… Because we must. From Politico:
Former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, in California as part of her 16-city book tour, said Monday that Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren will need “a high pain threshold” if they run for president in 2020 because of the way female candidates are treated.
When asked what she would say if she were advising Harris (D-Calif.) or Warren (D-Mass.) on a run for president, Clinton said she would counsel that “you have to have a high pain threshold, because the double standard is alive and well … this is endemic to our political system, to business, to the media, to every part of society. So don’t be afraid to talk about it and take it on.”
“[J]ust be prepared … to have the most horrible things said about you,’’ Clinton advised. Based on descriptions on some websites, she explained, “I’m … the most amazing serial killer you ever met.”
“There’s a particular level of vitriol, from both the right and the left, directed at women,’’ she said. “Make no mistake about that.” …
“Everyone, regardless of political parties, should be disturbed that Russian agents used Facebook and Twitter and Google to place targeted attack ads … not only to hurt my chances, but to fan the flame of divisions within our society,’’ Clinton said. But Vladimir “Putin is not just interfering in our discourse because he’s bored … he’s got a strategy,’’ she told the audience, which greeted her with wild cheers and applause. “His goal is to undermine and perhaps even destroy Western democracy itself. Their weapons of choice may not be tanks or missiles. But let’s not mince words. This is a new kind of Cold War, and they are just getting started.”
She noted that new findings show that “Russians posed as gun rights advocates,’’ civil rights advocates and LGBT activists to stir up dissent on social media sites like Facebook — and that Facebook has acknowledged it sold $100,000 worth of ads that were “seen by at least 10 million people in crucial states” like Michigan and Wisconsin — two of the states that “decided the election by razor-thin margins.”
Clinton said Russia’s hacking activities during the 2016 election, which also involved “getting into voter rolls and looking for weaknesses,’’ may be a worse transgression than Watergate. “Watergate was a good old-fashioned physical burglary’’ between political adversaries, she said. But Russia is “a foreign adversary.”
Clinton said that while some critics, even in her own party, have suggested she get off the stage and retire into private life, she has no intention of muffling her voice on such issues. “I’m going to do everything I can, going forward, as an active citizen to speak out.” …
Apart from staying strong, what’s on the agenda for the day?
Speaking of persistence:
… To celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage in the state, the Museum of the City of New York’s new exhibit focuses on New York’s contributions to the women’s rights movement. The exhibition will chronicle the struggle leading up to women’s suffrage in 1917 and through the 2016 presidential campaign. Divided into four periods, it will feature Eleanor Roosevelt’s handwritten speech from 1932, a signed Shirley Chisholm campaign poster, and one of Clinton’s pantsuits among other photos, costumes, and ephemera. The exhibit also looks to the future with an interactive installation that will prompt visitors to voice their opinions on issues women face today. Beyond Suffrage: A Century of New York Women in Politics opens this week and is on display until July 22, 2018…
Maybe a little too on-the-nose, sometimes…
Hillary Clinton is the best President we never were lucky enough to have.
Betty Cracker
Ain’t that the damned truth!
Это курам на смех
Reclaiming my time.
Anyone know if there’s going to be a pet calendar this year? I use mine at work, and looking at the pictures of our beloved fur babies keeps me going.
Amir Khalid
I rather wish I hadn’t waited this long to get a metronome. I finally ordered this device, on the recommendation of quite a few YouTube guitar people, and it should arrive in a week or so. It’s got a metronome, a drum machine, a tuner, and dozens of guitar effects, and lets you create dozens more. It even displays chords and scales for newbies like me to practise. Very good value at US$50-ish; a board full of discrete pedals would sound more professional but cost easily ten times as much.
Amir Khalid
The world right now would be a better place if Hillary were POTUS.
Amir Khalid
Quite a few have asked. No response from John Cole; maybe he’s preoccupied, what with the new house and all.
@Amir Khalid: Fair enough. Thanks!
@satby: I’d cast a vote for Al Gore.
Good on you, Hillary. Keep up the good fight.
I’ve met several. Hillary is by far the best.
This past May, Hillary gave an excellent commencement address at Wellesley. It was full of good humor and sage advice.
@oldgold: That is beautiful.
Fourteen comments in and I’m angry again.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
We’re on our annual two weeks in Cape Cod. This is the first time we’ve been since we lost our Buster, Lecount Hollow Beach’s number one fan. I’m only able to watch Lawn Odor and turning off MSNBC to keep from blowing the bp through the roof. Angry, depressed, feeling helpless…turning away isn’t an answer, but it sure feels better. The house we’re renting doesn’t even have TCM or Phineas and Ferb on cable, so I’m forced to read this and Armistead Maupin’s memoir.
Betty Cracker
This made me laugh hysterically:
@bystander: fish
@bystander: I have watched so much Law & Order (the original and some L&W:CI, NOT SVU) since January 20 that my wife jokes about it…
Morning everyone. Looks like we’re going to get hit by a hurricane Monday!!!
But global warming is a hoax.
A hurricane. In Ireland.
@bystander: I’m going away soon. Hope that helps.
@Betty Cracker: Heh. Trust no one kid.
@HeleninEire: Stay safe.
Betty Cracker
@HeleninEire: Thought of you when I saw that. Hope it loses steam.
@Amir Khalid:
Duke Robillard has an online music school. It’s really good.
The 2016 election was not free and fair. I’ll never get over it. The whole world can see how pathetic our leaders are now. We have a fucking moron for a president.
Amir Khalid
Is it coming from the west, the open Atlantic, or from the east?
@Betty Cracker: Yesterday they were saying “meh, tail end.” This morning I woke up to “cat 3; maybe the worst storm since 1961.”
Personally I’ll be fine. Its coming in on the south west coast and I’m on the north(ish,) east coast. So while it’ll be a nasty storm here, it’s my neighbors to the south who are in danger.
@Amir Khalid: Open Atlantic in the west.
I saw this on the twitters this morning.
open letter of apology to president Barack Obama
Cat 3???
@HeleninEire: Whoa. Cat 3. That’s insane.
Was that written in response to the Charlie Pierce column? Sure reads like it.
@MomSense: @Baud:
Not sure but I appreciated his sentiment. Joy Reid shared it this morning.
Where are you off to?
Chyron HR
Why isn’t she apologizing for losing the election and/or for winning the primary election?????
@MomSense: South America.
zhena gogolia
If only he knew how. That might help.@MomSense:
That is beautiful.
@Raven: Wish I thought fishing would work. Didn’t enjoy it as a kid.
@woodrowfan: I’m the same way about SVU. Either too preachy, too sick and (implied) violence, or too sappy. What ADA would allow the police in strategizing a prosecution? Mariska must be in every scene even if it makes no sense whatsoever.
@Baud: Hope it wasn’t anything I posted.
@bystander: No, I meant I hope my going away helps me the way it has helped you.
Oh wow. I hope you have a wonderful time.
@MomSense: Thank you.
@zhena gogolia:
So good.
@Baud: Have a great time.
Cheryl Rofer
@Amir Khalid: A metronome makes an enormous difference. I find it hard to practice piano with, but very worth it. Our brains, by themselves, do strange things with time.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Betty Cracker: Oh god. I laughed out loud. Is that bad?
@JPL: Thanks.
And from both men and women, to boot.
@Chyron HR:
Promise to come back!
@debbie: No.
Then I might as well jump off the roof. Between this and Trump’s trumpeting that he’s caused insurers’ stocks to “plummet,” there no longer is a reason for existence.
@debbie: @Baud:
Baud may be making a play for a South American dictatorship in which case I hope to apply for asylum.
@Baud: Lucky duck! South America. I have been thinking about that.
Which country(ies)? Wonderful time to be out of the US of Assholes (and some fine people, along for the ride).
For how long? Know you have pups, so maybe that will bring you back to us sooner. Unless you’re taking the pups roadtripping, as in Steinbeck and Charlie.
A Ghost to Most
No offense, Betty, but the first thing I thought of was “Southern Hospitality”.
Eta the second was Bilbo Baggins seeing the ring in Rivendell.
Good morning Quinerty and Poco. Miss you. Hope you are having an enjoyable adventure and will let us know all about it.
@debbie: Don’t jump! If I don’t come back, you’ll just have to join me down there. @MomSense has a plan.
@MomSense: She posted the other day. The new ads have broken her phone or something, so she can’t post.
… [taps foot quietly and with a certain amount of skepticism]
@Elizabelle: Not taking the dogs, so my threats of not returning are idle.
Still, Generalissimo Baud! has a nice ring to it.
@debbie: Oh, c’mon. You do that every day.
I roasted some tomatoes from my garden with garlic and just made a spicy tomato soup with ? ?? also from my garden. Is it weird to have tomato soup for breakfast?
Going for a long walk in the woods with the pup. Hopefully we won’t run into any hunters.
Later, juicers.
I am surprised that Trump’s studied indifference to California’s ongoing fire disaster is not drawing more criticism.
Are deep blue states expected to suffer disasters without federal assistance during this four years of moronic rule?
@HeleninEire: If you haven’t seen it this website will let you watch the hurricane’s progress. Looks like Monday will be an interesting day.
There are more than a few Trumpistas up there in the northern reaches, so ignoring California isn’t a good strategy (as if there was ever one to begin with).
I hope the predictions are wrong. Stay safe.
Wow, that’s powerful.
I do. But still.
After yesterday’s outrages, I realized it would take a very, very special kind of person to bring this country back from the Damage of Trump. An Uber-Obama, in fact. If not you, who?
All this talk of setting up in another country is screwing with my last, desperate hope.
Jackals: start your morning with wolves. The wolf pup variety.
Good use of a click on the FTF NYTimes. Since we can’t bear their political “reporting.” Click for the photos, lots of them, at minimum.
Wolf Puppies Are Adorable. Then Comes the Call of the Wild.
Wolf puppies being studied: what is the point where they can no longer be socialized to interact with humans? Dogs may have a two-week longer window, and then some.
@oldgold: Trump may not assume he’s running again, although he won’t tell us that. Campaign fund allows some specialized grifting of the type he loves.
WRT Puerto Rico: lot of those residents (U.S. citizens!) gonna settle on the mainland. They might very well be here voting in 2018 and 2020. (Let’s get ’em registered!)
At minimum, their relatives here in the US 50 states are well aware of the negligent and grudging response to hurricane relief and rebuilding from Trump and crew.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Did she tell Alain?
@chris: Yeah, that’s the one I used to watch Hurricane Irma roll over my ass.
In related news, Manchester NH has a woman Democratic mayor nominee for the first time ever
Come November may Joyce Craig send GOP-er Ted Gatsos packing.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
True. After a couple of months I’ve learned a decent number of chords and scales and begun to acquire some of the motor skill I need — tricky, for a southpaw learning to play right-handed — and it’s time to learn to play to tempo.
@Betty Cracker: I don’t know. Here is her comment.
ETA: It’s in Alain’s On the Road post.
Blog Roll Alert !!11!
Wonkette hits the road next week.
Sacramento scheduled for Saturday 4 to 9 at East Portal Park. It’d be swell to meet up with fellow BJ’s. Im looking at you Trollhattan, Ruemara….lurkers.
@debbie: Obama as great, but people relied on him too much to do everything on his own. If we’re going to fix things, we have got to stop searching for the proverbial messiah who will instantly make everything better.
George Will:
@MomSense: Now that I can co-sign happily.
Another Scott
@Elizabelle: Thanks for the pointer.
Another Scott
It’s great that HRC made such a clear and powerful argument in that piece. Here’s hoping it gets a lot of visibility, and takes some of the oxygen back from Donnie and his minions.
I know you’re in Dublin, not the SW coast, but I expect you’ll have plenty or rain and high winds regardless. Do stay safe!
Good morning, everyone. Mr. LP and I are in Sarlat-la-Canéda in the Dordogne region of France. Arrived last night. Being out of the U.S. is definitely soul soothing. I hope to send some photos Alain’s way soon.
How long will you be away? Your base will be counting the days until your return.
Travel safely and have fun!
As for my weekend plans, it’s “Magic Flute” at the Met today. The Live in HD season began last Saturday with “Norma.” Most unusual to have HD transmissions two weeks in a row — in fact, I don’t recall its ever happening before. But should be a fun afternoon, and I’m enjoying doing my MET Ambassador duties at a nicer, closer cinema.
Tomorrow (same theatre) is the season opener of The Bolshoi Ballet, doing “Le Corsair,” so it will be a fine elitist dead white European males cultural kind of weekend for me.
Them Russians are everywhere!
@woodrowfan: wow I thought I was unique but that is exactly how I have been escaping. Much facilitated by a TiVo- the perfect 43 minute distraction.
Dolt said “Only I can.” Obama said “Yes, WE can.” I think he is still waiting for the WE to join him, because he doesn’t want to be anyone’s rescuer. (I’ve been working with several depressed souls who keep waiting to be rescued – ideally, by me – while I tell them I’m ready to walk beside them, but no, the only way to rescue is to rescue themselves and yes they can.) I think he’ll give all the assist he can when we get moving. But it is our democracy and yes, there are no messiahs. I’ve been down by chronic pain for a few months and not been as active as I wanted to be, so mostly, right now, I call. Nearly daily. ACLU has targeted my state for fighting voter repression so I’ll see, this afternoon, what they want done.
My new test at this point in time is the attitude toward HRC. I don’t think she is infallible or a goddess or whatever one gets accused of if they resist saying that she is the She God of All Evil and Wall Street, Besides. But to me, she is damn impressive for standing against the onslaught. Everything, every move she makes, is fodder for the hate machine. Anthony Bourdain is now on the shit list for slamming HRC for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, according to His High Cockiness. I’ve begun to lose my anger and just drop my jaw at the sheer unawareness of it all, this rush to the microphone. Do they think she has a jarred collection of dicks at home and, only by frantic denunciation, can they keep their own wee one to themselves? And the women who dump on her – they too are protecting the dicks safe to which they have access. What other women are so reviled? Those who kill their own children? It is a wonderment.
But still, she persists.
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s not for a few weeks yet. I’ll be away for about three weeks.
@Nelle: I share your test and agree with everything else too.
@oldgold: George Will was on one of the MSNBC shows last night or the night before and said Paul Ryan is a good person, honest and pure, but a little too much of a rube to see Trump for what he is. Fuck George Will. He knows Ryan and isn’t stupid enough to believe Ryan is anything like that, which means he thinks I am stupid enough to believe it. Image-burnishing bullshit.
@MomSense: It’s not just that the rest of the world is seeing how pathetic the leaders of the US are at the moment, it’s that they are noticing that the US system is fundamentally broken. Why would the rest of the world pay any attention to the US during negotiations if a single person can renege on the agreement on a whim in a few years?
69 Republicans vote against aid for Puerto Rico, other disaster sites
The stupid, it burns.
It’s not stupidity on display there.
@NotMax: Well, it is true that when it comes to fiscal prudence, it’s far better to just bleed out on the pavement than seek treatment.
@different-church-lady: The dead are cheap.
@Baud: Whew.
Because: you may not realize it, but you and Betty Cracker serve a really important function around here. You are pressure valves.
Please notice how many folks have kind of dropped off. That’s because following politics is so painful right now. It’s like we are horse racing fans, and our horse was blinded and lamed, on purpose, and the other people in the stadium are pretending nothing happened. Nothing to see here, move along.
You are so lucky to have foreign travel in your immediate future.
Being in this country is soul-sucking right now.
I am with bystander, with not being able to tolerate anything much beyond Law & Order reruns. (Funny, I think their format has also helped to shorten my patience and attention span, much like the internet.)
There’s more SVU on, and while I like Ice T, some of the stories are too horribly graphic, how strange to watch an entertainment program with dialogue about vaginal and rectal tearing, and I get sick of the Saint Liv character. She needs a drug habit or something.
ETA: Reading is good too. Walter Mosley. And camping. But not microfocusing on politics.
The “We” are the voices in his head.
I’m rewatching Homicide: Life on the Streets. Love it!
@debbie: Now there’s an idea. Thanks.
I have Amazon Prime and never even use it. Got to make it a habit. Would love to see that Bosch series.
Have been rereading some of my favorite mystery series. Lot of times, have forgotten most of the plot details, even if one remembers the killer. The good writers, Michael Connelly, Sue Grafton, Walter Mosley et al — their writing stands up as human interest novels and usually a social theme around which the story was built. And a sense of place. Those three are all set in Southern California. Hmmm…
Weirdly, having trouble with PD James, whom I used to love. Picked up a mid-series novel and … it reads like a play with too many characters on the stage. Talky and slow.
(I blame Law & Order: dang you! All purpose scapegoat.)
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Elizabelle: Writing saves me. I wind up focusing on the human heart and what matters and how characters can redeem themselves for their inevitable failures.
@Nelle: Great comment. Thank you.
I hope the pain issue has resolved for you.
I saw that. Barf. Ryan speaks in a moderate tone, doing his best to sound intelligent and reasonable about his hideous policy plans. Trump is loudly boastful, rude, lewd and crude espousing much of the same ideology. George wouldn’t be so wary of Trump if he just talk like that nice, young man Paul Ryan.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): That is a great idea too. Gets you out of your own head and into someone else’s life and motivations.
In 2014, we were eligible for citizenship in the country we were living in at the time (had been there for about eight years, off and on). We decided to opt in as we thought that it might be possible that they would, at some future point, change the rules on Permanent Residents. Who knows what the future will bring (I look on that statement with sad bemusement now). But we never considered that we might want that as an escape from the US. We are in the States now (husband was lured here by a job offer when he was 70!). Our kids are here, and now a granddaughter. My husband is intense about flying and he can’t fly instruments in the other country (he used to be an Alaskan bush pilot, among other things). So, we’re torn. I’d like to spend at least a third of a year there….but that is sort of pricey. We’ll see. But having an escape valve is increasingly important to my mental health.
@debbie: This could be interpreted several ways. I’m not sure what you mean here.
@woodrowfan: My L&O obsession rules my life especially
SVU. So well written and acted. Also too I feel I’m qualified to be a lawyer who can prosecute or defend depending on mood.
@HeleninEire: I hope you are safe
@MomSense: I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it either. I’m with you.
OT but reading a couple of articles and Joy in the Morning about the PR/USVI recovery effort. They were comparing the number of federal troops and Nat Guard troops deployed for Kareina, Harvey and Irma. General Honore talked about the difference in troop deployments. I guess my question is why these federal troops have not been deployed? Is that based on a decision by the Sect of Defense or POTUS? It is intentional sabotage
@Baud: I hope you return refreshed. We’ll need you to be at your best when you face Hillary Clinton’s granddaughter in 2020 primaries.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks. I’m a bit worried about flying debris. I’ve got theatre tickets to see a contemporary adaptation of Ulysses at the Abbey theatre that night. I hope I can make it.
randy khan
I’ve been watching Ophelia’s path with increasing astonishment. I remember only a few hurricanes going east; I can’t remember one going northeast like that. I’m only sorry it’s not likely to hit Denmark, because the jokes would write themselves. (Actually, I’m happy it’s not going to hit Denmark – it would have to go through a lot of places entirely unprepared for a hurricane to get there; Ireland is bad enough.)
@Baud: She’s angling to be Baudette In Chief. I Don’t trust her! Or Helen. Or Miss Bianca. They all wanna be messing with my Baud!
OTOH this would be great pitch for reality show.
The voices in his head are his cheering section. Sure, the evangelicals are in his corner, but his opinion of his own excellence drive him more than anything else.
And my wife mentioned this morning, Obamacare no longer exists. It is now Trumpcare. Hopefully we can get back to Obamacare, but it is now Trump’s and he and the GOP own it.
@Kathleen: Don’t forget Water Girl. She’s in the band.
@HeleninEire: and a cat-3 major hurricane. Cold comfort but it
@bystander: Armistead Maupin’s memoir … I am looking forward to that!
I guess there’s a new documentary about him that just debuted at SXSW, too. In about 1992 I saw “Armistead Maupin Is a Man I Dreamt Up” at the Dobie Theater in Austin, and Maupin was there for the regional premier (I think it was a BBC tv documentary – not sure it’s findable now to view). Charming man. Loved his books, though Maybe the Moon didn’t click for me.
I worked for James’s U.S. publisher at the time (Scribner). Mystery isn’t what I was reading back then, but I appreciated her writing and especially her plotting. She moved on to bigger publishers and I think the fame and attention went to her head. Same with Patricia Cornwall. She started out at Scribner and then went hog wild when she moved on (to Crown, I think).
I’ve got a ton of books waiting for me here and at the library reserve desk. Wiley Cash, TNC, Roz Chast, etc. I feel like I’m reading on a tread mill!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@NotMax: Grandstanding bastards. They vote no on everything so they can mantian their purity as outsiders while being in government.
@Elizabelle: I’m sure someone could find a way to blame Hillary or Obama for L&O’s addivtive qulaities if they tried hard enough.
We used to be serious watchers of TDS, Colbert Report, and Larry Wilmore’s show, now we can’t handle any of it though I catch some things via YouTube. It just creates so much anger for us. We subscribed to a sports channel just to watch the Tour de France, but have watched nothing but pro cycling ever since. Those 5 hours per day races can take days to watch (along with lovely European scenery), and right now that’s fine. I get my news online.
On the general post topic, this is what scares me about the next presidential race. Right now our likely candidates are female and I hate, hate, hate thinking this but we’ve simply got to win and get this disgusting slimebag and all his minions out of office; will the level of national misogyny be any less than Hillary faced? Especially after 4 years of this shitshow? I’m a 59 yo woman whose first career was nontraditional (groundwater geologist), and believe me when I say I was top of my class (MS and BS) and always got excellent annual reviews but when the economy would weaken it was females and non-engineers tossed off the boat first. A few cycles if that and I went back to school for something relatively recession-proof (dental hygiene); I love who I work for and I enjoy the people contact, but I regret that I gave up a deep science education basically because men rule the field and I was just so tired of the constant scrambling to not lose everything between jobs when I was single. My experience is common, and the large-scale version is how HRC was treated for her daring to try for the last bastion of US male dominance. Do we swallow what we believe in and run a male candidate over a more qualified female just because we really can’t risk losing the POTUS again?
@HeleninEire: More competition???? I feel defeated.
@HeleninEire: What!?
I land in London on Monday. Jeepers!
@Betty Cracker:
For real?
Be safe
Have a safe trip ?
@Amir Khalid:
Peanut wants a metronome. I am thinking about it.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@sylvania: The child sex ring in a pizzeria was the story that astounded me. How could people believe that?
@Amir Khalid: ohhhh, you’ve got a smartphone, yes? Metronome, there’s an app for that. ☺
@Baud: no, it was a letter written Jan 16th, before the horror show officially kicked the country in the nuts.
Ooh, yummy! Hope the ‘cane doesn’t disrupt your plans.
J R in WV
Wonderful place, the Dordogne. We stayed at Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil where there is a great archaeological museum and cliff dwellings. Our hotel, the 4th and longest wall was the nearly vertical cliffside of the valley. Caves with paintings 30,000 years old.
Check it out!
Sloane Ranger
Being in the UK I’m 6 hours ahead of most on this site. Just got back from a trip to Bletchley Park. Fascinating mix of re-creations, biographies of the best known codebreakers and history of computing. And excellent interactive displays for the kids that keep adults amused for hours.
You’ve heard of the Turing test, well I’ve seen the Turing Ted! The man’s very own teddy bear.
Good luck HeleninEire. If you’re in Dublin it should have lost a lot of its strength by the time it reaches you but it will be no fun for those on the west coast.
Amir Khalid
And I have a tuner app in my Lenovo already — which I don’t use much, because the clip-on tuner is so convenient (it’s always clipped to The Girl’s headstock) and intuitive. I’ll get a metronome app too, just because. But I think I’d be more likely to use the metronome in that multi-effects pedal I’m getting; it will always be right there between The Girl and the amp, whereas I’d have to plug the phone into the amp to use the app.
I seem to prefer hard devices to apps. I guess I’m old-fashioned.
@MomSense: Beautiful letter. It made me cry.
No Drought No More
“Clinton said that while some critics, even in her own party, have suggested she get off the stage and retire into private life, she has no intention of muffling her voice on such issues. “I’m going to do everything I can, going forward, as an active citizen to speak out.” …
Who exactly are “some critics”? I dare her to cite those democratic party names.
Hillary should stop the drama queen stuff, stop trying to create an image of herself a some kind of martyr to truth-telling that even erstwhile allies are attempting to silence; in other words, she should stop running for president. Her ambition once served to help Bush-Cheney stampede this country into waging a ground war in the mid-east AND the party itself into disrepute for its role in that yet unfolding catastrophe. That same ambition appears to be alive and well, however, and still needs to feed. Fine. But she has no business casting shade on any democrat, anywhere, about anything under the sun. The party has bigger fish to fry, and- as always- she’s free to speak her mind anytime she damn well feels like it. I don’t know who she’s trying to kid beyond herself, but the attempt is truly pathetic.
@Kathleen: @HeleninEire: We are all reasonable people. It doesn’t need to be a competition; I’m willing to share.
Russian bot is late to the game. Can one shut up a Russian bot? Is that like hearing a tree fall in a forest with no one around?
Amir Khalid
@No Drought No More:
You know who you are. You yourself are doing it in your comment, by presuming to tell Hillary Clinton what she should and should not be talking about.
Also, it’s curious that you see her as still running for president even after she lost the election. She has already said, more than once, that she will never again run for public office.
@No Drought No More:
Amazing how you showed up and proved exactly her point. Word for word.
SO AM I! My SIL and BIL had 10 minutes to evacuate from the fire that moved across Atlas Peak in Napa with record speed. They scrambled to get the kids and dog in their cars and had to tear out of there like bats out of hell. It seems like no one in the government is concerned about these folks. Trump to CA and PR – Drop Dead. You didn’t vote for me so eff you and your and your whiny libtard problems.
Sorry if I’m repeating myself. I may have posted something earlier on this, but it’s just terrible.
@No Drought No More: Who did you vote for?
Amir Khalid
I haven’t noticed that Trump cares any more about the needs of the people who did vote for him than he cares about the needs of those who didn’t. All he ever does for the former is validate their bigotry and spite.
Fleeting Expletive
Skipping around this morning I read about Robert Reich’s conversation with a “former Republican Congressman” about T’s unfitness for office, also about what Justice Kennedy may do on the gerrymandering case, and now I’m working on a theory here.
Like the entertainment empire, military, industry, and so much else, we operate in a world of White Man drama. It all comes down to which WM can influence which other WMen, their enemies and their vanities and whatnot. There are people who are not WM everywhere, of course, but mostly the attention paid doesn’t amount to as much.
That can change and is changing, but it’s well to note that too much WM is toxic.
I think Robert Reich was probably talking with John Boehner at a very nice DC restaurant over drinks and cigars. That’s my movie, anyway.
Please, no offense meant to any particular white fellow– I know and love a good many, but that toxic potential is there just because our environment lets this cohort assert power at almost any given time, it seems.
The Lodger
@Elizabelle: I bet anyone from Puerto Rico who moves to the mainland needs proof they were born there. I expect to hear a lot of ICE goons saying, “Yeah, sure. Get in the van.” over the next year or two.
@Amir Khalid:
An excellent point. It’s sad that we’ve been reduced to this sorry state of affairs.
@germy: Fuck Jill Stein.
Amir Khalid
A trillion dollars on new nukes? Dr Jill Stein must have pulled that number out of her … vivid imagination.
@Amir Khalid: Yeah, I’m too busy to try to look up the actual… facts … but I’m sure her tweet is based on a deliberate lie. Whether she believes that particular lie or not is a subject for debate. I still say she’s in the “useful idiot” category.
J R in WV
@No Drought No More:
Your hatred of Hillary, a magnificent person, is a strong tell that you are a troll, with tendencies to support authoritarian leadership, like Putin and Trump.
Why don’t you find a farm implement and try sex with it? Gratifying for you AND the farm implement!
Keith G
Really, all they might actually need is better voter modeling software.