Two big-money donors who have given or raised tens of thousands of dollars for Donald Trump are livid at the Republican presidential nominee and are asking for their money back, according to a bundler who raised money for Trump.
“I cannot express my disappointment enough regarding the recent events surrounding Mr. Trump,” one donor wrote to a Trump fundraiser in an email with the subject line “Trump support withdrawal.”
“I regret coming to the Trump support event, and in particular allowing my son to be a part of it,” the donor, who had given to and raised money for Trump, said. “I respectfully request that my money be refunded.”
***A second donor also requested his money be returned because he is “mortified” over the leaked videotape, according to another email obtained by NBC News.
“I can not (sic) support a sexist man. I have three young children and will not support a crude sexist man,” the second donor wrote. “I expect a refund of my donation. Please process immediately and I thank you for your help.”
How were they supposed to know?
That was August 2015.
Big R
How is this not tagged “Hoocoodanode?”
Can we just vote now, for fuck’s sake?
Bwahahahahahahahahahah that’s not how the Grift-O-Matic 2016 works!
Stupid marks.
Mary G
There’s no violin small enough.
If you feel the Corvair is not safe, just leave it in the field beside the Subaru.
Another scene is “Casino with a heart” one of my all time favorite scenes and Gary Marshal is brilliant.
Early Voting Calendar.
My first car was a 1964 Corvair. I loved that car.
However, I have never donated to Donald. So my judgement has improved over the years.
i am in moderation with a link to Albert Brooks and Gary Marshal in Lost in America…help
TaMara (HFG)
On Good Morning America, Kellyanne Conway said Trump wasn’t going to “PUSSY”foot around anymore. I about spit out my coffee. Nice word choice their Stepford-chair.
James K. Polk, Esq.
I’m sure that snake oil salespeople **love** giving refunds.
Make sure you ask nicely, though, or you might get rebuffed!
@skerry: Were they really ” [not] safe at any speed?” I’m too young to remember them.
“I can not (sic) support a sexist man. I have three young children and will not support a crude sexist man.”
…who gets called out for it.
The donors should have gotten a hint when the Trump Organization demanded that their contributions be converted into iTunes gift cards.
They got so used to putting increasingly stupid candidates and increasingly nonsensical platforms out there (when they bothered to have platforms at all – the past 8 years have simply been ODS/Cleek’s Law) that they thought they were gonna pull it off once again. Get Trump over the finish line, sort it all out after Inauguration Day.
But all the warning lights were blinking red, for those with eyes to see…
@TaMara (HFG): actually it was telling GOP bigwigs to either support Trump or not, and stop pussyfooting around.
But the word choice was notable.
Exactly. I’m shocked, shocked to find misogyny going on in this campaign.
Betty Cracker
True story: my 18-year-old daughter accidentally donated $500 to the Clinton campaign a few months back — she accidentally pressed the wrong button TWICE when she meant to donate $5. She called the Clinton campaign in a panic, and they refunded her money quicker than my shitty bank would have corrected an errant payment. I told the kid that’s the least of all reasons she better be damn glad she’s a Democrat!
They want their money back? From Trump?
That’s simultaneously the funniest and the most pathetic thing I’ve read all week.
@Pogonip: In 1965, Ralph Nader wrote a book “Unsafe at any Speed” detailing the auto industry’s resistance to safety features. The Corvair was one of many cars highlighted in the book, but the title stuck to it.
@Pogonip: Only if you were stupid enough to slam on the brakes in the middle of a turn. Since this was most American drivers’ 1st experience w/a swing axle the results were predictable.
Mike E
They oughta sue him!
Here in Los Angeles, there is exactly one (1) location where we can vote early, and it’s about an hour away by car in normal traffic. Plus it’s only open Monday through Friday.
Nonetheless, I’m still considering taking the morning off from work and taking the train down there just to get it over with.
@TaMara (HFG): The ferret circus has become one giant trolling exercise in Rovian politics writ large – What I cannot twist to suit my needs, I will break so no one else can ever use it, so let’s BURN THE PLACE DOWN.
Also: “Downticket Bloodbath” is the name of my next techno-Goth emocore boy band.
Donald Trump = the ACME anvil from Roadrunner cartoons.
Let’s help tie it around Republcan’s necks so they can enjoy their next swim in Trump’s lagoon.
Apparently, they did not get the memorandum of his prior 35 years in the public eye. Also, it is apparent that journalists are to lazy to Google, little lone go into a public library and review old Donald Trump pieces in 1980s and 90s People Magazine and the like.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Why can’t people just say “I can’t support this” without conditioning it on having wives/daughters/children? What a bunch of sissies.
And that’s before we even get to the fact that pu$$yghazi is levels below recent comments on the Central Park Five in terms of horrible.
Kilgore Trout
They have WA as “N/A”? I suppose it depends on how they define early voting, but WA is vote by mail so as soon as the ballots are out (10/21 I believe) you can bank your vote that day by dropping it off at one of the collection boxes.
@Betty Cracker: That is awesome! And also what I would expect from that campaign. =)
OT: What happened to the fresh squab from yesterday?
They are just pissed that the pig got caught saying it.
On CNN with John King:a roundtable of reporters laughing about Trump’s surrogates, stuck with the job of defending Trump’s behavior.
One clip where Ben Carson suggests, when a reporter says she’s never heard this kind of locker-room talk, “Well, maybe that’s part of the problem.”
They are laughing at you, Donnie.
Villago Delenda Est
The donors should be directing their ire, also, at Rinse Shortbus and the GOP establishment: “You guys said he was going to pivot! Pivot!”
Unknown Known
What luck, Donald is FAMOUS for promptly returning all of the money he has wasted, in full, and ahead of schedule. Every scrupulously counted dime is no doubt in an envelope, right at this very second, being rush hand-delivered to their door.
Now I have this bridge that you simply MUST take a look at. It’s everything you are looking for and more…
Aardvark Cheeselog
OT, but am I the only one who reads this and thinks “it is a sad comment on how fvcking sick our society is that lowering the threshold for getting a tax credit counts as a major anti-poverty initiative?”
Speaking of “children” as one of these donors was, there is news today of Trump’s behavior at his Miss Teen USA pageant (contestants as young as 15) and the rape case that seems to be headed for a December court hearing (accuser was 13 at time of incident).
Now would be the good time for clinton campaign to ‘leak’ their internal poll numbers like the obama team did in 2008.
@Villago Delenda Est: In fact, Trump did pivot– just not the way RNC PR BS wanted him to.
Betty Cracker
@BruceFromOhio: Turns out the pigeon could fly after all! We had caught it earlier (at which point it ran but did not try to fly away, confirming my suspicions that it couldn’t fly) and posted its leg band info at a lost pigeon site. As darkness was falling, we were wondering what the hell to do about it, when suddenly it lifted its wings and flew up into the bamboo tree! We haven’t seen it yet today.
Villago Delenda Est
@BruceFromOhio: First Rule of Acquisition: Once you have their money, never give it back!
@wenchacha: Well, isnt the follow up, “why was he using locker room talk at a person’s place of work ?” (It is not locker room talk at all, but that follow up writes itself)
@Betty Cracker: You have bamboo in your garden? Hmm.
So…you’ll be playing shows only in Capitol Hill dive bars, I take it?
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I know this one! In Toxic Masculinity Culture, which at the very least influences them, getting sex from women is an absolute good and an excuse is required to object. They have to explain why being offended does not make them unmanly, and justify it with protecting their own women.
@skerry: Yes. My hubby is STILL mad that I made him sell it when the motor went and the back floor rotted out. LOL
Rep Yoho (R-FL) just said that Trump was actually in a locker room when the assault comments were recorded.
I was furious about the August 2015 with Megyn Kelly. But then, I was familiar with Trump from the ’80’s — I knew he deserved no slack at all.
David Fud
@John Cole:
August 2016, but we get your point.
I’m still perplexed why some are acting is if this behaviour is something new they never expected from the Drumpftster fire.
Roger Moore
It’s completely ludicrous. There are 10 million people in LA County, about twice the size of any other county in the country, and we can only manage one early voting location. It’s maddening. If you want to vote early, you might as well just ask for an absentee ballot.
All the world’s a locker room,
And all the men and women merely players;
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
My question is, did they only just realize that they have female people in their families? Because they tolerated a whole lot of really nasty sexist behavior and policy before this suddenly became a bridge too far.
local observer
The picture is a ’65 Corvette convertible, not a Corvair!! I’d take that car in heartbeat – well into 6 figures for a nice one.
David Fud
@David Fud: Jesus Christ, I must of missed 2015. You were right and I was wrong. How could that have been so long ago?
@Roger Moore:
It’s insane. Looking at Google Maps, it’s one of the few times when I’d be better off on Metrolink than driving — it’s only about 1/4 mile from the Metrolink station. But why do I have to travel 25 miles just to vote early?!?
The Moar You Know
Hope the Orange Grifter keeps every last dime and spends it on rentboys and blow.
The fools who gave him money deserve no less.
@Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck: exactly right! Otherwise they risk being treated like pu ss ys themselves.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
What are the odds that Trump will give their money back? he doesn’t pay people when he owes them. What makes these geniuses think he’ll give them back money that they willingly gave him? Fucking asswipes, the lot of them. Trump, all his flunkies, the rich, loser assholes who gave him money, the whole sorry boatload of them, asswipes…
Pest Bog Mummy, Frakensteinbeck
Peer pressure. They’re basically for sexist behavior, but there’s a line somewhere, and they knew it had been crossed when people around them started squawking loudly. And let’s face it, this has been building. A lot of people are relieved to not have to stand next to Trump anymore.
John D
That sounds more like shoegaze metalcore to me.
@Roger Moore: Well, here I am in one of the most Democratic states in the Country and we can’t be bothered to have early voting at all.
Refund? No, but how about a nice Trump University scholarship? And, uhh … do you like steak?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Mnemosyne: The bridge too far was that it was loud, public, and undeniable. Their female kin would obviously notice if they didn’t condemn this particular bridge. And then know they weren’t being protected carefully enough, as Frankenbeck answered correctly.
Iowa Old Lady
I know this is long, but it’s a great post by a FB friend about what we teach our sons and daughters re normal behavior between men and women.
I’m going to vote right now!
Trumpo Unchained! He’ll take them all on, all of the bums what crossed ’em. Then Trump, The Winner, will rule.
Saw surprising thing on TPM electoral college map, let us count Dem nets in polling as of today:
CA +31, WA +18, OR safe, NV +3, NM +10, CO + 7.5
AZ +3, UT -3 Trump up in UT by only 3 points!
That would be a beautiful sight, Pacific Coast, southern Rockies and most of Southwest blue in Nov. Could happen?
The only problem, which kind of galls me, is that CA can never quite catch with MD as the most anti-Trump state.
Well, can’t have everything. I’ll take the entire west coast and most of SW of country for Dems as consolation.
Edit: Does Sam Wang have state by state numbers? I’ve never looked for them before on his site. People here say his numbers lag a little anyway, so I’ll check in a couple of days.
Can tell you this: there’s no way to un-bamboo a garden.
My offer is this, nothing.
The Moar You Know
@local observer: Noticed that as well. I’ll take two, please!
SiubhanDuinne, liberal mob enforcer bitch
@David Fud:
No, actually it was August 2015, in the wake of the first GOP debate. John was correct.
ETA: I see you caught it. I posted this comment before I saw your #53.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mnemosyne: There’s only place to early vote here too, but we’re Hicksville, not LA, and it takes me 10 minutes to drive down to the courthouse.
@wenchacha: Using the “locker room excuse” allows them to deflect criticism by women as being uninformed, because women don’t normally hang out in male locker rooms and if they do the sexualized banter usually comes to a halt. It’s a way of saying shut up.
Y’know that USC/LATimes poll that is always an outlier? NYT Upshot has a really interesting close look at it.
@TaMara (HFG):
It’s contagious, via Josh Marshall:
Regarding these guys and what some are calling “pussygate,” what about the Trump women? First, there was Melania showing up at the debate in a “$1065 pussy-bow silk crepe de chine shirt from Gucci’s pre-fall 2016 collection.” Then there was KellyanneConway saying, “We want the support of anybody who’s going to publicly endorse us. But enough of the pussyfooting around in terms of, you know, do you support us or do you not support us. And the fact is that some of these leaders have been very wishy-washy…”
@craigie: I already did. Sent in my mail-in ballot last week. Felt very good filling in the dot next to Hillarys name in very indelible ink.
hovercraft says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
October 12, 2016 at 1:15 pm
@TaMara (HFG):
It’s contagious, via Josh Marshall:
So this happened on CNN … (good work, everyone)
“AMANPOUR: Can I just try one last question? One last question. A bit cheeky but I’m going to ask you. Russia had its own Puzzy Riot moment. What do you think of Donald Trump’s puzzy riot moment?
RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER LAVROV: Well, I don’t know what this would… English is not my mother tongue, I don’t know if I would sound decent. There are so many puzzies around the presidential campaign on both sides that I prefer not to comment on this.”
Click to Edit
Request Deletion
(4 minutes and 23 seconds)
@Roger Moore:
In CA absentee ballot is the easiest and most common early voting option. So they never really set up early voting locations very well. I think eventually we might go with Oregon’s system.
@Aardvark Cheeselog: Actually that would be a great help for very low income folks with young children. Raising the refundable credit from $1,000 to $2,000, phasing in the credit with the first dollar earned, and accelerating the rate at which the full credit becomes available could mean a substantial boost to a family’s financial situation.
schrodinger's cat
@jl: I used to live in Steny Hoyer’s constituency it was like 85% Dem.
The Moar You Know
@Iowa Old Lady: Rape is awesome and it’s OK to brag about it. That’s what it’s teaching boys. Gonna take a couple of generations and a lot of high school/college-aged men getting jailed for rape to stuff that demon genie back in the bottle of hell from whence it came.
@Aardvark Cheeselog: To push back slightly, there are a lot of people who think that just giving people more money is the best kind of anti-poverty initiative. From a policy perspective, most programs have complex rules around eligibility and kinds of services being provided — whether it’s training or housing or health care. An income tax credit has the benefit of just giving people more money to be used as they see fit. If you want to spend it on rent in an apartment in a better school district, maybe that’s better than a housing voucher that locks you into specific neighborhoods. I am talking very generally, but it is important to take these kinds of details into consideration.
@local observer:
Well yeah, but Cole’s a young’n. Prematurely aged physically but not around when either was built. True fact–before Chevy killed off the Corvair they gave it the Corvette independent rear suspension, making it a distant cousin as well as a true Patriot car. A turbo version was also, too, available, fifteen years before anybody figured out how to make turbos dependable but a nice try anyway.
Polling today:
Ohio: Clinton +9
Utah: Tie
Missouri: Trump +5
Jesus. Yeah, that Hillary is a real potty mouth. We have tape [OCTOBER SURPRISE!]
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Iowa Old Lady: I copied that and posted it on my Facebook page or feed or whatever it’s called.
@eric: Possibly. But she was so gobsmacked by Carson’s suggestion that her difficulty understanding all the nuance of this “locker room” discussion was “the problem.” Because she herself had never witnessed/experienced it herself. Like that would be a good thing for her to know about.
I mean, it’s just Ben Carson. Still so very sleepy and creepy. ANother of Trump’s surrogates, a God-botherer, is claiming Trump is a changed man, now that he has been washed in the blood of the lamb.
I wonder if Trump is real familiar with that phrase in his Good Book? Lotsa blood all over that book. It’s very bloody and the bleeding woman are disgusting.
@schrodinger’s cat: If Utah comes through, I’ll have to try to think more positively about Mormons. They have produced the only GOP presidential candidate in last 16 years, who while would be a crummy president, would not be a walking crisis waiting to happen. And now they seem to be putting common sense and decency above blind loyalty to party. Weird. I believe when I see, but, damn, possible I may see it.
The very idea Utah could be in play…mind=blown.
Trumpocalypse Now
Iowa Old Lady
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): The writer is LynDee Walker. She’s a former reporter who writes a series of mysteries called Headlines in High Heels. She lives in Virginia.
@local observer: exactly. Calling that ‘Vette a corvair is worse than using the word “clip” to an ammosexual.
If anyone hasn’t scrolled down to see the “Mormons for Hillary” ad that Anne Laurie posted last night, it’s well worth a look. The Clinton campaign is making a strong play for the Mormon vote, which is a strong block in AZ and NV, but if that ad can help flip some votes in UT …
Major Major Major Major
@NR: worst major party candidate ever.
I vote early. Requires a stamp though
Been on permanent mail ballot for years.
Reposting from the downstairs, he’s also losing evangelicals.
@TaMara (HFG): I think her strategy to deflect attention away from Mr. Grope-a-matic™ is to insert püşş¥ into as many phrases as possible…
@Mnemosyne: That ad choked me up a little. Then I unchoked and got a little resistant a little later when I realized the gimmick was that, supposedly, Mormons were reading the lines. I wondered, were they actors? Then I got choked up again when the woman at the end said Mormons for Hillary.
And it’s showing a tie today!
@trollhattan: In more detail, Trump and Clinton are tied– but it’s
Trump: 26
Clinton: 26
McMullen: 23
And I suppose the rest are undecided.
@local observer: Anybody who thought that was a Corvair is unredeemable!
@jl: As a kind of game for myself, I looked up the counties in the U.S. that were majority white and that gave the biggest margin of victory to Obama in 2012. The winner was Berkshire County, Massachusetts. My own midnight blue county, Arlington, Virginia, was not even in the top 5. Nor was Marin County, California. Counties in Southern Vermont, along with Denver County, CO and Multnomah County, OR were among the top 5.
@MattF: I think Johnson has most of the rest. His trend is downward, though, and McMullin is trending upward.
My bet is that Utah will go McMullin. I’d love to see Trump come in third there.
@trollhattan: We need a scale for whether it’s going to be the Tumpocalypse, Trumpageddon, the Trumperdammerung, or the Coming of Trumpthulu.
@MattF: Thanks for info. A guy like McMullen is an acceptable alternative to Trump. I’d never vote for him, but I read a piece on him, and he seems much less bad that typical GOP con person. But horrible on a lot of policies.
I’ll take trouble for Trump in Utah any way it comes.
But, but … it was just “locker room” talk. He didn’t mean anything by it.
ha hah ha ha ha ha.
This stuff is getting funnier by the second. Is Trump going to send out a tweet about “loser donors?”
And has some comedian already mentioned Trump’s new slogan, “Make America Grope Again?”
...now I try to be amused
Don’t those donors know that Trump runs a Roach Motel: Money goes in, but it doesn’t come out.
@Mnemosyne: great post on LGM with quote from Mallory Ortberg, on just this topic.
Actually realizing that women are independent human beings, with independent rights, is still revolutionary.
Potty mouth is not the issue, if it was then most adults would be disqualified. That’s what’s so insidious about them saying it’s just locker room talk, NO it isn’t, he’s talking about assault, period.
A tape showing Hillary or Bill being foul mouthed is not the same as saying you can assault any woman you want.
@jl: look for the power of your vote tab; then switch it to presidential (he defaulted to senate a little while back). It gives you the median of the last three polls per state, ranked by each states potential influence on the election.
But Trump is a straight shooter who always tells the truth and tells it like it is. Also, Obama is a weakling and a dictator.
… maybe the same people are saying these things?
@jl: I haven’t read Hillary’s book It Takes a village, but that was the one taken off the shelf.
It’s an important message.
@hovercraft: but on the other hand, there are those that prefer a candidate that will “grab a püşşÿ” over those that have one…
Isn’t he the large animal vet who apparently forgot to remove his head from a horses ass?
Rough approximation of dialogue on Law and Order:
Cop to prostitute: When they don’t pay, it’s not rape. It’s theft of services.
@jl: Awfully nice of you. As a gay person they can go fuck themselves as far as I’m concerned. Their memos gave away the reason they went whole hog against gay marriage and that was to gain the favor of Catholics and evangelicals so they could support Mitt. That’s what they did to make it so their not-awful candidate had a chance. Then afterwards when they started losing people in droves and realized they had gotten too much visibility as hating us and not feeling secure enough in the dominant culture (as all those they sucked up to don’t consider them Christians) they backed off the political side. And, in addition, their turn away from Trump is as much towards a third party as it is about Hillary. These are people who are saying we won’t help him win, but we won’t make sure he loses.
@NR: an inverse 1968 if you will.
@trollhattan: What about nuking from orbit?
Hoocoodanode that when you rouse the rabble and then refuse to feed them they would turn on you? F**k em, they built this!!
Wow! I did not know it was the same word in Turkish.
The Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit does this in a way. It has had mixed success in reducing poverty.
Has anybody else mentioned that Trump told a rally in Florida that they should get out and vote on November 28.
Thats actually when his trial for Trump University begins.
That is an interesting look – I’d been meaning to pull the data myself and look at it because that poll is a) so weird and b) apparently publishes their raw data. Nice to see someone involved in journalism decided to not be as lazy as me.
It confirmed one thing – I figured that the way that the polling worked with its “same people in the poll” and “shifting respondents from week to week with the older data averaged in” would explain some of the weird fluctuation in the poll. I did NOT expect it to be a single person leading to that fluctuation. One (self-reported) 19 year old African American male for Trump drags a +4 Clinton spread down to a tie. And previously that LATimes/USC poll has been screwing with the averages everywhere and giving a distorted view of the election.
So actually, good job LATimes/USC/(self-reported) 19 year old African American male. You may have single-handedly been the folks who have managed to keep the Republicans from dumping Trump because his polling hasn’t gotten bad enough to dump him!
@Iowa Old Lady: Do you suppose the author would be OK with Facebook reposting of this? And would she prefer attribution, or anonymity? I’d like to put it on my page, but I don’t want to step on anyones toes to do it.
Anyone not in on the grift is a mark.
Sometimes, there are people who see through the con, but go along anyway for their own amusement or other reasons. These are called “smart marks”.
Trump doesn’t consider any of his campaign contributors “smart marks”.
A mere
fleshroot wound.Iowa Old Lady
@waysel: She’d be fine with sharing, I’m sure. If you want, here’s the link to her original post. You could just share that.
If that doesn’t work, let me know.
Miami Herald reporting: Federal judge extends Florida’s voter registration 6 days; through next Tuesday
Rick Scott and his elections czar did not contest the ruling. They’re smarter than North Carolina’s Pat McCrory.
Which makes me wonder: NC’s voter reg deadline is Friday and state has major highways under water. School systems closed.
So: a later registration deadline would seem to be a good thing to do ….
Villago Delenda Est
@skerry: These guys are walking into a clearly marked minefield, willingly.
@MattF: well shit, they found drumpfs’ African American.
That’s not polling, that’s pushing skewed info to support a propaganda campaign.
” Potty mouth is not the issue, if it was then most adults would be disqualified. That’s what’s so insidious about them saying it’s just locker room talk, NO it isn’t, he’s talking about assault, period. ”
But, hey, wait a minute, Beyonce sings about humping her husband. Dem hypocrisy! Can’t have it both ways.
@Honus: LOL, I am into cars and guns and you’re absolutely right.
@Elizabelle: The scary thing is that it will most likely still be under water through the weekend, and some places have not yet seen their rivers crest yet.
That is some weird base of entitlement rich repub dudes operate from. Like the sub-contractor, maybe the work wasn’t up to my standard. Where’s my money back? The business failed after I stepped out of the door as CEO? No clawback of pay or bonuses!
Just to reiterate the obvious: Republican donors don’t care that Trump’s a sexist. They care that he’s a loser.
? Martin
@Elizabelle: IIRC Scotts rationale was that he wasn’t empowered to extend it, which could easily be the case. Voting laws in this country were a clusterfuck before the GOP decided to politicize them, and they’re miles worse.
These people are going to have a meltdown at about 9.30pm on the night if November 8. All the sexist, misogynist assholes are just gonna have to deal, just as all the racists have had to deal. I’m sure they’ll cope just as well as they have the last 8 years, but rail as much as they want, they can’t stop progress. This was supposed to be their backlash election, but too bad for them they didn’t realize that the majority of voters who vote in presidential election years are not neanderthals. They will have to be satisfied with the midterms for their temper tantrums, and even that will eventually be taken away when democrats finally learn that we have to vote every 2 years not 4.
I guess Trump’s take on the story below is that those Chinese are really tricky. Gotta put some top people on it and find out what is going on with the Chinese global warming hoax.
Why is Earth’s axis shifting?
Humanity has now burned enough fossil fuel to tip the planet slightly. Karl Kruszelnicki explains.
@catclub: Here is a link to Mallory’s piece called “As A Father Of Daughters, I Think We Should Treat All Women Like My Daughters.”
@MattF: supposedly Johnson is also polling in the high teens in Utah.
Chyron HR
What a fascinating analysis. Please, tell us more.
Mike J
I think you’re going to see an interesting dynamic. Every right wing group is going to claim that the reason Trump lost was because their group withheld support. The more obvious Trump’s loss becomes, the more you’ll see people dump him as a way to accumulate power for ’20.
Anyone have a sense whether there’s a chance at all that Rep. Andy Harris in MD-1 can be voted out this cycle? This is MD’s one Republican district, gerrymandered to ensure that of MD’s 8 congressional seats only 1 is held by the GOP. I’m registered in another district but but could and would switch to MD-1 if there were a chance of outing this particularly noxious rep.
@Iowa Old Lady: It works. Thanks.
Another twist I hadn’t thought of. The little guy xian-inspired family values populist uprising is supporting a guy who explicitly feels entitled to grab women’s genitals and stroll through dressing rooms because he’s a star (in the first instance, although he was also at work at the time) or he’s the owner / boss (in the second). Way to strike a death blow to those coastal Hollywood and Wall-street elites you wholesome salt of the earth types.
For alpha men, the locker room isn’t just for the locker room anymore. They break geography.
Never seen a candidate like trump actually getting a chance to run to become president of US. it’s an unbelievable joke.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: My dad had a ’65 turbo with the 4 speed manual. At this time, he also had a ’59 Austin Healey 100-6 and a weird Renault sedan. My mom didn’t even have a driver’s license.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Carson has really tumbled in terms of national respect… I taught a developmental English course that featured numerous side panels from role model-type folks, including, chiefly, Carson. I think college students now would chuckle at his “work hard and turn out like me” observations.
@tobie: You reside in two places in the same state? I’d be careful if I were you.
I have retired friends with two residences, but they vote in the state where they pay taxes. That doesn’t pertain to you. Vote in the district where your primary residence is.
Grumpy Code Monkey
There’s something about their suspension that can create stupid amounts of oversteer in a hard turn, causing them to spin out of control even at relatively low speeds on dry pavement. Plenty of people drove them without incident, but they were legitimately unsafe.
Here we go. So it seems like the danger was limited to the first generation models; later models got a better suspension.
@Elizabelle: The other thing about easing late registration is they now have evidence that team R numbers are lagging there, don’t they?
“talk about a rigged system” as Mara Liasson(!?) put it yesterday.
This is exactly what has my (white, middle-aged) husband bracing himself: he’s pretty sure that he’s going to have same-age and older guys coming up to him and saying really creepy things to “prove” that talking about sexual assault is totally normal and just what guys do. He’s someone who can’t even watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers because the rapey undertones creep him out, so he is NOT looking forward to this. At all.
Another poll, from MuLaw, in Wisconsin, Clinton +7. Supposedly, the result was Trump +1 on Thursday, Clinton +6 on Friday, and Clinton +19 on Saturday and Sunday. I would caution against reading too much into the daily results though as sample sizes will be small.
So, somewhere around the year 3000.
@Mike J:
This is absolutely correct.
Phrased another way, almost every group is going to be saying that Trump “wasn’t conservative enough” or possibly “wasn’t the right kind of conservative” or “wasn’t a conservative at all” and then buttress that with their own self-serving definition of what it means to be a conservative.
The almost is there because there’s one group who won’t be blaming Trump for not being conservative enough, and that’s the white supremacists. They’re going to be saying that Trump lost because the party stabbed him in the back. They’re the group that will really need watching and will be somewhat unpredictable now that they’re willing to actually shed their sheets and stop pretending that they’re another group of “evangelical voters” and are now proud to come out as white supremacists.
ETA: One nice thing about this is that it may be possible to cleave the real evangelical voters off from the white-supremacists-using-Christianity-as-a-cover “evangelical” voters. They are different groups. It’s been hard to convince conservative evangelicals of this because they didn’t want to hear it, but Trump seems to be opening their eyes to an actual rift in their coalition. I’d like to see that rift widen into an uncrossable chasm personally.
@JPL: Thanks. I would have to switch my principal residence if I did this and that is the reason for my hesitation. I guess I should take heart that the congressional race is not going to come down to a handful of votes in this deep red district. If only that were the case…
They should be happy that she’s keeping it just for him. Aren’t the little women supposed to do everything they can to keep the hubby happy? At least when she’s singing about f**king it’s with the husband.
@Mnemosyne: and I see that LA County officials have reported over 100 early votes on day one – 7 times more than in 2012 per the Longbeach Press Telegram.
So you’ll likely be in damn fine company.
I think for some it will be earlier – when they go to vote and find they are not registered, so don’t get to vote.
“But I’m a white man who was born in America, its my RIGHT to vote!”
I hope that does not go too badly for the voter registrar.
@Mnemosyne: Then there’s the Simpson’s version, “Six Brides for Seven Brothers.”
there are dive bars left in capitol hill?
Sam Wang only uses state numbers. You can open his spreadsheet & see the raw data. He may also have the raw data available in other formats. Interestingly, his current take is that this is one the least volatile presidential elections ever – Clinton has led the entire way by +3.5% within the standard deviation of 1% (so she’s always been between 2.5 to 4.5% ahead).
@Mnemosyne: That has got to be dis-spiriting, to see people aspire and extend themselves to prove the worst of themselves. Maybe he should encourage them to stiff a few contractors s well, to to really nail down the point. At least those instances of acting out might have a few real-world consequences that might recognize as such.
I’d also ask for video proof that they groped their daughters.
@tobie: @tobie: @tobie: Not likely and I am in this ass’s district – via a very long gerrymander from his main district. It stinks.
Soylent Green
About Utah: despite polling to the contrary, election day tends to move things back to established norms because people are creatures of habit. Utah may be trending blue in this election, but I would be really surprised to see Clinton carry it. My bet is Trump +4 or more. Then even redder in 2020 when not-Trump is the candidate.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): My daughter has a friend she’s known since elementary school who recently married a man from Ireland. I believe they now live in Vancouver. Anyway, the friend is the daughter of two well-educated Republicans who could never consider voting D. The newly-married daughter recently put up a Facebook post urging her friends to vote for Hillary because of Trump’s positions on immigration and its possible effect on her husband.
My daughter was as disgusted as I was about that. It’s only an issue if it directly effects her never mind all the other people whose lives would be effected for all the other equally awful positions (such as they are) that he holds. What is it about Republicans and their inability to have any compassion for anyone unless it effects them personally?
@hovercraft: I dunno. Beyonce is pretty assertive in those songs. What if, like Trump, she just can’t control it and I run across her and she assaults me!? Like many Trump operatives and conservative pundits, and as a male steeped in Brooksian concern for character and propriety, I get a little threatened by her songs. Believe me, please believe me.
low-tech cyclist
I live in Calvert County, MD, which is a reddish area in a very blue state, and there are LOTS of Trump signs around here.
Now I know how to fix those.
@Mike J:
It’s funny watching the maggots trying to decide which will hurt them more, staying with him or dumping him. The DCCC did some polling and it shows that it makes almost no difference:
Deb Fischer of Nebraska is beyond craven and I doubt her constituents will forget. How do you call for him to drop out, and then come crawling back 5 days later?
@Villago Delenda Est: The dumpster fire doesn’t have the lobes for this kind of deal. But he’s got Rule 7 down, keep your ears open and your eyes on the mark.
@Soylent Green:
Utah’s not trending blue, Utah is trending “not red”.
In Utah, Clinton is polling in the same spot that Obama polled in 2012 (against Mitt Romney, I might add, whose numbers should be BOOSTED compared to a normal election – Obama did better than that in 2008 against McCain, though those numbers are likely inflated because of how the Republicans ran the country into the ground before that election).
Right now Utah is trending whatever color they’ll use to represent Evan “Egg” McMuffin on the map on election night if he manages to beat Trump in Utah. I’d love to see Clinton win Utah, but if she wins it with 26% of the vote something has gone dramatically wrong in Utah, no matter how much Egg McMuffin spoils it for Trump.
@Soylent Green: I don’t know about that. If Romney endorses McMullin, I think he’ll probably carry the state. Trump could even potentially finish third, which would be glorious.
@John D: Woot! I can dream that for you wholesale!
@Iowa Old Lady: Thanks for posting that. Well worth the read.
I was thinking about 100 years, I was hoping our people is learning. Sigh.
With an imagination like that, you could write the next “50 Shades of Gray”! ?
@Cermet: It does stink. The Eastern shore is littered with Trump signs. This in a place which depends on undocumented labor for the chicken and horse breeding industry.
randy khan
I had to post the comment from one of my colleagues on the “we want our money back” story:
@hovercraft: Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.
The frist models were a new design, they didn’t have the traditional frame for one thing. There were also steering and suspension issues. GM was aware and, like Ford with the Pinto, decided it would cost less to settle law suits than fix the problems. The results were inevitable, people died. Horribly. The damn things broke in half when T-boned spilling bodies.
GM did eventually fix the problems and it really was a very good car but it was too late, its reputation as a death trap was carved in stone.
I have never forgiven them for killing Ernie Kovacs with that thing. Although one of GMs VPs lost a son to it. I would love to have asked him if he was proud of the cost-benefit decision he was part of.
Roger Moore
Dust off and nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
I’m a straight woman and I have to say, if she assaulted me, I’m not sure I’d complain. Just sayin.
But still assaulting any person is wrong and should not be tolerated, ever.
He works at a library, so he’s mostly worried that they’ll try to do it while he’s on duty and is limited in what he can say in response. If he’s just out in private life, he has no trouble telling them to STFU.
If you’re still around to be surprised, pass the elixir!
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel: Tests of the 1st gen. Corvair vs. similar price and size cars from the same time frame were conducted but Texas A & M and the US DOT in the early ’70s. The Corvair was found to be basically as safe as the other cars. Cars in the early ’60s just weren’t very safe.
joel hanes
there’s no way to un-bamboo a garden.
au contraire. I have done so (when younger and more energetic)
Chop the stalks down to a couple inches, let them dry, and burn them.
Get a big tarp, spread it in an area adjacent to the bamboo infestation.
Using pick/mattock, sharpened spade, hatchet, and shovel, remove the culms, runners,
and all dirt down to a depth of at least twelve inches (deeper if runners go deeper).
Throw the excavated dirt on the tarp, break up the clods.
Then spend a week or so picking every bit of bamboo out of that dirt.
Let the dirt dry in the sun for a week or so.
Re-examine the hole; if ends of runners are visible in the walls, paint them with Princep or Roundup.
Return dirt to hole; let it lie fallow for at least a year.
Immediately destroy any bamboo shoot that shows up by digging it out completely.
@amk: Actually, they prefer nervousness to insure people vote. Optimism could depress the Democratic vote.
@Soylent Green:
I understand that in Utah, you can push a button and vote straight Republican ticket. Those who want to vote for Hillary and then other Republicans will have to break that habit.
At this point, I will take anyone who wants to vote for Hillary, no matter how selfish their reason. The election is just that important.
@Mnemosyne: Ohh. Sigh. There goes my vision of librarians with the superpower of being able to tell everyone to be quiet in libraries. I guess the ability to install po filters only applies to computers and not patrons. Wish him luck.
grandpa john
@local observer:
more likely a 64. the 65 had 3 vertical slots in the body in front of the door , at least mine did.God I wish I still had it.same color as the one pictured
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Ha ha, Obama drops the hammer on the the orange circus peanut:
There are people breeding chickens with horses?
That’s some wild genetic engineering.
@hovercraft: By definition, if you would welcome it, I would hardly call it assault.
Sm*t Cl*de
And they kept diagnosing people from what they saw on TV.
Love that movie (at top – no refunds!). Little did I know when I first saw it that the penultimate shot would end up pointing right at my office window! I’m sitting in said office just now, reading Balloon Juice. And laughing.
To be fair – if I were trying to reach out to my family 20 years ago (when I was a Democrat in all but name but hadn’t told my Republican family that yet) then I would have used the same tactic. I know that the general appeal to their humanity won’t work but if I can ground it in a specific example it slaps them across the face and makes them think “oh – yeah that’s a bad idea”.
For some it’s a lack of empathy, but I swear for others it’s an inability to generalize and play things out to what the rest of us can see is their obvious conclusions.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That maybe but there are documents from the discussions about just the Corvair balancing the assumed liability against the cost of remediation.
Auto safety is a huge, ignored, win for government regulation. Millions of people are alive today because of government mandates that overrule bloodless bookkeeping by the manufacturers
John Cole
Not only is it a good way to help the poor, it’s an amazing way to stimulate the economy- putting money in the hands of people who will spend it. The best way any individual can stimulate the economy is to buy locally and tip generously.
Matt McIrvin
@tobie: More evidence that Trump’s true base is blue-state Republicans, chock full of resentment at the majority in their state.
@MattF: The thread, it is won! So very full of win!
Villago Delenda Est
@John Cole: Another one of these know-it-alls because they’ve actually read The Wealth of Nations, not just bought the tie.
@MattF: pretty sure the only locker rooms that’s heard talk that rapey would have been the dressing rooms at the Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe, the Apprentice, or anywhere else drumpf has bought an enterprise that would “allow” him the access to women’s changing areas.
Pervert, Predator, but not President.
I appreciated that there was immediate pushback from men who have actually been in locker rooms, the military, etc to say that, no, contrary to Trump’s fantasies, that’s not actually what they say there.
I have a particularly annoying cousin-in-law on Facebook who got a similar slapdown after he tried to claim that’s how guys talk in “firehouses and the military” and one of his buddies called him out on it, pointing out that CIL had never worked in either place but the buddy had. It was pretty sweet.
Sm*t Cl*de
Entertaining, no? They choose a candidate whose entire career has revolved around the principle of “grab the money, drain your partners’ bank accounts and leave them with all the bills”, and then they expect the parasite to take responsibility for the survival of the host.
David Evans
@realbtl: As I recall it, they used the basic suspension design of the VW Beetle, but with a heavier engine further back in the car. It was an unnecessarily dangerous design.
NW Phil
@Roger Moore: That’s the whole point – California law also allows any registered voter to become a permanent vote-by-mail voter. To request a vote-by-mail ballot for one election or to become a permanent vote-by-mail voter,
NW Phil
@David Evans: It shared the design of the Porsche 911 – rear flat-six engine, rear wheel drive, and swing axle suspension. The Corvair switched to an independent rear in the late 60’s.
Uncle Cosmo
@Cermet: The non-MDers amongst us should note that Harris is an anesthesiologist wingnut whose only notable accomplishment occurred just after his first winning election, when he whined about his gold-plated Congressional health care not kicking in until he was actually sworn in.