Here’s a picture of Steve sitting in the dark at the top of the stairs bitching for food. He perches there so if I make any movement towards the stairs, he can race downstairs and be prepared for to inhale whatever I give him.
He’s not getting anything until tomorrow morning.
mai naem mobile
I know this is supposed to be a cat thread but I cannot stand looking at Dolt 45. He’s just so ugly and his mannerisms are ugly and his accent and voice make me feel like punching my teevee. He should be impeached just for this.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I believe according to internet tradition I should say “Same”
Steve is not waiting for food when sitting in the dark at the top of the stairs. Steve is trying to kill you.
@mai naem mobile: Yeah I wish some of the Raw Story photo editors would change things up, so if the story is about protesters or evidence against trump, they would show the protesters or something instead of plastering his face everywhere. But they haven’t asked me.
Happy Birthday a little late John Cole!
Gee Cole, looks like that cat is starving.
in other news, Schindler, Nance, Mensch, Nichols and a bunch of other anti-Trump spooks, ex-spooks, wannabe spooks and spook experts are having an epic pie fight on Twitter tonight…
Been noticing higher-than-usual levels of DOOOOOM and GLOOOOM in the blogospheric air tonight. Big talking point is they will pass the bill and we are fucked forever and they will blame any problems on Democrats and lie their way to eternal power.
Isn’t this abomination of a bill polling at like, 20% tops? That’s WORSE THAN DUBYA AT HIS LOWEST. IT BROKE THE CRAZIFICATION BARRIER!
Sure, maybe some of that is GOP wackaloons who think it doesn’t kill enough disabled grandmas. But, if there’s anything that could break the GOP, this is it. I don’t recall Trump campaigning on cutting Medicaid.
Twitter is fucked to the up tonight. Everyone and everything in my feed… Resistance types, anti-Trump conservatives, the aforementioned IC geeks… are engaged in interlocking circular firing squads about GA06, Pelosi, maybe AHCA isn’t that bad, who among them is really a Russian agent and so forth…
@Timurid: Yikes.
re: casting aspersions on Pelosi
Was it here or on Wonkette…? Someone put some complaint about the Minority Leader under a photo of all the new dudebro Ken dolls.
@Timurid: The Senate version of AHCA is called BCRAP; BSHIT would be better, but I’ll take BCRAP.
@Timurid: I don’t have much background to evaluate the claims*, but sure looks like a mess!
Whatever substance-related disagreements they have, it doesn’t look like Schindler’s helping himself by going after Nance as a “PC” hire, or using “enlisted” like it means someone’s not as good as him. (ETA in case it’s not obvious seems to me Schindler either was hacked or is letting his horse’s-ass flag fly)
Learned something new though – after reading the above, I googled, and lo and behold, Malcolm Nance is Black!
Current conservatives complain about identity politics, but it’s only because of conservatives that I’ve learned the above, or learned that is it Krauthammer who has a physical disability? Even after reading screenfuls of yelling back and forth on lefty blogs about the merits of what those two people say.
@marcion: I think it’s at 12%, but I could be wrong, anyway it’s pretty damn unpopular none the less. If Republicans want to pass this monstrosity that everyone hates that’s their stupid decision. When they get killed for it (electorally speaking) I won’t be shedding any tears. I have as much concern for their wellbeing as they do for mine: zero.
Keith P.
That’s one thing I don’t do unless I’m out of food and *really* don’t want to drive to the store. Hungry cats (really hungry cats) are very persistent creatures.
Major Major Major Major
Been doing some work on my new webcomic (launching this weekend!). It’s spooky, so it’s a good distraction from/complement to the news. I started a new strip today. Our protagonist doesn’t know it, but somebody’s watching him…
He’s distracting you from the tripwire two steps down. Classic ninja move.
” I don’t recall Trump campaigning on cutting Medicaid. ”
Trump himself has suddenly recalled this the last few days. What his babbling about it means, only God and his buddy the FSM know. Maybe the most recent ‘last guy in the room’ showed him how much the public, including the GOP voting public, hate the GOP health reform. Doesn’t mean he won’t sign if the GOP Congress sends him something and just flat out lies that it’s all fixed. But we should use whatever they give to our best advantage.
I’ve said this before and will say it again: Schindler, Wilson, Frum and the rest of them are not and never will be your friends. They temporarily hate Trump more than they hate you. Someday, Trump’s going to be gone. Who do you think they’ll hate most then?
Major Major Major Major
@jl: Trump ran on white socialism. He got elected, barely and sort of, on a platform of white socialism. He forgot, because he has the attention span of a gnat and is a Republican. However, his voters (probably) care more about the ‘white’ part than the ‘socialism’ part so they’ll stick by him.
And that’s when we stop working with them. This isn’t hard.
@Major Major Major Major:
You assume you get to choose when and how the relationship ends. Kicked a lot of footballs recently, Charlie Brown?
Major Major Major Major
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. What possible situation could be like this?
@Morzer: At least I can find some reliable bios for Nance. Schindler… well, pretty funky stuff. He worked for the NSA and then, apparently fired for sexting at the Naval War College (really? the same guy?). Weird, because I can’t find even one detailed bio on the internet. Lots of controversy, though.
So, I wouldn’t be throwing bombs about credibility if I were him.
Well, that just proves that he’s a triple elite secret agent. *cough*
@Major Major Major Major:
” However, his voters (probably) care more about the ‘white’ part than the ‘socialism’ part so they’ll stick by him. ”
I will be testing that out on the Trump supporters in my family. As I have said before, I think about half of them will not be willing to make that sacrifice for their bigotry, and the bigotry will be put on the back burner for a while.
Yeesh, even Hillary said she though only half the Trump supporters were ‘deplorables’. A lot of people are just fine being doom and gloomers and assuming that every Trump voter is beyond salvage. I’m going to see if some of my Trumpers will act on Trump’s sudden memory of his campaign promise. Will be an interesting experiment. I’m curious about their reaction.
Major Major Major Major
@jl: Yeah, I honestly have no idea. And we don’t need all Trump’s voters, we just need enough.
BTW, very clear to me that poor cat of Cole’s needs some food asap just as badly as Tunch did.
And now I feel the TunchForce, I feel it strongly:
Edit: May the TunchForce always be with us. I suddenly feel the irresistible urge for some bedtime snacks now.
“You can’t blame Trump. The Democrats refused to work with him etc etc”
@LurkerNoLonger: I don’t want this healthcare monstrosity to pass, but the one positive aspect of the whole evil mess is that Republicans have written bills which will hurt their own voters more on average than their opponents. Whether the brainwashed morons who vote for them will still blame their loved ones’ deaths on Democrats, we will see.
@Morzer: Trump was happily babbling away about how he was going to get the Democrats and Republicans together to work on bipartisan improvement of the health care bills at his goofy campaign rallies the last couple of days. I heard it myself on a radio spot, in his own voice.
In the sane world, what the hell could he have been talking about? But since he’s said everything about it, I’ll give the Trumpsters I know the rundown and see what happens.
@jl: he could veto the bill for being too mean.
Lolololol. I kill me.
Well, interpreting Trump’s latest verbal spasm is probably futile. The Trump Way seems to be intermittent government by brain-fart and tantrum, with an occasional pause for corruption and self-pity.
@Morzer: yeah. I’m sure that will eventually work. Of course the GOP is mean. The democrats were supposed to step in and modify it. But they refused!
Trump’s already held a signing ceremony when he had nothing to sign. Rule nothing out and expect nothing and Trump won’t surprise you.
My cat is suffering from pancreatitis or IBS and I’ve had to syringe feed him a couple times over the past two weeks. He went from 15lbs to about 11lbs.
He’s been getting some steroid, a pain killer and anti-nausea pill and has started eating again, but he’s super picky and sometimes just won’t eat, even if it’s very expensive raw food made from rabbits the he seemed to love yesterday. It’s annoying stuff.
Be happy Steve is healthy and eating. I’m over a thousand in the hole so far and that’s just on diagnostics trying to figure this out.
@Peale: High energy Democrats would have rushed the quiet back room where the 10 or 13 old rich white geezers were being mean and done an intervention. Like Trump did with Gary Busey.
Has the vet ruled out lymphoma? I has a cat that died from lymphoma and the first sign of it was a lack of appetite. After her operation, we had to feed her through a syringe attached to her neck – a special formula of high-fat cat-food, which smelled disgusting when warmed in the microwave.
Have the vet techs told you the trick of warming the wet food in the microwave for 30 seconds or so? But keep a close eye on it and treat it like a baby bottle that can’t get too hot. Warming it up makes it a little easier for older cats to smell the food and get interested in it.
Our sick kitty turned out to have pemphigus, which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the skin cells. She wasn’t eating because it was attacking her paw pads and claw beds, which made it painful to walk. Steroids are really helping, and we were able to cut back to an every other day dose.
They checked her for every type of cancer that didn’t require a biopsy and they all came out clean, fortunately. I looked pemphigus up on Dr. Google after she saw the dermatologist and she seems to have a classic case.
How many times to we have to tell you, STAY AWAY FROM THE BROWN ACID. Silly jl.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I also heard Trump praise your radioactive glow. He said it was high energy.
” BillinGlendaleCA is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more. Top Person. If only he was a billionaire, he’d be in my cabinet. Believe me.”
Jay S
@Mnemosyne: Also, small amounts of cheap Parmesan cheese sprinkled on food can get over picky cats food issues.
The problem is that it could poll at 0% and we still couldn’t fucking stop it from passing because these fuckers don’t fucking care about any rules anymore.
They can pass it, they will pass it and shit is going to get real. Hope you folks have your emergency kits ready, looks like we all are going to need them ahead of schedule.
@jl: Silly, jl.
Tim in SF
Have you seen Pet Fooled on Netflix, John? Worth a watch since you have such wonderful animals.
Still, even if he’s loud, that’s one handsome profile.
@dlwchico: I hope everything goes well with your kitty. I’ve been there – not with pancreatitis, but with other pet ailments. Your baby is lucky to have you for a pet parent.