This GOP debate is funny in the same way a terrorist accidentally setting off suicide vest and blowing himself up is funny. You temporarily forget how much damage they want to do to us.
Rundown so far- Trump is being Trump, Ben Carson is apparently stoned to the bejeezus and has called the flat tax “proportional taxation and “government tithing,” and really the best one so far has been Kasich.
*** Update ***
Alinsky- chug.
*** Update ***
At this point, I’m basically just waiting for Donald Trump to whip out his penis and start slapping the moderators in the face with it.
Who are all these people who think Walker isn’t a good speaker?
Knocking it out of the ballpark
the response to Walker is really tepid
Bill E Pilgrim
Did Kasich really just respond to a question asking him why he’s a better choice than Hillary Clinton by citing that he’ll go back to the last time we balanced the budget — which was when Bill Clinton was President?
Welcome to the Fox universe.
Karen in GA
What’s with Christie’s forehead curl?
That’s exactly what it’s like. And then you realize that any one of these cretins will, without doubt, receive a majority of the white vote. That’s when despair sets in.
This is really boring
Picturing thousands of fingers frantically googling to ferret out what a Linsky is.
Mike E
@srv: Apparently the cheese is not binding.
whos good to read on twitter for the debate?
Us. NOT you.
Where’s Trump!
@Bill E Pilgrim:
So, first Kasich expanded Medicaid in his state, now he wants to RAISE TAXES?!?!?!?!?
I don’t know how much longer I can watch: Christie and Huckabee on “entitlement reform” might be the straw that breaks this camel’s back.
And now Huckabee just said money was stolen from Social Security to pay for Obamacare. Jee-sus.
SkyNewsLive to watch on YouTube was a great find.
@Karen in GA: He thinks it makes him look like Superman.
Germy Shoemangler
You’re right.
gogol's wife
It sounds as if I made the right choice watching an episode of Father Brown that I had already seen two weeks ago.
Huck’s gonna tax hookers? Fuck the bastard.
@NotMax: Monica Linsky. Duh!
Leaving Texas
Wow. Huckleberry. Wow.
Huckabee would make a lousy President, but he’d make a good Surgeon General.
If Huckabee is saying that investment income should be taxed for social security…I’m listening
Karen in GA
And the bell just made Iggy and Muppet go supernova. Husband is sleeping because he wakes up at 4 AM for work, so no more debate here.
Trump: But but but EVERYBODY IS DOING IT!
Already in Newsmax
DougJ and meetup buds: I am so close to you!! I am just down the street at The Diner, which has debate on and is way less crowded. It’s cooler too.
Ventana whatever is so crowded that I could not even get through the door.
Commute was effing horrible — two hours in via car and train — I could be in Richmond!! — wish I’d just driven. From below derailment site; they held our train for maybe 25-30 mins. and maybe up to 45 — didn’t check.
Respond please!! Would you like to come here for dessert or a nightcap? They’ll have TV on for Jon Stewart.
The Diner
2453 18th Street NW
They’re not playing for the masses right now, but the true beliebers.
P.S. Word Press marks several common neologisms as spelling errors, but “beliebers” is OK?!?!?!?
@lgerard: Nope, consumption tax.
@Germy Shoemangler
Walker is to public speaking as Yugo is to automotive design.
@Karen in GA:
There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
yet another jeff
Pimps on social security?
Trump has a huge number of deals…and good point on bankruptcy law, actually. Digging the whole “fuck the lenders!” schtick.
Mike J
@Karen in GA:
There was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead
when she was good she was very very good
but when she was bad she was Christie
Chris Wallace has a hard on for Trump…when will he bring up Trump University
Mike J
@scav: Damn your fasting typing fingers!
Oh my God, I love that place. Ate there so many times.
Man, I wanna go back to DC.
Man, they’re banging on Trump and bankruptcy. What the hell, Fox?
And Trump gets as good audience response.
If only Obama had gotten out of Solyndra with the smarts Trump has.
They have surprisingly failed to nail Trump on anything.
Bill E Pilgrim
Wait, Huckabee thinks social security paid by workers amounted to “theft” by the government, but doesn’t want to end it? So he’s coming out in favor of crime?
Leaving Texas
Trump: I know how to negotiate! I can declare bankrupcy and screw China!
Doug R
Here In Canuckistan our four party leaders just debated. Now it’s on to CFL football, BC Lions vs Edmonton Eskimos, apparently viewable on ESPN 2 as well.
Mike J
In what possible universe would that be a better fate?
@Mike J: You improved it, I cut and paste.
Im taping this mo-fo for later perusal. Please tell me upsidedown (!) Jeb is being forced to explain his “Trump is an asshole” remark…
@PsiFighter37: That’s because Trump has basically no consistent views. It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall.
Rubio… maybe Sec. of Treasury
Jesus, what is up with these Cucky Carly highlights! WTF.
So Marco Rubio will make things easier for small business by repealing Dodd-Frank.
PS: They have booze here at the Diner! Am sipping a Malbec. Tullamore Dew and other spirits on the bar. They make boozy shakes too.
At least the Yugo had horse-power. All Walker has is horse’s ass power.
Must be ’bout time for Jeb to take a cue from Daddy and glance impatiently at his watch.
Scott Walker is still mad over the hostage crisis.
Oh, cool — Rick Perry cameo!
Most of the investments of the government program that helped fund Solyndra turned out pretty well. In fact, that we only ever hear about this one company when screwball Rs debate the merits of that program speaks volumes.
@scav: There was a little burly
who had a little curly
right in the middle of his fore–head.
when he was good he was very very good
but when he’s bad, he’s a whorehead.
Iran is tied to ISIS? What Walker?
Did it really take 75 minutes to get the first Reagan reference? They’re slipping.
He probably has more TV/interview experience than all those other yo-yos combined, and he has faced a lot more non-softball questions than they have. So he’s good at this.
Think of it as a rather intellectually limited supply teacher doing his best to explain the obvious to a class of malevolent dropouts in the local penitentiary.
Germy Shoemangler
They’ll simply pass the cost on to the consumer. Same reason why we’re not allowed to raise taxes on corporations.
Uncle Ebeneezer
What is Isrul?
I refuse to watch directly, following instead the reactions on Twitter.
So far, I’m seeing how Kasich is coming across as the sane one, half the candidates are attacking Christie as much as Trump, and Trump is being Trump which may not hurt his ratings.
Social issues next. Gay-hate-off!
@Steeplejack: Trump has had to deal with the NY media for decades. This is nothing.
Huckabee: Iran is coming for our souls. We are dooooooomed.
I hate to think how much Republicans will shit the bed, if we did not have the most robust military on the planet.
Also, Huckabee is apparently going Full Fundamentalist on-stage, which is good for the Far Right and scary for 80 percent of the rest of the nation.
Mike J
You don’t think Republicans will know the difference, do you? As far as they’re concerned all those arabs[1] are the same.
[1] Iranians aren’t arabs.
Well, they are dedicated enemies of one another, so not complete bullshit.
Gin & Tonic
I had a nice dinner, and am now making myself a nightcap. I haven’t watched a second of the “debate.”
I win.
@PaulW: Someone on DKos referred to Kasich as “the Jon Huntsman of 2016”.
He is an idiot
Not watching, but which products/companies are running ads on this sideshow?
@Mike J: But they are all muslins.
Wallace keeps trying to stump Trump, but just blusters on. It is awesome.
@Mike J:
Well, those Arab states to the south of Texas. They all look much alike to a Republican eye.
Wow. I had them going “I am Reagan’s Heir” right off the bat.
@dmsilev: Let me guess: they’re all going to repeal that thing a majority of Americans now support.
If that means legalization of consenting adult behavior, good.
They are limiting themselves to claiming to have inherited his hair instead.
I think he is Jeb!’s boy for VP if Jeb! can wade through the debate process without self imploding
Rove/Ailes clearly manipulating these debate for a Jeb/Carly ticket.
RINOs will destroy this country.
Those helping themselves so far: Kasich, Trump, Cruz, Huckabee
Those sabotaging their own campaigns: Bush, Walker
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Not watching the debate, have the sound off on MSNBC– Tweety, Mrs Greenspan, Michael Steele and Woody the Bartender– but looking at some twitter feeds I am struck by the absence of Jeb (!)
@NotMax: Lotta personal injury attorneys, at least on our station. Oh, and a car rental company ran an ad basically saying, “Use us for car service and you won’t be sexually assaulted.”
Lordy, this debate is torture, but I love me some local commercials.
Schumer is going to come out against Iran deal tomorrow, reports NY Times.
We don’t need GOP to ruin America, we can do it ourselves.
Tried to call his office all day, couldn’t get through.
these questions are truly stupid
@srv: Knock it off, Doug SRV.
Jeb Bush, details-oriented person…
I think having the most powerful military in the world is what enables these kinds of fantasies. Since their country doesn’t have any enemies remotely in our league to worry about, their imagination manufactures more and more ridiculous ones.
He’s FoxNews’s choice for president. If Jeb! pulls it out of the fire, he’ll be their choice for VP instead.
He’s a dangerous choice. He can sound like a moderate and he isn’t completely hated in Ohio. Switching Ohio from Blue to Red would be a big deal this cycle. I’m hoping he has an epic flameout.
@beltane: My one Republican Fox-watching friend is already starting to talk about not voting in ’16.
Bush “end of life” pro-lifer…he’s running on his actions for Schiavo…
Anne Laurie
Trying to prove the Republican party isn’t a total sausagefest?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Sweet Dancing Christ.
Twitter Nixon hates Walker, pities Bush, loves Kasich
@MazeDancer: You’re not Schumer’s real constituent.
mai naem mobile
Maybe the Trumpster can ask Jebeh! about his grandaddy Prescott being the treasurer for Planned Parenthood.
He is running LOTS of ads in New Hampshire
Can you please get the Firmware 2.0 upgrade Skippy has? You’re losing the syllable race; you have a syllable gap.
Your audience demands it.
but he won’t come out and say her name
You know, I hate the GOP with a burning passion, but sell-outs like Schumer are even worse. He ought to know much, much better than this, but he whores himself out to Netanyahu’s crackpot junta with a shamelessness that is beyond despicable.
What a worthless fucking piece of shit.
Gin & Tonic
@Mandalay: How did Huckabee make the majors and Santorum not?
yet another jeff
That child that wasn’t aborted is huge…and very classy.
@mai naem mobile: Someone needsto find a way to bring all these things to Trump’s attention.
This event is really bringing home to me how crazy these Republicans—all of them—are on the subject of abortion. They’re not even debating abortion. They’re debating whether the ban on abortion should allow an exception for rape and incest. Ugh.
Does Walker think they belong to the same branch of Islam and go to church together every week?
Never figured out where Trump’s hair begins and where it ends
Gin & Tonic
@Chris: Well, at least he’s made clear where his loyalties lie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Maybe it’s time to try inserting an original idea into his thinking orifice with an ultra-sound wand?
Same. I can’t think of a single Republican during the health care debate that I wanted to beat to death with a baseball bat as much as I did Joe Lieberman. Apparently, Schumer’s trying to play the same role for this argument.
FYWP. Trying again.
This event is really bringing home to me how crazy these Republicans—all of them—are on the subject of abortion. They’re not even debating abortion. They’re debating whether the ban on abortion should allow an exception for rape and incest. Ugh.
yet another jeff
Is it not true that he’s an asshole…or that you called him that?
Rubio just said he opposes abortion in the cases of rape and incest.
Not that the vile fucker ever had a chance anyway, but he will never, ever be president now.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Morzer: I guess the deal for caucus leader is done, but the word in the ‘sphere is that Dick Durbin has been busting his ass to get support for the deal. Damn shame
mai naem mobile
I think Trump just threw a grenade at Jebeh!
Isn’t Schumer up for re-election next year? It would be pretty pathetic if no one mounts a primary challenge to him after this.
Bill E Pilgrim
@efgoldman: Right, but/and harking back to how great our financial health was when her husband was in the White House as the response to “how will you attack Hillary Clinton” was just too clueless even for one of these guys. Or at least I thought it would be.
@Gin & Tonic: Santorum’s lost a lot off his fastball. Huckabee can bring the high heat.
yet another jeff
Kasich: I’d love my dead gay son…or daughter
@trollhattan: What kind of idiot funds a company with a name like Solyndra? How many syllables is that?
And Trump is dumb? He’s worth $10 BILLION DOLLARS.
@Gimlet: What makes you think Walker thinks about things like that at all?
I see on Twitter that Jeb brought up the Terri Schiavo debacle to burnish his pro-fetus bona fides.
I hope his poll numbers drop to zero.
Anne Laurie
He’s gotta compete with Cruz, who’s busily cutting in on the Talibangelical grift.
Cruz has decided to throw red meat about how Mitch McConnell is a RINO traitor weenie, who won’t let Cruz shut down the gubmint until Obama bows to his will & drones all the Planned Parenthood clinics into oblivion. Mike Hucksterbee was only running this time to cement his position as Top National God-Botherer, so Mike is very displeased with Teddy the C(Ruse)…
@Althea: It’s a mobius strip.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: @Mandalay: How did Huckabee make the majors and Santorum not?
He looks and sounds more like a preacher. And as a Papist, Santorum could never be completely trusted.
When I was in college, just about twenty-five years ago, a Southern Baptist acquaintance– after I had mentioned I was a Catholic, as I still called myself– slowly and patiently explained to me that he was a “Christian”, as if it were a term I would be unfamiliar with. He’s out there somewhere, though I’m sure he’s all in for Bush.
yet another jeff
Doesn’t all business conflict with Christian beliefs?
Kasich kind of stands up for gay people and gets applause. One of the more genuinely surprising things tonight.
Mike in NC
GOP Debate #1: “Triumph of the Trump”
I’ve just started watching it on DVR, prey for me.
Hey, moron, your bus is leaving!
This debate is boring.
yet another jeff
Ah yes…that was Mr Cole’s camel-back-breaking straw. Shit…for someone who has been here for a long damn time, I haven’t posted all that much.
did Cruz nod off?
@Gin & Tonic:
Huckabee polling higher. As a Fox media darling for the last 6 years or so, had a fanbase to rely on.
I don’t know, let me theorize about how asking him that question…
Did Trump just blame W for Obama — and that’s what turned him Rebub?
Be honest now, did you really expect high-powered intellects, wit and a knowledge of world affairs from the GOP?
Felonius Monk
Why does this parade remind me of “The Gong Show”? And where the hell is the hook?
I just realized that some day people will be writing about this as “The first debate of the Expansion Era.”
@Renie: If you want bipartisan – or maybe better called polypartisan + attentive nonpartisan + attentive antipartisan – the generic hashtag #GOPDebate will bring up anyone who puts #GOPDebate in their tweets. It will be kind of like drinking from a fire hose though. So it has pluses and minuses.
Otherwise I dunno…there are the usual political reporters and bloggers tweeting on it. Even Weird/Irony Twitter is kinda interested, though they’ll divert onto any side path that offers the promises of a few laughs (example); that is the only way in which they are reliable.
@Felonius Monk: Great, maybe they’ll bring out Gene Gene the Dancing Machine soon!
@Gin & Tonic:
Well they’re both religious, and they are both chasing the working man’s vote. But Huckabee is a far more polished and likable speaker than Santorum. (Just my opinion, but I don’t think it’s very contentious.)
@beltane: He’ll be the next Democratic Senate leader…even worse.
@Morzer: You think you know so much because you’re so used to being under the bus.
@Gin & Tonic:
Seriously? The requirement was a popularity contest among likely Republican voters.
Huckabee’s an asshole, but he’s a noted Fox News Asshole. All that facetime among the rubes has to pay off somehow.
Santorum, on the other hand, just has the World’s Most Punchable Face. It’s amazing – even before he opens his mouth you just know he’s going to say something that makes you want to pop him in the mouth.
@Chris: Having tilapia with mustard sauce and wild rice and asparagus in your honor, Chris. $10. Sitting next to 3 really cute 20-something guys.
Betty Cracker
What was Baby Doc babbling about, the gubmint invading churches and forcibly editing sermons? What in the wide world of fuck? This debate has me drinking bourbon and branch water on a school night. That’s not right.
MSNBC is gushing about Kasich.
Well, hey, I give props to the younger Fox guy for knowing there’s no “cow” in “Moscow.”
Mike J
@yet another jeff: Wonder how he’d react if his son had a limp wrist with a pulse.
@Baud: Yup. He’s always been the one who struck me as ready for prime time.
Tree With Water
You hang in there, Cole. I’ll be interested in hearing everyone’s take, but right now I’m enjoying the Giants-Cubs game at Wrigley Field. It’s a way nicer way to while away the evening.
Not if he can be voted out.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I don’t know if he was Tweety’s first man-crush, but it was the first one I saw, way back when Mary Matalin was still Tweety’s lead-in on Msnbc
Anne Laurie
No chance — Kasich is visibly smarter than JEB! (low bar, admitedly).
Daddy Bush picked Dan Quayle for his undercard. Dubya picked Dick Cheney — rather, Cheney picked himself, and Dubya wasn’t engaged enough to ix-nay Darth’s proposal — and look how that worked out for the Bush Crime Cartel.
JEB! makes it as far as picking a VP candidate, it’ll be someone not smart enough to Make Trouble for the ongoing enterprise.
(Insert your own Teri Schiavo reference here… )
Monitoring BJ is as close as I am getting to the debates. I’m not even watching the Guardian liveblog.
From the looks of things so far, that was the correct decision.
Reagan freed the hostages in one day!
Betty Cracker
@Mike J: Oooo! “Heathers” reference!
At least my bus doesn’t have stone wheels.
He is the clear winner here, the only one that has been able to string 2 sentences together without any overt factual errors
Is it possible that Fox has planted stooges in the audience who are supposed to clap for Kasich no matter what he says?
I certainly wouldn’t put it past them.
I hate Hillary as much as any American, but I’d keep my own mail server knowing Obama lets the Chinese and Russians run loose in our computer networks.
@PsiFighter37: The Democratic party seems determined to discourage as many Democrats from voting as possible. There is a reason people can’t be bothered to vote in midterms.
Gin & Tonic
@PsiFighter37: All I can think (hope) is that he and Durbin counted votes, know that there’s enough to not override Obama’s veto, and this gave Schumer a free pass to oppose it and satisfy his Likud constituents.
@PsiFighter37: This is what keeps me up at night. That, and the fact that Cuomo is still our governor.
@Gin & Tonic: There were still 13 or 14 votes lacking for it to fail, last I’d read. With Gillibrand announcing her support, maybe there’s a chance that you’re right.
I know y’all know this but Chuck Todd is an asshole. He just said Ted Cruz is winning. I can’t even remember the questions to Cruz.
Ah crap, Chinese got to Sky News site.
@efgoldman: I had a dentist’s appointment earlier today, so I decided: screw it, I can endure another two hours.
I quit watching about 20 minutes in, but I was left with 2 distinct impressions:
1) The whole “fair and balanced” mantra of Fox was revealed for the sham it is by the very first question, and the follow-up, with Wallace asking Trump if he wouldn’t take the pledge even if it meant Hillary was elected. The entire tone of Wallace’s question was one of “how could you let the bad guys win?”. Not something that’s anything new to anyone here, but it struck me as a crossing of the Rubicon.
2) I just can’t quit the feeling that we’re going to see Incitatus get his senate seat sometime within the next 10-15 years, and that doesn’t scare me so much as just profoundly depress me. This whole thing is just … wrong.
And yeah, I’m referencing ancient Rome a bit, but given my history I think I’m entitled. :) But seriously, I don’t think a great nation can remain great with half of its body politic afflicted by such a deep well of hateful fantasy. And I really don’t want to spend my twilight years living in interesting times.
Fox news shut down the Sky news link
Walker sucks.
@Betty Cracker:
He’s going for the idea that Sodomites Getting Married Means Death For All Good White Hetero-Christians Tomorrow!
MSNBC is backing Cruz and Kasich as the winners right now. Doubt the primary voters will back Kasich, but he is positioning himself as the Jeb replacement because the twitter-feed is that Jeb is dying up there.
Mike J
@Betty Cracker: It’s like when a folk singer says “take it“. When you’re set up with one, you’re obligated to take it.
@srv: You’re totally giving away the game now, sport.
I thought Cruz snuck out about a half hour ago
@Doug R: I thought Harper was his usual smarmy ‘meh’ self. Mulcair sounds reasonable, but could have been more forceful. Trudeau was pretty good, “Mr. Harper, nobody believes you.” (I met his dad, PET, way back when Trudeaumania was a big thing..those eyes!) I love that we have a credible Green Party, with a more than competent leader in Elizabeth May.
I live in the north end of Hamilton, ON where my provincial & federal reps are from New Democratic Party. They’re well respected here, so I don’t see a change in the next election.
Walker wants to push us into hostilities with Russia…
Huckabee…military not a social expirement?
Lincoln (a Republican) had African-American units in the Civil War…a social expirement…
The military has been used as a social expirement for a long time.
@srv: Here, let me help you: Hillary’s unsecured network is how they got in.
C’mon, step up your game here.
Kasich does have a fanbase crowd in the stands, it IS Ohio after all.
mai naem mobile
I don’t know if paying for weight loss surgery for a douchebag governor of Arkansas makes this country safer.
I think he represents the biggest threat to Clinton, and he’s going well tonight.
But so are Cruz and Huckabee, and Trump will soar in the polls after this shitshow.
Walker and Bush look like losers.
Anne Laurie
Schumer’s getting lots of pressure from his “pro-Israel”, pro-AIPAC constituents. You want him to change his mind, you need to convince him there’s more NYC voters on the President’s side than Netanyahu’s.
Different strokes, but if you put those three next to each other and gave me a free shot at one and only one of them it would be Santorum without hesitation.
@Betty Cracker: Is your name Juliet.. Tampa Bay
@Kropadope: It might be enough if he is bloodied in a primary battle. If he cannot support the President on his key foreign policy achievement, he deserves to be in the political doghouse. The Republicans do not reward disloyalty in this way.
It’s in Ohio.
Does anybody else think Christie looks like Rich Little on a bad hair day?
Right to Go Down
Jeb Bush is so dreamy. He’s a take charge kinda guy. You libs are done for!!! Because I said so!
Long live tRUMP for PREZ! The longer the ‘real’ politicians have to appear on stage with him, the more they look the FOOL, as WM. Shakespeare might say.
I can’t watch much more. Even the premises of the questions are so far out in the Fox parallel universe that there’s no coming back. And all these guys turn every answer up to 11.
Going to watch Jon Stewart’s finale at 11:00.
I’d be the 4th, but, you know, not there.
Enjoy the tilapia!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m not optimistic on the odds of a shake up, but if the best we can do is make Schumer uncomfortable, let’s do that.
@Helen: And that’s why he’s winning!
@lgerard: That’s not how you score the winner of a GOP debate, silly.
I know (I’m here – unfortunately Kasich is my governor). Still, I wouldn’t have thought there would be enough love for the governor among the state’s GOP primary voters to get people to clap for him saying less-than-hateful things about gay people.
Anne Laurie
@Bill E Pilgrim: Kasich: I’ll bring back the prosperity & peacefulness of the Clinton years, but without all that dirty filthy sex talk!
Of course, “Clinton, but with less skirt-chasing” is not really an effective argument against Hillary, but it’s not like he can lunge further to the right than the rest of these goobers…
@Anne Laurie:
Schumer’s been awhoring his own unctuous self out to more groups than AIPAC for a long, long time now. He’s definitely open for business.
Now they are all trying to out-warmonger each other.
Christie wins that one, and sucks some Israel cock as well. He makes McCain and Graham look like pacifist wimps.
@Karen in GA:
There was a little squirrel
And he had a little curl….
@Anne Laurie: Not to be cynical, but he’s feeling the pressure directly from AIPAC itself. The constituents have little to do with this.
Felonius Monk
I can’t decide which group are the bigger idiots: the Candidates or the Moderators.
She is crying.
Closing question: how many of you hear voices in your head?
Are you taking squirrel to rhyme with curl according to the approved Rick Perry pronuncification?
@beltane: Understand re AIPAC, but I am sickened by Schumer, wish him well in his anti-gun campaign with relative Amy Schumer, and I will NEVER NEVER read another email from him. Will call my Senators to express my displeasure with Schumer taking a major Senate leadership post.
He and I are citizens of the USA. Not Israel. Eff him for not supporting Obama and the Iran deal.
Sure, Trump’s a joke. But unless I’ve missed something, so are the rest of them.
Have Bush and Walker put forward serious platforms? Actual research with actual positions better defended than the Donald’s? They have not. Are the dog whistles they’re blowing any less vile than our golden-helmeted noise-warrior’s great tuba blast? They are not.
But contrast those simpering, insufferable, milquetoast, racist, women-hating lap-dogs for the 1%, Trump is entertaining–the combed-over id of the GOP in all its radiant glory.
So rather than despair that one of these bumblefucking muppets will inevitably win the white vote fifteen months from now, let us instead root for Trump, that our crashing downfall into decadence and ruin might at least make good TV.
Don’t forget the primary voters! One of these clowns will be the party’s nominee!
What are you doing with your hands, Kasich?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@NonyNony: Cruz gives Santorum (have I mentioned lately what a colossal dick Rick Santorum is) a real run for his money in the most punchable face race.
Anne Laurie
@yet another jeff:
These guys are all members in good standing of the First Church of the Whited Sepulcher – Pharisee sect. Stand on the public street crying out Father! Father!…
oh jesus
jesus stuff
@Morzer: There is no justification for Schumer’s actions here. His “open for business” approach makes him a national security threat as far as I’m concerned. Rewarding him with the minority leader position is a stain on the party.
Realistically, it’s a food-fight between the candidates and the Fox immoderators. Sadly, despite my prayers, no major injuries as yet.
What the hell is wrong with Kasich’s mouth?
yet another jeff
Jesus would have busted the teachers unions too…
Betty Cracker
God + veterans! Related!
It’s connected to the rest of him.
This has been a really shitty evening, as far as making it to the BJ meetup. Should have stayed home. (In fairness, DougJ did not derail the Metrorail train earlier today, which led to all the delay.)
Let me see if I have this right, Kasich’s father was a mailman?
Remember Dr. Sevrin from Star Trek? Rubio has his ears.
yet another jeff
Jesus would have fired more people at the VA
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Church and Steeple? Jazz Hands?
Marco Rubio: God has blessed us with young men and women who die!
@Betty Cracker:
Next up: God and tax cuts!
@beltane: I think Schumer should get taught a lesson, good and hard.
@yet another jeff:
Like the way he formed a posse of moneylenders and drove Planned Parenthood out of the temple?
I used to love eating there after a night of drinkin’ in Adams Morgan. shit.
Megyn Kelly: “Please talk about God and the veterans. Oh look, my mom just walked on stage with an apple pie. Please talk about how much you love mom and apple pie, too.”
mai naem mobile
I’m disappointed in Schumer but not surprised. I kind of understand his position even though I disagree with him. I think getting Kaine,Nelson and Boxer which is a big deal. I think you lose Schumer,Menendez,Donnelly and Manchin which isn’t bad.
@Elizabelle: His anti-gun campaign rings hollow when he votes for more war at the behest of a foreign country. My Senators are Leahy and Sanders. I will call their offices tomorrow.
This debate is a total ripoff. I want my money back.
Has he officially denied it?
yet another jeff
I went back to Ohio…but my city was gone…
Anne Laurie
Good for him. Even in Ohio, a majority of the voting population has finally realized that they’ve got gay family members / business clients. Easy to demonize “those people” at a distance, not so easy to split one’s personal social circle…
@Morzer: blam! But seriously. I haven’t seen that much nervous lip-smushing since my coke-dealing neighbor moved away and took his customers with him.
Only thirty seconds for each closing statement, but they’re still going to run long.
Betty Cracker
I’m disappointed Trump didn’t get the God question. He would have revealed that HE is God, which may have caused a stir.
The moderation of this debate was absolutely brutal.
yet another jeff
Hells to the…oh, right…um…
@Adam: As in Mantis? Will do!
Well, that and his prospective vote alongside the Republicans to either give Iran a bomb or start the biggest middle eastern war yet.
One…two…three…all together now, say it with me…backpfeifengesicht!
Speaking of things Yurpeen, I usually hesitate to interpret the thoughts of others, especially those of unfamiliar cultures. However, I think it’s a reasonably safe bet that the one of the thoughts running through the minds of furriners* watching this goes something like this:
This is one of the two major political parties of the most powerful country in the world (at least for now), and these bumblefucks are the best they could come up with to run for the top office in the land?
@Nicole: God asks Trump for a five-minute meeting. If Trump is feeling yoogely magnanimous, he gives god three.
They’re playing a game of who had the humblest upbringing. Jeb!’s going to lose.
These people scare me.
@Nicole: TRUMP: “Sure, I talk to myself all the time.”
yet another jeff
Fuck…Ted Cruz…that voice…why no bell yet???
@mai naem mobile: Schumer should be excluded from any leadership position for the remainder of his career in the Senate. If this is the best the Democratic party can do, they have provided me with a powerful disincentive to give a shit about the Democratic party.
So the Lie-O in Ohio prepares to trudge off…
Bobby Thomson
@NonyNony: I would put money on it. Hell, Trump did it for his fucking announcement speech. And these are the FairNBalanced Crew we’re talking about.
Screw it, I’m switching over to the Daily Show.
@gogol’s wife:
I thought the CONCACAF Champions League match between LA Galaxy and Central FC (Trinidad) would be better. I may have been wrong. I would like Mayhew to watch a replay of this and tell us if it’s the worst refereed match in the history of professional football in this hemisphere.
@shortstop: Trump: “I paid God to show up at my wedding.”
Who is Yoogely Magnanimous? Is that the name for Trump’s hairy little friend that squats on his cranium?
yet another jeff
Have I mentioned how I fucking hate Huckabee? If not…I really fucking hate Huckabee…
yet another jeff
Wait…two kids and a harlot???
LAST DAILY SHOW!!! So sad, and yet OMG this is gonna be EPIC.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@mai naem mobile: I kind of understand his position even though I disagree with him.
I’m not surprised, but I suspect this is a case where Schumer is voting his sincere convictions (and delusions, and prejudices, and paranoia) more than his fund-raising list. I really don’t think this would have put his seat in jeopardy
Betty Cracker
@beltane: The powerful incentive to care about the Democratic Party is giving its closing statements now.
To paraphrase, the era of big candidates is over.
@yet another jeff:
At least Huckabee’s fake nice schtick didn’t fool anyone for very long. He’s gone back to being the creepy, hateful, corrupt bigot he always was.
Government employee moocher. Public union thug, also, too
KS in MA
@Gin & Tonic:
That makes two of us. Congratulations!
I appreciate the candidates using their closing statements to remind me why they suck.
yet another jeff
Trump: We suck…cars and Obamacare. I’ll fix it. Now I’m drunk…Quicken Loans Arena..
Chris Christie – the Biggestest Dwarf In All Of Noo Joizey.
Leaving Texas
Trump’s “we’re losers” shtick is an unpolished version of “Morning in America”.
what a borefest
I guess the people who rail against abortion don’t mind participating in one
@yet another jeff:
Wasn’t that a movie?
You liberals are just jealous that Trump came out looking good during this debate
It’s fascinating to see just what an impoverished party the GOP has become on the policy front. Judging by the mob we saw tonight, it’s all howling at the moon, resentment and reaction against the evil libruls who live in the GOP’s hot, flat and crowded skulls. There’s no economic vision or educational policy there at all.
Anyone who is surprised by that hasn’t been paying attention.
@Mike J: Dots Back Inn and the Roosevelt are better than anywhere in DC or NOVA. And that doesn’t even count Mama Zu.
KS in MA
Anne Laurie
@Betty Cracker:
Trump’s from Noo Yark Citty. I guarantee you that a significant percentage of the Fox viewing demographic (and at least one of the candidates) believes that he must be Jewish, ergo, a Christ-Killer.
Forty years ago, I went to college in Michigan from the Bronx and had more than one person insist that everyone in NYC was Jewish. Some I could not reason out of that position, and I’m sure they are now committed Fox watchers.
@yet another jeff
Seriously though, can you remember a time when the GOP so publicly made clear that they had no ideas to offer? Even Romney and Ryan came up with something that could have been considered a plan, if you didn’t look at the numbers. This latest assembly of the corrupt, the moronic and the boorish can’t even be bothered to do that much.
Thoroughly Pizzled
They ain’t got shit to say, because Obama has been a great president who solved the problems they created.
I doubt he’s gonna go full Lenny Kravitz… did he?
My impression of their closing statements:
Kasich…decent, semi-inspiring
Christie…I’m the MAN!
Paul…I introduced all these bills that went nowhere and I visited some cities.
Rubio…My parents were hard workers. Hurray for the American Dream.
Cruz…On the first day, I will erase Obama from history. I will then investigate all the liberals I can and I will do provocative stuff in the ME just because.
Carson…I’m a damn fine neurosurgeon. I’m in favor of freedom
Huckabee…Started out with an attack that everyone thought was against Trump but the punch line was Hilary. Nicely done.
Walker…Exaggerated his record.
Bush…wake me up when he’s done.
Trump…Our country is a loser. I’ll make it a winner.
I think overall, Kasich and Rubio tended to stay with warm, fuzzy platitudes and that worked for them. Especially as no one will deconstruct what they actually want to do because everyone will be talking about Trump and third party.
@Anne Laurie
At least they’re off the streets. All FOX addicts ought to be committed.
mai naem mobile
Okay Gamechanger Double Double down
Scott Walker- Paul Dano,Ben Carson -Denzel Washington, Rand Paul – Greg Kinnear, Chris.Christie – Jim Belushi, Ted Cruz- Nathan Lane, Jebeh! – Will Ferrell, Huckster – Kelsey Graham, Trump -John Goodman, Rubio – Ricky Martin
Another of the many blessings bestowed on us by Ronaldus Magnus – the Fox watchers now wander the streets, rather than being tucked away with medication and kindly doctors.
The problem is that policy looks like governing, and the Republican base hates the very idea of governing. They just want to break shit and fuck everyone who’s not an affluent white maie (which includes most of the Republican base).
The heck with Gerrard, dos Santos, and Ricketts. Sebastian Lletget is the best and most important acquisition the Galaxy have made in 2015.
To be fair to the clown car – Romney and Ryan came up with things that looked like plans and then they lost. So you can see how the clown car might want to try something different this time around.
@Morzer: That’s pretty much the case my entire adult life, my first vote was for Jimmy Carter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: Especially apropos because Ohio.
Perhaps the best way to understand the modern GOP is that they don’t want to govern, but they still can’t shake off their resentment for not having a West Wing of their own on the teevee and so use these appalling debates as a substitute.
Omnes Omnibus
@xinark: I’ve heard that J Street has a different whip count than the one the Post has and that as of yesterday it was a vote or two short. No link because it came from a conversation.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: I thought Walker was horrible, but then I always think Walker is horrible, but then that is because Walker is, objectively, horrible.
@Omnes Omnibus:
*In the voice of Chris Wallace* “So, that would be a “Maybe” then?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m gonna start a petition to draft twitter Nixon (actually, the guy stays true to Nixon’s bigotry, so… not really)
Richard M. Nixon @ dick_nixon 30m30 minutes ago
A man’s relationship to God is found alone in silence, at his center. Nowhere else. #GOPDebate
Have any of these bastards worn the uniform? No? #GOPDebate
I don’t want to hear about abortion. That’s people’s own business. Stay off it. #GOPDebate
He mentioned Schiavo there. They crucified him for that and rightly so. #GOPDebate
@Omnes Omnibus:
You’re a good judge of character.
Bobby Thomson
@Omnes Omnibus: He might as well be wearing a dress.
It’s like the phrase that English football writers love to trot out when two mediocre sides play out a deadly dull scoreless draw.
“Devoid of ideas.”
The best way to understand the modern GOP is that it hasn’t existed since Eisenhower or, perhaps, Roosevelt.
mai naem mobile
Ben Carson needs to drop out. Completely out of his depth. Walker was not impressive. Paul looked like a petulant teenager. Rubio didn’t get thirsty. Trump did okay. Christie was his assholish self and,oh,yeah, I wouldn’t be reminding people I was appointed on 9/10 because,dumbass,look at what happened 9/11. Jebeh! looked like W Jr. Kasich is the one who had me scared me for Hillary.
I love that Central has a player named Elton John.
@mai naem mobile:
Gosh. How utterly amazing.
@Nicole: You mean the Carmel ads for their limo company and their new app. It’s in response to the Uber kerfuffle of a few weeks ago. Carmel has another ad about the cost of a limo ride and that it should be a flat rate.
Yes, he had clearly memorized chunks of text, and was just regurgitating them on camera.
But he also explicitly affirmed his opposition to abortion in the cases of r*pe and in*est. Not exactly warm and fuzzy, and it will come back to haunt him.
@mai naem mobile:
What did the Republicans’ and emoprogs’ treatment of Obama teach us about expecting too much too fast…?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I saw some people saying on twitter that the FoxBots were mean to him. I’ve been assuming for a few weeks they (“They”) would want to push him out so his support would (“They” hope) go to Bush and Walker so Trump doesn’t look so dominant. I don’t know which others– Christie, maybe, and maybe Huckabee could be bought off?– would be receptive to any message like that. Cruz is having fun, Rand probably doesn’t want to face Daddy.
Yeah, I think I misunderestimated his appeal. We’ll see.
Damn Frank
1.7 million dead of Alcohol poisoning on Friday after playing the GOP drinking game….
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Kasich sounded like a reasonable conservative. The GOP base doesn’t seem interested in that.
Sorry about that. Good thing I didn’t try to make it, or my already maxed out stress level would have exploded my brain.
Really hope to make it next time though!
@Omnes Omnibus: One can only hope.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Kasich could be tough in a general election, but it’s hard to see him getting the nomination.
Bobby Thomson
@mai naem mobile:
Are you in the habit of blaming people for things that happened on their second day on the job and for which they had no responsibility? It’s not as though there aren’t people – cough – Junior – to blame for 9/11 or other things you can’t legitimately lay at Christie’s feet.
You know who came away from this trainwreck looking ok, in the minds of GOP voters? Walker, Rubio, and Kaisch, w/ half credit to Cruz and Bush. No real surprises here.
What a fix Fox put in, with all the subtle things that would make Trump look ill-informed, ill-equipped, knee-jerk, and most certainly not a True Believer. And their pumping up of Kaisch – OMG.
@burnspbesq: Yeah but he’s a serious contender for VP – he’ll make the actual nominee look moderate, and might just help deliver Ohio. No bueno.
mai naem mobile
JC Watts looks old. He looks way older than Obama.
@Jeffro: Having said that, I think Christie, Paul, and Huck are most certainly going to stay in the toilet, ratings-wise. There are better alternatives for each out there. Carson will stay where he’s at until the money dries up (by this Feb) – I don’t think he has a sugar daddy like the rest of them.
And dos Santos scores on his LA debut, after a ridiculous pass from Lletget springs Garcia on the left and he makes the simple feed.
@mai naem mobile: Pretty much all of what you said. I’d only add that if you were a Cruz supporter you would have creamed your pants this evening. He was like a Bond villain hellbent on taking over the most powerful nation on the planet. I felt like I was watching an SNL parody of Cruz, but it was actually him.
The man is batshit insane but he talks a good game, and he will surely get a bump in the polls. If Trump crashes and burns he is in with a chance.
Howard Beale IV
Thank god I was on call: none of these eejets have no business being near the football for any reason whatsoever. And God forbid if one of them does become preznit, I’m going to figure out howdafuck to get as faraway from Dumfuckistan as I can.
Bobby Thomson
Christie, Paul, and Carson were the big losers tonight. They don’t have the money advantages of other candidates and really needed a breakout moment. If there is a further winnowing, I don’t see Christie and Paul moving on to the next grownup table. That reminds me of nothing so much as this.
Somewhere in Teanutland someone is probably already ginning up a Draft Alan Keyes movement.
mai naem mobile
@Bobby Thomson: I.didn’t mean to blame Chrisitie. More like if you hire him, this is the kind of luck you’ll have.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That would be idiotic – if you’re a Carson supporter it’s likely because you are not interested in Jeb! or another RINO and are looking for a “none of those assholes” vote. Carson’s support is more likely to shift to Huckabee or Fiorina or possibly even Trump than to Jeb! or Walker.
If you want Trump to not look so dominant you want to take out two of Jeb!, Walker and Rubio. They’re getting the same voters, so once two of them are knocked out the last one standing gets their voters. Throw Kasich into the mix (who is also going for the same voters) and you have a group of voters that would beat the group that Trump is attracting.
The problem for the GOP elites right now is that all of the super-crazies decided to coalesce early around Trump while all of the not-quite-as-crazies are split among four other candidates. So it makes Trump look like a winner and he starts to attract the not-quite-as-crazies to his side because if there’s one thing that Republicans like it’s a loudmouth winner who insults liberals.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t know, Walker is the degree-less preacher’s son who from what I’ve read can talk the talk of the Fundies and can legitimately claim to have never worked “in Washington”
Trump would get destroyed if he gets the nomination. The Clinton camp could have a field day with this exchange from this evening:
So: a sexist bully running for president issued a veiled threat to a woman on camera.
Please proceed Mr. Trump….
I was just summing up the closing statements, but, yeah, the few times he talked actual policies, he was just as far right as any of them.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: As you saw tonight, Walker doesn’t have the charisma to stand out in a crowd of actuaries.
ETA: Just saying.
Irony Abounds
Despite polls showing that a majority of American Jews support the Iran deal, Schumer goes with those with the money. I support Democrats because Republicans are almost to a man/woman, horrible horrible people, at least where public policy is concerned. However, Dem politicians are not a whole lot better when it comes to whoring themselves out to the monied interests.
Omnes Omnibus
@Irony Abounds:
How many Dems are going against the deal? Don’t get both sides do it over Schumer.
Tree With Water
@mdblanche: Robert Caro told the following story in the most recent volume of his LBJ biography. In his first congressional campaign, JFK was introduced at a candidates night by a precinct boss that disliked him for his family’s wealth. Given an opportunity to respond, the first words out of Kennedy’s mouth heard him say, “It appears I’m the only one up here who didn’t “come up the hard way”, which was the phrase the boss had pointedly used to describe all his rivals that night. The audience laughed at his quip, and they kept chuckling for for 14 years as he quipped his way to the White House.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Pretty much a huge chunk of the CA, NY, and FL delegations.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Tree With Water: There’s an old chestnut about one of the Kennedys, Jack or Bobby, shaking hands on a rope line when an old blue collar guy held on to his hand, looked him in the face and said “That feels like the hand of a man who’s never done a hard day’s labor”. Kennedy was taken aback and said, “Well, no…”> The old man said, “I wouldn’t have either, if I didn’t have to”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kropadope: Boxer, Gillibrand and Nelson are for it, Not sure about Feinstein. I think the Senate may have to be the firewall when (I think when) it comes to the vote to override the veto.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: What percentage of the Dems is that? If the raw number doesn’t exceed 33 in the Senate, it doesn’t matter. In the House, Pelosi could lose around 50 and the deal stands.
@Omnes Omnibus: Even having Congress pass the bill, particularly with significant Democratic support, would be national embarrassment.
Nora Carringtonhe
I’m astonished — not really but sadly — that yours is the only comment in a 350+ comment thread to reference this exchange. I think Megan is an undercover agent. Not for feminists or even for women, but for people who think that women are human beings. Her costume and her false eyelashes are her disguise. Women who hate Hillary because she’s too ugly and too feminist and too too and women who are too embedded in patriarchy for whatever reason and women who look just like every blonde bimbo who every man with a penis underestimated? They are *all* getting a call tomorrow about Trumpassholery about this.
@Omes Omnibus
Which was the whole point (hesitate to use the word logic) behind the Me too! cries to hold a vote, that the AIPACheads could vote against it while secure in the knowledge that a veto would never be overridden.
@Irony Abounds:
Arguably, it could be worse than that; it could be that his first loyalty is to Israel rather than the President. Nobody but Schumer knows the truth about that, and he certainly will never tell us.
The odious Debbie Wasserman Schultz is still “undecided” (i.e. Waiting to see which way the wind is blowing.). If she doesn’t support President Obama I don’t see how she can stay on as chair of the DNC – she loses all credibility.
As long as she schedules a debate before the Iowa caucus…
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: With a Republican controlled Congress, I am taking a bill to overturn the deal, and the resulting embarrassment, as a given. Given that, the vote count for overriding a veto is the real issue. I’ve been calling my Congress people and encouraging others here to do the same since the deal was announced.
Walker is pretty much done so it’s Kasich and Bush, except Kasich is exactly the same as Bush, policy-wise and they appeal to exactly the same people in the GOP base and Bush is better-connected, so I still think they somehow finagle this to drag Bush over the finish line.
Which is good because Clinton can beat Bush.
Exactly. As a practical matter, it is actually fairly irrelevant whether Congress approves the deal or not. Coordinated sanctions against Iran are effectively over anyway, and European companies will just rub their hands and grin if the United States puts its head in the sand and maintains its isolation from Iran.
The big news from the rest of the world is that nobody else really gives a fuck what we do. It won’t prevent the ongoing opening up of Iran to Europe, Russia and China.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: You saw Walker as that not ready for prime time too? Because of my bias, I distrust my analysis of his performance.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve reached out to mine.
I was very impressed with the fact that I was just able to get Elizabeth Warren’s office phone numbers, call, and very promptly speak to someone. After the nice young lady explained that Warren was pro-agreement, she asked if I had an opinion. I demurred, as I agreed with the stated position. She still insisted on taking my name and registering my support.
Side note: she should work on her website. Looks like something out of 1994.
Ed Markey sent a form letter that didn’t even acknowledge the issue at hand, just thanking me for participating in the democratic process.
I haven’t heard back from JPK3 yet, but I’ve seen him discuss foreign affairs and trust his instincts.
Try to keep up; debates already scheduled, 4 of them prior to the Iowa caucuses.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Good for you for reaching out. Even the obvious supporters appreciate a call or letter backing their position.
@NotMax: Oops, sorry. Word yesterday was that they would announce the schedule next Monday.
Update: Boo, October’s so far away. Are we just ceding the floor to the Klown Kar Kavalcade for two months?
@Kropadope: I wish DWS would become a Republican so she can grace them with a little of her FAIL magic.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
Nora Carrington
I’m astonished — not really but sadly — that yours is the only comment in a 350+ comment thread to reference this exchange. I think Megyn is an undercover agent. Not for feminists or even for women, but for people who think that women are human beings, which clearly none of the 10 men on stage do. Her costume and her false eyelashes are her disguise. Women who hate Hillary because she’s too ugly and too feminist and too too and women who are too embedded in patriarchy for whatever reason and women who look just like every blonde bimbo who every man with a penis underestimated? They are *all* getting a call tomorrow about this Trumpassholery.
The big mistake feminists make, seems to me, is underestimating women like Megyn Kelly.She set him up and she let him swing. It was mistressful. The coup de grâce was not following it up with the expected: “are you sure that’s what you meant to say?”
Of course I could be all wrong.
I am watching the debate on my DVR and I can barely believe this fail.
Holy cats.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s assuming they don’t recover.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: When they stop making the mistake, one interrupts. Napoleon did know his shit.
I cannot believe that abortion is still a fucking topic of discussion in this country.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: I don’t know where you are in it but it gets better (or worse). None of those people should be let near the levers of power.
Citizen Alan
Ted Cruz does not even look human to me. No human could have a nose that pointed. If there are any male witches in the upcoming Hocus Pocus sequel, they’ll look exactly like Ted Cruz.
@Omnes Omnibus: We’re up to talking about Mexican rapists again.
@Omnes Omnibus: Fair. One would have to know one’s shit to be exiled, raise an all new army, lose, then still be exiled again.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: On Twitter, there are side by side images of him and Grandpa Munster.
So get out there, bigshot. Don’t you build stuff?
@Suzanne: Around Trump Tower? Texas? Is it a sea wall to help alleviate the impact of climate change?
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Read some military history. Read Wellington’s opinion of Bonaparte’s military ability. Until then, shut up.
@Omnes Omnibus: Jeez, I was just trying to affirm what you said with my admittedly cursory knowledge.
@Kropadope: I’m thinking of the Wall in Game of Thrones. With him on one side and me on the other.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Uh huh. That is a fair reading of your response? I think not. Not going to fight about it further.
@Omnes Omnibus: Let me clarify, if they already gave you one bite at the “exile” apple and you come back for another fight, to avoid immediate summary execution and live out the rest of your life on an island is quite the impressive diplomatic feat.
I am honestly surprised by Ted Cruz. I keep hearing about how he’s supposedly very smart. He’s a total fucking dumbass.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Napoleon’s military brilliance was established long before that. Even his retreat from Russia in defeat was masterfully done.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, I don’t doubt it. I did describe my knowledge of the subject as “cursory” for a reason.
@Omnes Omnibus
His military exploits shall never be forgiven for Chicken Marengo, however.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: No question Beef Wellington kicks the fucking ass of any chicken dish or dessert, no matter how good that dessert is….
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: It is known.
Paul in KY
@Anne Laurie: They also pick someone who would be an even worse Pres, if they were assassinated. That’s why GHW Bush picked Quayle.