I know there’s plenty of news that doesn’t rely on schadenfreude to be delicious…
Ohmygoodness. @NASAJPL has free, amazing space tourism posters available for download. https://t.co/tFmAeTXLqt pic.twitter.com/zsRyWlAe9r
— Bedirhan Cinar (@bedirhan) February 12, 2016
There will never be true space tourism in our lifetimes.
There will barely be space adventures for the very rich.
But they will get them. Barely.
I mean, where would you even go IF there was space tourism? The Moon? Maybe. 3 days to, 3 days back, just on the journey. How many vacation days can you spare?
Also, a challenge:
Name a happy Stevie Nicks song.
non-scalia, non-gop
optimistic one, aren’t ya, AL?
I don’t know. You might be surprised. And even if not us, maybe our children and grandchildren.
I really like this recent OK Go music video, filmed in zero gravity. It suggests all kinds of fun play rooms that could be set up to let people have all kinds of ZG fun.
@redshirt: Io? But only if I could skip that boring years long tin can entrapment.
@redshirt: Fleetwood Mac when they were a real blues band.
Jusi woke up. So he’s still dead then?
Happy VD, everyone!
@Poopyman: I’ll skip the clap, thank you very much.
ps 3 more days
@OzarkHillbilly: 3 more days to what?
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.
No mention of Scalia. Simply a story from earlier this month.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning with all this fascinating political commentary to go read now.
My wife stayed up late but I don’t want her to spoil the stories of the GOP debate for me.
@Baud: Aawwwwww….. The poor baby.
bin Lurkin'
Samantha Fish wishes Fat Tony Bon Voyage
Why do you post YT videos without controls? Not even the title is showing! The only thing one can do is to click on the YT logo and watch it on their site if you want to lower the volume etc. Very annoying.
It’s cold, I’m going back to the recliner and sit under a blanket. Be back later to read the blog…
Happy Valentine’s Day, pals. Hope it’s a sweet one for you.
Yesterday was wonderful for its exits (Scalia; exhaustively discussed, but threads and kvetching still a pleasure to read) and entrances (Baby Boy Scapegoat!)
Music? Okey-dokey. This ought to get the blood circulating.
Funk with a somewhat – um, er – daring fashion choice.
@Scapegoat: Not the traditional message when one becomes a new dad, but ok.
It might be if they’re planning multiple kids!
And Congratulations, Scapegoat!
Happy VD, Morning Juicers. In case you missed my announcement last night, here it is (below). I spent 50 years as an avowed non-breeder. Based on how I’m feeling right now, this sterile position may count as yet another personal foible. Yes, I know… Wait until he learns to talk back!
@Scapegoat: Wow! Congratulations!
Now hit the treadmill, because you’re gonna need a megadose of stamina for the next 18 years or so.
But I was told there would be no math!… and the nurses keep asking how long it’s been since he last suckled on Mommagoat’s shell-shocked teats.
Why are his hands so pale? Normal? I assume he’s in good health.
@Poopyman: Stamina, like hell! I need to start whittling down the pounds I put on during my “sympathy pregnancy”. Mamagoat’s belly is now almost flatter than mine!1!¡
I worried, too. Thankfully without cause.
He is literally 5 minutes out of the oven in this photo and the hands and feet of newborns are the last to get blood mixed with this newfangled thing (for him!) called oxygen.
Thankfully, his APGAR score was 9 at birth and 9 after 5 minutes. 10 is a perfect score for both, so he’s apparently off to a pretty good start. Cross fingers!
@Scapegoat: Yay!
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
He’s beautiful! Congratulations to you and Mamagoat, and welcome to the world, little kid!
Just One More Canuck
@Scapegoat: As a latecomer to fatherhood myself (in my 40’s) it was and has been a fantastic experience – my daughter is 11 now and the absolute joy of my life
Loved the space travel posters.
And congrats Scapegoat!
@Scapegoat: Congrats. It gets better.
@Scapegoat: Congratulations!! I would start thinking about when he starts driving if I were you. At least that was my weird reaction on day 0 of my son’s life (I’m a worrier). Now he’s almost 15!
Enjoy every single minute of the ride.
Congratulations — especially to your wife for enduring those 32.5 hours!
Gin & Tonic
@Scapegoat: Congratulations. Although as good as this is, I can tell you that being a grandparent is better.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Presidential Candidate Baud, you are skating around the perimeters of Ms. Laurie’s guidelines by “not mentioning” Scalia in your comment. Are you an undercover Republican who ignores rules to push your arguments? Please declare yourself, Sir.
@Scapegoat: Congrats!!
Is it true Baud that on the campaign trail Friday you were recorded as saying “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome jurist?”
@Scapegoat: He’s so cute. Enjoy!
@Scapegoat: Congratulations! Best to you and Mama Goat and your little valentine.
Can’t get into the pic of tiny kid Scapegoat, but will try again later with faster internet.
@Just One More Canuck: Love hearing your story too. Lucky daughter.
@Scapegoat Congratulations! Felicidades! Mazel tov!
@Patricia Kayden:
And you violate the no GOP rule. The accuser becomes the accusee!
I was actually complaining about a meddlesome Juicer. He knows who he is.
I’m told aloe is good for soothing those sore spots left from excessive flagellation.
@Scapegoat: Congratulations to you and your wife! Well done her!
@Gimlet: Some people enjoy the pain.
Finally getting around to seeing “The Revenant” today with my Valentine sweetie of 30 years! Not exactly a date movie, but we like to see all the best picture nominees before the Oscars. It’s also a little escapism and a chance to get away from our vile political climate where a sitting president is so disrespected that he is preemptively denied the opportunity to fill a vacant Supreme Court position by the racist assholes on the other side of the aisle! Grr-r-rrrr…
@Baud: @Baud: Well jeepers, it’s too bad he’s not in a position to do much about it.
Valentine’s Day is also Valentina’s birthday, so we will have cake later. My nephew Connor’s birthday as well. So a good day to celebrate. Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Juicers!
Following McConnell’s suggestion that normal governmental activity await this Fall’s election results, Obama should sign no bills sent to him until the SC nomination is acted on and the position filled.
Just One More Canuck
@Elizabelle: I’m the lucky one
@Scapegoat: Congratulations to all!
Obama should sign no bills sent to him
Oops. “Veto” all bills sent to him.
What a sweet, little billy goat. He’s beautiful. Sending my best to all of you this morning.
Congratulations to Scapegoat on the new arrival. He is adorable! If I read your post right and you are 50 years old and having your first child, may God give you the energy to keep up with him! I’m glad I had my three children when I was in my 30’s because now that I am in my late 50s, I KNOW that I wouldn’t have the energy to keep up now!
Maybe no space tourism soon, but just this once, can’t we fire Scalia’s ashes into the sun?
The trippiest cat video I’ve ever seen:
Viaje al cielo de los gatos
Congratulations! Wishing you and Mamagoat much joy and happiness as you embark on your new, exquisite journey.
@Scapegoat: So happy for you, Scapegoat! Best wishes to MamaGoat and sweet kisses for baby BillyGoat.
I think I need less coffee or maybe more drugs for that video. You weren’t kidding about the trippy part.
So my bride is distraught because she can’t find the card she got for me. She then opened my card and it’s the same one she got for me, pickup truck and flowers from Trader Joes!
Neutron Flux
@raven: Best Fleetwood Mac song ever.
@raven: You stole the card your bride bought for you and then gave it to her as her valentine’s day card? Bad, raven, very bad! :-)
@WaterGirl: Nope, we both bought the same one. I can’t help it if she has a zillion “projects” and can’t keep her head on straight.
@Neutron Flux: Peter Green was great!
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Shame on me!
@raven: Hmmm. Trey Gowdy needs to investigate that. Card-gate!
@Patricia Kayden: It’s funny because I also got a blank card that has wisteria on it. I hate the wisteria she insists on growing up the side of the porch si it would have giver her a chuckle to have given her tha one. I opted to give her the other one when I signed it this morning.
Love is in the air.
@raven: That’s your story and your sticking to it?
@OzarkHillbilly: Ding!
@Baud: It’s just the way she is.
SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel
That “trippy video” is one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies, The Three Lives of Thomasina. Great story, great cast, great Scottish scenery.
I’m not a romantic. Don’t do the flower thing. Don’t do the chocolate thing. Don’t even do the card thing. Told her when we first got together that she should never expect such from me. But I do bring her coffee in bed every morning, and while running down various internet diversions, I found The Best Cozy Breakfast You Can Make (Ahead!) Without a Recipe and she was greeted with that for breakfast.
I have to say as one who is not real fond of sweets, it turned out pretty damn good. My wife gave it a *****.
@SiubhanDuinne, Annoying Scoundrel: I’ve never seen it… it’s quite a cat video, up there with Catnip: Egress To Oblivion:
WheeeDoggies! -8° at 7:20am here. I worked outside 10+ years and usually judged cold by how long my hands would function out of my gloves. <1min. meant cold, but there were only a few days I can remember when it felt like my eyeballs were solidifying. This is one of those days.
We used to call it an AB- day; assbiting minus.
Brass monkey weather.
@p.a.: Cold with an F.
-20 here.
@raven: I know, I was teasing you. It’s always fun when you find that you have both chosen the same card.
Good Morning, Everyone ?
As a late in life child myself, I know that Baby Scapegoat will appreciate your love ❤ and wisdom, eventually. Older parents bring something different to the party.
@OzarkHillbilly: I just saved your recipe so I can make it next week.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
@Scapegoat: Wow! Congratulations and welcome to the biggest adventure anyone can have. Puts going to space for an adventure into the shade.
@NotMax: @WereBear:
When I did work outside, TWC was very important to me. In winter I’d look at the temps in the Northern tier states and wonder how the guys doing my job managed to do it.
In summer I’d do the same for Southern states.
Worked with a Wisconsin native. Wintertime we’d be encased in layers, he would have on a toque, zippered cotton hoodie, and KMart special 1/16 inch thick fiberfill vest. “Cold? 15 isn’t cold.”
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks for the recipe. Mr. Aimai got up and cleaned the kitchen for me. Now I’m working on my elaborate cornell box valentine for him, which is not going well. and then I will make an elaborate dinner. But nothing is really necessary. Pretty much every day is valentines around here.
Anything that makes making oatmeal easier…
I’ve started making overnight oatmeal to take to work with me (my hours are well before my breakfast time). No cooking, just refrigerating overnight. Couldn’t be easier and there are all kinds of variations.
Yeah, I’m like that now :)
@p.a.: After almost 40 years of working outside, checking the weather is the first thing I do everyday, even if I don’t have to go out in it anymore.
Spent many a winter in NY, PA and also MN, so can well understand his statement.
It’s all relative, but shall stick with Hawaii. ;)
@WereBear: It doesn’t feel very cold to me until it get’s below zero. Above that it’s just chilly. My Mediterranean wife disagrees.
Bobby Thomson
The new Deadpool movie is a fun date movie.
Bobby Thomson
If you look at history, Relublicans are always more motivated to vote by the Supreme Court than Democrats. Mitch knows what he’s doing.
@WereBear: My neighbor used to help a feral female cat; leave food out, and manage (with some considerable damage to herself) to get the cat into a carrier for vet visits. She said the cat would allow women to pet her, but never men. One day getting home from work Snowball (all white) was sitting on my steps and didn’t run away. I sat down next to her and she allowed me to pet her and scritch her ears. That was the first, last, and only time she ever got within 10 feet of me. Despite that, I was the one she left presents; dead birds, snakes, mice. She never left Doreen any.
Wow, great start to the day. Congratulations to you, mom and the actual kid!
@Scapegoat: congratulations on your gift to the future. Help mama goat get lots of rest and enjoy becoming a father!
Iowa Old Lady
@Scapegoat: I saw this in an earlier thread. What a beautiful baby!
I had to read through all the stuff from overnight before I got here because it was just too much fun to miss.
Congratulations to Scapegoat, Mamagoat and the brand new Billy the Kid. I seriously thought you meant an actual goat, though. Was looking forward to kid shots. It’s never too late to get some healthy habits going so you can chase after Billygoat as much as needed.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all you eternally young lovers. And to those who love, and give love. Don’t forget to celebrate that philemon side of love.
The generation absence of love in all forms in my life lead me to say fuck Valentine’s day. All the alone time is not doing me much good and probably doing me harm, but nothing is changing. A head’s up for nerds who wish to attend San Diego comic-con. Get registered now, because tickets go onsale the morning of the 20th.
The posters look great. Anyone have good advice about where to get a copy or two printed in poster size? Would the local copy/poster/sign shop do a good job, or are there specialists that make high quality prints? JPL offers a 40+ MB TIFF for download. Theoretically they might be offering some for sale (http://thejplstore.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=61_64), but nothing yet.
@Scapegoat: Congratulations to someone who is more meant to parent than I am.
It may have hit 0F here. My “new” ride has a thermometer reading on the dash keeping me apprised of how walnut-cracking cold it is outside.
Spousal ThresherK saw that it would be almost freezing tomorrow (IOW quite warmer) and, blast tradition, said “Let’s go out tomorrow instead of today!” Sometimes practicality is the most lovable trait in a life partner.
Betty Cracker
@Scapegoat: Congrats! Enjoy every minute of it. You won’t believe how fast it flies by.
Iowa Old Lady
@ruemara: I’m saying this clumsily, but I’m sorry you feel love is missing. May many friends come through for you soon.
@p.a.: I always thought that was training. Ergo, you needed to learn to hunt, and the cat figured (a) you were the most likely student to learn or (b) you needed the most help.
@ruemara: You always have us, ruemara; snarling pack of vitriolic jackals that we are.
Oops… that was supposed to comfort you.
Website problem:
Older posts pagination isn’t working.
I wanted to see a recent, but older thread, that’s not on the first page but can’t–all numbered pages show the same main page.
gives you all the posts for yesterday (02/13). You can put in any date you want.
@satby: me and the jackals. Sounds like I have my alt blues cover band.
But I appreciate you & Iowa saying that. I think people are very busy as adults and if you don’t fit into their scheme of things, its much harder as an adult to understand that maybe you should break your scheme once in a while, if you want to be a friend. And since most people are used to me being patient and waiting for when I am invited to their company, it doesn’t occur that, for once, maybe you should accept doing something I ask you to. Ergo, the last time I’ve been out with a friend was before Christmas. And I really could have used some advice before I had to decide whether to stay here another year or no, but no one has gotten back to me. I feel like a stuffed animal. Comforting to have around, but not exactly critical. Which is doing wonders for my trust issues.
Edited to add: that’s not their fault, since I respect that they have full lives. I’m just finding harder to deal with as I get more… whatever this is.
A couple of months ago I linked to a post of photos of foxes looking particularly contented and happy. So for Valentine’s Day, I guess foxes in love will do. http://www.boredpanda.com/fox-love-photography-wildlife-roeselien-raimond/
@ThresherK: b) I was 80lb thinner at the time. I’m not agin’ donated game, but I do prefer venison, rabbit, & pheasant.
@ruemara: and yet, in the whole wide world, the chances of you being the only person in this situation in your area would be small.
You need more friends, perhaps?
@WaterGirl: my parents once did that with anniversary cards.
@ruemara: I feel very similarly. My move to this area of Michigan to get more deeply involved in rescue was a good decision 8 years ago when I had a job that paid very well and let me work 75% from home. But it isolated me from many friends both with the distance and then with a choice of significant other that cemented the breach; a choice I might not have made if the isolation hadn’t made me so lonely.
So now having to leave is a mixed blessing; it means finding homes for all but 2 or 3 of my rescues and walking away from the house I put a great deal of work into; but I will take the opportunity to make new friends and continue to work in rescue even if I can’t foster to home as many animals.
It’s frustrating that the onus is always on us to reach out (you moved just a couple years ago, right?). But it is, so we just have to. I’m going to try to find new people to replace my IRL tribe; but in the meantime the community here has been my lifeline and in lots of ways is more my natural tribe than my previous friends were. So remember we really are here for you.
@satby: Seconded for ruemara.
And as someone who had to give up a full home rescue, I switched to blogging based on my expertise, and it has worked out well.
You still have lots to contribute, I’m sure.
You and your contributions are very much appreciated here. In fact, I wish I were back in San Diego for a nice warm meet-up!
@WereBear: You are my role model!
@Denali: me too, I love San Diego!
No One You Know
@ruemara: There were years I felt the same way. It was a long time before things changed.
It’s really hard to make friends as an adult.
@WereBear: true. I just find that it increases the cycle of not being able to connect to new people, since I’m not so sure about the people who know me better. I know it as an academic question but the solution is still escaping me.
@satby: aww, I’m sorry you have to give up the rescues but WereBear is right, there is still so much to contribute still. Look at how she’s doing it. I’m waiting to check out the new channel, Were.
Satby, will you have the chance to do rescue work when you move? I also completely understand about the house.
@ruemara: Sorry, late to the thread today. I’m in San Diego and be delighted to meet up with you. How do I contact you?
@OzarkHillbilly: With current engine tech it would take a decade to get to Io. Ain’t no rich person paying for that.
Congratulations on your beautiful baby. Being a parent may seem intimidating now — and the next 2 or 3 months of sleep deprivation and radical lifestyle changes may seem endless — but trust me, in 6 months you’ll have forgotten all of that and in a year you’ll wonder how you ever got along without him. So revel and wallow in every spit-up and dirty diaper, because caring for someone who is utterly dependent on you is the greatest experience you can have in your life — and it’ll be over before you know it. It was 38 years ago for me and it’s still the most wonderful thing ever.
@glaukopis: I was so happy to see your comment that it brought a tear to my eye. I just sent ruemara an email message with your comment, so hopefully she will get back to the thread and see it.
edit: I love the word delighted. Such a happy word!
@ruemara: I will always do rescue work :)
It’s just going to take a different approach, I will only be able to keep a couple at a time instead of the 12 at a time I averaged up until Maggie and Biggie went over the bridge. I’m getting much more focused on spay /neuter support.
@glaukopis: @WaterGirl: that is awesome!
WereBear and Satby said it well. It is harder to make friends as we age. That being said it is also just as possible as always to find friends in the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times.