— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) November 22, 2015
Mother Jones reports:
Republican Sen. David Vitter lost his bid to be the next governor of Louisiana on Saturday, and it wasn’t even close. The two-term senator lost the runoff election to Democratic state Rep. John Bel Edwards by double digits, setting the stage for the state to potentially become the first in the Deep South to accept a pivotal part of Obamacare…
Edwards, an anti-abortion, pro-gun, West Point grad, became the first Democratic candidate to win a statewide election in Louisiana since 2008, and benefited from support from Republicans who were dissatisfied with Vitter’s personal troubles and who were disappointed by the state’s financial woes under outgoing Gov. Bobby Jindal. (By the time Jindal dropped out of the presidential race on Wednesday, the one-time rising star’s approval ratings had dropped to 20-percent.)
Jindal also rejected federal funding to expand Medicaid. Edwards has pledged to sign an executive order authorizing the expansion of the program on his first day in office. That’s a really big deal. Such a move would provide coverage to about 225,000 residents in one of the poorest states in the nation.
John Bel Edwards is not exactly the perfect candidate of my progressive dreams, but then, I’m not an uninsured poor person in Louisiana. So props for the win, about-to-be-Governor Edwards, and may your every legislative decision be 180 degrees in opposition to that of the incumbent.
John Bel Edwards is the first non-incumbent Democrat to win a race for Governor or for Senate in the Deep South since… 2003!
— Taniel (@Taniel) November 22, 2015
With loss in governor's race, Sen. David Vitter says he won't seek re-election, opening another Republican seat in Senate in 2016.
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) November 22, 2015
Dems now control governorships of Louisiana, West Virginia and Montana but not Massachusetts, Maryland or Illinois. Weird times.
— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) November 22, 2015
Sincere congrats to all the GOP strategists who no longer have to pretend they can stand David Vitter.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) November 22, 2015
Aside from being a mudslinger, a refugee-basher, a john who opposed decriminalizing sex work, & a racist, David Vitter, um, nothing good.
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) November 22, 2015
Did David Vitter have a good night?
— Elon Green (@elongreen) November 22, 2015
The 225,000 people that will now get access to healthcare……
THAT ALONE is a good enough reason to be positive about this election.
Thoughtful Today
Newly elected Democratic Governor Edwards: anti-abortion, pro-gun.
[keep repeating: big tent, big tent, big tent…]
Vitter looks like Kermit the frog in that picture.
Awww, diaper Dave has to go get a real job. Bet Walmart’s hiring.
David Koch
Edwards beat the pants off Vitter.
OK, the Schooley tweet is Vitter and a Duck Dynasty guy, who looks a little bit like one of the pawn broker hero show guys.
I thought after losing the election. Vitter was going to pawn himself for some cash, or some weird damn thing.
I respect the Hell out of you for saying that, AL. It’s easy for us to argue about whether or not conservadems are worth it, but hundreds of thousands of people who were living in fear that they might have to choose between life-saving healthcare and life-saving food will be safe. Their lives, to coin a phrase, are a Big Fucking Deal.
One, I’m thrilled and Deity bless Edwards. Two, I have a nice cup of hot schadenfreude for Mr. Vitter. Three, I’m done with the audio massaging, the refining edit and I can watch it from start to finish without blanching. Barring shooting my pitch, a potential retake & vo line and animating some titles, this movie project is complete. Bob as my witless, I’m astounded I let a notion get this far.
David Koch
@jl: Really? I thought that was Vitter hanging out with a Mooslim (terrorist beard and some keffiyeh inspired clothing).
Vitter is even wearing what looks like a suicide vest, as he fondles a Kalashnikov with his left hand.
@David Koch: Naw, no way I thought that. GOP does reality shows these days. And Vitter has pawned himself so many times, it seemed like a natural career play.
Anyway, congrats to Edwards, hope he does a good job. Glad for those who will benefit from Medicare expansion in Louisiana.
@Thoughtful Today:
225,000 people get health insurance that could have died before that. Medicaid expansion in MD last year literally saved my life because I had breast cancer AND a DVT that I was able to get treated.
And yes, big tent, big tent. You might not like everything about a Conservadem but there will be at least one thing you’ll like.
Radio One
I honestly thought that Vitter coutd win, despite the polls, so I guess that’s a win for the polling firms in resetting expectations in off-year elections?
Thoughtful Today
Karen, I vote (D).
Voting (D) means I’ve voted for a slew of increasingly right-wing Dems for … longer than I’d care to dwell on.
Considering the current Democratic Party policies, it’s almost as if the Democratic Party was being run by sneaky College Republican sleeper agents….
Felanius Kootea
I have never seen a Democrat run ads like John Bel Edwards and attack so aggressively. Maybe this is a winning strategy for voters in Red states. Congratulations to those who will benefit from Medicaid expansion. Just don’t throw out the Democrat the minute he fixes Jindal’s mess.
Well done!! I hope we get to see it one day.
In so glad you could get the treatment you needed and wish you good health.
So when does the Louisiana legislature pass a constitutional amendment to limit the governor’s authority to ribbon cutting at supermarket openings and presiding over Easter egg rolls?
@Thoughtful Today:
This is why we all need to vote for Sanders in the Democratic primary. if necessary, write his name in. Otherwise the Democratic party will continue to drift farther and farther and farther right until we have a choice between a Democratic primary candidate who proposes impaling people in public, and another Democratic primary candidate who runs on the platform of eliminating the barrier between church and state.
Source: “Cthulhu Announces He’s Running For President, Promises To Eliminate ISIS By Destroying Reality,” Runt website, 12 July 2015.
Remember, folks — big tent!
@mclaren: That was deeply satisfying for some reason.
(“Timber” should be changed to “timbre”…gxxthulbjghahahhhahahahaha splot)
ThresherK (GPad)
@Radio One: KY polls close at 6pm, an obscene feature (not bug) of keeping down working folks’ voting rates. LA polls closed later,something more normal, like 8pm.
Genuine question: How do pollsters account for voter suppression tactics in states they’re used?
Bel Edwards ran on supporting public education.
Democrats might try that if they want to win state races.
El Caganer
What time did Vitter throw in the diaper?
Matt McIrvin
If the shoe were on the other foot this would somehow be a grave repudiation of Obama and Hillary Clinton, so I say we take it.
@Matt McIrvin:
I would except Vitter seemed to be a particularly loathsome pol, ideology aside. It looks like he backdated a letter and sent it to the State Department so he could use it in an ad:
He’s also responsible for the Vitter Amendment, which tried to take health insurance away from congressional staffers, some of whom make 25k a year. He did this for no other reason than to grandstand on Obamacare. He’s just a horrible person :)
David Atkins
Congrats to Edwards and Louisianians.
@Baud: That Atkins guy nails it.
I disagree with that only because conservatives run on “family values”. I think it’s a matter of basic fairness that if one brings that in, they have to take the down side.
It’s the thinking behind attacking wealthy liberals on NIMBY stuff. That’s not illegal either but it’s fair game because liberals bring in those issues.
I read it as a critique of GOP voters’ priorities, as opposed to the campaigning.
Right, but maybe the character issue is not infidelity so much as claiming to be something he’s not, or lying. The ad Bel Edwards ran was about infidelity but it was also about deceit- saying one thing and doing another.
Richard Mayhew
@David Koch: but Butter may have paid someone else for that privilege… Think of the dominatrix who now needs to go on newly expanded Medicaid as she lost her most profitable client
Sort of on that topic, this is great. He identifies the best family grouping to guarantee low poverty as five working adults:
The key to not being in poverty is 1. no dependents and 2. more working adults in the household, so why stop at marriage? Obviously we should all be living with 4 other adults :)
@Thoughtful Today: The worst Blue Dog Democrat these days is light years better than any Neo-Confederate Republican. Although I expect this was as much an Anti-Vitter, Anti-Jindal vote, it still is significant that large numbers of white working class and middle class voters were still able to vote for a Democrat as opposed to any generic sociopath with a Republican after his name. Louisiana of course is facing huge problems over the next 10 years as environmental chickens come home to roost and the Neo-Confederate Republicans still control most levers of the State Government and State wide offices.
I think that this was against Vitter as much as it was pro Bel Edwards. He successfully used the prostitute past of Vitter as if it had happened yesterday instead of 8 years ago. Plus he was in the military and is pro gun and anti-abortion. They could vote for him and not feel like they were voting for a “liberal.”
Describing Bobby Jindal as a “one time rising star” of anything, really, is all you need to know about the supposed “deep bench” of the Republican party.
A Democrat elected governor in Louisiana? What next, Les Miles fired at LSU? Strange days in Louisiana.