Here are my boxers sharing jealous guardianship over my mother-in-law’s snack tray after she temporarily left the room:
They would never pounce on an unattended plate. But they don’t take their eyes off it either.
Please discuss whatever.
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I can’t bring carry-out hamburgers into the house because of the rapt attention they receive from the four mutts.
Corner Stone
Can someone tell me what the hell the AWOL 3 Afghan Military guys are fucking thinking?
Corner Stone
On the other hand, I know exactly what this guy is thinking, “There’s money to be made.”
Tony Blair asks UK to send ground troops to combat the Islamic State
“Blair said “You cannot uproot this extremism unless you go to where it originates and fight it. We have to fight groups like ISIS. There can be an abundance of diplomacy, all necessary relief of humanitarian suffering, every conceivable statement of condemnation which we can muster, but unless they’re accompanied by physical combat, we will mitigate the problem but not overcome it”.
Those are two handsome dogs. Just saying maybe the obvious.
You’re lucky. My dog will make a go at any food that isn’t presently guarded by at least three people.
I suspect that they’re guarding each other. I don’t think I’d give your MIL’s food a chance in hell if only one of them was there without the other to keep an eye on them.
Villago Delenda Est
@Corner Stone: So, Tony is volunteering to sign up himself and his kids to go there and fight it, is he?
Oh, wait…that’s for the peasants to deal with…Tony has to stay back in Wiltshire and direct traffic or something.
@Corner Stone: That the US is sure nicer than Afghanistan, and they would love to stay awhile. That is simple explanation.
Corner Stone
Looks like the reality based environment finally caught up with Qatar:
The 2022 World Cup Will Not Take Place in Qatar,’ Says Fifa Official
“Something something too hot something mumble”, a FIFA official said somewhere.
HT Atrios
@agorabum: they are on their way to the mexican border to blow up the wall from this side to allow for more turrists to infiltrate ‘murica
peach flavored shampoo
I call shenanigans. ALL dogs, given enough time for said plate to be abandoned, will eventually pounce on reachable foodstuffs. Unless you have installed an electric fence about the grub….
Corner Stone
@agorabum: It’s a Maj and two CPT. Doesn’t seem like a joyriding lark someone at that rank would just willy nilly off for. But hey, they’ve been thoroughly vetted so I’m sure it’s all good.
That makes me feel pretty good then, from Newmax:
So the pattern will be:
1) A messed up setup phase
2) Republicans do everything they can to make it fail
3) It works anyway.
@Corner Stone:
Can’t help but think of the many “green-on-blue” incidents we’ve had with them, and wonder what the vetting process is for the folks brought into this program. Seems likely that it’s just “Hey, look, it’s green and nobody is trying to kill us here, let’s stay.” but you just never know.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Donald Trump is incredibly smart. Mr Trump’s intellect is huge!
Our first dog would steal unattended food; he was a phenomenal counter-surfer, but if it was attended he’d look just like those boxers, only with the added “appeal” of drooling a giant puddle where he sat. We miss him dearly, just not that bit.
Betty Cracker
@peach flavored shampoo: If we all left the house entirely, I’m sure they would. But you can leave a steak on a low table and go into another room without worrying that they’ll pounce. They’re fairly well-trained that way. Possibly because they know they’ll eventually get a treat if they have patience.
To follow up on the AZ Republic editorial board getting pissy at Gabby Giffords, today their main opinion writer, E.J. Montini, wrote a piece in support of the ad.
@Corner Stone: I think that’s a pretty big deal– Qatar is too cruel and corrupt, even for FIFA. Wouldn’t have expected that, myself.
mai naem mobile
@Corner Stone: Hot wimmens. No burqas. Or they were going to go take a look at Mitt Romney’s mansion in Boston and see how crooks in the US live compared to Karzai and his brother in Afghanistan.
@Corner Stone:
The more interesting question is whether FIFA has the stones to take the 2018 WC away from Russia. Allowing Crimean clubs to play in a Russian competition is a pretty egregious violation of FIFA (and UEFA) rules, because those clubs were and still are registered with the Ukrainian federation.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ah-yup.
Corner Stone
@Trollhattan: Like when a US GEN was shot by an Afghanistan soldier in early August?
I’m not pushing a spooky conspiracy theory but it seems more than a little of the pucker factor should be in play until these guys are found on the NJ Boardwalk in surfer shorts, competition eating hot dogs.
I also can’t help wondering when they were due to be sent back to Afghanistan.
I suppose it’s possible that they’re going to try and do some kind of terrorist attack, but most people seem to misunderstimate how hard that is to do in a strange country.
Eric U.
@Trollhattan: we have a dog that is a counter surfer. If you put a choke collar and a leash on him there can be raw steak hanging over the edge of the counter and he will not touch it. “I know your tricks, you scoundrel.” One of our other dogs has been known to jump up on counters, those of us that aren’t weak-minded never leave anything anywhere he can reach it
mai naem mobile
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dude they had to reduce Trumps brain in order to fit what hair he had left on his head.
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile:
All the crooks from Afghanistan all live in posh flats in London now.
mai naem mobile
@Villago Delenda Est: and lemme guess, Tonys son is busy defending the UK by being an investment banker investing in all kinds of defense toys and as we all know investment banking is extremely dangerous. You might even get the dreaded tennis elbow and golf hip.
The Illogical Planner
So, you don’t think they would destroy that plate in order to save it?
@Villago Delenda Est: Nope of course not. I had a conversation yesterday with a far right person. She was stunned hearing me say I was a military brat and I think if you want to start a war you should go fight it. Her husband had served. I was like see there are things we can agree on.
What is in the water in Florida? Woman has 3rd breast implanted
I sure hope this is faked.
mai naem mobile
@Corner Stone: I think its Dubai. And its not flats.Its either penthouses nd pied aterres. Seriously, though they say theres some pretty expensive eeal estate in Kabul.
I put this in the previous open thread after it had already become defunct, so here it is again:
Our new Republican candidate for County Commissioner is a minister in his own church of White Supremacy. He is running against an “Independent” — but since Montezuma County, CO is only 25% registered Democrat, he is likely to win.
Is it just me, or is it now cool among Republicans to be completely open and public about the fact that you are a total, not-Godwin-but-honest-to-goodness Nazi nutjob?
FB friend whose son is friends with mine is forever posting about terrible experiences with online dating, mostly of the hyper-aggressive sexual proposition variety. Now she posts that she’s going to rejoin Plenty of Fish but use a different photo and bio. So it was either write “ur doing it rong for the love of all that’s holy take your time and meet people IRL”, saw my own hands off, or come here.
@jacy: Thinking of you in an exchange w writer friends this morning. One of them got an advance (good luck) for a memoir about cancer (bad luck) and is having some…issues. With certain passages. Of her book.
Insight of the day: Getting a DX of cancer for your 40th birthday, for some of us, had an upside. There’s never been a better time to survive cancer, because the pig in the python (Boomer generation) have tried all kinds of new ideas for treatment. So for the first time in my life (see: Reagan admin, college costs, housing bubble) I was in the right place at the right time.
For some reason, our little support group found that hilarious. The example proves the rule–to benefit from trailing the Boomers, just come down with an invasive lesion! You’ll love it!
mai naem mobile
@BethanyAnne: maybe she was a quiverful mommy and wanted to speed up the breast feeding?
We just saw a coyote with some kind of critter in it’s mouth headed for the kudzu behind the house. Bodhi has been agitated at night quite a bit lately.
Are the snacks fair game if they’re on the floor…because you never know when snacks will leap off a plate.
She’s banking it all on hope of another remake of Total Recall.
BC has to stare those two down as she eats breakfast every morning? How does she handle the guilt?
Poor little doggies only want a few scraps, right? Then they would call off the vigil. I’m sure it’s just a matter or r e s p e c t.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think in Standard Trumpese , it’s ‘yooooooj’, not ‘huge’
Corner Stone
@Corner Stone:
Seems the answer is that they wanted to cross the border into Canadia up by Niagara. For asylum? Something else?
I like how they keep saying they were “well vetted”. How the heck can you keep repeating this when these guys absconded for who knows why?
@Corner Stone: Probably thinking the same thing as the 2 Afghan policemen who went recently missing from a sightseeing trip in DC while training at Quantico: We don’t want to go back to Afghanistan.
Honestly, I don’t understand why we are bringing any of these guys into the country. Too many “friendly fire” incidents in theater for my taste
Villago Delenda Est
They’re finally free of the oppression of Afghan culture. They’re probably in Atlantic City taking advantage of incompetent hedge-fund run casinos to raise funds for a hookers and booze binge.
Villago Delenda Est
@Tommy: I wonder if she admires five time draft deferred guys like the Dark Lord, or a known deserter from both the Alabama and Massachusetts National Guard.
My dear-departed Newfy Duncan would open baby-locked cabinets, and select delicacies like jars of Trader Joe’s Masala sauce to eat upon the dining room rug. He could unscrew the tops, you see. All bread in the house was stored at least 5 ft from the floor. I resorted to steel bolted shackles for the trash cabinet. And I once found him atop the kitchen island, all 150 lbs of him, happily finishing a snack of cantaloupe.
I really loved that dog, I really did. But he was also a runner….and it’s no real mystery why he ended up at a local shelter.
My vet at the time had to put locks on her refrigerator–she had two Newf-mixes, and they were scoundrels who knew how to open that box of wonders full of goodies. (And some people think Newfs are dumb. Gah.)
@raven: Why I don’t let my cat outside. She isn’t at the top of the food chain.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yo, The Donald: we get that you’re a fuckhead. You don’t need to keep reminding us, it is known.
Villago Delenda Est
@nastybrutishntall: They have to fly the freak flags in order not to be considered a RINO, it seems.
I have a chocolate Lab. He is improving, but I would not trust him with a plate of food at his face level. I have little doubt that he would inhale the contents in a heartbeat.
@nastybrutishntall: Where is the line now? Seriously, does it even exist?
@Villago Delenda Est: My guess is since it’s his “religious belief” that (some kinds of) white folk are the natural rulers of the Earth, any discussion of it will be out of bounds.
Because that would be bigotry!
/slamming head on desk
I growl and snarl the moment I suspect that my plate is getting stalked.
The message is always understood.
Mike in NC
So after more than a decade of pissing away hundreds of billions of dollars nation-building in the wastes of Afghanistan, somebody thought it would be a great idea to bring Afghans over here for some R&R. What a genius program!
Just saw this post on TPM blog.
Not enough information in the post or the clip (which has pretty poor sound quality) for me to understand what is going on.
If the reporter who said eff it I quit and walked off the set had done it on a show put on by the miserable corporate cesspool, she should get an award. In fact, someone should set up and endowed fund to establish an annual award named in her honor to give to people who do this in the corporate news talkies. The clips of Tweety’s, Morning Joe’s, The Schieff’s and Chuck’s reactions to the annual winner’s performance would be priceless.
But this being a local station, and from my experience they are of more variable quality, from much better to much worse than the national corporate information mass quantity news product, I have to reserve judgment.
Any Alaska people here know? I’ll ask my Alaska kin, and see if they know what is up, but they don’t live in Anchorage area and don’t pay much attention to it, Anchorage merely being the closest point the ‘Outside’ comes to the ‘real Alaska’.
‘F*ck It, I Quit’: Alaska TV Reporter Makes Live Dramatic Exit (VIDEO)
@peach flavored shampoo:
Yep. Even my Pomeranian, back when he was young & spry, would jump onto chairs, then onto the table to get unattended food. Most memorable time was when we stormed out of the house in the morning to get the kids to school, leaving breakfast plates on the table. I came back 15 minutes later to find the Pom standing on the plate, in the lake of syrup my daughter used, finishing off a waffle.
There were baths. Plural.
Eccentrica Gallumbits.
@nastybrutishntall: It’s another in a line of things that the rest of us are going to have to fight. They want their 1910s back, when whites were kicking blacks out of baseball, Congress, and business.
@Trollhattan: One they’ve been found I find it totally believable that they took off to see the sights. The army locks it’s own soldiers down all the time now and well it’s frustrating. Secondly are they Hazaran? Pashto? Makes a big difference in ties and potential loyalties. And very different cultural context for most Afghans as well.
@Mike in NC:
The sad / ironic thing about our little land war in Asia, is we were actually greeted as liberators.
The people there were happy to get the Taliban off their back and hoped a generation of war would end by US involvement.
The damage Bush&Co did to the planet will be felt for generations.
We thought we had a disaster coming when one of the cats hopped on the Thanksgiving table just before the meal was served, but he walked right past the full turkey platter to get to the dish of olives. Which was OK, because we had more olives. Needed a hit of salt, I guess.
@Corner Stone: I mentioned it earlier but depends are they Pashto or Hazaran I ? I realize that info wasn’t available but it makes a difference. The first one yeah there is a reasonable concern the second not so much. Just different context. And I know from green on blue paranoia tensions were extremely high on my COP and it was probably a mix of luck and some proactive measures that kept it from happening.
@SatanicPanic: I think we’ve reached a point where fear of being a minority among other minorities is radicalizing more white people. I think we’ll see a lot more of this White Supremacist Christianity becoming less fringe and more open as the numbers continue to drop. Since it’s religion, you can’t criticize it. Because God!
Since they are the most well-armed in our society, I see this ending well.
I do the same, aimed at my children.
My little brother’s Abyssinian cat (named Spike) once, when my brother’s back was turned for just a second, snagged a steak. From the skillet. On the stove.
THIS is why BJ needs a like button!
I hereby award you the Arthur Dent memorial Internets
they look so cute.
@Schlemazel: The six breasted whore of Eroticon Six. Everybody knows that.
“All six of my nipples are tingling” was not said by her.
ETA: yes, of course, triple.
WOW! dang thing deserved, thats a gutsy move!
Our old cat would jump on the counter to get butter or bread but nothing else. We just had to keep the bread in the cabinet & get a covered butter dish. Our second cat as no interest in any human food except yogurt. She won’t even take gravy & meat bit left overs.
Eccentrica was the triple breasted whore. She did name President Beblebrox as the best bang since the big one though.
The facial expressions on your dogs are priceless. So expressive!
I once got a dog bite on the boob when I tried to break up two dogs who were fighting over my lunch, which I had put on the arm of my chair when the doorbell rang. Bad dogs!
For anyone wants a review of what it’s like to have a bit on your boob, I offer 4 words: ouch. black & blue. and, finally, yellow.
Greg Sargent argues alleged “rift” between Obama and military leaders over how to proceed in Iraq and Syria has been overblown.
Link at Washington Monthly. I would have never guessed.
@philpm: My brothers dog and me.
He is a handful. What I find strange is being able to run with him. Walk him where my brother and his wife don’t often have the time because they are both working and raising a young child you get this pic.
Before the above pic this happened.
Me running him in the snow. He loves it.
Ouch is right. I was bitten by a police dog at a demonstration and it hurt like a mofo. Can’t imagine getting it on the tender bits.
Dent Arthur Dent.
Bob In Portland
Here’s another one blamed on Obama: the fall of Blackwater. I thought they changed their name to Academi and have continued “training and otherwise” around the world. Including in Ukraine.
also “the late Arthur Dent”
“It’s a sort of a threat you see, I guess I am not very good at them.”
I have said things like this. Now Kevin Drum does too.
ETA: Caution, reference to Sully.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hahaha, doesn’t even know what chamber McConnell is running for.
What a nice picture! Murphy looks totally blissed out, and so do you.