Ted Cruz should’ve thought twice before ratfvcking Dr. Carson in Iowa. Per the Washington Post:
MIAMI — Conservative favorite Ben Carson, who last week suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, plans to endorse Donald Trump on Friday morning, according to two people familiar with his thinking.
The endorsement, perhaps the most high-profile nod for Trump since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie backed him, was finalized Thursday morning when Carson met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, the luxury club owned by the Republican front-runner, the people said…
The support of Carson, a famed retired neurosurgeon and author, will likely give Trump a boost with GOP base voters and evangelicals, who embraced Carson’s campaign in its early days and fueled his brief rise to the top of Republican primary polls…
Appearing Thursday on Fox News radio, Carson hinted that he is “certainly leaning” toward a candidate and spoke highly of Trump.
“There’s two Donald Trumps. There’s the Donald Trump that you see on television and who gets out in front of big audiences, and there’s the Donald Trump behind the scenes,” he said. “They’re not the same person. One’s very much an entertainer, and one is actually a thinking individual.”…
Sure, Trump’s a dishonest, vain, philandering blowhard and hypocrite, but at least he’s not Ted Cruz!
Apart from cheering (continuing) confusion among our enemies, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
I’m sure Trump would be a fine President, don’t you think, dear?
There’s another GOP debate tonight. Given how things are going, it might very well be the last one – the crowning of the hairpiece.
Should I watch?
That’s interesting, because it just so happens that there’s two Ben Carsons…
Twitter speculation centers around Trump buying Carson’s mailing list. Amassing that list was, basically, the reason Carson was running.
Locking in the crucial Egyptian millers’ vote.
There is but one Ted Cruz. And that’s Cruz’s problem.
John Cole
And Anne Laurie still doesn’t read my twitter feed. I’m starting to have my fee fees hurt.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
Interesting clip of Lindsey Graham in the Judiciary committee on the Hayes show just now, basically saying the Republicans are poisoning the institution and setting a bad precedent, but “I support what you’re doing, Mr Chairman, and I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong.”
I find him frustrating because he’s one of the few to recognize what they’re doing, but he still plays along. Like Warner, Snowe and Lugar before him before they walked away from the damage they did. (Boehner, too, though he was dumber than any of those others).
Fair Economist
I won’t cheer this, because what we want is a protracted and unpleasant a Republican nomination as we can manage. With Rubio flaming out, Trump will probably win Florida, so anything that helps Trump is bad.
Mary G
Grifters gotta stick together. Also Dr. Ben has to get back at Ted Cruz for the ratfucking in Iowa.
When you so offend your fellow taliban members that they choose to endorse a complete infidel, the you know you’re an asshole
Can’t answer for you. I plan to, partly because I’m a glutton for punishment, partly because I want to see if there’s another train wreck, and partly because I genuinely want to see whether the moderators or other candidates will make Trump address the increasingly urgent issue of physical violence at his rallies. Given the four moderators who have been announced (Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of CNN, Hugh Hewitt (WHY??), and someone who “writes” for the Washington Times, my hopes aren’t vey high. But I’ll watch anyhow.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
Good god
I’d like to think an endless loop of “I believe the memo was entitled…” and “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud…” would put an end to this. But I don’t get the sense she’s much interested in public life anymore. Not that we’ve talked.
@John Cole: Do you read hers?
@PsiFighter37: I will if you will.
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
I’m looking forward to it. We haven’t had a really good world war in 70 years
@Mary G: But I thought Carson and Cruz had come out of the closet together. Maybe that wasn’t a metaphor after all.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist
Rice/Yoo ’16!
Wrong to Rise.
John Cole
@redshirt: No idea what it is. She’s never posted it.
Let’s hope the Trump brand lies smashed to smithereens when this cruel war is over.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: she’s waiting for roger goodell to step down (or go to prison) so she can be NFL commissioner.
Bill E Pilgrim
The endorsement may well be aimed at Ted Cruz, however it will be deflected by Cruz’s Bible Belt buckle.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Mr. Q is making a hot toddy with Alton Brown’s recipe. I told him to just go ahead and make me one too. Perhaps it will help with my withdrawal symptoms, as it seems unlikely Adam will compete with a debate thread to give me (and LAO and Steve in the ATL) a fix.
And I’ll be equipped for a debate drinking game.
@Schlemazel (parmesan rancor): Earth loves nothing better then a cleansing tonic.
@John Cole: You know it’s also a sidebar on the page.
@redshirt: We do have a good win streak.
But then, we didn’t start the first two.
“Ach, people don’t know vat a warm-hearted gentleman the Führer is in person.”
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
It really is becoming a train wreck, isn’t it?
Bill E Pilgrim
CNN video player has 8:46 PM ET: RNC Chair Speaks onscreen and my first thought was oh is it finally going to answer Clint Eastwood?
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@debbie: @Bill E Pilgrim: Clint Eastwood’s Stool in 2016!
wait a minute…
@Bill E Pilgrim: “On behalf of all pieces of furniture, I endorse Barack Obama for President.”
RNC PR BS: “We’re a united party, honestly we are. Please ignore the blood on the floor.”
Bill E Pilgrim
“Let me be clear, no matter how disgusting and unsuitable the Republican Presidential nominee is, the Republican Party will support him!”
Felonius Monk
Actually, it’s everyone’s problem.
Bill E Pilgrim
Actual CNN dialog:
John King: “The steaks are enormous”
Anderson Cooper: “Enormous steaks…”
I might not be spelling that correctly but that’s how I heard it.
@NotMax: Making torture legal again!
Major Major Major Major
Readin’ me some Greywalker urban fantasy, writin’ me some fish stories, workin’ on my night moves, ignorin’ me some triggers (Donald Trump), paintin’ me some paintin’s
I am watching the.Canadian State Dinner coverage on CSPAN. They’ve had the Social Secretary, the florist, the Chef and the Sous Chef. Not one white male. Also too the Obamas and Trudeaus are two seriously hawt couples. Hawter than any of the GOP candidates.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Carson, who last week suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, plans to endorse Donald Trump on Friday morning, according to two people familiar with his thinking.
How unpleasant life must be for those two people who are familiar with Dr. Carson’s thinking. Like having a mental disorder on someone else’s behalf.
It’s already surreal.
Like the scorpion, he can’t help it. It’s his nature.
@Aleta: I was just thinking I need to stop hanging out here because I’ve gotten to the point where Republicans just look strange.
“Our goal is a serious debate on the issues”. Yeah, let’s chalk this one up in the L column right now.
Let’s all skip the Republican debate and just watch the Trudeau Obama press conference. I don’t think I can take another barbarian spectacle.
The only future I see is DOOM.
Betty Cracker
God, I hate Rubio. I hope Trump squashes him like a palmetto bug on Tuesday.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
Camile Pagllia’s fellow Salonier Thomas Frank is selling a book called “Listen, Liberal”, so I’ve got the TV muted.
Hayes called it “provocative” in the the way people call something they don’t like created by someone they do “interesting”
Ben, how’d you like to be Surgeon General?
I’m sure the RedStaters are all in a huff. They’d already turned on Ben awhile back.
The more daggers, the better in the back of Ted Cruz. Rubio will be endorsing the Donald in two weeks just as pay back for Ted’s trying to land the coup de grace in FL this week.
Crazy good looking.
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
@MomSense: Rachel Maddow has Elizabeth Warren for a live interview
and somebody called Hillary Clinton
The Lodger
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: Get the Clorox!
Anne Laurie
@John Cole: I have to rush my posts out for you to bigfoot, dear.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: I might watch that.
The Republican Party is chaos.
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist:
Ooh, thanks for that.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Betty Cracker: I hate Cruz more, but that’s probably because he scares me since he’s a true believing dominionist.
PS – What are the drinking words? Mr. Q brought me a hot toddy.
Trump: “I’m an expert in robbing banks, therefore I should run the FDIC.”
There is a dedicated thread up.
Bill E Pilgrim
Hmm, interesting theory. The Cone of Silence does sound appealing at this point…
Anne Laurie
@John Cole: Don’t have one; I’m strictly a twitter-lurker. There’s only so much social media I can handle, and you can’t afford to have me drop off the front page here!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Ooh,
Major Major Major Major
@Anne Laurie: no, no we cannot!
Southern Beale
Two Tennessee state house representatives dined at the downtown Hooter’s in Nashville last week … and they tipped as well as you might expect Republicans to tip. In other words, zero. Well, one wrote “SORRY” on her receipt.
Betty Cracker
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): If you take a tiny sip every time Rubio says “21st century,” you’ll be down for the count by 10 pm ET. ????
Jim, Foolish LIteralist
…and Loretta Lynch on Colbert big night for Dem women on the television
@Bill E Pilgrim: Thread won. Thanks to all who played.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Betty Cracker: I’ll make them extra tiny then.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Cone of Silence? I think what we’re waiting for is the Cone of Shame – and a decision on which one(s) will wear it.
Gotta ask: with all the Trumphobia running rampant, isn’t this the better solution? Better campaigning against the truly certifiable b#tsh!t-crazy than against the patently evil. Crazy can still do good occasionally: evil just does the one thing.
Agreed. Trump Crazy>Evil Ted
Look All, I am real tired of the tRump is Hitler thing. Clearly you are not going BIG. tRump is obviously SAURON… Can’t you see him using his Powers to suck in Fallen Lady Palin, the dark lord of NewJersey, and now the evangelicalcoloreddude. His Magic is deep and dark. Not to be stopped by the witch of wall street.
ONLY THE PURE can halt total evil, SENIOR BERN.
I cannot see how that escaped you smart folk….
priscianus jr
Hey, that makes about as much sense as anything else Carson ever said.
No One You Know
@Jim, Foolish LIteralist: Oh, for a comma, that I, too, might be a literalist. Did someone call Hillary as a result, or did Hillary join Elizabeth on the show? (I’ve been living under a rock, lately.)