Insanely stupid. They deleted the tweet, eventually. But no apology.
Watta buncha classless dicks.
That’s one thing both Sanders and Clinton supporters can agree on.
Howard Beale IV
Stonekettle went all Navy on their ass-and it was glorious.
The Dangerman
So, how big of an asshole do you have to be to agree to be Trump’s VP running mate, setting yourself up for being the number two in a historic beat down?
Step 1, make us believe they are who we think they are.
Step 2, prove we were wrong by behaving far worse.
Rinse, repeat…to victory!
@MazeDancer: Republicans don’t do apologies. Apologies require at least an understanding of contrition (felt or not) and that’s not a condition they’re familiar with.
Kirk has been running some rough attack ads. It infuriates me.
He’s the guy who embellished his record and falsely claimed that he was taking fire in Iraq.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: VoteVets sent out an action alert email about this this afternoon. Absolutely amazing, not that no one thought this was not an appropriate way to try to make this point (despite it being inaccurate), but that no one thought how it would be perceived given Congresswoman Duckworth’s service related injuries.
It’s the Karl Rove playbook. Attack the opponent at their perceived point of strength. They pulled the same disgusting bullshit on John Kerry.
@John: it’s almost like republicans don’t believe that honorable war veterans could possible be democrats.
Mike in NC
Scumbag asshole.
Mary G
So in only one tweet, they manage to offend vets, the disabled, women, and people of color/those who support them. Please proceed, Republicans.
joel hanes
A similarly vile and baseless slur actually worked against Max Cleland, IIRC.
They know their base.
@joel hanes:
Isn’t their base already on their side? I understand they don’t like who the largest portion of the base likes but surly they can figure out that no one but the base is going to buy this shit.
OK just typing that makes me laugh.
We keep asking if they can be this dumb and they keep answering “YES, FOR FUCKS SAKE YES!”
I think it would be interesting if Duckworth responded with something like “I lost my legs serving my country. The Rethugs seem to think that the best thing about still having legs is to use them to kick our Veterans in the teeth, time and again.”
It doesn’t really flow the way I’d like — perhaps a real wordsmith to do something with it — but I think it gets the point across in a somewhat-pointed way.
@SFAW: “Keep it up if you wanna see how badly you lose an ass-kicking contest to a legless veteran.”
What an interesting choice of words — Duckworth, a double amputee, who lost her legs in combat (in a Republican war), won’t “stand up” for her fellow veterans. Trumposis (foot-in-mouth-head-up-ass disease) is endemic in the Republican Party. The English language is in need of some new words. Old words like scumbags and depraved are simply inadequate to describe these monsters.
Did y’all read James Fallow’s Atlantic piece about Chicken Hawk America?
Republicans see the men and women in the military as dollar poker chips in their member-measuring contests. Then, back home, ta-hell with ’em. In fact, ta-hell with them when they are in the field too (inadequate gear, training or medical assistance, etc.)!
And if any jumped up Johnny or Jane thinks their service record means they should get a place at the table where the services are discussed, just destroy them as unpatriotic cowards.
Reince and repeat
This kind of tactic has been a Republican thing for a long time – just thinking about their purple heart bandaids makes me angry!
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Everyone thinks they’re Trump now.
Insanely stupid. They deleted the tweet, eventually. But no apology.
Watta buncha classless dicks.
That’s one thing both Sanders and Clinton supporters can agree on.
Howard Beale IV
Stonekettle went all Navy on their ass-and it was glorious.
The Dangerman
So, how big of an asshole do you have to be to agree to be Trump’s VP running mate, setting yourself up for being the number two in a historic beat down?
Step 1, make us believe they are who we think they are.
Step 2, prove we were wrong by behaving far worse.
Rinse, repeat…to victory!
@MazeDancer: Republicans don’t do apologies. Apologies require at least an understanding of contrition (felt or not) and that’s not a condition they’re familiar with.
@Baud: Yup. It’s now all Donald, all the time.
After the hachet job the Republicans pulled on Max Cleland, nothing surprises me.
@MazeDancer: no apology, they doubled down.
And the hell with the GOP.
Kirk has been running some rough attack ads. It infuriates me.
He’s the guy who embellished his record and falsely claimed that he was taking fire in Iraq.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: VoteVets sent out an action alert email about this this afternoon. Absolutely amazing, not that no one thought this was not an appropriate way to try to make this point (despite it being inaccurate), but that no one thought how it would be perceived given Congresswoman Duckworth’s service related injuries.
It’s the Karl Rove playbook. Attack the opponent at their perceived point of strength. They pulled the same disgusting bullshit on John Kerry.
@John: it’s almost like republicans don’t believe that honorable war veterans could possible be democrats.
Mike in NC
Scumbag asshole.
Mary G
So in only one tweet, they manage to offend vets, the disabled, women, and people of color/those who support them. Please proceed, Republicans.
joel hanes
A similarly vile and baseless slur actually worked against Max Cleland, IIRC.
They know their base.
What the rest of us think is beside the point.
@The Dangerman:
maybe paul ryan will take the job again.
@joel hanes:
Isn’t their base already on their side? I understand they don’t like who the largest portion of the base likes but surly they can figure out that no one but the base is going to buy this shit.
OK just typing that makes me laugh.
We keep asking if they can be this dumb and they keep answering “YES, FOR FUCKS SAKE YES!”
They can’t help but be mean. It’s who they are.
I think it would be interesting if Duckworth responded with something like “I lost my legs serving my country. The Rethugs seem to think that the best thing about still having legs is to use them to kick our Veterans in the teeth, time and again.”
It doesn’t really flow the way I’d like — perhaps a real wordsmith to do something with it — but I think it gets the point across in a somewhat-pointed way.
@SFAW: “Keep it up if you wanna see how badly you lose an ass-kicking contest to a legless veteran.”
What an interesting choice of words — Duckworth, a double amputee, who lost her legs in combat (in a Republican war), won’t “stand up” for her fellow veterans. Trumposis (foot-in-mouth-head-up-ass disease) is endemic in the Republican Party. The English language is in need of some new words. Old words like scumbags and depraved are simply inadequate to describe these monsters.
Did y’all read James Fallow’s Atlantic piece about Chicken Hawk America?
Republicans see the men and women in the military as dollar poker chips in their member-measuring contests. Then, back home, ta-hell with ’em. In fact, ta-hell with them when they are in the field too (inadequate gear, training or medical assistance, etc.)!
And if any jumped up Johnny or Jane thinks their service record means they should get a place at the table where the services are discussed, just destroy them as unpatriotic cowards.
Reince and repeat
This kind of tactic has been a Republican thing for a long time – just thinking about their purple heart bandaids makes me angry!