Trump’s Doral golf resort also has been embroiled in recent non-payment claims by two different paint firms, with one case settled and the other pending. Last month, his company’s refusal to pay one Florida painter more than $30,000 for work at Doral led the judge in the case to order foreclosure of the resort if the contractor isn’t paid.
Juan Carlos Enriquez, owner of The Paint Spot, inSouth Florida, has been waiting more than two years to get paid for his work at the Doral. The Paint Spot first filed a lien against Trump’s course, then filed a lawsuit asking a Florida judge to intervene.
In courtroom testimony, the manager of the general contractor for the Doral renovation admitted that a decision was made not to pay The Paint Spot because Trump “already paid enough.” As the construction manager spoke, “Trump’s trial attorneys visibly winced, began breathing heavily, and attempted to make eye contact” with the witness, the judge noted in his ruling.
That, and other evidence, convinced the judge The Paint Spot’s claim was credible. He ordered last month that the Doral resort be foreclosed on, sold, and the proceeds used to pay Enriquez the money he was owed. Trump’s attorneys have since filed a motion to delay the sale, and the contest continues.
Enriquez still hasn’t been paid.
The excerpt above comes from USA Today‘s expose on Donald Trump’s litigious business practices (h/t: Talking Points Memo). Click through and read the whole, and quite unsurprising, thing.
Trump: Bringing the GOP’s views on government to the private sector.
I hear that Trump is working on a big speech, to be delivered Monday. The Democrats should hit him again on Monday, before he gives the speech. Call him Fraudster Trump. Demand to see those tax returns.
His supporters are looking at his fraudulent practices as just proof that he is a sharp, hard hitting businessman. If those he beats are suckers, that’s just tough for them.
The Trump Discount strikes. Here’s hoping the term enters Hillary’s lexicon, and soon. Enriquez…sounds suspiciously…Mexican! Wonder what Trump’s Cuben butler thinks, he seems nice.
There was a long blog post about all the flaws Herr Trump had, and for every single one it ended, “his supporters do not care.” They’ll write this all off as librul media lies against their new overlord. Trump really is the Cleek’s Law candidate. They believe he pisses off libs and that’s their only concern.
Trump is turning into the gift that keeps giving,
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: Senator Warren is going to work him over tonight in a speech in DC. If I can find a link to a live feed, I’ll post it up as a thread.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Is Trump’s goal to prove every Liberal sterotype of a conservative buisnessman. So is child slave labor next from him?
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: Unfortunately this is as true as the fact that emerges from large amounts of evidence that he’s also a deadbeat and a cheat.
a comment from LGM, more eloquent than I could hope to be (which is why I’m copypasting it here):
@Yutsano: It’s not really about turning off his supporters, all of this is about limiting his appeal beyond the Republican base.
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: I’ve spent my life working for conservative businessmen. The stereotypes are true.
I watched the NBC Nightly News tonight (maybe for the first time ever) just to get the MSM coverage of the events of the day. This was featured within maybe the first ten-fifteen minutes or so.
ETA: also had interviews with some of the people in the article who didn’t get paid
@LAO: …unless you are doing work for him.
Adam L Silverman
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: The article reports something around 50 or so NLRB complaints filed in the past few years. So most likely yes.
@Trollhattan: “Trumped”? “Trump Uncle”? “Trump Giver”? There’s a treasure trove of slang there (and the reworking of racist terms is a bonus)…
The Dangerman
Trump must have taken the Walmart University course on how to fuck over your vendors; this stuff is so ridiculous. Pay your bills, assholes.
ETA: There’s a lot of people in Cleveland that should be making sure they get paid, in cash, upfront.
@LeonS: Trump of Coal
ETA: Don’t be one of Trump’s chumps.
Adam L Silverman
@The Dangerman: And its penny ante crap. He’d stiff the contractors telling them they did substandard work and then ask them to work on other projects. Most likely because he figured he could knuckle them again since they’d already caved once.
One of Trump’s main constituencies is the small businessman. This is an example (and there are many) that Trump is a chiseler and a cheater of small businesses. Pound on these stories and these supporters will disappear also.
Fraud, cheat, liar, deadbeat, skip artist, conman. Take your pick, they all apply.
Also, is the Doral the golf course the PGA quit and moved to Mexico City? Could this impending foreclosure have something to do with that?
@Adam L Silverman: This is the same person who plans on paying only 75 percent on the dollar for all treasury notes, in order to reduce the deficit. He said that because that is how he works.
Barbara Res supposed to be on Maddow’s show today.
Mike J
@Scott: PGA said it was because they couldn’t sign any sponsors with Trumps name attached.
@JPL: Oh, that would make a nice ad. Juxtapose that with what he’s doing to his contractors.
Donnie has no national rapid response team.
He considered himself, his instant 24/7 media access, and Twitter to be that in the primary.
He also has no state chair in Ohio.
Paul Ryan is the newest member of the ‘Freedom Caucus’, showing the complete moral bankrupcy of the GOP.
Adam L Silverman
@Scott: It is and no. They moved it for the primary reason that once Cadillac pulled out as the primary sponsor of the racist and xenophobic remarks they couldn’t get another one if they didn’t relocate the tournament. The secondary reason was to distance themselves from Trump and those remarks as the PGA continues to try to broaden its appeal beyond middle and upper class whites.
I really hope some of this stuff damages him, but I’m not expecting much.
Oddly, I have a feeling it may be something that seems really weird and relatively minor that becomes the tipping point to some kind of emperor has no clothes moment.
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: And the main victims there will be the majority of Americans that hold treasury bonds in their portfolios. And then everyone else as the global economy comes completely off its moorings.
@hovercraft: Now I’m curious about their hazing ritual.
@Mike J:
It makes me wonder who’d win in a golf match between Trump and Kim Jong-un.
“It’s a negative 7 tie!”
How did the entire “deep bench” miss all of this?
Ah who cares, they were all too cowed by Trump and desperate for his voters to use any of it anyway
Follow the money. Story was that Cadillac exercised a clause to drop its longstanding sponsorship of the tournament and no other sponsor(s) was/were forthcoming if the tournament was held at that venue.
[Inserts generic, gratuitous insult towards Sanders supporters here, merely to prove trolls right.]
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Given that he changed the amendment process yesterday, which reneged on his promise to the Freedom Caucus, he is most definitely not a member. They are very, very put out at the moment.
If someone repeatedly entered into contracts with no intention of ever paying, why does it not constitute fraud? I realize it’s hard to prove intent, but it’s a very long term pattern of behavior, and it’s a strategy that he brags about in his books. He gets away with it because the only recourse is to sue, and his pockets are deeper than those of the small business people he stiffs. What would it take to get a criminal fraud case?
I’ve given up hoping for that special Donny moment that craters his campaign. There is no Whitey Tape because they’re all Whitey Tapes. God, I just depressed myself.
@different-church-lady: See? Cats playing with mice. *snicker*
@germy: I dunno… Trump strikes me as the kind of guy who would have live hookers in his closets.
Donald Duck didn’t try that shit with the real gangstas since they would have been all Paulie like: Fuck you, pay me.
@different-church-lady: dead hookers in his closets.
ETA: should’ve tracked back, oops.
Think you may be confusing Ryan with Warren Davidson, who won the special election for Boehner’s former seat on Tuesday, was sworn in today, and immediately jumped with both feet into that fetid pool.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Come on! It’s not like Trump used a private email server or something!*
* this will be my standard response to everything until the private email server excuse for disliking HRC disappears.
@Adam L Silverman: Hey it’s just business.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Ah, so you’re in for the long haul.
They better start caring, before he starts writing them a slew of bad checks.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: So forever then? Teeheehee
@hovercraft: Actually the guy who was elected to Boehner’s seat joined the Freedumb caucus, not Ryan.
Schlemazel Khan
Well, he is the grift that keeps on taking so it balances out
Ultraviolet Thunder
Dangerous Donald is a chiseler; someone who will work hard to steal a small sum. It is penny ante. Maybe he feels like he has to screw the little guy to uphold his reputation as a hardass.
@LAO: They started out live, not his fault they didn’t get out.
@NotMax: @Adam L Silverman: Right, my bad.
CSPAN is airing Warren’s speech.. link
@JordanRules: With the press putting their thumbs, index fingers, their entire foot on the scale for Donny, the best we can hope for is a continual deluge of drip, drip, drip moments. No real tipping point but a Trump is a fucking crook portrait WILL be painted.
It won’t matter to his short bus riding followers but they are a small subset despite their delusions of grandeur.
well, to be fair, fraud has been a long standing tactic of the GOP for some time now, when you consider how they’ve characterized the following:
Planned Parenthood
Gun legislation
9/11 First responders
Climate change
It’s fraud every step of the way, so if anything, this should allow them to clasp The Donald to their collective bosom, he is truly one of them….
30k is what a billionaire’s butler finds between the sofa cushions.
Corner Stone
@JPL: She’s going full Mad Max brutal on Trump’s ass.
@Feebog: They may all apply but Deadbeat’s got alliteration.
Warren just called the republican candidate for President, a thin skinned racist bully.
Actually, Bob IS My Uncle
Trump needs new trial counsel. You NEVER show when you’re hurt. NEVER.
@Corner Stone: Yes she is.
Corner Stone
Jeebus Fucking Christ.
Someone throw in the freakin’ towel for Trump already. Damn.
Dangerous Donald gives him too much credit. Deadbeat Donald or Con Artist Donald (CAD) paint him more truely,.
@Corner Stone: Reince Priebus must be so proud.
Corner Stone
Now she’s trashing Republican leaders. Damn she is fucking awesome at the podium.
Feudalism Now!
This will not dissuade Trump’s hardcore supporters, but the tepid tribal republicans? They might sit this one out instead of holding their nose and thinking of St. Ronnie.
Pour it on! Make Trump an albatross for down ticket Gooper. “Do you support chiseling small businesses?”
For those of you on twitter, @irin is live twitting the Warren speech. It appears to be a humdinger.
There is no too far for the hardcore base, nothing is too far for them. The hope is for the rest of America. A sliver of hope today the useless Rassmussen has Hillary picking up 4 points in the las week and fox also has her up 3. So unlike in the primary where his dickishness always drove his numbers up, that’s not happening here, so far.
@Feudalism Now!: Screw turning towards the general. It’s time to start thinking about re-election.
Corner Stone
At this point I would not be the tiniest bit surprised if she started turning green and ripped her tattered clothes off as she grows to 3 or 4 times her normal size.
Corner Stone
Is this thing on? This speech needs to be posterized for the record of the ages. Holy shit.
Actually, Bob IS My Uncle
The thing that burns me the most about this story is that I’ve seen it before. Locally owned business gets big contract, puts hours of time and loads of money into it, and gets stiffed by some rich fuck who can afford to pay but says “fuck you, sue me,” then drags it through the courts until the local business dies. ASSHOLES. Someone needs to put that Paint Spot guy in a dozen ads. Two dozen.
Mary G
@Jeffro: Yes, why didn’t one of the other 16 candidates or the RNC bring this up last fall? Is Jeb! with his $100 million and their entire consultancy class that stupid and incompetent? How about the dozen plus friends of Bill Kristol that filled up a special issue of National Review? Could not one of them get off their asses and down to the the ccourthouse to get this? The Democrats must be laughing their asses off.
Corner Stone
@LAO: It’s fucking brutal. This is brutal. I am stunned.
Amir Khalid
It’s occurred to me: if Hillary is the Hermione Granger of presidential candidates, then the Donald is Mundungus Fletcher.
I have a friend who develops real estate. Years ago he was complaining about how his business is very tough. I asked him how it could be tough to make a buck and cited Trump. I asked how Trump made so much money. My friend said Trump was well known for simply not paying people. This was all at least 15 years ago.
I predict we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Before this is over his relatives won’t want to be seen in public with him. An authentically nasty person, and it will be on display 24/7, even if he never says another word.
@Corner Stone: Maybe we’re lucky Coakley blew that special election after all.
Corner Stone
I wait with small fresh bait fish breath to see what in the absolute fuck Trump can possibly come back to rebut this absolute masterpiece takedown Warren is spitting out.
@Mary G:
Jeb! proved to many’s surprise that George is indeed the smart one. Please Clap.
Corner Stone
Warren looks like she wants to punch a motherfucker in the mouth and is daring you to try and stop her.
This is a blistering, barn burner of a speech,
Equal justice under law.
@Corner Stone: So was that as good for you, as it was for me?
I can’t believe Warren isn’t telling people to stay home in Nonmember.
Not true. Come August they will attempt the “Warm, Compassionate Trump” retrofit.
It’ll last about 36 hours.
@LAO: Equal Justice under Baud!
@Corner Stone: She absolutely hulked out! It was awesome.
Trump’s really dedicated to trying to make that ‘Crooked Hillary’ nickname stick, but it’s really not getting any traction. Not surprising, since it’s not his best work; just an unappealing set of syllables which don’t exactly roll off of the tongue.
Deadbeat Donald, on the other hand? Now that’s a nickname with some legs. It alliterates, it’s downright iambic, and it has the benefit of actually being true.
Ultraviolet Thunder
To too many people, Trump’s successful screwing of the little guy will be seen as the sign of a good businessman.
The GOP used to BE the party of small business. Back before Nixon anyway.
Whether Trump’s current supporters care about any of his horrible behavior is irrelevant to the campaign. Anyone who supports Trump after just the things he’s done publicly since he announced was never going to be a Democratic vote. (And contrary to his assertions, he didn’t bring in a lot of new Republican voters, he just got people who vote Republican but don’t usually vote in primaries.)
So Trump supporters are basically sunk costs. Count them when when we’re estimating votes, but don’t put any campaign effort into persuading them. What matters on that side are people who might vote for Trump, or who usually vote GOP, and the more horrible true stories that come out, the more likely it is that they won’t.
Even that’s not the major part of the campaign effort. Most of what the campaign will do is finding and persuading voters to support our side, and though most of that is through the positive story we have to tell, Deadbeat Donald will definitely help.
Corner Stone
@JPL:I’ve never smoked a cigarette before but I am craving one.
God damn.
I wasn’t on the Liz Warren VP train.
But after that speech she just gave…where she set Trump’s pants ablaze basically.
Shit..sorry AL…Liz Warren for VP!
Amir Khalid
Hmm. Where’s srv?
@Baud: I thought you suspended your campaign. I haven’t been around much, have I missed something?
For those that missed Warren, I believe this is the watch from the beginning tape on Cspan. link
Warren starts around 14 minutes
Corner Stone
She wasn’t making him a foot soldier in the stupid army. She was saying that all the R leaders were hiding because Trump was saying what they all had been running on for decades.
Fuck you Tweety, you piece of garbage.
@LAO: I forgot.
is anyone monitoring Trumps twitter feed to make sure he’s ok ?
short-fingered discount?
Hungry Joe
In one of the Trump bios Trump explains how not to pay contractors: “You just don’t pay!” he said. “You just don’t pay!” Simple, but … well, not elegant, exactly. Still, it can be effective if you’re big and blustery and nasty enough.
Warren vs. Trump: The ref should’ve stopped it.
Adam L Silverman
@Trollhattan: Actually Johnson apparently posted something blockbustery on his site about Secretary Clinton the other day. Not sure if it includes a tape.
Corner Stone
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
To actual voters? If the little guy is white?
@JPL: Thanks! I had missed it.
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: Its just something.
@Mary G: What, and piss off their donors who do the same thing?
The reason the “deep bench” couldn’t take down Trump is they don’t actually disagree with any of the horrible stuff he does, only the way he does it. Democrats don’t have that handicap.
@Corner Stone: It’s like he willfully misunderstood Warren’s speech. I’ve already turned it off, switched to hockey.
That Warren speech was a barn-burner! Very passionate and convincing! Trump’s war on the judiciary is a threat to our very foundation of the rule of law! Stunningly good!
Mary G
And where the hell have all the rest of our so-called journalists been for almost a fucking year to miss a story that dates back to the 1980s?
Corner Stone
No way. I want this eloquent genius assassin outside the tent raining arrows down on the vile vulgar yam. An off-the-chain attacker that just shrugs her shoulders with a muted *sorry, not sorry* after she’s done destroying people.
Hot damn.
Uncle Cosmo
Late to the party as usual. Clicked over to C-SPAN & got the American Constitutional Society annual meeting (blargh). Would someone post a link to the complete Warren speech as soon as one is available? Thankykindly in advance.
(ETA: JPL at #95 was way ahead of me. Thankykindly!)
(ETA2: It was the ACS meeting after all. /blargh!)
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Liz Warren opening a can of whoooooop assssss on Trump’s fat phony ass.
phoebes from highland park
I read quite a few of the comments on the USAToday article and most were from still-delusional Trump supporters. Really a shame so many voters are such fools.
@hovercraft: I predict the words “unfair” and “sad!” will make an appearance.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: I feel confident Anne will post something on the EW speech but I am so completely aroused right now I thought you may want to bigfoot Cole? Mmmm? Mmm?
Matt McIrvin
@JordanRules: I’m not expecting any bombshell about Trump’s awfulness to take him out entirely, or run up the score to a landslide. His fans love that he’s an asshole; that’s part of the appeal to them, that America somehow needs an asshole. But the steady stream of stories should help keep his crossover/moderate appeal down.
Joyce H
@Mary G:
From my understanding, all the campaigns that hired actual professionals were sitting on reams and reams of this stuff, but didn’t want to ‘spend’ it too early. First because nobody took Trump seriously (and they were probably hoping to hit him up for donations after he dropped out), and second because they didn’t want to knock Trump out of the crowded field and ultimately benefit some other guy. So they were all holding back until they were the sole non-Trump left standing. Of course by then it was too late. You’ll notice that Rubio tried to make some hay off of Trump U late in the campaign but day late, dollar short.
Rick Taylor
@Mary G:
Trump even bragged about not paying contractors when they didn’t deserve it in his view. It wasn’t hard to see then he stiffed people when he felt like it, and thought he could get away with it. And yet, here he is, the Republican nominee.
Corner Stone
Warren to Trump in her best Jack Reacher bored voice, “Remember, you asked for this.”
the Conster, la Citoyenne
also “Pocahontas”. That’s all he’s got.
The Golux
That deep bench that was so extraordinarily shallow, and eviscerated by the shallowest contender of them all.
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: Just put up a fresh thread with the link. Thanks.
This is the attack that peels off his educated white voters. They are small, local/family business owners.
We have all been stiffed by the rich asshole who cuts a check for 85% of the amount and dares us not to cash it. He knows we need that money to pay our staff, write checks for the mortgage on our homes, make a car payment, buy the kids hockey blades…and he’s got us over a barrel.
Donald Trump is a deadbeat bully who kills small businesses because he can. Or he’s a liar who can’t afford to pay his bills. Either way, he’s a tax cheat, because he deducted the whole $84,600…so the little guy businessman paid his taxes, too.
Iowa Old Lady
The most brilliant part of that speech is that she not only ripped into Trump with vicious truth, but also she managed to tie together all the R screwing around with the judicial branch with Trump’s unhinged attack on Curiel.
I think Deadbeat Donald beats Don the Con as a nickname
Joyce H
@Joyce H:
And his complaint about substandard work would be easy enough for him to prove – IF it were true. (Which of course it isn’t.) If he didn’t pay the plumber or the carpenter or the painter because their work was substandard, he could simply produce the receipts that proved he had the work redone. Because he’s The Donald and everything that bears his name must be The Best, right?
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: Just put up the link for viewing enjoyment!
@Redshift: Also, don’t waste your time and effort trying to convince me and other Bernie dead-enders like me who would never vote for Hillary even with Warren, who we admire greatly, on the ticket and with Bernie’s endorsement. Her penchant for war is just too horrible to ignore. Voting only for down-ticket Dems seems to be my best option.
@Actually, Bob IS My Uncle:
He must not pay them very well/quickly either so he can’t hire the good ones.
@Adam L Silverman: thanks. Am re-watching because it is that good!
Joyce H
And all the stuff that’s coming out now is the EASY stuff! Most of this has already been reporting in the media somewhere or other over the years, and just has to be resurfaced. Imagine what else is out there?
I heard something recently that amused me – we know that really professional campaigns hire people to do oppo on their own candidate. They want to know what’s out there that their opponents will unearth. The Trump campaign didn’t do this. Trump vetoed it. I guess he figured he’s been a celebrity for years so there’s nothing new to find. Ha! You know the Dems have professional researchers not just going through the news archives but walking the streets and manning the phones and interviewing people. It’s going to be one body-blow after another for the next six months.
Trump isn’t just in a different league now, he’s playing an entirely different sport – and the beauty of it is that he doesn’t even know it. He showed up with his golf bag at the quidditch pitch.
Mike in NC
Crushing Donny Rotten is going to be so much fun.
Adam L Silverman
@Uncle Cosmo: Just put up a new thread with the link.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I just put up a thread with the link to it at C-Span. And am just now watching it.
Adam L Silverman
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: The current president of the Cherokee Nation has indicated that they have investigated, she is at least 1/28th Cherokee, as he is, and if she wishes to claim tribal status they will gladly award it.
Matt McIrvin
Or the CEO who keeps having mysterious administrative problems getting your paycheck on time and starts concocting increasingly elaborate schemes to try to get you to work for free.
It is unlikely that the news that Trump doesn’t pay his bills will discourage any of his voters. They’ll think he’s clever.
What could cause him trouble is that no vendors are going to sell his campaign anything without cash up front now that this nonpayment story is out again. If his campaign were separate from Himself like a normal campaign would be he could get around it but since he’s self-funded AND a known deadbeat surely all the vendors will refuse to deal with him?
Carl W
Indeed, according to the original article, some of the lawyers that Trump used to defend against non-payment lawsuits eventually turned around and sued Trump for non-payment. That would certainly make me nervous about signing up to represent Trump…
@Corner Stone:
Absolutely. Once you enter the Oval Office or become VP you are under constraint, as well you should be. You can let loose during election season, but not at will. Why someone would want her as VP is beyond me? I guess it’s about politics as some fantasy league sporting event.
Joyce H
This is just the first story of this type – stand by for many more. Most banks won’t lend to him, very few who know anything about him want to sell him something because he takes possession and then doesn’t pay. Pile enough of these stories up and point out the obvious – Donald Trump breaks his word. And then the knockout to the Trump supporters, after his promise-breaking, cheating, fraudster ways have been demonstrated over and over again – he doesn’t keep his word to ANYONE. What makes you think he’ll keep his word to you? You’ll vote for him because he’s going to build a wall, he’s going to deport all The Illegals? You really trust him to do what he says? After all this?
A Mexican! What do ya expect? Chances are the judge is either a Mexican (translation — any Hispanic or Latino living in the United States who disagrees in any way with Trump) or a Muslim. Given how many thousands of “Mexican” friends Trump has and how much they love him — really, folks, they’re crazy about him — I’m surprised Enriquez didn’t work for nothing. As for the judge, a recall must be in order.
Original Lee
Wow, what a speech! I think we ought to call stiffing the craftsmen the Trump short-fingered discount.
pseudonymous in nc
They should see how many of the people who’ve been stiffed by Trump they can fly to one place and fit on a stage. I assume they’d need a big stage, though they can pick a medium-sized stage and say ‘we couldn’t fit all of them on it.’
And I think the idea that he cheats the white guys with moustaches and Carhartts and F150s and toolbelts by saying they did low-quality work, then says ‘I’ll hire you again’ is going to resonate with people who thought that Trump was on their side, because he’s every shit boss or client they’ve ever had.
I couldn’t be prouder to say I am a part of the sisterhood which includes both Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. Women of a certain age who felt this time stirring in our souls for a long long time. Or as I remember a memorable fight with my ex-husband, as he sneeringly said to me, “look at you standing up for yourself!” and I replied “Yes and I think you had better get used to it!”
Yeah I think it’s worth pointing out to his angry voters that he brags about not keeping his word. They are angry the GOP hasn’t delivered on promises….Trump is the worst bet they have made. Not that he will turn out to be liberal, he’ll turn out to not be able or willing to actually bother doing anything.
Matt McIrvin
@pseudonymous in nc:
Those guys were famously Scott Brown’s base when he was running in Massachusetts. These days they’re putting huge Trump stickers on their trucks…
Original Lee
@Joyce H: Plus, he can’t get a csno license in Nevada, which should have them wondering why not.
@Joyce H:
70 cents on the dollar, baby. 70 cents on the dollar.
randy khan
I do hope you’re not serious. If you think Clinton creates a risk of sending the U.S. into war, Trump is a much greater risk because he has no clue what he’s doing and is belligerent (and certainly no less of a risk). On essentially every other issue, Clinton is much better than Trump if you’re a progressive.
@Actually, Bob IS My Uncle: Maybe the lawyers weren’t wincing at the testimony. Maybe they suddenly realized that Trump hadn’t paid them yet.
Surely you don’t think he can keep his mouth shut that long.
What is your basis for this belief? The AUMF? Yes, Bush and Cheney lied about the real purpose and we can argue about whether she should have known better than to trust them, but if you can find anything she has said that indicates a bloodlust, I’d like to see it.
War hawks don’t make peace deals with Iran. Also, Deadbeat Donald will be itching to pull the trigger on the first thing that can divert scrutiny of his many expected failures, and then use it as a pretext to declare martial law.
The Disney Corp also makes a profit from stiffing contractors for as long as possible. God forbid they should owe you substantial legal fees. I believe is a time-honored corporate tradition that needs to be stopped or at least penalized. Try not paying your utility bill because they’ve “been paid enough” already.