Top 10 moments from Occupy Central so far via @SCMP_News
— James Griffiths (@jgriffiths) September 30, 2014
Yeah, it’s the middle of the night for most BJ readers, and the middle of the afternoon over in Hong Kong, so let me indulge myself. The South China Morning Post is still liveblogging, here.
… Since Monday morning, Hongkongers have had the very novel experience of walking along streets empty of traffic, as much of Central and Admiralty remain completely closed to cars.
Low pollution has proved to be an unexpected but welcome side-effect of the protests, with Environmental Protection Department data showing that air quality in all the affected areas was far better than on a normal weekday…
NBC, Monday evening [warning: autoplay video]:
Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong set a Wednesday deadline for a response from the government to meet their demands for reforms after spending another night blocking streets in an unprecedented show of civil disobedience.
A brief statement from the Occupy Central civil disobedience movement said it had set an Oct. 1 deadline for the city’s unpopular Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to meet their demands for genuine democracy and for him to step down as leader of Hong Kong. It said they would “announce new civil disobedience plans same day.”…
Hong Kong's chief executive rejects protesters' demands, says China won't back down
— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) September 30, 2014
Wall Street Journal‘s ChinaRealTime liveblog here.
1.3 million tweets about #OccupyHongKong the last four days. Spiked Sunday as police unleashed tear gas.
— Stuart Leavenworth (@sleavenworth) September 30, 2014
So we appear to have a new #OccupyCentral meme. Cop who seems a bit too happy with the pepper spray:
— Mark Pesce (@mpesce) September 29, 2014
(This is actually from last night.)
#UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement BBC compilation image (
— David Gruber (@davidgruber) September 30, 2014
#UmbrellaMovement spreads: a new offering from artist Tania Willis #OccupyHongKong
— leungfaye (@leungfaye) September 29, 2014
The two youngest protesters I've met: These two 14-year-olds arrive in school uniforms to support #UmbrellaMovement
— Benjamin Haas 本雅明 (@haasbenjamin) September 29, 2014
100+ Hongkongers rallied to the Chinese Embassy in the Hague NL supporting #hongkong #UmbrellaMovement @GlobalSolidHK
— Fung Ka Keung (@fungkakeung) September 29, 2014
"The #UmbrellaRevolution has been an Internet-enabled movement, propelled by multiplatform networking." #HongKong
— Jeff Chu (@jeffchu) September 30, 2014
Oh yeah… this is when Hong Kong is starting to take over China. First steps.
Amir Khalid
Given what the authorities there are like, this is not going to end well. Like Tienanmen Square, or like the uprising that this song was originally written about.
Don’t grok Twitter litter.
Cannot be alone in that.
@Amir Khalid: Tend to agree this won’t end well. Anyway, what’s with all the signs with funny lines on them. Don’t they write in English like the Lord intended? Looks like chicken scratchin’ to me.
@NotMax: I particularly don’t understand posting tweets that are nothing but links to other things and add nothing themselves. You actually wind up with less information about the link since they all use URL shorteners.
That building is not the Chinese embassy in The Hague btw, that’s the Peace Palace, home of the International Court of Justice.
@Amir Khalid: I agree. This won’t end well. And PRC goons freak me out to the extent that I don’t want to e-mail a friend who’s over there teaching at a college to see how he’s doing for fear of getting him into trouble.
Chyron HR
Meh. You can’t blame the PRC, it’s just doing the bidding of its masters in Washington.
Iowa Old Lady
I have a friend in China who says that last night, mainland China blocked Instagram and all the pics on Weibo (China’s twitter) because of the HK situation.
Interesting how the Hong Kong Occupy movement is getting support from the establishment in the West. Like all the democracy movements if they’re ‘foreign’, they’re fine…if it’s happening here though they’re just a bunch of malcontents and lazy losers.
I half expect John McCain to tell me that “we’re all Hongkongers now”.
Mike in NC
You have to wonder how close people like the Koch brothers are tied into the Chinese leadership. Maybe we could start a boycott of WalMart, where 99% of their crap is made in Chinese sweatshops.
@AnonPhenom: Why don’t they go home, cut the dreadlocks off and GET A JIABBBBBBBBBB
@AnonPhenom: That “support” in Hong Kong includes nearly a half-million dollars in 2012 (numbers aren’t available yet for 2013) from the NED — the kinder, gentler CIA — by way of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.
Roger Moore
I don’t think even John McCain is crazy enough to want to bomb China.
@Roger Moore:
‘Cause that’s Lindsey Graham’s job?
@BobS: Don’t these Hong Kong protestors realize that they are just stooges for the NED’s efforts to destabilize the PRC? They couldn’t actually believe in something like democracy themselves . . .
@PJ: Why can’t it be both?
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: I agree. Unfortunately, you kill 10,000 people & their rulers don’t think that is very many (when you have population of 1.2 billion).
Those are some very brave people over there.
I don’t read Chinese, but from the one English sign they do appear to be able to spell correctly. Unlike our own teapartiers who cannot spell at all and who have no worthwhile cause for which to demonstrate in such hugh numbers.
I also cannot think of a single occassion when the teabaggers demonstrated that they got maced.
The people in Ferguson got tear gassed and our own Occupiers got pepper sprayed, but teaparties? Nada.
Maybe it’s because only 10 of them actually show up. Or maybe it’s because when they do show up they are in electric medicaid tumbrells?
At any rate, good luck to these bravo folks and more power to them. More power for the people all over the world – including here.