Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2014
SCOOP: Trump has been turning away intelligence briefers since his election win, by @gregpmiller @adamentous
— Karen Tumulty (@ktumulty) November 23, 2016
… A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, by contrast, has set aside time for intelligence briefings almost every day since the election, officials said…
Trump has yet to meet with Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. or other top intelligence officials — aside from an unofficial meeting with embattled Adm. Mike Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, who is rumored to be a top candidate to replace Clapper. Trump has greeted a parade of other officials auditioning for Cabinet positions, but also met with Indian business partners, television news anchors and figures in the entertainment industry.
President-Elect Smallgloves is busy with the latest installment of his (un) reality show, while the man known to his Repub colleagues as ‘Mike Dense’ tries to bone up on the difference between all those ferrn places and their leaders. As Betty would remind us: Not Normal.
Of course, if Trump’s suffering from the familial Alzheimers that took his father, it’s probably just as well he’s avoiding (his kids are steering him away from) any information he might inadvertently repeat at the wrong time. Which makes me feel so much better, if you know what I mean.
Bin Laden determined to strike in United States: The Sequel
— Schooley (@Rschooley) November 24, 2016
Corner Stone
He doesn’t want to know. That way he can lie and just say whatever pops into his brainpan at any time, depending on the audience.
Not that knowing would stop him from lying. But being scared enough to shit your pants when confronted with the actual info in a PDB may slow even this sociopath down a bit.
Said it on Twitter, but Trump refusing intelligence is a succinct summary of this whole thing conception to election.
Corner Stone
The man is simply not mentally capable of holding a concurrent succession of thoughts in his brain.
I’m not sure which is more distressing: that Trump isn’t receiving security briefings, or that Pence is.
Corner Stone
Team America: World Police – “Bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.”
@Corner Stone:
Plausible deniability. Ugh.
Major Major Major Major
What terrifies me, among other things, is that it only takes one attack for Trump to go full Reichstag fire, and that with the level of competence they’re displaying another attack is inevitable.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
He doesn’t want to get any briefings because he thinks he already knows everything he needs to know. He has a great brain. He has great instincts. Learning all this shit that these pointy heads want to tell him about won’t do him any good. He doesn’t need that shit. He’s so much smarter than everybody else. Listening to a bunch of nerds spout off about who knows what is a waste of his time.
Holy fuck. We still have two more whole months before this loser is sworn in and I’m already sick of this fucking administration. Jesus Christ…
Watch another 9-11 happen under this dickhead. Bush was warned and warned and warned about impending aircraft hijackings and did nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. The worst part will be that Trump will likely suffer no ill effects from another terrorist attack happening on his watch and the Democrats will likely lose more Congressional seats, as a result. Republicans never, ever are held accountable for thier negligence!
What is worse is that he is metastasizing his incompetence and insanity through his appointments. Even if he is somehow removed from office the cancer of his appointments and their control over our major government agencies will persist. We have to be ready for radical surgery and many courses of aggressive chemotherapy to have a chance to truly live again. Let’s face what we have rather than pretending that we can just restructure the messaging of the Democrats. We have to be ready for major surgery
Republicans benefit from government failure — terrorist attacks, poor education, crime, budget crises — which is why it will happen over and over under their maladministration.
I know guys like Trump — they know everything, and they can’t shut up telling you about it. Everything revolves around their personal whims, you can’t teach them anything and they can’t be bothered processing any information they don’t like. Horrifying traits in a powerful person who can isolate themselves in a bubble of sycophants, security and immunity.
And think about the next FEMA event and the incompetent hacks he is salting into the agencies. Hate is not nearly strong enough to describe what I feel for the white suicide monsters who destroyed us with their racist fantasies. The Chinese are shaking their heads that the fates could be so kind to them as to confer the self destruction of its strongest opponent.
Tim C.
@Zinsky: Bush had something that Trump isn’t going to get and never will have. There was a general attitude that Bush From about 2001-2005) was functionally competent. Not by us, but by the country at large. Trump isn’t getting that. Ever. He will *NEVER* go above 50% approval. Ever. Not only that, Obama’s basic competence (and successful strike on Osama Bin Laden) give a strong contrast between the last eight years and the shitshow to come. Have faith, have hope.
Then Trump will get to use nuclear weapons. That’ll be fun. Wonder who he will target?
@Corner Stone: It’s clear enough why those, uh, closest to him wouldn’t confirm any such troubles.
I don’t wish anything like Alzheimer’s on anybody. The possibility of acceptance that keeping crucial confidences quiet is a real challenge had not occurred to me before.
It’s rather easy to find evidence supporting a theory (the abundant behaviors of chronic narcissism, for example)… and daunting that indisputable proof might not even be enough to get the right people to act.
@Tim C.: Amen, my brother.
Major Major Major Major
@Tim C.: Bush’s aura of competence was entirely due to 9/11. Trump will get the same deference should something happen.
Raven Onthill
It is hard for me to read sentences containing both the words “Trump” and “intelligence.” Just don’t fit in my brain.
BTW, to repeat myself a bit, I did two notes on the monetary policies advocated by Cruz, McConnell, Pence, and Ryan. Shorter version: we’re so f—’ed. Slightly longer version: (1) they’re anti-federal reserve and pro-gold-standard (2) if they do it, we’re likely going to have such a depression.
@Tim C.:
It’s not Trump. He is one thing. It’s his appointments, the Congress and his monstrous supporters made up of racists, white nationalists and yes, I guess a few so called “decent ” people too stupid not to poison all of us as they drink their cyanide Kool Aid
gogol's wife
@Major Major Major Major:
No, I think it was more that he had been a governor, plus he got the aura of his father.
@Major Major Major Major:
Except the level of evident incompetence will not support even a brief period of support. He will probably be most focused on suppressing criticism than actually dealing with any emergency through effective management. If we have a catastrophe we will need to save ourselves best we can
Major Major Major Major
@Raven Onthill: oh, balls, they don’t even believe in money? I figured at the very least their monetary policy would be within the known realm of idiotic.
gogol's wife
I don’t get the top tweet — I assume it isn’t real?
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah. No. If it is in an intelligence briefing the President does not have plausible deniability.
Right? RIGHT?
Major Major Major Major
@gogol’s wife: ok, ‘entirely’ was a little strong, but I think it would have gone away lickety split if it weren’t for that little incident.
ETA: @gogol’s wife: its real but it’s from 2014.
The Dangerman
@Major Major Major Major:
Feature, not bug.
Feature, not bug (especially if Trump can personally profit from building all of the internment camps).
He doesn’t need intelligence briefings — his Russian advisors will tell him what his foreign policy goals should be.
Oh yea. My clothes are dry but super wrinkled. I have to iron sheets??? OH HEY NO. I DON’T THINK SO!!!
“As God is my witness, I thought the turkeys could govern.”
Happy WKRP Day to all.
Major Major Major Major
@Helen: yeah, that sounds like a combo washer-dryer.
Raven Onthill
@Major Major Major Major: “Gold, gold, gold, gold.” Ironically, this is an area where Trump might turn out to have more sense than his advisors. Or cooler heads may prevail. But I am probably grasping at straws.
Lizzy L
From a post by Erik Loomis on LGM:
I have no doubt he’d go there. Remember Guantanamo.
It seems to me at one point some reporter should commit an act of journalism and ask the predator-in-chief about his recent compliments of Obama after 8 years of questioning his citizenship, implying he is an affirmative action president, and generally calling him the worst president in history. Just the fact that Obama hasn’t reached across a table and strangled the POS indicated to me that Obama is the most controlled person imaginable.
Major Major Major Major
@Lizzy L:
How can I forget it when it won’t go away?
@Lizzy L
To be called enhanced gated communities.
gogol's wife
@Major Major Major Major:
Thanks. Duh.
@Schlemazel: If ya can’t use em, why haven em?
Given all that has gone on, it occurs to me that the flashy, press and PR related aspects are Trump’s to take care of everything is on Pence’s plate. Neither is ideal or even good.
@ChrisGrrr: I don’t wish anything like Alzheimer’s on anybody.
I wouldn’t either but it certainly would not keep me up at night. He is going to make millions of people’s lives worse, and they will be the most vulnerable. The disabled and their families, the poor including the working poor, Muslims who will be officially “undesirables” based on his appointees, and countless others. And not accidentally, he is a malevolent person. I think the idea of Ivanka Trump having to wipe Donald clean might be karma.
@The Dangerman:
They’ll be in small physical areas, you know concentrated.
Lizzy L
@SenyorDave: Assumes fact not in evidence, namely that T gives a good goddam about his inconsistencies, or that he would be embarrassed by such a question. He Does Not Care. His positions are simply negotiating points, to be changed and amended depending on how it would benefit him. Do not look for logic, consistency, a philosophy of governance, or clarity from this man: it’s not there. It will not be there.
Lurking Canadian
He doesn’t even listen to the briefings? I get not listening to their advice–he is after all the smartest smarty-pants who ever smarted–but if he doesn’t even listen to the information, how is he going to decide whom to bomb? Hang a Mercator projection on the wall and start throwing darts?
On that cheery subject, I have this persistent low-grade fear that he’ll order Obama’a arrest immediately after he swears the oath. He’s still got the Patriot Act, and he’s already said he thinks Obama founded ISIS, so…
gogol's wife
Uh, no, your last sentence is not going to happen, under any circumstances.
I expect Trump to ask to be declared incompetent under the 25th Amendment. This will let him be President without having to do any of that nasty boring presidenting.
From Digby, a piece called “Survival Advice for the New Reality”:
Go here and read them all.
What an idiot. This is the only thing I am glad Pence is doing – presumably he is not stupid enough to let an attack happen.
Or he is. I don’t know.
Happy Thanksgiving
An updated Thanksgiving prayer
Hey Helen. I’m a yankee in Ireland too! Dublin county.
I miss having a good dryer too so I can feel your pain.
As much as I hate Pence, maybe he can get through to Trump.
@SenyorDave: Understood. Agreed.
There are just too many GOP power-mongers willing to say or do anything to find the undoing of any one person to be, er, a game changer.
I don’t know how we fill the Legislature with enough actual public servants, but we have to plug away at it…
An older one from the Rude Pundit
Excellent. I am thinking about this hard and my course of action. Thanks
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Speaking of intelligence and making the world a better and safer and more transparent place, hey, Assange, you planning on doing any of that crack investigation work you’re so well known for, and releasing the dirt on Trump and his administration? You’ve already got some issues and suspects to look in on…
You there?….
@gogol’s wife:
I missed that too!
Mike J
Mom update. Echo showed pericardial effusion. Going to cath lab in the next hour to reenact the scene from Pulp Fiction.
Major Major Major Major
@Poopyman: thank you. Bookmarked.
@Corner Stone: Trump wants to work with Syria and Russia, and the intelligence briefings, might suggest a different path to take.
I definitely agree with your comment also.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Mike J:
Best wishes… I “enjoyed” Thanksgiving solo in a Sacramento hospital 20 years ago while my father underwent open-heart surgery. He came through with flying colors, and I hope your mum does, too.
Ah, pressed turkey loaf, reconstituted mashed potatoes and cranberry-flavored foodstuff… Good times.
Ray Noble
Mary G
@Mike J: Hope it’s minor and easily treatable . Sending good thoughts and prayers.
@Mike J: best of luck and healing to your mom!
@Mike J: the best of good, healing wishes to your mom — and to you.
@Mike J: Hope your mom is doing okay.
Keith P
Seems pretty obvious what’s going on (and I don’t recall Pence ever being asked about this): Pence got the Kasich VP deal. He does the actual legwork, while Trump does the glamor stuff.
So given the names we know and the ones being leaked for open cabinet slots, der Fuhrer is on the way to having a cabinet with the least amount of government experience in modern history.
And in a nod to the WWC and it’s economic anxiety it will be top heavy with the very people who created that economic anxiety. And are dedicated to increasing it going forward. After all the Sec. Of ED. is on the record as opposed to the minimum wage and thinks working in a coal mine would be good for poor kids. The irony burns.
Only real question is do we continue to talk about the economic anxiety of the White Working Class (never mind the anxiety of the non-white working class) or just the racial anxiety of the White Class. I suspect we all know thew answer to that one
@Keith P: KInda like the first Bush 43 term. It was Chaney’s war but Bush got to land on the aircraft carrier.
Patricia Kayden
Well, Trump did say that he knows more about ISIS than the Generals so …
Patricia Kayden
@Mike J: ((Mike J)). Sending good thoughts your mom’s way.
Major Major Major Major
@Keith P: yep.
@D58826: but more so.
Or Trump is actually in charge and we’re even more screwed.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Mike J: I hope all goes well for your mom.
You’re underestimating him – he’s been getting all his intelligence updates from Putin.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Spot on…
Let’s all form a circle to discuss the very real concerns of the WWC (and totally not their totally non-existent bigotry). And let’s have the liberals reach out to the Trumpistas, because they just voted according to their very real worries. It’s up to the majority (by two million voters) to make amends and seek comity.
@D58826: somehow, someone convinced a bunch of people on our side that if Hillary lost, their side won. Yet her loss seems not to have made a dent in neoliberalism nor belligerent foreign policy. I’m so confused by that.
Villago Delenda Est
Daesh, which is busy losing on its home turf, is going to strike, if only to get precisely the reaction they want from the Drumpf and Dense dipshits.
Villago Delenda Est
@West of the Rockies (been a while): If Assmunch has an accident while in Swedish custody, I won’t raise a fuss.
I dunno…with all the folks here recognizing that this isn’t going to work, perhaps we should settle on some actions that could be taken, in the hopes that we could draw to an inside straight here and get the Electoral College to do its job? As in, vote to avoid this impending nightmare of moron-ish-ness?
@Major Major Major Major: That is the plan.
This is 2000 all over again– but much, much worse.
@PsiFighter37: Are you kidding? It’d usher in the Rapture! The ultimate battle at Armageddon that will usher in the second coming! He’s been waiting for this all his life!
@Helen: “I believe the title of it was: Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside the USA”
@D58826: as another example, Bush43 delegated dealing with the Bin Ladin threat to Cheney. Who then didn’t hold any meetings and didn’t even schedule any meetings for several months. Hell, the morning of 9/11 Condi Rice was scheduled to give a speech about our serious security issues – missle defense in Eastern Europe.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So is he going to be inaugurated and then just resign?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I think this is victory of the anxiety of the shut ins who watch to much TV to be honest. This is all to stupid for even mere racism. This is like living an episode of that Ancient Aliens show “What if, the president was a reality tv show host with mental illness,…?”
@SenyorDave:wiping drumpfs drump? silly, that’s what the hired help is for…
Especially, if this is true…
@Villago Delenda Est: drumpf has a bunch of very easy targets spread all over the world. Conveniently all have very nice targets in yuge gold letters on them.
elaine frances hansen
This is the media’s new meme
Obama had only received one intel briefing by this point
@Major Major Major Major:
depends on where the attack or disaster happens. If it’s NY again, no amount of singing God Bless America is going to save his venal ass. Also, a lot of the media deference post 9/11 was related to the anthrax attacks. Remember most of the targets were major media people. whether it was intended by the attacker or not, I think that also helped pave the way for eroding surveillance laws. The media didn’t care and wanted the FBI and NSA eavesdropping on everyone’s emails and cell phone calls.
@Mike J:
Best of luck to you and your mom. Cardiology is so advanced today. My dad had an emergency double bypass in ’87 and lived 25 more years in great health and was more active afterward than before, so I have great faith in what medicine can do, and hope the same or better for your mom.