Today in the new Gilded Age: rich people getting RFID tags sewn in clothes to remember which home they left them in.
— sean (@SeanMcElwee) January 4, 2016
I’d add “and steal their clothes,” except I don’t trust their taste in garmenture, either.
… “We were asked to spiff up a client’s jet because the companies that usually clean planes don’t know how to deal with fine upholstery,” says Wayne Edelman, owner of Meurice Garment Care, who charged up to $300 per hour for the mile-high overhaul. Another client had a leak in her Tribeca loft, and Edelman’s crew was called in. “We had to take out every item in her closet, including 300 pairs of jeans, clean them, and put each one back in its exact spot. She let us know that if anything was out of place, there would be hell to pay.”…
How big an arse must you be, if you need 300 pairs of jeans to cover yourself?
I guess she must wear each pair just once and then have it cleaned and then wear another pair the next day, on and on and on. Must be 65 days when she wears either other pants or skirts/dresses. A female twit.
I’d say rather large fat ass. But then I’m like that.
I guess I just don’t get conspicuous consumption. Maybe that’s because I’ve never had the proper prospective. But I’ve come rather strongly to the opinion that I’d have a much better prospective from the operators perch of a guillotine. Eating cake.
Some delicious schadenfreude in this Rick Pearlstein article:
The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel
It’s silly (and a symptom of sorts) but really, who is she hurting?
Adam L Silverman
AL: didn’t mean to undercut your post!
Anne Laurie
@Mnemosyne: Yup, I posted about it last week.
Ol’ Rahm seems to have lost the knack for making himself popular, somehow…
As some here seem obsessed with the story –
Yeah I’ve noticed that since ole Rahm left (or was kicked out) the President has become much more the person I thought he was when I voted for him.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Heck, I’d’ve rescheduled this one again, if people hadn’t already started commenting!
Didn’t mean to step on your much more worthwhile post, but I’m sure BJ’s commentors will find it anyways.
Ammon Bundy got a $530,000 SBA loan. Cliven got decades of below market grazing rights. Generations of white folk got free land. Well-heeled white farmers drew subsidies.
Adam L Silverman
@Botsplainer: Yep. Timothy McVeigh’s co-conspirators were well known for being first in line for their farm loans and subsidies.
@Anne Laurie: I saw this post and commented and then went to Adam’s post. This one seems to be more fun. Another post from Adam is important but not fun. I was looking for something non-serious.
@NotMax: Probably not hurting anyone but it’s a horrible visual of conspicuous consumption. I would hope that she recycles clothes to charity shops.
Adam L Silverman
@PurpleGirl: I am hurt, to my very core… I’m going to have to cry!
>How big an arse must you be, if you need 300 pairs of jeans to cover yourself?
And how little must be going on in your mind if you have time and space in it to know exactly where each of 300 pairs of jeans are placed in your closet?
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: My fault. I couldn’t figure out when your post was scheduled for by looking at the dashboard. I was afraid to click onto it for fear of upsetting our dyspeptic and finicky word press system.
I honestly only did this one tonight because I’d promised to earlier. And I didn’t get home from the gym and dojo until 9:30 or I’d have pushed it off till tomorrow.
I somehow managed to turn the conversation to Bronys and Masonic rituals, so the comments on that thread aren’t quite as serious as one would assume.
Jesus, what happened to the edit button? Apparently I’ve been posting so much to TPM that I habitually cited them instead of Anne Laurie, using TPM’s formatting style, and now I can’t correct it.
Apologies, Anne.
Edited to Add: Okay, I guess the edit button is there, and I just missed the time window in which to use it in my last post.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: We’re watching you…
At least these rich idiots aren’t paying minimum wage to have their knickers washed.
If I had the money, I might hire people to clean my house that hard. I love order and organization. I just color-coded my closet last week.
@Mnemosyne: I know, I’ve been going back and forth betweren the two threads. I know something about Masonic stuff but not what has talked about. (I used to help a friend put on fundraisers for Masonic lodges and do wait service during certain parties he organized. I’ve been in Lodge rooms and even moved furniture around but Doug never really explained what was the purpose of various things in the rooms.) I’ve been in the lodge lounge room for Holland Lodge — the one that Washington and other founders were members of and seen various historical objects there. One year I helped Doug put up the Christmas tree.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: It’s even touched on rugby in the birthplace of the GOP.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m sorry… but I’ve been moving back and forth between the two posts. (I like the arrows on the sides that let jump around.)
@Adam L Silverman:
Pshaw. It’s not like you’re the Stonecutters. Now that’s some secret society power!
Omnes Omnibus
@dogwood: This.
@Suzanne: Honestly, if I had servants, I would let them organize me. It would free me up to so so much more (if only that more had value…)
Ok, synergy time. Let’s take the rich idiots and lock them up in the bird watching thingy with the rancher idiots. Then it’s just a question of who cracks first.
Adam L Silverman
@PurpleGirl: I’m kidding. This stuff (in my post) is soul sucking. I’ve been involved in studying, analyzing, or working with/on this stuff (domestic and foreign/international) since I was 21. In this case my knowledge and experience can be put to some good use by helping us all better inform ourselves here. And it reaches far farther than any refereed journal article I have done or might do – as those require paysite access. But honestly, if it was a choice between reading about it or doing something fun, I’d do something fun. Its the reason that my TV watching tends towards cartoons, shows based on comic books or sci-fi, and the sort of documentaries/reality show hybrids where they’re looking for Bigfoot, or the Oak Island one, or real, actual documentaries. And my reading tastes are a set of authors doing sci-fi, fantasy, or mysteries that I like, comic books, and historical non-fiction on topics I’m interested in.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I’m both a member of the Military Industrial Complex and the Zionist Occupation Government.. Scoff at your own peril!
For anyone else googling me: this is sarcasm and snark.
@Omnes Omnibus:
There must be something hard wired in my brain that makes the word servants sound exactly like slaves. Maybe it’s because I’ve never actually seen/known anyone whose time is valuable enough to have others do the daily things for them that all of us normally do. Nor can I imagine owning a house so big that I couldn’t clean it entirely in a day by myself. And I’ve owned 2 business, one that I worked generally over 70 hrs a week at. And I still had time. Maybe it’s nice to have all that, sounds fake to me.
@Adam L Silverman:
the Oak Island one, or real, actual documentaries.
I watched some of those last year. Haven’t looked at one recently. I also watch things of the Smithsonian Channel or National Geographic. This morning I did a long run of Bizarre ER. Stuff I can listen to while reading on the web. I watch a hodge podge of stuff, really.
Adam L Silverman
@PurpleGirl: Oak Island has always been one of those great true history, mythology, legend type stories. I read a reprint of the same Reader’s Digest article about the Money Pit in elementary school that the Laginas read twenty years prior when they were in elementary school. So for me the show is a hoot.
If you have Hulu, we ended up on a “Drunk History” kick. The stories people tell are usually reasonably accurate, but a little more sloppily told, to say the least. I discovered that I’m not the only person who can picture Octavia Spencer as Harriet Tubman.
@Ruckus: About two times a year, I hire a cleaning service. I want to spend my limited free time with my loved ones and my passions. If I could afford to do it more, I would. I spend a lot of my time already picking up after my kids even before I get to actual cleaning.
We’ve been trying to minimize and hopefully eliminate in-person shopping as a time-saver by doing Amazon prime and the subscribe and save service. We’ve saved a lot of time, but also money, since it reduces impulse buys, eating out, and gas.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: My mom was a teacher. My dad a mid-level insurance guy. They weren’t rich, but they did okay. Mom decided that she spent her whole weekend cleaning and not resting or having fun, she she hired someone. After she retired the kept doing it. My parents can afford it. The person who does the work gets paid. I pay someone to change the oil in my car. One is paying for services. I don’t see anything demeaning in it – unless one makes the conditions demeaning.
So far the screening results are: love, good, good, & boring. And, all the shots should be either tripod or all rig. Well, fucker, you pulled a fade on me, being the only other camera dude with a rig, so fuck off until you gather your balls together into a snack size ziplock and make something yourself. And, boring? What about romantic comedy short led you to believe it was an action flick?
I’m done with 2016, shall we just move on to 2017
History has its eyes on yoouuuu …
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Upon one thing we can all agree: FYWP!
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: I am actually decent with a steady cam. Just mentioning….
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: It is what it is.
Would you be comfortable putting it online with a password? I think you may need a few outside opinions, because your friends sound like dicks.
John Revolta
@ruemara: I wouldn’t worry about tech details like that because the general public won’t notice them. I used to obsess about not putting two songs in the same key together in a show until I realized that some of my favorite albums were almost all in the same key. People aren’t looking/listening to that side of things really.
@Omnes Omnibus: Project is shot. Yapping about rigs is not a pathway to my heart.
@John Revolta: I know that. I’ve been running smack dab into some unexamined male privilege that talked about me when I was setting up the film, faded on help, and helpfully jumped on board afterward for utterly useless feedback on the 1 thing they could find wrong.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: Okay. Sorry, I mentioned anything. I’ll be completely quiet in the future.
@Omnes Omnibus: As if you would. Never mind me. It has been an exceptionally horrible day.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, it’s making feedback turn into facepalm central. I’m open to that.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have a friend, who works very hard in his landscape architectural firm. He pays a lady once a week to clean. The company office is in his house and it gets dirty rather fast. My roommate has paid someone to clean in our apt, twice.
That to me isn’t the same as having servants.
Even when I owned my own business I actually worked for others. And now I actually do work for others. As I said it’s probably just the way I feel about servants, YMMV. I think I would always just feel used. Four decades ago if you were a Philippine male you could join the US Navy and they would make you a steward. It really was a man servant for officers. One of the stewards on the ship I was on for 2 yrs was a friend and he detested it, even though in the end he got citizenship and a job and was able to bring his family to the states. Maybe that’s where I get this.
Sounds like a good synopsis of the viewing.
ETA The viewing, not the project. Helpful kibitzing after the fact really is galling, especially from someone asked to help on the original project.
@Adam L Silverman: I read about Oak Island more than 60 years ago & have been deeply fascinated ever since. I think the show is crap in the mold of all ‘reality’ tv. If they took the money they are wasting on filming & used it to build a freeze tube like Boston did for the big dig the could easily get to the bottom of the shaft. My guess is they don’t want to get there because they know there is nothing there and this is their only hope of making a profit on the money put.
The same article I read in 6th grade talked about “Maximilian’s treasure“. If true there is a ton of gold and precious jewels in South Texas
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: I am sorry that your day has been horrible. I reacted to perceived viciousness. Good thoughts for you. Okay? If I am offensive, it is generally because I want to be. I had no such intention toward you tonight.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: If the lead ever goes down, they will reach out to her to fill in as she has the whole thing memorized.
Adam L Silverman
@Schlemazel: yep. And the Knights of the Golden Circle stuff and the Dutchman. I love all those stories.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: As an army officer, I had a driver. The first time he set up my cot and and sleeping bag, I felt uncomfortable. OTOH, when I was in a meeting while he did it. Also, he was often already in bed and asleep when I got to the cot he set up.
@Omnes Omnibus: No worries. I have never found you offensive. I’m just dealing with a lot of stress and based on today’s utter madness with the new leadership, I’m realizing I may have to adjust my plans. I am slowly releasing the stress in my body because I realized I’ve been hving the anger shakes since mid-morning. We’re now being run by a committee of experts in their fields, which has conferred expertise on our fields, with the resultant… progress and clear communication when people with initials after their names graciously hand their expert knowledge of things they do not know to people who’s jobs they understand with timelines they have not considered, all while ignoring the actual things they should be thinking about. And the other staff would like me to please deal with it before we all walk.
We could probably round up a few trusted Juicers. I’m willing to watch it, but with the caveat that I’m a story/structure person who doesn’t know visuals. I can tell you if I like or don’t like a visual, but I can’t explain why, and no production teacher was ever able to explain to me what the heck “crossing the line” was and how I had just done it.
I don’t think he’s been around lately, but I know Jebediah (who I think you met in Burbank) is a professional editor on a nonfiction TV show. Frankensteinbeck is an animation fan in addition to being a published author, so he probably knows visuals. Not sure what other industry folks are lurking around here.
ETA: Also, you’re making me want to get all Amityville Horror on you again. GET. OUT!
(of that town)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I remember a TV news piece during the Viet Nam war. The guy being interviewed was some crusty old 5-stripe Sargent. At one point he was asked about being in danger or some such questions & he looked disgusted and said “Sir, I drive a general around, we are not going anywhere we might be in danger.”
I still laugh at that image.
@Adam L Silverman:
Knowing all of the lyrics is not as impressive as it sounds. There are three-year-olds on YouTube who can perform “Guns and Ships” (which has a diabolical French-accented rap in the middle) better than I can.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel: My driver knew the best schnitzel stands every where we went. He found, I bought. if it sucked, he bought at the next one. I always paid.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: I wish I could, but i can’t help. All I can do is offer support for you. If it helps, you have it.
@Mnemosyne: it might explain why there’s blood coming out of the walls… of my eyes. But seriously, I have to deal with this better. I can’t do another hospital visit for a stress related explosion.
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you muchly. I appreciate it.
@NotMax: She’s driving up the price of cotton. Poor people need jeans, too.
And how big a headcase must she be to know where every one of them goes?
…they could probably buy a mid-priced sedan. They pay the crew of these shows dirt. I know because sometimes I’m one of them.
No doubt the crew gets peanuts but even basic cable shows manage to cough up money for the folks on the screen. Also, it is more than just one episode, this has been going for at least a couple of seasons.
Joe of the Morning seems to think that tRump will be effective in telling folk that Bill Clinton like girls. I think most folk know that.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
Just think about all those lucky duckies who have only 3 pairs of jeans to keep up with, and it costs them
just $10 at the laundromat to wash them.
Southern Beale
Someone needs to explain this whole RFID thing to me. We just came from San Francisco where my sister was all geeked out about RFID, keeps her credit cards in an RFID sleeve, asked my husband if his new jacket was RFID-proofed. She said people can scam your credit card info with RFID or some such?
Gin & Tonic
@Southern Beale: It’s one of those possible-in-the-lab things that tinfoil-hat people like to freak out about. Have you ever seen the credit card reader things where you can just wave your card at it, instead of swiping or inserting? (only works with certain cards) If you have one of those cards in your pocketbook and I have a portable version of the reader thing, I can stand behind you in the checkout line and read your card info.
Paul in KY
@ruemara: Too much inside baseball on that one. Hope your days improve.
@Omnes Omnibus:
A good lifer friend joined in 1949 or 50 and his first duty was admiral’s driver in London. He said it was the best duty he’d had in 20 yrs. He had a car, which he used about 30 min a day officially, gas for the car, an apartment, food from the officers mess……. All of his enthusiasm for life in the navy went away after his first week on the ship we were stationed on.
Southern Beale
@Gin & Tonic:
Thanks. Her RFID “blocker” looked exactly the same as the envelope our hotel key came in.
Interestingly, my husband bought a new jacket and it DID have one pocket with an RFID blocker. That isn’t why he bought it but we found it amusing. I wonder if that will be a new thing?
Their maids are only $500 an hour? Only 300 pairs of jeans? Such mendicants.
I have a second house across the street from each of my residences so I don’t have to be there when the squad of cleaners come through every other day. I also maintain a warehouse of the latest fashions in each city where I live. Every month I have everything burned and I have my own 747 drop the flaming remnants on one of those red rivers in China. Sometimes for variety I have my pilot drop them on a favela in Brazil.
@Southern Beale: RFID blockers have been around for a while. I have one I got at a conference several (3?) years ago.
David Koch