I was busy all day long and raced to get my computer and everything set up so I could relax and, for the first time since election day, check cable news, and shit is blowing up because of these protests.
Amazing. I think what is most surprising to me is that I know a lot of people who are not at ALL political, but who damned sure were out marching. Something is really happening here.
Here’s the Bethany peeps, btw, with Holly of the aneurysm, Harald, Kim, and friend doing us proud:
And here is a friend of mine and her daughter (and again, up until now, this is NOT a political person):
I feel hopeful.
*** Update ***
My friend sends this along:
Stop children what’s that sound everybody look at whats going down.
Yeah, I knew a lot of people who haven’t ever been that passionate about politics but were fired up enough to go to the marches. One sign in South Bend said it pretty well: ” Hell hath no fury like 157 million women scorned”
Hope the move went smoothly.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ridnik Chrome
My mom, who is 74 years old, was at the DC march. She said the Mall was packed end to end with people “like sardines”. She also said she didn’t see a single policeman the whole time she was there. Make of that what you will…
@Ridnik Chrome: There were plenty of cops and military people too. People were taking pictures with them.
Major Major Major Major
My mom is political but she’s shy about it, and also she works in an industry where you don’t wear liberalism around. So she hasn’t been to anything but gay pride parades and Obama rallies for a long time. She went out with a sign that said Trump is so bad, even introverts are here.
In San Francisco I haven’t seen a protest that size ever. It felt like a Pride-size crowd. In Denver they’re saying it rivaled the Broncos super bowl celebration.
Just tune for all y’all John.
I think you kids levitated DC today, all we did was the Pentagon
I have never encountered anything this widespread and heartfelt, ever. Including the Vietnam and civil rights era. It’s not “fringe” by any metric. Reposting my quickie photo album link.
Trump is something with which we will not up put.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Organize. Act.
Words to live by & the only thing that will actually make a difference. I live in a hard blue precinct in a hard blue district in a state with 2 blue Senators. I am staying in contact with them all, particularly the lite-blue Senator in hope that we can maintain pressure. But the big thing we need to do is to get people fro red places to write & call. We need people in red places to join together and rag more of their fellow citizens to the polls for blue candidates. We need to support ACLU, Planned PArenthood and other organizations that are going to be battered for the next 4 years. One march is not going to do it.
Yup. this is was a good day. I went to a sister march in albany NY and it was packed. It’s going to be hard in the days to come but the people I marched with today we’re inspiring and I needed the inspiration
@Ridnik Chrome:
I saw photos of DC cops wearing pussy hats! :D
The people on CNN are calling out Spicer and calling him a liar. They’re actually using the word “lie”. And now, one of them is saying Trump lied at the CIA. Wow.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yup. All that passion/enthusiasm/anger/disgust/whatever you want to call it should be channeled into political harvest.
Michael Bersin
10,000 in Kansas City. One of the local television news outfits reported this morning that “several hundred” were expected to attend. The organizers already had several thousand RSVPs on social media.
Women’s March – Kansas City – Washington Square Park – January 21, 2017
Where did your friends rally? Pittsburgh?
My wife accompanied a friend to DC for the march. While my wife is very active politically, her friend is not. But she called shortly after the election and said ‘we’re going to DC for the march; I’ve already booked a hotel.’
Meanwhile, back here in Philly, turn out for the local march was 2.5 times expectations! 50,000 people according to the city!
I just hope we can keep people plugged in, especially at the local level.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’ve seen photos of that sign!
I was at the DC rally at/near the stage. It was amazing.
Absolutely, fucking, amazing.
All the pictures you see are a perfect example of everything that was there. The diversity of posters and all the wonderful hand made pink hats.
So many people.
I had four from my grade school class of 50 at various marches. Met my prom date whim I hadn’t seen in 25 years since we graduated at the rally in DC.
Just crazy.
@efgoldman: mebbe they got their ass kissing mouth kicked enough already? we shall see.
eta: don’t trust these corrupt clowns a bit.
On my way home from the San Francisco march. I’m soaked from the rain but I’m so happy and inspired to be out marching with all those wonderful souls. Yes, definitely holding on to this feeling going forward. And I should add that it takes a lot to get me to leave the house on a Saturday.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
anyone seen numbers for the foreign marches? Paris and London looked big
John, that last picture was about what I was expecting when I first heard about people making hats for today.
TaMara (HFG)
All I know is there are 75 emails filled with photos in my inbox. The good feeling is going to last for days.
I know, right? People take a second and realize: this is ON DAY ONE of the Trump “administration”. So much more to go…
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The Boston march was great – it was a great day. Completely chill, but everyone got it – determination and resolve was in the air. Hundreds of marches in the country, hundreds throughout the world. It’s like everyone now sees what will bring Trump down – make him confront reality because he can’t handle it, and these huge marches coming the day after his very tiny, very low energy crowds is really getting to him. He and his minions are actually scaring people today with their lunatic claims about the crowd. We’ll see if the press lets him gaslight us on this, but CNN isn’t playing with him today.
@efgoldman: They had a greater enemy to defeat.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: wonder if it was her? Wouldn’t that be something.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I could be dead wrong about this, but I feel like the political weather shifted in the last week or so. I guess everybody here recalls what it was like in the last two years or so of Bush the Younger’s last term, right? When everybody was just so fucking sick of the guy, and everybody around him, and all we wanted was to see the back of him already? Well, as I say, I could be wrong about this, but I feel like there’s been that kind of shift again in the last few days to a week, and the dickwad hasn’t even been in office a full day and a half yet. And it almost seems like Trump and his asskissers know it, too. Why else would they all spend the first full day of his administration fighting about how big the crowds were at his swearing in? What are they going to be whining about in a week? How the press isn’t faithfully reporting on Donald Trump’s 80 inch dick? These people are desperate. First day in and they’re fucking scared to death.
I was at NYC march today. Took 3 hours to go from 42nd St & 5th Ave to reach 55 St & 5th . The police stopped us 2 blocks before Trump Tower. The crowd was men and women of all ages and races. It was awesome to hear the chants echo up and down 5th Ave, just like a wave coming up behind you and passing. Lots of cops but all just standing around no violence. Was surprised I didn’t see more media but the street was packed from side to side. So much creativity in the signs people had. And of course, I saw Chuck Schumer who did get cheers but we all know, Chuck never misses an opportunity to be in front of cameras.
@Major Major Major Major:
Betty linked to it on her Twitter feed.
@Major Major Major Major: That sign has made is way around twitter: https://twitter.com/skaufman4050/status/822858949003268096
@Major Major Major Major:
You’re a tech guy. Why haven’t I seen a new Ms. Pac-Man where Ms. Pac-Man is a vagina and the ghosts are Trump?
@Michael Bersin: Wow! My sister and my niece were there. So glad to see such turnout in KC.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Forced into defensive lies on day one. me likey.
I was out at the Sacramento march. I wasn’t really feeling like doing anything, but I’m too angry to leave this to the inconstant allies. I have bigger pics and more stuff on my event camera, but this is the phone camera album. All in all, i was very inspired. I’m hoping to introduce people to voting assistance orgs. If we can keep this determination, we can take back the house & the senate and hopefully, try nearly everyone in the upper levels of the GOP for sedition.
“I’m ready and hyped plus I’m amped” – Chuck D
Yikes I’d never actually listened to Sean S before. And to head his adenoidal voice cranked up to ultra-8th grade outrage over the press photos and counts, OUCH. Couldn’t listen for more than ~15 seconds.
Clearly they are idiots. They are handling this horribly. And I know the CW right now is that this is all so that Fox and Breitbart can echo the lie. But it seems shockingly desperate for Day 2. Incredibly amateurish to be arguing crowd size when it is just flat out obvious that women (and everyone) kicked his everloving ass today.
We are going to face terrible cabinet administrators, and a barrage of bad lawmaking. But no matter how much the RW worlitzer whorls, this has to be shaking Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. They can smell the sudden and intense shift in the wind.
@ruemara: Why did I think you were in NYC?
I don’t care if he runs around wacking off in public as long as he does his job in congress. Of course he’s probably learned at least not to do that first part from AW.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: @Belafon: omg! Letting her know! That’s it!!
@Baud: I’m sure somebody’s on it.
BTW the St Paul MN police have upped their estimate to 90-100K for just that one march. There really has been nothing like it (I am in Philly, so only in a crowd of 50K).
I suppose MN’s new GOP majority Senate won’t act like they’re too scared … but the House should be. 22 months, mofos. We’re watching you.
favorite signs from today:
Your Silence will not protect you
This gay man will fight for pussies
This machine kills fascists (with diagram or a female reproductive system)
I am sure there were other good ones but I didn’t see. I have a terrible cold and the drugs have me in a fog.
@Ruckus: It’s early, but I think Schumer is off to a good start.
@Baud: Because I’m a former NYC who’s still all New York & Jamerican at heart.
I and a friend drove 2 hours up the interstate in a pouring rain to the March in Atlanta. With permission, we parked in a church’s lot off Peachtree St. and hired an uber driver to take us to the march’s start. The driver, who was nice and originally from California but ended up in Atlanta because he worked for Delta, kidded us as he drove us in pouring rain to the Civil Rights Center near Centennial park and said we should just turn around and go back home. That no one would show up to march in this weather.
Even he was surprised when we got to the site to see all the folks standing in the rain, women of all ages and sizes, kids, men and a whole lot of LGBT folks ( one of the latter led the march down to the State Capitol). The mood was festive, the rain lifted and we were sent on our way by an obviously impressed and encouraged John Lewis. One of the favorite chants was along the lines of “Hail to the 5th District”.
Police have estimated over 60M folks in that march and likely there would have been many more if the weather had been more accommodating. One attendee tweeted that in 35 years of marching/demonstrating in Atlanta he’d never seen a crowd that large.
Gotta hand it to Donald. He knows how to unite folks.
@Schlemazel: l@Schlemazel: What are people doing to get people to call their Senators Congressional Reps? I figure if in my town of 12 K if we could get 50 peeps to regularly call McConnell & Paul, we could make a dent or at least a scratch. What is everyone doing to organize their town & county?
I have some great photos from the Phoenix March. I have one of some people who made female genitalia hats out of balloons.
Mr. Suzanne and I took my mom and our girls. Three generations of nasty women.
@ruemara: Thanks! I sometimes think I’m going crazy, so I’m glad this isn’t evidence of one of those times.
WOO-HOO! My estimate was 100k so I was bummed when they said 60. Turns out I can still count
He’s like the Westboro Baptist Church.
@Raoul: I thought MN went all blue in the last coupla cycles. Now the thugs took back control of the senate?
@Major Major Major Major:
How cool is that!
Now that I’ve figured how to link to Tweets, Betty posted a picture of the hat her daughter wore to the march.
Gin & Tonic
My son marched with his girlfriend in NYC today – as she is Mexican, they have ample reason to worry about the coming years. But he commented on how thoroughly the people of Il Donaldo’s home town despise him.
TaMara (HFG)
I’ll post this later, but here’s a map of all the marches today.
I’m excited to see how each half of the GOP will achieve separation from the sheer disgrace of the other half. Should play well with the American public, watching them try to cover for each other until they just can’t.
TaMara (HFG)
@Major Major Major Major: I saw it on Facebook! It’s everywhere.
If nothing else comes out of today (and I think the energetic shift that is rising today is itself soooo important!), the idiot Rump reaction today has instantly shattered what I think quite a few journalists – but very few outside their strange world – believed: that the weight of the job would humble him, that his staff would assume the mantle of presidency more like the way past admins have.
So, great job Rump! You have probably done more to embolden journalists in 36 hours than we could have remotely wished for.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@TaMara (HFG): Every. Fucking. Continent, Donald
and apparently Jared Kushner’s brother was out marching.
I do wish the organizers of these marches had sign up sheets at the events. I know they had RSVPs so they at least have a start for a mail list. They should send regular emails to those people recommending calling & writing. We particularly need to target weak-willed Dems and GOPpers in marginal districts. I don’t know how we reach the 100s of thousands who just showed up but someone needs to start. Maybe a website?
This is what the youngsters are calling it these days?
and the worse part is that the dick doesn’t even have a dog.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Schlemazel: I believe I saw someone say this was a Facebook spurred event? (and Lawrence O’Donnell just confirmed it). I’m not on it but I’m sure they’ll stay active
Huge, diverse group in St. Pete. I’d like to thank some of you for ideas I lifted from here for my partner and me. Biggest props to “Replace and repeal the GOP”. Dozens of photos taken and many more directly supported it. “John Lewis is right” was also really well-received by the more informed marchers. And lastly, thanks to whoever suggested “Don’t let tr*mp treat America like his hotel mattress.” That one also killed. I’ve been to a lot of demos and marches but nothing like this. Today the dispair lifted a good bit. One last note- a R, upper-middle class man stopped me and said he’s leaving his party and that he HAD to march today. Stronger together!
MN represents America, Dem cities, gop rural and far too many people who feel there is no difference. It has been a long time since the Dems have controlled all the state, most recently there has been a split of the state houses. Until Dayton we have not had a Dem Governor since the 80s.
Replace and repeal the GOP.
Good one.
Major Major Major Major
I want to second/third/4th what people are saying about the energy in the crowd. It felt actionable and organized, not like Occupy or the anti-Iraq protests or the LGBT protests I’ve been part of. I could easily see the crowd and energy fielding candidates for office around the country and I know there’s groups helping women run too. Like one of the signs I saw a lot: they tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.
@Baud: I do like Schumer and got to shake his head today and told him we are all counting on him to help us. He said he would try his best. But it is a joke in NY about how often he shows up for events.
@Major Major Major Major: Good sign.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@efgoldman: I’ve been thinking about that, too. The Republicans are in about as bad a spot as somebody who just won a national election ever could be. I can’t think of anything that would make their plights any more desperate. If they don’t do just what Trump asks of them, or if they’re seen as being the least bit disloyal to him, the hordes he unleashed are going to eat them alive. At the same time, this is a guy with a 35% approval rating as he comes into office. I don’t know how it could be much worse for them. A lot of House Republicans have safe enough districts that they can stick with Manbaby and win in a general election. But a lot of senators are in a tougher spot.
Grover Gardner
Easily half of Ashland, OR (pop. 20,000) took to the streets and marched to the band shell in Lithia Park for speeches and music. It was pretty neat.
@Gin & Tonic:
We have done for many years. But then again, we’ve seen his bullshit up close, everything from discriminatory hiring to palling around with (and being in business with) organized crime. He blows a much better smokescreen from a distance and short-term exposure,
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I cannot possibly express how excited I am that there was a rally in Antarctica. Approximately 30 people. And penguins.
Edit: My comment sounds a bit snarky. It isn’t.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Renie: I’ve been a Schumer skeptic, but I do like the way he’s handled himself so far.
Omnes Omnibus
So, I just ventured over to FB and found that the vast majority of my friends marched today or came out strongly for those who marched. OTOH, I found out that a law school classmate has just been named Pence’s transition head. He was a weasel and a mediocre student when I knew him. I don’t imagine that he has improved over time.
Michael Bersin
I stood at the corner of the park at the intersection of Pershing and Grand Boulevard with my camera/long lens on a monopod for a period before the 1;00 p.m. start. The flow of humanity flowing into the park (I kept pivoting to alternating crosswalks in a ballet with the traffic light changes) was amazing to behold. It was unending.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I hope today’s happenings gives the Dems the backbone they need to stand strong and stand against Trump and the GOP.
Scroll through this for some great photos and videos. I especially liked the women who were outfitting others with American flag hijabs.
And the last photo is all pink hats! March photos
@Schlemazel: The Arizona DPS quoted attendance of 20K at the Phoenix march, but I was there and that feels very low. The crowd at the Capitol took over the whole plaza and multiple city blocks. I am skeptical that that is accurate, since I have never seen the Capitol so packed.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Renie: Chuck Schumer let you shake his head? Good thing it wasn’t Weiner, or I’d have had to ask which one (rimshot!) Hope you didn’t shake him too hard…
Mary G
I have been elated all day. It was a struggle to get there, but so many people showed up in my majority-Republican (but just barely) district. My 2008 Hope 2017 Nope sign got a lot of compliments.
Darrell Issa should be shaking in his boots, if he’s bright enough. Monday’s call will be to ask why he’s too chicken to hold a town hall in the district.
@Gin & Tonic: We do. It’s like uniting behind our flat, greasy, over cheesy pizza.
Mary G
Also, too, the LAPD estimated 750,000 at the March there today and zero arrests.
Gin & Tonic
@Bruuuuce: I know that; I lived there back in the 70’s and 80’s, and have family and many friends there.
@amk: Repeal and replace. I’m tired. :)
My MIL, her three daughters and several of her grand-daughters marched together in DC. All wore hats of the Pepto-Bismol color. A real sense of being part of history.
We Can Do It. Fuck yeah.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
CNN says a hundred thousand in London only five hundred in Paris, looked like more on TV. Five to ten thousand in Sydney
Trump’s first presser was sending out Sean Spicer to scold the media that he did too have the biggest inauguration ever!
Ye gods.
James Powell
@Gin & Tonic:
They love him in Staten Island.
I have wanted to shake Schumer’s head a few times myself!
I should also note that the weather has been bad this whole week here. We had a huge storm yesterday that left Phoenix and Tucson very wet and Flagstaff covered in snow, and it was still cold and windy. We don’t typically get long storms, and the fact that all of Inauguration Day was wretched seems appropriate. Even so, Flagstaff had over a thousand people, up to their knees in snow, resisting.
Calming Influence
Seattle was out in force. The hope was for something like 60,000; some of the latest estimates suggest we more than tripled that. It was absolutely amazing. We were on the corner of Columbia and 4th at about 11am to join the march, and 4th Ave was completely filled with people as far as you could see. Someone asked us “why isn’t the march moving?” Answer: “We’re all just waiting for the march to get here!” Everyone was cheering and high-fiving the bike cops that were at the front of the march. A great day, with great energy.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): LOL meant hand. Really need to reread what I write.
@efgoldman: aren’t the penguins innately flippers? I am sure they did that at the dick.
@JJ: The order doesn’t matter. Know what, actually, it’s better.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Cacti: Well, in all truth, what Trump sent him out there to brag about the hugeness of wasn’t his inauguration. But it seems even Sean Spicer has his limit.
randy khan
I’m doing Facebook posts with specific information and requests. It’s kind of a broad brush, but it’s the best I can do. I’m thinking about other ways, too, but haven’t come up with anything great so far.
Major Major Major Major
@Renie: I had tacos with Mark Udall one time. He was ok. Weird dude.
@efgoldman: Yeah, I kept (and keep) waiting for the reporting of the few violent nutcases that will eat up all the media oxygen for the protests and it keeps not happening. Hoorary!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: continuing on the mobilization theme, the march used a Facebook page to register attendees. So the site might be good to mobilize people. I’m also thinking way back to League of Women Voter’s, & the ‘telephone trees’ we used to get people to call Congress. Now we could text groups of people. Thinking out loud as I can’t sleep after today’s thrilling march. Fish around FB pals, find all the Dems, and get peeps calling Congress. I understand calling puts the most pressure on them. In my county, anyone who can read is registered to vote. It’s just that the Dems in my state went nuts over the Kim Davis-County-Clerk nonsense, & voted R.
Cole, great to see the Bethany pictures. Old stomping grounds for me. Like, everybody there in the streets! Cool!
Oh, I love you all. Thanks for the stories, pix, and energy.
Also, I am so very thrilled that the black bloc(k) people either tried to mess things up but got smothered by the crowd, or they recognized they didn’t have a chance, and stayed away.
My area is so blue that I feel like figuring out a way to join forces with a redder area, kind of like a sister city thing. And I can call my congress critters, but they are already committed to the cause. I suppose I could call critters outside of my district/state. All the sites seem to only accept emails from constituents, so I might need to bombard them with a steady stream of snail mail missives.
We had a great crowd of 15K here in Nashville, TN! My husband and I took our boys (ages 15 and 12), and the really cool thing was how many of their schoolmates we ran into. Lots of pink hats, chanting, and signs both hilarious and touching. Some faves were:
Respect Existence or Expect Resistance
I Wish My Uterus Sprayed Bullets So You Wouldn’t Regulate It
GOP: Making Government Small Enough to Fit in My Vagina
I am Generally Displeased With the Current State of Affairs
one adorned with gold yarn that said Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
This Christian Supports Her Gay Sisters and Brothers
…and so many clever references to pussies that my kids had to tell me, “Mom, we actually knew that word before Trump.” Alrighty then!
Major Major Major Major
You know, if the Democrats would just throw LGBT people under the bus and focus on (white) populism, these sorts of things wouldn’t happen.
randy khan
I have a somewhat wild-goose-chase kind of bleg for people who were in DC today. Did you or someone you know happen to take a picture of people with old-style big round NOW signs? (“Vintage” was the kind description from some people.) My wife, our friend, and I were carrying them, and a fair number of people took pictures, but we forgot to get one of ourselves. We’d love to get a photo from someone who took one.
poutraged donnie dick: where were all these people on friday when I needed them the most?
@amk: Anarchists are probably really nervous around girls.
By the way, John, all of your Bethany peeps are really good-looking.
Mary G
Article and photos from my local paper. Hundreds of people!
zhena gogolia
@Michael Bersin:
Yay my home town!
It really was a good day
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Seriously, Milwaukee. Come on now.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
When you look at these NATIONAL and WORLD WIDE crowds there’s no escaping that they are White Working Class.
That’s got to be killing the Drumpfsters and their media apologists.
Wee had 12,00-14,000 in Omaha, with similar numbers in Lincoln.
Loup City, Nebraska, town of ~1000 had a rally (and well attended!). Loup freakin’ City, in the middle of one of the reddest states in the nation. Good stuff.
zhena gogolia
“They can smell the sudden and intense shift in the wind.” Nice phrase!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Here’s something else worth bringing up, I think. I have a friend from high school who voted for Donald Trump. He and I disagree on just about everything politically, but we talk back and forth on Facebook, and I find that invaluable, since it gives me a good workout for disagreeing with others while still being agreeable. We’ve gone back and forth at least every other day most of the last year, but we haven’t given up our friendship. Anyway, that’s background.
The point is that I post political things on Facebook pretty much every day. And he’ll chime in and tell me why he thinks I’m wrong. And I’ll tell him why I think I’m right and he’s wrong. But today, I’ve put up 7 or 8 posts since we got back about 5:00 this afternoon, and… Nothing. Not a word from him. I know, there could be any number of reasons, but I wonder if it might just be that today has really shaken him, too. I can only think that anybody who backs Trump would be feeling fairly well knocked off stride right about now.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Total loser.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The douchebag is still playing for a cabinet appointment.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This is the most beta alpha male in the history of vagina terror.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It is odd that he got elected. The city of Milwaukee does not have a ward that votes Rs. Some are 90% D. The whitest and wealthiest wards are 55-45. The portions of the county outside the city shouldn’t overwhelm the city. ‘Tis a puzzlement.
Mary G
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: But he’s a “ratings machine.” Fake news! Lol.
@James Powell: They’re just technically NY. I swear they floated in from Indiana.
The WaPo is reading like the Guardian today. Journalists have reawakened their vestigial spines. I can feel the change in the weather…
randy khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Delusional idiot.
Just as one example, I personally witnessed multiple occasions when people in the crowd gave way for police officers, politely and without any pushback, upon request. And when the usual religious nutcases showed up, everybody just chanted at them until they gave up and moved on.
zhena gogolia
Thank you to everyone who marched today! You are heroes.
ETA: I’m no longer ashamed to be an American!
@MomSense: I can’t even remember why I used to dislike the color pink.@trollhattan: Great photos at your link.@Michael Bersin: I love that “Lil Nasty” photo!@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh, I need to hear more about this.
You know, I’m sure there must have been misspelled signs out there, because it’s inevitable; I have probably misspelled something in this comment. But I have not seen any dumb or misspelled stuff. I guess the morans stayed home?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Larkspur: The marches today weren’t the kind of gatherings that morans show up to.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: getting his nads in a twist. perfect.
@Major Major Major Major: No, Davis should have been thrown under the bus. She was disgusting. But unfortunately weak willed Dems in my state wilted in that controversy. The governor rewrote the clerk rules so that the Clerk’s name is not on marriage license, so to not offend religious insensibilities. But the result was between dear Obama being the wrong color & necessary & righteous gay marriage being recognized, my fellow Kentuckians & went nuts and voted R for first time in 90 + years for state legislature. All this side street useless detail is just to say that I am brainstorming ways to get people to call Congress. It seems to have an effect.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Larkspur: here ya go. New York magazine has some good pieces
@Major Major Major Major: I tweeted your Mom’s sign – or a version of it – to Cole. My fave sign du jour (and a nod to the last photo) was “Vulva La Revolucion!”.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: someone, check his pulse quick.
@randy khan: Thanks, Randy.
@Major Major Major Major: I saw a photo of someone carrying that sign. Who knows maybe it was your mother? Hip hip hooray for both of you.
Mary G
@efgoldman: Frank Luntz is getting roundly mocked on Twitter for posting a picture of what he claims were a loud belligerent group of dangerous drunk marchers in the lobby of the Marriott Hotel where he’s staying. Says someone threw red paint on him. The people in the photo are sitting relaxed and chatting with each other and most are drinking Starbucks.
“The Washington rally alone attracted over 500,000 people according to city officials — apparently more than Trump’s inauguration drew on Friday. It was easily one of the biggest demonstrations in the city’s history, and as night fell, not a single arrest was reported.”
I’m surprised/not surprised. I was at the DC march and it seemed incredibly peaceful and the police seemed fairly relaxed (as much as they could be with so many people), but you never know. I’m so relieved and proud of the organizers and all the people who showed up. Perfect, just perfect!
No distractions beyond how the huge, peaceful marches across the world broke Trump’s tiny, tiny ego so that he whined and lied to the CIA and forced his Press Secretary to go out and do a full-on Baghdad Bob routine all on his first full day.
Major Major Major Major
@KlareCole: I was being sarcastic :)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: if he’s peeing his pants over this, imagine if he were given a position with real world responsibilities?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks! Now I’m going to check out the article “Kellyanne Conway Goes With a Subtle Look for the Inauguration”….
@Major Major Major Major: Oh, well, duh, on my part.
Lizzy L
Tired, with hurting legs — but I am elated. Proud of my community, my sisters and brothers, and my town. Going to bed early. Good night, jackals!
Calming Influence
One of my favorites: “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a Senator!”
And a 10 year old boy holding a sign “Trump eats farts”, for the 10 year old boy in all of us.
Major Major Major Major
@Larkspur: it’s too bad nobody will know who I’m talking about if I say Paddington Riefenstahl or that would be her new nickname for me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
shame a kid that young had to hear about Trump’s sexcapades the Moscow Hilton, though.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Paddington?
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Bear.
Smiling Mortician
@KlareCole: I’m late to the thread, so others may have answered already. But two sites I strongly recommend checking out right away:
Obama’s new website
MoveOn/Indivisible/Working Families’s organizing call for tomorrow
Ah I see that FNDC (fox news dot com) is back towing the party line with headlines like “IRRESPONSIBLE AND RECKLESS: Press Secretary Spicer accuses media of ‘false reporting’ in fiery briefing”
They really are gonna ride this Hindenburg all the way in, aren’t they?
Great to hear about all the positive energy, but I’m honestly shitting bricks about the Spicer thing. That’s Baghdad Bob stuff. That kind of stuff makes me think theyre going to fire a cruise missile at Portland and claim it was Isis.
@Bupalos: military is not that stupid. … despite their air force wingnutisan.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: It takes me to the London neighborhood or the train station.
Davis X. Machina
@Bupalos: “A man in my position can’t afford to look ridiculous!”
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Paddington Bear
@Jeffro: hey at least they’re putting in scare quotes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Okay, given that I have always understood the bear stuff, who is Riefenstahl here?
It’s really, really, really hard to get the US military to attack American civilians. Just about the only modern example I can think of is the National Guardsmen who fired on the crowd at Kent State, and they were poorly trained non-professionals.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Large crowds should strengthen his spine.
I was amazed reading the NYT article on that. There was zero both-sides-doit-ism. It was harsh!
Couldn't Stand the Weather
I like it.
The rain here in Maryland didn’t bother me a bit today.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Milwaukee County, not City of. Remember, Clarke is an authoritarian wannabe, so he sees everything through that lens. As long as you’re not in his county jail, he has no power.
@Jeffro: If you read that article, is “reckless and irresponsible” referring to Spicer or the media? :)
@catclub: well who are they going to compare him too going forward? He’s not behaving like Obama, so they can’t run that out there. They can’t do the “Hillary lies, too” at this point. She’s not running against him any more so it doesn’t matter what they felt about her for the past 20 years.
@Grover Gardner: I used to perform with Oregon State Ballet (student) at Lithia Park back in 1991. Beautiful place.
Captain C
@efgoldman: Not expecting to get reamed by the Gropenfuhrer after carrying water for him?
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, me too, seconding on Antarctica! Every continent! Woohoo!!!
@efgoldman: WWI bonus marchers were fired on by regular US Army.
Captain C
@catclub: I must say that I am somewhat surprised that a media creation such as Trump apparently has very little idea of how important it is to cultivate the press in his position, let alone how to do it.
Say what you will about C+ Augustus, he knew how to work a room of reporters.
@Major Major Major Major: Not nobody.
@Major Major Major Major: I SAW THAT SIGN!
I can’t remember where I saw it, not here though.
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve seen a photo with that ‘Trump is so bad even introverts are here.’ Your mother wasn’t, by chance, marching in Oakland, SD, VT or OR, was she? I had family at those places, as well as Wash DC, and they posted photos & video on FB. I could get the photo sent to you (through BJ) if we can suss whether or not it might be your mum. Or maybe I saw it here on BJ. I haven’t looked at CNN or other places, so I know that I saw it within my own small circle of movement somehow.
J R in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’ve heard of this guy. Sheriff of a county that’s completely covered by a large city, and thus without real duties, other than a county jail. Obviously completely ignorant of the founding documents of the nation, of which I respond to his idiotic little twit thusly:
The First Amendment to the Constitution, first commandment of the Bill of Rights:
Emphasis added for effect. We were there because neither the Congress, nor any other part of any government can tell us nay. This “permit” nonsense isn’t legal at all. As long as you are peaceful, you can assemble to address the Government for a redress. End of limitations on the right to assemble.
The sheriff of Milwaukee (hahaha) can’t have a valid opinion in opposition to this fundamental right. His disdain of today’s gathering shows his lack of adherence to his oath of office, at least, all the oaths of office I am aware mention protecting and defending the Constitution.
So, really his sworn duty is to protect our right to assemble in our hundreds of thousands and millions. If he doesn’t care to do that, he can be put out of his office to look for a real job to put food on the table.
Fuqer… as bad as Spicer.
ETA: I wasn’t there, not up to it physically, but I feel free to use WE because I support every Resistor who made that trip to any of the hundreds of resistance gatherings. The formatting came out OK, so I’m gonna leave this right here. Hope you like it.
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus:
Probably Leni Riefenstahl, who produced the well known film Triumph des Willens – a piece about the magnificent Adolph Hitler, new leader of Germany, intent upon conquering the known world.
There was a huge rally in Nuremberg, Germany, with anti-aircraft searchlights used as pillars to the sky, like giant mystical columns, around a huge arena, with scarlet banners carrying the chosen mystical symbols of the Nazi party. She built the place, put Hitler in it, and made a great propaganda piece, all in one fell swoop.
Choreographer, cinematographer, did everything but script Hitler, who was already a master at speaking rustic German to his mob. My understanding of it anyway. I was able to audit a cinema class a long time ago, they were showing the films in the student theater, you could just slide into the back, watch the film and then hear the Socratic class.
Birth of a Nation, Triumph des Willens, several others that summer. First exposure to critical analysis of anything, really. 1969 I think.
J R in WV
The Bonus Marchers were attacked by cavalry troops and tanks led by Patton, under the command of Pershing, IIRC. Great heros of WW II and WW I respectively. Kinda.
They followed orders, rather than the law. Trump is probably proud of them for that.
@Omnes Omnibus: Paddington Bear. There was also a film a couple of years ago. There was also a delightful TV short in the 1970s narrated by Michael Hordern.
Kelly Ann Riefenstahl is not delightful. Plus Riefenstahl had artistic talent, which she put to use in the service of evil. Conway is just a hateful blonde talking head, whose inner ugliness is becoming physically more apparent as she ages
And she doesn’t fill a clown suit well.
Fester Addams
@Gravenstone: @Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I guess for him “the social order” includes women doing as they are told.
I can only hope that this is the beginning of our version of the teabaggers, and that it ends up being as politically successful.
Please note, we did this WITHOUT the astroturf.
And Jesus Christ would I love the MSM to start earning that “liberal media” moniker after being out to lunch for fifty years.
@Major Major Major Major: That was your mom? That sign broke my FB feed last night!
Steeplejack (phone)
Whoever was the person asking if anybody had a picture of them with their round, NOW-style signs, I think there could be one about halfway down in this photo album.
ETA: Link to photograph.
Steeplejack (phone)
@randy khan:
Is this the picture?