BREAKING: Pres Trump on AF1:
"I think we’ve had one of the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency."— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) April 6, 2017
? (Its been 11 weeks)
— Noga Tarnopolsky (@NTarnopolsky) April 6, 2017
Donald Trump's travel expenses in 10 weeks cost US taxpayers as much as Barack Obama spent in two years
— Mike Elgan (@MikeElgan) April 6, 2017
Per Cummings spox, this is what he actually said in his Oval Office meeting with Trump
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) April 6, 2017
Which Rep. Cummings knows — as do we all — is not gonna happen.
This is on every single godsdamned Republican, down to the lowliest school board committee member and drainage department monitor. Thanks a whole fucking bunch for giving this monster his big chance, GOP!
Apart from continuing to #Resist, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Roger Moore
Yes, but Trump did it while white, so it’s all good.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Because it’s always 1974 in the Beltway
Steve in the ATL
So, uh, I’m still in Boston, flight delayed from 5 pm yesterday to early Friday morning. FML.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Neo-Cons are really sick.
I turned on MSNBC and Kornacki is just unwatchable with his Broder routine, so I switched to CNN. They had Neo-Con James Woolsey on and he said Trump shouldn’t attack Syria but instead use the tragedy to attack Iran. Disgusting.
The shoe is on the other….bigfoot?
We have a deviant toddler for a president. There’s still a small part of me that wants to believe I’m in a coma or something and I’ll wake up and discovery that HRC won the election and flipped the Senate.
Everyday is a new surprise, new twist to how they view the world and their role in it. The GOP is unable/unwilling to pull the plug or control anything but the meandering legislative initiatives. They give aid and cover to the coverup of the attack on our democracy by the Russians. They have absolutely no control or direction to the WH on actually doing anything related to foreign or domestic policy. We are completely adrift while factional infighting at the WH consumes the administration. We have no idea what they will get us into and without any staff with any experience to help, we can only imagine with horror what might happen in a true emergency (other than one created by themselves). How will this end? Really? What is the scenario for ending this nightmare?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch::
Yes, because using a tragedy perpetrated by actors in one country to attack an entirely different country who (probably) had nothing to do with the carrying out of said tragedy…that worked out splendidly the last time we tried it.
Do neocons even hear themselves talk?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Us. The vast majority of us. There are WAY more of us than them, and we need to keep showing up in person wherever it matters. Every pressure point. Town Halls are happening this break.
@Steve in the ATL:
Are they waiting for Boeing to build them a new airplane?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That’ll be a laff riot. Crap almighty, couldn’t they at least have invited Redford and Hoffman as W&B’s anger translators?
Hey, you hockey pucks, Don Rickles passed.
Mike in NC
Starting to think that Trump — that guy ‘with a very good brain’ — will opt for military action against both North Korea and Syria before the end of the month. His greatness demands it.
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: I’m guessing airbus. Boeing would be too fast!
He hadn’t been funny for 40++ years, and he was barely funny before that.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: or at least journalists who have accomplished anything good in the last 40 years?
Clinton jokes about men who question need for maternity care: “Maybe you were dropped by immaculate conception”
ETA: Theory…now that she’s likely done with political life, HRC can now unleash the acerbic humor she was rumored to have. She’s got ALOT of snark to let to of I’d think…from her Arkansas first lady days and on…
@Steve in the ATL:
Had we but known….
I assume the problem is getting an aircraft in from somewhere else. They could have left Boston any time up until 530 or so today.
Roger Moore
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
The voting booth would be a good place to start.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
@ThresherK: lack of comity in the Senate must of killed him.
Wow, gosh golly gee, that quote from Cummings is almost exactly what I thought he had actually said, rather than Trump’s version.
I must have some special ESP powers!
I’m available for the next minute or so if any of the BJ commentariate needs some clairvoyance. Cheap!
@Steve in the ATL: Sorry! Deal left a message on behalf of the RNC and I deleted it. I probably should have listened to see if he saw Jon kiss Nancy.
Patricia Kayden
@Roger Moore: And while Republican, which is just as important.
@Patricia Kayden: All the extra security and travel expenses should be chump couch cushion change for a giga-billionaire. I am so very surprised that Trump is springing for it himself.
Patricia Kayden
@efgoldman: I couldn’t get into his kind of humor. Insult comic is not my thing. But may he RIP. He lived a long life.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Fuckin’ shoot me now.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I think that works for domestic policy better — what do we do about the horror of foreign policy mismanagement? This man is dangerous and stupid and he has no one around him !! There are 3 generals who have some expertise — though they are military in their mindset and therefore hierarchical and steeped in taking orders. I have hope for MCMaster but the other two haven’t done much except tow crazy granpa’s line. Plus — they have NO ASSISTANTS!!! There are no people in the agencies charged with getting things done. Rex Tillerman has gutted the State Department and replaced no one in this most dangerous time period. The Congress needs to be screaming from the rooftops, but instead are doing —nothing….
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
@Mike in NC:
@Elie: “pulling the plug” has NEVER been something they’re willing or able to do on any level. See Schaivo, Terry.
‘Stay woke. Stay energized.’ — @MaxineWaters has important advice for young people in the age of Trump
“Don’t let the outside noise distract you from your purpose …always move forward!”
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: I was scheduled on connecting flights earlier today (changing planes? How bourgeois) but the flights from random cities to Atlanta were all cancelled.
So what time is the meet up?
Chyron HR
@Steve in the ATL:
Well, then why aren’t you called Steve in the BOS, huh?!
Steve in the ATL
@Chyron HR: I’m going to be “Steve in the same clothes from two days ago”
Gin & Tonic
I got my cast off and sutures out today. Unfortunately within a half-hour there was a new cast put on, as my arm still needs to be immobilized. But this one is a little shorter and a lot lighter, as it is fiberglass and not plaster, and it allows a limited range of elbow movement. The surgeon said my x-rays look wonderful. The brief period without the cast was glorious.
So I’m sort of celebrating with a couple of cold ones.
@Mike in NC:
He aint doing shit since the Chinese president is going to jam up his North Korea big talk and Vlad is gonna seal up any action on Syria. He will just continue babbling nonsense that is meaningless and everyone knows it in advance. We are truly diminished in the world — laughingstocks and getting more and more irrelevant by the day…
Uncle Ebeneezer
@lamh36: Now THAT’s how you lead the
@Gin & Tonic:
Yay! Things are progressing really well and I am glad.
Jim Faith
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch::
And remember, Woolsey quit the transisiton team because Flynn was too frickin’ nuts.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: maybe it’ll just be the two of them entertaining each other…Sam Bee’s alt dinner will probably be very well attended.
@Gin & Tonic: Good deal, stay the course.
@Gin & Tonic:
Very happy for you! How long until the fiberglass cast comes off for good?
Corner Stone
@Steve in the ATL:
Steve Bannon! Good to see you reading BJ!
Corner Stone
@Gin & Tonic:
Brown chicken, brown cow, wuh wuh wuh!
I am also concerned that his erraticism and irresponsible craziness will do things to the economy that will sink our finances and plans for retirement this year. This guy is a complete incompetent! And he and his people seem to be the last to know it!
@Steve in the ATL:
Sorry you are stuck st Logan. It’s better than some airports (your home airport for one) but still not home.
@Corner Stone: That was cruel.
whoops meant the comment to Steve
Mike J
Who knew the mayor of Seattle liked Comet pizza?
@Corner Stone:
From now on we’ll call him Stinky Steve.
Malcolm NanceVerified account @MalcolmNance
Malcolm Nance Retweeted Max Boot
I believe Trump’s Syria 180 comes fm Mattis/McMaster. Bannon needs an attack to shore up polls. Prepare for a B2 strike on Syria in 3..2..1
Patricia Kayden
@jl: Nope. He wants to scam the government and squeeze every penny he can from being President. And we’re left paying for it through our tax dollars while he hasn’t paid federal taxes for decades.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: It probably gets removed in two weeks and exchanged for another one for another two weeks, but it depends on the status of the pins holding my radius and ulna together. He’d like those to stay in for about another four weeks before removing them, but we have to see how it goes. That is to allow as much time as possible for my ligaments to heal. The heads of the pins/wires are outside my skin so he can pull them out. The plate stays in forever. In two weeks I may be able to start limited physical therapy.
As far as I’m concerned, she has permission to cut anyone she wants.
@lamh36: They knew! The Republican leadership knew and wouldn’t investigate because they wanted Trump to win. They are guilty of collusion. They are all accessories. They all need to go.
Gin & Tonic
PT will be the key.
Where the fuck would they be bombing? There are no distinct territories! They are as likely to bomb our so called allies as enemies! In fact, wouldn’t they be likely to kill a Russian, or Iranian or two, since they are fighting with Assad?
@lamh36: I can hear the Beltway Inbreds now: “Why didn’t she let this loose on the campaign, amidst all those Emailzzz and TrumpThatBitch stories?”
@Gin & Tonic: How much longer do you have to keep this cast on?
Happy healing.
@Gin & Tonic: Wishing you all the best with your recovery. It’s really amazing what modern surgical techniques can do. Glad it’s going so well for you.
Corner Stone
Tell Pooty that Syria needs to pay up or else. Nice dictatorship ya got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: And nobody said anything to warn the public. Sigh.
@Gin & Tonic: Yep, PT will be the key. Just a warning. There is a man undergoing PT for a knee replacement at the same time I am doing mine for my shoulder surgery and we have the same therapist. We have decided all physical therapists are required to have a psych evaluation before they will be allowed to practice. If they don’t score high enough on the sadism scale they are rejected.
Matt Murphy @MattMurph24
Amazing how the first thought of the Trump regime is military strikes instead of accepting more displaced Syrian refugees into America.
@Gin & Tonic:
Good news. Hope you continue to heal.
@Gin & Tonic: Hey, add my best wishes. Spousal ThresherK has been on a PT course since her new knee almost five months ago.
Gin & Tonic
@japa21: I have been through physical therapy after fractures of major bones a couple of times already. I know what’s coming.
@japa21: Labrum or rotator cuff?
@Steve in the ATL: You’re stuck in the Boston transportation system for an undefined amount of time? Are you sure your name isn’t Charlie?
Corner Stone
I think we’re going to wake up to an overnight military strike against targets in Syria.
Gin & Tonic
Indeed. Here’s a catalog of possible options for what I had. No, I didn’t get to pick from it beforehand.
It is a tragic and fateful day.
Steve in the ATL
@Corner Stone:
Well played
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
he just spent 2 years screaming he wouldn’t accept any Syrian kids cuz they might be terrorists. Now he’s upset and wants to bomb his long time buddy Assad over the kids he demonized.
Sure, he does.
@raven: Both plus biceps
@japa21: If they don’t score high enough on the sadism scale they are rejected.
When I had physical therapy for my shoulder I started laughing once when the therapist was performing doing her 10 minutes of manipulation on the shoulder. When she asked me what I was laughing about I told her that I had trouble believing I was actually paying her to torture me, and if I didn’t laugh I would probably be crying.
Three months later I had almost complete motion in the shoulder, when I started I could barely raise my arm.
@Steve in the ATL:
How is that even possible? Is Logan under attack by the Luftwaffe?
HRC with NMFTG. Cannot wait.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve always felt that Charlie’s wife was up to no good and just wanted her husband safely out of the way. Otherwise, why didn’t she just give him the damn nickel instead of passing him a bag lunch every day?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Steve in the ATL
@Timurid: maybe Georgia isn’t accepting flights from blue states?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
More proof that the dinner should simply be put out of it’s misery. Obama was a very good comedian, he’s a hard act to follow for anyone, let alone the despised unfunny Shitgibbon, but using these two to fill in and relive their press’s glory days is beyond pathetic. The fact that the press has done nothing worth celebrating since Watergate, is just pathetic and disgraceful. Stop kissing up to the person you’re supposed to be holding accountable and do your fucking jobs.
Corner Stone
Was it over when the Japanese bombed Boston Harbor?!
@Corner Stone: Only if he has layered two button down shirts, at the same time.
Chet Murthy
Oh lordy, no. Mme Secretary, please no
Arrgh. She didn’t have to do this. She didn’t. She could have called for firming sanctions against Russia, other non-military actions. Shit. Shit. Attacking Syrian airspace, defended by Russian A-A nets? Man, that’s great, just great.
[Just to be clear: I’m not even remotely suggesting any (false) equivalence between Mme. Secretary and any R whosoever s/he might be. Not. Even. Just because they’re barking mad hyenas, doesn’t mean that our side can’t make mistakes.]
ETA: I’m not one to believe in 11-dim chess, “mind games” / “if I say do X, he’ll do not X” B.S. I actually take her at her word.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Chet Murthy
@hovercraft: Lucky for us all, we have Sam Bee to put the shiv in on live TV …. gotta find a bar that carries that shit, get the drinks lined up …..
@Corner Stone: The discussion between Trump and Mattis/McMaster must be like something out of that old “Intervention” TV series…
@Chet Murthy: And people get all fucking freaky if someone says she wasn’t a very good candidate.
uh huh
uh huh
Josh DawseyVerified account @jdawsey1
White House weighs whether to end subsidy payments for Obamacare — stripping them could blow up exchanges.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This momentarily took my mind off Syria
@Steve in the ATL: OK, what tips can we locals give to help you? Where are you staying?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Timurid: /shudder/
“Obviously, Mr President, we don’t have to explain to a man of your genius and vision…”
“My tremendous vision”
“Of course, sir, your tremendous vision. You know of course how difficult the geography of Syria is..”
“Have you seen my electoral map? Tremendous, incredible. Many historians, the history people, have told me it was a historic victory, a never before seen thing…”
@raven: Hillary of all people should know that if Trump wants to do something, that’s a damned good sign that you shouldn’t be doing that thing.
@Steve in the ATL: But there is also a BJ cat named Steve.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
but, but…. Run the country like a business!
Chet Murthy
@raven: Uh, her skills as a candidate (which think were fine, not stellar, are you really going to argue she wasn’t as good as Kerry & Gore? Or must we always find WJC/BHO-level candidates?) have nothing to do with her choices in some particular policy area.
I remember vividly that I and many of my friends had explicitly chosen BHO over HRC specifically on national security grounds — that BHO would be (and I quote) “less in the pocket of the national security establishment, and hence less likely to get us into wars”. I knew this going into the 2016 cycle, and still chose HRC. She lost. She’s done (or should be). She should know better than to muddy the waters for her party, by saying things like this.
[In a similar fashion as Wilmer should know not to to argue that WWC Trumpists weren’t overwhelmingly driven by racism.]
Not. Helping.
Thru the Looking Glass...
CBS Evening News:
Russian & Syrian ‘explanation’ of what happened w/ the nerve gas… a conventional air strike ‘hit’ a rebel WMD facility, accidentally releasing the Sarin…
Well… for those of you who were wondering how Trump would deal w/ a crisis not of his own making…
Here we go!
@Timurid: It’s under attack by thunderstorms
Steve in the ATL
@different-church-lady: at the airport now, praying that my flight leaves at 1 am. I finally got a table at a restaurant and offered to share it with a nice English couple. Who repaid me in Guinness and Jameson. So that part was good.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chet Murthy:
I would say pretty much fucking impossible.
Roger Moore
This always seemed like the flaw in the scenario. Of couldn’t he have begged a nickel from somebody, tried to jump a turnstile and accepted the risk of arrest, etc?
Steve in the ATL
@Sab: I was here first!
Thru the Looking Glass...
Paul Ryan (on CBS) NOT looking happy…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Timurid: on the plus side, it will rile up the divisions in the Democratic Party.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I don’t understand, Twitler is a great manager and he used those skills to create a great company, and he knows how to pick the best people. How is his White House degenerating into chaos? How can the Daddy party not have the faintest clue how to govern? Aren’t Obama and the democrats weak and inefficient? None of this is as I was told it would be. Obamacare is supposed to be imploding not the glorious Shitgibbon and his massive majority.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: Rep. Waters is amazing. And if you need something less highbrow* but also motivating, have you seen this Wonkette writer’s response to the bigot currently running the DOJ?
*meaning lots of f-bombs, appropriate but NSFW and NSFN N= nieces
@Steve in the ATL: Darn, I was going to send you to Lucky’s in terminal A.
If you’re the drinking type, grab an umbrella, take the Blue line to Goverment Center and hit Yvonne’s.
Uncle Cosmo
@dmsilev: Alternate lyrics:
Can’t remember which Irish ballad band was juvenile enough to sing that live on stage…
Mike J
Billo had one paid spot in the first stopset.
Steve in the ATL
Had dinner and drinks there tonight. And last night. And maybe tomorrow night…I’m start to feel a bit un-Lucky
@Uncle Cosmo: Scollay. SCOLLAY Square.
@lamh36: better ready eight nooses then, I guess…wait…four, just four
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
Syria or Trumpcare?
@Steve in the ATL: Ah, well at least you had a good burger.
You DID get the Lucky’s Burger, didn’t you?
Mike J
@Lyrebird: Seattle Police Monitor issued a report today saying use of force in Seattle is WAY down and there was no added danger to the cops. Also, they’ve improved deëscaltion.
Have the feds watching the local cops actually works. That’s why trump wants to destroy it.
Gin & Tonic
@Mike J: Free market solutions!
Steve in the ATL
@different-church-lady: I don’t eat red meat, so I’ve had the turkey burger and the veggie burger. I know, I know.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yup. Trump repeatedly said he would “bomb the shit outta them”; he promised to bring back torture, including intentional torturing innocent family members. Yet despite his numerous racist and hateful statements, the Alt-Left promoted Trump as a pacifist.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Gin & Tonic: the invisible hand grabbing him by the
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I have less than no love for the House Repubs, but I hope they openly laughed at the White House threats. “You know we don’t work for you, right? Say ‘You’re fired!’ all you want.”
But it probably means Bannon’s white-power media empire is going to scream at them, at least until Bannon gets shitcanned himself. I will be watching, with popcorn at hand.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Trump can’t do anything about Ryan. The Freedom Caucus isn’t big enough to force anything.
On those 2013 Tweets, why hasn’t any one asked Trump or Spicer point blank about them?
Well, there were those reporters who they made that “Spotlight” movie about. They did some good stuff. Maybe the Correspondent’s Dinner could have gotten them to speak. I know their work wasn’t expressly related to U.S. politics, but the Vatican has a lot of political power and influence, so maybe it would count.
@Steve in the ATL: Oh.
Uh… how were they?
El Caganer
@Chet Murthy: She’s certainly consistent. She continued to push for Syrian no-fly zones after the Russians said they’d shoot down any planes that tried to enforce such zones, and again when the chairman of the JCOS told Congress that creating no-fly zones without U.N. authorization would be an act of war. It’s not like she just jumped on the Whack-Assad Train.
@japa21: Whoa.
Not amazing at all. Who expected anything else?
Whatever else Cantaloupe Klown does, he will always live down to our expectations.
@Chet Murthy: I have no idea what the fuck you are saying.
Steve in the ATL
@different-church-lady: turkey burger was good; black bean burger not so much.
Jameson was fine, but as an episcopalian I’m supposed to drink bushmills
You’re confusing Pearl Harbor with Boston.
ETA: And I see Corner Stone beat me to it by a country mile
Corner Stone
They launched.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
The more/harder the WH (anybody in the WH) pushes this, the less chance it will happen. Even the drooling flying monkey mouth breather kkkrazy kkkaukus hates the executive branch telling the legislature what to do.
50 tomahawks.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
LOL. let’s see how donnie rotten reacts to this. i can guarantee it’s going to be something stupid.
I agree there are journalists how do and have done exemplary work, just generally not in political reporting. Our political media is obsessed with access, and “narratives”. The right has beaten the shit out of them since Watergate, and they have developed Stockholm Syndrome. The WHC are the absolute worst of the lot.
Mike J
Heads up Kim.
Corner Stone
This strutting peacock is now going to go around swaggering like he’s the second coming of John Wayne.
@Mike J: Xin loi, that ship sailed.
Thru the Looking Glass...
CBS special…
US has launched nearly 60 Cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield…
WW III, here we come!
Corner Stone
@Mike J: Fuck Russia. They wanted this and now they’ve got it.
Steve in the ATL
@Thru the Looking Glass…: holy fucking shit. This is even worse than my travel woes.
Corner Stone
Hey! It feels manly to burn off $75M for nothing! Toot Toot!
Steve in the ATL
So trump is doing what Hillary told him to do–attack Syrian airfields?
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@Thru the Looking Glass…: AP just broke the same story. Yay. /s
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Steve in the ATL:
You are in Boston.
You can literally see the ocean from where you’re standing/sitting.
Fresh seafood comes to the dock daily at several different places within just a few miles of you (yes, there’s still a Boston fishing fleet, although it’s a shadow of what it used to be).
And you ate a turkey burger?
Chet Murthy
@raven: Let me try again:
I’m arguing that whether or not she was a good candidate, is -unrelated- to this question of national security policy. And one can be firmly convinced that (of the choices offered) she was the best, while STILL being dismayed at her coming out with this statement. And while hoping that, in the Alt-45 universe, her advisors prevailed to convince her to not make this statement, not choose this course. In that universe, PBHO’s apparatus would still be there, and she’d be taking their advice, so I have some ground for belief that we wouldn’t be on the brink of military engagement with another nuclear-armed power.
In -this- universe, her statement is foolish. It gives comfort to our adversary, while laying the ground for “both sides” arguments in the future.
I will give you this: it’s *also* bad politics. Bad political strategy at the highest level it’s practiced. It -does- diminish her in my eyes as a pol.
@Chet Murthy: Nicely stated but her views on national security were a large part of what I didn’t like about her. The BJ archives will show that I repeatedly said she’d bomb the first thing that raised its head. I voted for her but that’s about it.
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Fuck. That. Cunt.
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: had seafood for lunch both days! And dinner the first night.
I’m not *that* stupid
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Steve in the ATL: Strangely enough, I just tried to edit my comment and add THAT exact wording to it…
As much as I despise Assad, I wonder and kinda hope that someone on this side gave Russia a head’s up to GET THEIR FARKIN’ ARSES OFF THAT BASE NOW!
Ya know, just for the sake of NOT starting WW III…
This might kinda strain Donnie & Vlad’s bromance, don’tcha think?
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
Adam Silverman, paging Adam Silverman.
Steve in the ATL
@Thru the Looking Glass…: no way Donnie did this without the prior consent of his handler in Moscow
Thru the Looking Glass...
@debbie: Actually, at that moment he was talking about Nunes stepping out of the investigation…
joel hanes
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
US has launched
world goes round in circles
I first found Balloon Juice when we were just getting our war on after 9/11, and I read all the war blogs and the lefty blogs to try to get some handle on what was happening
and here we are, sixteen years later, and we’re just getting our war on
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Steve in the ATL: You’re probably right about that…
I’m not a fan of Russia, btw… I just don’t want to see something far, far nastier come of this…
Thru the Looking Glass...
@joel hanes: It appears I chose the wrong day to quit sniffing glue…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Thru the Looking Glass…: Barry McCaffrey said he can’t imagine they wouldn’t have given Russia a heads-up. But I’d bet six months ago Barry McCaffrey couldn’t imagine a Trump presidency
I was more familiar with her than most people in the general public so I was confident people would like her less and less as time went on. There’s not a lot to like.
I have no idea why they thought an incredibly wealthy GOP operative who has never had any public role and has interacted exclusively with far Right politicians who are completely beholden to her would have any idea how to deal with media or the public, but they did.
What she is good at is throwing huge wads of campaign cash at wavering Republicans to scare the shit out of them and bend them to her agenda – behind closed doors and in the dark. That’s a very narrow skill! It applies no where else, in no other area!
Steve in the ATL
Btw though I’ve been bitching about my travel delays, the woman next to me has it far worse. She lives in palm beach and was visiting Boston and now can’t get to Kentucky to watch her horse race. And it already has 54 points toward the derby!
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I suspect and hope that is true… it feels right…
Again, as much as I’m no fan of Russia or Putin, I don’t wanna see this erupt into a much bigger mess…
@Steve in the ATL: I’ll never complain again, because that is so sad.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
It’s a little early to say, but sucking up to Assad might have been a blow to the Draft Tulsi Gabbard for President committee.
I dunno about the rest of you, but I’m looking forward to nuclear winter.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Steve in the ATL
@different-church-lady: it’s a great week for nuclear options!
@efgoldman: If only you read Universal Hub you’d understand just how Boston turkeys have become.
Anne Laurie
@Steve in the ATL:
You have my sincere sympathy, but as a Hub-area resident, I’m required to point out that, this time, it’s Atlanta screwing with your schedule.
@Turgidson: Since Betty had just put up a post at 5:30pm, I scheduled this to appear at 7pm. Cole couldn’t be arsed to check the dashboard before posting his righteous rant… which, admittedly, I’d have re-scheduled my post to accommodate, if I hadn’t been away from the ‘tubes until just now.
@Chet Murthy:
Fuck you. She is a private citizen, she has no power to launch a single bullet, let alone a whole air force, and she can say what she wants. You (or I) may disagree with her – so what?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Wilmer is completely silent on the gas attack – not taking any position, one way or another. Also completely silent on Trump’s bombing.
joel hanes
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Barry McCaffrey said he can’t imagine they wouldn’t have given Russia a heads-up.
The Donald’s Disorganization spent half the day telegraphing their intent in the media.
If that wasn’t one of the empties airbases in the ME when the first missile hit, it wasn’t because they were caught by surprise.
Chet Murthy
@efgoldman: She’s still a senior Dem figure. And she just did her party a lotta damage. Note that in my statement, “adversary” == “Rs/Dampnut”. When Wilmer discounts the role that racism played in Trumpists’ votes, do we not criticize him? Look: I’m still an HRC supporter. She’s earned the right to not give a damn about the running of the country, and to have a nice life, help raise her grandkids, etc. But she -injected- herself into this situation, where she didn’t have to. As you say, she isn’t responsible and has no power to do shit about it. So why did she have to speak at all?
Dude: I’m an HRC supporter. I -understand- that our pols are flawed human beings, and can’t always do what we want them to do, be who we want them to be. But this was a *domestic* *political* own-goal. No gain, only loss.
Precisely. And so are we private citizens, who can say what we want. And as a private citizen, I find something said by one of my party’s elders to be entirely unhelpful.
Uncle Cosmo
@different-church-lady: Whatfuckingevah. I goddamn well wasn’t going to go to the trouble of looking up the exact lyrics for the sake of Beantowners’ gentle feefees. It’s the thought that counts.
A-fucking-men. A-fucking-men.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Better to be silent than run your mouth like a fucking idiot like HRC just did.
@Uncle Cosmo: If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing ri… eh, never mind, fuck me.
Chet Murthy
@raven: @David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: In the spirit of Keynes’ “when the facts change, I change my mind, what do you do sir?”,
(1) raven, I’m thinking about this (your words, and hers, and the situation, and her history). Believe me, I am.
(2) Gotta say, if I had to pick amongst the various statements being made, Wilmer’s is the one I’d go with. B/c “Great Power military conflict? Really? Really?” Sticks in my craw a little to have to say that, b/c I never thought it was such a great pol. But “if you can’t do something positive, just keep yer yap shut” is Godlike wisdom, compared to what we’re hearing elsewhere.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Now that’s comedy!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@liberal: That’s some “Revolutionary!” ya got there.
He touts himself as anti-war and against interventionism, yet when push comes to shove, he cuts and runs.
joel hanes
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
The Sunshine Boys, without the jokes.
That sounds boffo
That’s the damned thing of it all. Obama busted his ass to restore our position in the world after Bush almost destroyed it, and what does America do (with help from Russia)? Install this orange shitgibbon in the White House to burn everything down. We are well and truly fucked. None of our allies will ever have faith in us not to put in office any more idiots, not after we go from making up for the Bush years by electing Obama, then turning around and putting this fuckwad Trump in charge.
Maxine Waters on Twitter had the best response to that…. She retweeted @PeterAlexander but only used the hashtag #fakenews.