Ran into some Packers fans in Ybor City a while ago. I’ve lived near sunbelt stadiums all my life, which means I’ve had the opportunity to interact with large groups of fans who migrate south for football games.
Packers fans are by far the most sporting, generous and polite of the bunch. They introduced bratwurst to the city of Tampa, and were in turn honored guests at the area’s many tawdry bars. So, Go Pack, go!
Open thread!
A Ghost to Most
So who are the worst?
James Powell
Going for Dallas mostly because of my fellow Buckeye Zeke
Betty Cracker
@A Ghost to Most: Tie between the Eagles, Bears and Jets.
@A Ghost to Most: Da Berz, that said, Fuck the Packers!
@Betty Cracker: Um, the Browns.
OT, but I want to get this out there.
At the health care rally this afternoon, I spoke to Mark Warner, who is now vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. I told him I was extremely concerned about Trump and his campaign’s Russian connections.
His answer: “You should be.”
I didn’t get anything specific about what he intends to do, but he didn’t disagree when I said we can’t have a suspected Russian asset in the White House.
M. Bouffant
Packers fans are probably appreciative of a pleasanter climate. Plus, the team being community-owned, they’re all socialists, right?
Whoever can beat the dang Pats.
@Svensker: Good luck with that.
@Svensker: Rise Up!
Another Scott
@Redshift: Yet more OT (sorry sportsball fans).
The first I heard about the NoVA rally was via an e-mail about 3 hours before it was to start. J had been getting e-mails from one of the Maryland rallies for at least a week, it was listed on the coordinating web page, etc., etc. When did you hear the specifics about it? How was the turnout? (J said it was SRO in a couple of rooms with people stuck outside where she was.)
I’ve gotten very little communication from the party in VA except when they’re asking for donations… :-/
@Svensker: The Texans beat up Brady a bit last night. Maybe some other team can take notes.
I hate the Cowboys, so cheering for Packers and Aawon Wodgers. I can’t remember why I started hearing his name that way but now I can’t un-hear it.
@Another Scott: I heard about it late this week through the Fairfax Democrats. Before that I only heard about the Richmond one, and I suspect they really wanted as many people as possible to come to that one, rather than have lots of little rallies.
This seemed to have been put together by a local organizer, and had our local federal officials glom on to it afterward. (Rep. Gerry Connolly was the only one announced when I first heard about it.) It had a good crowd, but wasn’t packed.
And for all you Pats haterz*: the Ducklings.
*I’m actually a Chiefs fan, but I live in Watertown.
Thoughtful David
That must be what was happening, because the Richmond rally has been big in the email for two or three weeks. A local rally, even just outside DC, would be the responsibility of the local organizers.
@FlyingToaster: That’s really cute! The Twitter feed has more pictures and by the last one a scarf has been added.
@Another Scott: Where are you located? I recently signed up with an 8th District Indivisible group, and I also was at the kickoff meeting for Fairfax Grassroots, another local post-election group, if you want to get involved with people who are doing stuff rather than asking for money.
A Ghost to Most
Phillie fans are renowned as rotten, Pittsburgh as arrogant.
My personal fantasy would be a meteor hitting Cowboys stadium while they are playing the Patriots, with the Pittsburgh Penguins in attendance.
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: Our defense played lights out, again. Gave the Texans every chance to at least push the issue.
But the Bill O Brien Conservative Play Calling For Ultimate Success ™ ! and The Brockening ™ were just too much. Or too little.
The clearly best team won but that could have been a stressful contest with a QB that did not throw a ball for an INT, four feet high and behind his receiver, inside his own 20 yd line, down by 8, in the 4th quarter.
randy khan
@Another Scott:
Same here. Kind of frustrating.
Football is dead to me. I’ve lived in New England, Tennessee, Virginia and now Maryland since my San Diego upbringing. Never could bring myself to care about any of their teams. I lived and died with my beloved Chargers. I used to say that I only follow one sport, but between August and January it’s all I think or care about. The euphoria from a winning Sunday would carry me halfway through the week; a losing Sunday would see me in a foul mood at least into Tuesday.
Bye weeks were just annoying.
Now, with this betrayal, there is no joy in football at all. They could have gone literally anywhere else – Las Vegas, Phoenix, El Paso, Portland – anywhere but Los Angeles, that wretched hive of scum and villainy (with apologies to Angeleno Juicers).
Native San Diegans hate Los Angeles. It’s mandatory. It actually isn’t true that I had no other team to root for than my beloved Chargers – I also rooted for whoever was playing against the Raiders, partly because of their time in LA.
So now my beloved Chargers, ripped from their home of 56 years by a man who is the 21st century’s Art Modell, are the hated Los Angeles Chargers. (God, it was painful even to type that.) And football, for me, no longer exists.
Corner Stone
I just wonder if the NFL would rescind the team franchise from a city that had a James Harrison or Bud DuPree style hit on Tom Brady.
Another Scott
@Redshift: I’m near Mt. Vernon, but by comparison I make Cole look like a glad-handing reincarnation of Bill Clinton when it comes to being with people. ;-) I also keep irregular work hours, so attending meetings during the week is a problem.
I’ll be at the Women’s March in DC on Saturday, though.
Thanks for being there and for the reports!
@Corner Stone: Yeah, the Texans’ QB was pathetic. I ended up watching some of it because it was on at a party I went to. They did seem to make trouble for Brady, though. Didn’t have have more interceptions in that game than he’d had all season, or something along those lines?
Did you see them in their Pussyhats?
@Yarrow: Bwastin has a gazillion Mad Knitterz who knit hats for the ducklings, other statues, wraps for bridge posts and light posts, and a very relaxed policy on decorating, so long as there are no electronics involved*.
*I am currently wearing a Mooninite T-Shirt that was sold for the art school idiots’ legal defense. 1/31/07 NEVER FORGET. That afternoon I called my best friend and warned her to stay at work until the Camberville PDs finished removing lite-brites from all of the trestles.
Unfortunately, the Giants got smoked by the Pack. Had they won, it would have been 0-for-3 for the Pats in the Super Bowl (i.e., against the Giants).
I heard a rumor that Putin and the FSB had something to do with the Giants losing. No doubt Omnes will try to claim otherwise.
@FlyingToaster: My aunt gave me that book when I was a baby, and I’ve still got it. Read it to my kids.
@SiubhanDuinne:O, yeah! I suspect those will be back on come Friday.
My daughter has a pussyhat (courtesy of a Doki-Doki box), but I’m wearing a Wonkette “Hell, No!” trucker hat next week.
@A Ghost to Most:
With most of the Cowboys players out of the stadium for a tailgate party but with Jerry Jones in the middle of the field shaking hands with Belly and Brady. Yup, I’d go for that. Don’t have anything against the Penguins but if they need to be sacrificed to accomplish this, well, sorry, boys.
@SiubhanDuinne: O, Yeah! I actually saw that earlier this week.
My daugher actually has one of those hats (courtesy of a Doki-Doki box), but I’ll be wearing a Wonkette “Hell, No!” trucker hat next week.
Sorry for your loss.
Thoroughly Pizzled
Packers fans voted for Scott Walker three times and elected Trump. They are the worst.
@Elmo: I’m a native Angeleno and I have hated the Raiders ever since they came to LA, and then when I lived in Castro Valley, and they returned to Oakland. I have to confess that I was delighted when their owner Davis finally died because he was a truly evil man. The stories about him would curl your hair, aside from his business dealings. He was like a smart version of Trump, with more evil sprinkled on top.
No idea SD denizens felt that way about us, and no idea why. don’t really care either. Most of us think of SD as a nice place, great for a visit, a place we’d consider relocating to.
You a Jets fan? Or am I mis-remembering (or confusing you with someone else)?
Thoroughly Pizzled
The only people that are more gullible than Trump voters are Packers “owners.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good god. How long did this; primitive, brat-less age of Darkness endure?
@raven: Wasn’t it Eagles fans who pelted Santa Clause with batteries and garbage?
zhena gogolia
@Another Scott:
It’s an open thread! You can’t be OT. Like I’m not OT when I say, last Sherlock in a little over an hour!
@Elmo: Having grown up in southern California and having spent a fair amount of time in both LA and San Diego (my grandparents lived in the latter), I don’t see anything to hate about either city.
One of the nice things about college football, as distinguished from the pros, is that your favorite team is unlikely to relocate. But I sympathize with your sense of bereavement. (Miami has only just experienced the return of professional football after many years’ absence.)
I hate to admit it after the last two years, but, yeah. Go Jets. Sorta. Maybe. Please?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yup
Shit, I thought the question was which TEAM was the worst not fans. You don’t like Bear fans, well fuck you!!!
@zhena gogolia: WTF!!!! I just double checked. I would have gone to watch at 9 and been really pissed. I owe you.
Corner Stone
Yikes. GB having its way in DAL so far early.
@opiejeanne: It’s not about the people; at least that isn’t how I absorbed it. It’s about the place and the things associated with the place – particularly the sports teams. Like we hate the Dodgers, and the Lakers, and after the Clippers moved to LA, them particularly.
Although I did used to tell people that I knew it was time to leave San Diego when I could no longer tell which lawyers in a given courtroom were local and which were down from LA within a few seconds of meeting them.
No offense meant by any of this, and in truth if I had to live in LA in order to move back to California I probably would. Until my wife killed me, that is. ?
Georgia Bulldog fans are the absolute worst. Except Raven. He/she is OK.
Packers kicking ass at this point. Since I hate the Cowboys, I’m a happy camper..
@zhena gogolia: The president is going to be on sixty minutes at the same time.
I’m not sure which one I’m going to watch. I think after reading Adam’s post and seeing Redshift’s comment, I’ll watch the President.
If the Jets had any type of success, I would be considered an “annoying Jets fan.” (Which is not to say that I’m not annoying when the Jets are NOT involved, of course.) But, considering their record, I guess I fall into the “clueless Jets fan” category, or something similar.
I keep hoping they’ll find a football equivalent of Theo Epstein, someone who can actually assess a QB accurately (for example), rather than drafting or picking up one JaMarcus Russell/Ryan Leaf pretender after another. But I’m sure Christian Hackysack will lead them to SB LIII next year.
ETA: About the only upside to Shitgibbon getting us into nucular war is that it would spare me the frustration of another season of Ryan FitzPatrick doing his “game manager” thing.
Steve in the ATL
No fucking shit–Bears fans are the best! Except for the ones who are also White Sox fans–fuck those guys.
Steve in the ATL but originally from the north side of CHI
I bet we can.
@Betty Cracker:
Can’t disagree with your list but living in MN I have to tell you acker fans around here are the most smug and egotistical. Vikings fans OTOH, are the whiniest bunch you will meet. I doubt you can find a club that does not have obnoxious fans. I grew up a Packer fan & then shifted to MN with their arrival but it occurs to me that the only thing that ties most fans to their favorite club (ignoring the bandwagon jumpers) is location. “I would just die if the team that screwed over the local taxpayers for a new stadium and would abandon us all in a heartbeat if they got a better deal doesn’t win the big game!”
Thoroughly Pizzled
Packers fans are proof that there is no God, but Satan lives.
@Steve in the ATL: West side but YEA!
eta I am an honorary Rogers Park boy, Cal-Touhy.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, I can’t believe they demoted it to 7:00, I guess to make way for Victoria. I’ll probably watch both, but Sherlock is the priority. I’m intrigued to find out what next!
@opiejeanne: It’s become my standard for out-of-town newborn gifts — copy of McCluskey and a MWFD onesie.
Of course the shirt I wear says “Make Way for Dumplings“.
zhena gogolia
You really think Obama’s going to make some shocking proclamation?
@Elmo: We just don’t think about San Diego that way or that much. Seems a silly reason to hate a place. It’s similar to the SoCal hatred we encountered when we moved to the SF bay area, and they do not discriminate between LA and SD. The new neighbors all asked us where we were from, then asked if we weren’t absolutely delighted to be there now, with them in Alameda County. I didn’t tell them that Castro Valley was a last choice, chosen because the schools were very good and because we lucked onto a decent house we could afford* The truth is that eople in SoCal just don’t think about the area all that much, other than a fun place to visit, and we had just left everyone behind, all of our family and friends were 400 miles away, not to mention our dream house and now we were moving into a 1956 tract house. I did tell them that we lived in a very nice place and we would miss it and our friends, but that we were happy to be there (because there was actually a job for my husband).
*omg, I have never recovered from how expensive the area is, including food.
Friend here in RI is an Iggles fan, went down there for a game a year for 3-4 years, stopped going. She’s an Iggles fan, wore Iggles gear, cheered the Iggles, and Iggles fans still gave her shit ’cause they could tell by her accent she wasn’t from Philly. Scumbags.
I’m only against Green Bay when they play the 49ers, although I was extremely frustrated during the Favre years when Brett constantly threw timely playoff interceptions against the Cowboys (who I despise).
@Thoroughly Pizzled: I’m not sure, but I think you might be able to shove your head a bit further up your ass. By all means, keep going.
@FlyingToaster: Ha! Make way for dumplings.
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
Packersfootball fans are proof that there is no God, but Satan lives.really sports fans in general but football fans are generally the worst in the US. Though football fans globally are pretty awful. I’ll give American football fans a point for not trying to kill other fans as often.
@SFAW: LOL. Sob.
@zhena gogolia: He has a reassuring voice.
@Steve in the ATL:
randy khan
@Another Scott:
So I guess you’re not Scott Surovell. (I live in his district, and it sounds like you might, too.)
Another Scott
@randy khan: Nope, not that Scott, either. Surovell is a great guy – we’re big fans. He’s posted comments on BlueVirginia.US occasionally.
Howdy, neighbor! ;-)
Corner Stone
randy khan
@Another Scott:
Howdy back to you, neighbor.
We like Surovell, too, although we were very fond of Toddy Puller (even after we were redistricted out of her district).
Hell of a tilt!
Betty Cracker
This game!
@Betty Cracker:
actually got interesting a minute ago
Corner Stone
Betty Cracker
Corner Stone
I loved what Dallas did this year without Romo. But, damn. That was a hell of a championship style finish by the Pack!
A Ghost to Most
Hell yes
Wow. What a game. I got my money’s worth.
Omnes Omnibus
I am wiped out. Jeebus.
@Omnes Omnibus: Meetup in the ATL?
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Not going to be able to go.
randy khan
I had to stop watching after the Cowboys tied it at 28. Anything interesting happen after that?
Corner Stone
@randy khan: NOPE
@Thoroughly Pizzled: Packers fans voted for Scott Walker three times and elected Trump. They are the worst.
(but, yeah, there was some disappointment in the Badger State)
Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!)
I think the proper answer is, “And what the fuck about Texas, asshole?!?!”
Corner Stone
@Temporarily Max McGee (Until Death!): Take care of your own house first, assface.