@instapundit 10pt poll jump for the candidate w the stones to run ad:
"Under a ___ Presidency, this will not stand." pic.twitter.com/OjqMaPPmv3
— Too Many Daves (@ZanzibarBMcFate) January 13, 2016
It didn't stand. The servicemen were returned within 24 hours. So under an Obama presidency, it did not stand. https://t.co/W9eG7tsfHG
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 13, 2016
Professor Drezner, in the Washington Post, “Anatomy of A Moment”:
An ongoing theme of Spoiler Alerts’ foreign policy coverage is that a lot of allegedly smart people don’t say terribly smart things when a foreign policy crisis is occurring. Remember the Chinese stock market meltdown? No, not this one, the one that happened last year? Yeah, the 2016 presidential candidates didn’t exactly distinguish themselves then. It’s important to remember, after moments of crises have passed, just who kept their head and who overreacted.
Which brings me to the past 24 hours and Iran’s seizure and subsequent release of 10 U.S. sailors and two Riverine Command Boats (RCBs)….
Scanning the coverage, there appears to be an acceptance of the fact that the U.S. RCBs were, in fact, in within Iran’s 12-mile territorial waters. Unintentional or not, this was a U.S. naval incursion into Iran’s jurisdiction…
While the sailors were in Iranian custody, however, President Obama delivered his State of the Union speech and the 2016 campaign proceeded apace. Which meant that a number of prominent Americans felt free to vent their spleen about the matter on camera and on Twitter…
Click the link to read Drezner’s professional selection of the worst pants-pissers, including a top choice that will no doubt please the early-morning commentariat.
Further reading: Mr. Charles P. Pierce – “Sometimes, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, it is better to let the news cycle play out and be thought a fool than to tweet and remove all doubt.”
In which people with little information lose their shit because of a normal response to a mechanical breakdown. https://t.co/izc8upJJeU
— Dan Trombly (@stcolumbia) January 13, 2016
Iran toys with U.S. days before we pay them, ridiculously, billions of dollars. Don't release money. We want our hostages back NOW!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 13, 2016
@dandrezner @instapundit What about the boats? Best I know, #Iran has seized US assets by military force. That is pleasing to Obama.
— Anthony Rogers (@Moonage) January 13, 2016
1. The boats were in Iran's territorial waters;
2. The boats have been returned.
3. Don't be an idiot. https://t.co/zXsJ4ceiGJ
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 13, 2016
This Iran sailor incident is an amazing example of how people who got a situation 100 percent wrong are incapable of admitting it.
— Zack Beauchamp (@zackbeauchamp) January 13, 2016
Maybe the US is developing sole info voters, in addition to low info voters.
Low info voters maybe don’t get much info, but at least they can recognize what info is.
Sole info voters only acknowledge messages from one sole source as info, that fits their preconceived narrative. I suppose it is related to conceptual bubbles and associated concepts whose labels escape me at the moment.
The notion that Obama is weak or incompetent is crazy but it’s a traditional GOP attack against Democrats.
The attacks that say that Obama wants bad things to happen to the U.S. are unprecedented and unhinged.
Oh no, boatloads of
ManchurianPersian candidates!It goes without saying that Trump will promote his yooge tweeting prowess as putting fear into the hearts of Iranians and graciously (not!) claim responsibility for the release.
A release which had already been announced as to come “within hours” very shortly after the situation was first reported, indeed announced even before the panic tweets.
Mike J
I can assure you that there exist certain docks on Lake Washington, that were I to drift into them, I would be lucky to get away from in 16 hours. Paul Allen’s security will yell at you for being on port tack too long, but flipping them off is the proper response for that. I don’t often sail near Bill’s house.
They are all Mitt Romney now.
@NotMax: Quit jumping the fuck around, I’m trying to ask you a question!
The elite bedwetters company of the chicken hawk brigade were out in full force for this one. McCain, Scarborough, Rubio, Bush, Cotton, and bringing up the rear [after the announcement that they will be released shortly],Trump.
What a bunch of maroons.
@NorthLeft12: What, no Lindsey?
the bedwetters.
@NotMax: Thanks!!! Fascinating, I didn’t realize there were that many workers.
@Mike J:
Here in California, I’m pretty sure the US Navy would not look kindly upon anyone who accidentally or “accidentally” landed on, say, Pt. Mugu.
dr. bloor
They got a lot of practice in Iraq.
I am still amazed that so many wing nuts have such short memories. They were the ones jumping up and down about the anti-Muhammed video. Romney tweeted about President Obama being unwilling to support the film makers.
These folks think Bush using a bullhorn on the smoking corpses of 3,000 dead at Ground Zero was a great moment in US history.
@Mnemosyne: And if they captured some Iranian sailors there would be stupid ass Iranian nut jobs calling for war.
@raven: so potential US presidents are the same as some stupid ass iranian nut jobs?
Hopefully the Iranian nut jobs would be smart enough to STFU once they found out the sailors had been released, unlike our nut jobs.
Conservative sites are already treating the “Obama blew six mullahs to get us here” as accepted history. If you think that’s cute, meet all the people who were raised as kids in the 80s to believe that Jimmy Carter sodomized six ayatollahs to get the Iranian hostages out, not Reagan secretly ransoming them with arms.
@Mnemosyne: I think the actual geographical point in Pt. Mugu is state land, but if they got too close to the the shore of the base, I’m sure they’d be boarded. (My dad worked at the base for 15 years).
I’m debating a Channel Islands hike in the spring, but I would need to build up to it. I’m out of shape and there’s pretty much nothing on the islands except wildlife and a few ranger stations.
@efgoldman: I know. I am kinda startled by the easy false equivalency here. The current kkklowns are batshit crazy, who are never to be let anywhere near the levers of power.
@Mnemosyne: You can always use Griffith Park as training, I was hiking there yesterday(Bronson Caves and Brush Canyon).
ETA: 3rd hike this year though I’ve yet been able to take the new camera up the Verdugos.
Oh, I have a lot of training options. It’s more a matter of getting up off my ass and doing it.
I should probably also see a podiatrist before I start training. I keep feeling like I have a small rock in my shoe when there’s nothing there, so I think my plantar fasciitis is acting up.
@Mnemosyne: Have you tried a different pair of shoes?
[/half snark]
Petting a feral kitteh. The one that bit me resulting in an urgent care trip before Xmas. Pretty happy about it too. :)
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: The Iranian leadership, both those in the facade democracy running in the front and those in the actual government running in the back that is much harder to read, are not suicidal. They have their own contexts and points of view and their own understanding of Iran, the world, and Iran’s role in the world. This is lost on a significant portion of Americans.
What happened here, and is a consequence of the baby steps of trust building that resulted from the P5+1 process is what was supposed to happen. It also is a good example of the short course version of the militaries senior leader colleges: 1) personalities matter and 2) relationships matter. As Drezner noted in his piece, had this happened ten years ago, when George W Bush was President in the US and Mahmoud Ahmedinijad was President of Iran (despite serious limits on his power), this would not have been resolved this easily or quickly.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: you could just occupy a Ranger station then put out a call for supplies in the name of Liberty.
@Mnemosyne: Either that or you’re getting ready for an off-off-Broadway production of ‘Godspell’.
My PF went away after I did the towel-toes stretch consistently for 21 days and put Superfeet inserts in my shoes. And good thing, because I’d never be able to get this damn sprain rehabbed if I had one more limitation on my movements.
I’ve been disgusted by stupid right wingers since Reagan. Regular right wingers I can ignore but the stupid ones have a visceral reaction of disgust and revulsion. This election is going to suck for that part of me.
Aren’t these ass-clowns doing what Jeane Kirkpatrick wrongfully accused liberals of doing in her infamous “Blame America First” speech?
So, Been dealing with some health news the past week guys. Nothing “drastic” but a definite lifestyle change type of news.
Last week, I went to the doctor because last month when I went into the urgent care clinic a sinus infection, my BP was slightly elevated. In the past, my BP has routinely been high but not quite “over” healthy amount. I went home with some meds for my cold and a promise to make an appointment with my PCP about the BP.
Now i admit, I didn’t do that right away, the holidays were coming up and I had work and family and “stuff” going on. During that time, I started to notice this recurring dizziness when I was lying down and when I got out of my car and raised my head too fast. The lying down dizziness was the worse bit. I also noticed I got this “pressure” headache more often than just after a “Cajun” meal. So I made an appointment in for the first week in January.
The Doctor prescribed a BP med and took some blood and ran some test. She told me to get my BP check and call in a week after using the meds and they’d go from there. My BP didn’t change and in fact it was still elevated. Today they called with the final report and my blood work was fine (i.e. no Diabetes, just the same Vitamin D deficiency I’ve had before). Sine my BP did change they also prescribed additional meds (a fluid pill this time) along with the first BP med and then in a week, I’ll have to check my BP again and call it in.
Today, after being bombarded from all sides by outside agitations, I realized that I was feeling flushed and I was developing a stress headache for at least a couple of hours. I finally decided to have a “come to Jesus” moment and tell my family about the problems with my blood pressure and until I could get in under control, I needed them to not “rely” on me too much. I told them that until I get my pressure under control, I needed to lessen any “outside” stresses I could. And to forgive me if I seem more tired, or easily aggravated or more snippy than usual, it’s not cause I’m just being bitch, but because this headaches and dizziness just drains me so much sometimes that really don’t feel like being bothered with other folks bullshit.
So here’s where I sit…I’ve got to get my BP under control. Hopefully with medication I can get it down to stop the dizziness and headaches. Until then, I’ve just got to work on relieving stress I cause myself and stress caused from outside factors. Luckily, I do not have diabetes, but my current health situation is not ideal by any means, and diabetes runs in my family, so diabetes is surely the specter knocking at my door as I approach 40 years old this year.
Lord Baldrick
Oddschecker now showing that Betfair has dramatically lengthened odds on Rubio (now 20/1) and Jeb:/ (now 100/1!). Others not yet following suit.
Cruz at 4/9 with Dead Badger Head at 7/4.
HRC now at 2/9 with Sanders shortening to 5/1.
I have two X chromosomes, so I have many, many pairs of shoes. I have the same problem in all of them.
I do the tennis ball thing when Charlotte doesn’t lose the ball while playing with it. (It’s kind of a hoot to see a cat wrestling a tennis ball.) I should probably locate one of my two yoga straps and do the stretches, too.
I’ve always had issues with my calves and shins — I get shin splints just from normal walking around the office if I’m not careful — so I’m probably overdue for some kind of evaluation.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m not sure what I would do with that many dildos. Don’t answer that, this is a family blog.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I can empathize. I went through something similar back in 2010. I had just moved up to Carlisle to start my assignment there and my BP started to spike. I’d been on hydrochlorothiazide for marginally elevated BP for about two years and my primary care physician had added 5 mg of amlodopine when I got back from Iraq as he wasn’t happy with just the effects of the hydro. But about three weeks after I got up to PA I could feel my ears burning and my head felt like it was in a vice. Fortunately when my BP goes up I actually can tell physically right away. Freaked the crap out of me!!!! Anyhow my new primary in PA confabbed with my old primary in FL and we worked out a plan. All the blood work came back normal, but while I was waiting for everything to come back I spent a week in absolute terror I was going to stroke out or something. Ate the blandest food for about ten days: basically watermelon or canteloupe or honeydew mellon and cottage cheese three times a day. Eventually they added one more prescription and my BP has been fine ever since – including, on occasion, a bit low.
I would strongly recommend that you get a portable electric BP monitor for home. Also, if you snore, you may want to consider a sleep study in case you have apnea. And we’ll keep good thoughts for you on this end.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Do you have/use orthotics.
Unhinged? Yes. Unprecedented? I don’t think you’ve read enough right-wing blogs.
I know this would be hard to do in NOLA, but you may want to seriously consider a vegetarian diet. (You may be able to get away with pescetarian — fish and other seafood but no other meats.) There’s a pretty fair amount of evidence that a vegetarian diet is good for blood pressure. My BFF with a serious family history of Type 2 went all the way to vegan, but I would start vegetarian and see how that goes.
High blood pressure is very, very bad for your kidneys, so you want to get that under control ASAP. Dialysis sucks.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman:
Without salt on? you’re not from the south, are you?
@khead: So the kitteh lets you pet him and comes close to you… then not a complete feral. It’s a cute kitteh? What color? How old?
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: I am – born in Florida, raised here except for a year out in Denver. Undergrad in Atlanta at Emory. Then grad school in Scotland, Miami, and then UF in Gainesville, FL.
@Adam L Silverman:
Just over the counter ones — I have a couple sets of the Superfeet ones. They don’t fit into most women’s shoes very well, plus I have narrow feet, so I sometimes think the support isn’t hitting in the right place.
@Mnemosyne: As I noted, half snark. What island are you thinking of hiking? I was looking over the hiking maps, looks like some fun hikes. Of course, you have to get to the islands first.
(I grew up seeing those islands off the coast when we went north. Looks like San Miguel island is off limits due to un-exploded ordinance.?)
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Have you tried the Dr. Scholl’s machine that does an imprint analysis of your soles? They have those at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Or you can have a custom measurement and set done through a podiatrist.
Sorry to hear about your health stresses. In happy to hear you have shared with your family what you are going through. Let friends and family be helpful and supportive as you deal with this. Sending my support to you.
@lamh36: I agree with Adam about getting a portable monitor; the one I have is battery operated. It has helped me keep track of where my BP is. When I first began using drugs, I found that if I took both of them in the morning then by mid-day I could feel dizzy and a little faint. So I began to vary the time I took them. I now that I’m used to them, that doesn’t happen anymore and I take them all in the morning. Talk with your doctor about this. Hope you feel better soon.
Mike J
@Adam L Silverman: Only parts of Florida are the south.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@lamh36: Yeah, you’re pretty young for this. I developed the same when I was 50 or so … I kept clocking in at 180/150. It was pretty scary. I have it under control now, but the dizziness has never gone away, thanks to the medication. In fact, that contributed to a really bad fall I took a couple of years ago down our stairs (7 broken ribs, shoulder separation, etc. etc.). I really am not trying to scare you – but I wish I’d been told more about what the meds can do, and what safety precautions I should have taken. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctors lots of questions! And good for you for telling the family what you did.
frosty fka Bro Shotgun etc etc
@Mike J:
My dad trained us kids to put salt on watermelon. A Long Island NY delicacy too, apparently.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Who is it, NotMax?, that’s the blog’s official spellchecker?
Close, but you meant “ordnance” (the explosive stuff, not the rule stuff).
Here’s an article about vegetarian diets and high blood pressure. Pescetarian (vegetarian + seafood) is actually slightly better for it than vegan, possibly because of the added omega-3s. And, of course, exercise.
Anyone here win? The numbers are: 8, 27, 34, 4, 19
Mike J
Sydney Opera House on lockdown.
@frosty fka Bro Shotgun etc etc: I’m from Long Island, never heard of putting salt on watermelon. I’ve heard of putting liquor inside watermelon though.
Mike J
NWS Tsunami Alerts @NWS_NTWC 34m34 minutes ago
Tsunami Info Stmt: M6.7 in the Hokkaido, Japan region
1926PST Jan 13: Tsunami NOT expected; CA,OR,WA,BC,and AK
@Renie: We lived on Long Island briefly when I was a kid (my Dad worked at Grumman then). He has always put salt on watermelon. I don’t know where he got the idea to do that (he was born in El Paso).
I have three of the five numbers. Is that worth anything more than the paper it’s printed on?
Did the Channel Island tour in college, 2-3 thousand yrs ago and the hiking that you could do then was not all that tough. There were/are? limited areas that you can go. It was interesting for sure. I have also sailed to the islands in my boat and in a racing cat, that was only 1 thousand yrs ago but all you could do was anchor out, not even swimming ashore was allowed. Doubt that much of that has changed.
Joyce H
What really rather astonished me was how many presidential candidates expressed horror and outrage at the images of our servicemen ‘with their hands behind their heads’ – and yet I’m sure none of these people could comprehend that people in other countries might be radicalized against the US by images of their own countrymen being herded around with bags over their heads.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Its a southern thing. I learned it growing up as a kid. Supposedly it brings out the sugary sweetness of the watermelon. I don’t actually do this myself.
Mike J
Jeremy Douglas @jdouglasSEA 6m6 minutes ago
Police now backing-up & security announcement to stay away from windows, & telling folks to retreat from lobby
Jeremy Douglas @jdouglasSEA 9m9 minutes ago
And folks in office saying think it is a #Paris type #foreignfigthers #ISIS supporters attack. Given 500 in #Syria wouldn’t be huge surprise
Jeremy Douglas @jdouglasSEA 12m12 minutes ago
And now a serious exchange of fire in the street
Jeremy Douglas @jdouglasSEA 13m13 minutes ago
Amazing how some folks are walking and some running. Kind of a denial or something #jakartabombing
66 retweets 8 likes
Jeremy Douglas @jdouglasSEA 15m15 minutes ago
Serious exchange of fire in downtown #Jakarta. Didn’t experience this in 3.5 years in #Pakistan
Jeremy Douglas @jdouglasSEA 17m17 minutes ago
5th and 6th bombing
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I’m a creative guy, including spelling.
@Renie: You forgot the last number — the powerball number — which is 10. So the whole set is 4, 8, 19, 27, 34, 10.
And I didn’t win…. sigh.
Good luck.
I made it into my sixties before I had to start the meds for hypertension. I’ve had elevated BP 17 yrs ago but vigorous excise and watching my diet and cutting back my alcohol intake (since then I’ve quit) helped then but not any more. The meds have made a huge difference in my life, hope they do the same for you. Just in case you don’t know there are multiple different meds to treat hypertension and they don’t all work the same for everyone. I had to have my first ones changed to what I’m using now but they work great and don’t cause other issues.
@SiubhanDuinne: You should check on-line in an hour or so; although maybe your state’s lottery site isn’t overwhelmed as NYS site is (again). I got the numbers from the NY Times. But to see what the lesser prize combos are, you need to go the state’s web site.
@Mike J:
Not having almost any smell or taste means that you don’t really care/need much salt, pepper, garlic, etc, etc, etc.
I’m a pescetarian and it has helped my cholesterol and bp. You have to be careful about buying seafood as there is a lot of junk due to inaccurate labeling and unhealthy sourcing. Lamh can probably get good seafood because of where she lives but she still to be careful to buy from a reputable source.
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s worth at least $7.
The “PowerBall” is 10. If you have that, too, then it’s worth $100.
The numbers are:
04, 08, 19, 27, 34 and PB is 10
(Who spent $20 on 10 “plays” and only matched 1 of the numbers, twice, with no PBs, so no billions for me. I’m counting on Suzanne.)
@PurpleGirl: shows i have no idea how this lottery thing even works!! lol
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: My watch says somebody in Chino Hills, CA had all the numbers.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Wow that sounds not all that much fun.
As I noted above my doc changed my meds because the first type they tried me on did not agree with me at all. There are 2 main types and differences between the actual meds in each type so there may be more choices. But your BP was a bit higher than mine so maybe what you’ve got is what works best all around. Good luck keeping it in check.
Thanks! I almost never buy lottery tickets (last time was probably three or four years ago) and have never had enough matching numbers to make it worth even checking how things work. But I might get a few bucks from my three numbers. At least I won’t tear up the ticket until I’ve checked.
I already wear non-fashionable shoes — lots of Merrells and other comfy shoes. Or, as my mother once said when looking at my Doc Martens, “You’ll never get a man wearing shoes like that.”
(Fortunately, she was wrong.)
@BillinGlendaleCA: That’s a pretty smart watch!
(Who gave up wearing a watch a few years ago after messing up the calendar on his Citizen chronograph when trying to adjust it for DST, and finds he doesn’t miss it.)
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: If you had the steel toed ones then you probably kicked him in the head and dragged him home while he was unconscious.
The only time I look at a woman’s shoes is if they look like fashion rejects from the dollar store, who must sell a lot of shoes these days.
It’s more the endurance that I need to build up. Even the short trails seem to be 8-10 miles round-trip. I don’t want to pay $69 to take a boat there and then poop out after an hour of hiking.
@Adam L Silverman:
Is that the opposite of hitting her over the head with a club and dragging her back to your cave?
@Adam L Silverman:
True story: we got engaged because I sat in his lap and refused to get up until he proposed. Our 10th wedding anniversary (16th year together) is in July, so it worked out.
When I was 12 we moved into a bigger house and when we were looking at it the woman who owned it had one bedroom devoted to her shoes. Lined up all neat in rows. She had about enough pairs that she could go a year without wearing the same pair twice.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: Yep. I knew several women in Scotland who got their boyfriends this way. Most of them, interestingly enough, played rugby – the women, not the boyfriends…
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Always good to have a plan and fully commit to it. Glad it worked out the way you planned.
Like I said it was 2-3 thousand yrs ago so maybe the hikes have changed or been added to. I also was 2-3 thousand yrs younger so don’t forget to take that into account.
@Adam L Silverman:
Meh, it wasn’t as risky as it sounds. We had already decided that we were going to get married eventually, so it was mostly a matter of agreeing on a date.
But you’d have to name the offspring Bong Bong Goldman.
@lamh36: Hugs. Hang in there. Can we support you in any way? BJ workout and dieting club?
Anne Laurie
@Mnemosyne: You may want to talk to a podiatrist about Morton’s neuroma — even if you don’t wear high heels much, that invisible-stone-in-the-shoe feeling is a classic symptom. Also, as women get older (I’ll just use the term ‘perimenopause’ so as not to gross out the boys) our foot tendons tend to relax & allow all those bones to splay out more… so get your feet resized before you buy any more expensive Merrills or Doc Martens. (You may not even be a ‘narrow’ any more!)
To be positive, one of the few advantages of being on the back end of the baby boom is that the fashion choices for ‘sensible’ shoes have exploded as our whiney elders refused to give up cute shoes just because they could no longer wear stilettos. I’ve always had wide flat feet, but there are way more cute ballet flats, mary janes, loafers, espadrilles, and wedges than I could dream of 20 years ago…
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I lived on Long Island for my first nine years. My mom also worked for Grumman.
Omnes Omnibus
For all of us who didn’t become mega-rich tonight.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I think that would be all of us.
The Republic, Blah Blah Blah...
Haven’t read all the other comments, so apologies if anyone’s floated this theory…
***adjusts tin foil hat…***
Is there any chance Obummer and the Iranians were deliberately trolling the GOP on this one?
Staging the whole thing just to achieve this outcome?
Ya know, giving those babbling, pants-wetting fools a chance to humiliate themselves during the SOTU address on a world-wide stage?
I doubt if they did but if they had done it on purpose for that reason, man that would have been cool…
Steeplejack (tablet)
Three numbers get you $7.
@Anne Laurie:
I got measured this summer and I’m still narrow, but I buy my shoes online, so I get some great deals. I just got a pair of Mary Janes made by Sofft for under $30 at 6pm.com, which is the Zappos outlet site. (They’re not officially “narrow,” but like Merrells they tend to run narrow.)
Some days it sure feels like it.
Got a call today about the results of some testing that was done last week. I have an appointment with this same doc for the first so now, as I’m reasonably paranoid about this situation being more than just the serious it already is, why does he call me wanting me to have him paged? Good news or bad news? What says you all? I’ll give odds based on the results from my $20 participation in the employee powerball group why the hell not contest.
@lamh36: BP can be tough to deal with, especially for us black folks, because it’s so common, and there are so many potential factors. I know that for me, stress is the #1 think that drives my BP up; I always have them take it twice when I go to the doctor because I’m so anxious about it that the first result is usually badly skewed. One thing to note: for some reason, hydrochlorothyazide and other diuretics seem to be more effective on African-Americans than, say, ACE inhibitors. When my boss was giving me a hard time about being in the bathroom too much, my doctor took me off the diuretics and my BP shot up (though part of that was probably because of my job situation). Now that I’m back on them, it’s much more stable. I’ve also had good luck using meditation and breathing to bring my BP down, sometimes even within the course of a single doctor visit.
Good luck, and take care of yourself. /hugs
J R in WV
Actually a partial match is worth a small prize, so sign the ticket and get it run through the machine at any powerball outlet. That’s free.
Oh look, a post comprised mainly of retweets. How novel. And the part that isn’t is just a straight-up grab from the WaPo.
What a circle jerk this blog has become…
Bill Arnold
@The Republic, Blah Blah Blah…:
The thought, cross the mind it did.
I am willing to believe that it was a genuine mechanical breakdown.