mean, we’re not being gunned down in the streets or having our voting rights impinged upon. But we do seem to be having our feelings hurt quite a lot these days. It must be our kryptonite.
? Martin
@browser: Don’t forget about cats. They hunt for sport as well.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
There are a lot of carnivores, perhaps most of them, that will sometimes hunt just for the fun of it. Most of them enjoy hunting which, when you think about it, isn’t surprising. I’ve seen footage of orcas tossing a seal to each other with their tails like a game of catch. When they finally get bored they let it go without much concern as to its continuing health.
Ok, I found something to make me laugh before I go to bed.
I hope it works, it’s a Facebook video. I have never been this happy when doing a workout.
It’s an 80s video. Gawd, I totally forgot how into aerobics the US got back then.
Crystal Light Aerobics Championships,
I swear at the 0:25 mark, them dude were twerking…lol.
God the 80s…lol
@? Martin: True. But I’ve been on the receiving end of cat lover fury before. I have it on good authority that this joint is rotten with ’em. Playing it safe.
Finally feeling better after two days of dealing with what I’m guessing was food poisoning. Horrible. And then Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall are gone. And the horror show happening in Ferguson. Terrible couple of days. Ugh.
On topic, African Wild Dogs are so ugly they’re almost cute. I didn’t know that about their behavior.
Little Boots
you know what. this is the time for omnes and steeplejack, the only good people on this site.
@Little Boots: There are a lot of good people on this site.
Little Boots
plus violet.
@Little Boots: Plus a lot more.
Suffern ACE
I think we were into WATCHING aerobics. The 80s is when we really started getting fat as a nation.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Little Boots: Bad timing.
Morngington Crescent
Just put your lips together and blow.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mandalay: No, it’s a pretty insightful comment, especially for the racist scum who are insisting that Brown somehow deserved to die for failure to bow and scrape to a cop.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
goddmann, you know I do that. why don’t you help me?
fleeting expletive
i still think “I have a pen and I have a phone” is a pretty powerful statement.\
Mornington Crescent
to have and have not
Suffern ACE
Yeah. I’m not going to sleep tonight. The workers are coming tomorrow to remove my bathroom and put in a new one and I still don’t know if I made the right decision to go shower only.
James E Powell
Open thread? I got a question for anyone who can help. This blog, the only non-sports blog I read more than once every day, has got something in it that causes it to freeze up in Chrome and run really slow, like it is now, in explorer. Any ideas?
@Suffern ACE: I guess so, but damn. I really needed the laugh that the video brought me tonight. I mean, the biker shorts, the lycra onesies, the hair and the hideous dancing…lol. Even the song is soooo 80s!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@James E Powell: I don’t use Chrome, but one of the links to TWIB’s podcasts causes me some problems on FF.
Little Boots
it’s totally omnes’ fault, isn’t it?
@James E Powell: Clear your cache and history. Always a good first step with browser issues.
Suffern ACE
@Mornington Crescent: Put those lips togher and blow.
Lauren would have fit right in here.
Because in that movie, she was Bad, Bad, really really Bad. But still sexy, just like us.
James E Powell
Okay, not sure if any of you saw or heard this, but if you are feeling down and want something to brighten you up, check out this blind kid who taught himself to play the blues.
A Humble Lurker
@Little Boots:
Little Boots
still waiting for omnes, and his bitterness.
@James E Powell: I’ve been getting an issue with a hanging plug in or script (can’t remember which at the moment) using Firefox. Eventually it asks if I want to continue to wait or kill it (and once I stop/kill it, all is good again). Pretty sure it is related to one of the ads.
Re: your other comment – Without looking was it Jeff Healey? and was one of the videos him playing with SRV?
(EDIT: And now that I see it wasn’t, here’s a link to Jeff’s first TV appearance with Stevie Ray Vaughn.
@? Martin: There are many smart posters here, but you are one of the smartest of them all. I do not understand why you are choosing to go down this path. Generic comments criticizing “white people” are just as wrong as generic criticisms of black people or gays or Jews or women, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t dream of going down those paths.
A few such as Lenny Bruce and Chris Rock can walk that precarious tightrope, but you…not so much.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Saw that on FB. Media Matters captured it, along with a couple of other tweets from Starnes:
Picture at this link:
Little Boots
still waiting for steeplejack, and his niceness.
Suffern ACE
O.K. what is an unseemly nudge?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Suffern ACE: An elbow to the groin?
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
fine. cruel. but fine.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Little Boots: Bitterness or not, you will be waiting a while. I am off to sleep.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
why? I’ll miss you.
Little Boots
still think it’s about omnes.
Little Boots
steeplejack, where the hell are you?
that and checking on his or her porn watching on the internet.
Little Boots
we can’t love the monkees? is it omnes’ fault:¶m1=iyzTqxyuayxkXZEXjiqI44sgEHSDV19xh9ayzcJG8wJ03jFB7t7i5sJaAxM1bL6zRyOCPF8t3jfRSljX6rJ7pX4YYjB_Ccswh-A_MhNRrlOyxoKORlVVYRyjVKTJzaRNtw%2c%2c
@? Martin:
crap police hyper-paranoia probably targets people of color more, but the training is the training. I tried to post this below (and it’s there now) but Douglas Zerby was white.
Douglas Zerby never knew what hit him.
Without a word, without even announcing their presence, Long Beach police officers hiding in a nearby apartment repeatedly shot Zerby, 35, because they feared that the object in his hand was a gun.
It turned out to be a pistol grip-style garden hose nozzle.
Zerby died at the scene, a courtyard on East Ocean Avenue, on Dec. 12, 2010, but the recriminations continue. This year a civil jury awarded Zerby’s family $6.5 million in damages. The city is appealing the award, after arguing that the officers genuinely feared for their safety.
the OC register BTW is a right wing rag
Little Boots
and don’t encouraqe the omnes.
Little Boots
encourage the steeplejack, who is actually kind of nice
Suffern ACE
So is James Risen a first amendment hero?
Little Boots
can I miss omnes still?
Little Boots
miss steeplejack.
Amir Khalid
@Little Boots:
Some unsolicited counsel.
Amir Khalid
I need a comment liberated from moderateration!
Amir Khalid
Let me try this again.
@Little Boots:
Here’s a nice song.
Amir Khalid
Damn. Now that’s two comments in moderation.
Thanks, that’s going on the “must read at some point” list.
This takes me back. Way back to my childhood. Before I was an IR nerd, or a politics nerd, or a history nerd, I did once used to be an animal nerd, especially where canines were concerned. African wild dogs (African Hunting Dogs? Cape Hunting Dogs?) were a favorite thing to read about, especially since they seemed to be the unsung predator in Africa – everyone seemed to prefer talking about lions and hyenas.