I’m watching WVU play Baylor, but figured some of you would want to chronicle the nonsense for us to check later.
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I’m watching WVU play Baylor, but figured some of you would want to chronicle the nonsense for us to check later.
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Iowa Old Lady
Christie shivved Rubio, which was a joy to watch even though Christie is a horrible person.
Mythbusters here, to be followed by Outrageous Acts of Science at the top of the hour. The only thing I want to hear about the Republican debate is that the hall suffered a meteor strike.
love watching christie go after rubio; though christie is horrible i think carson is sleepin
Christie laying haymakers directly on Rubio’s chin. Just brutal.
I’m rooting for injuries.
Mary G
@Iowa Old Lady: I know, I thought I actually agree with Christie, whocoodanode? I guess its everybody pile onto Rubio night tonight.
pseudonymous in nc
Primetime on ABC: Everybody Hates Mario
Have a fresh batch of rescue kittehs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So Christie will get a fundraising boost and delude himself there’s a reason to carry on to So Carolina? And if Katich does at all well, he’ll hang on, too, and the “respectable” vote remains divided? Wish I could place a bet
schrodinger's cat
@khead: They are full of win and awesome and so are you!
Iowa Old Lady
@Mary G: I thought Trump’s horribleness had left no room for Christie’s bully boy act, but I guess it still has its used.
how would you unlink healthcare from employment?
Well you would have to set up a marketplace exchange………
never mind
Mary G
@Iowa Old Lady: @Iowa Old Lady: O/T, I read your book on Kindle Unlimited and really enjoyed it . xSorry I can’t figure out how to link on this tablet.
great scene between jeb and trump on who is in the audience all RNC donors
Iowa Old Lady
Holy crap. The crowd is booing Trump because the fool said eminent domain was great.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mary G: I think I love you.
Bill E Pilgrim
This is hilarious.
Mike J
Will probably catch the replay of the Leicester City – Man City game.
do you notice the moderators are not the force behind pushing the attacks here – it’s like each of them are waiting for an opening to go after someone
except carson who is still sleeping
How lovely, they’re booing Trump. Repeatedly. And the Christie-Rubio ding-dong was a thing of beauty.
@Iowa Old Lady:
i think they were booing him because he said the audience was all campaign contributors…they look like all kids to me
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Mary G: I have not gotten around to her book yet. It’s sitting on my Kindle with enough other stuff to prove that I can assemble a virtual pile of unread books just as efficiently as I can assemble a material one.
Chris Christie went full Jersey on Rubio. Good time.
@Iowa Old Lady: Our current GOP is an ever expanding universe of horribleness that has no edge and can expand forever.
I’m home and involuntarily exposed to this stuff. Folks want to watch and yell at the TV.
If you ignore the senselessness, and take it as a talent show for seriously impaired mental freaks, it might qualify as an acquired taste.
I’ll try to stay out of earshot as much as possible.
The opening of the debate was awesome, too. These guys actually had difficulty walking on to the stage.
@schrodinger’s cat:
We love them. Gonna be hard to let go of them but we already have a house full of kittehs. There’s still more – two kittens and two adults, including the Mom – and we are trying to find homes for all of them. The kittens are easy. I could take bids on those two.
If Rubio is the nominee, the Secret Service is going to have special training to prevent face-slap attacks.
Iowa Old Lady
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Right now I’m reading Billy Flynn’s Long Halftime Walk, which is fitting for Superb Owl weekend since it takes place mostly at a football game. But your book is on my kindle, I think second in the queue.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
The Gophers tied North Dakota in the rematch from last night. That pretty much ends any hopes of winning the WCHA regular season title. Amanda Kessel looked rustier than she did last night.
It was the same problem we’ve had a lot recently: lousy finishing in front of the net. A ton of whiffed shots and mishandled passes.
Doug R
@Gravenstone: We gotta wait until tomorrow for Mythbusters so at least we have something to watch while the not-Seahawks play the not-Seahawks in the uber candy dish.
@jl: Rubio reminds me of a ventriloquist’s puppet.
Mary G
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: If you sent your book out to Kickstarter contributors who gave a tiny amount , it’s sitting in my email queue .
@Doug R: That’s a good idea. I’m gonna be at work while the not-Patriots play.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
Pasta, it sure would be nice if all these scum sucking shitheels cut each other so badly that they all bled to death before November.
Just Some Fuckhead
What the hell is going on with Rubio and that canned speech about Obama? Is that the fourth time or the fifth time he’s said the same thing?
Very clear to me now: the GOP nominee will be one of the three governors — Bush, Christie, or Kasich.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: Don’t forget Mountain Monsters at 10. Watch John Cole’s neighbors try to find a bigfoot!
@beltane: Rubio has memmorized reams of BS. That is how it sounds.
Jeb is smart enough to not repeat ‘gotta let the big dawgs eat’ when answering the tax question.
Adam L Silverman
@Iowa Old Lady: @Mary G: @Renie: @oldgold: Okay, I got in at 9 – went to dinner. Got in just in time to watch Jeb! try to go after Trump on eminent domain. So what happened. What did Christie actually do?
Mary G
Jeb is trying hard to be tough tonight, but talking about moochers like me is so 2012 Romney lite.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Mary G: Yep. You were on the distribution list I sent the .epub version to.
@SiubhanDuinne: Kasich as most competence (very weak praise with group) would be least disastrous (but not least disastrous enough to let you sleep well at night).
Cruz definition of targeted saturation carpet bombing good example of the idiotic nonsense that these idiots have spewed almost continuously.
Edit: Cruz descends into complete gibberish.
Adam L Silverman
@Just Some Fuckhead: electro shock based programming.
The lies and exaggeration rate per minute are too much for me
Time to watch Queen of Outer Space with Zsa Zsa Gabor, it will surely make more sense then this
Iowa Old Lady
@Adam L Silverman: Basically, Christie said Rubio lacked experience and Rubio gave an answer saying Obama blah blah. Then Christie said see that’s his 25 second canned answer. And Rubio, like the fool he is, repeated it at least twice in the next 5 minutes, with Christie pointing and laughing. Rubio has given it at least one more time since.
Cruz just said “America has always been reluctant to use military force….”.
You can’t make this stuff up.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Obama disrespects Israel. Obama is making the US like the rest of the world. Obama disrespects Israel. Obama is making the US like the rest of the world.
In the old days, we would have said that Rubio sounds like a broken record. Now we say he sounds like a mindless bot.
@Adam L Silverman: You shut up. You let Trump talk. Trump STRONG!
@Adam L Silverman: christie keeps pointing out that rubio doesn’t answer question just keeps repeating bullshit. Rubio renforced what christie said by repeating at least three times the same five or six lines of sentences when he talked
it’s like someone is repeating rubio’s tapes
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Tried to update from my phone, but FYWP wouldn’t take edit: I would now say, not Bush. I think it comes down to Christie or Kasich for all the marbles.
Bill E Pilgrim
“Now when I say saturation/carpet bombing, that’s not indiscriminate”
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
For one thing:
I can’t believe anyone is considering any one of these clowns for election to anything.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Rubio is completely robotic.
Robio. Robotio. Rubotic.
Trump will take all the pre-bombed oil?
Holy shit, Trump wants to bomb the oil and take the oil. Et fucking cetera. Am I hallucinating? Must go do something else. Anything else.
@Renie: Rubio-bot is coming up with nothing but 404 error messages tonight.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Magatha: I’m with you. I couldn’t take more than five minutes.
@Magatha: They have all said idiotic things. You have to talk like a rank moron to appeal to the audience.
Dr. Carson awakens. Caliphate blah blah.
What was Cruz talking about earlier with North Korean nuclear satellites disrupting the earth’s magnetic field? It felt like he was channeling Curtis LeMay.
Adam L Silverman
@Iowa Old Lady: ok, tracking now.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Martha Raddatz knows ten times more than the whole lot of them combined about the Middle East and US foreign policy.
I’m gonna go watch The Man in the High Castle. At least it’s fiction.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Marco said in two answers that it’s not true that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing, he knows exactly what he is doing, namely destroying America . Christie broke in to say Marco can only recite 25 – second memorized sound bites. For whatever reason, Marco said the same thing two more times and Christie pointed it out with a stilletto and a magnificent eye-roll.
Adam L Silverman
@Mandalay: Not just that, but apparently the good veterans of New Hampshire know more than the Commander of Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF OIR) about what is going on and what should be done. Just for everyone’s info the CJTF OIR Commander was the Brigade Combat Team Commander in 2006 who cleared the Corridor of Death in Anbar Province. So he does know what he’s doing.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
I told you before the season started to put money on Wisconsin, but you thought my reason was dumb & you ignored me. Right now I am afraid next year is not going to be better. I found out WI got a player that is comparable to Kelly Terry, it could be the start of the dry season for MN.
I need to drop a review on goodreads, your work deserves a lot of attention.
“I’d bring back waterboarding and a hell of a lot more”
She might even know who the fuck Marta Raddatz is.
i’m sure there’s going to be at least 3 or 4 gifs tomorrow of rubio repeating his sentences over and over
Trump: “I’ll bring back waterboarding, and a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding!”.
He’s such a rough tough cream puff.
Adam L Silverman
@Renie: His answer about dealing with ISIS certainly backs that up. Rubio says (accurately) that ISIS wants to suck the US in for a battle in Dabiq, Syria that would usher in their understanding of the apocalypse. Rubio then, amazingly, says that we need to put overwhelming numbers of personnel on the ground to fight them on their turf, which would be providing ISIS with their apocalyptic battle in Dabiq, Syria. He’s good at memorization, not so much at critical or strategic thinking.
Bill E Pilgrim
Satire is truly dead, outrun by reality.
That’s Macro Rubio for you.
Adam L Silverman
@beltane: The EMP threat BS. Peddler in chief for profit is Speaker Gingrich.
@Adam L Silverman: Our buddy says the 101st is suiting up to go back to Iraq.
“Ah, I was told today that two brigades of the 101st Airborne Division are going to Iraq, not just one.”
@Adam L Silverman:
I’d say that Rubio is like a parrot but that would be minimizing a parrot’s critical thinking skills.
Mary G
Ted Cruz needs to get some of that spray paint men put on their heads. Every time he lowers his head, I can see the bald spot shining through.
” Christie or Kasich for all the marbles ”
Christie or Kasich probably only ones that have all their marbles. But they are toast unless they hide that from the GOP voters.
Oh Boy! Trump! Big deals, great deals, fantastic deals, fantastic deals. The biggest best classiest deals. Deals deals deals. Have to admit I like listening to that shit. Means absolutely nothing, but fun.
Kasich said ‘plead’ Kasich WEAK.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you, Adam. It sounded like wingnut sci-fi BS but I wasn’t 100% sure.
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel:
Domo arigato Marco Roboto.
@Adam L Silverman: Exactly. Rubio has memorized reams of material like a good little boy. Seems to have no clue what he is mouthing. Absolutely none.
But all of them have spewed idiot nonsense. But at least they can make it up on the fly.
Rubio almost irresistibly slappable little creep.
@Mary G: Cruz would have made a good character on the Addams Family. The deceased Cousin Ghoul who keeps escaping from the crypt.
Today is ZsaZsa’s 99th birthday. I assume this is tribute to her?
Cruz is a top notch bullshitter. He thinks that by oozing gravitas and talking pompously he’s showing us that he’s the man.
Unfortunately for him, I suspect that the fact checkers later this evening will be throwing him in the wood chipper for the lies and bullshit he’s been spewing tonight.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I just took a look and didn’t see anything on the front page. Was it in a comment to a post?
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
Adam L Silverman
@beltane: There’s a neo-Con driven cottage industry in promoting an electro magnetic pulse threat. Not just a tactical threat, but a strategic, threat to national survival level threat. They make a lot of money off of it. I’ve yet to see anyone pitch it that I find making a convincing argument.
Amir Khalid
That can’t be right. Saying Cruz “descends” into complete gibberish implies he came down from a place of not-complete-gibberish.
OK, white people on bad drugs. Jeez, so tragic, have to understand the tragedy.
Cruz blames brown people, and will beat them for making sad white dope fiends.
I think the implicit racism in how these very special and very sad white people drug problems treated is disgusting. I guess these goofs are either blind to it or utterly shameless racists and bigots. Or both of course.
@Adam L Silverman: About halfway down.
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel:
This can’t really he happening in 2016? Can it? It’s just so barbaric. The candidates are proudly ignorant.
@beltane: I’d say that Rubio is like a parrot but that would be minimizing a parrot’s critical thinking skills.
I was lying there trying to sleep last night and somehow (by way of detour on the merits of American Psycho (the movie)), I started trying to think of what Heliumhead should be doing instead of running for President, a job for which he is entirely unequipped. (Say what you will about Ted Cruz but he has at least some of the requisite equipment for being President, such as a brain, which Rubio lacks.) So I started thinking he could be like the character in what movie?
I couldn’t come up with a single movie character that he would represent, until it occurred to me, that this scene is probably the only kind of role Rubio is equipped to play.
[‘”What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.” — something too intelligent for Rubio to say.’]
@Amir Khalid: I am using when Cruz gave his name correctly in his intro as the baseline. But, I can see your point.
Cruz is that rare bird that even his political allies hate on a personal level.
I wonder how often he got punched in the junk throughout high school.
@khead: Kitties so cute – and an excellent antidote to the GOP insanity. We haven’t had an update on Miri and her kittens for a while it seems – wonder what they are up to these days…?
Keith P.
@Amir Khalid: It’s ironic that Rubio gets slaughtered for reciting the same scripted response to different questions, but Cruz does it all the time. I mean, right out of the gates, he was asked if Trump has the temperament to be president, and Cruz’ answer was “The American people can make that determination. We’ve had 7 years of Barack Obama’s failed policies…” The moderator responded this lengthy diatribe with “Yeah, but does Donald Trump have the temperament to be president.”
I volunteer to deliver the eugoogley for his political career.
I thank you all for subjecting yourselves to this shit for the rest of us.
As to what’s on my mind, anyone who isn’t watching “American Crime” is missing some of the best, most provocative tv I’ve ever seen. Amazing that it’s broadcast tv. Just goes to show how HBO, AMC, Netflix, etc. have changed everything when it comes to how to provide quality tv. And why films suck and tv rules.
email and benghazi has arisen
carson who is running a ponzi scheme calls hillary deceitful – what a joke
I might have mentioned this a time or twenty, but Rubio is a smarmy little prick. I swear to Christ but Cruz and Trump come off as genuine compared to this little box of pimples.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Okay, saw it. I have no idea what to say about it. I have no doubt someone told him that. I have no way of verifying it. I find it hard to believe we’re going to send 10,000 Soldiers to work as combat advisors in Iraq. On the other hand he is in DC and he does have excellent contacts.
@Adam L Silverman: Yea, that’s what I was thinking. I guess we really wouldn’t be trying to sneak up on them so it’s not some big security breach. . .but, wait, maybe it is!!!!
I think Christie has done real harm to Rubio’s campaign tonight.
I’m hopeful that even the average voter will realize that Rubio has no achievements, always ducks the question, and just regurgitates his memorized talking points. (“twenty-first century…”, “greatest nation the world has ever seen…”, “secure the border…”, “when I’m president…”, “Obama is destroying America…”)
Rubio is a fraud and a mediocrity.
Just One More Canuck
@jl: White Punks On Dope?
do these guys know obama is not running again cuz someone needs to tell rubio this
@Renie: You gots to give the peoples what they want!
Adam L Silverman
@raven: If they’re going, you’re supposed to maintain OPSEC and not discuss it. But at the same time everyone near FT Campbell will know because the preparations are impossible to miss. Also, the DIV COS is a former student of mine – or was, he may have rotated out. When he took the 4BCT/101 ABN DIV to AF as brigade commander the last time in 2012, he asked me to come in and do the predeployment prep and certification course for his personnel. When they went to AF in 2009 I was brought in by the Division command group to do prep for the Division Command Group and Staff, the BCT Commanders, Deputy Commanders, XOs, and Command Sergeants Major, and the Battalion Commanders, XOs, and Command Sergeants Major. So I would expect someone to email me and ask if I was available to do a prep course this time. But that’s never a given and, again, anything is possible.
@geg6: There are not enough superlatives to describe American Crime. Last season was excellent but this season is superb. The topic they choses hits so many current issues. The cast is amazing and provocative is a great way to describe it. The way John Ridley has written this and unfolds the issue from each characters point of view without preaching or beating you one the head is excellent.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bill E Pilgrim: oh my god, that was like something out of Veep. Trump and Carson briefly made Jeb and Marco look cool
I really enjoyed it. If you’ve ever wondered what a NAZI 4th of July would look like, this show’s for you!
Cruz and Trump are genuine. The narcissist believes that whatever he’s saying right now is true. If he says something different ten seconds later, he believes that when he says it. If you point out the discrepancy, generally he goes apeshit furious about how you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Kasich on policing is reason he can’t win in GOP primary. They don’t want to hear that stuff.
Mosque question for the little punk. Rubio’s content writer tries to string together symbolic bullshit that tries but fails to even appear to make any sense.
@Jinx: Huh, for a moment, I thought you were recapping the GOPers on American crime. But you were talking about American Crime.
schrodinger's cat
@beltane: That sounds like bullshit on steroids.
Mary G
How long is this thing going to go on? An hour of listening to these maroons feels like it is six hours of regular life.
@Adam L Silverman:
I think this story started when the Greek and Israeli Foreign Ministers had a joint press conference earlier this month. The US Ambassador to Turkey denied the story. Who knows.
Oh my Christ, why cannot these debates have a minimum level of goddamn fact-checking.
Martha Raddatz, got a newsflash for ya. This is the GOP electorate. They remember Pearl Harbor better than the last ebola case. Why don’t you ask about Benny Goodman, you’ll get as relevant a response.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: That makes sense. 1,000 personnel I could see, two whole Brigade Combat Teams? I’d be surprised given the stated position of the Administration.
@Iowa Old Lady: How did I miss this book?? Link, pls.
@Adam L Silverman:
I would think we would be pretty discreet about this situation given that the interests of the actors involved are not completely aligned.
Felonius Monk
I’m thoroughly disappointed. I was looking forward to Trump coming out tonight, turning to Jeb and saying Where’s Your Mommy? I think that would have put the final nail in Jeb’s political coffin.
@MomSense: I volunteer to deliver the eugoogley for his political career.
As long as you spell potatoe correctly!
[‘The candidate with the lowest IQ wins!’]
I know Charlie Pierce loves her, but upon sober reflection I have determined that I really dislike Martha Radish or whatever her name is.
It’s just blowing me away! I can’t believe it’s not generating crazy ass buzz. Completely mesmerizing in every way: writing, direction, acting, editing, casting. Just beautiful, wrenching, emotional, and technically perfect in every way. Best thing I’ve ever seen on tv. Last season was good, but this is ten levels above. Amazing.
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry, I absolutely despise the whole “rednecks behaving badly” sub-genre that has saturated TV in recent years. I suppose it really started with “Cops”, and just spiraled into ever more outlandish iterations.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: Correct. If I had been asked to do a prep course, I wouldn’t have even responded to raven’s comment.
The doorbell buzzers are making my dog nuts.
GOD, Marco Rubio is a sniveling little piece of shit.
Mary G
Love, Love, Love the local anchor and his questions! “None of you people on the stage has ever worn a uniform, sorry to point that out, but it is the truth.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: But they’re Cole’s neighbors looking for Bigfoot!!!! I fully expect that one show they will actually get something in their trap and when they put the lights on it it will be Cole, in a bathrobe and one slipper bending over to pick up after one of his four foots and trying to figure out just what they hell is going on. That would be must see TV!
any comments on tonite’s winner
Omnes Omnibus
Why are you people doing this to yourselves?
I don’t mean it in a nasty way, but Kasich tends to twitch and flop like a marionette. Is that a medical issue, or just his manner? Either way, it can’t be helping his campaign.
(A few months ago Jeb? was hunching his shoulders, leaning forward, and putting his arms in weird positions, but I think his minders have stopped him doing that.)
Now don’t go easy on him.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: Don’t tell me that he wanders around in his neighborhood in a bathrobe.
Felonius Monk
Marco reminds me of a little boy whose testicles have not yet descended.
@Heliopause: He sounds so WEAK. And PETULANT. God.
He seems like one of those dudes who spends more time preening in front of the mirror than his wife.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: with a Steeler’s towel wrapped around his shoulders like a shawl…
Actually, I have no idea. I just seem to remember a post or two of his mentioning the bathrobe, so I worked it in.
In case you missed it, Christie mocked the hell out of him earlier in the debate. He gave Rubio a massive verbal shit kicking.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I did take a break to watch Lip Sync Battke with my 12 year old. He says he finds it funny but I’m pretty sure he is watching because Chrissy Teigen’s boobs almost came out of her dress in a previous episode.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Opposition research for the Baud! 2016! campaign.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Abortion. Drink!
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: Quite the fashion plate!
His nanny.
@Cacti: Obviously not often enough, as he’s been able to breed.
@Old Dan and Little Anne:
Definitely not a Democratic debate.
I said the same thing about Rubio practicing his lines in the bathroom mirror in the previous thread. He seems to me like an adolescent playing dress up with a bad case of flop sweat.
Jeb “respects” Rubio’s opposition to abortion for women who have been raped.
Spineless coward respects evil sicko.
You can’t ask Democrats about abortion. My god, they might start talking about how government policy matters in people’s lives!
that’s disgusting they let christie get away with saying hillary is for selling baby body parts
@Omnes Omnibus:
They’re doing us, and the world, a service.
Godspeed, debate watchers!
Watching debate on iPad, commenting mostly from phone which doesn’t reflect recent nym change. No worries, still a scoundrel.
Marco Rubio is such a pissant.
This, exactly.
Completely unfair. Bernie’s baby parts business is just as lucrative.
@Mandalay: I liked it. I know Christie is a horrible person, but I do find his absolutely straightforward asshole presentation refreshing. I cannot deal with the used car salesmen (Crubio).
@MomSense: He’s so gross. He reminds me of dudes at the club who roofie girls’ drinks.
@Baud: His are handcrafted and artisanal, not like Hillary’s mass-produced corporate chain.
Let me just say this; I would do Marco Rubio, provided he were female, looked totally different, was age of consent, not a complete fucking amoral prick, and my partner never found out.
I like that the rethugs are running against the current president and almost not at all against each other. In a primary race. Is it possible that they don’t understand that they have to win the nomination to even get to be the rethug candidate?
My favorite part was Rubio saying that the Air Force was now the smallest in our country’s history. I forgot about our 18th century air power.
Adam L Silverman
Chris Christie should never bend over if there are cameras behind him. Need brain bleach!
TaMara (BHF)
@Mary G: @Tissue Thin Pseudonym: I think it’s time for an Authors in Our Midst thread, maybe later this week. If you guys email me links I’ll put the thread together. Pass it on to anyone else you know here who has something we should read.
whats4dinnersolutions (at) live (dot) com
@Adam L Silverman: I heard lots and lots of war and deployment rumors from our mortgage banker months before the Iraq War. She was hearing lots of things from people at the Pentagon and elsewhere. It taught me that no matter how good the information she had really was, it wasn’t real until it actually happened.
@Ruckus: Their voters really hate Obama.
Adam L Silverman
@zzyzx: Porter Alexander did go up in a balloon during the Civil War.
The Lodger
John Kasich:”You’ve changed me,”
Who do you think you are? David Vitter?
Old Dan and Little Anne
@Baud: Hillary can’t let the public know she’ll abort babies on their due date. Fucking Rubio.
@Heliopause: He’s soooooo into his appearance. Like Edwards. Both of them skeeve me out.
I honestly can’t decide whether Cruz or Rubio is creepier. Did you see the raw/outtake footage from the Cruz ad that was posted on YouTube? His family members are even creepy and strange.
Mary G
Rubio’s teenage daughter wants no part of this crap.
Adam L Silverman
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: We had something funny happen before we deployed. The BCT’s counterintel guys started to complain that OPSEC was being broken because the local paper in Baumholder was writing stories about the brigade deploying and the local attempt to lobby the DOD to ensure that the brigade would come back and the base would stay open. Our Intel Officer in Charge, who is a good friend of mine and is one of the best MI guys I know, basically told them that OPSEC is important, but given that we keep trucking conexes of brigade gear to the train station and putting them on rails for shipment to Iraq that everyone already knows we’re going somewhere.
@Adam L Silverman:
He should never wear a tight fitting baseball uniform again either.
Moose Knuckle is not a good look.
Adam L Silverman
@The Lodger: Did they use powder or lotion?
below the belt shot by trump to cruz LOL
Of course I get that but beating him is not the prize at this point.
Unless of course the prize is not the office but the money. Which seems to be highly likely for most of these clowns.
@Adam L Silverman: See, Nobama has us down to a few lousy balloons.
I’m watching on my DVR, and I just got to the part where Trump says that he’s not going to let Americans die on the street, and the crowd can’t figure out if they’re supposed to clap or not. Fuckers.
Fair Economist
We should call him Ru-Ru-Rubio (to the tune of Sussudio, the Phil Collins song).
There’s a line that’s been on my mi-i-ind
All the ti-i-ime
dr. bloor
@Mary G:
In his defense, Marco did go trick-or-treating as Batman one year.
@Suzanne: Yeah, the audience reaction to that was weird. Could hear that the audience was conflicted about what Trump was saying.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: This too.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I’ve actually wondered a bit about that, though more regarding his unquenchable thirst and sweating.
Adam L Silverman
Trigger Warning: The Power House political team is up!
Maybe that’s why I felt compelled to watch it
They don’t make movies like Queen of Outer Space anymore
Rubio was hurt badly tonight. Not sure it is time to stick a fork in his candidacy, but he has lost all the mo he took out of Iowa.
Now Trump is making sense about eminent domain. This is going to sink his candidacy.
Fair Economist
Why not? He wants to shoot them himself?
Adam L Silverman
Post debate open thread up.
@Suzanne: He’s soooooo into his appearance. Like Edwards. Both of them skeeve me out.
I was supposed to be backing Edwards at the time, but I thought the guy creepy at the time.
[‘Glad someone else felts that way.’]
MSNBC has already done it, and Tweety & co just spent 20 minutes eviscerating Rubio for being scripted.
I honestly believe Tweety had never realized it until Christie pointed it out this evening. The only group more mediocre than our politicians is our media.
@dr. bloor:
Was that in 2004 or 2005?
Is it 2012?
Is Rubio running against Obama?
@Fair Economist: Naaah. It’s because he’s not a true believer.
@max: Edwards always grossed me out. Not sure if it was the accent, the hair, or something else.
@Fair Economist: you monster. Phil Collins earworms are the worst.
Other hand, it’s bumping that fucking Sanders ad from 10 days ago. ‘Michigan seems like a dream to me now…’ was starting to wear on my will to live.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@TaMara (BHF): Email sent.
@TaMara (BHF):
Done. I have a book coming out, so this is perfect!
Ain’t it the truth? I saw part of that ad on TDS. Trevor Noah was having a good time with it.
The great Dan Hicks has passed away at 74
an original
@efgoldman: Brave Sir Marco. You, Sir, win the internet. Haz an internet. Haz two.
Think dog whistle and it makes perfect sense.
SNL host tonight is Larry David. They did a hilarious Curb Your Enthusiasm-like parody skit of Bernie’s IA loss. Good stuff
Steeplejack (phone)
I guess we can miss him now because he’s really gone away.
Rubio reminds me of that scene in total recall where the special disguise mask malfunctions and can’t say anything except “Two weeks”
Iowa Old Lady
@jane2: Finders Keepers (but not by Stephen King–:-))
I had to stop watching last night. Parts of my brain were being killed.
I sent this to TaMara too.