Since I’m inexplicably still awake here’s a late night treat:
Why are you still up?
Open thread.
ETA: Orange is NOT the new BLACK.
by TaMara| 79 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Since I’m inexplicably still awake here’s a late night treat:
Why are you still up?
Open thread.
ETA: Orange is NOT the new BLACK.
Comments are closed.
It’s not quite 10 pm and the insomnia medication hasn’t quite kicked in yet.
ETA: Also:
Because I’m in India and it’s 10am
TaMara (HFG)
@craigie: :-D
Prefer it to down.
Major Major Major Major
@Yutsano: It’s not me, is it?! ?
Dog Dawg Damn
Because it isn’t even midnight and y’all are old.
Because it appears that being awake at from 12:30ish until about 2ish most every night is my new normal.
Also, that video is awesome. BHO is the Man!
Because I’m Batman…
I’m off tomorrow!
I will so miss this President Badass.
Major Major Major Major
I’m awake because Sword Art Online II isn’t going to watch itself. Also it’s 10pm and I’m on vacation.
@Major Major Major Major: Of course it you. Since Obama is leaving in 7 months the new Balloon Juice catchphrase is “I blame Major Major Major Major”. Doesn’t quite have the same fluidity that “I blame Obama” has, but we’ll adjust.
It’s not yet 10. Plus I’m bored/tired/obsessing over my crush/have to finish some work
@Aqualad08: Aqualad08 it’s past your bedtime.
@ruemara: Who’s your crush?
They have the gas turned off here while they’re fixing a leak in the street, I’m hungry.
ETA: I could have a roast beef sandwich, but I want to make sure they turn on the pilot light in the water heater when they’re done with the street.
@redshirt: Probably the living embodiment of a Bad Idea, but at least it’s someone I know & hang out with.
TaMara (HFG)
Watching Fallon live and just woke all the animals in the house laughing while listening to Pres. Obama describe his “new” smartphone that for security reasons does nothing. “Does your 3 yr old have one of the fake phones, with the stickers – it’s like that.” Dying here.
Major Major Major Major
@TaMara (HFG): Heh. Poor guy.
TaMara (HFG)
@Major Major Major Major: His comic timing is spot on.
@Major Major Major Major: Only 7 more months and he can get a real phone.
@ruemara: Bad Ideas are usually good memories, unless you die. Don’t die!
@BillinGlendaleCA: Should have gone to Hillary’s IT guy.
TaMara (HFG)
Ok, I’ve released everyone from pending and spam. Must now take the dog out for one last time and finally get some sleep. Long day today will be followed by a long day tomorrow.
You kids behave…or not, that’s usually more fun.
Watching Seth Meyers.
Don’t think Fallon is a great interviewer, maybe he was just nervous, I don’t watch him. But POTUS was great. And to me the best line from the slow jam was about the TPP (no spoilers). Guy in the band cracking up in the background was worth it.
LG finally came out with a PC player for my 360 degree camera. It works pretty well, but is slow a crap loading videos, but the look stunning.
Major Major Major Major
I don’t think we’ll ever have a president… this fucking awesome ever again… no wonder the GOP hates him so. I guess they were right to be so afraid of letting him do anything, because even hamstrung, he’s made them look like cranky petulant children.
No, a real phone.
Did I hear that right? “Once you go Barack, you never go back”. I am at my sister’s in michigan and everyone else is asleep, so I tried to watch with the volume pretty low.
Once you go Barack, you never go back. I think that would make a great bumper sticker!
@efgoldman: Aren’t you treading on thin ice?
Carl W
@efgoldman: I participate in a weekly video chat with my parents, my sister/brother-in-law, and their 5-year-old daughter. A month ago the chat started a little early, because my niece had figured out how to start the chat and started it on her own initiative.
I need to create an innovative culture and a learning organization next month. Any ideas? July doesn’t seem to be the best month to do that, but it is, what it is.
Eric S.
Why am I still up? The fit hit the shan at work and I’m baby sitting our nightly computer programs. I think I’ll be heading to be soon. Ish.
I just watched the Warren speech a few threads ago. Great stuff! A thought. As great as it was – and it WAS – how limited is the reach? Not that Drumpf supporters are going to change their mind but how many in the indecisive / persuadable middle will ever know it happened?
Eric S.
In far more important news than The Lady is adopting two new kittens. Sadly she had to put down her cat, Elizabeth, just before Christmas. She’s now ready for a new adventure and a coworker of mine had some rescues. Sorry for the unclear pic but I’ll get more soon. She brings them home on Sunday.
joel hanes
I blame Major Major Major Major
[sings] Who promoted Captain Major Major Major ?
You could just refer to him as Caleb, as his poor mother wished
That was awesome.
And I wrote a nice comment, but FYWP ate it. So FY!wp, and I’m off to bed.
@Eric S.: Congrats! May you be blessed with the healthy kitten fairy but not the hairball fairy.
@redshirt: He makes me laugh and forget not to trust him. which I suppose is the opposite of dying.
@ruemara: Then go for it. What else are you waiting for?
Eric S.
@ruemara: Thanks. The Lady and I maintain separate households. It just what works for us at this point. My own home is ruled by The Great Ozzie.
Miss Bianca
Late night rehearsing for King Lear and an epic thunderstorm. Some early Star Trek and some melatonin and I’m still wide awake!
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: have you tried cracking out your cheeks
joel hanes
Late night rehearsing for King Lear
That sounds infinitely more attractive than debugging in a ten-script stack of perl.
Im up bc my neck & shoulder started throbbing and woke me up. Aspirin and heating pad helps.
As usual, the prez was great
joel hanes
@Eric S.:
Two new kittens is the right number. They keep each other company, which ultimately reduces their demands on you when they’re a bit older — plus they socialize to at least one other cat.
And cuteness goes up by the square of the number of kittens, so they’re four times cuter than one kittten.
An empty paper grocer’s “barrel” bag with a 3-inch hole cut in one bottom corner
and a feather-on-a-string cat toy, maybe a cardboard box, and you have years of entertainment.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Because it’s only 5pm here and it’s therefore Friday after work!
And because I now want to have Obama’s little black babies as well. *fans self*
Major Major Major Major
Anybody heard any good jokes?
Late for bed? Some of us have been at work for an hour, here in GMT +1
@Major Major Major Major:
How is Donald Trump going to create middle class jobs?
By paying them to cheer for him during campaign events.
Why is Donald Trump always seen with Melania?
Because all his other wives support Hilary.
Trump: “Foreign Policy?, if you mess with the United States, there will be hell toupee.”
Had a moment today… Went to the corner shop to buy some bacon as a Fri treat and turned out the $10 bill i put in my pocket was a $5 bill so I was a couple dollars short. The shop owner knows me and i asked him to hold onto the bacon for 5 min while I ran home. I was clearly very embarrassed but he was fine with it. So i’m heading towards the door and I say something like ‘i’ll be back in 5 min’ and the older man who’d been in the queue behind me piped to to say ‘oh no she won’t!’ – I whipped round because I thought he was being rude or claiming I wasn’t going to come back with money, but actually he opened his wallet, pulled out some change and paid the bit I was short. I offered to pay him back and I told him he really didn’t have to do that, but he demurred and paid anyways. I was taken aback at the random kindness. I was also really embarrassed (I don’t need someone to buy my food! I work hard to buy myself treats!), but it struck me as I was walking home that he didn’t know me from adam and that for me that was an embarrassing encounter, but for someone else with less financial security it might have meant getting a meal vs missing one. I went straight online and donated $50 to the local food pantry in that guy’s honour.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: *waves at you from southern NSW*
Because bedtime hasn’t been at this hour since I was eight.
If he’d add one more Major, we could blame it on M-5.
Major Major Major Major
@amk: OK I laughed at the toupee one :D
Carl W
@TheMightyTrowel: Thanks for the story! I just matched your donation.
Cuz I live in Hawaii, and it’s only 10PM out here?
That was his best State of the Union Address of all.
Because for about two months now I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night and not been able to get back to sleep. There’s been lots of days I been working on less that four hours of sleep.
I thought it was because of the stress of my documentary project. But we just finished most of our filming, and now there’s no longer any pressure to capture the subject before it’s gone. And yet, here I am, up at 4 am again. At least I don’t have to work today.
DRove 8 hours from baton Rouge to nashville, drinking a beer and puffing a bowl to wind down. Long but good drive, and I have enough crawfish carcasses to make stock for gumbo.
So, how was Madonna?
It’s not my fault I’m awake. The sound of right-wing heads exploding woke me up.
4 to 5 hrs is tough. Hope you can find out why.
I did that, 4-5 hrs sleep for 2 yrs. Now I’m good for about 6 hrs most days. Every once in a while I manage a glorious 7hrs. But it’s never continuous.
@Ruckus: I fell asleep about an hour ago, and now I’m wide awake. It’s raining a nice gentle rain, which is a nice sound to fall asleep to but now that I’m awake every little thing is bugging me. Ugh.
I guess I can go read book 5 in the Expanse series.
I was lying in bed awake for no good reason when we had a 5.2 earthquake centered 80 miles away and then the dog barfed. I’m waiting for the third bad thng to occur now. It was one of those long, rolling quakes, not the short sharp kind. The dog seems unconcerned by both events.
@Stella: I’m going to blame this earthquake for waking me, even though I’m about 1100 miles north.
I’m up because I’m going out with my camera to try to catch the dumpster company that keeps coming at 5:30am when they are not supposed to do it until 7:00 am! Our new bedroom is great but the windows open to the back and the beeping and slamming sucks!
Schlemazel Khan
Lets be honest here, that is no great feat, even a 3 year old could make today’s GOP look like cranky petulant children because they are. That he did it while appearing so calm and smooth was the trick.
I guess the gas company stopped working for the night; I have no gas, so no hot water and no cooking on the range.
@opiejeanne: Eh, what earthquake?
Schlemazel Khan
As for why I am awake, I find recently I am waking up sometime between 2 & 4 AM local (UTC -5). If it is near 2 I am usually able to go back to bed and get an hour or 2 before the alarm, days like today where it was going on 4 I am up for the day. This is a relatively new phenomenon in my life but it sounds like there are a few of us here on BJ that know this curse. Work on less that 4 hours sleep is . . . unhappy
@BillinGlendaleCA: I was woken just after 1, by this
@glaukopis: Not big enough to be felt out here.
@glaukopis: We used to hike there when I was a kid.
Got the trash truck on video!
Went to bed at 9:30 and woke up at 11:30 thinking it was three in the morning. Then woke again at 2:30 and for the last time at 4:49. Am up for good. Not too worried about being too tired today as I was out sick Monday and Tuesday, so the work week was truncated. Almost the weekend!
@Carl W: you’re amazing
Good morning, evening, whatever is appropriate for where you are!
On my best days I only sleep between 5-6 hours, and less than four really makes me crabby. Only difference now that I’m older is I used to go all day on 5 hours, but now I doze off in the late afternoon or early evening. Which then makes me too awake to go to bed at a reasonable time.
The best (and just about only good) thing about Fallon is the Roots, but this was great. Can’t believe there’s only 223 days left!